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论海啸作用与海啸岩   总被引:14,自引:0,他引:14  
海啸(或称津浪,tsunami)是海底地震(海震)、火山爆发等因素引发的巨浪。海啸可能在海底形成特殊的事件沉积--海啸岩。海啸岩主要由具丘状层理、平行层理、块状层理及交错层理的粗碎屑岩或碎屑灰岩组成,它们与触发海啸的地震、形成的震稷岩、火山岩紧密共生。根据云南滇中地区中元古代昆阳群大龙口组的观测研究,认为大龙口组中存在典型的震积岩(包括震裂岩、震褶岩、自碎屑角砾岩)。与之共生的具丘状层理、平行层理  相似文献   

海啸作为五大海洋自然灾害之一,严重威胁着人类生命财产安全。近些年来,国内外学者对地震海啸进行了大量研究,主要针对海啸的生成、传播、爬高和淹没的数值模拟,以及古海啸沉积物进行研究,但是对于海啸地震震源机制的研究还比较欠缺,尤其是缺乏对震级小于6.5的海啸地震的研究。针对我国的地震海啸研究现状,强调震级小于6.5地震引发海啸的问题不容忽视。本文归纳整理了全球766次地震海啸,利用三角图分类基本法则对海啸地震震源机制解进行分类,并对其中341个发生在1976年后的海啸地震进行震源机制解分析,对其中633次海啸浪高进行统计学方法分析研究。本文认为逆冲型、正断型、走滑型和奇异型机制地震均能引发海啸,逆冲型地震引发的海啸占比最大,震级小于6.5级地震引发的海啸的浪高也有高达10 m的情况,也能产生巨大破坏性。逆冲型、正断型、奇异型地震可直接引起海底地形垂向变化,进而引发海啸,而走滑型地震引发海啸则可能有两种原因,一种是走滑型地震并非纯走滑型而是带有正断或逆冲分量从而引发海啸,另外一种是走滑型地震引发海底滑坡导致海底地形变化进而产生海啸。从海啸地震震源深度分析,能产生海啸的地震震源深度97%以上都是浅源地震,主要集中在30 km深度以内,但是也有中深源地震海啸。本文综合海啸地震的震源特点、我国地理位置以及以往海啸发生的情况,认为未来我国沿海地区威胁性的地震海啸主要集中在马尼拉海沟和台湾海峡区域,在今后海啸预警方面需要格外重视这些区域,通过建立完善海啸预警系统来减少损失。  相似文献   

中国东海、南海等近海临近琉球海沟、马尼拉海沟等俯冲带,地震频发.过去的海啸研究主要关注历史文献分析、海啸数值模拟等,据此评估中国近岸海啸灾害的历史和风险.历史时期是否引发了海啸,特别是具有特大致灾风险的大海啸记录,目前还不明确.近年来,本课题组通过对海岛、海洋沉积和海岸带及其岛屿的沉积过程、海啸遗迹和历史记录研究,阐述...  相似文献   

地震海啸及其对上海的影响   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
地震海啸曾对某些沿海国家造成巨大灾害,其规模大小是与地震震级(≥7)、震源深度(≤40 km)、波源区水深(≥1000 m)以及沿岸地形是否有利于能量集中等要素有关。本文在丰富的史料基础上,对比我国沿海及世界6级以上地震后认为,我国文献中的海啸绝大多数属气象海啸,地震海啸仅有9次,对我国沿海地区的影响微弱,上海虽有数次波及,规模(m)均≤0,未引起任何灾害。因此,就地震海啸而言,上海是安全的,勿需采取相应的防御对策。  相似文献   

桂西三叠纪风暴岩沉积特征   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
张继淹  蒋廷操 《中国区域地质》1992,(4):304-310,T001

浊流沉积研究综述和展望   总被引:17,自引:0,他引:17  
浊流理论的建立具有划时代的意义。浊流沉积的研究已经进行了半个多世纪,从理论到实践都取得了巨大的进展。本文首先讨论了浊流及其相关的几个概念,同时概述了浊流沉积的国内外研究历史和进展,重点介绍了浊积岩的识别标志及其沉积序列,指出下一步研究的重点应放在陆相湖泊浊流沉积及其含矿性上。  相似文献   

海啸,主要是海底发生较大地震(>615级)引起。海底火山爆发及山崩也可能引发,但规模小,危害不大。海洋中大于615级的地震很多,能引发海啸的约占1%。其中环太平洋地震带中约占80%,印度洋、大西洋约各占10%。过去认为世界上受海啸威胁的仅是环太平洋地震带中的夏威夷、智利、日本等少数国家。没有料及印度洋的印度尼西亚、斯里兰卡、马尔代夫、泰国等会受海啸的威胁。1868年8月8日智利—秘鲁边界大地震、1877年5月7日智利伊基克大地震、1933年3月2日日本三陆大地震、1946年4月1日阿留申群岛尼马克大地震、1960年5月21日智利大地震、1964年3月28…  相似文献   

野三坡园区中元古界(1800~1200Ma B.P)位于燕辽裂陷槽南部中轴断层南支(古紫荆关断裂)之东盘。野三坡雾迷山组笫二段白云岩中的地震序列自下而上分为:A.阶梯状断层与震碎角砾岩变形单元;B.微褶皱-微断层变形单元;C.液化均一变形单元;D.液化卷曲变形单元。这4个变形单元分别代表海底之下深度不足10m内已固结成岩—半固结—弱固结沉积层的变形特征,都经历了前震及主震期(P波和S波)不同程度的影响。海啸系列(海啸岩)自下而上为:E.津浪丘状层单元;F.丘-槽构造层单元和G.粒序均一层单元。海啸是在主震期数十秒后发生的。海底瞬时大幅度抬升,然后突然大幅度下降,使外海海水涌入,引发海啸,形成丘状层及有关变形。余震阶段的震荡流与一次沉降事件分别形成F和G单元。本区中轴断层(古紫荆关断层)是一条海底直立的断层带,对雾迷山组二段中的地震-海啸及沉积过程均起到激发与控制作用。此次震中位于中轴断层带西缘的白石山,震级为7.0~7.5里氏级,是震源浅、裂度大的海底地震。  相似文献   

浙西寒武系大陈岭组地震事件沉积的初步研究   总被引:8,自引:5,他引:8       下载免费PDF全文
作者对浙西寒武系碳酸盐岩做系统调查时发现,在开化裴岭脚产出的大陈岭组碳酸盐岩中含有大量的液化泥晶脉、微同生变形构造、角砾岩及与之伴生的浊积岩等典型的地震-海啸沉积标志。根据震积岩特征及其在剖面上的分布,该地大陈岭期的地震活动可以分为两期:第一期以震积岩(A,液化亮晶脉和泥晶脉)、啸积岩(B,具丘状层理或平行层理的内碎屑白云质灰岩)、震浊积岩(C,具递变层理或鲍马序列且层面上有槽模构造的砾屑白云质灰岩或砂屑白云质灰岩)和背景沉积(D)组成的A-B-C-D沉积序列为特征;第二期为震积岩(A,液化亮晶脉和泥晶脉、震裂岩、震褶岩和内碎屑角砾岩等)和沉积背景(D)组成的A-D沉积序列。而在常山白石和芳村的大陈岭组剖面,上述特征不明显,但局部能看到液化变形构造。往南东至江山的碓边则不见震积岩特征。从震积岩的分布上分析,浙西大陈岭期的地震活动不受控于江绍深断裂,应与开化—淳安大断裂的形成有关,是开化—淳安大断裂形成于早古生代的一个证据。此外,值得一提的是,这是确凿的后震旦纪的“Molartooth”。  相似文献   

A tsunami catalogue for Central America is compiledcontaining 49 tsunamis for the period 1539–1996,thirty seven of them are in the Pacific and twelve inthe Caribbean. The number of known tsunamis increaseddramatically after the middle of the nineteenth century,since 43 events occurred between 1850 and 1996. This isprobably a consequence of the lack of populationliving near the coast in earlier times.The preliminary regionalization of the earthquakessources related to reported tsunamis shows that, inthe Pacific, most events were generated by theCocos-Caribbean Subduction Zone (CO-CA). At theCaribbean side, 5 events are related with the NorthAmerican-Caribbean Plate Boundary (NA-CA) and 7 withthe North Panama Deformed Belt (NPDB).There are ten local tsunamis with a specific damagereport, seven in the Pacific and the rest in theCaribbean. The total number of casualties due to localtsunamis is less than 455 but this number could behigher. The damages reported range from coastal andship damage to destruction of small towns, and theredoes not exist a quantification of them.A preliminary empirical estimation of tsunami hazardindicates that 43% of the large earthquakes (Ms 7.0) along the Pacific Coast of Central America and100% along the Caribbean, generate tsunamis. On thePacific, the Guatemala–Nicaragua coastal segment hasa 32% probability of generating tsunamis after largeearthquakes while the probability is 67% for theCosta Rica–Panama segment. Sixty population centers onthe Pacific Coast and 44 on the Caribbean are exposedto the impact of tsunamis. This estimation alsosuggests that areas with higher tsunami potential inthe Pacific are the coasts from Nicaragua to Guatemalaand Central Costa Rica; on the Caribbean side, Golfode Honduras Zone and the coasts of Panama and CostaRica have major hazard. Earthquakes of magnitudelarger than 7 with epicenters offshore or onshore(close to the coastline) could trigger tsunamis thatwould impact those zones.  相似文献   

Forecasting the Heights of Later Waves in Pacific-Wide Tsunamis   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  

This paper describes an investigation of the subfault distribution along the Japan–Kuril–Kamchatka subduction zone for the implementation of a far-field tsunami forecast algorithm. Analyses of seismic data from 1900 to 2000 define the subduction zone, which in turn is divided into 222 subfaults based on the fault characteristics. For unit slip of the subfaults, a linear long-wave model generates a database of mareograms at water-level stations along the subduction zone and at warning points in the North Pacific. When a tsunami occurs, an inverse algorithm determines the slip distribution from near-source water-level records and predicts the waveforms at the warning points using the pre-computed mareograms. A jackknife resampling scheme uses combinations of input water-level records to provide a series of waveform predictions for the computation of the confidence-interval bounds. The inverse algorithm is applied to hindcast two major tsunamis generated from the Japan–Kuril–Kamchatka source and the computed tsunami heights show good agreement with recorded water-level data.  相似文献   

The first 7 years of the National Tsunami Hazard Mitigation Program (NTHMP) have had a significant positive impact on operations of the Richard H. Hagemeyer Pacific Tsunami Warning Center (PTWC). As a result of its seismic project, the amount and quality of real-time seismic data flowing into PTWC has increased dramatically, enabling more rapid, accurate, and detailed analyses of seismic events with tsunamigenic potential. Its tsunameter project is now providing real-time tsunameter data from seven strategic locations in the deep ocean to more accurately measure tsunami waves as they propagate from likely source regions toward shorelines at risk. These data have already been used operationally to help evaluate potential tsunami threats. A new type of tsunami run-up gauge has been deployed in Hawaii to more rapidly assess local tsunamis. Lastly, numerical modeling of tsunamis done with support from the NTHMP is beginning to provide tools for real-time tsunami forecasting that should reduce the incidence of unnecessary warnings and provide more accurate forecasts for destructive tsunamis.  相似文献   

The paper is a report of the field campaign undertaken by an international team (Italian, French and Indonesian) a few weeks after the occurrence of a tsunami invading the south-eastern coast of Java (Indonesia) and it complements the results of a concurrent field survey by Asian and USA researchers. The tsunamigenic earthquake occurred on 3 of June 1994 in the Indian Ocean about 200 km south of Java. The tsunami caused severe damage and claimed many victims in some coastal villages. The main purpose of the survey was to measure the inundation and the runup values as well as to ascertain the possible morphological changes caused by the wave attacks. Attention was particularly focussed on the most affected districts, that is Lumajang, Jember and Banyuwangi in Java, although also the districts of Negera, Tebanan and Denpasar in Bali were examined. The most severe damage was observed in the Banyuwangi district, where the villages of Rajekwesi, Pancer and Lampon were almost completely levelled by the violent waves. Most places were hit by three significant waves with documented wave height often exceeding 5 m. The maximum runup value (9.50 m) was measured at Rajekwesi, where also the most impressive erosion phenomena could be found. In contrast, only in one place of the neighbouring island of Bali was there a slight tsunami, the rest of the island being practically unaffected.  相似文献   

The exhaustive review of a long number of historical documents, books, reports,scientific and press reports, instrumental recordings, previous catalogues andpersonal field observations, concluded with the production of a completely newtsunami catalogue for the Corinth Gulf, Central Greece, which is arranged in theformat adopted by the GITEC group for the new European Tsunami Catalogue.The catalogue is presented in three sections: the Quick-Look Table, the Quick-LookAccounts File and the References File. An Appendix explains why some particularsea disturbances were not included in the new catalogue although they were consideredas tsunami events by previous researchers. Past history clearly shows that most tsunamis in the Corinth Gulf are produced by strong (Ms 5.5) offshore and near shore earthquakes. However, seismic or aseismic sliding of coastal and submarine sediments is a significant factor in tsunamigenesis. Calculations based on the random model indicate that the probability for at least one tsunami occurrence of intensity TI 2 TI 3 and TI 4 within 50 years equals 0.851, 0.747 and 0.606, respectively. From the intensity–frequency relationship the mean return period of tsunami intensity TI 2, TI 3 and TI 4 equals to 16, 40 and 103 years. The tsunami geographicaldistribution, however, is non-random with a clear trend for the tsunamigenesis todecrease drastically from west to east within the Corinth Gulf. In fact, the probabilityfor a strong earthquake to cause a tsunami of TI 3 in the Corinth Gulf consideredas an entity is 0.35, while in the western part of the Gulf it goes up to 0.55. Therefore, the rapid and accurate determination of the earthquake focal parameters is of great importance in an algorithm of a real-time tsunami warning system in the Corinth Gulf.  相似文献   

Altinok  Y.  Ersoy  Ş 《Natural Hazards》2000,21(2-3):185-205
For centuries, inhabitants of coastal areas have suffered from the effects of tsunamis. Turkey, with a coastline of 8333 km, has experienced many tsunamis.Historical records reveal that, during the observation period over 3000 years, the coastal and surrounding areas of Turkey have been affected by more than ninety tsunamis. These tended to cluster around the Marmara Sea, the city of Istanbul and the gulfs of Izmit, Izmir, Fethiye and Iskenderun. Each of the tsunami occurrences surveyed in this paper deserves further individual study. The most extensive available information concerns the tsunamis associated with the Istanbul Earthquakes of 1509 and 1894, the Eastern Marmara Earthquake in 1963 and that of Izmit in 1999,which disturbed the Marmara Sea; the Earthquake of 1939 in Erzincan ineastern Anatolia; and the 1968 Bartn Earthquake, which affected Fatsa and Amasra on the Black Sea. In addition to these, it is known that a tsunami occurred in 1598 on the shores of the Black Sea in connection with an earthquake at Amasya in northern Anatolia.  相似文献   

The tsunami run-up, inundation and damage pattern observed along the coast of Tamilnadu (India) during the deadliest Indian Ocean tsunami of December 26, 2004 is documented in this paper. The tsunami caused severe damage and claimed many victims in the coastal areas of eleven countries, bordering the Indian Ocean. Along the coast of Indian mainland, the damage was caused by the tsunami only. Largest tsunami run-up and inundation was observed along the coast of Nagapattinam district and was about 10–12 m and 3.0 km, respectively. The measured inundation data were strongly scattered in direct relationship to the morphology of the seashore and the tsunami run-up. Lowest tsunami run-up and inundation was measured along the coast of Thanjavur, Puddukkotai and Ramnathpuram districts of Tamilnadu in the Palk Strait. The presence of shadow of Sri Lanka, the interferences of direct/receded waves with the reflected waves from Sri Lanka and Maldive Islands and variation in the width of continental shelf were the main cause of large variation in tsunami run-up along the coast of Tamilnadu.  相似文献   

Barrier dunes on the northern side of the Tawharanui Peninsula, north of Auckland, New Zealand, appear to have been overtopped by extreme waves that have deposited two large sand washover lobes in a back beach wetland. Present-day storm surges and storm waves are incapable of overtopping the barrier dunes. However, historical data and numerical models indicate tsunamis are amplified by resonance within the adjacent bay and Hauraki Gulf. Further, the location of nearshore reefs in close proximity to the washover lobes suggests that the interaction between tsunamis and the reefs further amplified the waves at those locations. The presence of a distinctive pumice (Loisels Pumice) within the washover deposits suggests that the deposits are associated with a 15th Century eruption from the submarine Mt Healy caldera located northeast of New Zealand.  相似文献   

Landslide and Tsunami 21 November 2000 in Paatuut,West Greenland   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
A large landslide occurred November 21, 2000 at Paatuut, facing the Vaigat Strait onthe west coast of Greenland. 90 million m3 (260 million tons) of mainly basalticmaterial slid very rapidly (average velocity 140 km/h) down from 1,000–1,400 maltitude. Approximately 30 million m3 (87 million tons) entered the sea, creatinga tsunami with an run-up height of 50 m close to the landslide and 28 m at Qullissat,an abandoned mining town opposite Paatuut across the 20 km wide Vaigat strait. Theevent was recorded seismically, allowing the duration of the slide to be estimated tocirca 80 s and also allowing an estimate of the surface-wave magnitude of the slideof 2.3. Terrain models based on stereographic photographs before and after the slidemade it possible to determine the amount of material removed, and the manner ofre-deposition. Simple calculations of the tsunami travel times are in good correspondencewith the reports from the closest populated village, Saqqaq, 40 km from Paatuut, whererefracted energy from the tsunami destroyed a number of boats. Landslides are notuncommon in the area, due to the geology with dense basaltic rocks overlying poorlyconsolidated sedimentary rocks, but the size of the Paatuut slide is unusual. Based onthe observations it is likely at least 500 years since an event with a tsunami of similarproportions occurred. The triggering of the Paatuut slide is interpreted to be caused byweather conditions in the days prior to the slide, where re-freezing melt water inpre-existing cracks could have caused failure of the steep mountain side.  相似文献   

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