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The nervous systems of invertebrates and vertebrates consist of neuronal networks of varying complexity, and the elucidation of the organization of these networks is essential if we are to understand neural function. Up until the mid-19th Century gross dissection was the primary tool available to scientists to study the nervous system. The development of neurohistological techniques, electrical stimulation, and observation of neural function in humans and animals following injury added rapidly to our understanding of the nervous system during the following century. Over the last 3 decades investigators seeking to unravel the complexities of neural circuits have made use of analytical methods based upon the biological properties of neurons, including orthograde and retrograde axonal transport of tracer substances, the expression of particular genes and gene products that can be assessed with immunocytochemical or in situ methods, and the imaging of the utilization of oxygen or glucose by active populations of neurons. Advances in neuroscience have led to an enormous expansion in our knowledge of normal neural functioning and how that function is altered by injury or disease. Modern studies of neuronal organization have been at the center of our increased understanding of how the brain works.  相似文献   

Fractionation of the rat lung yielded a 54,000 g supernate, and DOC-solubilized 775 g, 3100 g and 54,000 g sediments, each of these preparations displaying an increasing angiotensin-converting enzyme activity with increasing dilution, suggesting the presence of freely reversible angiotensin-converting enzyme inhibitors. The solubilized 775 g sediment was applied to an immobilized captopril column, eluted successively with 20 mM Pi(K+), pH 7.8 buffer, buffer/0.5 M NaCl, and buffer/0.01M cysteine to obtain four major protein bands, two of which appeared with the cysteine eluant. The first two protein peaks were each pooled and subjected to ultrafiltration with 10,000 molecular weight cutoff filters. The pooled peaks, retentates and ultrafiltrates each inhibited the angiotensin-converting enzyme activity, suggesting the presence of large and small molecular weight reversible angiotensin-converting enzyme inhibitors in association with the solubilized (membranous) particulate angiotensin-converting enzyme fraction. These results expand upon earlier observations on the existence of angiotensin-converting enzyme inhibitors in mammalian serum by observing an increasing angiotensin-converting enzyme activity with increasing dilution. This activity was eluted in multiple peaks, including elution with the cysteine eluate, suggesting that the angiotensin-converting enzyme, as well as other proteins, may react covalently with the sulfhydryl functional group of the immobilized captopril in a transsulfhydration reaction cleaving the disulfide bonds in proteins. Subsequent elution with cysteine affects an additional transsulfhydration reaction, releasing the proteins from the column. It is further postulated that air oxidation of the proteins permits reformation of disulfide bonds, yielding some active angiotensin-converting enzyme. Having in mind the possibility of lipophilic angiotensin-converting enzyme inhibitors crossing the blood-brain barrier as a means of treatment of alcohol abuse, the intriguing presence of a naturally occurring angiotensin-converting enzyme inhibitors in the particulate, lipid-rich fraction of the lung cell raises the theory that inhibitors such as these might cross the blood-brain barrier to serve as downregulators of alcohol consumption.  相似文献   

Administration of buthionine sulfoximine (BSO) selectively inhibits glutathione (GSH) biosynthesis and induces a GSH deficiency. Decreased GSH levels in the brain may result in less oxidative stress (OS) protection, because GSH contributes substantially to intracellular antioxidant defense. Under these conditions, administration of the pro-oxidant, dopamine (DA), which rapidly oxidizes to form reactive oxygen species, may increase OS. To test the cognitive behavioral consequences of decreased GSH, BSO (3.2 mg in 30 microliters, intracerebroventricularly) was administered to male Fischer 344 rats every other day for 4 days. In addition, DA (15 microliters of 500 microM) was administered every day [either 1 h after BSO (BSO + DA group) or 1 h before BSO (DA + BSO group), when given on the same day as BSO] and spatial learning and memory assessed (Morris water maze, six trials/day). BSO + DA rats, but not DA + BSO rats, demonstrated cognitive impairment compared to a vehicle group, as evidenced by increased latencies to find the hidden platform, particularly on the first trial each day. Also, the BSO + DA group utilized non-spatial strategies during the probe trials (swim with no platform): i.e., less time spent in the platform quadrant, fewer crossings and longer latencies to the previous platform location, and more time spent in the platform quadrant, fewer crossings and longer latencies to the previous platform location, and more time spent around the edge of the pool rather than in the platform zone. Therefore, the cognitive behavioral consequences of decreasing GSH brain levels with BSO in conjunction with DA administration depends on the order of administration. These findings are similar to those seen previously on rod and plank walking performance, as well as to those seen in aged rats, suggesting that the oxidation of DA coupled with a reduced capacity to respond to oxidative stress may be responsible for the induction of age-related cognitive deficits.  相似文献   

Examined the role of phonemic coding in short-term memory in 45 children with a reading disability, 38 children with a specific arithmetic disability, and 89 normal children, as measured by the Wide Range Achievement Test. Ss, aged 7–13 yrs, were administered a series of tasks that involved the visual or auditory presentation of rhyming and nonrhyming letters and either an oral or a written response. Younger Ss (7–8 yrs) with a reading disability did not show any difference between the recall of nonrhyming and rhyming letters, whereas normal Ss of the same age did. Older reading-disabled Ss (aged 9–23 yrs), like their normal counterparts, had significantly poorer recall of rhyming as opposed to nonrhyming letters. However, their overall levels of performance were significantly lower than normals. The same pattern was found with Ss with arithmetic disabilities for the visual presentation of stimuli. For the auditory presentation of stimuli, the performance of Ss with arithmetic disabilities resembled that of normals, except at the youngest ages. Whereas a deficiency in phonological coding may characterize younger children with learning disabilities, older children with learning disabilities appear to use a phonemic code but have a more general deficit in short-term memory. (25 ref) (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

Arginine-vasopressin (AVP) is a neuropeptide which facilitates learning and memory processes. We examinated the participation of NMDA receptors in beneficial effects of peptide. The results of our study show that noncompetitive antagonist of NMDA receptor-MK-801 impairs the effect of AVP on the consolidation of conditioned avoidance responses and antagonist of polyamines site-arcaine reduced advantageous effect of AVP on the retrieval of memory in passive avoidance situation.  相似文献   

This paper reviews present knowledge on the etiology, pathophysiology, complications, prevention, and therapy of the disorders induced by iodine deficiency. The recommended dietary allowances of iodine are 100 micrograms/day for adults and adolescents, 60-100 micrograms/day for children aged 1 to 10 years, and 35-40 micrograms/day in infants aged less than 1 year. When the physiological requirements of iodine are not met in a given population, a series of functional and developmental abnormalities occur including thyroid function abnormalities and, when iodine deficiency is severe, endemic goiter and cretinism, endemic mental retardation, decreased fertility rate, increased perinatal death, and infant mortality. These complications, which constitute a hindrance to the development of the affected populations, are grouped under the general heading of iodine deficiency disorders (IDD). At least one billion people are at risk of IDD. Iodine deficiency, therefore, constitutes one of the most common preventable causes of mental deficiency in the world today. Most of the affected populations live in mountainous areas in preindustrialized countries, but 50 to 100 million people are still at risk in Europe. The most important target groups to the effects of iodine deficiency from a public health point of view are pregnant mothers, fetuses, neonates, and young infants because the main complication of IDD, i.e., brain damage resulting in irreversible mental retardation, is the consequence of thyroid failure occurring during pregnancy, fetal, and early postnatal life. The main cause of endemic goiter and cretinism is an insufficient dietary supply of iodine. The additional role of naturally occurring goitrogens has been documented in the case of certain foods (milk, cassava, millet, nuts) and bacterial and chemical water pollutants. The mechanism by which the thyroid gland adapts to an insufficient iodine supply is to increase the trapping of iodide as well as the subsequent steps of the intrathyroidal metabolism of iodine leading to preferential synthesis and secretion of triiodotyronine (T3). They are triggered and maintained by increased secretion of TSH, which is ultimately responsible for the development of goiter. The acceleration of the main steps of iodine kinetics and the degree of hyperstimulation by TSH are much more marked in the pediatric age groups, including neonates, than in adults, and the development of goiter appears as an unfavorable side effect in the process of adaptation to iodine deficiency during growth. The most serious complication of iodine deficiency is endemic cretinism, a syndrome characterized by irreversible mental retardation together with either a predominant neurological syndrome or predominant hypothyroidism, or a combination of both syndromes.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 400 WORDS)  相似文献   

Several experiments were conducted to examine the effects of intracranial injection of opioid peptides and antagonists on learning and memory in the chick. Pretraining injection of [leu–5]enkephalin and the selective delta receptor agonist [D-Pen–2,L-Pen–5]enkephalin (DPLPE) into the intermediate medial hyperstriatum ventrale (IMHV) produced impairment. ICI 174,864, a delta-selective antagonist, reversed the impairment produced by either [leu–5]enkephalin or DPLPE, results indicating that delta receptors may play a role in learning in the chick and suggesting that the impairment produced by [leu–5]enkephalin is mediated through delta opioid receptors. β-endorphin produced a naloxone-reversible impairment in performance, which suggests that this impairment is mediated by opioid receptors. Bilateral injection of β-endorphin into the IMHV produced impairment, as did unilateral injection into the right, but not left, IMHV. Only bilateral injections into IMHV of [leu–5]enkephalin were effective. These results suggest that the effects of β-endorphin are centrally mediated whereas the effects of [leu–5]enkephalin may be localized to other brain regions or are peripherally mediated. These initial results suggest that opioids are associated with learning and memory in the chick. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

Endothelium protector SOFTEL is developed by Ekran firm and Institute of Eye Diseases, Russian Academy of Medical Sciences. The drug was used in 157 patients aged 28-79 years. Perforating keratoplasty for corneal leukoma and keratoconus was carried out in 46 patients, cataract extraction with implantation of intraocular lens (IOL) in 94, and cataract extraction without IOL implantation in 17 patients. Two patients developed slight hypertension in the postoperative period, which resolved within 24 h, and four patients developed moderate corneal edema persisting for 1-2 days postoperation. The protective effect of softel is compatible with that of its foreign analog Healon. The drug is effective in cataract extractions with IOL implantation and perforating keratoplasty.  相似文献   

The role of temporal landmarks in autobiographical memory processes   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The prevalence of temporal landmarks has been revealed in a wide range of tasks associated with autobiographical memory, such as recall and dating of personal events. The author examined 3 types of events that have usually been considered landmarks: flashbulb memories, 1st experiences, and reference points in personal histories. The differences between landmark events and nonlandmark events are considered, and evidence is presented showing the effect of these landmarks on memory tasks. It is suggested that the effect of temporal landmarks on these tasks is twofold: (a) performance on the tasks is intricately linked with how our autobiographical memory system is structured, and temporal landmarks may play a critical role in this organization; and (b) landmarks may be actively and spontaneously used by individuals as cues when performing recall and dating tasks (the cuing hypothesis). Both of these factors serve to systematically bias performance, leading to robust phenomena such as calendar effects and reminiscence peaks in recall and improvements in accuracy in dating.  相似文献   

The role of nitric oxide in the central nervous system is described. The main part of this article concerns the problem of learning and memory.  相似文献   

In this experiment, we tested the efficacy of neuroprotection with lisuride, a dopamine agonist, using the 4-vessel occlusion rat model. Functional improvement was evaluated with two behavior tests exploring learning and memorization capacity in the rat, the Morris water maze and the 14-unit T-maze, 18 days after ischemia. Extracellular dopamine levels during ischemia were determined in search of a possible neuroprotection mechanism. Dopamine and its metabolites, DOPAC and HVA, as well as the serotonin metabolite, 5-HIAA, were assayed with HPLC-EC, in striatal extracellular fluid obtained by in vivo microdialysis in the awake rat. Lisuride was administered at a total dose of 10 ng by continuous intrastriatal infusion or at the dose of 0.5 mg/kg by i.p. infusion, 160 minutes before onset of ischemia for the neurochemical study and at the dose of 0.5 mg/kg via i.p. infusion, 1 hour before occlusion of the carotid arteries, for the behavior tests. Behavioral testing showed significantly better recovery in both sets of behavioral tests, with more pronounced positive results with the 14-unit T-maze, in comparison with the saline-treated animals. Microdialysis confirmed a significant attenuation of the ischemia-induced dopamine surge, whatever the mode of administration, compared with saline-treated animals. These results show that lisuride offers significant neuroprotection from the effect of experimental transient global forebrain cerebral ischemia in the rat; the mechanism would imply, at least in part, reduced levels of extracellular dopamine.  相似文献   

Leu-enkephalin (LE) induced mainly a constriction of pial arterioles, diameter of the venules did not change. The effect of the LE involved preservation of the cerebral blood flow and that in microvessels, constriction of some arterioles and reduced dilatation against the background of decreased arterial pressure, bradycardia, increased lymphatic flow and survival of the animals during first hours of occlusion of common carotid arteries.  相似文献   

The clinical utility of current face recognition tests has been questioned. To evaluate if a new paradigm may measure this type of memory more accurately, the authors created a novel test to examine face learning (previously uninvestigated) and short- and long-term retention. For this initial investigation of test sensitivity to hemisphere of dysfunction, patients with surgical resection from a temporal lobe and healthy subjects were tested. Recognition was evaluated on 3 trials: after a single exposure, after 4 exposures (for learning), and after a 24-hr delay interval. Patients with a right resection performed significantly worse than healthy controls and patients with left resection. There was no difference between patients with a left resection and controls. Classification of individual patients to side of resection based on test results showed higher sensitivity (82%) than published for other tests and maintained good specificity (79%). (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

Firstly, the noetic value of the ontogenetic approach to the problems of learning and memory is emphasized; then the heterochrony and uneven time course of the development of neural systems are accentuated, which fully holds for the basic cognitive functions. Contrary to a broadly accepted opinion, that inhibitory learning develops later in the ontogeny, using a special method of passive avoidance (with gentle air flow inciting the new-born animal to move), the ability of new-born rats to learn an inhibitory reaction even several hours after delivery and remember it for 24 hr has been proven; special control experiments have excluded any possibility that it is a non-specific reaction. To get it, the specific features of the neonatal organism are to be considered and its functional capabilities not to be overlooked. This conditioned reaction as well as its 24 hr memory develops with a temporary reversal during several postnatal days, needing decreasing numbers of trials to meet the criteria. In the analysis of their mechanisms, it has been shown that adequate functioning of peripheral receptor zones providing afferent inputs from somatosensory areas of the conditioned stimulus is considerably involved in their establishment. Increased dendritic branching has been found in hippocampus and Meynert nucleus the following day after learning in the neonatal period. Special attention is devoted to the involvement of transmitters and/or modulators; the action of acetylcholine, noradrenaline, dopamine and nitric oxide has been discovered during the first postnatal hours; their application after meeting criteria displays a time and age dependent effect with a general characteristic of memory improvement. Neonatal learning under nitric oxide influence changes nitric oxide-synthase content in the brain. Increasing dopamine and nitric oxide availability in the brain improves both learning and memory, and their joint application positively alleviates these phenomena further. Dopamine and its D1 receptor agonists counterbalance decreased nitric oxide after nitric oxide synthase blockade; increased nitric oxide in brain and dopamine receptor antagonists similarly counterbalance each other.  相似文献   

Four studies tested the hypothesis that agentic and communal motives act as a channel for new knowledge and are linked to specific ways of organizing information that facilitate its accessibility. In Study 1, agentic and communal participants read an agentic or a communal vignette consisting of differentiated and integrated statements, performed a distraction task, then completed written recall and recognition tasks. Agentics recalled and recognized more differentiation in the agentic story; communals recalled and recognized more integration in the communal story. A computerized replication with randomized recognition items (Study 2) found the same pattern of recognition results. Studies 3 and 4 used implicit motive primes and found similar results in both written and computerized recognition tasks. These ways of organizing information have powerful implications for the encoding of autobiographical knowledge and its long-term organization. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

First-year psychology students took multiple-choice examinations following each of 4 lecture courses and 3 laboratory research methods courses. One lecture course was later retested. Students indicated state of memory awareness accompanying each answer: recollective experience (remember), "just know" (know), feeling of familiarity (familiarity), or guess. On the lecture courses, higher performing students differed from other students because they had more remember responses. On research methods, higher performing students differed because they knew more, and in the delayed retest, higher performing students differed because they now knew rather than remembered more. These findings demonstrate a shift from remembering to knowing, dependent upon level attained, type of course, and retention interval, and suggest an underlying shift in knowledge representation from episodic to semantic memory. The authors discuss theoretical and educational implications of the findings. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

It is often assumed that there is more than one kind of learning—or more than one memory system—each of which is specialized for a different function. Yet, the criteria by which the varieties of learning and memory should be distinguished are seldom clear. Learning and memory phenomena can differ from one another across species or situations (and thus be specialized) in a number of different ways. What is needed is a consistent theoretical approach to the whole range of learning phenomena, and one is explored here. Parallels and contrasts in the study of sensory systems illustrate one way to integrate the study of general mechanisms with an appreciation of species-specific adaptations. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

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