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We theoretically study an enhancement of the Kondo effect in quantum dots with two orbitals and spin . The Kondo temperature and conductance are evaluated as functions of energy difference Δ between the orbitals, using the numerical renormalization group method. The Kondo temperature is maximal around the degeneracy point (Δ=0) and decreases with increasing |Δ| following a power law, TK(Δ)=TK(0)(TK(0)/|Δ|)γ, which is consistent with the scaling analysis. The conductance at T=0 is almost constant 2e2/h. Both the orbitals contribute to the conductance around Δ=0, whereas the current through the upper orbital is negligibly small when |Δ|TK(0). These are characteristics of SU(4) Kondo effect.  相似文献   

We investigate entanglement between electrons in serially coupled double quantum dots attached to noninteracting leads. In addition to local repulsion we consider the influence of capacitive inter-dot interaction. We show how the competition between extended Kondo and local singlet phases determines the ground state and thereby the entanglement. The results are additionally discussed in connection with the linear conductance through the system.  相似文献   

使用双杂质Anderson模型的哈密顿,从理论上研究了一个嵌入并联耦合双量子点介观环系统 , 当处在Kondo区时的基态性质, 并用slave-boson平均场方法求解了哈密顿.研究的结果表 明, 在这个系统中,当两个量子点处于强耦合时,两个量子点可以相干耦合成一个人造分 子,导致一个增强的Kondo效应和超强持续电流的出现.因此,在未来的纳米装置应用中,这 个系统具有潜在的应用价值. 关键词: 并联耦合双量子点 Kondo效应 超强持续电流  相似文献   

Based on the Green’s function technique and the equation of motion approach,this paper theoretically studies the thermoelectric effect in parallel coupled double quantum dots (DQDs),in which Rashba spin-orbit interaction is taken into account.Rashba spin-orbit interaction contributions,even in a magnetic field,are exhibited obviously in the double quantum dots system for the thermoelectric effect.The periodic oscillation of thermopower can be controlled by tunning the Rashba spin-orbit interaction induced phase.The interesting spin-dependent thermoelectric effects will arise which has important influence on thermoelectric properties of the studied system.  相似文献   

A four-terminal parallel double quantum dots (QDs) device is proposed to generate and detect the spin polarization in QDs. It is found that the spin accumulation in QDs and the spin-polarized currents in the upper and down leads can be generated when a bias voltage is applied between the left and right leads. It is more interesting that the spin polarization in the QDs can be detected using the upper and down leads. Moreover, the direction and magnitude of the spin polarization in the QDs, and in the upper and down leads can be tuned by the energy levels of QDs and the bias.  相似文献   

The thermoelectric and the thermospin transport properties,including electrical conductivity,Seebeck coefficient,thermal conductivity,and thermoelectric figure of merit,of a parallel coupled double-quantum-dot Aharonov-Bohm interferometer are investigated by means of the Green function technique.The periodic Anderson model is used to describe the quantum dot system,the Rashba spin-orbit interaction and the Zeeman splitting under a magnetic field are considered.The theoretical results show the constructive contribution of the Rashba effect and the influence of the magnetic field on the thermospin effects.We also show theoretically that material with a high figure of merit can be obtained by tuning the Zeeman splitting energy only.  相似文献   

采用改进的线性组合算符和幺正变换的方法研究了Rashba效应影响下量子点中弱耦合束缚极化子的性质,导出了Rashba效应影响下量子点中弱耦合束缚极化子的振动频率、有效质量、基态分裂能和相互作用能。数值计算结果表明随Rashba自旋-轨道耦合常数的增加,由于声子作用产生的附加能量能对零磁场时自旋分裂能的影响占有绝对优势。库仑势对束缚极化子的基态能量的影响同时也占有绝对优势。所以,研究Rashba自旋轨道相互作时声子的影响不可忽略。  相似文献   

采用改进的线性组合算符和幺正变换的方法研究了Rashba效应影响下量子点中弱耦合束缚极化子的性质,导出了Rashba效应影响下量子点中弱耦合束缚极化子的振动频率、有效质量、基态分裂能和相互作用能。数值计算结果表明随Rashba自旋-轨道耦合常数的增加,由于声子作用产生的附加能量能对零磁场时自旋分裂能的影响占有绝对优势。库仑势对束缚极化子的基态能量的影响同时也占有绝对优势。所以,研究Rashba自旋轨道相互作时声子的影响不可忽略。  相似文献   

吴绍全  陈佳峰  赵国平 《物理学报》2012,61(8):87203-087203
从理论上研究了串型耦合双量子点之间库仑作用对其近藤共振的影响. 采用非平衡态格林函数和奴役玻色子平均场近似方法求解了系统的哈密顿量; 计算了系统电子的态密度、透射率、占居数和近藤温度随双量子点之间库仑作用能的变化, 同时也计算了电极处于极化时双量子点之间库仑作用能对系统电子态密度的影响. 结果表明,双量子点之间库仑作用能够极大地影响系统的基态物理性质. 同时还对相关的物理问题进行了讨论.  相似文献   

We theoretically investigate the effect of the interdot Coulomb repulsion on Kondo resonances in the series-coupled double quantum dot coupled to two ferromagnetic leads. The Hamiltonian of our system is solved by means of the slave-boson mean-field approximation, and the variation of the density of states, the transmission probability, the occupation number, and the Kondo temperature with the interdot Coulomb repulsion are discussed in the Kondo regime. The density of states is calculated for various interdot Coulomb repulsions with both parallel and antiparallel lead-polarization alignments. Our results reveal that the interdot Coulomb repulsion greatly influences the physical property of this system, and relevant underlying physics of this system is discussed.  相似文献   

The thermoelectric and the thermospin transport properties, including electrical conductivity, Seebeck coefficient, thermal conductivity, and thermoelectric figure of merit, of a parallel coupled double-quantum-dot Aharonov-Bohm interferometer are investigated by means of the Green function technique. The periodic Anderson model is used to describe the quantum dot system, the Rashba spin-orbit interaction and the Zeeman splitting under a magnetic field are considered. The theoretical results show the constructive contribution of the Rashba effect and the influence of the magnetic field on the thermospin effects. We also show theoretically that material with a high figure of merit can be obtained by tuning the Zeeman splitting energy only.  相似文献   

We study the spin transport in bilayer graphene nanoribbons (BGNs) in the presence of Rashba spin-orbit interaction (SOI) and external gate voltages. It is found that the spin polarization can be significantly enhanced by the interlayer asymmetry or longitudinal mirror asymmetry produced by external gate voltages. Rashba SOI alone in BGNs can only generate current with spin polarization along the in-plane y direction, but the polarization components can be found along the x, y and z directions when a gate voltage is applied. High spin polarization with flexible orientation is obtained in the proposed device. Our findings shed new light on the generation of highly spin-polarized current in BGNs without external magnetic fields, which could have useful applications in spintronics device design.  相似文献   

The T=0 transport properties of a wire interacting with a lateral two-level quantum dot are studied by using an exact numerical calculation. The wire conductance, the spin–spin correlation and the Kondo temperature are obtained as a function of the dot level energy spacing. When the dot has two electrons and spin SD1, the wire current is totally quenched by the S=1 Kondo effect. The Kondo temperature is maximum at the singlet–triplet transition and its dependence upon the dot energy spacing follows a non-universal scaling law.  相似文献   

江兆潭 《中国物理 B》2010,19(7):77307-077307
This paper investigates Kondo transport properties in a quadruple quantum dot (QD) based on the slave-boson mean field theory and the non-equilibrium Green’s function.In the quadruple QD structure one Kondo-type QD sandwiched between two leads is side coupled to two separate QD structures:a single-QD atom and a double-QD molecule.It shows that the conductance valleys and peaks always appear in pairs and by tuning the energy levels in three side QDs,the one-,two-,or three-valley conductance pattern can be obtained.Furthermore,it finds that whether the valley and the peak can appear is closely dependent on the specific values of the interdot couplings and the energy level difference between the two QDs in the molecule.More interestingly,an extra novel conductance peak can be produced by the coexistence of the two different kinds of side QD structures.  相似文献   

We report a Kondo-effect study of electron transport through a quantum dot with embedded biaxial single-molecule magnet based on slave boson mean-field theory and non-equilibrium Green-function technique. It is found the macroscopic quantum coherence of molecule-magnet results in the Kondo peak split of differential conductance due to interaction between electron and molecular magnet. It is also demonstrated that both the peak height and position can be controlled by the sweeping magnetic field and polarization of ferromagnetic electrodes. The characteristic peak split may be used to identify the macroscopic quantum coherence and develop molecule devices.  相似文献   

We consider electron transport through quantum dots with large level spacing and charging energy. At low temperature and strong coupling to the leads, quantum fluctuations and the Kondo effect become important. They show up, e.g., as zero-bias anomalies in the current–voltage characteristics. We use a recently developed diagrammatic technique as well as a new real-time renormalization-group approach to describe charge and spin fluctuations. The latter gives rise to a Kondo-assisted enhancement of the current through the dot as seen in experiments.  相似文献   

The effect of Rashba spin-orbit coupling (SOC) on electron transport in asymmetrically coupled regular polygonal quantum ring is investigated. In absence of SOC, two kinds of conductance zeros appear periodically. In presence of SOC, one kind of conductance zero can be lifted by the Rashba SOC, the others persist.  相似文献   

Transport measurements in high magnetic fields have been performed on two-dimensional electron system (2DES) separated by a thin barrier layer from a layer of InAs self-assembled quantum dots (QDs). Clear feature of quantum Hall effect was observed in spite of presence of QDs nearby 2DES. However, both magnetoresistance, ρxx, and Hall resistance, ρxy, are suppressed significantly only in the magnetic field range of filling factor in 2DES ν<1 and voltage applied on a front gate . The results indicate that the electron state in QDs induces spin-flip process in 2DES.  相似文献   

吴海娜  孙雪  公卫江  易光宇 《物理学报》2015,64(7):77301-077301
量子点体系是一种典型的低维体系, 该体系的独特物理特性有利于提高热电转换效率. 本文采用非平衡态格林函数方法, 选择平行双量子点结构, 详细讨论了电子-声子相互作用对该体系的电导、热电功率、热电优值以及热导等热电效应相关参数的影响, 全面描述了电子-声子相互作用对该结构中热电效应的影响. 理论计算结果表明, 在低温情况下, 该体系中的法诺干涉能够有效增强热电效应, 而电子-声子相互作用通过破坏法诺干涉而在一定程度上抑制电导以及热导过程. 然而, 电子-声子相互作用不会显著地影响热电功率的幅值, 并且热电优值的极值几乎不会改变, 因此在低温条件下电子-声子相互作用并不是破坏量子点体系热电效应的必要条件. 本文的结果将有利于澄清电子-声子相互作用对量子点体系热电效应的影响.  相似文献   

A spin device, consisting of parallel-coupled double quantum dots and three normal metal leads, is proposed to realize spin-polarized current without the help of magnetic field and magnetic material. Based on the Keldysh nonequilibrium Green function technique and equation of motion method, the spin-dependent current formula in each lead is derived. It is shown that not only a fully polarized current but also a tunable pure spin current can be obtained by modulating the structure parameters, strength of Rashba spin-orbit interaction and bias voltages properly. It further demonstrates the dependence of the spin-polarized current on the strength of the Rashba spin-orbit interaction.  相似文献   

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