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In this paper, an autonomous subnet based structural methodology forbottom-up synthesis of Petri Nets for Flexible Manufacturing Systems is proposed.Furthermore, the theoretical analysis of the model constructed by the method is carried byintensively using model's structural information, such as invariants, siphons, etc.. As aresult, the analysis leads us to draw the general conclusion that the model obtained isconservativeness and thus bound, and characterize its liveness in terms of zero-markingminimal siphons. It is based on model's structural information that distinguishes ourmethod from others. in line of this thought, a liveness guarantying policy for the obtainedmodel is proposed. Some control subnets are merged into the original model according tothe proposed synthesis rules in this paper to ensure that no minimal siphons are emptiedin any state, therefore the liveness is guaranteed. As a result, a live, conservative andrevertible Petri Nets is obtained. A practical example is also presented to  相似文献   

In this paper, we propose a class of algorithms for the sub-optimal solution of a particular class of problems of process scheduling, particularly focusing on a case study in the area of flexible manufacturing systems (FMSs). The general class of problems we face in our approach is characterized as follows: there is a set of concurrent processes, each formed by a number of temporally related tasks (segments). Tasks are executable by alternate resource sets, different both in performance and costs. Processes and tasks are characterized by release times, due dates, and deadlines. Time constraints are also present in the availability of each resource in resource sets. It has been proven that such a problem does not admit an algorithm for an optimal solution in polynomial time. Our proposed algorithm finds a sub-optimal schedule according to a set of optimization criteria, based on task and process times (earliness, tardiness), and/or time independent costs of resources. Our approach to process scheduling is based on Timed Coloured Petri Nets. We describe the structure of the coordination and scheduling algorithms, concentrating on (i) the general-purpose component, and (ii) the application-dependent component. In particular, the paper focuses on the following issues: (i) theautomatic synthesis of Petri net models of the coordination subsystem, starting from the problem knowledge base; (ii) the dynamic behavior of the coordination subsystem, whose kernel is a High Level Petri net executor, a coordination process based on an original, general purpose algorithm; (iii) the structure of the real-time scheduling subsystem, based on particular heuristic sub-optimal multi-criteria algorithms. Furthermore, the paper defines the interaction mechanisms between the coordination and scheduling subsystems. Our approach clearly distinguishes the mechanism of the net execution from the decision support system. Two conceptually distinct levels, which correspond to two different, interacting implementation modules in the prototype CASE tool, have been defined: theexecutor and thescheduler levels. One of the outstanding differences between these levels is that the executor is conceived as a fast, efficient coordination process, without special-purpose problem-solving capabilities in case of conflicts. The scheduler, on the other hand, is the adaptive, distributed component, whose behavior may heavily depend on the problem class. If the scheduler fails, the executor is, in any case, able to proceed with a general-purpose conflict resolution strategy. Experimental results on the real-time performance of the kernel of the implemented system are finally shown in the paper. The approach described in this paper is at the basis of a joint project with industrial partners for the development of a CASE tool for the simulation of blast furnaces.  相似文献   

In this paper an approach to on-line diagnosis of discrete event systems based on labeled Petri nets is presented. The approach is based on the notion of basis markings and justifications and it can be applied both to bounded and unbounded Petri nets whose unobservable subnet is acyclic. Moreover it is shown that, in the case of bounded Petri nets, the most burdensome part of the procedure may be moved off-line, computing a particular graph called Basis Reachability Graph.Finally, the effectiveness of the proposed procedure is analyzed applying a MATLAB diagnosis toolbox we developed to a manufacturing example taken from the literature.  相似文献   

In this paper, Petri nets and neural networks are used together in the development of an intelligent logic controller for an experimental manufacturing plant to provide the flexibility and intelligence required from this type of dynamic systems. In the experimental setup, among deformed and good parts to be processed, there are four different part types to be recognised and selected. To distinguish the correct part types, a convolutional neural net le-net5 based on-line image recognition system is established. Then, the necessary information to be used within the logic control system is produced by this on-line image recognition system. Using the information about the correct part types and Automation Petri nets, a logic control system is designed. To convert the resulting Automation Petri net model of the controller into the related ladder logic diagram (LLD), the token passing logic (TPL) method is used. Finally, the implementation of the control logic as an LDD for the real time control of the manufacturing system is accomplished by using a commercial programmable logic controller (PLC).  相似文献   

A method is presented for the robust design of flexible manufacturing systems (FMS) that undergo the forecasted product plan variations. The resource allocation and the operation schedule of a FMS are modeled as a colored Petri net and an associated transition firing sequence. The robust design of the colored Petri net model is formulated as a multi-objective optimization problem that simultaneously minimizes the production costs under multiple production plans (batch sizes for all jobs), and the reconfiguration cost due to production plan changes. A genetic algorithm, coupled with the shortest imminent operation time (SIO) dispatching rule, is used to simultaneously find the near-optimal resource allocation and the event-driven schedule of a colored Petri net. The resulting Petri net is then compared with the Petri nets optimized for a particular production plan in order to address the effectiveness of the robustness optimization. The simulation results suggest that the proposed robustness optimization scheme should be considered when the products are moderately different in their job specifications so that optimizing for a particular production plan creates inevitably bottlenecks in product flow and/or deadlock under other production plans.  相似文献   

Since the 1980s, Petri nets (PN) have been widely used to model automated manufacturing systems (AMS) for analysis, performance evaluation, simulation, and control. They are mostly based on process‐oriented modeling methods and thus termed as process‐oriented PN (POPN) in this paper. The recent study of deadlock avoidance problems in AMS led to another type of PN called resource‐oriented PN (ROPN). This paper, for the first time, compares these two modeling methods and resultant models in terms of modeling power, model complexity for analysis and control, and some critical properties. POPN models the part production processes straightforwardly, while ROPN is more compact and effective for deadlock resolution. The relations between these two models are investigated. Several examples are used to illustrate them. Copyright © 2010 John Wiley and Sons Asia Pte Ltd and Chinese Automatic Control Society  相似文献   

FCP方法的基本思想已在第一部分作了介绍. 第二部分给出了离散事件系统在最一般情况下约束的Petri网控制器的设计方法, 并证明FCP方法是最大容许控制的. 此外, 已有文献里的自动导航车辆协调系统的例子将被用来说明FCP方法所具有的优点和特点.  相似文献   

针对由Petri网建模的离散事件系统, 提出了一种新的控制器设计方法. 控制器是基于有限容量库所的概念构造而成的, 并使被控对象在给定的一组线性不等式约束下运行, 而给定的线性不等式约束是定义在库所标识上的. 控制器的综合利用了有限容量库所Petri网转换为 (普通 )无限容量库所Petri网的技术. 针对约束的不同情况, 给出了相应的Petri网的控制器的设计方法.  相似文献   

The paper defines the identification problem for Discrete Event Systems (DES) as the problem of inferring a Petri Net () model using the observation of the events and the available output vectors, that correspond to the markings of the measurable places. Two cases are studied considering different levels of the system knowledge. In the first case the place and transition sets are assumed known. Hence, an integer linear programming problem is defined in order to determine a modelling the DES. In the second case the transition and place sets are assumed unknown and only an upper bound of the number of places is given. Hence, the identification problem is solved by an identification algorithm that observes in real time the occurred events and the corresponding output vectors. The integer linear programming problem is defined at each observation so that the can be recursively identified. Some results and examples characterize the identified systems and show the flexibility and simplicity of the proposed technique. Moreover, an application to the synthesis of supervisory control of systems via monitor places is proposed.  相似文献   

This paper presents an approach to model, design and verify scenarios of real-time systems used in the scheduling and global coordination of batch systems. The initial requirements of a system specified with sequence diagrams are translated into a single p-time Petri net model representing the global behavior of the system. For the Petri net fragments involved in conflicts, symbolic production and consumption dates assigned to tokens are calculated based on the sequent calculus of linear logic. These dates are then used for off-line conflict resolution within a token player algorithm used for scenario verification of real-time specifications and which can be seen as a simulation tool for UML interaction diagrams.  相似文献   

The degree of reliability in the operation of flexible production systems depends not only on the operation of the individual components, but also on the structure and evolution of the embedded supervisory control system. Monitoring of operations and of the behaviour of the components and of the system as a whole is an essential function of such a supervisory control system. This paper focuses on the development and implementation of feature- and model-based monitoring methods using high-level Petri net specifications of flexible production systems and of the embedded discrete-event controllers. The combination of machine–human interface concepts with the developed monitoring methods leads to a user-friendly representation of monitoring information. An application at industrial level is shown by means of a case study, i.e., a sample flexible assembly cell, situated at the Institute for Manufacturing Automation and Production Systems, Germany.  相似文献   

New generation manufacturing systems are involved in a transformation process which aims for more reliable production processes and with a lower response time to the demand of the market. This work presents an application of artificial intelligence planning techniques for the automatic generation of the control program for a manufacturing system expressed as a safe and live Petri net. The advantage of the system presented here is straightforward: it allows for a fast generation of sound results free of human errors, reducing the cost and duration of the development phase of control programs.  相似文献   

This paper presents some results of integrating predicate transition nets with first order temporal logic in the specification and verification of concurrent systems. The intention of this research is to use predicate transition nets as a specification method and to use first order temporal logic as a verification method so that their strengths — the easy comprehension of predicate transition nets and the reasoning power of first order temporal logic can be combined. In this paper, a theoretical relationship between the computation models of these two formalisms is presented; an algorithm for systematically translating a predicate transition net into a corresponding temporal logic system is outlined; and a special temporal refutation proof technique is proposed and illustrated in verifying various concurrent properties of the predicate transition net specification of the five dining philosophers problem.  相似文献   

Petri net (PN) supervisory control is often performed through a sequential procedure that introduces additional constraint layers over an initial unconstrained PN model, using generalized mutual exclusion constraints (GMECs) implemented as monitor places. This is typical, e.g., in the context of flexible manufacturing systems, where the initial model represents the production sequences and the constraints are used to express static specifications, such as job limitations or the usage of resources, and behavioral ones, as liveness, controllability, etc. This sequential procedure may yield a redundant model, that is not easily reduced a posteriori. Also, it is difficult to ensure maximal permissivity with respect to multiple behavioral specifications. This paper, building on recent results regarding optimal supervisor design with branch & bound methods, proposes an integrated modeling approach that can be used to derive a minimal supervisor guaranteeing the attainment of an arbitrary set of static and behavioral specifications in a maximally permissive way. Among behavioral specifications, deadlock-freeness, liveness, reversibility and behavioral controllability are considered in the paper. The supervisor comes in the form of a simple set of GMECs or of a disjunction of sets of GMECs. Some examples emphasize the potential model size reductions that can be achieved.  相似文献   

This article develops a deadlock prevention policy for a class of generalised Petri nets, which can well model a large class of flexible manufacturing systems. The analysis of such a system leads us to characterise the deadlock situations in terms of the insufficiently marked siphons in its generalised Petri-net model. The proposed policy is carried out in an iterative way. At each step a minimal siphon is derived from a maximal deadly marked siphon that is found by solving a mixed integer programming (MIP) problem. An algorithm is formalised that can efficiently compute such a minimal siphon from a maximal one. A monitor is added for a derived minimal siphon such that it is max-controlled if it is elementary with respect to the siphons that have been derived. The liveness of the controlled system is decided by the fact that no siphon can be derived due to the MIP solution. After a liveness-enforcing net supervisor computed without complete siphon enumeration, the output-arcs of the additional monitors are rearranged such that the monitors act while restricting the system less. Examples are presented to demonstrate the proposed method.  相似文献   

Lagrange stability and boundedness of discrete event systems   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
Recently it has been shown that the conventional notions of stability in the sense of Lyapunov and asymptotic stability can be used to characterize the stability properties of a class of logical discrete event systems (DES). Moreover, it has been shown that stability analysis via the choice of appropriate Lyapunov functions can be used for DES and can be applied to several DES applications including manufacturing systems and computer networks (Passino et al. 1994, Burgess and Passino 1994). In this paper we extend the conventional notions and analysis of uniform boundedness, uniform ultimate boundedness, practical stability, finite time stability, and Lagrange stability so that they apply to the class of logical DES that can be defined on a metric space. Within this stability-theoretic framework we show that the standard Petri net-theoretic notions of boundedness are special cases of Lagrange stability and uniform boundedness. In addition we show that the Petri ent-theoretic approach to boundedness analysis is actually a Lyapunov approach in that the net-theoretic analysis actually produces an appropriate Lyapunov function. Moreover, via the Lyapunov approach we provide a sufficient condition for the uniform ultimate boundedness of General Petri nets. To illustrate the Petri net results, we study the boundedness properties of a rate synchronization network for manufacturing systems. In addition, we provide a detailed analysis of the Lagrange stability of a single-machine manufacturing system that uses a priority-based part servicing policy.  相似文献   

In this paper we concentrate on aspects related to modeling and formal verification of embedded systems. First, we define a formal model of computation for embedded systems based on Petri nets that can capture important features of such systems and allows their representation at different levels of granularity. Our modeling formalism has a well-defined semantics so that it supports a precise representation of the system, the use of formal methods to verify its correctness, and the automation of different tasks along the design process. Second, we propose an approach to the problem of formal verification of embedded systems represented in our modeling formalism. We make use of model checking to prove whether certain properties, expressed as temporal logic formulas, hold with respect to the system model. We introduce a systematic procedure to translate our model into timed automata so that it is possible to use available model checking tools. We propose two strategies for improving the verification efficiency, the first by applying correctness-preserving transformations and the second by exploring the degree of parallelism characteristic to the system. Some examples, including a realistic industrial case, demonstrate the efficiency of our approach on practical applications.  相似文献   

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