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Kumano (2013) is the first to investigate the Boston school choice mechanism (BOSM) under restricted priority domains. This paper strengthens and extends his result and shows that the BOSM is strategy-proof, if and only if it is fair, if and only if it is equivalent to the student-optimal stable mechanism (SOSM), and if and only if the number of total seats at any two schools exceeds the number of students.  相似文献   

M. I. Jinnah 《代数通讯》2013,41(7):2400-2404
Let R be a commutative ring with non zero unity. Let Ω(R) be a graph with vertices as elements of R whose two distinct vertices x and y are adjacent if and only if Rx + Ry = R. A graph (V, E) is said to be a split graph if V is the disjoint union of two sets K and S where K induces a complete subgraph and S is an independent set. We investigate the properties of R when Ω(R) is split.  相似文献   

Let L\cal{L} be a positive definite bilinear functional, then the Uvarov transformation of L\cal{L} is given by  U(p,q) = L(p,q) + m p(a)[`(q)](a-1) +[`(m)] p([`(a)]-1)\,\mathcal{U}(p,q) = \mathcal{L}(p,q) + m\,p(\alpha)\overline{q}(\alpha^{-1}) + \overline{m}\,p(\overline{\alpha}^{-1}) [`(q)]([`(a)])\overline{q}(\overline{\alpha}) where $|\alpha| > 1, m \in \mathbb{C}$|\alpha| > 1, m \in \mathbb{C}. In this paper we analyze conditions on m for U\cal{U} to be positive definite in the linear space of polynomials of degree less than or equal to n. In particular, we show that m has to lie inside a circle in the complex plane defined by α, n and the moments associated with L\cal{L}. We also give an upper bound for the radius of this circle that depends only on α and n. This and other conditions on m are visualized for some examples.  相似文献   

Conditions on a topological space X under which the space C(X,R) of continuous real-valued maps with the Isbell topology κ is a topological group (topological vector space) are investigated. It is proved that the addition is jointly continuous at the zero function in Cκ(X,R) if and only if X is infraconsonant. This property is (formally) weaker than consonance, which implies that the Isbell and the compact-open topologies coincide. It is shown the translations are continuous in Cκ(X,R) if and only if the Isbell topology coincides with the fine Isbell topology. It is proved that these topologies coincide if X is prime (that is, with at most one non-isolated point), but do not even for some sums of two consonant prime spaces.  相似文献   

We characterize the class of symmetric two-player games in which tit-for-tat cannot be beaten even by very sophisticated opponents in a repeated game. It turns out to be the class of exact potential games. More generally, there is a class of simple imitation rules that includes tit-for-tat but also imitate-the-best and imitate-if-better. Every decision rule in this class is essentially unbeatable in exact potential games. Our results apply to many interesting games including all symmetric 2 $\times $ 2 games, and standard examples of Cournot duopoly, price competition, public goods games, common pool resource games, and minimum effort coordination games.  相似文献   


We characterize those small categories with the property that flat (contravariant) functors on them are coherently axiomatized in the language of presheaves on them. They are exactly the categories with the property that every finite diagram into them has a finite set of (weakly) initial cocones.  相似文献   

Given a finite simplicial graph , and an assignment of groups to the verticles of , the graph product is the free product of the vertex groups modulo relations implying that adjacent vertex groups commute. We use Gromov's link criteria for cubical complexes and techniques of Davis and Moussang to study the curvature of graph products of groups. By constructing a CAT(–1) cubical complex, it is shown that the graph product of word hyperbolic groups is itself word hyperbolic if and only if the full subgraph in , generated by vertices whose associated groups are finite, satisfies three specific criteria. The construction shows that arbitrary graph products of finite groups are Bridson groups.  相似文献   

We provide a necessary and sufficient condition for the derived self-intersection of a smooth subscheme inside a smooth scheme to be a fibration over the subscheme. As a consequence we deduce a generalized HKR isomorphism. We also investigate the relationship of our result to path spaces in homotopy theory, Buchweitz–Flenner formality in algebraic geometry, and draw parallels with similar results in Lie theory and symplectic geometry.  相似文献   

The Ramanujan Journal - We obtain a condition describing when the quasimodular forms given by the Bloch–Okounkov theorem as q-brackets of certain functions on partitions are actually modular....  相似文献   

Let F be a local field, a nontrivial unitary additive character of F, and V a finite dimensional vector space over F. Let us say that a complex function on V is elementary if it has the form , where , Q is a rational function (the phase function), are polynomials, and multiplicative characters of F. For generic , this function canonically extends to a distribution on V (if char(F) = 0). Occasionally, the Fourier transform of an elementary function is also an elementary function (the basic example is the Gaussian integral: k = 0, Q is a nondegenerate quadratic form). It is interesting to determine when exactly this happens. This question is the main subject of our study. In the first part of this paper we show that for or , if the Fourier transform of an elementary function with phase function -Q such that is another elementary function with phase function , then is the Legendre transform of Q (the "semiclassical condition"). We study properties and examples of phase functions satisfying this condition, and give a classification of phase functions such that both Q and are of the form f(x)/t, where f is a homogeneous cubic polynomial and t is an additional variable (this is one of the simplest possible situations). Unexpectedly, the proof uses Zak's classification theorem for Severi varieties.? In the second part of the paper we give a necessary and sufficient condition for an elementary function to have an elementary Fourier transform (in an appropriate "weak" sense) and explicit formulas for such Fourier transforms in the case when Q and are monomials, over any local field F. We also describe a generalization of these results to the case of monomials of norms of finite extensions of F. Finally, we generalize some of the above results (including Fourier integration formulas) to the case when and Q comes from a prehomogeneous vector space.  相似文献   

Let G be a connected linear algebraic group, let V be a finite dimensional algebraic G-module, and let and be two G-orbits in V. We describe a constructive way to find out whether or not lies in the closure of . Published in Russian in Trudy Matematicheskogo Instituta imeni V.A. Steklova, 2009, Vol. 264, pp. 152–164. In memory of V.A. Iskovskikh  相似文献   

A left Bol loop is a loop satisfying . The commutant of a loop is the set of elements which commute with all elements of the loop. In a finite Bol loop of odd order or of order , odd, the commutant is a subloop. We investigate conditions under which the commutant of a Bol loop is not a subloop. In a finite Bol loop of order relatively prime to , the commutant generates an abelian group of order dividing the order of the loop. This generalizes a well-known result for Moufang loops. After describing all extensions of a loop such that is in the left and middle nuclei of the resulting loop, we show how to construct classes of Bol loops with a non-subloop commutant. In particular, we obtain all Bol loops of order with a non-subloop commutant.


The problem formulated in the title is investigated. The case of nilpotent matrices of size at most 4 allows a unitary treatment. The numerical range of a nilpotent matrix M of size at most 4 is circular if and only if the traces tr MM2 and tr MM3 are null. The situation becomes more complicated as soon as the size is 5. The conditions under which a 5×5 nilpotent matrix has circular numerical range are thoroughly discussed.  相似文献   

Let C be a coalgebra over a field k. The aim of this paper is to study the following problem : (P) If C is a k-coalgebra such that C is a generator for the category of left comodules, is C a left quasi-co-Frobenius coalgebra ? The converse always holds. We show that if C has a finite coradical series, the answer is positive.  相似文献   

We discuss conditions under which an equally weighted design is D-optimal. The concept of a model being maximally invariant with respect to a set is introduced and is shown to be useful in this work. Several illustrative examples are given, including two biomedical applications using compartmental and segmented models.  相似文献   

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