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《Quaestiones Mathematicae》2013,36(3-4):201-218

In this paper, we are mainly interested in describing constructively u(Z(G × C 2)), where u(ZG) has been described in some way. We first consider unitary units and prove that if u(ZG) is generated by unitary units, then U(Z(G × C2)) is also generated by unitary units. Then we consider bicyclic units and ask the following question: If G has a normal complement generated by bicyclic units, does G × C 2 also have a normal complement generated by bicyclic units? We give a negative answer to the above in general, showing that none of the normal complements of D 8 × C 2 × C 2 is generated by bicyclic units, although a normal complement of D 8 × C 2 is indeed generated by bicyclic units.  相似文献   


Marciniak and Sehgal (Marciniak, Z., Sehgal, S. K. (1997). Constructing free subgroups of integral group rings units. Proc. Amer. Math. Soc.125(4):1005–1009) constructed free subgroups in U(?[G]) whenever Ghas a non normal finite subgroup. In this paper we construct free subgroups in U(?[G]), where Gis a group whose subgroups are all normal.  相似文献   

We analyze the structure of ideals generated by some classes of 2 × 2 permanents of hypermatrices, generalizing [9 Laubenbacher , R. C. , Swanson , I. ( 2000 ). Permanental ideals . J. Symbolic Comput. 30 : 195205 .[Crossref], [Web of Science ®] [Google Scholar]] on 2 × 2 permanental ideals of generic matrices. We compare the obtained structure to that of the corresponding determinantal ideals in [11 Swanson , I. , Taylor , A. ( 2013 ). Minimal primes of ideals arising from conditional independence statements . J. Algebra 392 : 299314 .[Crossref], [Web of Science ®] [Google Scholar]]: as expected, the permanental ideals have many more (minimal) components. In the last two sections, we examine a few related classes of permanental ideals.  相似文献   

Using rank-1 reduction formula and the vector space spanned by the real rank-1 matrices, we present a different way to show that the maximum possible rank of the 2?×?2?×?2 tensors over the real field is 3. Following, we obtain that the maximum rank of the 2?×?2?×?2?×?2 tensors over the real field is less than or equal to 5 and propose another way to show that the maximum rank of the 2?×?2?×?2?×?2 tensors over the complex field is 4, except one special case.  相似文献   

Direct and recursive constructions are established for graph designs for K 2 × K 6 grid-blocks. Using these, the existence of graph designs of index one in which the blocks are K 2 × K 6 grid-blocks is completely determined: A (K 2 × K 6)-design of order v exists if and only if ${v\equiv1\pmod{72}}$ .  相似文献   

We give an example of an infinite metrizable space X such that the space Cp(X), of continuous real-valued functions on X endowed with the pointwise topology, is not homeomorphic to its own square Cp(X) × Cp(X). The space X is a zero-dimensional subspace of the real line. Our result answers a long-standing open question in the theory of function spaces posed by A. V. Arhangel’skii.  相似文献   

Let Cp, q be the semi-direct product of a cyclic group of order q by a cyclic group of order p, and ?Cp, q the integral group ring of Cp, q. In this article, firstly, we describe the group of normalized central units of ?Cp, q as a direct product of two subgroups that we call units of first kind and of second kind. For a class of prime numbers that we call good primes, we construct a multiplicatively independent set which generates the group of units of first kind. Finally, we construct a set of multiplicatively independent units which generates the units of second kind for a larger class of primes.  相似文献   

Stefania Aqué 《代数通讯》2013,41(4):1405-1416
Let F be a field of characteristic 0 and A = M 2, 1(F) the algebra of 3 × 3 matrices over F endowed with the only non trivial ?2-grading. Aver'yanov in [1 Aver'yanov , I. V. ( 2009 ). Basis of graded identities of the superalgebra M 1, 2(F) . Mathematical Notes 85 ( 4 ): 467483 .[Crossref] [Google Scholar]] determined a set of generators for the T 2-ideal of graded identities of A. Here we study the identities in variables of homogeneous degree 1 via the representation theory of the symmetric group, and we determine the decomposition of the corresponding character into irreducibles.  相似文献   


We obtain an explicit characterization of the stable points of the action of on the cartesian product G  × n by simultaneous conjugation on each factor in terms of the corresponding invariant functions. From this, a simple criterion for the irreducibility of representations of finitely generated groups into G is derived. We also obtain analogous results for the action of on the vector space of n-tuples of 2 × 2 complex matrices. For a free group F n of rank n, we show how to generically reconstruct the 2 n-2 conjugacy classes of representations F n G from their values under the map considered in Magnus [Math. Zeit. 170, 91–103 (1980)], defined by certain 3n − 3 traces of words of length one and two.   相似文献   

Trae Holcomb 《代数通讯》2013,41(7):2928-2938
This paper investigates numerical semigroups that yield 2 × 2 bricks. We demonstrate the existence of an infinite family of 2 × 2 bricks that includes all of the perfect 2 × 2 bricks. We provide a formula for the Frobenius numbers of these semigroups as well as a necessary and sufficient condition for the semigroups to be symmetric.  相似文献   

By means of a reduction approach to 2 × 2 quasilinear hyperbolic homogeneous systems of first-order PDEs, a full and exhaustive analysis of nonlinear wave interactions is achieved. The alteration in the profile as well as in the wave time distortion of the emerging pulses caused by the interaction process is illustrated in detail through exact solutions of initial value problems. Canonical forms of 2 × 2 systems which allow for special (soliton-like) hyperbolic wave interactions and of interest in applications are also determined.  相似文献   

We consider arrays of size 2?×?2?×?2 and 2?×?2?×?2?×?2 over the fields with two and three elements. We use computer algebra to determine the canonical forms of these arrays with respect to the action of the semidirect product of general linear groups with the symmetric group. For each canonical form, we determine the size of its orbit and the rank of the arrays in its orbit.  相似文献   

In this article, we establish a bijection between the set of mutation classes of mutation-cyclic skew-symmetric integral 3 × 3-matrices and the set of triples of integers (a, b, c) such that 2 ≤ a ≤ b ≤ c and ab ≥ c. We also give an algorithm allowing to verify whether a matrix is mutation-cyclic or not. We prove that given a, b, the two cases depend on whether c is large enough or not.  相似文献   

The Moore bipartite bound represents an upper bound on the order of a bipartite graph of maximum degree Δ and diameter D. Bipartite graphs of maximum degree Δ, diameter D and order equal to the Moore bipartite bound are called Moore bipartite graphs. Such bipartite graphs exist only if D=2,3,4 and 6, and for D=3,4,6, they have been constructed only for those values of Δ such that Δ−1 is a prime power.  相似文献   

As a first step in the classification of nonsingular 2×2×2×2 hypercubes up to equivalence, we resolve the case where the base field is finite and the hypercubes can be written as a product of two 2×2×2 hypercubes. (Nonsingular hypercubes were introduced by D. Knuth in the context of semifields. Where semifields are related to hypercubes of dimension 3, this paper considers the next case, i.e., hypercubes of dimension 4.) We define the notion of ij-rank (with 1 ≤ i < j ≤ 4) and prove that a hypercube is the product of two 2×2×2 hypercubes if and only if its 12-rank is at most 2. We derive a ‘standard form’ for nonsingular 2×2×2×2 hypercubes of 12-rank less than 4 as a first step in the classification of such hypercubes up to equivalence. Our main result states that the equivalence class of a nonsingular 2×2×2×2 hypercube M of 12-rank 2 depends only on the value of an invariant δ 0(M) which derives in a natural way from the Cayley hyperdeterminant det0 M and another polynomial invariant det M of degree 4. As a corollary we prove that the number of equivalence classes is (q + 1)/2 or q/2 depending on whether the order q of the field is odd or even.  相似文献   

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