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微波加热过程中圆柱型包装食品的温度分布研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
从实验和理论上考察介电特性(介电常数、介电损失率)对圆柱型食品温度分布形态形成的影响。实验中以凝胶琼脂为实验样品,通过对样品添加NaCl来改变样品的介电特性,采用液晶感温片测得样品直径面的温度分布。结果表明,添加NaCl可提高样品的表面加热性,使样品的温度分布高温区由中心部向着项角部转移。为了从理论上对该现象加以描述,采用数学模型对样品中的温度分布进行了计算,结果表明,计算值与实验值有着良好的一致性。  相似文献   

微波食品的开发及其技术应用   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
本文对微波食品的加热原理,技术关键及存在的问题作了较为详细的分析论述,着重介绍日本在微波食品开发过程中所遇到的问题和采用的技术,旨在提供微波食品开发和技术研究与应用的动向,揭示了技术创新在制品开发中所起的重要作用。  相似文献   

射频加热(radio frequency, RF)技术作为一种新兴加热技术,是一种高效、低能耗的可替代传统加热的热处理方法。该方法在提高工业效率的同时又可保证食品的质量安全性及品质,可满足食品工业中的解冻以及其他加工需求,在食品工业中具有越来越大的应用潜力和发展前景。但解冻过程中存在的“边缘效应”等加热不均匀问题仍是制约该技术的一个瓶颈。本研究对射频解冻及其原理进行了介绍,并总结了影响解冻过程中加热均匀性等问题的因素,包括电磁场、射频功率、电极电压及间隙、食品的介电特性等,以期为射频解冻技术的研究及改善加热均匀性等未来研究发展方向提供参考。  相似文献   

均匀平铺载荷下微波干燥室内的能量分布   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
对均匀平铺的典型载荷条件下微波干燥室的能量分布特性进行了研究。根据实验数据分析可知当具有较大的介电常数的物料均匀平铺在干燥床上时 ,微波干燥室内的能量分布可根据天线的辐射能分布瓣型来确定。理论上 ,在微波干燥床上的XZ面内的θ=± 2 4°50′50″范围内及YZ面内的θ =± 36°2′40″范围内的微波功率密度大于该面内最大微波功率密度的二分之一  相似文献   

不同形状包装食品在微波加热过程中的三维温度分布   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
为了考察矩形、六边柱形、圆柱形三种几何形状样品在微波加热过程中的温度分布情况,以含水量为99%的凝胶琼脂为研究对象,依据Maxwell方程和传热方程,用有限元方法建立了三维温度分布模型。并通过考察各几何形状包装食品的表面、切面和内部三维等温面等情况,确定了各部位温度差异情况。结果表明:相同体积、不同几何形状的样品,由于各表面的形状不一样,进入样品的微波能量在内部形成不同的复杂聚焦区,温度分布有明显区别。微波加热60s后,矩形、六边柱形和圆柱形样品内部各出现4个、7个和1个热点区域,高低温差分别为23.87、21.92、25.10℃。实验值和计算值呈现良好的一致性。温度分布特性与样品的介电特性有关,对于含水量为99%的凝胶琼脂,在10~45℃范围内,频率为2450MHz的微波穿透深度在10~25mm之间。三维模型可较为清晰地描述不同几何形状包装食品的内、外部温度分度,为改善微波食品加热过程中的温度不均匀和优化包装食品质量提供基础数据和理论基础。   相似文献   

作为一种新型物理灭菌技术,射频(radio frequency, RF)加热具有穿透深度大、传热效率高、无化学残留、适合批量处理等特点,可有效杀灭食品中的致病菌。然而,受物料本身特性参数、射频系统结构、物料周围介质等因素影响,非均匀加热一直是射频灭菌规模化应用面临的主要挑战之一。为进一步明确食品射频灭菌过程均匀性调控的最新研究进展,本文基于射频杀菌的机制及特点,对调控射频加热均匀性的具体措施进行了梳理,包括调控物料介电参数、改变环境介质、优化射频加热系统等,为加热均匀性调控的进一步研究及射频灭菌技术的进一步应用奠定基础。  相似文献   

冷冻馒头微波复热过程中温度和水分变化的研究   总被引:5,自引:1,他引:5  
本文以冷冻馒头为研究对象 ,研究了微波复热过程中的温度变化和水分迁移情况。指出微波加热存在温度梯度的转换 ,馒头表面、内层和中心部位温升情况和含水量变化存在差异 ,馒头中心部位失水最快。微波解冻 /加热的方式以及内容物的数量、大小等对此也有影响  相似文献   

为了更好地了解与研究家用微波炉微波加热过程中即食食品的传热特性,本文建立了电磁与传热耦合的仿真模型,研究鸡肉和土豆的空间温度和瞬态温度变化规律,并通过实验研究在-5~95℃范围内,鸡肉在频率为2450 MHz时的介电特性和热物理特性。基于温度对鸡肉介电和热物理特性的分析,将温度可分成两个范围:-5~0℃和0~95℃,各温度范围内的鸡肉特性变化趋势不同。仿真模型包括加热腔、波导以及可旋转的转盘和物料。通过比较不同转速对仿真结果的影响,综合考虑仿真所用时间以及物料的均匀性,选用7.5 r/min作为转盘转速。当微波功率为700 W时,组合样品的仿真结果显示,经过90 s的微波加热,空间温度场分布和瞬态温度曲线与实验结果保持一致,微波仿真组合样品的模型是可行的,研究结果为优化微波加热冷藏快餐的均匀性研究提供一定依据。  相似文献   

基于一种同轴探头网络分析仪技术和混合方程的途径研究微波加热馒头的介电特性。测量馒头在不同密度下的介电特性值,运用回归分析方法得出介电特性与频率的关系,通过比较馒头介电特性混合方程计算值和测量值,得到Bottcher方程适用于计算馒头的介电常数,Landau and Lifshitz,Looyenga方程用于计算馒头的损耗因子。研究频率范围915~2 450 MHz、含水率范围40.12%~48.50%(w.b.)和温度范围25~100℃下馒头介电特性的变化规律。研究表明:馒头的介电常数随着频率的增加而减小,损耗因子随着频率的增加呈现出先减小后很缓慢增大的趋势;介电常数和损耗因子均随含水率和温度的增加而增加。馒头微波加热的穿透深度随着各影响因素的增加而减小,且在25~100℃温度范围内,915 MHz和2 450 MHz微波加热馒头最大厚度分别不超过12.82 cm和10.62 cm。  相似文献   

微波加热是一种快速简便的食品复热手段,但此种方法通常会导致受热不均匀。为了更好的将微波加热技术应用于食品的复热过程,解决受热过程"冷点"的出现,作者综述了食品微波加热过程传热模型的研究进展,并针对数值计算方法、模型理论和功率吸收进行了详细阐述,探讨了微波能在食品中转化成热能的机制,并分析了研究过程中存在的问题和发展方向。  相似文献   

With considering the continuous rotation of the turntable during microwave heating, a three-dimensional computer model based on FEM was successfully developed to predict time-dependent temperatures distributions of food sample. The slide interface between rotating and stationary part were specially assigned and treated, as the disconnections of the nodes occur during rotating which may cause the electromagnetic analysis result in error. On this basis, temperature was estimated by coupling electromagnetic and heat transfer analysis, whereas the node coordinate and dielectric properties of sample were updated with time steps, and the heat generations were renewed according to these parameters.  相似文献   

Microwave is a form of electromagnetic radiation that has high penetration and heating efficiency in food processing. Uneven heating is the main problem of microwave processing, especially in solid foods. Fluid and semifluid media, which are good carriers in microwave processing, have uniform dielectric properties and good material fluidity. Herein, we review the development, application prospects, and limitations of microwave in fluid and semifluid food processing and the research progress in microwave heating with steam as carrier. The mixture of generated steam and tiny micro droplets from food material under the action of microwave can absorb microwave and transfer heat evenly, which effectively improves the uniformity of microwave heating. Due to the relatively uniform dielectric properties and consistent texture of fluid and semifluid food materials, uneven heating phenomenon during their microwave processing can be significantly inhibited. Based on the development of microwave heating technology and equipment design, the microbial inactivation and enzyme inhibition in fluid and semifluid food were improved and food product with better retention of nutrients and sensory profile were produced. Also, microwave radiation can be used to prepare the printing material or process the printed product for 3D food printing, which enhances the added value of 3D printed products and the personalization of food manufacturing. In future research, intelligent control technology can be applied in the microwave processing of fluid and semifluid food materials for various applications. Therefore, the processing conditions can be adjusted automatically.  相似文献   

Radio frequency (RF) heating has great potential for achieving rapid and volumetric heating in foods, providing safe and high-quality food products due to deep penetration depth, moisture self-balance effects, and leaving no chemical residues. However, the nonuniform heating problem (usually resulting in hot and cold spots in the heated product) needs to be resolved. The inhomogeneous temperature distribution not only affects the quality of the food but also raises the issue of food safety when the microorganisms or insects may not be controlled in the cold spots. The mathematical modeling for RF heating processes has been extensively studied in a wide variety of agricultural products recently. This paper presents a comprehensive review of recent progresses in computer simulation for RF heating uniformity improvement and the offered solutions to reduce the heating nonuniformity. It provides a brief introduction on the basic principle of RF heating technology, analyzes the applications of numerical simulation, and discusses the factors influencing the RF heating uniformity and the possible methods to improve heating uniformity. Mathematical modeling improves the understanding of RF heating of food and is essential to optimize the RF treatment protocol for pasteurization and disinfestation applications. Recommendations for future research have been proposed to further improve the accuracy of numerical models, by covering both heat and mass transfers in the model, validating these models with sample movement and mixing, and identifying the important model parameters by sensitivity analysis.  相似文献   

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