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This study presents new 40Ar/39Ar ages on the volcanic and intrusive rocks from the Papandayan metallic district in West Java, Indonesia. The vein system in the Arinem area, one of the prospective areas in the district, has been considered as an epithermal gold–silver–base metal deposit, however, no published age results are available for the host volcanic rocks in the district. The ages of these rocks are critical in terms of their association with mineralization and are important to understand the evolution of volcanism in the region, which has implications for mineral exploration in the district. 40Ar/39Ar plateau ages of two typical basalt and one andesite samples of the Jampang Formation volcanic rocks yielded ages of 11.65 ± 0.52 Ma, 18.15 ± 0.46 Ma and 7.69 ± 0.05 Ma, respectively. 40Ar/39Ar ages of three intrusive rock samples from Gunung Halang diorite, Gunung Lingga diorite, and Gunung Buligir fine‐grained quartz diorite yielded ages of 12.98 ± 0.20 Ma, 10.81 ± 0.15 Ma, and 7.37 ± 0.05 Ma, respectively. The age of the youngest fine‐grained diorite (Gunung Wayang dike) is 3.95 ± 0.03 Ma. An 40Ar/39Ar age obtained from adularia in the Arinem mineralized vein (18.30 ± 0.20 Ma) is older than the age of altered basalt sample of this study (11.65 ± 0.52 Ma) and the K–Ar illite ages of the Arinem vein (9.4 ± 0.3 Ma and 8.8 ± 0.3 Ma) which resulted from a previous study. The age results suggest that the Papandayan district may have experienced multiple hydrothermal and mineralization events. This study, therefore, provides crucial age data to support future mineral exploration in the district.  相似文献   

The occurrence of synkinematic and authigenic clay minerals is a common feature in fault gouges. Few attempts have been made to date fault gouges. We present the first age data in Australia for synkinematic illite–smectite growth in two fault zones of the northern Sydney Basin, NSW. The faults occur at Burwood Beach, NSW in the northern part of the Sydney Basin and are hosted by Early Permian siltstones, tuffs and coals of the Lambton Formation, Newcastle Coal Measures. The faults are 1.5 m apart, show normal displacement and trend N–S with steep easterly dips. Foliated gouge zones, comminution and dilational breccias are developed along both fault surfaces. K–Ar ages extracted from samples in the gouge and tuffs in the damage zones are 172 (6–10 μm) to 119 Ma (<0.4 μm), respectively. Older ages of 272–281 Ma for the coarse fractions (>2 μm), 237–245 Ma for the <2 μm fraction, 218 Ma for the <0.4 μm fraction and 196 Ma for the <0.1 μm fraction have been obtained from siltstones within and outside the damage zone. We believe the younger ages of 196–237 Ma indicate the time at which diagenetic illite–smectite formed and the 122–150 Ma dates from the <2 μm fraction represent the maximum age of gouge formation. The younger ages are thought to reflect the last slip event occurring on the faults, which is related to the rifting and dispersal of the eastern margin of the Australian continent.  相似文献   

黑龙江省鸡西盆地基性岩40Ar/39Ar同位素定年及其地质意义   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
黑龙江省鸡西盆地张新地区辉绿玢岩呈岩床状侵入晚中生代城子河组地层中;辉绿玢岩较纯净,无捕虏体,呈斑状结构,斑晶由普通辉石、斜长石组成,斑晶体积分数为35%~40%;基质由微晶斜长石、辉石、磁铁矿及玻璃质组成。辉绿玢岩40Ar/39Ar同位素定年结果表明,其等时线年龄与坪年龄在误差范围内较为接近,该辉绿玢岩的形成时代介于96~101 Ma,即形成于早白垩世晚期-晚白垩世早期的Albian-Cenomanian阶。结合区域上该期岩浆事件的特点,暗示早白垩世晚期-晚白垩世时期鸡西盆地处于古太平洋板块(Izanagi-Kula 板块 )向东亚大陆边缘斜向俯冲背景之下的弧后伸展环境。  相似文献   

广泛分布在冈底斯岩浆岩带上的林子宗火山岩及与下伏地层间的区域不整合提供了印度-亚洲大陆碰撞的重要证据.本文对冈底斯中段谢通门地区林子宗火山岩年波组下段玄武安山岩中斜长石进行了40Ar-39Ar测年分析.结果表明,年波组火山岩形成于51.67±0.29 Ma,与林周地区年波组火山岩年龄基本一致,均为始新世.结合该区林子宗火山岩岩石学及岩石地球化学特征,指出谢通门地区林子宗火山岩形成于印度-亚洲大陆碰撞过程中.  相似文献   

以五莲分岭山火山机构为例,运用高精度的^40Ar-^39Ar定年技术,对胶莱盆地青山组火山岩的形成年龄进行了精确测定。结果表明。青山组第一旋回中偏碱性富钾火山岩的形成年龄为109.9±0.6Ma,第二旋回酸性流纹质火山岩形成年龄为108.2±0.6Ma,据此确定胶莱盆地青山组火山岩应为早白垩世岩浆活动的产物。根据该组火山岩在空间上具有自西向东年龄渐新的演变趋势,表明中生代伊泽奈崎板块向欧亚板块碰撞俯冲应是制约区内火山活动的主要动力因素。  相似文献   

近年的研究表明,中国东部东海地区的超高压变质岩在折返过程中,经历了两期构造变形。早期的韧性变形发生在角闪岩相变质作用条件下,晚期的脆韧性变形发生在绿片岩相变质作用条件下。两期构造变形的运动矢量都表现为上盘向南东的运动。对被超高压变质岩构造掩覆的海州磷矿角闪岩相白云斜长片岩中白云母~(40)Ar/~(39)Ar定年,获得的218.0±2.9 Ma的坪年龄和219.8 Ma的等时线年龄,表明早期的角闪岩相变质变形事件发生在约220 Ma。对在第二期构造变形滑脱面上定向生长的角闪石~(40)Ar/~(39)Ar定年,获得了坪年龄为213.1±0.3 Ma,等时线年龄为213.4±4.1Ma,表明了晚期变形事件的可能时代;对在滑脱面附近生长的伟晶黑云母和伟晶钾长石的~(40)Ar/~(39)Ar定年,获得了黑云母的坪年龄为203.4±0.3 Ma和203.6±0.4 Ma,等时线年龄为204.0±2.0 Ma和200.6±3.1Ma;伟晶钾长石的坪年龄为204.8±2.2 Ma,等时线年龄为204.0±5.0 Ma,表明该区这些岩石直到侏罗纪初才冷却到黑云母和钾长石的K-Ar同位素体系的封闭温度。结合前人关于该区超高压变质作用发生在240Ma的年代学资料,推测该区超高压变质岩在240 Ma到220 Ma期间以3~4 km/Ma的折返速率从地幔(地表以下约80~100 km深处)折返到地壳中下部(约20~30 km深处),220 Ma到213  相似文献   

Abstract Recent investigations reveal that the ultrahigh‐pressure metamorphic (UHPM) rocks in the Donghai region of East China underwent ductile and transitional ductile‐brittle structural events during their exhumation. The earlier ductile deformation took place under the condition of amphibolite facies and the later transitional ductile‐brittle deformation under the condition of greenschist facies. The hanging walls moved southeastward during both of these two events. The 40Ar/39Ar dating of muscovites from muscovite‐plagioclase schists in the Haizhou phosphorous mine, which are structurally overlain by UHPM rocks, yields a plateau age of 218.0±2.9 Ma and isochron age of 219.8Ma, indicating that the earlier event of the ampibolite‐facies deformation probably took place about 220 Ma ago. The 40Ar/39Ar dating of oriented amphiboles parallel to the movement direction of the hanging wall on a decollement plane yields a plateau age of 213.1 ± 0.3 Ma and isochron age of 213.4±4.1 Ma, probably representing the age of the later event. The dating of pegmatitic biotites and K‐feldspars near the decollement plane from the eastern Fangshan area yield plateau ages of 203.4±0.3 Ma, 203.6±0.4 Ma and 204.8±2.2 Ma, and isochron ages of 204.0±2.0 Ma, 200.6±3.1 Ma and 204.0±5.0 Ma, respectively, implying that the rocks in the studied area had not been cooled down to closing temperature of the dated biotites and K‐feldspars until the beginning of the Jurassic (about 204 Ma). The integration of these data with previous chronological ages on the ultrahigh‐pressure metamorphism lead to a new inference on the exhumation of the UHPM rocks. The UHPM rocks in the area were exhumed at the rate of 3–4 km/Ma from the mantle (about 80–100 km below the earth's surface at about 240 Ma) to the lower crust (at the depth of about 20‐30km at 220 Ma), and at the rate of 1–2 km/Ma to the middle crust (at the depth of about 15 km at 213 Ma), and then at the rate of less than 1 km/Ma to the upper crust about 10 km deep at about 204 Ma.  相似文献   

K–Ar dating was applied on authigenic potassic minerals which are abundant in sandstones from the south of the Sanfranciscana Basin, Western Minas Gerais State, central Brazil. The Quintinos Member fluvial sandstones (Três Barras Formation, Areado Group) contain significant amounts of authigenic K‐feldspar as microcrystals of adularia and sanidine habits. The ages of these microcrystals cluster into three groups: 106.1 ± 2.2, 89.9 ± 1.9 and 88.8 ± 1.8 Ma (from Albian to Coniacian). The older age of 106.1 ± 2.2 Ma was obtained from the coarse fraction analysed (10–20 µm) that can contain a mixture of detrital potassic minerals (K‐feldspar, muscovite, biotite and illite) and different authigenesis of K‐feldspar (overgrowths and microcrystals). Thus, only the younger ages were interpreted as precipitation of K‐feldspar microcrystals during the Late Cretaceous into the Quintinos Member sandstones. Moreover, these ages can document the formation of microcrystals within a few million years after deposition of the sandstones. The ages of authigenic illite from the Capacete Formation epiclastic sandstones (Mata da Corda Group) range from 88.5 ± 1.9 to 71.5 ± 1.9 Ma (Coniacian–Campanian). These results suggest the timing of the illitization event in these sandstones as well as a synchrony with K‐feldspar authigenesis in the Quintinos Member sandstones. These results are well constrained and are in agreement with stratigraphic, biostratigraphic and radiometric ages previously reported for the Sanfranciscana Basin. Copyright © 2014 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

笔者对大兴安岭西部乌兰盖盆地南、北缘出露的中生代火山岩进行了详细的岩石学、激光全熔40Ar/39Ar测年及地球化学研究,探讨了中生代火山岩成因与地质意义。乌兰盖盆地南、北缘的中生代火山岩主要为中性岩(安山岩)与酸性岩(流纹岩)类,各类岩石总体激光全熔40Ar/39Ar定年结果为(151.8±1.5)~(120.2±1.8) Ma,说明其形成时代总体为晚侏罗世晚期至早白垩世;岩石总体为一套钙碱性系列到高钾钙碱性系列的中性至酸性岩石组合,各类岩石地球化学特征与壳源岩石的地球化学特征基本一致,表明它们应来自于地壳物质局部熔融形成的壳源岩浆系列。该套火山岩形成于蒙古鄂霍茨克洋(古太平洋)闭合碰撞造山构造背景,在早白垩世151.8 Ma左右区内曾发生地壳加厚的造山过程,其岩浆深部动力学背景与岩浆源区的性质主要归因于增厚的造山带下地壳发生的部分熔融作用。  相似文献   

Recent investigations reveal that the ultrahigh-pressure metamorphic (UHPM) rocks in the Donghai region of East China underwent ductile and transitional ductile-brittle structural events during their exhumation. The earlier ductile deformation took place under the condition of amphibolite facies and the later transitional ductile-brittle deformation under the condition of greenschist facies. The hanging walls moved southeastward during both of these two events. The 40Ar/39Ar dating of muscovites from muscovite-plagioclase schists in the Haizhou phosphorous mine, which are structurally overlain by UHPM rocks, yields a plateau age of 218.0±2.9 Ma and isochron age of 219.8Ma, indicating that the earlier event of the ampibolite-facies deformation probably took place about 220 Ma ago. The 40Ar/39Ar dating of oriented amphiboles parallel to the movement direction of the hanging wall on a decollement plane yields a plateau age of 213.1±0.3 Ma and isochron age of 213.4±4.1 Ma, probably representing the age o  相似文献   

The left-lateral Amanos Fault follows a 200-km-long and up to 2-km-high escarpment that bounds the eastern margin of the Amanos mountain range and the western margin of the Karasu Valley in southern Turkey, just east of the northeastern corner of the Mediterranean Sea. Regional kinematic models have reached diverse conclusions as to the role of this fault in accommodating relative motion between either the African and Arabian, Turkish and African, or Turkish and Arabian plates. Local studies have tried to estimate its slip rate by K–Ar dating Quaternary basalts that erupted within the Amanos Mountains, flowed across it into the Karasu Valley, and have since become offset. However, these studies have yielded a wide range of results, ranging from 0.3 to 15 mm a−1, which do not allow the overall role and significance of this fault in accommodating crustal deformation to be determined. We have used the Cassignol K–Ar method to date nine Quaternary basalt samples from the vicinity of the southern part of the Amanos Fault. These basalts exhibit a diverse chemistry, which we interpret as a consequence varying degrees of partial melting of their source combined with variable crustal contamination. This dating allows us to constrain the Quaternary slip rate on the Amanos fault to 1.0 to 1.6 mm a−1. The dramatic discrepancies between past estimates of this slip rate are partly due to technical difficulties in K–Ar dating of young basalts by isotope dilution. In addition, previous studies at the key locality of Hacılar have unwittingly dated different, chemically distinct, flow units of different ages that are juxtaposed. This low slip rate indicates that, at present, the Amanos Fault takes up a small proportion of the relative motion between the African and Arabian plates, which is transferred southward to the Dead Sea Fault Zone. It also provides strong evidence against the long-standing view that its slip continues offshore to the southwest along a hypothetical left-lateral fault zone located south of Cyprus.  相似文献   

Ages determined with the 40Ar/39Ar isotopic system affirms the Early Cretaceous volcanic activity in the Barton Peninsula, King George Island, Antarctica. Two specimens of basaltic andesite collected from the lowermost volcanic sequence of the peninsula were irradiated and analyzed in different experiments, yielding an identical age spectrum, and two magmatic thermal events of the Early Cretaceous (120.4± 1.6 Ma, 119± 1 Ma) and Early Tertiary (53.1± 1.5 Ma, 52± 1 Ma) are distinguished. The former is interpreted to represent the primary cooling age of basaltic andesite, whereas the latter is the thermal reset age caused by the intrusion of granitic pluton. These new ages clearly indicate that volcanism was active during the Early Cretaceous on the Barton Peninsula and that intensive hydrothermal alteration and mineralization of Mesozoic volcanic rocks resulted from Tertiary magmatism.  相似文献   

The area of the Middle–Lower Yangtze River valley, Eastern China, extending from Wuhan (Hubei province) to western Zhenjiang (Jiangsu province), hosts an important belt of Cu–Au–Mo and Fe deposits. There are two styles of mineralization, i.e., skarn/porphyry/stratabound Cu–Au–Mo–(Fe) deposits and magnetite porphyry deposits in several NNE-trending Cretaceous fault-bound volcanic basins. The origin of both deposit systems is much debated. We dated 11 molybdenite samples from five skarn/porphyry Cu–Au–Mo deposits and 5 molybdenite samples from the Datuanshan stratabound Cu–Au–Mo deposit by ICP-MS Re–Os isotope analysis. Nine samples from the same set were additionally analyzed by NTIMS on Re–Os. Results from the two methods are almost identical. The Re–Os model ages of 16 molybdenite samples range from 134.7 ± 2.3 to 143.7 ± 1.6 Ma (2σ). The model ages of the five samples from the Datuanshan stratabound deposit vary from 138.0 ± 3.2 to 140.8 ± 2.0 Ma, with a mean of 139.3 ± 2.6 Ma; their isochron age is 139.1 ± 2.7 Ma with an initial Os ratio of 0.7 ± 8.1 (MSWD = 0.29). These data indicate that the porphyry/skarn systems and the stratabound deposits have the same age and suggest an origin within the same metallogenic system. Albite 40Ar/39Ar dating of the magnetite porphyry deposits indicates that they formed at 123 to 125 Ma, i.e., 10–20 Ma later. Both mineralization styles characterize transitional geodynamic regimes, i.e., the period around 140 Ma when the main NS-trending compressional regime changed to an EW-trending lithospheric extensional regime, and the period of 125–115 Ma of dramatic EW-trending lithospheric extension.  相似文献   

四川大水沟碲矿床^40Ar/^39Ar年龄研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
利用^40Ar/^39Ar中子活化定年法测试大水沟碲矿床12号矿脉中的白云母,得到阶段升温坪年龄91.0-94.10Ma,等时线年龄93.70Ma。  相似文献   

西藏林子宗群火山岩氩-氩年代学研究   总被引:25,自引:0,他引:25  
通过对西藏冈底斯南带林周盆地中 3个岩组样品的40 Ar 3 9Ar定年 ,初步建立了该剖面林子宗群火山岩形成的同位素年代时序格架 :底部典中组的下限年龄为 6 3.32± 0 .89Ma;中部年波组为 5 4.16± 0 .49Ma;上部帕那组下限年龄为 38.7± 0 .40Ma .。指出至少在林周盆地剖面 ,林子宗群火山岩的形成时代为早第三纪 ,而非晚白垩纪。  相似文献   

K-bearing Mn oxides may potentially constitute useful objects for isotopic dating of ore-forming events. A comprehensive 40Ar/39Ar study performed on supergene K–Mn oxides sampled from different sub-alpine mountain terrains in Germany and France has been undertaken. The objective of these investigations was to provide new insight into how and when these secondary Mn accumulations may have formed. Developed in supergene environments at the expense of Mn2+/Mn3+-bearing precursor minerals, the Mn4+ oxides occur either as pseudomorphic ores or as cavity-fillings and linings.

The isotopic ages range from 25 to 1 Ma, indicating intense chemical weathering, especially during the Miocene and Pliocene. It is yet too early to decide whether the age range represents a more or less continuous process or distinct weathering episodes. Formation of supergene Mn oxides may result from combined climatic and tectonic factors: local uplift, exhumation, and associated fracturing of rocks provided fresh mineral surfaces for percolating meteoric fluids that induced subsequent weathering under warm–temperate to subtropical conditions.  相似文献   

The Tso Morari Complex, which is thought to be originally the margin of the Indian continent, is composed of pelitic gneisses and schists including mafic rock lenses (eclogites and basic schists). Eclogites studied here have the mineral assemblage Grt + Omp + Ca-Amp + Zo + Phn + Pg + Qtz + Rt. They also have coesite pseudomorph in garnet and quartz rods in omphacite, suggesting a record of ultrahigh-pressure metamorphism. They occur only in the cores of meter-scale mafic rock lenses intercalated with the pelitic schists. Small mafic lenses and the rim parts of large lenses have been strongly deformed to form the foliation parallel to that of the pelitic schists and show the mineral assemblages of upper greenschist to amphibolite facies metamorphism. The garnet–omphacite thermometry and the univariant reaction relations for jadeite formation give 13–21 kbar at 600 °C and 16–18 kbar at 750 °C for the eclogite formation using the jadeite content of clinopyroxene (XJd = 0.48).

Phengites in pelitic schists show variable Si / Al and Na / K ratios among grains as well as within single grains, and give K–Ar ages of 50–87 Ma. The pelitic schist with paragonite and phengite yielded K–Ar ages of 83.5 Ma (K = 4.9 wt.%) for paragonite–phengite mixture and 85.3 Ma (K = 7.8 wt.%) for phengite and an isochron age of 91 ± 13 Ma from the two dataset. The eclogite gives a plateau age of 132 Ma in Ar/Ar step-heating analyses using single phengite grain and an inverse isochron age of 130 ± 39 Ma with an initial 40Ar / 36Ar ratio of 434 ± 90 in Ar/Ar spot analyses of phengites and paragonites. The Cretaceous isochron ages are interpreted to represent the timing of early stage of exhumation of the eclogitic rocks assuming revised high closure temperature (500 °C) for phengite K–Ar system. The phengites in pelitic schists have experienced retrograde reaction which modified their chemistry during intense deformation associated with the exhumation of these rocks with the release of significant radiogenic 40Ar from the crystals. The argon release took place in the schists that experienced the retrogression to upper greenschist facies metamorphisms from the eclogite facies conditions.  相似文献   

This paper presents a review of hydrothermal alteration and K–Ar age data from the Toyoha‐Muine area (TMA), where the Toyoha polymetallic (Ag–Pb–Zn–Cu–In) deposit is located near the Pliocene andesitic volcano that formed Mt Muine. Systematic prospect‐scale mapping, sampling, X‐ray analysis and microscopic observation show that hydrothermal alteration is divided into two groups: acid‐pH and neutral‐pH alteration types. The former is further divided into mineral assemblages I, II and III, while the latter into mineral assemblages IV and V. Different mineralogical features in five mineral assemblages are summarized as follows: (I) Quartz (silicified rock); (II) Pyrophyllite or dickite; (III) Kaolinite or halloysite ± alunite; (IV) Sericite or K‐feldspar; and (V) Interstratified minerals (illite/smectite and chlorite/smectite) and/or smectite. K–Ar radiometric ages determined on twenty‐eight K‐bearing samples (whole volcanic rocks and separated hydrothermal minerals) mainly fall into one of three periods: Early Miocene (24.6–21.4 Ma), Middle–Late Miocene (12.5–8.4 Ma) and Pliocene–Pleistocene (3.2–0 Ma). These three periods are characterized as follows. Early Miocene: A minor hydrothermal activity, which might be genetically related to the intermediate or felsic magmatic activities, formed mineral assemblage IV at 24.6 Ma in the northern part of the TMA. Middle to Late Miocene: The basaltic intrusion, andesitic eruption, and granodiorite intrusions induced hydrothermal activities between 12.5 and 8.4 Ma, resulting in the formation of a mineral assemblage IV with some base metal mineralization. Pliocene–Pleistocene: An andesitic eruption formed Mt Muine between 3.2 and 2.9 Ma. The andesitic activity was associated with acid‐pH mineral assemblages I, II and III locally around the volcano. Latent magmatic intrusions subsequent to the andesitic eruption generated hydrothermal activities that formed mineral assemblages IV and V between 1.9 and 0 Ma in the southern and southeastern parts of Toyoha deposit at depth, overprinting the Middle to Late Miocene alteration. The hydrothermal activities also formed mineral assemblages I, II and III along the Yunosawa fault (east of the Toyoha deposit) and assemblage III in the south and southeast of the Toyoha deposit near the surface.  相似文献   

西天山北部晚古生代火山-浅侵位岩浆岩40Ar/39Ar同位素定年   总被引:39,自引:0,他引:39  
西天山火山岩属玄武安山流纹岩建造,钙碱性(中钾、高钾)和橄榄玄粗岩系列。其^40Ar/^39Ar年龄范围为250~306Ma,以260~290Ma为高峰值。浅侵位岩浆岩属偏碱性、碱性岩石或高钾钙碱性系列岩石,^40Ar/^39Ar年龄范围为260~290Ma。综合Ar—Ar和Rb—Sr、U—Pb年龄资料,西天山地区火山—浅侵位岩浆活动高峰期发生在晚石炭世—早二叠世。^40Ar/^39Ar坪年龄资料还显示了晚二叠世、侏罗纪—早白垩世的热事件信息。对区内高钾钙碱性火山岩、橄榄玄粗岩和埃达克质岩石等富碱火成岩的年龄测定表明,本区构造格架的重大转折——由俯冲、碰撞造山的挤压,转向后碰撞的伸展、拉张——发生在石炭纪末—早二叠世(250~300Ma)期间。  相似文献   

The homogeneity and Ar‐dating suitability of the GL‐O reference material were re‐evaluated to determine whether this material is sufficiently homogeneous to be suitable for the calibration of modern high sensitivity instruments. Based on new micro‐analyses and noble gas determinations, our contribution reveals several kinds of inhomogeneity at the grain scale: disparity in the glauconitisation among and within the pellets, variable occurrence of a phosphatic component within pellets (1% m/m on average), and rare occurrences of calcite and detrital grains. Measurements on test portions of ≤ 1 mg reflect such heterogeneity with variability in 40Ar* content that exceeds analytical uncertainty, including a few highly anomalous values. The lesser evolved glauconite population yielded 40Ar* contents ~ 15% lower than the value of 24.8 nl g?1 recommended by Odin et al. (1982, Numerical dating in stratigraphy. Wiley (Chichester, UK), 123–148). But the measured concentrations of 40Ar* converge towards the aforementioned value as test portion mass increased to > 3 mg. A few rare 3 mg experiments still yielded 40Ar* contents lower than the recommended value (down to 24.0 nl g?1), and we recommend using more conservative minimum masses of 5–10 mg. A further purification step for GL‐O or the intercalibration of its powder version could be considered to diminish the size of the test portions and the intensity of the measured signals.  相似文献   

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