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张凤春 《中国石油石化》2008,(3):I0026-I0027
事例:某市石油公司新建两座加油站,由于员工不足,遂在当地晚报和电台上分别打出招工广告,面向社会公开招聘加油员,经过笔试、面试、实习等一系列程序,最终有20人正式上岗,不久之后,就有5名同志相继辞职。员工离职既浪费了培训部门大量的人力资源,也影响了加油站正常运转。  相似文献   

张立军 《中国石油石化》2008,(7):I0016-I0018
机梨西加油站位于长沙至机场高速左侧,东临市区,南接文化古镇黄兴。该站有员工15名,平均年龄24岁,经过几年磨炼,机梨西加油站已经形成一个学习型、安全型、清洁型、节约型、和谐型的“五型”班组加油站。油站先后被授予华中公司安全先进集体,华中公司2006年“十佳服务”站,2007年集团公司先进班组等荣誉奖项,并获得股份公司四星级加油站的荣誉称号。  相似文献   

聚乙烯醇(PVA)作为油井水泥降失水剂使用时,适用温度较低,难以满足高温固井的需求。通过 2-丙烯酰胺 -2- 甲基丙磺酸 (AMPS)、丙烯酰胺 (AM) 等单体,对 PVA1788 进行接枝改性,合成了一种油井水泥降失水剂——接枝改性聚乙烯醇。室内实验评价了该改性聚乙烯醇作为降失水剂使用的耐温性能、抗盐性能、流变性能、抗压强度及防气窜性能等。结果表明,加有改性 PVA 的水泥浆在 150 ℃时 API 失水可控制在 150 mL 以内;抗盐达 18%;改性PVA 明显改善了聚乙烯醇类降失水剂不抗盐的性能,稠化时间较原浆稍有延长,水泥石的抗压强度较原浆稍有提高,与其它外加剂配伍性良好,水泥浆具有很好的防气窜能力,综合性能能够满足150 ℃以下的中高温固井要求。   相似文献   

MTBE的使用现状和趋势   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
MTBE(甲基叔丁基醚)是提高含氧量的汽油辛烷值添加剂,美国因环保要求正在禁用之中,而亚洲地区使用MTBE仍在增多.评述了世界MTBE生产和禁用现状,MTBE替代措施(乙醇替代、间接烷基化、改产异辛烷等),进行分析并提出了建议.  相似文献   

川庆物探公司川西经理部现有职工774人,组成6支物探作业队,其勘探足迹遍及川、渝、鄂、云、陕、甘、新疆、海南、内蒙古等地,享有“四川石油管理局红旗单位”、“四川省文明单位”、“全国模范职工小家”等美誉。  相似文献   

In order to ensure the safety of the non-heating gathering and transportation processes for high water fraction crude oil,the effect of temperature,water fraction,and flow rate on the flow characteristics of crude oil with high water fraction was studied in a flow experimental system of the X Oilfield.Four distinct flow patterns were identified by the photographic and local sampling techniques.Especially,three new flow patterns were found to occur below the pour point of crude oil,including EW/O&W stratified flow with gel deposition,EW/O&W intermittent flow with gel deposition,and water single-phase flow with gel deposition.Moreover,two characteristic temperatures,at which the change rate of pressure drop had changed obviously,were found during the change of pressure drop.The characteristic temperature of the first congestion of gel deposition in the pipeline was determined to be the safe temperature for the non-heating gathering and transportation of high water cut crude oil,while the pressure drop reached the peak at this temperature.An empirical formula for the safe temperature was established for oil-water flow with high water fraction/low fluid production rate.The results can serve as a guide for the safe operation of the non-heating gathering and transportation of crude oil in high water fraction oilfields.  相似文献   

新疆某气田现有地面工艺流程采用注醇防冻和低温分离工艺脱除液烃,然后实现干气外输.但是现有工艺不能有效地防止水合物的形成,在生产中多次出现冻堵,因此,建议在集气站内增设一小型撬装TEG脱水装置,既可防止集气管线中凝析液体对管道的腐蚀,同时有效地防止水合物的生成,既满足了工艺需求,又节省了天然气处理加工成本.  相似文献   

Strata erosion is a widespread phenomenon in sedimentary basins.The generation,migration,and accumulation of hydrocarbon is influenced by the scale of erosion,so estimating the amount of erosion is essential in the analysis of oil and gas bearing basins.According to the geological features in the Subei Basin and the actual data,using the integrated method,we estimated the level of erosion at the unconformities caused by the Sanduo event.By using the mudstone interval transit time method and the vitrinite reflectance method on data from typical wells,it can be concluded that the Gaoyou,Jinhu,and Hongze depressions suffered strong strata erosion from the late Eocene to Oligocene,and the total strata erosion thickness was 300-1,100 m.Different tectonic units in the same depression have extremely uneven erosion intensity:the low convex regions have the maximum erosion thickness,amounting to 800-1,100 m;the slope regions have an erosion thickness of generally 600-800 m;the erosion thickness of the slope-hollow transition zone is 300-500 m.For the whole basin,we used the strata thickness trend analysis method combined with the interval transit time and vitrinite reflectance methods to estimate the erosion thickness in the Sanduo period.The results show that the most severe erosion of the Sanduo event in the Subei Basin is between 1,000 m to 1,200 m,mainly located in depressions around the Jianhu Uplift;the deep hollow area has the least erosion,generally about 300-600 m,and the erosion in the slope area is about 600-900 m.Compared with the northern part,the southern part has relatively little erosion.It is also proved that the Sanduo movement has heterogeneous intensity,and the western region has greater intensity than the eastern region.  相似文献   

吉林乙醇的东台实践   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
黄海之滨,东台之东,苏北弶京港镇.沧海桑田,200年前,现在的谅港还是一湾海水.随着潮涨潮落,积沙淤泥,滩涂增高,海岸线逐年东移.直到现在,这块新中国最年轻的陆地,还在以每年150米的速度向外扩张.  相似文献   

薛朋 《中国石油石化》2008,(3):I0052-I0053
中国石化销售东北辽宁分公司腰堡服务区加油站位于沈四高速公路28公里处,扼守沈哈线要道,是沈阳北上第一个服务区加油站。腰堡加油站日销量达150吨,是销售东北辽宁分公司第一大站。不久前,他们扑灭一辆白酒货车上着起的大火。加油站的员工临危不惧,表现出强烈的责任感,既保住了车和货物,也保住了整个服务区。  相似文献   

彩色沥青混凝土路面的研究与应用可追溯到20世纪50年代,从欧美等国家开始研究,这种路面不仅可以与道路周围的建筑艺术更好地协调,而且还可以起到美化城市和诱导交通的作用,并且还能体现出一个国家或一个城市的特色和风格,提升整个城市的形象和功能,显示出现代化都市的气派和魅力.在这方面的探讨我国开始于20世纪80年代初,但在道路上应用尚少.  相似文献   

分子筛脱水装置在珠海天然气液化项目中的应用   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:2  
介绍了广东珠海天然气液化项目中利用分子筛进行天然气深度脱水的工艺.该项目中面临的主要问题是天然气液化对脱水深度要求非常严格,同时又必须考虑到全厂三个系统间的气量平衡,分子筛的再生气量受限制.通过分析该项目的实际情况,对分子筛设计的主要工艺参数进行比较分析,确定了合理可行的脱水工艺方案.  相似文献   

环保、节能、延长换油期是推动内燃机油规格升级换代的主要动力。最近两年,美国内燃机油新规格集中推出。文章主要介绍美国2009年及2010年最新推出的内燃机油规格,其中包括将于2010年10月1日开始认证的ILSAC GF-5及API SN规格、通用公司推出的全球统一的汽油机油规格和柴油轿车机油规格、2009年美国分别推出的四冲程游艇用油规格和铁路机车用油规格。  相似文献   

<正>2008年在一片焦虑声中悄然而去,新的一年钟声敲响,一切是这么平常,一切又是如此多变。每个年份都会给人们留下了记忆,所不同的是,2008的记忆来得更为深刻、更为刻骨铭心。刚刚学会了在市场经济中游泳的企业家们,甚至还没来得及熟练掌握规定动作,气势汹汹的金融危机便扑面而来,  相似文献   

结垢及除垢技术在管道中的应用研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
管道结垢危害巨大.针对管道结垢造成严重危害的现状,对管道结垢的机理进行了探讨,指出介质含水率高、含较多细菌、高矿化度且溶有一定量的腐蚀性气体(H2S,CO2和O2)以及结蜡现象的出现是导致管道结垢的主要原因.同时对影响结垢的各因素(如温度、压力、流速和pH值等)进行了分析.据此提出了预防管道结垢的方案,如选用耐蚀材料和添加化学药剂等,并提出了化学除垢和机械除垢等除垢的方法,可为管道的结垢及除垢提供指导和借鉴作用.  相似文献   

宝力格油田地面建设工艺配套技术   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
介绍了地面建设设计采用的多项适用于宝力格高寒、低渗透油田的新技术、新工艺、新设备和新材料。介绍了巴19、巴38、巴483个区块的集输流程和各联合站的输油工艺。同时,论述了在该油田注水、污水处理、消防、通信、自动化、电力、公路等系统采用的新技术。  相似文献   

石油价格市场化与控制食品类物价上涨不是必然的两难选择。只要政策组合选配的好,油价市场化不仅不会刺激CPI的上涨或是彼此间的轮番上涨,反之,还会促进中国经济结构的转型与可持续发展。  相似文献   

Refineries often need to find similar crude oil to replace the scarce crude oil for stabilizing the feedstock property.We introduced the method for calculation of crude blended properties firstly, and then created a crude oil selection andblending optimization model based on the data of crude oil property. The model is a mixed-integer nonlinear programming(MINLP) with constraints, and the target is to maximize the similarity between the blended crude oil and the objective crudeoil. Furthermore, the model takes into account the selection of crude oils and their blending ratios simultaneously, and transformsthe problem of looking for similar crude oil into the crude oil selection and blending optimization problem. We appliedthe Improved Cuckoo Search (ICS) algorithm to solving the model. Through the simulations, ICS was compared withthe genetic algorithm, the particle swarm optimization algorithm and the CPLEX solver. The results show that ICS has verygood optimization efficiency. The blending solution can provide a reference for refineries to find the similar crude oil. Andthe method proposed can also give some references to selection and blending optimization of other materials.  相似文献   

中国石化山东石油公司所倡导的“人人关心企业,企业关心人人”以及“我为您的事业加油,您给我的生活添彩”等企业文化理念,巳深深熔铸在企业的生命力、竞争力和凝聚力之中。  相似文献   

作力中国石油“西部快发展”的主力军和油气产量增长的排头兵,长庆油田有能力确保为北京奥运安全足量供气,有能力担当中国石油集团赋于“西部快发展”油气增长持续提速的重任。  相似文献   

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