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Larvae of the cereal leaf minerSyringopais temperatella Led. (Lep.: Scythridae) collected from wheat and barley fields in the southeast Anatolian region of Turkey during 2005–2006, and their parasitization rates, were determined in the laboratory,Bracon (Habrobracon) stabilis Wesmael andApanteles sp. (Hymenoptera: Braconidae) were identified as its parasitoids for the first time.  相似文献   

Field trials were carried out to assess the efficacy of a 4% azadirachtin (aza)-containing neem seed extract EC, against damage by western flower thrips [Frankliniella occidentalis (Pergande) (Thysanoptera: Thripidae)] on nectarine crops in the Similkameen Valley, British Columbia, Canada. Several trials were conducted during the years 1993 to 1995 to assess the repellent and larvicidal properties of aza, specifically: whether it was effective against adult or larval thrips; how the effects differed with concentration of aza; and whether female WFT avoided aza-treated flowers. Our results showed that aza has only limited effectiveness as a control agent against WFT on nectarines and the current formulation does not appear to limit larval development sufficiently to be deemed a possible control agent in this field situation.  相似文献   

The present study was conducted to determine egg and larval parasitoids of the beet armywormSpodoptera exigua Hübner (Lepidoptera: Noctuidae), which is an important but sporadic pest in Turkey. High beet armyworm population levels were recently observed in fields of first and second crop maize in the southeast Mediterranean region of Turkey. The parasitoid species complex and its impact on the pest were analyzed in a 4-year study in first and second crop maize. The braconid larval parasitoidsMicroplitis rufiventris Kokujev,M. tuberculifer Wesmael,Meteorus ictericus Nees,Chelonus obscuratus (Herrich Schäffer) (an egg-larval parasitoid),Apanteles ruficrus (Haliday); the ichneumonid larval parasitoidsHyposoter didymator (Thunberg) andSinophorus xanthostomus Gravenhorst; and the egg parasitoidTrichogramma evanescens (Westwood) were found to be the natural enemies attacking the pest. Among the parasitoid species the solitary endoparasitoidH. didymator was the most prevalent species, being reared from 40.5% of the parasitized larvae found. Higher parasitism rates were recorded on first crop than on second crop maize in every year. Possible reasons for this difference in larval parasitism between two growing seasons include lower population of the pest and reduced insecticide applications in first crop maize fields which permitted higher parasitism. However, parasitoid activity was insufficient to counterbalance the population growth of the pest on subsequent second crop maize.  相似文献   

通过研究苹果园生态条件下减施化学氮肥与有机无机配施N2O排放规律,为准确估算渭北旱塬区域N2O排放提供数据支撑。采用静态箱-气相色谱法对渭北旱塬苹果园不同施肥制度下(2017年10月—2018年10月)N2O排放通量进行田间监测。结果表明:苹果膨大期是渭北旱塬苹果园N2O排放的主要时期;各施肥处理N2O年累积排放总量在1.14~4.46 kg·hm-2之间,与常规施肥处理相比,优化减氮和有机无机配施处理N2O排放总量分别降低了43.3%、42.6%;常规高氮、优化减氮与有机无机配施处理年排放系数分别为0.27%、0.22%、0.22%;温度是限制苹果成熟期和膨大期土壤N2O排放的决定因子;施肥后,随着时间的推移,底物浓度不足将逐渐成为限制N2O排放的重要因子。因此,有机无机配施作为苹果园推荐施肥模式的同时能够显著降低N2O排放,并且降雨前施肥可以降低N2  相似文献   

In the present study,Cnaemidophorus rhododactyla (Denis & Schiffermüller) (Lepo Pterophoridae) was noted for the first time as a pest ofRosa spp. in Turkey. The larva ofC. rhododactyla makes a cavity by feeding in the flower-bud and destroys at least 60% of the mass of the flower-bud. There are approximately 12 species ofRosa in Erzurum and Kars provinces, butRosa dumalis Bechst. andR. subcanina L. suffered more damage than the otherRosa species. One species of Tachinidae (Diptera) —Pseudoperichaeta palesoidea (Robineau-Desvoidy), and two species of Ichneumonidae (Hymenoptera) —Sinophorus turionus (Ratz.) andScambus brevicornis Gravenhorst, were reared as larval parasitoids ofC. rhododactyla. C. rhododactyla is a new host record for these parasitoids. Additionally,S. turionus is a new record for the Turkish fauna.  相似文献   

为明确苹果锈果类病毒(Apple scar skin viroid,ASSVd)在烟台市富士苹果上的变异情况,通过特异性引物对携带苹果锈果类病毒的富士嫩叶进行ASSVd全长扩增,利用生物学软件DNAMAN对所得变异序列进行分析并构建系统进化树。结果表明,从130个样品中筛选到36个阳性样品,36个阳性样品中共克隆获得52条329~333 nt的ASSVd变异序列,其中30个阳性样品含2条或2条以上的ASSVd序列。对所得变异序列进行序列比对发现,同一样品不同克隆间核苷酸序列相似性为94.0%~100.0%,所有变异序列核苷酸序列相似性为94.0%~99.7%,与Gen Bank中来自不同国家或地区的10条ASSVd分离物核苷酸序列相似性为88.3%~99.7%。将序列相似性低于97.0%的12条变异序列进行系统进化分析,结果显示除了333 nt变异序列ZS2-6与伊朗苹果分离物在同一分支外,其余11条变异序列位于同一分支。52条变异序列多序列比对发现,变异位点主要集中在TL区、P区和C区。研究表明烟台市富士苹果上ASSVd存在一定的分子变异。  相似文献   

The effects of field aging (0–28 days) and pheromone loading rate on the longevity of red rubber septa loaded with the sex pheromone blend of the oriental fruit mothGrapholita molesta (Busck), were evaluated in North Carolina apple orchards in 2002. Separate field tests examined the influence of trap height and pheromone loading rate of rubber septa on trap catches of adultG. molesta males in an abandoned orchard. The loss of the major pheromone component, (Z)-8-dodecenyl acetate (Z8–12:OAc), from red rubber septa over a 4-week period exhibited a relatively constant release rate with 30, 100 and 300 μg pheromone. Trap catch was significantly higher in pheromone traps placed in the upper canopy than in those in the lower canopy. Pheromone traps baited with 100μg lures caught more moths compared with those loaded with 300 μg. There was no apparent relationship between pheromone trap catch and septa age, with trap catch appearing to be primarily a function ofG. molesta population density. http://www.phytoparasitica.org posting May 14, 2006.  相似文献   

The pathogenicity and virulence of ten GreekPseudomonas syringae pv.syringae strains from different hosts (citrus, pear, apple, peach and cherry) were evaluated using three different laboratory methods, which produced results in good agreement. All ten strains were virulent on apple, pear, cherry and peach trees. The extent of tissue colonized varied considerably among strains and cultivars. On excised shoots and twigs of apple and pear, strains BPI 176, BPI 203, PI 2 and PI 14 were the most virulent and strains BPI 689, BPI 992, BPI 4, BPI 20, PI 18 and PI 19 were the least virulent. On excised shoots and twigs of peach and cherry, strains BPI 176, BPI 203, PI 2, PI 14, PI 18 and PI 19 were the most virulent and strains BPI 4 and BPI 20 were the least virulent. Moderate virulence was evinced by strains BPI 689 and BPI 992. These pathogenicity assays are proposed as rapid and reproducible screening systems to evaluate the susceptibility of apple, pear, cherry and peach cultivars to this bacterial pathogen.  相似文献   

In a field experiment conducted over two growing seasons, the effectiveness and phytotoxicity of inorganic fungicides such as sulphur, lime sulphur, copper, silicon and Armicarb (a new formulation of potassium bicarbonate) was compared with water for the control of primary apple scab infections in Belgium on high, medium and low scab-susceptible cultivars (cvs ‘Pinova’, ‘Pirouette’ and ‘Reinette des Capucins’, respectively). In order to drastically reduce the amount of fungicide applied in the orchard, two approaches were used: (1) a strategy involving spraying during the infection process, before fungal penetration and (2) a tunnel sprayer machine for treatment applications. Under field conditions highly favourable for disease, low rates of elemental sulphur (31.8 and 38.6 kg ha−1 year−1 in 2005 and 2006, respectively) combined with low rates of copper (2.1 kg ha−1 year−1 in both years) provided the best scab control and reduced scab severity on the fruits of cv. ‘Pinova’ by 97 and 98% compared with water control in 2005 and 2006, respectively. Lime sulphur was much more effective than wettable sulphur and appeared to be efficient at temperatures below 10°C, but its effectiveness against apple scab decreased if the treatments were applied 12–24 h later than in the ‘during-infection’ spray strategy. Armicarb used alone significantly reduced apple scab severity on the leaves and fruits of the three cultivars compared with the water control. Its effectiveness was as good as wettable sulphur applied using the same timing and dosage. Silicon reduced apple scab on fruits very slightly, but not on leaves. The amounts of wettable sulphur, lime sulphur, copper, silicon and potassium bicarbonate used in this experiment to control apple scab were not phytotoxic, did not increase fruit russet, did increase the yield of each cultivar and did not affect summer density of the beneficial Typhlodromus pyri. The potential and limitations of ‘during-infection’ spraying as a protection strategy against apple scab in organic farming are discussed.  相似文献   

Samples were collected from southern Greece during 1996–2000 in order to investigate the presence of parasitoids onAphis gossypii Glover infesting several citrus species. The species of aphidiines found to have a significantly different preference forA. gossypii wereAphidius colemani Viereck,Aphidius matricariae Haliday,Diaeretiella rapae (M’Intosh),Ephedrus persicae Froggat,Lysiphlebus testaceipes (Cresson),Binodoxys acalephae (Marshall) andBinodoxys angelicae (Haliday). In another sampling experiment, the relative abundance of aphidiine parasitoids on aphids infesting orange and tangerine trees was studied in southern Greece (Nea Kios) in 1996 and 1997.A. gossypii constituted the largest part of the aphid population and was the only species parasitized.B. angelicae andA. colemani were the most abundant parasitoid species. The parasitization rate differed among the parasitoid species.B. angelicae had the highest colonization rate in centrally located and large host (A. gossypii) groups, whereasA. colemani was found in more isolated and relatively small host groups. The percentage of parasitism byB. angelicae was high mainly in large host groups, whenB. angelicae was the only parasitoid present. However, in cases of coexistence ofB. angelicae withA. colemani with hyperparasitoids, in the same sampling unit, the percentage of parasitism was relatively low. http://www.phytoparasitica.org  相似文献   

Initial applications of 104 spores g−1 of Pasteuria penetrans, and dried neem cake and leaves at 3 and 2% w:w, respectively, were applied to soil in pots. Juveniles of Meloidogyne javanica were added immediately to the pots (500, 5,000 or 10,000) before planting 6-week-old tomato seedlings. The tomatoes were sampled after 64 days; subsequently a second crop was grown for 59 days and a third crop for 67 days without further applications of P. penetrans and neem. There was significantly less root-galling in the P. penetrans combined with neem cake treatment at the end of the third crop and this treatment also had the greatest effect on the growth of the tomato plants. At the end of the third crop, 30% of the females were infected with P. penetrans in those treatments where spores had been applied at the start of the experiment. The effects of neem leaves and neem cake on the nematode population did not persist through the crop sequences but the potential for combining the amendments with a biological control agent such as P. penetrans is worthy of further evaluation.  相似文献   

Three experiments were carried out during three consecutive years to evaluate 19 insecticides and 12 tank mixtures of different groups of insecticides against the whiteflyBemisia tabaci and its predators and parasitoids under field conditions in cotton. In the first experiment, the whitefly population was lower in treatments with thiacloprid and higher in those with black warrant (a.i. alcohol) and cypermethrin; the number of predators was higher with Agri-50 and spinosad and lowest with cypermethrin, whereas percent parasitism was higher with thiacloprid and lower with methamidophos. In the second experiment, the whitefly population was lower in treatments with buprofezin, pyriproxyfen and diafenthiuron and higher in those with endosulfan, imidacloprid and thiamethoxam; the number of predators was higher with pyriproxyfen and lower with thiamethoxam, whereas percent parasitism was higher with pyriproxyfen and lower with thiamethoxam. In the third experiment, the whitefly population was lower in a treatment mixture with buprofezin + fenpropathrin and higher in that with thiamethoxam + chlorpyrifos; the number of predators was higher with buprofezin + fenpropathrin and lower with deltamethrin + triazophos and deltamethrin + chlorpyrifos, whereas percent parasitism was higher with the mixture of pyriproxyfen + chlorpyrifos and lower in imidacloprid + chlorpyrifos, betacyfluthrin + triazophos, and deltamethrin + triazophos. Effective use of these insecticides to manage whitefly infestations and to save predators and parasitoids is discussed. http:www.phytoparasitica.org posting August 7, 2008.  相似文献   

A two-year study was conducted to determine the effect of six sanitation treatments on leaf litter density (LLD), relative ascospore production of Venturia inaequalis and scab incidence on spur-leaf clusters, leaves and harvested fruits, on two cultivars with low and high scab susceptibilities, in Hungarian integrated and organic apple orchards. The following sanitation treatments were used: sprays of lime sulphur in autumn, collecting fallen leaves in autumn, straw mulch cover in late winter, sprays of lime sulphur followed by mulch cover, collecting fallen leaves followed by mulch cover, collecting fallen leaves followed by covering the orchard floor with plastic foil, and non-sanitized control. LLD decreased continuously in all treatment plots by 0–23% by mid-May in both orchards and years; however, LLD reduction was 1.4–4.2 times higher in the organic orchard compared to the integrated one. All treatments, except for the lime sulphur treatment, resulted in significant (P < 0.05) reduction of LLD and ascospore production in both the integrated and organic apple orchards compared to non-sanitized plots. The most efficient treatment was leaf collection combined with plastic foil cover, followed by leaf collection combined with mulch cover, leaf collection alone, mulch cover alone, and lime sulphur spray combined with mulch cover, with a reduction in the ascospore production of >95, 72–92, 56–79, 24–38, and 27–46%, respectively, in the mean of both orchards and years. However, only treatments of leaf collection applied alone, or in combination with mulch or with plastic foil cover reduced significantly (P < 0.05) leaf and/or fruit scab incidence by 18–57% compared to non-sanitized plots. These three leaf collection treatments are recommended in both integrated and organic orchards and the possibilities of successfully incorporating these methods into orchard management practices are interpreted.  相似文献   

The entomopathogenic nematodes (EPNs)Steinernema feltiae (under the trade name Entonem) andHeterorhabditis bacteriophora (under the trade name Larvanem) were evaluated as potential control agents ofParahypopta caestrum, the major pest of the asparagus crop in Greece. In laboratory experiments the two nematodes provided equal insect suppression, but significant differences were found in the time it took them to kill the larvae.S. feltiae caused high levels of mortality within 24 h and the highest level at 48 h. In contrast,H. bacteriophora required 96 h to achieve the highest level of mortality. In field experiments, the nematodes provided equal insect suppression as compared with the insecticide cadusaphos and the mixture teflubenzuron +Bacillus thuringiensis var.kurstaki. No significant differences were found in the effectiveness of the insecticides used, but there were significant differences between the control and treatments. The findings showed thatS. feltiae andH. bacteriophora could be used to control the insectP. caestrum in asparagus culture. http://www.phytoparasitica.org posting Jan. 10, 2007.  相似文献   

The relative virulence ofPhytophthora cactorum andP. syringae originating from almond trees, and ofP. citrophthora originating from citrus, to apple, pear, peach, cherry and plum rootstocks, was studiedin vivo andin vitro. Results of the different experiments were in good agreement. All testedPhytophthora isolates showed little virulence to pear rootstocks-causing only minor crown rot symptoms - and no virulence at all to apple rootstocks. In contrast, they were highly virulent to stone fruit rootstocks, causing crown rot disease. The non-pathogenicity of these isolates to pome rootstocks could be interpreted as strict host specificity.  相似文献   

A field study is described which explored the possibility of controlling Stagonospora nodorum and Septoria tritici on wheat using a barley pathogen, Drechslera teres. Pre-treatment of wheat cv. Hussar flag leaves with D. teres resulted in a significant reduction in disease caused by S. nodorum and S. tritici, resulting in a significant increase in grain yield. When cv. Brigadier leaves were treated with D. teres prior to inoculation with S. nodorum there was an initial increase in disease expression whilst D. teres had no effect on symptoms produced by S. tritici on cv. Brigadier. There was significantly less disease on leaves of cvs. Hussar and Brigadier pre-treated with D. teres prior to inoculation with an equal mixture of S. nodorum and S. tritici compared to plants pre-treated with water. It is concluded that D. teres and other non-host pathogens show potential as biological control agents for S. nodorum and S. tritici.  相似文献   

We first discuss the diversity of fruit fly (Diptera: Tephritidae) parasitoids (Hymenoptera) of the Neotropics. Even though the emphasis is on Anastrepha parasitoids, we also review all the information available on parasitoids attacking flies in the genera Ceratitis, Rhagoletis, Rhagoletotrypeta, Toxotrypana and Zonosemata. We center our analysis in parasitoid guilds, parasitoid assemblage size and fly host profiles. We also discuss distribution patterns and the taxonomic status of all known Anastrepha parasitoids. We follow by providing a historical overview of biological control of pestiferous tephritids in Latin American and Florida (U.S.A.) and by analyzing the success or failure of classical and augmentative biological control programs implemented to date in these regions. We also discuss the lack of success of introductions of exotic fruit fly parasitoids in various Latin American countries. We finish by discussing the most pressing needs related to fruit fly biological control (classical, augmentative, and conservation modalities) in areas of the Neotropics where fruit fly populations severely restrict the development of commercial fruit growing. We also address the need for much more intensive research on the bioecology of native fruit fly parasitoids.  相似文献   

Isolates of plant reoviruses causing severe stunting and dark leaf symptoms on wheat in Hebei province, on maize in Hubei province and on rice in Zhejiang province, China have been characterized. Four of the ten genome segments corresponding to Rice black-streaked dwarf virus (RBSDV) S7, S8, S9, S10 were amplified by RT-PCR from the Hebei and Zhejiang isolates and sequenced. Sequences of S9 and S10 were also obtained from the Hubei isolate. Sequences of corresponding segments of the Chinese isolates were very similar to each other (94.0–99.0% identical nucleotides and 96.3–100% identical amino acids) and were closer to those of a previously reported Japanese RBSDV isolate (90.0–94.9% identical nucleotides and 91.1–98.6% identical amino acids) than to those of an Italian Maize rough dwarf virus isolate (85.1–88.1% identical nucleotides and 85.5–94.3% identical amino acids). The Chinese isolates should be classified as RBSDV.  相似文献   

Analysis was made of dsRNA in 37 cultivars and species of Ribes, that were healthy, naturally affected with the virus-like diseases, blackcurrant yellows, blackcurrant infectious variegation, gooseberry veinbanding or blackcurrant reversion, or graft-inoculated with scions from such diseased plants. Various dsRNA species, differing in size (from ca. 2 to 11kbp), number and staining intensity in gels, were detected in some or all assays of all plants, including those held as virus-tested stock. In different plant tissues from individual plants, the dsRNA species were usually similar in size and number but, in some sources, the dsRNA profile from flowers and/or bark differed greatly from the profiles of dsRNA obtained from leaves. No dsRNA species were associated consistently with any of these diseases. A 499kbp cDNA probe was obtained that in Northern blot analysis was specific to a ca. 5kbp dsRNA species present in the blackcurrant cv. Baldwin. It also detected a similarly sized dsRNA species in plants of many other blackcurrant cultivars, but it did not react with a similarly sized dsRNA species in redcurrant and gooseberry tissues. The 156 amino acid sequence encoded by the cDNA was very similar to sequences in the RNA-directed RNA polymerases of virus species in the family Totiviridae, especially Saccharomyces cerevisiae viruses L-1 and L-A. The significance of these findings and the possible origin of these dsRNA species are discussed.  相似文献   

Episyrphus balteatus De Geer (Diptera: Syrphidae) is one of the most efficient biocontrol agents against Dysaphis plantaginea Passerini (Hemiptera: Aphididae) in apple orchards due to its early arrival. However, releasing flying predators in open orchards may be risky. We thus evaluated the combined effects of biological (early release of syrphids) and physical (Alt'Carpo nets) methods for controlling aphids under orchard conditions assuming that syrphids released under the nets will be able to survive and reproduce. Five experimental treatments containing two rows of trees each were set up in a pesticide-free orchard containing two different apple cultivars. For each cultivar, E. Balteatus adults were released (25, 40 and 90 adults per row) into three treatments, which were covered with nets, and two treatments were maintained free as controls (with and without nets). The releases, mainly in treatment 90, had a small effect on the development of the aphid population compared to netted control trees, especially towards the end of the study period when some of the differences were significant. This study demonstrated that E. balteatus adults can be successfully released under nets since we did observe an accumulation in the offspring of released individuals, mainly in treatments 40 and 90.  相似文献   

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