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Mantle xenoliths from the Olot volcanic district (NE Spain) comprise a bi-modal suite consisting of protogranular spinel lherzolites (cpx 12–14%) sometimes with pargasitic amphibole, and highly refractory spinel harzburgites (cpx ≤ 1%) with coarse-grained granular textures. The lherzolites range from slightly depleted to moderately LREE-enriched with flat HREE patterns between 1.5 and 2.7 × chondrite (Ch). In contrast, the harzburgites are extremely depleted in HREE (down to 0.2 × Ch) and strongly LREE-enriched (LaN/YbN = 12.3–17.2). LA-ICP-MS analyses of clinopyroxene and amphibole of the lherzolites highlight variable degrees of LREE depletion (HREE up to 13 × Ch, LaN/YbN down to 0.01), with the exception of a single sample in which both clinopyroxene and amphibole are LREE-enriched (LaN/YbN up to 19). In the harzburgites, clinopyroxenes display totally different REE distributions, characterized by extreme HREE depletion (down to 0.4 × Ch) and upward convex positively fractionated middle-light REE patterns (NdN/YbN up to 20.7 × Ch; LaN/YbN up to 12 × Ch). Sr–Nd–Hf isotopic data for both whole-rocks and cpx separates, coherently indicate depleted mantle (DM) compositions for the lherzolites (εSr = − 15 to − 26, εNd = + 9 to + 17, εHf = + 18 to + 68) and enriched mantle (EM) compositions for the harzburgites (εSr = − 10 to + 36, εNd = − 1 to − 6, εHf = + 3 to + 8). Modelling of the clinopyroxene REE data and isotopic systematics suggest that some lherzolites were affected by pre-Paleozoic (0.6–1 By) low-degree partial melting processes, while others probably reflect some extent of refertilization of the mantle protolith by metasomatizing melts similar to the Triassic rift-related tholeiites reported from several Pyrenean localities. The harzburgites represent extreme refractory residua, resulting from a complex depletion history due to multistage melt extraction as often observed in the cratonic mantle. The distinctive REE patterns and isotopic systematics of their clinopyroxenes suggest that the harzburgites were formed by the interaction of an ultra-depleted peridotite matrix with highly alkaline basic melts similar in composition to the Permo-Triassic alkaline lamprophyres which are widespread within the Iberian plate. Lherzolites possibly represent younger lithosphere (accreted asthenosphere?) up-lifted and juxtaposed to the older subcontinental lithospheric mantle (harzburgites) during the post-Variscan rifting of the Iberian margin. These two genetically different, but adjoining, mantle domains intimately mingled along the northern Iberian margin during the subsequent plate convergence processes, leading to the close association of harzburgites and lherzolites observed in the Olot mantle xenoliths and in some Pyrenean peridotite massifs.  相似文献   

Early Cambrian and Mid-Late Neoproterozoic volcanic rocks in China are widespread on several Precambrian continental blocks,which had aggregated to form part of the Rodinia supercontinent by ca.900 Ma....  相似文献   

The Tertiary volcanic rocks of the central and the eastern parts of the Oman Mountains consist mainly of basanites with abundant upper mantle ultramafic xenoliths. The lavas are alkaline (42–43 wt.% SiO2; 3.5–5.5 wt.% Na2O + K2O). They include primitive (11–14 wt.% MgO) features with strong OIB-like geochemical signatures. Trace element and Sr–Nd isotope data for the basanites suggest mixing of melts derived from variable degrees of melting of both garnet- and spinel lherzolite-facies mantle source. The associated xenolith suite consists mainly of spinel and Cr-bearing diopside wehrlite, lherzolite and dunite with predominantly granuloblastic textures. No significant difference in chemistry was found between the basanites and xenoliths from the central and eastern Oman Mountains, which indicate a similar mantle source. Calculated oxygen fugacity indicates equilibration of the xenoliths at − 0.43 to − 2.2 log units above the fayalite–magnetite–quartz (FMQ) buffer. Mantle xenolith equilibration temperatures range from 910–1045 + 50 °C at weakly constrained pressures between 13 and 21 kbar. Xenolith data and geophysical studies indicate that the Moho is located at a depth of  40 km. A geotherm substantially hotter (90 mW m− 2) than the crust–mantle boundary (45 mW m− 2) is indicated and probably relates to tectonothermal events associated with the local and regional Tertiary magmatism. The petrogenesis of the Omani Tertiary basanites is explained by partial melting of an asthenospheric mantle protolith during an extension phase predating opening of the Gulf of Aden and plume-related alkaline volcanic rocks.  相似文献   

From a synthesis of data on volcanic evolution,movement of the lithosphere,and mantle velocities in the Baikal-Mongolian region,we propose a comprehensive model for deep dynamics of Asia that assumes an important role of the Gobi,Baikal,and North Transbaikal transition-layer melting anomalies.This layer was distorted by lower-mantle fluxes at the beginning of the latest geodynamic stage(i.e.in the early late Cretaceous) due to avalanches of slab material that were stagnated beneath the closed fragments of the Solonker,Ural-Mongolian paleoceans and Mongol-Okhotsk Gulf of Paleo-Pacific.At the latest geodynamic stage,Asia was involved in east-southeast movement,and the Pacific plate moved in the opposite direction with subduction under Asia.The weakened upper mantle region of the Gobi melting anomaly provided a counterflow connected with rollback in the Japan Sea area.These dynamics resulted in the formation of the Honshu-Korea flexure of the Pacific slab.A similar weakened upper mantle region of the North Transbaikal melting anomaly was associated with the formation of the Hokkaido-Amur flexure of the Pacific slab,formed due to progressive pull-down of the slab material into the transition layer in the direction of the Pacific plate and Asia convergence.The early—middle Miocene structural reorganization of the mantle processes in Asia resulted in the development of upper mantle low-velocity domains associated with the development of rifts and orogens.We propose that extension at the Baikal Rift was caused by deviator flowing mantle material,initiated under the moving lithosphere in the Baikal melting anomaly.Contraction at the Hangay orogen was created by facilitation of the tectonic stress transfer from the Indo-Asian interaction zone due to the low-viscosity mantle in the Gobi melting anomaly.  相似文献   

The Carboniferous Early Permian rill-related volcanic successions.covering large areas in the Chinese Tianshan and its adjacent areas.make up a newly recognized important Phanerozoic large igneous province in the world.which can be further divided into two sub-provinces:Tianshan and Tarim. The regional unconformity of Lower Carboniferous upon basement or pre-Carboniferous rocks.the ages (360—351 Ma) of the youngest ophiolite and the peak of subduction metamorphism of high pressure-low temperature metamorphic belt and the occurrence of Ni-Cu-bearing mafic-ultramatic intrusion with age of—352 Ma and A-type granite with age of~358 Ma reveal that the final closure of the Paleo Asian Ocean might lake place in the Early Mississippian.Our summation shows that at least four criteria.being normally used to identify ancient asthenosphere upwelling(or mantle plumes),are met for this large igneous province:(1) surface uplift prior to magmatism:(2) being associated with continental ifting and breakup events:(3) chemical characteristics of asthenosphere(or plume) derived basalts;(4) close links to large-scale minerali/alion and the uncontaminaled basalts,being analogous to those of many "ore-bearing" large igneous provinces.display Sr-Nd isotopic variations between plume and EMI geochemical signatures.These suggest that a Carboniferous asthenosphere upwelling and an Early Permian plume played the central role in the generation of the Tianshan—Tarim(central Asia) large igneous province.  相似文献   

At the transition from the Permian to the Triassic, Eurasia was the site of voluminous flood-basalt extrusion and rifting. Major flood-basalt provinces occur in the Tunguska, Taymyr, Kuznetsk, Verkhoyansk–Vilyuy and Pechora areas, as well as in the South Chinese Emeishen area. Contemporaneous rift systems developed in the West Siberian, South Kara Sea and Pyasina–Khatanga areas, on the Scythian platform and in the West European and Arctic–North Atlantic domain. At the Permo–Triassic transition, major extensional stresses affected apparently Eurasia, and possibly also Pangea, as evidenced by the development of new rift systems. Contemporaneous flood-basalt activity, inducing a global environmental crisis, is interpreted as related to the impingement of major mantle plumes on the base of the Eurasian lithosphere. Moreover, the Permo–Triassic transition coincided with a period of regional uplift and erosion and a low-stand in sea level. Permo–Triassic rifting and mantle plume activity occurred together with a major reorganization of plate boundaries and plate kinematics that marked the transition from the assembly of Pangea to its break-up. This plate reorganization was possibly associated with a reorganization of the global mantle convection system. On the base of the geological record, we recognize short-lived and long-lived plumes with a duration of magmatic activity of some 10–20 million years and 100–150 million years, respectively. The Permo–Triassic Siberian and Emeishan flood-basalt provinces are good examples of “short-lived” plumes, which contrast with such “long lived” plumes as those of Iceland and Hawaii. The global record indicates that mantle plume activity occurred episodically. Purely empirical considerations indicate that times of major mantle plume activity are associated with periods of global mantle convection reorganization during which thermally driven mantle convection is not fully able to facilitate the necessary heat transfer from the core of the Earth to its surface. In this respect, we distinguish between two geodynamically different scenarios for major plume activity. The major Permo–Triassic plume event followed the assembly Pangea and the detachment of deep-seated subduction slabs from the lithosphere. The Early–Middle Cretaceous major plume event, as well as the terminal–Cretaceous–Paleocene plume event, followed a sharp acceleration of global sea-floor spreading rates and the insertion of new subduction zone slabs deep into the mantle. We conclude that global plate kinematics, driven by mantle convection, have a bearing on the development of major mantle plumes and, to a degree, also on the pattern of related flood-basalt magmatism.  相似文献   

Garnet-bearing and garnet-free pyroxenite xenoliths from Quaternary basanites of Marsabit, northern Kenya, were analysed for microstructures and mineral compositions (major and trace elements) to constrain the thermal and compositional evolution of the lithospheric mantle in this region. Garnet-bearing rocks are amphibole-bearing websterite with ~5–10 vol% orthopyroxene. Clinopyroxene is LREE-depleted and garnet has high HREE contents, in agreement with an origin as cumulates from basaltic mantle melts. Primary orthopyroxene inclusions in garnet suggest that the parental melts were orthopyroxene-saturated. Rock fabrics vary from weakly to strongly deformed. Thermobarometry indicates extensive decompression and cooling (~970–1,100°C at ~2.3–2.6 GPa to ~700–800°C at ~0.5–1.0 GPa) during deformation, best interpreted as pyroxenite intrusion into thick Paleozoic continental lithosphere subsequently followed by continental rifting (i.e., formation of the Mesozoic Anza Graben). During continental rifting, garnet websterites were decompressed (garnet-to-spinel transition) and experienced the same P–T evolution as their host peridotites. Strongly deformed samples show compositional overlaps with cpx-rich, initially garnet-bearing lherzolite, best explained by partial re-equilibration of peridotite and pyroxenite during deformation and mechanical mingling. In contrast, garnet-free pyroxenites include undeformed, cumulate-like samples, indicating that they are younger than the garnet websterites. Major and trace element compositions of clinopyroxene and calculated equilibrium melts suggest crystallisation from alkaline basaltic melt similar to the host basanite, which suggests formation in the context of alkaline magmatism during the development of the Kenya rift. Electronic supplementary material  The online version of this article (doi:) contains supplementary material, which is available to authorized users.  相似文献   

Deep-seated xenoliths entrained in the Hannuoba basalts of the northern Sino-Korean Craton include mafic and felsic granulites, mantle wall-rock from spinel– and garnet–spinel peridotite facies, and basaltic crystallisation products from the spinel-pyroxenite and garnet-pyroxenite stability fields. The mineral compositions of the xenoliths have been used to estimate temperatures and, where possible, pressures of equilibration, and to construct a geothermal framework to interpret the upper mantle and lower crustal rock-type sequences for the region. The xenolith-derived paleogeotherm is constrained in the depth interval of 45–65 km and like others from areas of young basalt magmatism, is elevated and strongly convex toward the temperature axis. Two-pyroxene granulites give the lowest temperatures and garnet pyroxenites the highest, while the spinel lherzolites fall between these two groups. The present-day Moho beneath the Hannuoba area is defined at 42 km by seismic data, and coincides with the deepest occurrence of granulite. Above this boundary, there is a lower crust–upper mantle transition zone about 10-km thick, in which spinel lherzolites and mafic granulites (with variable plagioclase contents) are intermixed. It is inferred that this underplating has resulted in a lowering of the original pre-Cenozoic Moho (then coinciding with the crust–mantle boundary, CMB) from about 30 km to its present-day position and was due to intrusions of basaltic magmas that displaced peridotite mantle wall-rock and equilibrated to mafic granulites. Trace element patterns of the diopsides (analysed by laser ablation-ICPMS) from the Cr-diopside series spinel lherzolites and associated layered xenoliths (spinel lherzolites and pyroxenites) indicate a fertile uppermost mantle with moderate depletion by low degrees of partial melting and little evidence of metasomatic activity. The similarity in major and trace element compositions of the minerals in both rock types suggests that the layered ultramafic xenoliths formed by mantle deformation processes (metamorphic segregation), rather than by melt veining or metasomatism.  相似文献   

Peridotitic clinopyroxene (cpx) and pyrope garnet xenocrysts from four kimberlite pipes in the Kaavi–Kuopio area of Eastern Finland have been studied using major and trace element geochemistry to obtain information on the vertical compositional variability of the underlying mantle. The xenocryst data, when combined with the petrological constraints provided by peridotite xenoliths, yield a relatively complete section through the lithospheric mantle. Single-grain cpx thermobarometry fits with a 36-mW/m2 geotherm calculated using heat flow constraints and xenolith modes and geophysical properties. Ni thermometry on pyrope xenocrysts gives 700–1350 °C and, based on the cpx xenocryst/xenolith geotherm, indicates a wide sampling interval, ca. 80–230 km. Plotting pyrope major and trace element compositions as a function of temperature shows there are three distinct layers in the local lithospheric mantle:
(1) A low-temperature (<850 °C) harzburgite layer distinguished by Ca-rich but Ti-, Y- and Zr-depleted pyropes. The xenoliths originating from this layer are all fine-grained garnet-spinel harzburgites with secondary cpx.
(2) A variably depleted lherzolitic, harzburgitic and wehrlitic horizon from 950 to 1150 °C or 130 to 180 km.
(3) A deep layer from 180 to 240 km composed largely of fertile material.
The peridotitic diamond window at Kaavi–Kuopio stretches from the top of the diamond stability field at 140 km to the base of the harzburgite-bearing mantle at about 180 km, implying a roughly 40-km-wide prospective zone.  相似文献   

Nd-evolutionary paths for diversified igneous suites from southern Brazil are here re-evaluated using published results. We interpret the εNd paths considering the secondary fractionation of 147Sm/144Nd due to major petrogenetic processes. The inclusion of Nd isotopes and geochemical data for Precambrian and Mesozoic basic rocks allow improving the discussion on the subcontinental lithosphere beneath southern Brazil. Late Neoproterozoic rocks, mostly granitoids, are exposed in two regions of the southern Brazilian shield, an eastern collisional belt and a western foreland. The latter included two geotectonic domains amalgamated at this time, the São Gabriel Arc (900–700 Ma), and the Taquarembó cratonic block. Magma genesis mainly involved mixture of crustal and incompatible-element-enriched mantle components, both with a long residence time. Continental segments are the Neoarchaean–Paleoproterozoic lower crust (ca. 2.55 Ga) in the western foreland, and Paleoproterozoic–Neoproterozoic recycled crust (2.1–0.8 Ga) in the collisional belt. Granitoids with a single crustal derivation are limited in the southern Brazilian Shield. Mixing processes are well-registered in the western foreland, where the re-enriched old mantle was probably mixed with a 900–700 Ma-old subducted lithosphere and a 2.55 Ga-old lower crust. The contribution of the latter increased from the early 605–580 Ma to the later 575–550 Ma Neoproterozoic events, which may be due either to crustal thickening or to delamination of the lithosphere. Magma sources were diversified in the 660–630 Ma collisional belt. Initially, they involved the mixing between two components with similar Nd isotopic ratios, a 2.1–0.8 Ga-old recycled crust and a subduction-processed old mantle. Regional heating and abundant production of granitic melts, with diversified contribution of enriched mantle components, mark the end of the collisional period, at 630–580 Ma. We can also attribute this to the delamination of the lithosphere, so that the same geodynamic process may explain the magmatism in the whole shield at the end of the Dom Feliciano Orogeny. Mesozoic rocks include flood basalts from the Cretaceous Paraná Province and sub-coeval alkalic suites. Multiple processes of metasomatism affected the lithospheric mantle, resulting in some complexity but they mainly register two enriched-mantle components, both generated during Neoarchaean–Paleoproterozoic events. One end-member has a more pronounced subduction signature. The other one probably resulted from the re-enrichment of the first component at the end of the Camboriú collisional orogeny (2.0 Ga).  相似文献   

The geochemistry of eclogites and garnet-amphibolites from Tso-Morari region, Ladakh, India has been investigated to characterize their protoliths on the basis of immobile elements, especially trace elements including REE. The eclogites and garnet-amphibolites have coherent compositions, except for the UHP metamorphic minerals being preserved in eclogites. Compositionally, the metabasites range from ‘depleted’ to ‘enriched’, and span from within-plate basalts (WPB) to MORB fields, and match with various enriched or ‘transitional’ MORB types (e.g., on Ti–Zr–Y and Nb–Zr–Y ternary plots). Isotopically they have Sri ratio 0.706 which is similar to some of the Ocean Island Basalt (OIB). The rocks under study suggest that the enriched components are probably derived by melting of a mantle source with an enriched OIB-type component rather than due to the crustal contamination. We propose a rift environment for their protoliths and relate to advanced intra-continental rift situation. Furthermore, our geochemical studies envisage an initial phase of plume activity (Cambrian or earlier) resulting in basaltic magma in the eclogitic layers at sub-lithospheric levels, wherein they were subjected to crystallization under ultra-high pressure conditions. At a later stage the reactivation of faults (probably during Permo-Triassic times) acted as channels for the emplacement of the high pressure rocks in the continental crust. Subsequently, the ultra-high pressure rocks got re-equilibrated as amphibolites, with some remaining as relict eclogites, which later got exposed to the surface during various phases of the Himalayan uplift.  相似文献   

We report analyses of noble gases and Nd–Sr isotopes in mineral separates and whole rocks of late Pleistocene (< 0.2 Ma) monzonites from Ulleungdo, South Korea, a volcanic island within the back arc basin of the Japan island arc. A Rb–Sr mineral isochron age for the monzonites is 0.12 ± 0.01 Ma. K–Ar biotite ages from the same samples gave relatively concordant ages of 0.19 ± 0.01and 0.22 ± 0.01 Ma. 40Ar/39Ar yields a similar age of 0.29 ± 0.09 Ma. Geochemical characteristics of the felsic plutonic rocks, which are silica oversaturated alkali felsic rocks (av., 12.5 wt% in K2O + Na2O), are similar to those of 30 alkali volcanics from Ulleungdo in terms of concentrations of major, trace and REE elements. The initial Nd–Sr isotopic ratios of the monzonites (87Sr/86Sr = 0.70454–0.71264, 143Nd/144Nd = 0.512528–0.512577) are comparable with those of the alkali volcanics (87Sr/86Sr = 0.70466–0.70892, 143Nd/144Nd = 0.512521–0.512615) erupted in Stage 3 of Ulleungdo volcanism (0.24–0.47 Ma). The high initial 87Sr/86Sr values of the monzonites imply that seawater and crustally contaminated pre-existing trachytes may have been melted or assimilated during differentiation of the alkali basaltic magma.A mantle helium component (3He/4He ratio of up to 6.5 RA) associated with excess argon was found in the monzonites. Feldspar and biotite have preferentially lost helium during slow cooling at depth and/or during their transportation to the surface in a hot host magma. The source magma noble gas isotopic features are well preserved in fluid inclusions in hornblende, and indicate that the magma may be directly derived from subcontinental lithospheric mantle metasomatized by an ancient subduction process, or may have formed as a mixture of MORB-like mantle and crustal components. The radiometric ages, geochemical and Nd–Sr isotopic signatures of the Ulleungdo monzonites as well as the presence of mantle-derived helium and argon, suggests that these felsic plutonic rocks evolved from alkali basaltic magma that formed by partial melting of subcontinental lithospheric mantle beneath the back arc basin located along the active continental margin of the southeastern part of the Eurasian plate.  相似文献   

Eastern Anatolia consisting of an amalgamation of fragments of oceanic and continental lithosphere is a current active intercontinental contractional zone that is still being squeezed and shortened between the Arabian and Eurasian plates. This collisional and contractional zone is being accompanied by the tectonic escape of most of the Anatolian plate to the west by major strike-slip faulting on the right-lateral North Anatolian Transform Fault Zone (NATFZ) and left-lateral East Anatolian Transform Fault Zone (EATFZ) which meet at Karlıova forming an east-pointing cusp. The present-day crust in the area between the easternmost part of the Anatolian plate and the Arabian Foreland gets thinner from north (ca 44 km) to south (ca 36 km) relative to its eastern (EAHP) and western sides (central Anatolian region). This thinner crustal area is characterized by shallow CPD (12–16 km), very low Pn velocities (< 7.8 km/s) and high Sn attenuation which indicate partially molten to eroded mantle lid or occurrence of asthenospheric mantle beneath the crust. Northernmost margin of the Arabian Foreland in the south of the Bitlis–Pötürge metamorphic gap area is represented by moderate CPD (16–18 km) relative to its eastern and western sides, and low Pn velocities (8 km/s). We infer from the geophysical data that the lithospheric mantle gets thinner towards the Bitlis–Pötürge metamorphic gap area in the northern margin of the Arabian Foreland which has been most probably caused by mechanical removal of the lithospheric mantle during mantle invasion to the north following the slab breakoff beneath the Bitlis–Pötürge Suture Zone. Mantle flow-driven rapid extrusion and counterclockwise rotation of the Anatolian plate gave rise to stretching and hence crustal thinning in the area between the easternmost part of the Anatolian plate and the Arabian Foreland which is currently dominated by wrench tectonics.  相似文献   

We present new regional petrologic, geochemical, Sr–Nd isotopic, and U–Pb geochronological data on the Turonian–Campanian mafic igneous rocks of Central Hispaniola that provide important clues on the development of the Caribbean island-arc. Central Hispaniola is made up of three main tectonic blocks—Jicomé, Jarabacoa and Bonao—that include four broad geochemical groups of Late Cretaceous mafic igneous rocks: group I, tholeiitic to calc-alkaline basalts and andesites; group II, low-Ti high-Mg andesites and basalts; group III, tholeiitic basalts and gabbros/dolerites; and group IV, tholeiitic to transitional and alkalic basalts. These igneous rocks show significant differences in time and space, from arc-like to non-arc-like characteristics, suggesting that they were derived from different mantle sources. We interpret these groups as the record of Caribbean arc-rifting and back-arc basin development in the Late Cretaceous. The> 90 Ma group I volcanic rocks and associated cumulate complexes preserved in the Jicomé and Jarabacoa blocks represent the Albian to Cenomanian Caribbean island-arc material. The arc rift stage magmatism in these blocks took place during the deposition of the Restauración Formation from the Turonian–Coniacian transition (~ 90 Ma) to Santonian/Lower Campanian, particularly in its lower part with extrusion at 90–88 Ma of group II low-Ti, high-Mg andesites/basalts. During this time or slightly afterwards adakitic rhyolites erupted in the Jarabacoa block. Group III tholeiitic lavas represent the initiation of Coniacian–Lower Campanian back-arc spreading. In the Bonao block, this stage is represented by back-arc basin-like basalts, gabbros and dolerite/diorite dykes intruded into the Loma Caribe peridotite, as well as the Peralvillo Sur Formation basalts, capped by tuffs, shales and Campanian cherts. This dismembered ophiolitic stratigraphy indicates that the Bonao block is a fragment of an ensimatic back-arc basin. In the Jicomé and Jarabacoa blocks, the mainly Campanian group IV basalts of the Peña Blanca, Siete Cabezas and Pelona–Pico Duarte Formation, represent the subsequent stage of back-arc spreading and off-axis non-arc-like magmatism, caused by migration of the arc toward the northeast. These basalts have geochemical affinities with the mantle domain influenced by the Caribbean plume, suggesting that mantle was flowing toward the NE, beneath the extended Caribbean island-arc, in response to rollback of the subducting proto-Caribbean slab.  相似文献   

山西省繁峙玄武岩位于华北克拉通重力梯度带附近,是华北克拉通中部新生代玄武岩重要组成部分。前人全岩K-Ar测年结果为26.3~24.3Ma。对繁峙地区苏孟庄和应县两地玄武岩的地球化学特征研究表明,其微量元素和同位素均具有类OIB特征,即富集不相容元素,轻、重稀土元素分馏明显((La/Yb)N=8.42~21.60),不存在Sr、Eu负异常,Sr同位素比值(87Sr/86Sr=0.703848~0.704870)较低,Nd(143Nd/144Nd=0.512617~0.513057)和Hf(176Hf/177Hf=0.282873~0.283001)同位素比值较高,Pb同位素比值分别为206Pb/204Pb=17.2~17.9,207Pb/204Pb=15.3~15.4和208Pb/204Pb=37.5~37.9。结合岩相学特征和主量元素特征,我们推断繁峙新生代玄武岩是软流圈低程度部分熔融结果,并存在岩石圈物质的加入,岩浆上升时在岩石圈地幔条件下的岩浆房内经历了以橄榄石、单斜辉石为主的分离结晶作用,岩浆因快速上升而地壳混染程度甚低。苏孟庄碱性玄武岩具有较深的熔融深度和较低的熔融程度,而应县亚碱性玄武岩熔融深度较浅,熔融程度较高。结合重力梯度带附近其他地区的新生代玄武岩的研究,我们推测重力梯度带附近新生代的火山活动可能起源于西部软流圈地幔向东流动越过重力梯度带时的减压部分熔融,该地区广泛分布的断裂带为岩浆上涌提供了通道。本文为中国东部新生代玄武质火山活动的岩石成因学研究提供了新的视角。  相似文献   

Three types of fluid inclusions have been identified in olivine porphyroclasts in the spinel harzburgite and lherzolite xenoliths from Tenerife: pure CO2 (Type A); carbonate-rich CO2–SO2 mixtures (Type B); and polyphase inclusions dominated by silicate glass±fluid±sp±silicate±sulfide±carbonate (Type C). Type A inclusions commonly exhibit a “coating” (a few microns thick) consisting of an aggregate of a platy, hydrous Mg–Fe–Si phase, most likely talc, together with very small amounts of halite, dolomite and other phases. Larger crystals (e.g. (Na,K)Cl, dolomite, spinel, sulfide and phlogopite) may be found on either side of the “coating”, towards the wall of the host mineral or towards the inclusion center. These different fluids were formed through the immiscible separations and fluid–wall-rock reactions from a common, volatile-rich, siliceous, alkaline carbonatite melt infiltrating the upper mantle beneath the Tenerife. First, the original siliceous carbonatite melt is separated from a mixed CO2–H2O–NaCl fluid and a silicate/silicocarbonatite melt (preserved in Type A inclusions). The reaction of the carbonaceous silicate melt with the wall-rock minerals gave rise to large poikilitic orthopyroxene and clinopyroxene grains, and smaller neoblasts. During the metasomatic processes, the consumption of the silicate part of the melt produced carbonate-enriched Type B CO2–SO2 fluids which were trapped in exsolved orthopyroxene porphyroclasts. At the later stages, the interstitial silicate/silicocarbonatite fluids were trapped as Type C inclusions. At a temperature above 650 °C, the mixed CO2–H2O–NaCl fluid inside the Type A inclusions were separated into CO2-rich fluid and H2O–NaCl brine. At T<650 °C, the residual silicate melt reacted with the host olivine, forming a reaction rim or “coating” along the inclusion walls consisting of talc (or possibly serpentine) together with minute crystals of NaCl, KCl, carbonates and sulfides, leaving a residual CO2 fluid. The homogenization temperatures of +2 to +25 °C obtained from the Type A CO2 inclusions reflect the densities of the residual CO2 after its reactions with the olivine host, and are unrelated to the initial fluid density or the external pressure at the time of trapping. The latter are restricted by the estimated crystallization temperatures of 1000–1200 °C, and the spinel lherzolite phase assemblage of the xenolith, which is 0.7–1.7 GPa.  相似文献   

王金芳  李英杰  李红阳  董培培 《地质学报》2020,94(12):3561-3580
本文以出露于贺根山缝合带迪彦庙蛇绿混杂岩北侧的乌兰拜其白音高老组流纹岩- 粗面岩为研究对象,通过野外地质调查和岩石学、地球化学、锆石U- Pb年代学研究,探讨岩石成因类型、构造环境和古亚洲洋俯冲板片断离与后造山伸展过程。岩石地球化学研究表明, 乌兰拜其地区白音高老组流纹岩具有较高的SiO 2、Al 2O 3、K 2O和Na 2O+K 2O含量,以及较高的Ga/Al比值,相对贫CaO、MgO、Sr、Ba、Eu、Ti和P,稀土元素配分曲线为右倾海鸥式分布,负铕异常显著。该区粗面岩属于钾玄岩系列,具有高碱(Na 2O+K 2O)、高K 2O、高Al 2O 3、低TiO 2,富集Rb、Ba、U和轻稀土元素, 亏损 Nb、Ta 和 Ti,稀土元素配分曲线为右倾式分布。岩石学和岩石地球化学特征表明,乌兰拜其地区白音高老组流纹岩为迪彦庙- 白音布拉格蛇绿混杂岩带早白垩世后造山A型花岗岩浆的喷出相- A型流纹岩,其形成于后造山伸展构造环境;粗面岩为后造山型钾玄质火山岩,与洋壳俯冲作用有关,形成于俯冲板片断离- 后造山伸展构造背景。流纹岩和粗面岩锆石LA- ICP- MS U- Pb同位素测年,获得206Pb/238U加权平均年龄分别为140. 4±1. 2Ma和134. 9±1. 1Ma,表明白音高老组流纹岩- 粗面岩喷发于早白垩世,反映了贺根山缝合带早白垩世后造山A型花岗岩浆- 钾玄质岩浆作用事件。结合贺根山缝合带的壳幔电性结构特征和晚古生代蛇绿岩- 岛弧岩浆岩、中生代后造山A型岩浆岩的时空分布与演化关系,认为根山缝合带三叠纪- 早白垩世后造山伸展岩浆作用与古亚洲洋俯冲板片断离作用有关,提出了该区后造山A型花岗岩浆- 钾玄质岩浆作用的俯冲板片断离- 后造山伸展地球动力学模式。  相似文献   

系统研究了西藏冈底斯带石炭纪—二叠纪火山岩的时空分布、岩相学、元素及Sr、Nd、Pb 同位素地球化学和构造环境、源区性质,并与喜马拉雅带二叠纪火山岩进行了对比研究。冈底斯带石炭纪—二叠纪火山岩近东西向集中分布在冈底斯构造带中北部地带,空间上从东至西火山活动的强度和规模渐次减小,时间上从早至晚火山活动的强度和规模总体由弱到强。冈底斯带石炭纪—二叠纪火山岩形成于活动大陆边缘的岛弧构造环境,从早到晚岛弧造山作用经历了初始岛弧→早期岛弧→成熟岛弧的发展演变过程,火山岩浆来源于富集型地幔部分熔融作用,原始岩浆在形成和演化的过程中有俯冲洋壳及随带的深海沉积物和再循环进人地慢的地壳物质组分的强烈混染,明显不同于受地壳物质组分强烈混染的喜马拉雅带二叠纪陆缘裂陷型火山岩。综合研究冈底斯带及其邻区近年来的最新调查与研究成果,从北向南拟建了石炭纪—二叠纪冈底斯岛弧→雅鲁藏布江弧后裂谷盆地→喜马拉雅陆缘裂陷盆地的弧盆系时空结构演化模式,探讨了冈瓦纳大陆北缘石炭纪—二叠纪活动大陆边缘的岛弧造山作用与青藏高原古特提斯演化的耦合关系及其动力学机制,讨论了冈底斯带松多乡榴辉岩的形成过程。  相似文献   

位于青藏高原东南缘的腾冲火山区发育大量的后碰撞高钾钙碱性岩浆岩(8Ma至今),形成了近连续的玄武岩-玄武安山岩-粗面安山岩-英安岩系列。在晚更新世(0.3~0.4Ma)粗面安山岩中发现了大量的辉长岩包体与辉长质矿物聚晶。辉长岩包体分为两类:I类为辉长苏长岩(直径2~4cm),主要由斜长石(50%~60%)、单斜辉石(20%~30%)和斜方辉石(5%~10%)组成,矿物间呈高角度接触的开放结构并包含少量的基质玻璃;Ⅱ类辉长岩包体(直径2~12cm)主要由斜长石(40%~50%)与单斜辉石(30%~40%)组成,含少量铁钛氧化物(5%~10%),矿物间见少量的基质玻璃与微晶斜方辉石(粒径 < 50μm)。矿物聚晶(粒径2~5mm)由斜长石(40%~60%)、单斜辉石(20%~30%)和斜方辉石(5%~10%)组成,矿物间呈高角度接触的开放结构,其间贯入基质玻璃。辉长岩包体、矿物聚晶与寄主粗面安山岩斑晶具有相同的矿物组成(斜长石+单斜辉石+斜方辉石);单斜辉石具有相似的微量元素组成特征;辉长岩包体全岩主量元素成分落在玄武岩-玄武安山岩-粗面安山岩-英安岩的演化序列中,它们与寄主粗面安山岩具有一致的Sr-Nd-Pb同位素组成。上述观测结果表明,辉长岩包体和矿物聚晶与寄主岩浆同源,它们均来自粗面安山质岩浆房。矿物温度与压力计算结果表明,辉长岩包体与矿物聚晶的结晶温度低于斑晶,形成深度位于粗面安山质岩浆房的中上部。这些具有开放结构的矿物聚晶与辉长岩包体可能代表粗面安山质岩浆喷发前形成晶粥的"碎片":矿物聚晶与I类辉长岩包体矿物间基质含量较高,矿物成分与寄主粗面安山质熔体(全岩成分)平衡,可能代表寄主粗面安山质岩浆形成的晶粥;Ⅱ类辉长岩包体矿物间紧密程度较高,矿物与较演化的岩浆平衡,可能代表早期较演化的岩浆形成的经历压实作用的晶粥。粗面安山质岩浆的快速上升将这些晶粥破碎并以辉长岩包体与矿物聚晶的方式运移至地表。岩浆房中基性岩浆的补给是导致安山质岩浆喷发的重要诱发机制。  相似文献   

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