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Geochemical properties of sediments deposited in Lake Middle Marviken over the last 185 years record the impacts of a succession of environmental changes that have occurred in the watershed. Clear-cutting of forests for wood and charcoal and extensive water harnessing to support the local iron mills from 1897 to 1957 is recorded by low C/N ratios, high black carbon, and low TOC and Ntotal accumulation rates. Larger δ13C and δ15N values in sediments deposited during this period imply higher productivity. Fluctuations in Ntotal and Ptotal accumulation rates show that the lake chemistry has varied between P or N-depleted systems that affected the δ15N values. Organic matter in the sediments is predominantly immature terrestrial material. Furthermore, hydrocarbon CPI, TAR, and Paq values conform with the observed geochemical trends, variations in organic matter sources, and changes in the watershed. Accumulation rates of Cd, Pb, Zn, and S remained mostly unchanged throughout the period of mining, but an increase from 1957 to 1980 is most likely associated with air-borne industrial and fossil fuel emissions from regional urbanization. In situ microbial processes, such as iron and manganese reduction, also appear to be important in carbon cycling and in affecting the sediment and water chemistry of this lake.  相似文献   

Sediment cores collected from six sites in Lake Baikal as part of an extensive investigation of sediment records of recent environmental change were dated radiometrically by 210Pb. Although the results obtained were in some respects comparable to those obtained by previous 210Pb studies, there were some significant differences. Most notably, a core from abyssal depths in the centre of the middle basin appeared to record at least wo major episodes of rapid sedimentation, possibly caused by turbidity currents. All cores, including those from the North Basin, contained significant records of weapons test fallout 137Cs, though these were of little chronological value due to the long residence time of 137Cs in the water column. Models and budgets for sediment and radionuclide transport through Baikal are presented and used to help validate the 210Pb results.  相似文献   

赵东升  张家诚  邓思琪  郭彩贇 《地理科学》2021,41(12):2222-2231
基于 1960—2018 年的逐日降水观测数据,采用日尺度旱涝急转指数(DWAAI)计算方法,以生态地理区为框架,识别并分析了西南地区旱涝急转事件的时空变化特征。结果表明:西南地区旱涝急转事件的发生次数在 1960—2010年有增加趋势,在 2011—2018 年快速减少;旱转涝事件多发生在春夏季(4~8 月),涝转旱事件则跨越了春、夏、秋季(5~11 月);在云南高原常绿阔叶林、松林区(VA5),西双版纳山地季雨林、雨林区(VIIA3),闽粤桂低山平原常绿阔叶林、人工植被区(VIA2),旱涝急转事件主要发生在夏季,而在湘黔高原山地常绿阔叶林区(VA3)和四川盆地常绿阔叶林、人工植被区(VA4),旱涝急转事件主要发生在春季;旱涝急转事件发生次数的空间分布呈现东北多、西南少的格局;2000 年以来旱涝急转事件在滇中南亚高山谷地常绿阔叶林、松林区(VIA3)和闽粤桂低山平原常绿阔叶林、人工植被区(VIA2)发生次数减少,但有加重趋势,呈现极端化特征。  相似文献   

When the Norwegian State Power Board decided to plan an extensive water power development in the mountainous areas southeast of Narvik in northern Norway, a large mapping project was started. Detailed maps were constructed at a scale of 1:10 000 from aerial photographs taken in 1960. Several hydrometric stations were installed, and three glaciers were selected for mass balance observations. Storsteinsfjellbreen was the largest of these, and a special glacier map with 10 m contours was printed in four colours, to be used in the field work. Mass balance studies were carried out initially during one 5-year period (1964–68), and also later during another 5-year period (1991–95).
Results from these periods are compared with similar data from the Swedish glacier Storglaciären, about 45 km to the southeast. For all the years except one (1968), the net balance of these glaciers shows a similar pattern: positive years and negative years are synchronous.
A new glacier map was made from a special aerial survey in 1993 at the same scale and of similar accuracy as the first map, so a comparison could be made to calculate the change in glacier volume from 1960 to 1993. From digital terrain models it could be shown that the glacier surface had dropped more than 60 m vertically on the tongue, while the thickness increased above the equilibrium line by up to 20 m. The overall mass loss amounted to 16.8×106 m3 water during 33 years, which corresponds to an extra 2.6 l·s−1·km−2 (litres per sec. per sq. km) delivered to the river, in addition to the "normal" discharge
due to annual precipitation, which is 36 l·s−1·km−2 in the area.
A copy of the new glacier map is enclosed with this article.  相似文献   

不同时空尺度下,生态承载力对区域经济、社会和环境变化会作出不同程度的响应。利用可持续发展指数测度模型和生态承载力响应模型,对洞庭湖区2001-2010 年经济、社会和环境变化及其生态承载力响应进行分析。结果表明:① 2001 年以来洞庭湖区经济发展度和社会协调度一直呈上升趋势;生态系统的安全性和可持续性向良性转变;环境可持续度则呈波动性下降态势。② 洞庭湖区17 个县域的经济发展度和社会协调度均呈上升态势,可持续性呈现差异性地向弱可持续转变;岳阳市区、常德市区和益阳市区的经济发展度和社会协调度高于其他14 个县域,环境可持续度则下降最明显。③ 洞庭湖区生态承载力的响应状态分为强超载、超载、弱低载和低载4 类,不同时段县域生态承载力的响应状态差异明显;岳阳市区、常德市区和益阳市区社会经济发展水平较高,而其生态承载力响应状态则处于强超载,在区域发展水平上反映出湖区县域经济发展、社会进步、资源利用和环境质量的协调性较差。④ 环境可持续度在一定程度上成为提高生态承载力的重要基础,现行的“掠夺式”县域经济发展模式成为提高生态承载力的阻碍因子,由于社会经济发展过于依赖资源开发以及生态环境干扰,使得环境可持续度对于生态承载力与可持续发展指数的影响相对较弱,其实质往往是以牺牲生态环境为代价。  相似文献   

1960-2010 年中国天山山区气候变化区域差异及突变特征   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
张正勇  刘琳  唐湘玲 《地理科学进展》2012,31(11):1475-1484
利用天山山区32 个气象站点1960-2010 年的逐月平均气温、降水数据和DEM数据等,进行了气候时空变化趋势和突变分析,研究结果表明:山区近50 年来年均气温呈明显的上升趋势,21 世纪以来年均温增加最明显,季节均温与年均温的变化趋势基本一致,冬季均温增加最明显,夏季均温变化最小;山区东段升温趋势最明显,北坡的变化趋势明显于南坡.自20 世纪60 年代以来降水量持续递增,其中80 年代开始更加明显;夏季降水量增加最明显,春季变化最小,山区年降水主要集中在春夏两季;山区气候空间分布呈现“两中心”的特征,东段为“干热”中心,西北部为“暖湿”中心,这两个中心的气候反差有扩大的趋势;山区气温和降水突变不太明显,春夏季气温突变可能发生在20 个世纪90 年代末至21 世纪初;秋冬季气温突变在20 世纪90 年代可能发生过;南坡和东段年均温突变可能发生在1982 年,北坡大致发生在1990 年左右.秋季降水突变发生在20 世纪80 年代末,其他季节不明显,年降水突变发生在80年代末期.  相似文献   

Lake Baikal, an ancient pristine lake in Siberia, has accumulated sediment deposits that span 25 million years. These deposits have the potential to provide a long-term record of climate changes and their interaction with the ecology of the lake. In order to investigate whether sedimentary phytoplankton pigments could be used to reconstruct past changes in total phytoplankton abundance and productivity, we compared the spatial variability in sedimentary pigment distributions in Holocene cores from three separate regions of the lake; Vidrino in the south, Posolski on Selenga Delta and Continent Ridge in the north. Furthermore, we present the first continuous sedimentary pigment and organic carbon sequence of the Kazantsevo interglacial (roughly a time equivalent to the European Eemian, and Marine Isotopic Stage MIS5e) at a resolution of approximately 150 years. Results of the spatial study showed marked differences in the sediment pigment deposition. Lowest chlorophyll a plus its degradation products versus organic carbon ratios (Chlas/TOC) indicating lowest production, but highest variability with time (indicating strongest climatic oscillations) were found at Continent Ridge. The study of sedimentary pigments deposited during the last two interglacial periods at Continent Ridge showed Chlas/TOC ratios 50–1000 times higher during the Kazantsevo Interglacial compared to the glacial periods, whereas the TOC content was only five times higher, thus indicating the significance of the Chlas/TOC ratio for the reconstruction of the phytoplankton abundance and productivity. Strong oscillations occurred during the Kazantsevo Interglacial within centennial time scales. Chlorophyllb plus its degradation products provided additional information on the past development of Chlorophyceae. Highest Chlas/TOC ratios were found during the early Holocene at approximately 9 kyr BP. Indications of short phytoplankton production maxima were also found during the late Atlantic (6 kyr BP) and at the Subboreal/Subatlantic transition (3 kyr BP). From this we conclude that sedimentary chlorophyll a is a reliable indicator of phytoplanktonic response to climate changes and may serve for␣validation of future climate scenarios in continental regions.  相似文献   

150年来青藏高原南红山湖的介形类与环境变化   总被引:14,自引:1,他引:14  
青藏高原西北部南红山湖2孔湖芯沉积物中的介形类动物群计有4属4种,据其分布特征划分出5个组合,各组合间的差异表现在介形类动物群丰度和每个种的丰度变化以及特征种的出现。通过分析介形类属种生态特征和组合变化对150年来的南红山湖环境变化进行了探讨。分析结果表明:1884年前为有缓慢水流注入的滨岸浅水期;1885~1970年间为湖水相对温暖期,在这期间湖泊环境仍有次一级的变化,其中,1885~1905年湖面迅速抬升,水深增大,水温也较高,1923~1944年为湖水温度另一个稍高期,1961~1969年湖面再次出现明显上升;1970年以来湖泊退缩、咸化。  相似文献   

The synergistic influence of multiple environmental stressors on lake ecosystems has typically been evaluated paleolimnologically, through examination of a single biological indicator. Aquatic organisms, however, may display heterogeneous responses because of differences in their ecological sensitivity, and/or because of ecological consequences caused by strong interactions among multiple stressors. We applied paleolimnological methods to compare patterns of algal and invertebrate response to multiple stressors in a large, shallow lake in southwest China over the last two centuries. Our multi-proxy records show a clear trajectory of lake eutrophication (greater total nitrogen) and increasing lake productivity (greater sediment Chlorophyll-a concentration) during the last century. Nutrient enrichment and lake productivity played significant, but different roles, in structuring diatom and cladoceran assemblages, accounting for 31.4 and 77.3% of the total variance in the communities, respectively. Furthermore, there was a pronounced influx of the endemic diatom species Cyclotella rhomboideo-elliptica Skuja, which was strongly associated with the second axis of a diatom PCA (Principal Component Analysis). This occurred synchronously with a documented reversal of hydrological connectivity with a downstream, nutrient-poor lake during the early twentieth century, suggesting a role for species dispersal in modulating community reorganization. There are also strong differences between the two organism groups in their sensitivity to hydrological fluctuations, as hydrodynamics, indicated by sand content, was a significant driver for cladocerans (>25%), but showed only minor influence on diatom assemblages in our selection of minimum adequate models. The proportion of the total variance explained by our measured variables (<30%) was much lower for diatom assemblages than for both cladoceran assemblage and accumulation data (~77%), reflecting differences in community reorganization between the two biological indicators. The sediment-based evaluation of community responses revealed the differential impact of eutrophication and hydrological fluctuations on the biota of this large, shallow lake. Therefore, multiple biological indicators should be evaluated in limnological surveys to assess the full scope of ecological changes in highly stressed lake systems targeted for conservation or restoration.  相似文献   

Diatoms preserved in the sediments of Lake C2 (82°50 N, 76°00 W), a high arctic meromictic lake, track changes in the lake's salinity which have occurred as the basin was isolated from the sea. An assemblage dominated by marine taxa, such as Chaetoceros species, Nitzschia cylindrus and Diploneis spp., was replaced by a Cyclotella kuetzingiana var. planetophora dominated freshwater flora. A brief brackish period separates the two assemblages. Relatively little floristic change occurred within either the marine or freshwater periods, indicating rather stable environmental conditions, except that rheophilous diatoms fluctuated in relative abundance during the lacustrine phase, perhaps tracking past changes in discharge from inflowing streams. These may reflect periods of warmer, wetter environmental conditions.This is the eighth in a series of papers published in this issue on the Taconite Lakes Project. These papers were collected by Dr R. S. Bradley.  相似文献   

Lake Duluti is a small, topographically closed crater lake located on the flanks of Mt Meru, northern Tanzania. Analyses of diatoms in three short sediment cores and four modern samples from Lake Duluti were used to infer past environmental changes. 210Pb and 137Cs activity profiles combined with AMS 14C dates provide the chronological framework. Weak agreement between the 210Pb and 14C records, together with dating uncertainty, precludes construction of precise age models. The modern diatom flora, from plankton and three periphytic habitats, is dominated by Aulacoseira ambigua (Grunow) Simonsen, Gomphonema parvulum (Kützing) Grunow and Nitzschia amphibia Grunow. All three cores display similar stratigraphic succession, but the relative ratio of habitats represented by the diatoms varies substantially between cores. Diatoms indicate that the oldest part of the record is characterized by relatively low lake level and swampy vegetation. In the late nineteenth or early twentieth century there was a rapid lake level rise and the swamp turned into an open-water lake. High lake levels have prevailed since that time.  相似文献   

Geochemical data obtained from X-ray fluorescence, physical properties, total organic and inorganic carbon content (TOC/TIC), and diatom analysis from a 6.61-m-long sedimentary sequence near the modern northern shore of Lake Zirahuen (101° 44′ W, 19° 26′ N, 2000 m asl) provide a reconstruction of lacustrine sedimentation during the last approximately 17 cal kyr BP. A time scale is based on ten AMS 14C dates and by tephra layers from Jorullo (AD 1759-1764) and Paricutin (AD 1943-1952) volcanoes. The multiproxy analyses presented in this study reveal abrupt changes in environmental and climatic conditions. The results are compared to the paleo-record from nearby Lake Patzcuaro. Dry conditions and low lake level are inferred in the late Pleistocene until ca. 15 cal kyr BP, followed by a slight but sustained increase in lake level, as well as a higher productivity, peaking at ca. 12.1 cal kyr BP. This interpretation is consistent with several regional climatic reconstructions in central Mexico, but it is in opposition to record from Lake Patzcuaro. A sediment hiatus bracketed between 12.1 and 7.2 cal kyr BP suggests a drop in lake level in response to a dry early Holocene. A deeper, more eutrophic and turbid lake is recorded after 7.2 cal kyr BP. Lake level at the coring site during the mid Holocene is considered the highest for the past 17 cal kyr BP. The emplacement of the La Magueyera lava flows (LMLF), dated by thermoluminiscence at 6560 ± 950 year, may have reduced basin volume and contributed to the relative deepening of the lake after 7.2 cal kyr BP. The late Holocene (after 3.9 cal kyr BP) climate is characterized by high instability. Extensive erosion, lower lake levels, dry conditions and pulses of high sediment influx due to high rainfall are inferred for this time. Further decrease in lake level and increased erosion are recorded after ca. AD 1050, at the peak of Purepechas occupation (AD 1300–1521), and until the eighteenth century. Few lacustrine records extend back to the late Pleistocene—early Holocene in central Mexico; this paper contributes to the understanding of late Pleistocene-Holocene paleoclimates in this region.  相似文献   

Organic geochemical record of environmental changes in Lake Dianchi,China   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
In order to investigate the natural ecosystem of Lake Dianchi and to assess its anthropogenic impacts, a stratigraphic study of bulk and molecular compositions of organic matter was conducted using a 63-cm long sediment core. The results show that two apparent environmental changes occurred during the evolution of Lake Dianchi: (1) the first change occurred in the 43–63 cm sediment depth, and was revealed by the amount and the composition of organic matter in the stage. Natural changes were possibly major factors responsible for triggering the environmental change, but the influence of human activities could not be excluded. Subsequently, the lake entered into a relatively stable and oligotrophic stage, which maintained until 20-cm sediment depth. (2) Eutrophication started in the upper 20 cm depth. Human activities became a major factor influencing environmental changes in this stage. Vertical profiles of various organic geochemical variables in the upper 20-cm sediments show evidence that primary productivity of the lake increased progressively and that the lake started eutrophic. Especially in the uppermost 10 cm, notable excursions to less negative δ13Corg and δ15Ntotal and high TOC concentrations have recorded an abrupt change in the lacustrine environment, suggesting that the lake entered a hypereutrophic stage. In addition, enhancement of αβ-hopanes reflects the contribution of fossil fuels to the lake sediments.  相似文献   

Recent environmental change research in Lake Baikal is introduced together with an overview of several interrelated papers published concurrently in this issue of Journal of Paleolimnology. Five themes are tackled by analysis of recent Baikal sediment cores, dating, geochemistry, particulate pollutants, magnetism and diatoms. The concurrent papers focus on the first four themes in some detail and summary results of diatom analysis (from Mackay et al., 1998) are given here. Taken together these studies provide a time-space framework for recent environmental change in Lake Baikal not previously available.There are significant shifts in species composition of the endemic planktonic diatom assemblages in uppermost sediments collected from throughout the lake. However, these changes usually precede the sediment record of low level but widespread contamination by industrial products. The most clear sign of industrial contamination is the presence of particles from fossil fuel combustion in sediment post dating the 1930s.Although evidence for widespread biostratigraphic changes by pollution is lacking, radionuclide, diatom, lithostratigraphic and magnetic stratigraphies indicate two main features, (i) it is possible to make stratigraphic correlations within and between basins using recent sediment cores, (ii) that turbidite deposits, from several to tens of cm thick, are frequently encountered in recent sediments.Turbidite deposits occur in 210Pb dated and pre-210Pb sediment core sections and are undoubtedly a major macro-disturbance feature in many deep water locations in Lake Baikal. If profiles are to be used as direct proxy records of climate variability, then screening of cores for turbidites is a pre-requisite for quality assurance in future paleoenvironmental studies.On-going international research including Swiss, Russian and British joint paleoenvironmental studies on the distribution and biological formation of recent sediments will hopefully lead to better interpretation of Holocene and pre-Holocene sediment records in Lake Baikal.  相似文献   

The Kangerlussuaq area of southwest Greenland is a lake-rich landscape that covers a climate gradient: a more maritime, cooler and wetter coastal zone contrasts with a dry, continental interior. Radiocarbon-dated sediment sequences (covering ~11,200?C8,300?cal?year) from paired lakes at the coast and the head of the fjord were analysed for lithostratigraphic variables (organic-matter content, bulk density, Ti, Ca). Minerogenic and carbon accumulation rates from the four lakes were compared to determine catchment and lake response to Holocene climatic variability. Catchment erosion at the coast was dominated by cryonival processes, with considerable sediment production due to the limited vegetation cover and exposed rock faces. Input of minerogenic sediment at one site (AT4) was high (>1?gDW?cm?2?year?1) during the period 5,800?C4,000?cal?year BP, perhaps reflecting intensification of cryogenic processes on northeast-facing slopes and rapid delivery to the lake. This period of erosional activity was not observed at the nearby, higher elevation site (AT1) due to the lower catchment relief; instead, there was an abrupt decline in carbon and minerogenic accumulation rates at ~5,800?cal?year BP. Sediment accumulation rates at the inland sites were much lower (<0.005?gDW?cm?2?year?1) reflecting greater catchment stability (more extensive vegetation cover), lower relief and substantially lower precipitation, but synchronous increases in mineral accumulation rates from ~1,200 to 1,000?cal?year BP may reflect wind erosion associated with regional cooling and local aridity. Carbon-accumulation-rate profiles were similar at the two inland sites, with higher-than-average accumulation (~6?C8?g?C?m?2?year?1) during the early Holocene and a subsequent decline after ~6,000?cal?year BP. At the inland lakes, both mineral and carbon accumulation rates exhibited a stronger link to climate, driven by trends in effective precipitation and regional aeolian activity. Catchment differences (relief, altitude) lead to more individualistic records in both erosion history and lake productivity at the coast.  相似文献   

近40ka来海南岛海岸沙地气候与环境演变   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
李森  廖肖霞  王贵勇 《地理研究》2009,28(5):1235-1242
选择海南岛东、西海岸具有代表性和高分辨率特征的木堆、棋子湾等地层剖面,在建立年代序列的基础上,对风成沙粒度组成与参数、SC/D值及磁化率等代用指标的研究表明,末次冰期间冰阶时气候相对温暖,滨海平原上河流三角洲前移,湿地、沙丘与交错分布;末次盛冰期时气候干凉,海岸沙地上形成了多道平行延伸的古沙垄(丘),并与大陆架古沙丘形成连续性沉积;末次冰消期时气候快速变化,古沙垄(丘)或加积发育或固定成壤;全新世以来气候回暖并波动变化,次生沙丘经历多次半固定、固定-沙丘加积、活化的演变。  相似文献   

1960—2016年黄土高原干旱和热浪时空变化特征   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
基于1960—2016年黄土高原49个气象台站日最高气温和月降水数据,论文利用百分位高温阈值和标准化降水指标对黄土高原干旱和热浪时空变化特征进行了分析,识别并探讨了干旱和热浪同时发生事件的演变规律。结果表明:① 黄土高原热浪频次整体呈增加趋势,日高温热浪增加趋势最大,增速达到0.29次/a,1995年之后增加趋势更为明显,显著增加区域集中在山西东北部、青海省东部和甘肃中南部;② 1960—2016年黄土高原旱涝指数呈下降趋势,即表现为由涝转旱,20世纪90年代初为旱涝变化的转折点,年旱涝指数下降趋势显著区占整个研究区的62%,其中黄土高原沟壑区南部、陕北南部、山西南部、甘肃东部干旱趋势较为明显;③ 干旱和热浪同时发生事件总体呈现增加趋势,增速为0.66次/10 a,其中1960—1979年呈下降趋势,降速为-0.26次/a,1980—2002年呈增加趋势,2003年之后变化趋势较为平稳;空间上,山西东部、陕北南部和甘肃东南部发生频次较高,并且显著增加区主要位于山西东北部、甘肃中东部和宁夏北部。  相似文献   

Journal of Paleolimnology - Sub-annual-scale environmental and ecosystem changes since the mid-18th century were reconstructed in a semi-closed lagoon, Lake Hiruga, located along the Sea of Japan...  相似文献   

The ecosystem response of Lake Redó (Central Pyrenees) to fluctuations in seasonal air temperature during the last two centuries was investigated by comparison of reconstructed air temperatures with the sediment record. Fine slicing allowed a resolution of 3–6 years according to the 210Pb dating, although it was still difficult to easily investigate the response to air temperature forcing, since extreme fluctuations in temperature occur on interannual time-scales. However, the resolution was sufficient to show responses on decadal and century scales. An overall tendency to warming in mean annual temperature in the Central Pyrenees has been caused by summer and in particular by autumn increases. Many of the measured sediment variables apparently responded to these long term trends, but the significance of the relationships was highly conditioned by the structure of the data. The variables responding most on the finer time scales were the microfossils. For diatoms, chironomids and chrysophytes the main variability correlated to summer and to autumn temperatures. For two planktonic species, Fragilaria nanana and Cyclotella pseudostelligera, we found a link of their variability with temperature fluctuations in their growing months (September and October, respectively). This relationship appeared at a certain point during a general warming trend, indicating a threshold in the response. On the other hand, no significant changes in the dominant species could be linked to temperature, nor in any significant subgroup of the 180 diatom species present in the core. In contrast, for most chironomids (particularly Paratanytarsus austriacus, Heterotrissocladius marcidus and Micropsectra radialis) a negative relationship with summer temperature extended throughout the studied period. This response of the whole group gives chironomids a more robust role as indicators for recording temperature changes on long time-scales (e.g., through the Holocene) and for lake signal inter-comparison. Finally, our results indicated that, in all cases, there was a significant resilience to high frequency changes and hysteresis despite extreme fluctuations. Although we were dealing with organisms with one or many generations per year, their populations seemed to follow the decadal trends in air temperature.  相似文献   

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