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In many unicellular organisms, invertebrates, and plants, synonymous codon usage biases result from a coadaptation between codon usage and tRNAs abundance to optimize the efficiency of protein synthesis. However, it remains unclear whether natural selection acts at the level of the speed or the accuracy of mRNAs translation. Here we show that codon usage can improve the fidelity of protein synthesis in multicellular species. As predicted by the model of selection for translational accuracy, we find that the frequency of codons optimal for translation is significantly higher at codons encoding for conserved amino acids than at codons encoding for nonconserved amino acids in 548 genes compared between Caenorhabditis elegans and Homo sapiens. Although this model predicts that codon bias correlates positively with gene length, a negative correlation between codon bias and gene length has been observed in eukaryotes. This suggests that selection for fidelity of protein synthesis is not the main factor responsible for codon biases. The relationship between codon bias and gene length remains unexplained. Exploring the differences in gene expression process in eukaryotes and prokaryotes should provide new insights to understand this key question of codon usage. Received: 18 June 2000 / Accepted: 10 November 2000  相似文献   

We investigated the occurrence of gene conversions between paralogous sequences of Salmoninae derived from ancestral tetraploidization and their effect on the evolutionary history of DNA sequences. A microsatellite with long flanking regions (750 bp) including both coding and noncoding sequences was analyzed. Microsatellite size polymorphism was used to detect the alleles of both paralogous counterparts and infer linkage arrangement between loci. DNA sequencing of seven Salmoninae species revealed that paralogous sequences were highly differentiated within species, especially for noncoding regions. Ten gene conversion events between paralogous sequences were inferred. While these events appears to have homogenized regions of otherwise highly differential paralogous sequences, they amplified the differentiation among orthologous sequences. Their effects were larger on coding than on noncoding regions. As a consequence, noncoding sequences grouped by orthologous lineages in phylogenetic trees, whereas coding regions grouped by taxa. Based upon these results, we present a model showing how gene conversion events may also result in the PCR amplification of nonorthologous sequences in different taxa, with obvious complications for phylogenetic inferences, comparative mapping, and population genetic studies. Received: 11 October 2000 / Accepted: 18 September 2001  相似文献   

Cryptomonads, small biflagellate algae, contain four different genomes. In addition to the nucleus, mitochondrion, and chloroplast is a fourth DNA-containing organelle the nucleomorph. Nucleomorphs result from the successive reduction of the nucleus of an engulfed phototrophic eukaryotic endosymbiont by a secondary eukaryotic host cell. By sequencing the chloroplast genome and the nucleomorph chromosomes, we identified a groEL homologue in the genome of the chloroplast and a related cpn60 in one of the nucleomorph chromosomes. The nucleomorph-encoded Cpn60 and the chloroplast-encoded GroEL correspond in each case to one of the two divergent GroEL homologues in the cyanobacterium Synechocystis sp. PCC6803. The coexistence of divergent groEL/cpn60 genes in different genomes in one cell offers insights into gene transfer from evolving chloroplasts to cell nuclei and convergent gene evolution in chlorophyll a/b versus chlorophyll a/c/phycobilin eukaryotic lineages. Received: 24 April 1998 / Accepted: 12 June 1998  相似文献   

Tandemly duplicated actin genes have been isolated from a Helicoverpa armigera genomic library. Sequence comparisons with actin genes from other species suggest they encode cytoplasmic actins, being most closely related to the Bombyx mori A3 actin gene. The duplicated H. armigera actin genes, termed A3a and A3b, share 98.3% nucleotide sequence identity over their entire putative coding region. Analysis of the distribution of nucleotide differences shows the first 763 bp are identical between the two coding regions, with the 18 nucleotide changes occurring in the remaining 366 bp. This observation suggests a gene conversion event has taken place between the duplicated H. armigera A3a and A3b actin genes. Translation of the open-reading frames indicates the products of these genes are identical, apart from a single amino acid difference at codon 273. Polymerase chain reaction and northern blot analysis have shown both H. armigera A3a and A3b genes are expressed during pupal development and in the brain of newly eclosed adults. A region 5′ of the H. armigera A3a actin gene start codon has been identified which contains regulatory sequences commonly found in the promoter region of actin genes, including TATA, CAAT, and CArG motifs. Received: 10 January 1996 / Accepted: 12 March 1996  相似文献   

We have isolated and characterized cDNAs representing two distinct pheromone binding proteins (PBPs) from the gypsy moth, Lymantria dispar. We use the L. dispar protein sequences, along with other published lepidopteran PBPs, to investigate the evolutionary relationships among genes within the PBP multigene family. Our analyses suggest that the presence of two distinct PBPs in genera representing separate moth superfamilies is the result of relatively recent, independent, gene duplication events rather than a single, ancient, duplication. We discuss this result with respect to the biochemical diversification of moth PBPs. Received: 19 March 1997 / Accepted: 11 July 1997  相似文献   

Two cDNAs, GluClα and GluClβ, encoding glutamate-gated chloride channel subunits that represent targets of the avermectin class of antiparasitic compounds, have recently been cloned from Caenorhabditis elegans (Cully et al., Nature, 371, 707–711, 1994). Expression studies in Xenopus oocytes showed that GluClα and GluClβ have pharmacological profiles distinct from the glutamate-gated cation channels as well as the γ-aminobutyric acid (GABA)- and glycine-gated chloride channels. Establishing the evolutionary relationship of related proteins can clarify properties and lead to predictions about their structure and function. We have cloned and determined the nucleotide sequence of the GluClα and GluClβ genes. In an attempt to understand the evolutionary relationship of these channels with the members of the ligand-gated ion channel superfamily, we have performed gene structure comparisons and phylogenetic analyses of their nucleotide and predicted amino acid sequences. Gene structure comparisons reveal the presence of several intron positions that are not found in the ligand-gated ion channel superfamily, outlining their distinct evolutionary position. Phylogenetic analyses indicate that GluClα and GluClβ form a monophyletic subbranch in the ligand-gated ion channel superfamily and are related to vertebrate glycine channels/receptors. Glutamate-gated chloride channels, with electrophysiological properties similar to GluClα and GluClβ, have been described in insects and crustaceans, suggesting that the glutamate-gated chloride channel family may be conserved in other invertebrate species. The gene structure and phylogenetic analyses in combination with the distinct pharmacological properties demonstrate that GluClα and GluClβ belong to a discrete ligand-gated ion channel family that may represent genes orthologous to the vertebrate glycine channels. Received: 30 September 1996 / Accepted: 15 November 1996  相似文献   

It has been proposed that two rounds of duplication of the entire genome (polyploidization) occurred early in vertebrate history (the 2R hypothesis); and the observation that certain gene families important in regulating development have four members in vertebrates, as opposed to one in Drosophila, has been adduced as evidence in support of this hypothesis. However, such a pattern of relationship can be taken as support of the 2R hypothesis only if (1) the four vertebrate genes can be shown to have diverged after the origin of vertebrates, and (2) the phylogeny of the four vertebrate genes (A–D) exhibits a topology of the form (AB) (CD), rather than (A) (BCD). In order to test the 2R hypothesis, I constructed phylogenies for nine protein families important in development. Only one showed a topology of the form (AB) (CD), and that received weak statistical support. In contrast, four phylogenies showed topologies of the form (A) (BCD) with statistically significant support. Furthermore, in two cases there was significant support for duplication of the vertebrate genes prior to the divergence of deuterostomes and protostomes: in one case there was significant support for duplication of the vertebrate genes at least prior to the divergence of vertebrates and urochordates, and in one case there was weak support for duplication of the vertebrate genes prior to the divergence of deuterostomes and protostomes. Taken together with other recently published phylogenies of developmentally important genes, these results provide strong evidence against the 2R hypothesis. Received: 22 December 1997 / Accepted: 5 October 1998  相似文献   

Multiple copies of a given ribosomal RNA gene family undergo concerted evolution such that sequences of all gene copies are virtually identical within a species although they diverge normally between species. In eukaryotes, gene conversion and unequal crossing over are the proposed mechanisms for concerted evolution of tandemly repeated sequences, whereas dispersed genes are homogenized by gene conversion. However, the homogenization mechanisms for multiple-copy, normally dispersed, prokaryotic rRNA genes are not well understood. Here we compared the sequences of multiple paralogous rRNA genes within a genome in 12 prokaryotic organisms that have multiple copies of the rRNA genes. Within a genome, putative sequence conversion tracts were found throughout the entire length of each individual rRNA genes and their immediate flanks. Individual conversion events convert only a short sequence tract, and the conversion partners can be any paralogous genes within the genome. Interestingly, the genic sequences undergo much slower divergence than their flanking sequences. Moreover, genomic context and operon organization do not affect rRNA gene homogenization. Thus, gene conversion underlies concerted evolution of bacterial rRNA genes, which normally occurs within genic sequences, and homogenization of flanking regions may result from co-conversion with the genic sequence. Received: 31 March 2000 / Accepted: 15 June 2000  相似文献   

In this paper we have analyzed 49 vertebrate gene families that were generated in the early stage of vertebrates and/or shortly before the origin of vertebrates, each of which consists of three or four member genes. We have dated the first (T1) and second (T2) gene duplications of 26 gene families with 3 member genes. The means of T1 (594 mya) and T2 (488 mya) are largely consistent to a well-cited version of two-round (2R) genome duplication theory. Moreover, in most cases, the time interval between two successive gene duplications is large enough that the fate of duplicate genes generated by the first gene duplication was likely to be determined before the second one took place. However, the phylogenetic pattern of 23 gene families with 4 members is complicated; only 5 of them are predicted by 2R model, but 11 families require an additional gene (or genome) duplication. For the rest (7 families), at least one gene duplication event had occurred before the divergence between vertebrate and Drosophila, indicating a possible misleading of the 4:1 rule (member gene ratio between vertebrates and invertebrates). Our results show that Ohno's 2R conjecture is valid as a working hypothesis for providing a most parsimonious explanation. Although for some gene families, additional gene duplication is needed, the credibility of the third genome duplication (3R) remains to be investigated. Received: 13 December 1999 / Accepted: 7 April 2000  相似文献   

Photosynthetic eukaryotes can, according to features of their chloroplasts, be divided into two major groups: the red and the green lineage of plastid evolution. To extend the knowledge about the evolution of the red lineage we have sequenced and analyzed the chloroplast genome (cp-genome) of Cyanidium caldarium RK1, a unicellular red alga (AF022186). The analysis revealed that this genome shows several unusual structural features, such as a hypothetical hairpin structure in a gene-free region and absence of large repeat units. We provide evidence that this structural organization of the cp-genome of C. caldarium may be that of the most ancient cp-genome so far described. We also compared the cp-genome of C. caldarium to the other known cp-genomes of the red lineage. The cp-genome of C. caldarium cannot be readily aligned with that of Porphyra purpurea, a multicellular red alga, or Guillardia theta due to a displacement of a region of the cp-genome. The phylogenetic tree reveals that the secondary endosymbiosis, through which G. theta evolved, took place after the separation of the ancestors of C. caldarium and P. purpurea. We found several genes unique to the cp-genome of C. caldarium. Five of them seem to be involved in the building of bacterial cell envelopes and may be responsible for the thermotolerance of the chloroplast of this alga. Two additional genes may play a role in stabilizing the photosynthetic machinery against salt stress and detoxification of the chloroplast. Thus, these genes may be unique to the cp-genome of C. caldarium and may be required for the endurance of the extreme living conditions of this alga. Received: 3 June 2000 / Accepted: 18 July 2000  相似文献   

We analyzed nucleotide variation in the hsp70 genes of Drosophila melanogaster (five genes) and D. simulans (four genes) to characterize the homogenizing and diversifying roles of gene conversion in their evolution. Gene conversion within and between the 87A7 and 87C1 gene clusters homogenize the hsp70 coding regions; in both D. melanogaster and D. simulans, same-cluster paralogues are virtually identical, and large intercluster conversion tracts diminish 87A7/87C1 divergence. Same-cluster paralogues share many polymorphisms, consistent with frequent intracluster conversion. Shared polymorphism is highly biased toward silent variation; homogenizing conversion interacts with purifying selection. In contrast to the coding regions, some hsp70 flanking regions show conversion-mediated diversification. Strong reductions of nucleotide variability and linkage disequilibria among conversion-mediated sites in hsp70Ab and hsp70Bb alleles sampled from a single natural population are consistent with a selective sweep. Comparison of the D. melanogaster and D. simulans hsp70 genes reveals whole-family fixed differences, consistent with rapid propagation of novel mutations among duplicate genes. These results suggest that the homogenizing and diversifying roles of conversion interact to drive dynamic concerted evolution of the hsp70 genes. Received: 25 June 2001 / Accepted: 10 October 2001  相似文献   

Glyoxalase I (GlxI) is the first of two enzymes involved in the cellular detoxification of methylglyoxal. A recent search of the National Center for Biotechnology Information (NCBI) databases with the protein sequence of Salmonella typhimurium GlxI identified two new hypothetical proteins with unassigned function. These two sequences, from Brassica oleracea and Sporobolus stapfianus, have significant sequence similarity to known GlxI sequences, suggesting that these two open reading frames encode for GlxI in these plants. Interestingly, analysis of these two new sequences indicates that they code for a protein composed of two fused monomers, a situation previously found solely in the yeast GlxI enzymes. Received: 10 May 1997 / Accepted: 15 October 1997  相似文献   

The peculiarities of the sequences of 18S rDNA included in a 90-kb DNA segment cloned in YAC vector are described. This heterochromatic segment is situated on the X chromosome distal to the main rDNA cluster. The pseudo 18S rDNA sequence comprised undamaged stretches of rDNA interspersed with segments characterized by high density of nucleotide substitutions and insertions/deletions. The observed patchwork arrangement of unaltered rDNA sequences was considered as evidence of segmented gene conversion events between the normal and damaged genes which are thought to constitute one of the mechanisms of rDNA array homogenization. The 18S rDNA fragment (510 bp) located nearby, homologous to the internal, undamaged part of pseudo 18S rDNA, carries comparable density of randomly distributed nucleotide substitutions with no evidence of correction. Received: 8 August 1996 / Accepted: 7 December 1996  相似文献   

We have previously shown that several multicopy gene families within the major histocompatibility complex (MHC) arose from a process of segmental duplication. It has also been observed that retroelements play a role in generating diversity within these duplicated segments. The objective of this study was to compare the genomic organization of a gene duplication within another multicopy gene family outside the MHC. Using new continuous genomic sequence encompassing the APOE-CII gene cluster, we show that APOCI and its pseudogene, APOCI′, are contained within large duplicated segments which include sequences from the hepatic control region (HCR). Flanking Alu sequences are observed at both ends of the duplicated unit, suggesting a possible role in the integration of these segments. As observed previously within the MHC, the major differences between the segments are the insertion of sequences (approximately 200–1000 bp in length), consisting predominantly of Alu sequences. Ancestral retroelements also contribute to the generation of sequence diversity between the segments, especially within the 3′ poly(A) tract of Alu sequences. The exonic and regulatory sequences of the APOCI and HCR loci show limited sequence diversity, with exon 3 being an exception. Finally, the typing of pre- and postduplication Alus from both segments indicates an estimated time of duplication of approximately 37 million years ago (mya), some time prior to the separation of Old and New World monkeys. Received: 17 July 1999 / Accepted: 6 November 1999  相似文献   

In translation, separate aminoacyl-tRNA synthetases attach the 20 different amino acids to their cognate tRNAs, with the exception of glutamine. Eukaryotes and some bacteria employ a specific glutaminyl-tRNA synthetase (GlnRS) which other Bacteria, the Archaea (archaebacteria), and organelles apparently lack. Instead, tRNAGln is initially acylated with glutamate by glutamyl-tRNA synthetase (GluRS), then the glutamate moiety is transamidated to glutamine. Lamour et al. [(1994) Proc Natl Acad Sci USA 91:8670–8674] suggested that an early duplication of the GluRS gene in eukaryotes gave rise to the gene for GlnRS—a copy of which was subsequently transferred to proteobacteria. However, questions remain about the occurrence of GlnRS genes among the Eucarya (eukaryotes) outside of the ``crown' taxa (animals, fungi, and plants), the distribution of GlnRS genes in the Bacteria, and their evolutionary relationships to genes from the Archaea. Here, we show that GlnRS occurs in the most deeply branching eukaryotes and that putative GluRS genes from the Archaea are more closely related to GlnRS and GluRS genes of the Eucarya than to those of Bacteria. There is still no evidence for the existence of GlnRS in the Archaea. We propose that the last common ancestor to contemporary cells, or cenancestor, used transamidation to synthesize Gln-tRNAGln and that both the Bacteria and the Archaea retained this pathway, while eukaryotes developed a specific GlnRS gene through the duplication of an existing GluRS gene. In the Bacteria, GlnRS genes have been identified in a total of 10 species from three highly diverse taxonomic groups: Thermus/Deinococcus, Proteobacteria γ/β subdivision, and Bacteroides/Cytophaga/Flexibacter. Although all bacterial GlnRS form a monophyletic group, the broad phyletic distribution of this tRNA synthetase suggests that multiple gene transfers from eukaryotes to bacteria occurred shortly after the Archaea–eukaryote divergence.  相似文献   

The nucleotide sequence for an 11,715-bp segment of the mitochondrial genome of the octocoral Sarcophyton glaucum is presented, completing the analysis of the entire genome for this anthozoan member of the phylum Cnidaria. The genome contained the same 13 protein-coding and 2 ribosomal RNA genes as in other animals. However, it also included an unusual mismatch repair gene homologue reported previously and codes for only a single tRNA gene. Intermediate in length compared to two other cnidarians (17,443 and 18,911 bp), this organellar genome contained the smallest amount of noncoding DNA (428, compared to 1283 and 781 nt, respectively), making it the most compact one found for the phylum to date. The mitochondrial genes of S. glaucum exhibited an identical arrangement to that found in another octocoral, Renilla kolikeri, with five protein-coding genes in the same order as has been found in insect and vertebrate mitochondrial genomes. Although gene order appears to be highly conserved among octocorals, compared to the hexacoral, Metridium senile, few similarities were found. Like other metazoan mitochondrial genomes, the A + T composition was elevated and a general bias against codons ending in G or C was observed. However, an exception to this was the infrequent use of TGA compared to TGG to code for tryptophan. This divergent codon bias is unusual but appears to be a conserved feature among two rather distantly related anthozoans. Received: 27 January 1998 / Accepted: 25 May 1998  相似文献   

Phylogenetic hypotheses of muscle actin evolution are significantly different when a sea urchin is used as a representative echinoderm than when a sea star is used. While sea urchin muscle actins support an echinoderm–chordate sister relationship, sea star sequences suggest that echinoderm muscle actins are convergent with chordate muscle actins. Our results suggest that gene conversion in the sea star muscle actin may be responsible for these discordant results. Received: 19 July 1999 / Accepted: 1 October 1999  相似文献   

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