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Thin films of As33S67, As33S33.5Se33.5 and As33Se67 prepared by vacuum thermal evaporation were selectively etched in alkaline organic solutions of amines i.e. 1,2-diaminopropane, morpholine, aminoethanol, cyclohexylamine, hexylamine, butylamine and propylamine. Dissolution rates v, resolution coefficients γ and surface quality are discussed and compared to recently published results of etching process in inorganic solutions of NaOH, Na2S and (NH4)2S. The resolution coefficients achieved in amine based solutions are by the order of magnitude higher than ones in inorganic etchants. Etching in organic solutions showed increase of the resolution coefficient and decrease of dissolution rate of exposed and unexposed film in the sequence of propylamine, butylamine, hexylamine and cyclohexylamine solution. The role of different type of amine on dissolution rate and resolution coefficient is discussed. The dissolution parameter γ is getting worse in the same type of solvent with increasing content of Se. The dissolution mechanism and relation between photo-structural change and dissolution behavior of films are proposed. New results of negative selective etching of Agx(As0.33Se0.67)100?x in NaCN are presented and compared with selective etching curves of recently published Agx(As0.33S0.67)100?x and Agx(As0.33S0.335Se0.335)100?x thin films. Potential application is shown in fabrication of ‘microlenses like’ motive into the Ag–As33S67 thin film.  相似文献   

We have analysed in detail the effect of silver-content on the optical properties of Ag-photodoped amorphous (As0.33S0.67)100?xTex (with x = 0, 1, 5 and 10 at.%) chalcogenide thin films; the chalcogenide host layers were prepared by vacuum thermal evaporation. Films of composition Agy[(As0.33S0.67)100?xTex]100?y, with y ? 18 at.%, were successfully obtained by successively photodissolving about 20- or 40-nm-thick layers of silver. The optical constants (n, k) have been accurately determined by an improved envelope method [J.M. González-Leal, R. Prieto-Alcón, J.A. Angel, D.A. Minkov, E. Márquez, Appl. Opt. 41 (2002) 7300], based on the two envelope curves of the optical-transmission spectrum, obtained at normal incidence. The dispersion of the refractive index of the Ag-photodoped chalcogenide films is analysed in terms of the Wemple–DiDomenico single-effective-oscillator model: n2(?ω)=1-EoEd/(Eo2-(?ω)2), where Eo is the single-oscillator energy, and Ed the dispersion energy. We found that the refractive index of the Ag-doped samples strongly increases with the Ag-content, whereas the optical band gap, Egopt, decreases also notably. For instance, in the particular case of x = 10 at.%, the largest Te-content, Egopt decreases from 2.17 down to 1.67 eV. It should also be mentioned that, in the case of the undoped samples, when the Te-concentration increases from zero up to 10 at.%, the value of Egopt decreases from 2.49 down to 2.17 eV.  相似文献   


The growth and structure of Pb1 ? x Mn x Se (Ga) (NGa = 0.8 at %) films with thicknesses of 0.3–0.5 μm, grown on single-crystal PbSe1 ? x S x (100) substrates by molecular-beam epitaxy, have been studied. It is established that films grow in a face-centered cubic lattice with the (100) orientation, reproducing the substrate orientation. The optimal conditions for obtaining photosensitive epitaxial films with perfect crystal structure are determined (W 1/2 = 70–80″).


The growth and structure of (1-1.5)-μm-thick Pb1?x Mn x Te(Ga)(x = 0.06) films with 0.4?0.9 at % of gallium, grown on BaF2(111) and Pb1?x Sn x Te (x = 0.2) (100) substrates by molecular beam epitaxy, have been investigated. It is established that the films are crystallized into an fcc structure, and their growth planes are (111) and (100), according to the substrate orientation. The optimal conditions for obtaining high-resistivity photosensitive p-and n-type films with a perfect crystal structure (W 1/2 = 80″?100″) have been determined.  相似文献   

《Journal of Non》1986,81(3):293-301
We have measured the electrical conductivity and thermoelectric power of the pseudobinary system (As2Te3)x(Tl2Se)1−x both in the glass and liquid states. The effect of the addition of excess Tl has also been examined. It has been found that the activation energy of electronic conduction is closely related to the average atomization energy of these materials.  相似文献   

Single crystals of the α?-phase of (Zn1 ? x Cd x )3As2 solid solution (x = 0.26) have been prepared and investigated by X-ray diffraction analysis. The tetragonal unit-cell parameters are found to be a = b = 8.5377(2) Å, c = 24.0666(9) Å, sp. gr. I41/amd, Z = 16. Zn and Cd atoms in the crystal statistically occupy three symmetrically independent positions in the mirror planes and are tetrahedrally coordinated by arsenic atoms. (Zn,Cd) tetrahedra share edges to form a three-dimensional structure framework. The α?-phase is geometrically related to the fluorite structure. The character of arrangement of tetrahedral vacancies in fluorite-like unit cells is revealed. Chains of tetrahedral vacancies form microchannels oriented parallel the a and b axes, which pierce the three-dimensional structure framework at different levels along the c axis. The structure of α″-Cd3As2 crystals is found to be similar to that of α?-(Zn0.74Cd0.26)3As2.  相似文献   

Crystallography Reports - The kinetics of phase transformations of amorphous Ge-doped TlGaSe2 films has been investigated by kinematic electron diffraction. It is shown that the crystallization of...  相似文献   

J. Ozdanova  H. Ticha  L. Tichy 《Journal of Non》2009,355(45-47):2318-2322
The glasses representing (Bi2O3)x(WO3)y(TeO2)100?x?y and (PbO)x(WO3)y(TeO2)100?x?y systems were prepared. The dilatometric glass-transition temperatures of examined glass samples were found in the region 383–434 °C, the coefficient of thermal expansion varied from 12 to 16 ppm/°C and the density ranged from 6.302 to 6.808 g/cm3. From the optical transmission measurements of thin glassy bulk samples prepared by a glass blowing, the optical gap values were found in the narrow region 3.21–3.36 eV. For the temperature interval 300–480 K, the values of the temperature coefficient of the optical band gap varied from 3.7 × 10?4 to 5.24 × 10?4 eV/K. It is suggested that Raman feature observed at around 350 cm?1 can be assigned to an overlap of Raman bands attributed to WO6 corner shared octahedra and to the following three atomic linkages: Bi–O–Te, Pb–O–Te and W–O–Te.  相似文献   

The influence of isomorphous replacement in the cation sublattice on the kinetics of the phase transition in single crystals of the solid solutions (K x (NH4)1 ? x ) m H n (SO4)(m + n)/2 · yH2O belonging to the K3H(SO4)2-(NH4)3H(SO4)2-H2O salt system was studied. Superproton phase transitions for the end compositions of this system have been found earlier. The optical and thermal properties of crystals with the composition (K,NH4)3H(SO4)2 in the temperature range from 295 to 500 K were investigated, and the crystal structure was determined at 295 K. The results of the study and the comparison with the literature data show that the replacement of potassium atoms with ammonia leads to a fundamental change in the kinetics of the phase transition, the phase-transition temperature remaining virtually unchanged.  相似文献   

《Journal of Crystal Growth》2003,247(3-4):425-427
Change of majority carrier type was achieved in nanocrystalline Pb(1−x)Fe(x)S thin films by applying a DC-bias on the substrate during their growth by solution growth technique. Critical control of biasing and pH of the solution bath are observed to be necessary to achieve this change. The DC-bias results in slight change in relative concentrations of the constituents in the films, which lead to change in majority carriers without any measurable change in lattice parameter. This modification to the conventional solution growth technique provides the possibility to grow abrupt homojunctions in the nanocrystalline films by sudden change in DC-biasing during film growth.  相似文献   

M. Kincl  L. Tichy 《Journal of Non》2008,354(45-46):4948-4951
Three amorphous Ge–As–S films with the average coordination numbers of 2.4–2.8 were prepared by thermal evaporation. True relaxation that is self-bleaching of photodarkened state has been studied. Considerable differences in kinetics of relaxation of photodarkened state were observed for Ge12As17S71 (Sa 1) and Ge15As20S65 (Sa 3) amorphous thin films. In both cases, the relaxation (self-bleaching) followed stretched exponential, however, flexible matrix of Sa 1 film relaxed significantly faster than the matrix of Sa 3 film. The amorphous film Ge25.5As29.5S45 (Sa 8) was found to be insensitive to illumination. It is suggested that the network rigidity may significantly influence the magnitude of photodarkening and the rate of relaxation of photodarkened state.  相似文献   

Epitaxial oxide thin film layers are of interest for model catalytic studies. We report the growth of Ce1?xPrxO2?δ mixed oxide layers of different stoichiometries (x=0–1) and oxygen deficiency (δ>0) on Si(111) by co-evaporating molecular beam epitaxy. The main objective is to identify the crystal phases and to investigate the correlation between compositions and crystal structures. X-ray photoemission spectroscopy was performed to quantify the stoichiometries. An extensive laboratory and synchrotron based X-ray diffraction analysis was carried out to determine the vertical and lateral lattice orientations and the strain status of the layers. The study revealed that single crystalline Ce1?xPrxO2?δ/Si(111) heterostructures can be epitaxially grown on Si(111) for model catalytic studies. In addition to the structure–stoichiometry relationship typical to mixed oxide bulk powders, we identified a hexagonal mixed Ce–Pr oxide thin film phase not yet reported in bulk studies.  相似文献   

The magnetic and lattice properties of a sample of La(Fe0.86Si0.14)13 ferromagnet have been measured. The influence that neutron irradiation has on the physical properties of this ferromagnet is studied. It is shown that the irradiation of this sample by a fluence of 3 × 1019 n/cm2 increases the lattice constant a and the Curie temperature (T C ) as the volume magnetostriction decreases. A model of ferromagnet is proposed which satisfactorily describes the dependence a(T) of the initial and irradiated samples and their magnetic properties. The temperature dependence of the change in entropy when switching the magnetic field on and off is calculated. It is established that the change in both the magnetic and lattice parts of the total entropy at the magnetic phase transition must be taken into account for La(Fe x Si1 ? x )13 compounds.  相似文献   

AsTe glasses have been investigated for determining the molecular mechanisms of glass formation and of crystallization. Stable and homogeneous bulk glasses are prepared throughout the range of concentration from 20 to 65 at % As, by using an improved quenching method. GFA (glass-forming ability) is determined with respect to the rate of cooling. Density, microhardness, Tg and ΔCp at Tg are measured in the whole range of glass formation. Finally a quantitative analysis of the kinetics of crystallization is carried out. It appears that most properties which involve molecular motions exhibit anomalies for As40 Te60 composition (As2Te3 is the unique definite compound of the system). So GFA shows a sharp depression for this critical composition; similarly enthalpy and kinetics of crystallization are drastically modified at As40Te60. For Te-rich glasses, crystallization occurs at low temperature by homogeneous nucleation with a small energy of activation. For As-rich glasses, crystallization occurs at much higher temperatures. Above 200°C it is controlled by growth with an high activation energy which indicates deep rearrangements of the relative positions of the atoms by chemical diffusion. A coherent analysis of all the data is developed which shows that important differences of local order exist between amorphous and crystalline states and also between the two well-distinct types of glasses we are dealing with. The aim of paper II is to determine these differences from diffraction data.  相似文献   

采用溶胶-凝胶法制备了(La0.67Ca0.33 MnO3)1-x∶Agx(x=0.00、0.10、0.15、0.20、0.3、0.4、0.5)系列多晶陶瓷样品,通过XRD、SEM和标准四探针法对材料晶体结构、表面形貌和电学性能的分析研究Ag的添加对材料性能的影响.结果表明:随着Ag添加量的增加,样品的晶格常数逐渐增大,这是由于Ag取代La3+、Ca2+进入晶格使其发生膨胀;并且样品的金属-绝缘体转变温度(Tp)随Ag添加量的增加而升高,从270 K(x=0)升高到281 K(x=0.5),这是由于Ag对La3+、Ca2+的替换导致Mn4+/Mn3+比例增大而提高了双交换作用.值得注意的是,当0.00≤x≤0.15时,TCR值随x的增大而增大,当x=0.15时达到最大值58.6;·K-1;0.15≤x≤0.5时,TCR反而随之降低,这可能是由于高添加量导致材料的烧结质量降低.  相似文献   

《Journal of Crystal Growth》2003,247(1-2):131-136
Single crystals in the xBiScO3yBiGaO3–(1−xy)PbTiO3 (BS–BG–PT) system were grown by the high temperature solution method using Pb3O4 and Bi2O3 as the flux. The dielectric permittivity (εr) at room temperature for unpoled tetragonal crystals was determined to be 500–600 with dielectric loss tangents less than 0.3%. The Curie temperature was found to be around ∼420–450°C, with a dielectric maximum, exhibiting relaxor behavior. The longitudinal piezoelectric coefficient (d33) was found to be ∼300 pC/N for 〈0 0 1〉 oriented tetragonal crystals with electromechanical coupling factor (k33) of 75%, with a shear mode, d15∼290 pC/N and k15∼45%, lateral mode, d31∼−55 pC/N and k31∼−37%. The remnant polarization (Pr) was 46 μC/cm2 with a coercive field (Ec) of 43 kV/cm at 1 Hz and DC field of 60 kV/cm. The linear electro-optic (E-O) coefficients of poled crystals determined using an automated scanning Mach–Zehnder interferometer method at room temperature and wavelength of 632.8 nm were r33=36 and r13=4 pm/V, respectively.  相似文献   

The structural behavior of rapidly quenched amorphous CuxZr100?x alloys was investigated in a wide composition range between 35 and 70 at.% Cu content. High-energy X-ray diffraction patterns, atomic pair correlation functions, mass density and the thermal stability behavior of the alloys all exhibit monotonic changes with composition. Partial pair correlation functions were determined assuming that they remain unchanged in the different amorphous CuxZr100?x alloys and only the weight fractions become altered with changes in composition. The experimental results can be well described by a solid solution-like replacement of Cu and Zr atoms in the whole composition range. No indications are observed neither for the existence of a special atomic arrangement at a particular chemical composition nor for the presence of phase separation in the glassy state of the binary Cu–Zr system.  相似文献   

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