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This paper collects the experience for both, academic and professional practice, and deal with the stages and level of involvement from different elements in the organization. The work is focused in some kind of concentric cycles, the very outside circle is formed by those that interact with ergonomic process in a year period, and the inner cycles are those that acts in a daily or weekly intervention. The success of the program still depending on the good will of the managers, but any action directed on benefit of the people at work, enable the moral as well as indicators for health and safety.  相似文献   

In this paper we point some aspects of workers activities in offshore units in the oil industry. These units became more verticalized and have a greater number of operating systems. Our goal is to present the main difficulties that workers face in these units.  相似文献   

Hand tool mechanisms designed to reduce the risk factors have rarely been studied. In this paper it is analyze trowel firstly designing in CATIA and then its Finite Element Analysis has been carried out by ABAQUS. The main emphasis is on finding stresses by using this software, then removing them by suitable mechanical working on tool & ergonomic change in the design of handle to make it more comfortable. Body part discomfort score and overall discomfort rating experienced by the subjects had also been estimated. During the muscular activity workers physiological responses i.e. energy expenditure rate, oxygen consumption rate and heart rate increases. This increase in physiological responses is related to the type, intensity and duration of work and thus sets limits to the performance of heavy work. In this paper oxygen consumption rate and heart rate was used for physiological cost estimation. These parameters were measured by Computerized Ambulatory Metabolic Measurement System K4b2.  相似文献   

The importance of ergonomic workplace design has been rising incredibly. The knowledge of the interaction with a view to many indicators (e.g. operators' health, quality, productivity etc.) in the automotive assembly shop pushed into another thinking of ergonomics and an increasing awareness of economic possibilities relating to benefits and cost savings aligned with ergonomics. The paper discusses exemplary the various indicators and factors which could be influenced by ergonomic workplace design. These factors are linked each other and support the statement of ergonomic efficiency. Thus, the aim of this paper is to present a model which describes that investments in ergonomic work placement acts with preventive measurements, minimization of losses (refinishing operations, compensation money etc.) and extensive economies on the whole company.  相似文献   

The current workers' compensation system does not encourage permanently restricted workers who are disabled due to work related injuries to return to work. Workers are often labeled permanently disabled and are released from their positions with their employers. However, according to the Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990, these individuals may be qualified to return to productive employment. This paper will describe a Reassignment Model for occupational therapy supported by the rehabilitation frame of reference. This Model presents reassignment to a vacant position as a reasonable accommodation to return injured workers to productive employment. A case study will illustrate the successful implementation of the model. The potential benefits of using this Model will be described for clients, society, employers, and the occupational therapy profession.  相似文献   

Restaurant employees must deal with loud noise, busy environments, difficult customers, heavy, awkward, sharp, and hot objects, repetitive motions, and stress on various joints, all of which can lead to fatigue, sudden accidents, and longterm musculoskeletal injury. The goal of this case study was to assess the risk of injuries and accidents from conducting various tasks in the restaurant, specifically carrying/lifting, table management, and polishing silverware. The nine participants were servers at a local country club restaurant. Physical workload was measured by a scale of physical exertion. Cognitive workload was assessed, as well as cumulative trauma disorder risk. Overall results show that there is sufficient risk in some of the tasks to warrant concern. Specific results are discussed, as well as recommendations for improved safety.  相似文献   

A utilization-focused approach in evaluating this program would have placed more emphasis on clearly identifying evaluation users, their information needs, and likely use of findings. With the advantages of hindsight, it appears that such an approach might have led to greater focus on critical implementation issues that affected the eventual decision not to continue the program despite seemingly positive outcomes evaluation findings. Other methods options are also discussed, including the potential usefulness of critical case studies. Finally, there is discussion of how to prepare decision makers for utilization and work with them to interpret and apply findings.  相似文献   

Marriage and family therapy programs need to go beyond the typical practices of recruiting and retaining students of color. Marriage and family therapy educators must assume positions of leadership by transforming graduate programs to reflect a deep, active, systemic commitment to both diversity and social justice. In this article, we argue that it is through this type of transformation that programs become truly ready to support students of color and to prepare all therapists to advocate for equity in a diverse, often unfair society. This article offers a model that addresses readiness, recruitment, retention, assessment, and professional development from this perspective.  相似文献   

This research aimed to redesign an appliance based on the biomechanical aspects in applied ergonomics. The product chosen for analysis was the household mixer, it is readily found in most homes of several families. The study enabled the identification of several potential risks and proposed biomechanical ergonomic solutions for each. Finally, it was possible to redesign the handle of the mixer, making it suitable form and human use.  相似文献   

In this paper, we analyzed two laboratories of liquid chromatography (LC), separation technique of mixtures and identification of its components, in order to identify projectual gaps relating to the environment and the working station. The methodology used was the ergonomic analysis with interactional and participatory techniques applied during the activity performance. This work incorporated and adapted the concept developed by Alexander (1979)--pattern languages--passing from architectural projects to workstations project and physical arrangement of the work environment. The adaptation of the concept resulted in a list of recommendations, requirements and concepts that have brought design solutions for the problematic aspects observed in the ergonomic analysis. The employed methodology, strongly supported in ergonomics principles, and in interactional and participatory techniques, contributed to achieve our gold that is what we now call Conceptual Standards. The patterns go beyond of a usual model of book a of ergonomics specification, once incorporating the viewpoint of the end user, it is also a set of best project practices and of project management in conception ergonomics.  相似文献   

Multiple studies have concluded that manual patient transfer and repositioning techniques are a significant cause of low back injuries. The objective of this study was to compare the low back stresses resulting from the use of two different mechanical patient transfer assist devices with the use of traditional manual transfer techniques. The mechanical transfer systems used were the Barton Patient Transfer System and a Sling-Suspension Lift similar to a "Hoyer Lift". The back compressive forces derived using the Michigan 3D Static Strength Model (Version 4.0) and electromyography (EMG) of the muscles of the low back were compared. This study found that the mechanical assist devices placed less stress on the low back and were more desirable to use than the traditional manual techniques. The Barton System was found to be, in general, less hazardous and more preferred than the Sling Suspension Lift.  相似文献   

Selected findings from a three-year study are reported regarding a prospective sample of 189 families served by the Center for Family Life's preventive services program and the nature and results of the services the families received. The program combines elements of both family preservation and family support services to provide a comprehensive, individualized response to families in need and prevent the unnecessary placement of children in care. Four program elements correspond with those typically identified as characterizing family preservation programs, and three key program elements differentiate the Center's approach from other family preservation programs. These latter characteristics are more typically found in family support programs and address limitations of current family preservation programs as identified in the literature.  相似文献   

One program which provides comprehensive child and family services is the Parent Education Follow Through Program. Developed at the University of Florida in 1968 by Dr. Ira J. Gordon and moved to the University of North Carolina in 1977, this program is currently implemented in ten diverse communities across the nation, both rural and urban. Using a theoretical ecological framework, the program focuses on the relationship between the home and the school with attention also given to other systems present in the community as well as at the state and national levels. The major features of the program include the following: (1) comprehensive services (social, psychological, and medical); (2) weekly home visitations by paid paraprofessionals during which home learning activities stressing specific parental teaching behaviors are delivered; and (3) parental participation of various kinds including volunteer, employee and decision-maker. The data that have been collected to measure these program areas have shown that the model has had a positive impact upon children's achievement as well as upon their families, the school, and the community.  相似文献   

That adoption status, once begun, does not end for any adoptive family, and that agencies must be ready to help adoptive families whenever needed, has been generally agreed. For families that adopt special-needs children, the availability of help at all times is imperative and involves special considerations. This article sets forth the kinds of services that are needed, and describes a program particularly designed for this purpose.  相似文献   

This article discusses the development of a computerized support to demands for treatment of a wide spectrum and diverse nature. Developed under SPM platform (Situa??o, Problema e Melhoria), the practitioner seeks to provide an ergonomic aid from the identification and characterization of the processes of analysis demands. The interest of a technological support the practice of ergonomics is a domestic origin, which already features a wide universe. For purposes of this article will be drawn the line defined by the universe in the Federal Public Service occupations within the guidelines set Subsystem Integrated System for Health Care Workers of the Federal Government. The development of this system initially intended to assist the practitioner in ergonomics mapping situations in which the federal public servant has been undergoing for the second time that can classify and then treat them.  相似文献   

Research can point to new opportunities and assist in the development of valid business cases to help nurse managers plan change and allocate their budgets to the most promising interventions. These business cases and their results will, in turn, pave the way for more in depth and more fundamental research into implementation processes. It will add to the body of knowledge of intervention research and ultimately hopefully also add to our understanding of why ergonomic interventions in the workplace will or will not be effective and what the impact of financial constraints is. It is difficult to develop and design a valid businesscase. This poster will present one of the possible strategies to develop one.  相似文献   

A review of work hardening outcome research reveals a wide range of return to work statistics between 50% to 80%. Managed care issues are forcing therapy services to objectively quantify their successes to ensure a future in health care. Work Venture has been maintaining program outcome statistics since 1994. In this report, 1997 and 1998 return to work statistics are documented and compared to multiple programs. Work Venture's average annual return to gainful employment percentages for 1997 are 61.2% at 3 months and 61.8% at 6 months, and in 1998, 76.8% at 3 maonths and 76.6% at 6 months after discharge. Many factors are involved in successful return to work with workers compensation claims. Due to these factors it is difficult to compare one program's results with another. It is recommended that a uniform method of collecting and presenting data be developed to ensure valid comparison.  相似文献   

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