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Trace element geochemistry of K-rich impact spherules from howardites   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The howardite–eucrite–diogenite (HED) achondrites are a group of meteorites that probably originate from the asteroid Vesta. Howardites are complex polymict breccias that sometimes contain, in addition to various rock debris, impact melt glasses which show an impressive range of compositions. In this paper we report on the geochemistry and O isotopes of a series of 6 Saharan polymict breccias (4 howardites and 2 polymict eucrites), and on the trace element abundances of high-K impact spherules found in two of them, Northwest Africa (NWA) 1664 and 1769, which are likely paired.The high-K impact spherules found in the howardites NWA 1664 and NWA 1769 display remarkable trace element patterns. Compared to eucrites or howardites, they all show prominent enrichments in Cs, Rb, K, Li and Ba, strong depletion in Na, while the REE and other refractory elements are unfractionated. These features could not have been generated during impact melting of their host howardites, nor other normal HED target materials. The involvement of Na-poor rocks, and possibly rocks of granitic composition, appears likely. Although these lithologies cannot be well constrained at present, our results demonstrate that the surface of Vesta is certainly more diverse than previously thought. Indeed, despite the large number of available HED meteorites (about 1000 different meteorites), the latter are probably not sufficient to describe the whole surface of their parent body.  相似文献   

Concentrations of rare earth elements in topsoil from East China   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
Fifty topsoil samples collected from 12 different regions of East China have been analyzed for rare earth elements (REEs). The average REE concentrations of the 50 topsoil samples are much higher than world average and are characterized by LREE-enrichment, HREE-depletion, Eu-depletion and Ce-enrichment. However, the REE concentration is not strongly affected by the climate of the sampling site; it is controlled mainly by parent materials. The plot of Ce/Eu against Eu/Sm is proved to be useful to distinguish different parent materials of topsoil. Each element in the 50 topsoil has a good correlation with its neighboring element. Seven of the 13 values are above 0.987.  相似文献   

K, Rb, Sr, Ba and rare earth elements of some Archean volcanic rocks from the Vermilion greenstone belt, northeast Minnesota, were determined by the isotopic dilution method. The characteristics of trace element abundances, supported by the field occurrences and major element chemistry, suggest that these volcanic rocks were formed in an ancient island arc system. A felsic rock is suggested to be derived by partial melting of a basaltic source, presumably in an ancient subduction zone.It is well known that the distribution coefficients (liquid/source) for the above trace elements are almost invariably greater than one. Continuous extraction of volcanic liquids from the upper mantle through geologic time would result in depletion of these elements in the upper mantle. However, all trace element abundances in many Archean volcanic rocks are almost identical to their modern equivalents. This gross constancy of trace element concentration in rocks of different geologic age raises some important questions as to the evolution of the upper mantle. It is proposed that the trace elements have been repeatedly and fully recycled in a restrictive and closed system of crust and upper mantle during the last three billion years (recycled mantle), or the trace elements have been replenished from the lower part of the mantle by some undefined process (replenished mantle). It is believed that interplay of both recycling and replenishment have been responsible for crust-mantle evolution in geological history.  相似文献   

临沧锗矿床的微量元素地球化学   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
采用ICP-MS测定了临沧锗矿中51个含矿煤、5个无矿煤、9个硅质岩样品的微量元素含量,并与基底二云母花岗岩进行对比,探讨了含矿煤与无矿煤的微量元素地球化学及其与锗超常富集的关系,得出几点认识: a 含矿煤、无矿煤和硅质岩中的大多数微量元素来自基底的二云母花岗岩; b 热水携带了成矿所必需的锗; c Nb可作为锗矿化的指示元素  相似文献   

Reported in this paper are the chemical compositions and trace element (REE,Ba,Rb,Sr,Nb,Zr,Ni,Cr,V,Ga,Y,Sc,Zn,Cu,etc)abundances of Tertiary continental alkali basalts from the Liube-yizheng area,Jiangsu Province,China.The olivine basalt,alkali olivine basalt and basanite are all derived from evolved melts which were once af-fected by different degrees of fractional crystallization of olivine and clinopyroxene(1:2)under high pres-sures.The initial melts were derived from the garnet lherzolite-type mantle source through low-degree par-tial melting.The mantle source has been affected by recent mantle-enrichment events(e.g.mantle metasomatism),resulting in incompatible trace element enrichment and long-term depletion of radiogenic isotopic compositions of Sr and Nd.  相似文献   

Summary Mid-grade low P/high T Paleozoic amphibolites from Acebuches (S. W. Spain) represent a mostly isochemically metamorphosed basaltic suite which is partly cumulative and partly differentiated. They have chemical compositions and element variations similar to ocean-floor tholeiites. The amphibolites may be related to the early stages of rapid rifting during the formation of the Variscan belt.
Geochemie der Spurenelemente in Paläozoischen Amphiboliten aus Südwest-Spanien
Zusammenfassung Amphibolite mittleren Metamorphose-Grades (niedrige Drucke, hohe Temperaturen) von Acebuches, Südwest-Spanien, repräsentieren eine weithin isochemisch metamorphosierte Abfolge von Basalten, die teils differenzierte und teils Cumulus-Gesteine waren. Chemismus und Element-Variationen entsprechen den Tholeiiten von Ozeanböden. Diese Amphibolite können den Frühstadien intensiver Grabenbildung im Zuge der Entstehung des Varistischen Gürtels zugeordnet werden.

With 1 Figure  相似文献   

The Cenozoic volcanic rock of Shandong Province are mainly alkalic and strongly alkalic basaltic rocks.The Contents of major and trace elements including transitional,incompatible and rare-earth elements were determined.The chemical characterisitics of major and trace elements indicate that these basaltic rocks were derived from a mantle source and probably represent a primary magma,I,e.,unmodifiecd partical melts of mantle peridotite in terms of Mg values,correlatione between P2O5 and Ce,Sr,Ni and Rb concentrations,mantle xenoliths,etc.The abundances of trace elements vary systematically from west to east.The compatible transition elements such as Co,Ni,and Cr show a remarkable depletion,whereas the incompatible and rare-earth elements are abundant as viewed from the chondrite-nor-malized patterns.The chemical composition and correlation are consistent with the tectonic setting.According to the batch and fractional partial melting theory,the trace element contents of Shandong volcanic rocks can be calculated from the two-component mixing model.  相似文献   

Presented in this paper are the trace element abundances of 16 samples of Hannuoba ultramafic inclusion-bearing aldali basalts,which were determined by instrumental neutron activation analysis and X-ray fluorescence spectrometry.The Petrogenesis of the alkali basalt suite has been modeled by batch partial melting and and Rayleigh fractional crystallization processes,The geochemical characteristics of the mantle source from where alkali basalts were derived are described in terms of variations in trace element abundances of the alkali basalt suite.  相似文献   

The Sanshenjiang gold deposit in southeastern Guizhou Province, China, is hosted by the Neoproterozoic metasedimentary rocks which experienced low-grade greenschist facies metamorphism. Gold mineralization occurs mainly in the ribbon chiltern slate of the first member of the Longli Formation and is controlled by both strata and faults. Ore bodies are characterized by abundant quartz-arsenopyrite-gold-pyrite-bedding veins, veinlets and small lenses within the shear zone. In this study, trace element and REE geochemistry was analyzed to constrain the origin and genesis of this deposit. The trace element signatures of wall rocks and veins display a basically similar tendency in the spider diagram, showing the genetic relationship. The values of Co/Ni, Y/Ho, Hf/Sm, Nb/La and Th/La reflect that the hydrothermal fluids of this deposit were derived from the mixture of multiple sources with marked enrichment of Cl and moderate to high temperature. There is a broad similarity in the chondrite-normalized patterns and REE fractionation between wall rocks and ore bodies, possibly reflecting their similar origin. Based on the difference in δCe and δEu, quartz veins and lenses can be subdivided into weakly negative Ce-anomalies (δCe=0.81 to 1.06) with slight Eu anomalies (δEu=0.81 to 1.06) type and the significant positive Ce-anomalies (δCe=1.13 to 1.97) with moderate negative Eu-anomalies type, probably suggesting physical-chemical changes in the evolution process of ore-forming fluids from the early to late stage. It can be concluded that the ore-forming process may have experienced three stages: formation of the original ore source bed, regional metamorphism and gold mineralization, on the basis of trace element and REE analysis and field observation.  相似文献   

于际民  蒋少涌 《地球化学》2001,30(2):140-146
对葡萄牙Neves Corvo Cu.Sn多金属矿床锡矿石,富铜硫化物矿石和贫铜硫化物矿石中锡石的微量元素电子探针分析结果的综合研究表明,该矿床存在高温(>300度),富W的早期锡矿化阶段,钞晚的贫W,富Cu,温度略低(245-295度)的Cu,Sn主矿化阶段,以旬晚的贫W,贫Cu温度更低(约200度)的Cu,Sn矿化阶段,结合Pb同位素研究可以推测矿床中Sn可能来源于矿体下部深处未出露的,与板块俯冲有关的富Sn古老地壳岩石,与其他类型锡矿床的微量元素对比表明,Neves Corvo矿床属于处于火山岩容矿(VHMS)型和沉积岩容矿(SHMS)型块状硫化物矿床之间的一种过渡类型--伊比利亚型。  相似文献   

Abundances of major elements, rare earth elements, transition metals, alkali metals and alkaline earth metals have been measured in a representative suite of samples from the Pindos (Greece) ophiolitic complex. Our data indicate that the igneous members of the complex are genetically related. An ocean floor origin of the complex is suggested.  相似文献   

霍什布拉克铅锌矿床是新疆西南天山地区晚古生代碳酸盐岩容矿的重要矿床。本文采用高精度电感耦合等离子质谱(ICP-MS)对主要矿石矿物(黄铁矿、方铅矿、闪锌矿)和热液脉石矿物方解石进行了微量元素地球化学研究。研究表明,黄铁矿、方铅矿、闪锌矿、方解石具有较为相似的稀土元素特征,Eu正异常明显,弱负或弱正Ce异常指示成矿流体最初由相对氧化的条件演化为还原条件。与霍什布拉克岩体、容矿围岩的稀土元素组成进行对比后发现,硫化物及热液方解石稀土元素配分曲线部分与重结晶泥晶灰岩重合,结合前人同位素地球化学研究,认为容矿坦盖塔尔组碳酸盐岩为成矿提供了必要的成矿物质及成矿流体组分。Ga/In值显示闪锌矿为低温成矿;硫化物明显富集LREE,Hf/Sm、Nb/La和Th/La值小于1,显示铅锌成矿过程中成矿流体主体以富Cl为特征;Y/Ho、Zr/Hf和Nb/Ta值变化范围相对较小,表明成矿期流体性质相对较为稳定,基本未混入外来流体。  相似文献   

Trace element characteristics of seven coesite-bearing eclogitic xenoliths from the Roberts Victor kimberlite demonstrate that this suite of eclogites originated as gabbroic cumulates in oceanic crust that was subsequently subducted. All but one of the garnets show positive Eu anomalies, accompanied by a flat heavy rare earth pattern, which is atypical of garnet, but characteristic of plagioclase, arguing for a considerable amount of plagioclase in the protoliths. Forward modelling of the accumulation of liquidus minerals from primitive komatiitic, picritic, and basaltic liquids suggests that at least some of the eclogite protoliths were not derived from basaltic parental liquids, whereas derivation from either komatiitic or picritic liquids is possible. The reconstructed eclogite bulk rocks compare favourably with oceanic gabbros from ODP hole 735B (SW Indian Ridge), even to the extent that oxygen isotopic systematics show signs of low-temperature seawater alteration. However, the oxygen isotope trends are the reverse of what is expected for cumulates in the lower section of the oceanic crust. These new findings show that δ18O values in eclogitic xenoliths, despite being sound indicators for their interaction with hydrothermal fluids at low pressure, do not necessarily bear a simple relationship with the inferred oceanic crustal stratigraphy of the protoliths.  相似文献   

江西永平Cu-W矿床是钦杭成矿带东部一个大型Cu-W矿床。针对该矿床的成因,一直存在着海底喷流沉积型与矽卡岩型矿床的争论。文章针对该争论,通过对永平Cu-W矿床的白钨矿开展微量元素分析,研究了成矿流体性质、来源和矿床成因。永平Cu-W矿床发育3种类型白钨矿:退化蚀变阶段暗色均质白钨矿Ⅰ-1;亮色均质白钨矿Ⅰ-2;石英-硫化物阶段具有环带结构的白钨矿Ⅱ。白钨矿中Mo含量和Eu异常能够指示成矿流体氧化还原性。白钨矿Ⅰ-1富集Mo元素,并呈负Eu异常,指示氧化性;白钨矿Ⅰ-2和白钨矿Ⅱ中Mo含量减少,并且呈正Eu异常,指示成矿流体的氧逸度降低。永平Cu-W矿床所有白钨矿均呈明显的轻稀土元素富集模式,与典型矽卡岩型白钨矿稀土元素特征相一致,而明显不同于石英脉型矿床白钨矿中稀土元素或重稀土元素富集模式。白钨矿具有高Mo和低Sr元素,与岩浆-热液白钨矿特征一致,而明显不同于变质来源的白钨矿,指示成矿流体来源于岩浆。白钨矿的Y/Ho比值范围为19~43,与似斑状黑云母花岗岩(Y/Ho=25~30)相似,明显不同于石炭系叶家湾组(Y/Ho=34~75),指示成矿流体主要来源于岩浆。白钨矿地球化学特征指示永平Cu-W矿床为矽卡岩型矿床。  相似文献   

The quartz vein-type gold deposits are widely hosted by the Neoproterozoic (Xiajiang Group) epimeta- morphic clastic rock series in southeastern Guizhou Province, China. The Zhewang gold deposit studied in this paper occurs in the second lithologieal member of the Pinglue Formation of the Xiajiang Group. Trace element geochemis- try of host rocks, quartz veins and arsenopyrite has revealed that ore-forming fluid was enriched in sulphophile ele- ments such as Au, Ag, As, Sb, Pb and Zn, and simultaneously concentrated some magmaphile elements such as W and Mo, which probably provides some evidence for multi-stage mineralization or overprinting of magmatic hydro- therm. Quartz veins and arsenopyrite were characterized by depletion in HFSE and enrichment in LREE. Hf/Sm, Nb/La and Th/La imply that the ore-forming fluid was probably a NaC1-H20 solution system enriched in more C1 than F; Th/U values reflect the strong reducibility of the ore-forming fluid, coincident with the sulfide assemblages. The values of Co/Ni reflect that magmatic fluids may have partly participated in the ore-forming process and Y/Ho values have proved that the ore-forming fluid was associated with metamorphism and exotic hydrotherm which has reformed former quartz veins during late mineralization. The concentrations of REE, Eu anomalies and Ce anomalies of this deposit display that ore-forming elements mainly were derived from host rocks and possibly from a mixed deep source, and the ore-forming fluid was mixed by dominant metamorphic fluid and minor other sources. The physical-chemical conditions of ore-forming fluid changed from the initial stage to the late stage. The metamorphic fluid is responsible for the mineralization. Therefore, the Zhewang gold deposit is classified as a quartz vein-type gold deposit which may have been reformed by magmatic fluids during the late stage.  相似文献   

The distribution of trace elements like Cu, Zn, Ni, Co and Mn in the waters of Pulicat lake has been studied in four aqueous environments — northern, central, southern and channel parts. It is observed that the concentration of the trace elements increase with increase of pH, chlorides and sodium in both monsoon and dry seasons. The concentration and the behaviour of the trace elements are controlled by adsorption, supplemented by organic reactions and by precipitation in sulphide-rich environments.  相似文献   

新疆511铀矿床微量元素富集特征研究   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
通过对砂岩铀矿体及其围岩中的Se、Re、Ga、Ge、V、Mo和U等元素的测试与分析,文章系统研究了511砂岩型铀矿床中主要微量元素的富集特征。结果表明:511铀矿床中,Se、Re、Ga、Ge、V、Mo等微量元素存在不同程度的富集,其中Se、Re、Ga的富集达到综合利用工业品位;微量元素空间分布受层间氧化带控制且具有规律性,沿层间氧化作用方向,依次出现Se-Re(+Gc)-Mo-V等分带;Re与U具有较好的相关性,Se、Re元素对砂岩铀矿找矿具有重要指示意义。511铀矿床是一个与层间氧化带有关的多元素聚集的复合矿床。  相似文献   

大别山北部饶拔寨超镁铁岩体微量元素地球化学   总被引:3,自引:4,他引:3  
本文报道了饶拔寨超镁铁岩体的5个钻孔15个岩心样品的主量元素和微量元素成分。该岩体由上、下两部分构成。岩性以方辉橄榄岩为主,纯橄榄岩和二辉橄榄岩次之。主量元素成分表明岩体由饱满地幔经过不同程度部分熔融,形成了亏损程度不同的大陆岩石圈地幔。总体上下部岩体较上部亏损程度大。原始地幔标准化REE等不相容微量元素丰度模式表明岩体在熔融作用后又经过了地幔交代作用,形成不同程度LREE和LILE的富集。样品中有角闪石和金云母等含水矿物,表明有实性地幔交代作用。对比LREE与LILE的富集特征,表明可能有两类地幔交代作用,有两种不同性质的交代介质,LREE和Sr等的富集可能与硅酸盐熔体有关,而Rb、Ba、K等的富集可能与俯冲带流体活动有关。总体上下部岩体的交代作用较上部岩体的强。  相似文献   

《International Geology Review》2012,54(12):1541-1552
The Mt Vulture carbonatites are the only carbonatite occurrence in the southern Apennines. We present new trace element data for these rocks in order to evaluate the factors influencing rare earth element (REE) and other trace element fractionations and their REE grade. This study focuses on massive hyalo-alvikites from two lava flows and one dike, which have different relative abundances of silicate and carbonate (i.e. Si/Ca). These differences are also evident from CaO/(CaO + MgO + FeO(T) + MnO) and Sr/Ba ratios. The REE grade of the Mt Vulture carbonatites is very similar to that of the global average for calcio-carbonatites. R-mode factor analysis shows that most of the trace element variance reflects the relative roles of carbonate and silicate minerals in influencing trace element distributions. Silicates largely control heavy rare earth element (HREE), transition metal, Zr, and Th abundances, whereas carbonate minerals control light rare earth element (LREE), Ba, and Pb abundances. In addition, apatite influences LREE concentrations. Increasing silica contents are accompanied by decreases in (La/Yb)N and (La/Sm)N ratios and less marked LREE enrichment. In contrast, higher carbonate contents are associated with increases in (La/Yb)N and (La/Sm)N. The Si/Ca ratio has little influence on Eu anomalies and middle rare earth element (MREE) to HREE fractionations. Apatite has a negligible effect on inter-REE fractionations amongst the carbonatites.  相似文献   

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