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利用TC1、Cluster和Polar结合极光和同步高度及地磁的观测,研究了2004年9月14日1730~1930 UT时间段的亚暴偶极化过程.此前行星际磁场持续南向几个小时.亚暴初发(Onset)开始于1823 UT.2 min之后,同步高度的LANL 02A在子夜附近观测到了明显的能量电子增强(Injection)事件,而TC1在1827UT左右在磁尾(-10,-2, 0)RE (GSE)观测到了磁场BX的突然下降,伴随着等离子体压强和温度的突然增加及磁场的强烈扰动.在(-16, 1, 3)RE (GSE) 的Cluster上相同的仪器观测到相同的现象,只是比TC1观测到的晚大约23 min,在1850 UT左右.虽然Polar在更靠近地球的较高纬度(-75, 35, -40)RE (GSE)附近,也在1855 UT左右观测到了这种磁场偶极化现象.以上的观测时序表明TC1、Cluster观测到的磁场偶极化比亚暴偶极化初始发生分别晚4 min和27 min.说明偶极化由近磁尾向中磁尾传播.详细计算表明偶极化源区的位置大约在X=-77RE~-86RE,而传播速度大约为70 km·s-1.在这个事件中亚暴的物理图像可能是中磁尾的近地重联产生的地向高速流到达近磁尾,为近磁尾的亚暴触发创造了条件;亚暴在近磁尾触发之后,磁场偶极化峰面向中磁尾传播.  相似文献   

本文主要应用THEMIS卫星的磁场和等离子体流观测数据,分析了2008年1月5日08∶51~08∶57 UT亚暴膨胀相期间磁尾的一个近地重联事件.在亚暴膨胀相期间,地面的全天空成像仪清楚地记录到了极光的极向扩展,THEMIS的P5卫星在地球同步轨道附近观测到了磁场的偶极化现象.在亚暴膨胀相末期的08∶51~08∶57 UT期间,P3(XGSM~-9.12RE) 和P4 (XGSM ~-9.40RE) 同时观测到了一对方向相反的高速等离子体流.这对方向相反的高速等离子体流是由磁尾的重联现象所引起.重联的位置被估计位于XGSM ~-9.12RE 和XGSM~-9.40RE之间较小的空间范围内.并且,在重联位置的两侧,重联的Hall效应被P3和P4两颗卫星观测到.因此,这一磁尾重联事件发生在距离地球非常近的空间范围内.  相似文献   

用单流体和双流体MHD近似,研究了近磁尾位形不稳定性(NETC).分析表明,NETC可能存在两种漂移不稳定情况C1和C2与卫星观测资料对比显示,C2较容易在亚暴膨胀相前夕出现,它可以解释亚暴膨胀相期间磁场和等离子体扰动的特征周期、尾向传播速度、磁场扰动和等离子体压强扰动之间的位相关系,场向电流的周期性结构,西向涌浪头部的电子沉降和极光隆起等观测特性和现象.薄电流片的极端情况(Rc≈ri)不在本文的讨论范围之内.  相似文献   

用单流体和双流体MHD近似,研究了近磁尾位形不稳定性(NETC).分析表明,NETC可能存在两种漂移不稳定情况C1和C2与卫星观测资料对比显示,C2较容易在亚暴膨胀相前夕出现,它可以解释亚暴膨胀相期间磁场和等离子体扰动的特征周期、尾向传播速度、磁场扰动和等离子体压强扰动之间的位相关系,场向电流的周期性结构,西向涌浪头部的电子沉降和极光隆起等观测特性和现象.薄电流片的极端情况(Rc≈ri)不在本文的讨论范围之内.  相似文献   

用单流体和双流体MHD近似,研究了近磁尾位形不稳定性(NETC).分析表明,NETC可能存在两种漂移不稳定情况C1和C2与卫星观测资料对比显示,C2较容易在亚暴膨胀相前夕出现,它可以解释亚暴膨胀相期间磁场和等离子体扰动的特征周期、尾向传播速度、磁场扰动和等离子体压强扰动之间的位相关系,场向电流的周期性结构,西向涌浪头部的电子沉降和极光隆起等观测特性和现象.薄电流片的极端情况(Rc≈ri)不在本文的讨论范围之内.  相似文献   

GEOTAIL卫星于1994年1月15日亚暴期间,在深磁尾(x=96RE)观测到多重等离子体团及与之相对应的高能离子爆,作者以宁静磁尾平衡位形为初态,考虑介质的可压缩性,数值研究亚暴期间磁尾动力学过程.计算结果展现了等离子体团间歇性形成及其运动发展过程.体现了强亚暴事件中储存于碰尾的能量,通过多重等离子体团的排放而逐渐释放的进程.数值结果还表明:持续施加于边界上的晨昏电场及由此引发的驱动重联是导致等离子体团准周期形成的主要因素.此外,作者还考察尾瓣内任一点磁场强度及其分量随时间的演化,它与行进压缩区(TCRs)的观测特征基本相符.  相似文献   

亚暴事件中磁尾多重等离子体团的数值研究(Ⅰ)   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
GEOTAIL卫星于1994年1月15日亚暴期间,在深磁尾(x=96RE)观测到多重等离子体团及与之相对应的高能离子爆,作者以宁静磁尾平衡位形为初态,考虑介质的可压缩性,数值研究亚暴期间磁尾动力学过程.计算结果展现了等离子体团间歇性形成及其运动发展过程.体现了强亚暴事件中储存于碰尾的能量,通过多重等离子体团的排放而逐渐释放的进程.数值结果还表明:持续施加于边界上的晨昏电场及由此引发的驱动重联是导致等离子体团准周期形成的主要因素.此外,作者还考察尾瓣内任一点磁场强度及其分量随时间的演化,它与行进压缩区(TCRs)的观测特征基本相符.  相似文献   

用二维MHD数值模拟研究了地球磁层顶的涡旋重联和单X线重联,并将两者作了比较。涡旋重联和单X线重联各在Alfvèn马赫数M_Λ大于和小于0.5时出现于向阳面磁层顶。前者所产生的磁岛与涡旋同心重叠;后者磁力线重联仅产生X点,而不闭合形成磁岛,涡旋分布于X点两侧。在涡旋重联的自组织过程中,互螺旋度等近似守恒决定其渐近态的拓扑结构。最后,讨论了这两种重联对通量传输事件所起的不同作用。  相似文献   

在磁流体中涡旋诱发重联的线性过程的解析研究过程中,主要运用了渐近匹配展开方法.结果表明,如果流体粘性远大于磁粘性,流场马赫数Ma~1,重联的线性增长率正比于Vv为无量纲化流体粘性,这与数值模拟结果一致.此结论表明,流体粘性能够促进磁场重联,在理论上支持涡旋诱发重联模式.本文还研究了周期分布多电流片系统中涡旋诱发重联的线性增长率;随电流片之间距离的减小,反对称和对称情形的增长率分别增大和减小.  相似文献   

在磁流体中涡旋诱发重联的线性过程的解析研究过程中,主要运用了渐近匹配展开方法.结果表明,如果流体粘性远大于磁粘性,流场马赫数Ma~1,重联的线性增长率正比于Vv为无量纲化流体粘性,这与数值模拟结果一致.此结论表明,流体粘性能够促进磁场重联,在理论上支持涡旋诱发重联模式.本文还研究了周期分布多电流片系统中涡旋诱发重联的线性增长率;随电流片之间距离的减小,反对称和对称情形的增长率分别增大和减小.  相似文献   

Magnetic reconnection at a three-dimensional null point is a natural extension of the familiar two-dimensional X-point reconnection. A model is set up here for reconnection at a null point with current directed parallel to the fan plane, by solving the kinematic, steady, resistive magnetohydrodynamic equations in its vicinity. The magnetic field is assumed to be steady, and a localised diffusion region surrounding the null point is also assumed, outside which the plasma is ideal. Particular attention is focussed on the way that the magnetic flux changes its connections as a result of the reconnection. The resultant plasma flow is found to cross the spine and fan of the null, and thus transfer magnetic flux between topologically distinct regions. Solutions are also found in which the flow crosses either the spine or fan only.  相似文献   

Magnetic reconnection at a three-dimensional null point is the natural extension of the familiar two-dimensional X-point reconnection. A model is set up here for reconnection at a spiral null point, by solving the kinematic, steady, resistive magnetohydrodynamic equations in its vicinity. A steady magnetic field is assumed, as well as the existence of a localised diffusion region surrounding the null point. Outside the diffusion region the plasma and magnetic field move ideally. Particular attention is focussed on the way that the magnetic flux changes its connections as a result of the reconnection. The resultant plasma flows are found to be rotational in nature, as is the change in connections of the magnetic field lines.  相似文献   

在应用2.5维混合模拟方法研究Petschek模型磁场重联的基础上,考察了试验电子被加速的特征. 模拟结果表明,稳态的低频重联场能将少量试验电子加速到高能,电子的能谱为幂律谱,但总体分布函数未发生显著变化. 电子在整个加速过程中被束缚在低磁场的加速区内,由重联产生的感应电场Ey分量对其直接加速,根据加速时间和加速区域可以将这些电子分为两种情况:初始位于加速区和漂移到加速区被加速.  相似文献   

We analyze in situ observations of magnetic reconnection at the Earth magnetopause to estimate the importance of the Hall current during the merging of interplanetary and magnetospheric magnetic field lines. The reconnection process is studied through numerical simulations, integrating the Hall MHD equations in 2.5 dimensions. A large influence of the Hall effect is found, which can be measured by a significant increase of the reconnection rate.  相似文献   

极盖等离子体云块是极区空间天气重要现象之一,其形成过程是当前重要研究课题.观测表明,日侧磁场重联对应的极区电离层高速流可能对舌状等离子体(TOI)形成"切割"作用,最终形成极盖等离子体云块.伴随磁场重联,同时存在极光粒子沉降,会引起F层等离子体密度的增大,阻碍"切割"效应.本文利用耦合极区电离层模型,模拟研究电场和软电子沉降共同作用下F层等离子体密度的演化.结果表明,在局部电离层电场大于一定数值(80 mV)的情况下,"切割"效应能有效发生.并详细分析了"切割"效应发生时等离子体各参量的演化过程,对"切割"效应的内在物理过程进行了探讨.  相似文献   


The magnetic energy stored in the corona is the only plausible source for the energy released during large solar flares. During the last 20 years most theoretical work has concentrated on models which store magnetic energy in the corona in the form of electrical currents, and a major goal of present day research is to understand how these currents are created, and then later dissipated during a flare. Another important goal is to find a flare model which can eject magnetic flux into interplanetary space. Although many flares do not eject magnetic flux, those which do are of special importance for solar-terrestrial relations since the ejected flux can have dramatic effects if it hits the Earth's magnetosphere. Three flare models which have been extensively investigated are the emerging-flux model, the sheared-arcade model, and the magnetic-flux-rope model. All of these models can store and release magnetic energy efficiently provided that rapid magnetic reconnection occurs. However, only the magnetic-flux-rope model appears to provide a plausible mechanism for ejecting magnetic flux into interplanetary space.  相似文献   

In this paper, the particle acceleration processes around magnetotail dipolarization fronts(DFs) were reviewed. We summarize the spacecraft observations(including Cluster, THEMIS, MMS) and numerical simulations(including MHD, testparticle, hybrid, LSK, PIC) of these processes. Specifically, we(1) introduce the properties of DFs at MHD scale, ion scale, and electron scale,(2) review the properties of suprathermal electrons with particular focus on the pitch-angle distributions,(3)define the particle-acceleration process and distinguish it from the particle-heating process,(4) identify the particle-acceleration process from spacecraft measurements of energy fluxes, and(5) quantify the acceleration efficiency and compare it with other processes in the magnetosphere(e.g., magnetic reconnection and radiation-belt acceleration processes). We focus on both the acceleration of electrons and ions(including light ions and heavy ions). Regarding electron acceleration, we introduce Fermi,betatron, and non-adiabatic acceleration mechanisms;regarding ion acceleration, we present Fermi, betatron, reflection, resonance, and non-adiabatic acceleration mechanisms. We also discuss the unsolved problems and open questions relevant to this topic, and suggest directions for future studies.  相似文献   

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