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本文研究了锌离子存在下EGCG对前列腺癌细胞PC-3生长的影响.研究发现Zn^2+可以增强EGCG抗癌活性,Zn^2+存在下。EGCG处理后前列腺癌细胞PC-3克隆形成率显著下降。以RT—PCR、免疫组化方法研究Zn^2+、EGCG对67kD层粘连蛋白受体(67kD Laminin Receptor,67LR)表达调控,结果表明Znn可通过上调67LR的表达,为EGCG提供更多作用的靶位点,增强EGCG对前列腺癌细胞PC-3的毒性作用。MMP-9是肿瘤侵袭转移过程中关键的基质金属蛋白酶。MMP-9活性与癌细胞的转移潜能密切相关。本文研究发现Zn^2+、EGCG处理可通过抑制MMP-9活性,降低前列腺癌细胞PC-3的迁移率.其中80umol/LEGCG+80umol/L Zn^2+处理24h后显著抑制了PC-3细胞的迁移率。  相似文献   

球孢白僵菌作为丝孢类昆虫病原真菌,已广泛应用于农林害虫的生物防治,但是田间多变的环境影响了真菌制剂的效能。此外,真菌侵染宿主后,宿主体内的环境也影响真菌的增殖和侵染速度。为研究球孢白僵菌对环境中酸碱度及微量元素的平衡能力,本研究初步探讨了锌离子响应转录激活因子ZafA与真菌生长繁殖、抗逆能力、毒力以及锌离子利用的关系。结果表明,敲除zafA削弱了真菌生长繁殖和孢子萌发的能力,增加了菌株对氧化、高渗、孢壁干扰剂以及紫外胁迫的敏感性,杀虫毒力显著下降,并抑制了相关性状基因的表达水平。基因敲除菌株无法在锌离子缺失的条件下生长,且zafA基因和锌离子转运蛋白编码基因zrf1–8的表达水平会受到酸碱度以及锌离子浓度的影响。由此可见,ZafA不仅直接影响球孢白僵菌利用锌离子的能力,还与球孢白僵菌抗逆能力和毒力密切相关,本研究为提高生防真菌环境适应性和发挥毒力提供新的依据。  相似文献   

Luo DG  Yang XL 《生理科学进展》2001,32(3):204-208
锌离子(Zn^2 )广泛存在于中枢神经系统中,其释放呈钙依赖性。近年来,许多证据表明,Zn^2 能调节递质的释放,并调制电压门控通道和配体(兴奋性、抑制性氨基酸)门控通道,表明它是一种重要的内源性神经调质。  相似文献   

Du WD  Bao YD 《生理学报》1999,51(3):279-283
本文应用neo-Timm染色法,观察了鲫鱼视网膜内锌离子的分布情况以及明,暗适应条件下鲫鱼视网膜内锌离子分布的变化。结果发现,明适应条件下,外网层、部分光感受器、双极细胞、无长突细胞以及神经节细胞胞体锌离子着色明显,含锌光感受器和双极细胞的突起伸入外网层,暗适应条件下,外网层锌离子染色减弱或消失(P〈0.01)。外核层胞体锌离子染色阴性,少数散在分布的视锥细胞呈锌离子阳性,上述资料提示,明适应条件  相似文献   

李博  李晶  沈立新 《微生物学报》2016,56(8):1211-1221
锌(Zn)是生命体不可或缺的微量元素,对细菌和宿主同等重要。细菌体内锌离子稳态的维持依赖锌离子转运和调控体系。宿主通过限制锌离子或高锌离子中毒来控制细菌感染。为了在宿主体内生存,细菌必须表达高亲和力的锌离子转运系统,如ZnuABC,以获取足够的锌离子。由于锌与细菌大量的代谢和毒性通路密切相关,在细菌建立感染的过程中尤为重要,因此通过抑制锌离子转运系统来影响锌离子的稳态,将成为一个非常有发展前途的新型抗菌策略。  相似文献   

锌离子在神经系统内的分布及其功能研究进展   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
杜卫东  包永德 《生命科学》1997,9(3):111-115
神经系统内Zn2+主要位于端脑边缘系统、尾壳核及大脑皮层,并呈亚区分布。端脑内含Zn2+纤维系统形成庞大网络,使得同型皮质、异型皮质和边缘系统相互联系。突触囊泡内与谷氨酸共存并以Ca2+依赖性和脉冲依赖性方式释放的Zn2+可被组化方法原位检出(约占含Zn2+总量的10%)。神经系统内Zn2+的主要功能可能与神经递质的贮存、神经系统发育以及神经兴奋性的调节有关。  相似文献   

锌对离体鲤鱼头呼吸的抑制作用   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
本工作基于化学纤维工厂废水中硫酸锌含量的石超标而设计。采用改进的离体鱼头灌注法,以不同浓度的ZnSO4.7H2O对84个鲤鱼头进行了人工灌流,结果表明,锌的渔业水质安全下限似应以0.0023mg/L(我国现行规定锌的渔业水质标准为0.1mg/L)为宜。  相似文献   

在中枢神经系统(central nervous system,CNS)中,锌离子对配体门控型离子通道具有重要的调节作用。锌离子随着神经元的活动从突触前膜的囊泡中释放到突触间隙,对突触内受体进行调控。锌离子抑制N-甲基-D-天冬氨酸(N-methyl-D-aspartate,NMDA)型谷氨酸受体的活性,而对非NMDA型谷氨酸受体的调控具有多样性。由γ氨基丁酸(γ-aminobutyric acid,GABA)受体所介导的抑制性突触传递活动也受到锌离子的抑制;而锌离子对glycine受体则呈现出浓度依赖的双向调节效应。病理条件下,锌离子参与了兴奋性细胞毒作用所触发的神经元凋亡过程。本文主要阐述了在CNS中,锌离子对配体门控型离子通道所介导的突触传递活动的调控作用,以及这些调控作用的生理功能和病理意义。  相似文献   

目的观察游离锌离子和锌转运体-8(zinc transporter-8,ZNT-8)在小鼠胰腺定位,探讨游离锌离子和ZNT-8与胰岛素分泌的关系。方法应用金属自显影(AMG)染色技术显示小鼠胰腺中游离锌离子的定位,应用RT-PCR和免疫组织化学ABC法分别在mRNA水平和蛋白水平检测ZNT-8在小鼠胰腺内的表达,应用免疫荧光双标技术证明ZNT-8在小鼠胰岛β细胞内与胰岛素的共存。结果小鼠胰腺外分泌组织和胰岛均含有游离锌离子;在胰岛中,游离锌离子均匀分布在包括β细胞分布区在内的各个区域。胰腺组织表达ZNT-8 mRNA,ZNT-8主要表达于胰腺内分泌部胰岛中;在胰岛β细胞中,ZNT-8与胰岛素共存。结论游离锌离子在小鼠胰岛β细胞的存在及ZNT-8在小鼠胰岛β细胞中与胰岛素的共存提示ZNT-8可能通过参与胰岛β细胞内游离锌离子的转运而调节胰岛素的分泌。  相似文献   

锌离子参与阿尔茨海默病Aβ老年斑形成的形态学证据   总被引:12,自引:2,他引:12  
目的研究锌离子在阿尔茨海默病(Alzheimer’s Disease,AD)患者尸检大脑内的分布,为探讨锌离子参与ADβ-淀粉样蛋白(-βamyloid,Aβ)老年斑形成提供形态学证据。方法应用浸入式锌金属自显影术检测AD患者大脑内的锌离子。结果金属自显影阳性反应产物主要定位于AD患者的大脑皮质的Aβ老年斑内,在神经原纤维缠结(neuro-fibrillary tangles,NFT)和血管壁及其周围也可以见到呈棕黑色的金属自显影阳性反应产物。结论AD患者大脑皮质Aβ老年斑和NFT等处聚集大量锌离子,提示锌离子可能在AD的病理生理过程中起重要作用,即参与Aβ老年斑和NFT的形成。  相似文献   

Human infection by Campylobacter jejuni is mainly through the consumption of contaminated poultry products, which results in gastroenteritis and, rarely, bacteremia and polyneuropathies. In this study, six C. jejuni -specific bacteriophages (CPS1–6) were isolated by the spot-on-the-lawn technique from chicken samples in Korea and characterized for potential use as biocontrol agents. All isolated bacteriophages exhibited a high specificity, being able to lyse only C. jejuni , but not other Gram–negative bacteria, including C. coli , Escherichia coli , Salmonella spp., and Gram–positive bacteria. Bacteriophages contain an icosahedral head and a contractile tail sheath in transmission electron microscopy, and possess ds-DNA with an average genome size of approximately 145 kb; therefore, all bacteriophages are categorized into the Myoviridae family. Bacterial lysis studies in liquid media revealed that CPS2 could be used to control the growth of C. jejuni .  相似文献   

阪崎肠杆菌噬菌体的分离及其生物学特性   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
赵贵明  仉庆文  姚李四  陈颖 《微生物学报》2008,48(10):1373-1377
[目的]以阪崎肠杆菌模式菌株及分离菌株为指示菌,从污水中分离出该菌噬菌体,并对其基本生物学特性进行研究.[方法]以双层琼脂法从污水中分离噬菌体,通过同属和同科参考菌株测定噬菌体的特异性和宿主谱;电镜观察噬菌体颗粒形态;随机扩增多态性DNA(RAPD)实验分析噬菌体的分子生物学特性.[结果]从污水中分离得到5株噬菌体,表现出较窄的宿主范围,仅裂解阪崎肠杆菌,以ATCC 51329分离的噬菌体SK2可裂解27株阪崎肠杆菌中的24株(89%),负染经电镜观察,5株噬菌体都是由多面体头部和尾部组成;随机引物(5′-GAAACGGGTG-3′)扩增DNA分析,5株噬菌体DNA明显不同.[结论]分离出的5株噬菌体仅对阪崎肠杆菌敏感,在阪崎肠杆菌的分型、预防、治疗、以及生态环境的净化等方面具有潜在用途.  相似文献   

噬菌体广泛存在于生态环境中。细菌在与噬菌体长期的共进化过程中,衍化出了多种针对噬茵体感染的抗性机制。我们从宿主菌的抑制吸附、阻止噬菌体DNA注入、切断噬菌体DNA和影响其功能及流产感染等方面,对宿主菌抵抗噬菌体感染的机制进行了综述。  相似文献   

Isolation and characterization of bacteriophages infecting Salmonella spp   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Bacteriophages infecting Salmonella spp. were isolated from sewage using soft agar overlays containing three Salmonella serovars and assessed with regard to their potential to control food-borne salmonellae. Two distinct phages, as defined by plaque morphology, structure and host range, were obtained from a single sample of screened sewage. Phage FGCSSa1 had the broadest host range infecting six of eight Salmonella isolates and neither of two Escherichia coli isolates. Under optimal growth conditions for S. Enteritidis PT160, phage infection resulted in a burst size of 139 PFU but was apparently inactive at a temperature typical of stored foods (5 degrees C), even at multiplicity of infection values in excess of 10 000. While neither isolate had characteristics that would make them candidates for biocontrol of Salmonella spp. in foods, phage FGCSSa1 behaved unusually when grown on two Salmonella serotypes at 37 degrees C in that the addition of phages appeared to retard growth of the host, presumably by the lysis of a fraction of the host cell population.  相似文献   

AIMS: To determine the host range of the Vibrio harveyi myovirus-like bacteriophage (VHML) and the cholera toxin conversion bacteriophage (CTX Phi) within a range of Vibrio cholerae and V. mimicus and V. harveyi, V. cholerae and V. mimicus isolates respectively. METHODS AND RESULTS: Three V. harveyi, eight V. cholerae and five V. mimicus isolates were incubated with VHML and CTX Phi. Polymerase chain reaction (PCR) was used to determine the presence of VHML and CTX Phi in infected isolates. We demonstrated that it was possible to infect one isolate of V. cholerae (isolate ACM #2773/ATCC #14035) with VHML. This isolate successfully incorporated VHML into its genome as evident by positive PCR amplification of the sequence coding part of the tail sheath of VHML. Attempts to infect all other V. cholerae and V. mimicus isolates with VHML were unsuccessful. Attempts to infect V. cholerae non-01, V. harveyi and V. mimicus isolates with CTX Phi were unsuccessful. CONCLUSIONS: Bacteriophage infection is limited by bacteriophage-exclusion systems operating within bacterial strains and these systems appear to be highly selective. One system may allow the co-existence of one bacteriophage while excluding another. VHML appears to have a narrow host range which may be related to a common receptor protein in such strains. The lack of the vibrio pathogenicity island bacteriophage (VPI Phi) in the isolates used in this study may explain why infections with CTX Phi were unsuccessful. SIGNIFICANCE AND IMPACT OF THE STUDY: The current study has demonstrated that Vibrio spp. bacteriophages may infect other Vibrio spp.  相似文献   

Mutants in the genes governing the maturation of the head of bacteriophage T4 and in gene 24 were studied by electron microscopy of thin sections. We define morphologically: black particles, comprising mature, stable heads and immature, fragile heads, which break down upon lysis; grizzled particles, which apparently are partially filled or partially emptied; empty large particles without DNA or core Which are all the same size as normal heads; empty small particles without DNA and without core which are of the size of the τ particle, which is the prehead of phage T4. The study of single and double mutants of the maturation genes demonstrates that the phenotypes are only different by the proportions of the different particles made except for 17? where only empty small and empty large particles accumulate. The mutants in gene 24 are epistatic on all other mutants. Mutants in gene 17 are epistatic on the remaining ones. The results are consistent with the hypothesis that the products of several of the maturation genes act on DNA to render it competent for packaging while the others act directly on the particle. By this uncoupling, bypasses and abortive pathways can result.  相似文献   

AIMS: The pressure responses of four genotypes of F-specific RNA bacteriophages, f2, GA, Qbeta and SP, were evaluated with respect to pressure magnitude, treatment temperature and suspending medium. METHOD AND RESULTS: The pressure responses were studied with respect to pressure magnitude (350 to 600 MPa), treatment temperature (-10 to 50 degrees C) and suspending media. Phages f2 and GA had much higher pressure resistances than Qbeta and SP. Pressure resistances of Qbeta and SP were enhanced with increase in salt concentrations in the range of 350 to 600 MPa from -10 to 50 degrees C in PBS. Qbeta and SP had greater pressure resistances when suspended in phosphate-buffered saline (PBS) with added glucose (5%, w/w), UHT whole milk and Dulbecco's Modified Eagle's Medium plus 10% fetal bovine sera than they did in PBS. Two surfactants, sucrose laurate and monolaurin, and one chelating agent, ethylenediamine tetraacetic acid (EDTA), increased the pressure resistance of Qbeta and SP, but had modest effect on either f2 or GA. CONCLUSIONS: Four representative F-specific RNA bacteriophages, f2 (serotype I), GA (serotype II), Qbeta (serotype III) and SP (serotype IV) showed different resistances to hydrostatic pressure in the range of 350-600 MPa. Significance and Impact of the Study: This study screened for practical surrogates of HAV for validation of commercial high hydrostatic pressure processing.  相似文献   

AIMS: To isolate bacteriophages lytic for oral pathogens from human saliva, dental plaque and mature biofilms constituted from saliva-derived bacteria. METHODS AND RESULTS: Saliva and dental plaque samples from healthy volunteers and from patients with gingivitis and periodontitis were examined for the presence of lytic bacteriophage using a panel of oral pathogens and bacteria isolated from the samples. Samples were also enriched for bacteriophage using static culture techniques and mature biofilms. A limited number of samples contained bacteriophage particles that were visualized using electron microscopy. Cultures yielded phage infecting non-oral bacteria (Proteus mirabilis) but no bacteriophage specific for recognized oral pathogens were found. Some micro-organisms from the oral microflora elaborated antibacterial substances that inhibited growth of other residents of the oral cavity. CONCLUSIONS: Unlike other ecosystems, the composition of the oral cavity does not appear to be heavily influenced by interactions between bacteriophages and their hosts. SIGNIFICANCE AND IMPACT OF THE STUDY: Bacteriophage for control of oral infections may need to be obtained from other sources. Antibacterial substances derived from some members of the oral microflora warrant investigation as potential antibiotics.  相似文献   

以欧文氏菌胡萝卜亚种为宿主菌,从环境污泥中分离到10株噬菌体.噬菌体热稳定性、pH稳定性分析结果表明噬菌体Erj2、Erb1、Erc2在温度-20~40℃、pH4.0~9.0之间均表现出良好的稳定性.噬菌体生物学特性分析显示,它们的最佳感染复数分别为0.0001、0.001、0.0001;核酸类型均为双链DNA;一步生...  相似文献   

Aims: To identify and characterize bacteriophages specific for Edwardsiella ictaluri, the causative agent for enteric septicemia of catfish (ESC). Methods and Results: Two bacteriophages were isolated that infect Edw. ictaluri. They both produce clear plaques, have icosahedral heads with a non‐rigid tail, and are tentatively classified as Siphoviridae. Phages ΦeiDWF and ΦeiAU are dsDNA viruses with approximate genome sizes of 40 and 45 kb, respectively. The addition of 500 μmol l?1 CaCl2 enhanced phage titres. Both phages have a latent period of 40 min and an estimated burst size of 270. Every Edw. ictaluri strain tested was susceptible to phage infection with variable plaquing efficiencies and with no evidence of lysogeny, with no plaques detected on other bacterial species. Conclusions: Two unique bacteriophages were isolated that show host‐specificity for Edw. ictaluri, have temperature and metal cation‐dependent infectivity, and are tentatively placed within the family Siphoviridae. Significance and Impact of the Study: This is the first report of bacteriophages specific to Edw. ictaluri, an important fish pathogen affecting farm‐raised channel catfish. Initial characterization of these bacteriophages has demonstrated their potential use as biotherapeutic and diagnostic agents associated with ESC.  相似文献   

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