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掌叶复盆子(Rubus Chingii Hu)又名牛奶母,属蔷薇科落叶灌木。单叶,掌状深裂,花单生于短枝顶端,白色。聚合果球形,红色,下垂,小核果密生灰白色柔毛。果生食,味甘甜;入药,能补肾益精;根能止咳、活血消肿,是常用的中草药。本文根据作者对掌叶复盆子果实中主要营养成份的分析,来说明它的药理作用和营养价值,为其应用提供科学依据。材料和设备  相似文献   

不同产地栽培薏苡种子性状的变异分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
童应鹏  朱虹  李珊  程舟 《西北植物学报》2011,31(10):2008-2013
通过观察和测量中国8省区9产地栽培薏苡种子的各种性状,运用SPSS 11.5软件进行统计分析,探讨了不同产地栽培薏苡种子的变异及原因。结果表明:中国尤其是西南地区的栽培薏苡种子性状差异性显著,除种子长度、种子与颖果重量差之外,薏苡种子的其他形态指标均呈极显著差异(P<0.01);颖果长度与产地的平均气温和年降雨量、颖果长宽比与海拔均呈显著相关;而其它地理、气候等生态因子与种子性状相关不显著;聚类分析显示9个产地的栽培薏苡可聚为5类。综上所述,栽培薏苡的种子性状变异是遗传信息、栽培方法和生态因子等内外部原因共同作用的结果,可能主要是受到基因交流和人工驯化选择的影响。  相似文献   

对两种鲍鱼菇栽培性状的初报王玉杰,石德荣(辽宁省出口食用菌研究所.大连116100)随着市场的需要,鲍鱼菇的生产正在不断发展。现将笔者对日本鲍鱼菇(简称G)和泰国鲍鱼菇(简称n栽培性状观察比较情况总结如下:一对培养料的选择和利用1在100gro棉壳的...  相似文献   

慕军鹏  陈红利 《广西植物》2018,38(8):1088-1095
叶性状分化在自然界中较为普遍,不同的叶性状特征与植物对资源获得及利用效率密切关联,反映了植物适应特定环境所形成的生存对策。叶性状分化的生态功能一直以来备受生态学家和进化生物学家的广泛关注。自然界构树(Broussonetia papyifera)在个体发育过程中出现全缘叶和裂缺叶的分化,但其生态功能尚不清楚,推测两者的叶型分化是构树对虫害规避的结果。为了探讨构树叶性状分化对应的可能生态功能,该研究采用野外监测和室内分析的方法,对构树全缘叶和裂缺叶的虫害发生率、叶面积、与抗虫有关的酚类物质(总酚、缩合单宁、黄酮)含量进行了比较。结果表明:(1)相对于裂缺叶,全缘叶虫害发生率显著增加,全缘叶虫害发生率是裂缺叶的两倍。(2)自然条件下,全缘叶叶面积显著高于裂缺叶,增加了约44个百分点。(3)自然条件下,裂缺叶中总酚、缩合单宁、黄酮含量均显著高于全缘叶,分别提高了6.0%、4.2%和16.2%。(4)除黄酮外,虫害处理下裂缺叶中总酚、缩合单宁含量显著高于全缘叶,均提高了约5.0%。(5)人为移除部分叶片,裂缺叶中总酚、缩合单宁、黄酮含量均显著高于全缘叶,分别提高8.0%、1.6%和25.4%。这说明构树全缘叶和裂缺叶中酚类物质含量对外来损伤响应不一致,裂缺叶虫害发生率较全缘叶低可能由于两种类型叶片中酚类物质含量存在差异所引起。  相似文献   

宿生陆地棉经济性状的研究   总被引:4,自引:2,他引:4  
在引进抗虫陆地棉品种的基础上,对5个品种二年生及其一年生栽培的主要经济性状进行了比较研究。结果显示,二年生棉平均皮棉产量1510.56kg·hm-2,比其一年生棉平均增产14.57%;二年生棉的棉纤维品质性状与其一年生棉的基本一致,部分性状优于其一年生棉。在供试品种中,中928 F1和湘杂棉3号的二年生棉皮棉产量分别为1845.42kg·hm-2,1689.63kg·hm-2,棉纤维品质优良,产量构成因素匹配好,可在冬季无霜或轻霜地区进行二年生栽培并应用于生产。  相似文献   

栽培稻旱胁迫叶片相关性状的遗传解析   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
利用籼稻窄叶青8号(ZYQ8)和粳稻京系17(JX17)衍生的加倍单倍体(DH)群体127个株系,2002年在杭州采用田间断水法栽培,在水分胁迫下,对叶片的卷叶、相对含水量和电导率3个性状进行了评价和QTL分析。结果表明,3个性状在DH群体中均存在双向超亲分离,接近正态分布,受数量性状基因的控制;检测到影响这些性状的6个QTL,其中卷叶3个(qLR—1,qLR—5和qLR—11)、相对含水量2个(qRWC—1和qRWC—6和电导率1个(qERC—6)。旱胁迫时,目测卷叶方便易行,适于对大批品种或资源筛选,对抗旱栽培稻品种的筛选和利用具有一定的指导意义。  相似文献   

轮叶党参的驯化栽培研究   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
轮叶党参的驯化栽培研究赵占英于翠兰田洪张俊兰何允波王金硕宋晓华(吉林通化市园艺研究所134001)轮叶党参CodonposislanceolataBentn.etHook.f.,别名:羊乳,白蟒肉(东北),奶参(野生经济植物志)。为桔梗科,多年生缠绕...  相似文献   

聂江力  孟令宁 《植物研究》2010,30(1):126-128
应用徒手切片法对金银忍冬叶进行了解剖学的初步研究,旨在为其解剖学、分类学及生药学的研究提供相应基础。结果表明:金银忍冬叶为异面叶,上下表皮细胞各一列,上表皮没有气孔,下表皮气孔分布的气孔指数为14.3%~25%,多为不定式气孔,栅栏组织为1层,含叶绿体较多,海绵组织内含草酸钙簇晶,表皮细胞外壁加厚形成角质层,皮层有厚角组织,主脉为外韧维管束等。上述特征说明金银忍冬叶的解剖结构与其生理功能及生态环境是相适应的。  相似文献   

为协调冬小麦个体与群体间的关系,充分发挥旱作条件下垄沟栽培优势,以冬小麦品种小偃22为材料,采用二元二次正交旋转组合设计,通过田间试验研究了垄下集中施肥、垄上覆膜、膜际种植模式下播种量和施氮量对冬小麦花后生理性状的影响.结果表明:花后叶面积指数、旗叶叶绿素含量和净光合速率均随施氮量的增加而增加.灌浆前中期叶面积指数随播种量的增加呈先增后稳的趋势;灌浆后期叶面积指数随播种量的增加而降低.随播种量的增加,旗叶的叶绿素含量和净光合速率降低,单株产量呈先减少后增加的趋势.适宜的播种量可以协调个体与群体间的矛盾,而适量增施氮肥有利于花后小麦生理性状的改善和产量的提高.在供试条件下,小偃22在播种量112.5 kg hm-2与施氮量180 ~222 kg N·hm-2配置时,个体与群体的关系比较协调,花后叶面积指数较高,群体结构适宜,而且旗叶叶绿素含量、净光合速率和单茎产量较高,能获得高产.  相似文献   

该研究基于文献、数据库和标本记录等资料的查询,统计得出云南省入侵植物共247种,隶属51科149属。菊科、禾本科和豆科是优势科,超过一半的入侵植物起源于美洲,入侵植物的生物学性状主要体现为一年生或短期多年生草本的生活型、种子繁殖、分蘖型的克隆方式、花果期集中于夏秋两季、短花期、黄白的花色及具有表面结构和附属物的特殊性状等。按照云南省入侵植物分布的县(市、区)的数量、生物学性状、对环境的危害程度以及是否列入"世界100种危害最严重的入侵种名单"和是否列入"国家环保总局和中国科学院联合发布的四批中国外来入侵物种名单"5个指标进行赋值。把入侵植物分为四个风险等级,其中恶性入侵植物有18种。严重入侵植物有23种,一般入侵植物有188种,有待观察类有18种,恶性和严重入侵植物与云南全部入侵植物的主要生物学性状表征具有一致性。结合入侵植物的生物学性状特征和风险等级,及时开展对云南入侵植物的有效防控管理极为重要。  相似文献   

Rubus chingii Hu (Fu-Pen-Zi), a perennial woody plant in the Rosaceae family, is a characteristic traditional Chinese medicinal plant because of its unique pharmacological effects. There are abundant hydrolyzable tannin (HT) components in R. chingii that provide health benefits. Here, an R. chingii chromosome-scale genome and related functional analysis provide insights into the biosynthetic pathway of HTs. In total, sequence data of 231.21 Mb (155 scaffolds with an N50 of 8.2 Mb) were assembled into seven chromosomes with an average length of 31.4 Mb, and 33 130 protein-coding genes were predicted, 89.28% of which were functionally annotated. Evolutionary analysis showed that R. chingii was most closely related to Rubus occidentalis, from which it was predicted to have diverged 22.46 million years ago (Table S8). Comparative genomic analysis showed that there was a tandem gene cluster of UGT, carboxylesterase (CXE) and SCPL genes on chromosome 02 of R. chingii, including 11 CXE, eight UGT, and six SCPL genes, which may be critical for the synthesis of HTs. In vitro enzyme assays indicated that the proteins encoded by the CXE (LG02.4273) and UGT (LG02.4102) genes have tannin hydrolase and gallic acid glycosyltransferase functions, respectively. The genomic sequence of R. chingii will be a valuable resource for comparative genomic analysis within the Rosaceae family and will be useful for understanding the biosynthesis of HTs.  相似文献   

This study aimed to investigate the antifungal activity of Rubus chingii extract in combination with fluconazole (FLC) against FLC‐resistant Candida albicans 100 in vitro. A R. chingii extract and FLC‐resistant C. albicans fungus suspension were prepared. The minimum inhibitory concentration and fractional inhibitory concentration index of R. chingii extract combined with FLC against C. albicans were determined, after which growth curves for C. albicans treated with R. chingii extract, FLC alone and a combination of these preparations were constructed. Additionally, the mechanisms of drug combination against C. albicans were explored by flow cytometry, gas chromatographic mass spectrometry and drug efflux pump function detection. R. chingii extract combined with FLC showed significant synergy. Flow cytometry suggested that C. albicans cells mainly arrest in G1 and S phases when they have been treated with the drug combination. The drug combination resulted in a marked decrease in the ergosterol content of the cell membrane. Additionally, efflux of Rhodamine 6G decreased with increasing concentrations of R. chingii extract. R. chingii extract combined with FLC has antifungal activity against FLC‐resistant C. albicans.  相似文献   

悬钩子属DNA条形码通用序列的初步筛选   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
为了建立悬钩子属(Rubus)植物的DNA条形码分子鉴定技术,筛选获得适用于悬钩子属植物的通用条形码序列。该研究基于GenBank数据对ITS、ITS2、matK、rbcL、trnH-psbA、trnL-trnF 6个DNA条形码序列进行了遗传变异、barcoding gap、建树等评估分析。结果显示,trnH-psbA、matK、rbcL、rtnL-trnF的种内变异与种间变异差异较大,变异分辨率分别为97.32%、83.33%、79.07%、64.95%,存在较大的barcoding gap;NJ一致树分析显示,matK的单系性比例最高(67%),其次为trnH-psbA(64%),rtnL-trnF(43%),rbcL(30%)。结果表明,悬钩子属植物的matKtrnH-psbA序列种内变异与种间变异差异较大,能较好地区分不同物种,具有较大的鉴定潜力。建议将matKtrnH-psbA作为悬钩子属植物鉴定的核心条形码序列,rtnL-trnF、rbcL作为辅助条形码序列。  相似文献   

几种野生悬钩子家化的生物学基础研究   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
在对中国7个省区悬钩子属(Rubus L.)资源调查的基础上,选出蓬(R.hirsutus Thunb.)、掌叶覆盆子(R.chingii Hu)、山莓(R.corchorifolius L.)和高粱泡(R.lambertianus Ser.)4个野生种进行栽培化研究。本文报道4个种的生长结果习性、物候期、营养需要、花芽分化过程以及繁殖习性,并提出了一系列栽培措施。  相似文献   

An outbreak of a dryberry disease caused by Peronospora sparsa (syn. P. rubi) occurred in plantations of arctic bramble (Rubus arcticus subsp. arcticus) in Finland in the middle of 1990s. The disease persists and is most severe in cool and rainy summers. The disease has not been encountered in northern Sweden where cultivars (R. arcticus nothosubsp. stellarcticus) different from those in Finland are used. The occurrence of P. sparsa in wild Rubus spp. is virtually unknown in both areas and it is not known whether they constitute a potential infection source. Therefore, the aim of this study was to investigate the occurrence of P. sparsa on wild Rubus spp. growing in the vicinity of cultivations of arctic bramble. Symptomatic plants were sampled in 1997–1999. P. sparsa was detected using a light microscope, preceded by incubation of the sample in vitro if necessary, and by a polymerase chain reaction (PCR) based method. Plants of cultivated R. arcticus subsp. arcticus were commonly infected by P. sparsa in Finland. P. sparsa was also found on the cultivated R. arcticus nothosubsp. stellarcticus in Finland and Sweden. However, the infected plants of the cultivars of nothosubsp. stellarcticus seemed to be much less damaged than the cultivars of subsp. arcticus. Plants infected with P. sparsa were found in the populations of wild R. arcticus subsp. arcticus in both countries, and in cloudberry (R. chamaemorus) in natural habitats in Finland. In addition, P. sparsa was detected on specimens of R. arcticus subsp. arcticus (collected in 1966–1985) and R. chamaemorus (collected in 1899–1981) in Finnish herbaria. The samples of R. idaeus and R. saxatilis collected from the field in this study or investigated in the herbaria were not infected with P. sparsa. These data show that P. sparsa has not recently invaded Finland but has become an economically significant pathogen during the rapid expansion of cultivation of the apparently sensitive clones of arctic bramble.  相似文献   

白花天目地黄是天目地黄的一个优良变型,其资源稀少。本研究以白花天目地黄幼嫩叶片为外植体,探讨不同生长调节物质对其愈伤组织诱导及植株再生的影响。结果表明:MS+BA1.5mg·L-1+IBA0.5mg·L-1是诱导叶片愈伤组织最佳的培养基;MS+BA2.0mg·L-1+NAA0.1mg·L-1培养基对不定芽分化的效果最好;不定芽增殖最适宜的培养基为MS+BA2.0mg·L-1+IBA0.2mg·L-1;其不定芽的最佳生根培养基为1/2MS+NAA0.05mg·L-1;试管苗移栽成活率达到96.7%。同时,在此基础上探讨了白花天目地黄的园林绿化及对地黄属药用方面的利用前景。  相似文献   

G. Agar  J. Halasz 《Plant biosystems》2013,147(2):347-352

Rubus is a large genus of flowering plants in the rose family, Rosaceae, subfamily Rosoideae. The blackberries, as well as various other Rubus species with mounding or rambling growth habits, are often called brambles. Little information is available on the genetic diversity of wild-grown blackberries. The objective of this study was to determine the genetic relationships among nine promising (high-yield capacity, free of pest and diseases, better fruit traits) wild blackberry (Rubus caucasicus L.) selections and the well-known cultivar, “Chester” by using amplified fragment length polymorphism (AFLP) markers. Genotypes were evaluated with three selective primer-enzyme combinations, producing a total of 223 AFLP fragments with 53% polymorphism ratio. Clustering of genotypes using unweighted pair-group method of arithmetic average cluster analysis clearly separated groups of wild blackberry genotypes while the variety “Chester” was clustered independently. Wild selections represented a distinct germplasm source on the basis of the estimated genetic distance among them. Genetic diversity data from this study will be helpful in using and exploiting the wild genetic material for breeding purposes as well as for further research.  相似文献   

Yau MH  Che CT  Liang SM  Kong YC  Fong WP 《Life sciences》2002,72(3):329-338
Different in vitro free radical generating systems were used to assess the antioxidative activity of aqueous extracts of the five herbal components of Wu-zi-yan-zong-wan, a traditional Chinese medicinal formula with a long history of use for tonic effects. Fructus Rubi [Rubus chingii (Rosaceae) fruits] was found to be the most potent. It was further investigated using the primary rat hepatocyte system. tert-Butyl hydroperoxide (t-BHP) was used to induce oxidative stress. Being a short chain analog of lipid hydroperoxide, t-BHP is metabolized into free radical intermediates by the cytochrome P450 system in hepatocytes, which in turn, initiate lipid peroxidation, glutathione depletion and cell damage. Pre-treatment of hepatocytes with Fructus Rubi extract (50 microg/ml to 200 microg/ml) for 24 h significantly reversed t-BHP-induced cell viability loss, lactate dehydrogenase leakage and the associated glutathione depletion and lipid peroxidation. The amount of reactive oxygen species formed was also decreased as visualized by the fluorescence probe 2',7'-dichlorofluorescin diacetate. These results suggested that Fructus Rubi was useful in protecting against t-BHP-induced oxidative damage and may also be capable of attenuating cytotoxicity of other oxidants.  相似文献   

Korpelainen  H.  Antonius-Klemola  K.  Werlemark  G. 《Plant Ecology》1999,143(1):123-128
The clonal structure of Rubus chamaemorus populations was investigated using DNA fingerprinting. The PCR-based methods included the use of 10-base RAPD primers and 16-base simple sequence repeat primers. In the hybridization method variation was studied using hypervariable multilocus probes, one derived from the M13 bacteriophage and the other a synthetic (AC)/(TG) polynucleotide. Although R. chamaemorus expresses clear variation in morphology, the level of genetic differentiation appears to be fairly low. The observed numbers of clones in the three populations examined in Finland varied from 2 to 4. The total number of genotypes across populations was 5, of which one was unique. The results obtained using the two fingerprinting methods were comparable but lead to a slightly different grouping of clones.  相似文献   

云南引种印楝实生种群的表型变异   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4       下载免费PDF全文
为了揭示印楝(Azadirachta indica)实生种群表型变异程度和变异规律, 以云南引种印楝人工林为研究对象, 基于9个种群90个单株14个表型性状严格细致的测量, 采用单因素方差分析、巢式方差分析、相关分析、协方差主成分分析(S法)和非加权配对算术平均法(UPGMA)聚类分析等数理方法, 分析了种群的表型变异。结果表明: 印楝种内表型性状在种群间和种群内均存在着较丰富的差异, 种群内的变异大于种群间的变异, 种群间的分化相对较小。对表型性状进行的变异系数多重比较和协方差主成分分析(S法)均显示, 结实和种子化学成分相关性状的变异是造成印楝表型变异的主要来源。利用种群间欧氏距离进行的UPGMA聚类分析结果进一步表明, 印楝9个种群可以分为4类, 表型性状并没有严格依地理距离而聚类。研究结果为印楝的遗传改良工作奠定了基础, 为制定育种策略和人工经营对策提供了科学依据。  相似文献   

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