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We report several biogeochemical parameters (dissolved inorganic carbon (DIC), total alkalinity (TA), dissolved oxygen (DO), phosphate (PO4), nitrate + nitrite (NO3 + NO2), silicate (Si(OH)4)) in a region off Otaru coast in Hokkaido, Japan on a “weekly” basis during the period of April 2002–May 2003. To better understand the long-term temporal variations of the main factors affecting CO2 flux in this coastal region and its role as a sink/source of atmospheric CO2, we constructed an algorithm of DIC and TA using other hydrographic properties. We estimated the CO2 flux across the air–sea interface by using the classical bulk method. During 1998–2003 in our study region, the estimated fCO2sea ranged about 185–335 μatm. The maximum of fCO2sea in the summer was primarily due to the change of water temperature. The minimum of fCO2sea in the early spring can be explained not only by the change of water temperature but also the change of nutrients and chlorophyll-a. To clarify the factors affecting fCO2sea (water temperature, salinity, and biological activity), we carried out a sensitivity analysis of these effects on the variation of fCO2sea. In spring, the biological effect had the largest effect for the minimum of fCO2sea (40%). In summer, the water temperature effect had the largest effect for the maximum of fCO2sea (25%). In fall, the water temperature effect had the largest effect for the minimum of fCO2sea (53%). In winter, the biological effect had the largest effect for the minimum of fCO2sea (35%).We found that our study region was a sink region of CO2 throughout a year (−0.78 mol/m2/yr). Furthermore, we estimated that the increase of fCO2sea was about 0.56 μatm/yr under equilibrium with the atmospheric CO2 content for the period 1998–2003, with the temporal changes in the variables (T, S, PO4) on fCO2sea, thus as the maximum trend of each variable on fCO2sea was 0.22 μatm/yr, and the trend of residual fCO2 including gas exchange was 0.34 μatm/yr. This result suggests that interaction among variables would affect gas exchange between air and sea effects on fCO2sea. We conclude that this study region as a representative coastal region of marginal seas of the North Pacific is special because it was measured, but there is no particular significance in comparison to any other area.  相似文献   

13C uptake experiments were carried out at a station off the west coast of Hokkaido Island, Japan, during the period between late winter and spring bloom in 1997. The composition of newly biosynthesized particulate fatty acids was determined using a 13C tracer and gas chromatography/mass spectrometry (13C GC/MS), and compared with that of particulate matter (seston). Two fatty acid compositional ratios revealed that diatoms biomass (16:1(n−7)/16:0, ∑C16/∑C18) were strikingly high in new cells compared with seston on 17 April, coinciding with the dominance of fucoxanthin. In this study, the Polyunsaturation Index (a measure of the percentage of C16 fatty acids that are polyunsaturated) in new cells is generally close to that in seston, while there was a notable discrepancy between new cells and seston in surface (10 m) waters on 17 April. This large difference between new cells and seston is ascribed to: (1) an increase of newly synthesized storage lipids (mainly 16:0 and 16:1) induced by nitrogen limitation in the top 10 m of the water column; (2) an addition of earlier synthesized phytoplankton cells (high Polyunsaturation Index at logarithmic growth stage) and non-phytoplankton components (detritus and bacteria and zooplankton) into seston. The highest Polyunsaturation Index of C16 fatty acids in seston (33%) occurred at 100 m water depth. This may be caused by “settling planktonic aggregates” or “diatom resting spores”. In the present study, it is reasonable to suggest that the Polyunsaturation Index of C16 fatty acids can be a useful indicator for the ecophysiological state of marine diatom populations.  相似文献   

This study focused on the causes of the variation in microphytobenthic biomass and the effects of this variation on macrobenthic animals in the western Seto Inland Sea, Japan, where the importance of microphytobenthos as the primary food source for benthic animals has been recently reported. We investigated the microphytobenthic biomass together with light attenuation of seawater, phytoplanktonic biomass, macrobenthic density and biomass at eight stations (water depth = 5–15 m) during four cruises in 1999–2000. The increased light attenuation coefficient of the water column associated with increased concentration of the phytoplanktonic Chl-a caused a decrease in light flux that reached the seafloor. The biomass of the microphytobenthos within the upper 1 cm of the sediment, 1.9–46.5 mg Chl-a m−2, was inversely correlated with the phytoplanktonic biomass in the overlying water column, 10.9–65.0 mg Chl-a m−2. Thus, interception of light by phytoplankton is considered to be a main cause of the variation in the microphytobenthic biomass. The microphytobenthos biomass showed a significant positive correlation with the macrobenthic density (78–9369 ind. m−2) and biomass (0.4–78.8 gWW m−2). It appears that the increase in oxygen production by the microphytobenthos allowed macrobenthic animals to become more abundant, as a consequence of oxygenation of the organically enriched muddy sediments (14.5 ± 2.69 mg TOC g−1). This study suggests that the variation in the microphytobenthic biomass is influenced by the phytoplanktonic biomass due to shading effect, and the balance between these two functional groups might affect the variability in the macrobenthic density and biomass.  相似文献   

Inter‐decadal and geographic variations in the diets of Steller sea lion, Eumetopias jubatus, were examined based on the contents of 408 stomachs collected from coastal areas around Hokkaido Island during the periods 1994–1998 and 2005–2012. The most important prey species in the 1990s were gadid fishes (walleye pollock [Gadus chalcogrammus], Pacific cod [Gadus microcephalus] and saffron cod [Eleginus gracilis]). The frequency of occurrence and gravimetric contribution of gadids decreased in the 2000s latter period at three study sites (Rausu, Shakotan and Rebun) and were replaced by Okhotsk Atka mackerel (Pleurogrammus azonus) and smooth lumpsucker (Aptocyclus ventricosus). However, analysis based on gravimetric composition indicated that the dietary diversity of prey showed only a slight inter‐decadal difference, reflecting the wide diversity of prey ingested during both study periods. These results indicate that Steller sea lions along the Hokkaido coast are opportunistic feeders that utilize a wide variety of prey, and appear to feed mainly upon prey that is easily obtained.  相似文献   

The diet of at least 28 species of mesopelagic fish from the Pacific coast of Hokkaido was examined. The dominant family was the Gonostomatidae (42%) which was represented by five species. The most abundant species wasCyclothone atraria which together with the other species of this genus preyed predominantly on copepods. Euphausiids and copepods were dominant in the diet ofGonostoma gracile. The next most abundant family was the Myctophidae (32%) which was represented by seven species. The dominant species,Stenobrachius nannochir, preyed mainly on copepods. Copepods were also the dominant food item of the other myctophids except forLampanyctus jordani which fed mainly on euphausiids. The other important family was the Bathylagidae (21%).Leuroglossus schmidti was the dominant species and its diet was more diverse with ostracods, copepods, molluscs and larvaceans being the most important food items.Bathylagus ochotensis had a similar diet. Copepods were the most important food items for all but a few species and their occurrence in the fish stomachs was related to the known vertical distribution of both predators and prey. Ostracods and euphausiids were also important prey items, the latter especially in large fish species. Molluscs and larvaceans were restricted to the two species of the family Bathylagidae.  相似文献   

Yoshida (1967) pointed out that the coastal upwelling region may not coincide with the intense longshore wind region and shift poleward. In order to clarify this poleward shift from the existing data, the monthly mean distributions of the offshore Ekman transport and the coastal upwelling intensity are estimated along the California coast from U. S. Daily Weather Maps and from the CCOFI data in 1949, respectively. The results show that the center of the coastal upwelling region is generally shifted to the north from the position of the maximum offshore Ekman transport. The detailed discussions are given for the case of August 1949 when the shift is seen most clearly.  相似文献   

The planktonic food web structure in the subarctic coastal water off Usujiri south-western Hokkaido, Japan was investigated from June 1997 to June 1999, based on seasonal biomass data of pico- (<2 µm), nano- (2–10 µm), micro- (10–200 µm) and mesoplankton (>200 µm), and path analysis using the structural equation model (SEM). In spring, microphytoplankton predominated due to diatom bloom, while pico- and nanophytoplankton predominated in the other seasons, except November and December 1997. The seasonal change in size distribution of heterotrophic plankton was almost similar to that of phytoplankton, and mesozooplankton biomass was high in spring. The path analyses suggest that the main channel in the microbial food web could vary according to phytoplankton size composition, indicating not only the classical food chain (microphytoplankton - copepods) but also the indirect route (microphytoplankton - naked dinoflagellates - copepods).  相似文献   

用沿岸上升流指数分析中国东南沿岸风生上升流的特征   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
苗馨  胡建宇 《海洋通报》2011,30(3):258-265
对1968年1月到2007年12月中国东南沿海(17°N~30°N,109°E~123°E)上升流指数月平均数据进行分析,结论如下:(1)风生沿岸上升流主要在4-8月间发生于海南岛东部、雷州半岛东部、汕头以北至浙江沿岸.(2)风生沿岸上升流的强度具有时空分布变化特征,其中海南岛东部沿岸上升流最强,浙江沿岸其次;整个中国...  相似文献   

Analysis of current velocity and temperature records obtained from moored buoy systems deployed off the east coast of Japan reveals the intermittent occurrence of semi-diurnal internal tides and their manner of propagation. The internal tidal waves clearly propagate toward the shore, which is confirmed by cross-correlation of the onshore current velocity and temperature between neighboring stations. The propagation speed of the internal tide increases with water depth except in the area furthest offshore. In this area, motions near the second mode seem to occur occasionally, while in the nearshore area the motions for the most part consist of the first mode. Through harmonic analysis, it is shown that theM 1 internal motions were not vertically homogeneous. That is, the internal motions are greater at the lower level in the nearshore area while they are greater at the upper level in the offshore area. Pathways along which the energy of the internal tide should propagate are estimated in such a way that the characteristic curves pass through the area over which relatively large onshore/offshoreM 2 velocity is distributed. The movement of the characteristic ray of a certain phase explains the observed phase velocity estimated from the cross-correlation diagrams. Internal motions around the characteristic ray were pronounced in a rather wide area. Thus, it is suggested that the generation region of the internal tide in the present study area might be relatively wide.  相似文献   

The seasonal structure and dynamic mechanism of oceanic surface thermal fronts(STFs) along the western Guangdong coast over the northern South China Sea shelf were analyzed using in situ observational data, remote sensing data, and numerical simulations. Both in situ and satellite observations show that the coastal thermal front exhibits substantial seasonal variability, being strongest in winter when it has the greatest extent and strongest sea surface temperature gradient. The winter coastal thermal front begins to appear in November and disappears after the following April. Although runoff water is more plentiful in summer, the front is weak in the western part of Guangdong. The frontal intensity has a significant positive correlation with the coastal wind speed,while the change of temperature gradient after September lags somewhat relative to the alongshore wind. The numerical simulation results accurately reflect the seasonal variation and annual cycle characteristics of the frontal structure in the simulated area. Based on vertical cross-section data, the different frontal lifecycles of the two sides of the Zhujiang(Pearl) River Estuary are analyzed.  相似文献   

Demersal fish communities were studied on the lower continental shelf and the upper continental slope along the Pacific coast of northeastern Japan. Species composition, number and weight of each species were examined based on otter trawl samples at 45 stations. Mean density and biomass of demersal fishes were 131 ha–1 and 21 kg ha–1, respectively. The ten most abundant species comprised of about 95% of total number and weight of overall catch indicating simple species composition. Gadiform fishesTheragra chalcogramma, Gadus macrocephalus andPhysiculus maximowiczi were the most important species by number, weight and frequency of occurrences, and three main community types represented by the three key species were recognized.Theragra-dominant community showed higher density and biomass, and lower diversity thanPhysiculus-dominant community did. Species diversity of demersal fish community was negatively correlated to density and biomass. Density and biomass of demersal fish community were high on the uppermost slope, and the high abundance resulted from low-diversity communities dominated byT. chalcogramma andG. macrocephalus.  相似文献   

Seasonal changes in nano/micro-zooplankton grazing on pico-, nano- and micro-size phytoplankton and heterotrophic nano-flagellates (HNF) feeding on heterotrophic bacteria were quantified by the dilution technique in the surface layer off Cape Esan, southwestern Hokkaido, Japan. Pico- and nano-size phytoplankton were major components throughout the year except in spring when a diatom bloom was observed. Although there was little seasonal variation in bacteria and HNF biomass throughout the year, the micro-zooplankton biomass varied appreciably with a peak in spring. Nano/micro-zooplankton grazing or feeding on pico-size chl-a and bacteria were well balanced throughout the year. However, nano-size and micro-size chl-a growth were much greater than grazing in summer. Nano/micro-zooplankton ingestion of phytoplankton was greater than their ingestion of bacteria almost throughout the year, which suggests phytoplankton are more important as food sources of nano/micro-zooplankton in microbial food webs off Cape Esan than bacteria off Cape Esan. This revised version was published online in July 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

Vypeen, an island of Cochin estuarine system, acts as the spawning site of several marine and estuarine fishes. We assumed that, physical process(upwelling) make changes in hydrography and the production of chlorophyll a in coastal waters off Vypeen. These alterations can influence the zooplankton abundance and copepod community structure in that area. For justifying this hypothesis, samples were collected from Vypeen at 10 m and 30 m locations during January(pre-southwest monsoon), August(late-southwest monsoon) and November(postsouthwest monsoon) 2014. During August, subsurface water column was cool, nutrient rich and less oxygenated(signatures of upwelling) than in November and January. Maximum concentrations of nitrate and chlorophyll a were recorded during August. In the present study, 15 zooplankton groups were recorded; of which copepods were the most predominant group(73%–90%). Copepod density in the present study ranged between 527.2 ind./m~3 and 5 139.2 ind./m~3. Totally, 37 copepods species were reported in present study and copepod species richness was higher during January. The abundance of zooplankton and copepods was high in August during late-southwest monsoon. These variations were closely associated with the coastal upwelling in August and weakening of moderate upwelling in November. In SIMPER analysis, it was found that the copepods species distribution was similar within season and dissimilar between the three seasons. Moreover, the higher abundance of upwelling indicator species Temora turbinata was recorded in August, which confirms the signs of seasonal upwelling in Vypeen. The present study emphasized on the influence of hydrographical parameters associated with physical process, in governing the copepod community organization of the Vypeen Island.  相似文献   

Seasonal variations of macrobenthos communities were analyzed over six years at two fixed stations at the depths of 500 m and 1,000 m in the bathyal zone off Sanriku, northeastern Japan, and were compared with those of the 80 m station established at the mouth of Otsuchi Bay, northeastern Japan. Significant seasonal variations of macrobenthos density were detected at the 80 m and 500 m stations. While the density increased in late spring and decreased until July at the 80 m station, it increased between May and August, and decreased in September at the 500 m station. At the 1,000 m station, no seasonal variation of macrobenthos abundance could be detected. The seasonal variations of the density observed at the 80 m and 500 m stations are probably related to that of the supply of organic materials derived from surface phytoplankton. Differences in the patterns of seasonal variations among the three stations may reflect the different periods of food supply to the sea floor. Significant seasonal variation in the feeding structure of the polychaete communities could be detected at the 80 m and 1,000 m stations.  相似文献   

The regional distribution of dinoflagellates was investigated in the surface waters surrounding Hokkaido in May, August, and October, 1983. Among the total of 92 species identified, 37 species appeared throughout the investigation period. A similarity analysis identified six assemblages at Cλ=0.66. It was shown that each assemblage was closely related to the currents and the water temperature. Assemblage I consisted of 80% of the total samples and was subdivided into two groups-cold and warm water species in the Tsushima Current. Cold water species were widely spread in the Tsushima and Soya Currents in May and shifted to the Low Saline Water in October while warm water species were dominant in the Tsushima and Soya Currents in October. The regional abundance of shellfish toxic dinoflagellates,Dinophysis fortii andProtogonyaulax tamarensis, was also revealed.  相似文献   

1IntroductionThe remarkable shape of the axis of the Kuro-shio revealed by a simple zig-zag bathythermographwas surveyed in1965(Stommel,1972).This sur-vey revealed that the15℃isotherm at the200mdepth is indicative of the axis of the Kuroshio,and ithas be…  相似文献   

Direct measurements using a free-falling micro-profiler were conducted on the northeast coast of Hokkaido in the summer of 2007 to clarify the mixing process in the Soya Warm Current (SWC) region in terms of microstructure. The distribution of the Turner angle (Tu) showed that these regions have a high potential for double diffusive convection, but direct measurements of the turbulent dissipation rate (ε) and dissipation of temperature variance ( $ \chi_{T} $ ) did not necessarily correspond to each other in the SWC region, especially in the offshore front of SWC and farther offshore. The mixing efficiency indicated that, even though the Turner angle (Tu) indicated a high potential for double diffusive convection, turbulent mixing was the main contributor to the mixing process in this region, and double-diffusive convection only contributed partially and sparsely, especially in the boundary off SWC water. The bottom mixed layer (BML) is known to thicken off the SWC. The vertical diffusivity coefficient was enhanced near the bottom (10?4–10?3 m2 s?1) off the SWC, and these results support that turbulence near the bottom off the SWC contributed to the thickening of the BML.  相似文献   

Two recent records of the occurrences of the pelagic shrimp,Sergestes similis Hansen, are reported. They provide evidence of dense swarms ofS. similis in midwater off the east coast of Honshu, Japan, in spring. On one occasion,S. similis was found in a stomach of the basking shark,Cetorhinus maximus (Gunnerus). The shark, 8.11 m in total length, was accidentally trapped in a set net off Izu-oshima Island on April 18, 1974, and its foregut was filled only withS. similis. Feeding and swimming behavior of the basking shark, condition of the gut contents, and temperature profiles of the sea revealed thatS. similis was preyed upon by the shark near the island when the shrimp swarmed below 100 m depth at night. On another occasion,S. similis was fished by a commercial ground trawler 31 miles off Cape Shioyazaki on April 4 and 5 and off Hitachi on April 11, 1976. The trawlings were made around 500 m depth at daytime, and a total of 3.8 tons ofS. similis was caught and marketed. The size-frequency distribution and sex ratio ofS. similis in both occurrences from off Izu-oshima Island and off Cape Shioyazaki coincided very well. The samples consisted of identical population of probably 2nd year class having a body length mode between 46.0 and 50.0 mm. The sex ratio was skewed greatly toward females in both samples, that is 38∶2 and 100∶3 respectively. These two phenomena are discussed in relation to the life history ofS. similis.  相似文献   

The tsunami caused by the 2011 off the Pacific coast of Tohoku Earthquake seriously damaged the Pacific coast of northeastern Japan. In addition to its direct disturbance, a tsunami can indirectly affect coastal pelagic ecosystems via topographical and environmental changes. We investigated seasonal changes in the phytoplankton community structure in Otsuchi Bay, northeastern Japan, from May 2011, which was 2 months after the tsunami, to May 2013. The phytoplankton species composition in May 2011 was similar to that observed in May 2012 and 2013. The present results are consistent with the dominant species and water-mass indicator species of phytoplankton in past records. These results suggest that there was no serious effect of the tsunami on the phytoplankton community in Otsuchi Bay. Community analysis revealed that two distinct seasonal communities appeared in each year of the study period. The spring–summer community was characterized by warm-water Chaetoceros species, and dinoflagellates appeared from May to September. The fall–winter community was characterized by cold neritic diatoms, which appeared from November to March. The succession from the spring–summer community to the fall–winter community took place within a particular water mass, and the fall–winter community appeared in both the surface water and the Oyashio water mass, suggesting that water-mass exchange is not the only factor that determines the phytoplankton community structure in Otsuchi Bay.  相似文献   

Sendai Bay in northern Japan suffered serious damage from massive tsunamis generated by the 2011 off the Pacific coast of Tohoku earthquake. The physical disturbance caused by a tsunami may affect the coastal ecosystem, including the planktonic diatom community. We investigated seasonal changes in the diatom community structure at a coastal and an offshore station in Sendai Bay, from June 2011 (3 months after the tsunami) to April 2014. Diatom abundance increased at both stations during the spring. Sporadic increases were also recorded at the coastal station during the summer because of silicate input from river discharge. Seasonal succession of the diatom communities was similar at both the coastal and offshore stations. The onset of the spring bloom consisted mainly of Chaetoceros spp. when water temperatures were low. Subsequently, species such as Skeletonema costatum s.l. became dominant as salinity and nutrient concentrations decreased. Cell density decreased from summer into early winter. Leptocylindrus danicus became dominant in the summer, but was replaced by Thalassiosira cf. mala from autumn into winter. Redundancy analysis (RDA) showed that most of the variation in the diatom community could be explained by temperature, salinity, NO3 ?, NO2 ?, PO4 3?, and SiO2. In addition, the occurrence of diatom species before the tsunami showed a similar pattern to that after the tsunami, suggesting that the tsunami did not have a serious impact on the diatom community in Sendai Bay.  相似文献   

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