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To investigate metabolic disturbances in an animal model of human malaria, four rhesus monkeys (Macaca mulatta) were infected with Plasmodium coatneyi, a parasite which induces cytoadherence of infected erythrocytes. When moribund or the parasitaemia had plateaued, the monkeys were sacrificed (3 animals) or treated with chloroquine (1 animal). Blood and cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) were sampled at intervals between inoculation and sacrifice or treatment. Arterial and CSF glucose and lactate rose during infection, indicating evolving insulin resistance. The arteriovenous difference in glucose concentration also increased, consistent with increased glucose consumption by parasitised tissues. Arterial plasma lactate rose but a positive arteriovenous concentration difference suggested tissue lactate uptake. The animal with the highest plasma lactate at sacrifice remained hyperglycaemic but also had the highest CSF lactate, the greatest cerebral sequestration and neurological depression, and biochemical and histological evidence of severe hepatic pathology. Serum cholesterol and corrected serum calcium fell consistently during infection; serum phosphate was also reduced in animals without renal impairment. These preliminary results indicate that lactic acidosis is a late complication of severe malaria and, by implication from this and other studies, hypoglycaemia occurs even later; other metabolic changes during P. coatneyi infection in rhesus monkeys also parallel those of severe falciparum malaria in humans. The model could be used in further studies of malaria-associated metabolic dysfunction and its management.  相似文献   

Cardiomyocytes suppress contraction and O2 consumption during hypoxia. Cytochrome oxidase undergoes a decrease in Vmax during hypoxia, which could alter mitochondrial redox and increase generation of reactive oxygen species (ROS). We therefore tested whether ROS generated by mitochondria act as second messengers in the signaling pathway linking the detection of O2 with the functional response. Contracting cardiomyocytes were superfused under controlled O2 conditions while fluorescence imaging of 2, 7-dichlorofluorescein (DCF) was used to assess ROS generation. Compared with normoxia (PO2 approximately 107 torr, 15% O2), graded increases in DCF fluorescence were seen during hypoxia, with responses at PO2 = 7 torr > 20 torr > 35 torr. The antioxidants 2-mercaptopropionyl glycine and 1,10-phenanthroline attenuated these increases and abolished the inhibition of contraction. Superfusion of normoxic cells with H2O2 (25 microM) for >60 min mimicked the effects of hypoxia by eliciting decreases in contraction that were reversible after washout of H2O2. To test the role of cytochrome oxidase, sodium azide (0.75-2 microM) was added during normoxia to reduce the Vmax of the enzyme. Azide produced graded increases in ROS signaling, accompanied by graded decreases in contraction that were reversible. These results demonstrate that mitochondria respond to graded hypoxia by increasing the generation of ROS and suggest that cytochrome oxidase may contribute to this O2 sensing.  相似文献   

To determine if perforation rate is a function of delayed diagnosis or delayed presentation in childhood acute appendicitis we performed a retrospective casenote review of 101 consecutive children undergoing emergency appendicectomy over a 12-month period. The perforation rate was 7% in those children presenting with symptoms of 1 day or less and was significantly greater (33%, Chi 2 = 9.45, P < 0.01) in those who had had symptoms for more than 1 day at presentation. There was no difference in in-hospital delay between the groups. A high perforation rate was found to be a feature of delayed presentation.  相似文献   

Monocytes adherent to implanted biomaterials differentiate into macrophages while synthesizing large amounts of degradative enzymes, including cholesterol esterase (CE), which previously has been shown to degrade poly(urethane)s. Human peripheral blood monocytes were cultured on tissue culture grade polystyrene (PS), and two model poly(urethane)s were synthesized from (1) polycaprolactone (PCL) and (2) polytetramethylene oxide (PTMO), both with 2,4-toluene diisocyanate (TDI) and ethylene diamine (ED). The increase in CE and total protein per cell were measured on days 8 and 28 in culture and normalized to the DNA content per cell. At day 8 there consistently were fewer cells remaining on the PTMO-based polymer than on the PCL-based polymer or the PS (p < 0.05). When comparing day 28 to day 8, there was more CE activity and protein per cell on all materials. However, there was a disproportionate synthesis of CE per mg of total protein on PS and TDI/PCL/ED whereas on PTMO there was not. Significantly, there was more protein and CE per cell on PTMO than on PS or TDI/PCL/ED (p < 0.05). This in vitro model system of the chronic phase of inflammation has shown that it is possible to culture monocytes for a month and assess the material surface itself as a potent activator of the differentiation into macrophages without secondary stimulation. Since CE has been shown to degrade poly(ether and ester)-based poly(urethane)s, the differential production of this enzyme relative to the total protein on different surfaces may impact on the potential long-term biostability of an implanted material.  相似文献   

In April 1991, an oral health situation analysis team comprising oral health professionals from the Alaska Area Native Health Service, the World Health Organization, and the Moscow Medical Stomatological Institute visited the Magadan region of the Soviet Far East at the request of the Ministries of Health of both the Russian Republic and the then-Soviet Union. As few oral health data had been available specific to the Magadan region, the purpose of the trip was to gather data concerning oral diseases epidemiology, demography, and health systems of the communities of Magadan, Seymchan, and Provideniya as the basis for recommendations and plan development. The data were collected using standard WHO methodology. The analysis team examined children in the age cohorts of 3-5, 6-7, 12, and 15 years. In addition, adults aged 35-44 and 65-74 years were examined in Magadan and Seymchan. Both caries and periodontal rates are high, with a rate of 4.3 DMFT among 12-year-olds in the total region, but up to 5.4 DMFT in one location. Specific findings and recommendations have been forwarded to local community and health officials. The project is ongoing, and plans are underway to provide continuing assistance in designing and implementing an effective program for the prevention and treatment of oral diseases.  相似文献   

Haloperidol (HP) is widely prescribed for schizophrenia and other affective disorders but has severe side effects such as tardive dyskinesia. Because oxidative stress has been implicated in the clinical side effects of HP, rat primary cortical neurons and the mouse hippocampal cell line HT-22 were used to characterize the generation of reactive oxygen species (ROS) and other cellular alterations caused by HP. Primary neurons and HT-22 cells are equally sensitive to HP with an IC50 of 35 microM in the primary neurons and 45 microM in HT-22. HP induces a sixfold increase in levels of ROS, which are generated from mitochondria but not from the metabolism of catecholamines by monoamine oxidases. Glutathione (GSH) is an important antioxidant for the protection of cells against HP toxicity because (1) the intracellular GSH decreases as the ROS production increases, (2) the exogenous addition of antioxidants, such as beta-estradiol and vitamin E, lowers the level of ROS and protects HT-22 cells from HP, and (3) treatments that result in the reduction of the intracellular GSH potentiate HP toxicity. The GSH decrease is followed by the increase in the intracellular level of Ca2+, which immediately precedes cell death. Therefore, HP causes a sequence of cellular alterations that lead to cell death and the production of ROS is the integral part of this cascade.  相似文献   

Monocytes were prepared from healthy human volunteers and were allowed to differentiate into macrophages by adhesion to plastic surface and cultured over 7 days in presence of either 10% fetal calf serum (FCS), human control serum or serum from hyperlipaemic patients. Hyperlipaemic serum stimulated the differentiation (measured as an increase in cellular protein and DNA content) to a higher extent when compared to control serum and FCS. With all sera a marked increase of the cellular activity of the enzyme platelet-activating factor acetylhydrolase (PAF-AH) and a tremendous decrease in the capacity of cells to generate reactive oxygen species (ROS) was observed. After seven days of culture the increase in PAH-AH activity was about 19-fold with hyperlipaemic serum, 11-fold with control serum and 6-fold with FCS. During the same period of time ROS generation measured as zymosan-induced chemiluminescence decreased by about 98% and no significant differences between the three types of serum were found. The results indicate that the activity of PAF-AH and the capacity of ROS generation which are both assumed to play an important role in the oxidation of low-density lipoproteins (LDL) and thus in the development of atherosclerosis, change in opposite direction during the differentiation of blood monocytes into macrophages, and that hyperlipaemic serum stimulates PAF-AH activity but not ROS generation.  相似文献   

Reactive oxygen species (ROS) are thought to be involved in many forms of programmed cell death. The role of ROS in cell death caused by oxidative glutamate toxicity was studied in an immortalized mouse hippocampal cell line (HT22). The causal relationship between ROS production and glutathione (GSH) levels, gene expression, caspase activity, and cytosolic Ca2+ concentration was examined. An initial 5-10-fold increase in ROS after glutamate addition is temporally correlated with GSH depletion. This early increase is followed by an explosive burst of ROS production to 200-400-fold above control values. The source of this burst is the mitochondrial electron transport chain, while only 5-10% of the maximum ROS production is caused by GSH depletion. Macromolecular synthesis inhibitors as well as Ac-YVAD-cmk, an interleukin 1beta-converting enzyme protease inhibitor, block the late burst of ROS production and protect HT22 cells from glutamate toxicity when added early in the death program. Inhibition of intracellular Ca2+ cycling and the influx of extracellular Ca2+ also blocks maximum ROS production and protects the cells. The conclusion is that GSH depletion is not sufficient to cause the maximal mitochondrial ROS production, and that there is an early requirement for protease activation, changes in gene expression, and a late requirement for Ca2+ mobilization.  相似文献   

Free radical oxidation--peroxidation products, superoxide dismutase (SOD) activity--and nonproteic thiols were measured in blood from 10 normal subjects and 10 patients with rheumatoid arthritis (RA). Peroxidation products and SOD activity have been found significantly elevated, while blood nonproteic thiols have been found significantly lower in RA patients, as compared to normal controls. Also, plasmatic concentration of ceruloplasmin has been found significantly higher in RA patients than in controls.  相似文献   

Reactive oxygen species (ROS) are probably not only unintended, toxic side-products of oxygen metabolism in mammalian cells, they also have several important physiologic functions including antimicrobial killing, regulation of cellular proliferation and growth, and regulation of vascular tone. ROS are generated within the vessel wall by several mechanisms, including a vascular type of a NAD(P)H oxidase. ROS formation can be stimulated by mechanical stress, environmental factors, the peptide angiotensin II, cytokines, native low-density lipoproteins (LDL), and in the presence of catalytic metal ions. Their ability to modify LDL, react with endothelial-derived nitric oxide subsequently forming peroxynitrite, and amplify the expression of various genes important for leukocyte recruitment within the arterial wall are the basis of the oxidant injury theory of atherosclerosis. In animal studies, antioxidant therapy (probucol, butylated hydroxytoluene, N', N'-diphenylenediamide, vitamin E, superoxide dismutase) have been successfully used to prevent fatty streak formation, and to restore impaired nitric oxide-dependent vasorelaxation. In man, antioxidant therapy (e.g., supplementation with vitamin E) clearly increased the resistance of LDL to oxidative modification. Case-controlled and prospective clinical studies suggest a relation between baseline antioxidant plasma levels and/or antioxidant supplementation and risk of cardiovascular events. In one secondary prevention trial (randomized, blinded, placebo-controlled), vitamin E supplementation reduced significantly the risk for non-fatal myocardial infarctions. Before general recommendations can be made, results of further large-scale trials should be awaited.  相似文献   

There is considerable evidence suggesting that reactive oxygen species (ROS) are implicated in the pathogenesis of ischemic, toxic, and immunologically-mediated renal injury. In experimental renal ischemia, ROS sources include the electron transport chain, oxidant enzymes (xanthine oxidase), phagocytes, and auto-oxidation of epinephrine. ROS cause lipid peroxidation of cell and organelle membranes and, hence, disruption of the structural integrity and capacity for cell transport and energy production, especially in the proximal tubule segment. In experimental immune glomerulonephritis, ROS are generated by both infiltrating blood-borne cells (polymorphonuclear leukocytes and monocytes) and resident glomerular cells, mainly mesangial cells. Their formation results in morphologic lesions and in modifications of glomerular permeability to proteins through activation of proteases and reduction of proteoglycan synthesis. Additionally, they promote a reduction in glomerular blood flow and glomerular filtration rate through liberation of vasoconstrictory bioactive lipids (prostaglandins, thromboxane, and platelet activating factor) and, possibly, inactivation of relaxing nitric oxide. Further studies are needed to address the role of ROS in human glomerular diseases.  相似文献   

Oxidative damage to DNA is mutagenic and thus may play a role in carcinogenesis. Because of the large number of different DNA lesions formed by oxidative species, no genetic alteration so far identified is exclusively associated with oxygen damage. Tandem double CC-->TT mutations are known to occur via UV damage to DNA and are thought to be a specific indicator of UV exposure. Using a sensitive reversion assay that can detect both single and double mutations within the same codon of the M13-encoded lacZ alpha gene, we show that treatments that produce reactive oxygen species can also produce tandem double CC-->TT mutations. The frequency at which these mutations occur is less than that for single base mutations by a factor of approximately 30. The induction of these mutations is inhibited by treatment that scavenges hydroxyl radicals. This unique mutation provides a marker of oxygen free radical-induced mutagenesis in cells that are not exposed to UV-irradiation and an indicator for assessing the involvement of oxidative damage to DNA in aging and tumor progression.  相似文献   

Breath ethane, O2 consumption, and CO2 production were analyzed in 24-mo-old female Fischer 344 rats that had been fed continuously ad libitum (AL) or restricted 30% of AL level (DR) diets since 6 wk of age. Rats were placed in a glass chamber that was first flushed with air, then with a gas mixture containing 12% O2. After equilibration, a sample of the outflow was collected in gas sampling bags for subsequent analyses of ethane and CO2. The O2 and CO2 levels were also directly monitored in the outflow of the chamber. O2 consumption and CO2 production increased for DR rats. Hypoxia decreased O2 consumption and CO2 production for the AL-fed and DR rats. These changes reflect changes in metabolic rate due to diet and PO2. A significant decrease in ethane generation was found in DR rats compared with AL-fed rats. Under normoxic conditions, breath ethane decreased from 2.20 to 1.61 pmol ethane/ml CO2. During hypoxia the levels of ethane generation increased, resulting in a DR-associated decrease in ethane from 2.60 to 1.90 pmol ethane/ml CO2. These results support the hypothesis that DR reduces the level of oxidative stress.  相似文献   

The increase in UV irradiation on earth due to the stratospheric ozone depletion represents a major environmental threat to the skin increasing its risk of photooxidative damage by UV-induced reactive oxygen species (ROS). Increased ROS load has been implicated in several pathological states including photoaging and photocarcinogenesis of the skin. Large efforts have been made to better define the involvement of distinct ROS in photocarcinogenesis and photoaging. Both pathological processes share common features; however, they reveal unique molecular characteristics which finally determine the fate of the cell and its host. As well as causing permanent genetic changes involving protooncogenes and tumor suppressor genes, ROS activate cytoplasmic signal transduction pathways that are related to growth differentiation, senescence, transformation and tissue degradation. This review focuses on the role of UV-induced ROS in the photodamage of the skin resulting in biochemical and clinical characteristics of photocarcinogenesis and photoaging. A decrease in the ROS load by efficient sunscreens and/or otherwise protective agents may represent a promising strategy to prevent or at least minimize ROS induced cutaneous pathological states.  相似文献   

Daily sc injections of estradiol, progesterone, and testosterone were given to 17 ovariectomized rhesus monkeys in amounts that imitated accurately the changing plasma levels of hormones in intact females with natural menstrual cycles. Because these cycles in ovariectomized, treated Ss were terminated by normal vaginal bleeding every 28 days and showed a midcycle gonadotropin surge, the authors termed them "artificial menstrual cycles." In dyadic mating tests, changes in the females' access times (leverpressing) for males, and in the males' ejaculatory performance, were closely similar during natural and artificial cycles, and there were well-marked behavioral rhythms. These rhythms were lost during 28-day control periods when ovariectomized Ss received injections of vehicle alone. Differences in ejaculatory performance during natural and artificial cycles could be accounted for by an order effect. It is concluded that the artificial cycle provides a valid and useful paradigm for a more detailed study of the neuroendocrine regulation of primate reproductive behavior. (27 ref) (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

MG Gravett  GJ Haluska  MJ Cook  MJ Novy 《Canadian Metallurgical Quarterly》1996,174(6):1725-31; discussion 1731-3
OBJECTIVE: Our purpose was to describe the temporal and quantitative relationships among intrauterine infection, fetal-placental steroid biosynthesis, and preterm labor in a nonhuman primate model. STUDY DESIGN: On approximately day 130 of gestation (term 167 days) chronically instrumented rhesus monkeys (Macaca mulatta) were infected with 10(6) colony-forming units of group B streptococci either by intraamniotic (n = 4) or choriodecidual (n = 2) inoculation. As controls, four additionally chronically instrumented noninfected monkeys were followed up to spontaneous parturition. Amniotic fluid and maternal and fetal arterial blood were serially sampled in all monkeys (both before and after infection) for progesterone, estrone, estradiol, dehydroepiandrosterone, dehydroepiandrosterone sulfate, androstenedione, and cortisol by specific radioimmunoassays, and uterine activity was continuously recorded. RESULTS: Spontaneous parturition was preceded by gradual and significant increases in the plasma concentrations of fetal dehydroepiandrosterone, dehydroepiandrosterone sulfate, and androstenedione and fetal and maternal levels of estrone, estradiol, and progesterone but not by changes in cortisol. In contrast, infection-associated parturition (either intraamniotic or choriodecidual) was characterized by abrupt increases in fetal dehydroepiandrosterone, dehydroepiandrosterone sulfate, androstenedione, progesterone, and cortisol but not by increases in maternal or fetal estrone or estradiol. Infection-associated steroid changes occurred concurrently with or after increases in uterine activity. CONCLUSION: Infection-associated preterm parturition is associated with dramatic increases in fetal adrenal steroid biosynthesis but not by corresponding increases in placental estrogen biosynthesis. This suggests that fetal stress in accompanied by placental dysfunction and that infection-associated parturition is not dependent on the increased estrogen biosynthesis observed in spontaneous parturition.  相似文献   

The effect of reactive oxygen species (ROS), generated by in vitro stimulation of isolated PMN upon the main GAG components of mineralised and non-mineralised connective tissues was investigated. PMN were isolated from whole blood and the production of the ROS superoxide (O2.-) and hydroxyl radicals (.OH) was stimulated by the addition of phorbol myristyl acetate (PMA) and PMA/FeCl3-EDTA chelate respectively and their production assessed over a 24 h period. The glycosaminoglycans (GAG), hyaluronan, chondroitin 4-sulphate and dermatan sulphate, were exposed to the ROS fluxes, incubated at 37 degrees C for 1 h and 24 h. GAG fragmentation was examined by gel exclusion chromatography and modification to hexuronic acid and hexosamine residues determined. Stimulation of PMN with PMA resulted in a burst of O2.- production for 1 h, which was sustained at a reduced level for 24 h. Fragmentation of GAG was observed for all GAG examined. Modification to the GAG was evident, with hyaluronan being more susceptible to loss of GAG residues than sulphated GAG. Modification of sugar residues increased with the incubation time and loss of the hexuronic acid residues was greater than loss of hexosamine residues. Addition of FeCl3-EDTA chelate, which led to the generation of .OH and was sustained over the 24 h period, demonstrated similar trends of GAG modification although increased degradation and loss of hexosamine and hexuronic acid were observed. GAG chains are constituents of PGs and their modification is likely to affect the function of these macromolecules and be of importance in considering the pathogenesis of inflammatory diseases, including periodontal diseases.  相似文献   

In a double-blind study, 655 sputum specimens were obtained from individuals suspected of having tuberculosis and were analyzed for the presence of Mycobacterium tuberculosis and rifampin susceptibility with use of a polymerase chain reaction (PCR)-based universal heteroduplex generator assay (PCR/UHG-Rif). Of the specimens containing viable M. tuberculosis, 100% of the smear-positive (n = 41) and 50% of the smear-negative (n = 6) specimens tested positive for the organism by PCR/UHG-Rif. Nineteen of 537 culture-negative specimens tested positive for M. tuberculosis by PCR/UHG-Rif and were from patients with confirmed tuberculosis who were receiving antituberculosis therapy at the time of specimen collection. Thirty-five specimens contained nontuberculous mycobacteria and were negative by PCR/UHG-Rif. Genotypic evidence of rifampin resistance in five of six culture-confirmed, rifampin-resistant isolates was obtained by PCR/UHG-Rif, yielding a sensitivity and specificity for the assay of 83% and 98.2%, respectively. These results demonstrate the feasibility of using a PCR-based assay directly on sputum specimens for simultaneous detection of M. tuberculosis and rifampin susceptibility, and they suggest that patients with smear-positive, untreated tuberculosis and those presenting with suspected drug-resistant tuberculosis are the most appropriate groups for testing by PCR/UHG-Rif.  相似文献   

The present, subjective value of a reinforcer typically decreases as a function of the delay to its receipt, a phenomenon termed delay discounting. Delay discounting, which is assumed to reflect impulsivity, is hypothesized to play an important role in drug abuse. The present study examined delay discounting of cocaine injections by rhesus monkeys. Subjects were studied on a discrete-trials task in which they chose between 2 doses of cocaine: a smaller, immediate dose and a larger, delayed dose. The immediate dose varied between 0.012 and 0.4 mg/kg/injection, whereas the delayed dose was always 0.2 mg/kg/injection and was delivered after a delay that varied between 0 and 300 s in different conditions. At each delay, the point at which a monkey chose the immediate and delayed doses equally often (i.e., the ED50) provided a measure of the present, subjective value of the delayed dose. Dose-response functions for the immediate dose shifted to the left as delay increased. The amount of the immediate dose predicted to be equal in subjective value to the delayed dose decreased as a function of the delay, and hyperbolic discounting functions provided good fits to the data (median R2 = .86). The current approach may provide the basis for an animal model of the effect of delay on the subjective value of drugs of abuse. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

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