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控释掺混肥对小麦产量、氮素利用率及土壤氮平衡的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
利用不同类型和不同氮素水平的控释掺混肥与普通复合肥进行对比试验,研究了不同施氮水平对大田小麦产量、氮素利用率和土壤氮平衡的影响。结果表明,控释掺混肥既能够显著提高小麦产量和氮素利用率,又明显减少了氮素损失量,以比常规施氮量减少20%、控氮比75%的控释掺混肥(CRF4)效果最显著,产量增加10.08%,氮素利用率提高15.23百分点,氮素损失量减少75.26 kg/hm2。  相似文献   

A 3-year multi-site study was carried out on rainfed Vertisols under Mediterranean conditions in southern Europe to determine the influence of the N fertilizer rate on soil nitrates, N uptake and N use efficiency in bread wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) and durum wheat (Triticum turgidum L. var. Durum Desf.) in rotation with sunflower (Heliathus annuus L.). Nitrogen fertilizer rates were 0, 100, 150 and 200 kg N ha−1 applied in equal proportions at sowing, tillering and stem elongation. The experiment was designed as a randomized complete block with a split plot arrangement and four replications. Nitrogen harvest index (NHI), N uptake/grain yield (NUp/GY), N use efficiency (NUE), N utilization efficiency (NUtE), N uptake efficiency (NUpE) and N apparent recovery fraction (NRF) were calculated. Differences were observed in N use efficiency between the two modern bread wheat and durum wheat cultivars studied. In comparison to durum, bread wheat displayed greater N accumulation capacity and a more efficient use of N for grain production. While under N-limiting conditions, the behavior was similar for both wheat types. No difference was noted between wheat types with regard to changes in soil residual levels over the study period at the various sites. The 100-kg ha−1 N fertilizer rate kept soil nitrates stable at a moderate level in plots where both wheat types were sown.  相似文献   

Yield response of dryland wheat to fertilizer N application in relation to components of seasonal water (available soil moisture and rainfall) and residual farm yard manure (FYM) was studied for five years (1983–84 to 1987–88) on a maize-wheat sequence on sandy loam soils in Hoshiarpur district of Punjab, India. Four rates of N viz. 0, 40, 60 and 80 kg ha–1 in wheat were superimposed on two residual FYM treatments viz. no FYM (F0) and 15 t ha–1 (F15) to preceding maize. FYM application to maize increased the residual NO3-N content by 19–30 kg ha–1 in the 180 cm soil profile. For a given moisture distribution, F15 increased attainable yields. Over the years, F15 increased wheat yield by 230 to 520 kg ha–1. Response to fertilizer N was lower in FYM amended plots than in unamended plots. Available soil moisture at wheat seeding and amount and distribution of rainfall during the vegetative and the reproductive phases of crop development affected N use efficiency by wheat. Available soil moisture at seeding alone accounted for 50% variation in yield. The residual effect of FYM on wheat yield could be accounted for by considering NO3-N in 180 cm soil profile at seeding. The NO3-N and available soil moisture at wheat seeding along with split rainfall for two main phases of crop development and fertilizer N accounted for 96% variation in wheat yield across years and FYM treatments.  相似文献   

Two field experiments, in which differing amounts and types of plant residues were incorporated into a red earth soil, were conducted at Katherine, N.T., Australia. The aim of the work was to evaluate the effect of the residues on uptake of soil and fertilizer N by a subsequent sorghum crop, on the accumulation and leaching of nitrate, and on losses of N.Stubble of grain sorghum applied at an exceptionally high rate (~ 18 000 kg ha–1) reduced uptake of N by sorghum by 13% and depressed the accumulation of nitrate under a crop and particularly under a fallow.Loss of fertilizer N, movement of nitrate down the profile, and uptake by the crop was studied in another experiment after application of N as15NH4 15NO3 to field microplots. By four weeks after fertilizer application 14% had been lost from the soil-plant system and by crop maturity 36 per cent had been lost. The pattern of15N distribution in the profile suggested that losses below 150 cm had occurred during crop growth. The recovery of15N by the crop alone ranged from 16 to 32 per cent. There was an apparent loss of N from the crop between anthesis and maturity. Residue levels common to sorghum crops in the region (~ 2000 kg ha–1) did not significantly affect uptake by a subsequent sorghum crop, N losses, or distribution of nitrate in the profile.  相似文献   

Crop yield and N uptake in semi-arid environments are typically limited by available water and/or N. Since remobilization of shoot N is a major source of grain N, an understanding of how it is influenced by soil N and water supply, and tillage, is required. In 2003, 2005 and 2006, we determined the influence of N supply (0 or 60 kg fertilizer N ha−1) and tillage [no tillage (NT) or conventional tillage (CT)] on N translocation and N use efficiency of wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) at Scott, Saskatchewan, Canada. Wheat production and N use, and their response to N fertilizer or tillage, were largely influenced by water availability. Wheat N uptake and remobilization were strongly correlated with normalized rainfall in May and June (r = 0.985 and 0.935, respectively, both significant at the P = 0.01 level). In a moisture-stressed year (2003), grain yield was higher under NT than CT, and fertilizer N was ineffective due to low N demand. Nitrogen application increased shoot dry matter (DM), and N uptake and remobilization only in 2006, a year with near-average precipitation. In a wet and cool year (2005), wheat showed no response to tillage or fertilizer N as available soil N was high. Root DM and N content varied slightly only with year or treatment. When N uptake at heading was substantially greater than 100 kg ha−1, N loss occurred during plant senescence, and it was higher with N fertilization: in 2005 and 2006, N-fertilized wheat lost 33–35 kg N ha−1. Nitrogen use efficiency was: (1) higher under NT than CT, due to higher N utilization efficiency, (2) higher with no added N due to higher uptake and utilization efficiencies, and (3) low when water availability was low or excessive. Tillage system had little effect on the uptake, remobilization or loss of N. Fertilizer N application in a year with average rainfall increased wheat production, N accumulation and remobilization, and N loss during senescence.  相似文献   

Field trials were carried out to study the fate of15N-labelled urea applied to summer maize and winter wheat in loess soils in Shaanxi Province, north-west China. In the maize experiment, nitrogen was applied at rates of 0 or 210 kg N ha–1, either as a surface application, mixed uniformly with the top 0.15 m of soil, or placed in holes 0.1 m deep adjacent to each plant and then covered with soil. In the wheat experiment, nitrogen was applied at rates of 0, 75 or 150 kg N ha–1, either to the surface, or incorporated by mixing with the top 0.15 m, or placed in a band at 0.15 m depth. Measurements were made of crop N uptake, residual fertilizer N and soil mineral N. The total above-ground dry matter yield of maize varied between 7.6 and 11.9 t ha–1. The crop recovery of fertilizer N following point placement was 25% of that applied, which was higher than that from the surface application (18%) or incorporation by mixing (18%). The total grain yield of wheat varied between 4.3 and 4.7 t ha–1. In the surface applications, the recovery of fertilizer-derived nitrogen (25%) was considerably lower than that from the mixing treatments and banded placements (33 and 36%). The fertilizer N application rate had a significant effect on grain and total dry matter yield, as well as on total N uptake and grain N contents. The main mechanism for loss of N appeared to be by ammonia volatilization, rather than leaching. High mineral N concentrations remained in the soil at harvest, following both crops, demonstrating a potential for significant reductions in N application rates without associated loss in yield.  相似文献   

Effect of nitrogen and water uptake on yield of wheat   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
For 2 years, field experiments were conducted to study the direct and interactive effects of water and nitrogen uptake at different growth stages on grain yield of wheat, grown on coarse textured alluvial soil of Ludhiana. Twelve treatments comprising 3 irrigation regimes and 4 rates of N were imposed. The N and irrigation regimes showed significant interaction, especially during the drier year. Grain yield was better explained with water uptake and N uptake, when partitioned over different growth stages than with total uptake. The sensitivity factor for water uptake was higher at the reproductive stage ( = 1.60) than at the vegetative ( = 1.05) and maturation ( = 0.38) stages. Contrary, yield was more sensitive to N uptake during the vegetative stage than the reproductive and the maturation stages. Sensitivity of grain yield to water uptake was higher at higher N application rates. Yield predictability was much better (R2 = 0.98) when N and water uptake at different growth stages were combined.  相似文献   

采用超大区田间试验,以不施氮、传统氯素管理方式和优化氮素管理方式为对照,研究冬小麦施用包裹型缓/控释肥(包裹肥料)对产量、土壤无机氮和氮肥利用效率的影响,并对冬小麦施用包裹型缓/控释肥效果进行评价,结果表明:与传统氮素管理方式相比,优化氮素管理方式和包裹肥料处理在分别节省了78%和67%的氮肥的条件下,获得了和传统氮素管理方式相似的冬小麦子粒产量;采用氮素优化管理模式和施用包裹肥料显著降低了土壤无机氮残留和氮素表观损失,从而显著提高了氮肥利用率;与优化氮素管理方式相比,施用包裹肥料可一次性基施,省时省力,提高了经济效益。  相似文献   

In northern India, the monsoon rains recede much earlier than the sowing time of post-rainy crops and the seed-zone gets dried. Excess rain water collected in near-farm or on-farm reservoirs permits small presowing and/or postsowing irrigation(s) to increase yield which is also limited by N supplies. Field experiments were conducted to match N application rates with available water supplies to optimise wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) yields. Five rates of fertilizer N (0, 25, 50, 75 and 100 kg ha–1) were combined with five irrigation treatments (no-irrigation; 5 cm and 10 cm presowing irrigation, 5 cm irrigation 30 days after sowing and; equal presowing and postsowing irrigations totalling 10 cm). The yield was regressed over crop water supply inclusive of irrigation (W) or exclusive of irrigation (W1) and applied nitrogen (N). Grain yield increased with increase in both water supply and N-rate. Within certain limits N and W1 substituted each other for yield and so did irrigation and W1. Irrespective of irrigation, the amount of N required to substitute for given W1 to maintain a given yield decreased with increasing W1. At low W1, irrigation substituted for small changes in W1 but with increased W1, irrigation substituted for larger changes in W1. Also with increase in N level given irrigation substituted for smaller amount of W1. These regressions permit recommendations of N in relation to stored water and seasonal rain with or without limited irrigation. The latter was most useful at intermediate W1.  相似文献   

The decline of cooking banana production in parts of East Africa hasbeen associated with a loss of soil fertility and increased pest pressure.Previous work indicated that the use of mineral fertilizers at recommendedratesis not financially viable on plantations where pest pressure is high. Theobjectives of this study were to determine the effects of half the recommendedrates of mineral fertilizers and organic mulch on banana yield, soil and foliarnutrient status, soil water and pest damage in the central region of Uganda.Thestudy was conducted in a four-year old banana plantation infested with weevils.Treatments consisted of mineral fertilizer alone, mulch alone, a combination ofmulch with fertilizer, and a control (no mulch from outside the plot, ormineralfertilizer applied). Fruit yield was generally low (mean of 7.4 Mgha–1 yr–1) and increases above thecontrol ranged from 1.1 to 2.0 Mg ha–1 yr–1. Banana yield was significantly higher in the solemulch treatment than in the control. However, there were no significantdifferences in yield among the treatments that received external inputs. Thus,there was no demonstrable yield advantage of combining mineral fertilizer withmulch. At the end of the trial, soil K concentrations in the two treatmentsthatwere mulched, were almost twice those of the control, but this difference wasnotstatistically significant. Concentrations of Ca and Mg did not differ withtreatment. Soil available P significantly increased when mineral fertilizer andorganic mulch were combined. Treatments that received organic mulch were lowerin foliar concentrations of N and Mg, and higher in K. Soil water content wasgreater in the surface soil layer in the treatments that received mulch,presumably due to less surface run-off and evaporation, since there was nochangein surface soil porosity. The effect of organic and inorganic amendments had noimpact on weevil damage, which remained above 5% at the end of the trial. Weconclude that where weevil damage is over 5% of the cross section near thecollar, banana production may not be economically increased through use ofeither mineral fertilizer and/or organic mulch.  相似文献   

Field studies were conducted for two years on a rapidly percolating loamy sand (Typic Ustochrept) to evaluate the effect of green manure (GM) on the yield,15N recovery from urea applied to flooded rice, the potential for ammonia loss and uptake of residual fertilizer N by succeeding crops. The GM crop ofSesbania aculeata was grownin situ and incorporated one day before transplanting rice. Urea was broadcast in 0.05 m deep floodwater, and incorporated with a harrow. Green manure significantly increased the yield and N uptake by rice and substituted for a minimum of 60 kg fertilizer N ha–1. The recovery of fertilizer N as indicated by15N recovery was higher in the GM + urea treatments. The grain yield and N uptake by succeeding wheat in the rotation was slightly higher with GM. The recovery of residual fertilizer N as indicated by the15N recovery in the second, third and fourth crops of wheat, rice and wheat was only 3, 1 and 1 per cent of the urea fertilizer applied to the preceding rice crop. Floodwater chemistry parameters showed that the combined use of the GM and 40 kg N ha–1 as urea applied at transplanting resulted in a comparatively higher potential for NH3 loss immediately after fertilizer application. The actual ammonia loss as suggested by the15N recoveries in the rice crop, however, did not appear to be appreciably larger in the GM treatment. It appeared the ammonia loss was restricted by low ammoniacal-N concentration maintained in the floodwater after 2 to 3 days of fertilizer application.  相似文献   

Distribution and accumulation of NO3-N down to 4 m depth in the soil profile of a long term fertilization experiment with organic manure and N and P chemical fertilizer were studied after 12 years, wheat and corn were planted in each year. The apparent N recovery decreased with increased N and P fertilizer. NO3-N was mainly accumulated in 0-1.2 m depth of the soil profile with a maximum of 34 mg N kg-1 for the treatment with 120 kg N and 26 kg P per hectare, a secondary maximum of 7.2 mg N kg-1 was found at 3.2 m depth in the same treatment. NO3-N accumulation in the soil profile was minimized in the trials with highest manure application. Nitrogen that was not recovered was leached as NO3-N deeper than 4 m depth, was immobilized in the profile or was lost by denitrification. This revised version was published online in August 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

肥料中硝态氮、铵态氮、总氮的研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
研究仅含硝态氮、铵态氮的肥料,结果表明,用GB/T8572-2010《复混肥料中总氮含量的测定蒸馏后滴定法》检测含有硝态氮、铵态氮的肥料中铵态氮含量、硝态氮含量(差减法总氮含量-铵态氮含量=硝态氮含量)(标准GB/T8572-2010《复混肥料中总氮含量的测定蒸馏后滴定法》中没有体现总氮含量-铵态氮含量=硝态氮含量,这是根据铵态氮与硝态氮性质总结研究出来的)与标准NY/T1116-2014《肥料硝态氮、铵态氮、酰胺态氮含量的测定》单独检测铵态氮含量、硝态氮含量结果无显著性差异。GB/T8572-2010检测总氮含量与SN/T0736.5-2010《进出口化肥检验方法第5部分:氮含量的测定》检测总氮含量无显著性差异。  相似文献   

Application of chemical fertilizers and farmyard manure affects crop productivity and improves nutrient cycling within soil–plant systems, but the magnitude varies with soil-climatic conditions. A long-term (1982–2004) field experiment was conducted to investigate the effects of nitrogen (N), phosphorus (P), and potassium (K) fertilizers and farmyard swine manure (M) on seed and straw yield, protein concentration, and N uptake in the seed and straw of 19-year winter wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) and four-year oilseed (three-year canola, Brassica napus L. in 1987, 2000 and 2003; one-year flax, Linum usitatisimum L. in 1991), accumulation of nitrate-N (NO3-N) in the soil profile (0–210 cm), and N balance sheet on a Huangmian soil (calcaric cambisols, FAO) near Tianshui, Gansu, China. The two main plot treatments were without and with farmyard swine manure (M); sub-plot treatments were control (Ck), N, NP, and NPK.␣The average seed yield decreased in the order MNPK ≥ MNP > MN ≥ NPK ≥ NP > M > N > Ck. The average effect of manure and fertilizers on seed yield was in the order M > N > P > K. The seed yield increase was 20.5% for M, 17.8% for N, 14.2% for P, and 2.9 % for K treatment. Seed yield response to fertilizers was much greater for N and P than for K, and it was much greater for no manure than for manure treatment. The response of straw yield to fertilization treatments was usually similar to that of seed yield. The N fertilizer and manure significantly increased protein concentration and N uptake plant. From the standpoint of increasing crop yield and seed quality, MNPK was the best fertilization strategy. Annual applications of N fertilizer and manure for 23 successive years had a marked effect on NO3-N accumulation in the 0–210 cm soil profile. Accumulation of NO3-N in the deeper soil layers with application of N fertilizer and manure is regarded as a potential danger, because of pollution of the soil environment and of groundwater. Application of N fertilizer in combination with P and/or K fertilizers reduced residual soil NO3-N significantly compared with N fertilizer alone in both no manure and manure plots. The findings suggest that integrated and balanced application of N, P, and K fertilizers and␣manure at proper rates is important for protecting soil and groundwater from potential NO3-N pollution and for maintaining high crop productivity in the rainfed region of Northwestern China.  相似文献   

Restoring soil fertility in smallholder farming systems is essential to sustain crop production. An experiment was conducted in 2011 and 2012 to study the effect of compost and inorganic fertilizer application on soil chemical properties and wheat yield in northwest Ethiopia. Full factorial combinations of four levels of compost (0, 4, 6, 8 t ha?1) and three levels of inorganic fertilizers (0–0, 17.3–5, 34.5–10 kg N–P ha?1) were compared in a randomized complete block design with three replications. In 2012, two sets of trials were conducted: one was the repetition of the 2011 experiment on a new experimental plot and the second was a residual effect study conducted on the experimental plots of 2011. Results showed that in the year of application, applying 6 t compost ha?1 with 34.5–10 kg N–P ha?1 gave the highest significant grain yield. In the residual effect trial, 8 t compost ha?1 with 34.5–10 kg N–P ha?1 gave 271 % increase over the control. Grain protein content increased 21 and 16 % in the current and residual effect trials, respectively, when 8 t compost ha?1 was applied; it increased 11 and 14 % in the current and residual effect trials, respectively, when 34.5–10 kg N–P ha?1 was applied. Under the current and residual effects of 8 t compost ha?1, SOM increased 108 and 104 %; available P 162 and 173 %; exchangeable Ca 16.7 and 17.4 %; and CEC 15.4 and 17.1 %, respectively. Applying 6 t compost ha?1 with 34.5–10 kg N–P ha?1 is economically profitable with 844 % MRR.  相似文献   

The objective of the investigation was to examine whether there exist relationships between the optimum nitrogen fertilizer rate for winter wheat and soil nitrogen fractions extracted by electroultrafiltration (EUF) from autumn samples of the upper soil layer (0–30 cm). Optimum nitrogen fertilizer rates were derived from grain yield curves of field trials carried out with increasing nitrogen fertilizer rates on 19 different sites in 1985/86 and 1986/87. Most soils were luvisols derived from loess, two soils were brown earths and one a pararendzina. Total Nitrogen fertilizer rates were 0, 40, 80, and 120 kg N/ha applied twice before ear emergence. The final nitrogen rate at ear emergence was the same for all treatments, namely 60 kg N/ha.Optimum nitrogen fertilizer rates were derived from the grain yield curve fitted to a modified Mitscherlich equation. The optimum nitrogen fertilizer rates were correlated with the nitrogen fractions extracted by EUF. The regression equation thus obtained showed that NO 3 - , the organic N fraction (EUF Norg), and the EUF Norg-quotient each had a highly significant impact on the optimum nitrogen fertilizer rate. The higher the amounts of EUF-N extracted the lower the optimum nitrogen rate. Substituting the EUF Norg-fraction for total nitrogen concentration in the upper soil layer gave a poorer relationship between the optimum nitrogen fertilizer rate and the soil data. In absolute terms the EUF Norg-fraction had by far the greatest impact on calculating the optimum nitrogen fertilizer rate. The investigation shows that the EUF method is a suitable technique for the determination of available soil nitrogen from which optimum nitrogen fertilizer rates can be derived for winter wheat cultivated under soil and climatic conditions typical for cereal growing areas in central Europe.  相似文献   

施用氮肥对蔬菜中硝酸盐积累的影响   总被引:4,自引:1,他引:4  
用硝酸盐快速检测法———改进的镉粉法 ,以小白菜为材料 ,采用田间试验和室外盆栽试验相结合的方法 ,研究了化肥及土壤对蔬菜中硝酸盐含量的影响。结果表明 :蔬菜中硝酸盐的含量依施用氮肥的种类而异 ,磷、钾配施有利于降低NO3 含量 ,且随着土壤中的氮素和有机质含量的增高而增多 ;随着采收期的延长 ,蔬菜中硝酸盐的含量逐渐降低。提出减少蔬菜中硝酸盐含量的有关控制措施 ,为发展无公害蔬菜及绿色食品提供了科学依据  相似文献   

钙镁磷肥复式包膜尿素对冬小麦产量和氮肥效率的影响   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
通过连续 3年 ( 1999~ 2 0 0 0年 )大田试验 ,研究了钙镁磷肥复式包膜尿素对冬小麦产量、氮效率〔包括 :氮素效率比 ( NER) ,氮吸收效率 ( NUp E) ,氮素使用效率 ( NUE)和氮肥利用效率 ( Nf UE)〕的影响。结果表明 ,钙镁磷肥复式包膜尿素与普通尿素的生物量、籽粒和秸秆量均显著大于对照处理 ;氮素使用效率 ( NUE)和氮肥利用率均显著高于对照。包膜尿素处理的产量和氮效率最高 ,其籽粒、秸秆、生物量平均值比普通尿素处理分别高 9.0 9%~15 .0 6 %、13.11%~ 14 .96 %、11.73%~ 14 .99% ,氮肥利用率高 15~ 16个百分点。在本试验条件下 ,相对于通常氮肥施用量 ( 15 0 kg N/hm2 ) ,少量增加氮肥施用量 (氮肥用量增加 8% )对产量和氮效率 ( NE)没有显著影响 ;而大量增加氮肥施用量 (增加 2 0 % ) ,能明显增加小麦产量、吸氮量和氮肥利用率  相似文献   

A two year field experiment was carried out at the Indian Agricutural Research Institute, New Delhi - 110012, India to assess the effect of mungbean (Vigna radiata L.) and uridbean (Vigna mungo L.) residues on the yield and N uptake of a succeeding wheat crop as compared to sorghum fodder. Sorghum produced 3.5–7.5 times more dry matter and removed 2–3 times more nitrogen than mungbean or uridbean during same duration (80 ± 10 days) of their growth. Without N application the grain yield of wheat following mungbean and uridbean (without residue incorporation) was 0.45 and 0.48 t ha–1 more than the yield of wheat following sorghum fodder. These yields were equivalent to that predicted when 36 and 38 kg urea-N ha–1, respectively, was directly applied to wheat. The residual effects of these grain legumes were higher when succeeding wheat was fertilized with 60 kg urea-N ha–1; at this level mungbean and uridbean spared 52 and 43 kg urea-N ha–1, respectively, in succeeding wheat. The residual effect of mungbean and uridbean further increased when their residue was incorporated in soil; with this practice they spared 94 and 115 kg urea-N ha–1, respectively, without N application to wheat and 74 and 82 kg urea-N ha–1, respectively, with an application of 60 kg urea-N ha–1 to wheat.Mungbean and uridbean, without residue incorporation, increased aboveground plant-N uptake of succeeding wheat by 11.5–34.9 and 10.8–34.0 kg N ha–1, respectively; whereas with residue incorporation, they increased aboveground plant-N content of succeeding wheat by 26.1–45.8 and 32.7–47.7 kg N ha–1, respectively.The results of the present study indicate that there is both an indirect sparing effect and a direct residual effect of mungbean and uridbean on the nitrogen needs of succeeding wheat, more so when their residues are incorporated in soil.  相似文献   

In an effort to establish an optimum combination of water and nitrogen for winter wheat a field investigation was carried out on a coarse loamy sand soil during 1984–85 and 1985–86 to assess effects of irrigation regime (IR) and N application on yield, water use and N uptake. The treatments compromised all combinations of three irrigation regimes (IR) based on ratios of irrigation water to cumulative pan evaporation viz.1.2 (I-1), 0.9 (I-2) and 0.6 (I-3) and four rates of N, viz. 0, 60, 120 and 180 kg ha–1. Grain yield increased with increase in frequency of irrigation. In spite of wide differences in weather during the two years, scheduling of irrigation at IW/CPE = 1.2 gave the highest wheat yield on the coarse-textured soil. During 1984–85, the rainless year, grain yield under I-1 was 20 and 32 per cent higher than I-2 and I-3, respectively. With increasing N rate the yield and water use efficiency increased progressively upto 180 kg N under I-1 and upto 120 kg N ha–1 under I-2 and I-3 regimes. During 1985–86, the wet year, grain yield response to IR was relatively low. Irrespective of IR, yield increased progressively upto 180 kg N ha–1 during the wet year. Irrigation water regimes and N application also influenced leaf area index and root growth of wheat. The yield of unfertilized wheat was relatively less affected by seasonal rainfall and IR.Both N uptake and grain yield of wheat were found to increase linearly with increase in water use. Water use efficiency was highest under I-1 regime at all levels of N in the dry season of 1984–85 and under I-3 regime in the wet season of 1985–86. Increase in N uptake with increasing N rates was significantly higher under I-1 than I-2 and I-3 regimes. The N use efficiency being maximum at 60 kg N ha–1, decreased at higher N levels irrespective of IR.  相似文献   

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