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石墨烯太赫兹波段性质及石墨烯基太赫兹器件   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
石墨烯在太赫兹波段的优异性质,使其在太赫兹源、太赫兹探测和太赫兹调控三个方面都具备广阔的应用前景。主要对石墨烯在太赫兹波段的性质及石墨烯基太赫兹器件的相关研究进行了综述,并对石墨烯在太赫兹波段的应用前景进行了展望。在石墨烯太赫兹波段性质方面,主要介绍了石墨烯的电导模型、静态和超快光谱响应特性,以及表面太赫兹波辐射特性。在石墨烯基太赫兹器件方面,主要综述了基于光、电、磁调控的太赫兹主动器件,石墨烯基超材料的太赫兹调制器,基于阻抗匹配的减反射调控器件,以及可调太赫兹源器件的最新研究进展。  相似文献   

In this paper, a shielded dielectric multiple-slot waveguide is presented and demonstrated by theoretical calculation at terahertz frequencies. Some electromagnetic analysis of waveguide currently employed simplified intrinsic frequency dispersion models for the bulk conductivity of normal metals used in terahertz wave structures. This paper has compared various conductivity models for gold between 0.1-3 THz. The dielectric loss, conductor loss, total propagation loss with different conductivity models and E-field distribution has been obtained by numerically solving the complex eigenvalue equation for the propagation constant. The analysis results are in agreement with the assumption of R. Sun et al. and the experimental results obtained by H. Sun et al. The propagation loss deviation between various models is less than 3% at 0.2-0.5 THz. Comparisons with other slot waveguides are also given. The analysis results show that the proposed line has lower propagation attenuation than other slot waveguides.  相似文献   

行波管具有高增益、宽带宽、高输出功率等优点,但频率提升到THz后,输出功率急剧降低,为此采用多注与功率合成的方式提高输出功率。对D波段折叠波导行波管进行的理论与数值分析表明:单束的3 d B带宽为13 GHz(0.134 THz~0.147 THz),0.14 THz处最大增益为20.88 d B;多束合成增益为20.6 d B,3 d B带宽内合成效率不低于92%。通过微铣削的办法加工完成了2路折叠波导,并对其传输特性进行测量,对比分析了测试与设计结果。并行多注行波管能够以单束小电流、低聚焦磁场方式工作,可有效提高THz行波管的输出功率。  相似文献   

该文提出应用微加工(Micromachining)技术设计制作太赫兹6阶并联电感耦合波导带通滤波器的方法。立足于现有工艺条件,通过分析加工因素对滤波器电磁性能的影响,将工艺和设计参数相互折中达到优化设计的目的,避免因工艺原因造成的器件性能急剧恶化,最终得到插入损耗小、可靠性好、可集成的太赫兹滤波器。采用微加工深刻蚀(ICP)、溅射电镀金属、键合等工艺步骤,最终制作完成的单个微加工滤波器划片后体积为24.0 mm×5.0 mm×1.66 mm。应用可调测试夹具固定微加工滤波器,通过功率计测试其功率衰减,得到其中心频率为141.5 GHz,3dB带宽为10.6%,中心频率处功率衰减小于1 dB,验证了工艺方法的有效性。  相似文献   

黄小琴  陈鹤鸣 《光电子技术》2007,27(4):243-245,249
首先用平面波展开法(PWM)计算了二维光子晶体的能带结构,然后提出了适合THz 波传输的光子晶体波导模型,并采用时域有限差分法(FDTD)研究了THz波在这种波导中的传输特性.在波导的输入输出口采样场值经过傅立叶变换以后进行比较,结果很合理.分析结果表明,位于光子晶体禁带内的THz波在这种波导中的传输是几乎没有损耗的,这为开发性能优良的THz 器件提供了理论依据.  相似文献   

太赫兹波导器件研究进展   总被引:6,自引:2,他引:6  
近年来,太赫兹科学技术的发展极为迅速。与此同时,以波导为基础的、用于太赫兹传输的器件应运而生,其中主要包括:太赫兹金属波导、太赫兹光子晶体波导、太赫兹光子晶体光纤、太赫兹聚合物波导、太赫兹塑料带状波导、太赫兹蓝宝石光纤等。为此,就国际上太赫兹波导器件方面的研究进展和最新动态进行了较详细的分析和归纳总结。  相似文献   

基于硅的等离子色散效应,构建了SOI基光波导可调光衰减器(VOA)仿真模型,对SOI基亚微米脊形波导结构的模式特性、VOA器件的掺杂区间距、掺杂深度及浓度对VOA特性的影响进行了系统的模拟分析,优化设计出了小尺寸、低损耗的VOA器件,仿真结果表明:该器件在2.1V电压下即可获得30 dB衰减量,功耗仅为14 mW.  相似文献   

Terahertz time-domain spectroscopy accesses the frequency range between 100 GHz and 5 THz by using the coherent generation and detection based on femtosecond laser sources. On the way to obtain fingerprint absorption spectra of molecular solids, terahertz waveguides have proven to be a valuable tool to extend the results to narrow and high resolution linewidths of crystalline solids. We will discuss the development, properties and applications of terahertz waveguide geometries for spectroscopic applications, in particular high-resolution measurements using parallel-plate waveguides.  相似文献   

光子晶体波导可调光衰减器   总被引:3,自引:2,他引:3  
提出一种直接用光子晶体(PC)波导实现的新型可调光衰减器(VOA)。基于填充液晶的光子晶体方向带隙的可调节性,通过调节液晶指向矢的旋转角实现对光子晶体波导衰减量进行控制。采用时域有限差分法(FDTD)对其原理和结构参量进行了分析。数值模拟结果表明,随着液晶旋转角从0°~90°改变,填充液晶的光子晶体波导可以实现光通量在0.5~25.4dB的动态衰减,它插入到普通光子晶体波导之间的额外损耗只有0.2dB,尺寸仅为微米量级。  相似文献   

本文介绍了两种光控介质波导衰减器和移相器.一种是用高阻硅制成的介质波导.计算表明,由于高阻硅中非平衡载流子的扩散长度较长,由光照产生的电子-空穴对将分布在整个介质波导内,因此这种衰减器有较好的线性.另一种是用高阻硅薄片覆盖在陶瓷介质波导上组成的.用带修正的有效介电常数法计算了这种由两层高介电常数材料制成的介质波导的轴向传输常数、衰减常数和相位常数.实验测量了这两种结构的衰减量、相移量,并与理论计算作了比较.  相似文献   

某太赫兹频段波导器件加工工艺   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  

In this work, we numerically demonstrate a dynamic graphene-based dual-band metamaterial modulator (gDMM) in the presence of an external magnetic field and gate electric field. With the objective of modulating terahertz waves at two separate channels, we utilize the proposed dual-field control method to dynamically modulate the optical conductivity of graphene, and thus the working frequencies of the gDMM. An interpretation for such dependence on the external fields is presented based on a quantum understanding of the energy structure of graphene, and a numerical method based on the finite element method (FEM) is employed to investigate the optical responses of our proposed gDMM. Our results show that, by varying the strength of external fields, one can switch the operation status of the two working channels located at 3.18 THz and 9.04 THz, with modulation depths exceeding 84.4%. Only 30 meV of energy is required for shifting the Fermi level to accomplish the switch, which is extremely low compared with methods in previous works using gate electric control alone. Simultaneous ON/OFF statuses are also realized. Such great tunability and controllability of our proposed gDMM over a wide frequency range may give rise to a new class of dynamic devices for terahertz and microwave applications.  相似文献   

We have demonstrated the possibility of employing a device, designed to operate at terahertz (THz) frequencies, for sensing materials. The device consists of a waveguide section with a pair of stubs located at the middle and oriented transversely to the waveguide axis. The two stubs function as a resonator and, hence, the device would behave as a filter in the THz domain. The device was fabricated by laser micromachining of InSb pellets and was characterized by THz time-domain transmission spectroscopy. For a waveguide width of 740 μm and stub length of 990 μm, a transmission minimum is seen to occur at 0.265 THz. We investigated the capability of the device to sense polystyrene, dissolved in toluene, loaded into the stubs. The consequent change in the refractive index in the stubs alters the transmitted signal intensity. Our results show that, a change in concentration of polystyrene even by 1 mol/L, leads to measurable change in the transmission coefficient close to the resonant frequency of the device. Thus, our device operating at THz frequencies shows promising potential as chemical and bio sensors.  相似文献   

提出了一种小孔耦合型双通道太赫兹波导定向耦合器,采用新颖的阶梯结构,将两个单通道耦合器结合,可在双通道内实现相同的耦合输出。研究结果表明,在180~260 GHz的频率范围内,该耦合器的耦合度为10 dB,输出最大误差小于1.6 dB,回波损耗大于25 dB,隔离度大于35 dB,相对带宽达到36%。与传统的太赫兹波导定向耦合器相比,该耦合器能够实现双通道的耦合输出,在太赫兹系统中可用于双通道的功率检测、功率合成与分配。  相似文献   

利用HFSS仿真软件对螺旋线行波管中衰减器的衰减量分布情况进行了模拟分析。由于直接模拟螺旋线行波管中不同涂碳层厚度下衰减器的衰减分布情况难度大,计算量大,涂碳厚度不易模拟,因此,本文利用等效替换的方法进行了模拟计算,通过对单根夹持杆进行波导测试,获得S21,找到不同S21下的等效体电率或损耗角正切,并将他们对应的这些材料替换到行波管内,计算相应的衰减常数,得出不同位置下的衰减常数。  相似文献   

毫米波波导成型技术   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
赖复尧  丁蓉 《电讯技术》2008,48(4):103-106
用活动模芯代替钢带是毫米波波导弯曲成型的有效方法,该工艺的关键是模芯的设计与制造。采用活动模芯弯曲毫米波波导,重点讨论了模芯尺寸、模芯形状和回跳角对波导尺寸和表面粗糙度的影响,并对该工艺制备的样品进行了测定。结果表明:当模芯尺寸与波导内腔实际尺寸差值在0~0.02 mm,不同的弯曲半径和弯曲角度给予不同的回跳角预设值,可以制造出满足设计要求的弯波导。  相似文献   

本文介绍一种能用于可调谐光衰耗器的新型光波导,其包层为金属汞,包层长度灵活可变。理论分析和实验均表明,这种光波导的光功率衰耗与包层长度成正比,在1.3μm光波长,当芯径为400~62μm时,应对光功率的衰减为0.04~0.16dB/mm,。以此光波导为基础的可调谐光衰耗器具有结构简单、性能优越等特点,其测量精度可达0.3dB。  相似文献   

制作了基于绝缘体上硅(Silicon on Insulator,SOI)材料的8×16通道的阵列波导光栅(Arrayed Waveguide Grating,AWG)与电吸收型可调光衰减器(Variable OpticalAttenuator,VOA)的单片集成器件,其信道间隔为200 GHz.该集成器件采用脊形波导结构,其截面尺寸为亚微米级,整体尺寸为2.9 mm×1 mm.该VMUX器件的片上损耗为9.324~10.048 dB,串扰为6.5~8.2 dB;在20 dB衰减下,单通道最大功耗为87.98 mW;最大信道偏振相关损耗(Polarization Dependent Loss,PDL)为0.461 dB,16通道的衰减一致性为0.245 dB.该器件能够实现良好的波分复用/解复用及信道功率均衡的功能.  相似文献   

介绍太赫兹返波振荡器的发展,重点对340 GHz返波振荡器的设计、模拟和微细加工等研究工作进行了详细介绍。采用平行流电子枪、均匀永磁聚焦系统和折叠波导慢波结构来实现340 GHz返波振荡器,计算和模拟结果表明,当调谐电压14 kV~16.2 kV,工作电流8 mA时,在337 GHz~347 GHz的频率范围内可得到10 mW输出功率。高频结构加工采用UV LIGA技术,已经加工出高频结构样品,并对真空环境应用做了研究,以保证较小的表面粗糙度,减小高频率情况下的射频损耗。  相似文献   

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