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The present study examines the principal components structure of the Bulimia Test, developed originally with college women. In the present study, college women and junior high school and high school student samples from a rural catchment area were included. Overall, results suggest a high level of congruence, with good replication of factors across samples. The exception was the basic concept of binging. Follow-up interviews of adolescent subjects suggested that younger women may often misconstrue the meaning of important inventory items, e.g., that the term binge pertains to simple overeating. Thus, such subjects are prone to overacknowledge symptoms and thereby erroneously inflate prevalence estimates. The implications are that the validity of the binge factor of the original Bulimia Test may be questionable for younger subjects.  相似文献   

了解北京市城区中小学生膳食模式,为开展中小学生营养干预和健康教育提供重要的依据.方法 采用整群随机抽样方法,在北京市东城区、西城区、石景山区、朝阳区、海淀区、丰台区抽取小学、初中共30所学校,学生经知情同意后自愿参加网络膳食调查.采用简化的食物频率调查问卷调查学生膳食摄入情况.结果 参与调查的北京市城区中小学生膳食因子分析确定了3种膳食模式(特征根>1的因子共有3个,累积贡献率为42.06%):模式1以鱼、肉、蛋、奶、蔬菜、水果类为主要食物,代表“副食型”膳食模式;模式2以米面类、谷薯类、豆类为主要食物,代表“主食型”膳食模式;模式3以速食、零食为主要食物,代表“不健康饮食型”膳食模式.超重肥胖组学生的膳食模式与非超重肥胖组学生有区别,超重肥胖组学生的零食摄入高于非超重肥胖组学生(t=2.13,P=0.03).结论 北京市城区中小学生有“副食型”“主食型”和“不健康饮食型”3种膳食模式.超重肥胖组和非超重肥胖组学生的膳食摄入有差异.  相似文献   

北京市1992~2003年中小学校教室卫生状况分析   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
作者对 1 992~ 2 0 0 3年北京市中小学校教室卫生监督监测结果进行整理分析。按《中国卫生监督统计报表学校卫生情况年报表技术规范》进行评价、计算合格率 ,并分别进行各项目合格率发展趋势的比较。结果表明 :1 2年来北京市中小学校教室的卫生状况发生了巨大的变化 ,虽各项指标合格率呈波浪式发展 ,但总的发展趋势是提高趋势。通过卫生监督人员的努力 ,深入掌握教室的卫生现况 ,及时提供给有关教育部门 ,有力地推动了北京市普通中小学校办学条件的改善。  相似文献   

目的 了解当前中小学学生性健康认知和性教育需求现状,为全面性教育的开展提供依据.方法 于2021年5月采用自填式问卷开展匿名调查.通过分层随机整群抽样获得3 241例中小学生性健康认知和性教育需求调查数据.采用x2检验和多因素logistic回归进行统计分析.结果 小学生的性健康知识及格率和优良率为50.0%和19.2...  相似文献   

某市中小学生常见病调查分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
为进一步了解某市中小学生常见病患病现状,制定学生保健计划,搞好学校卫生监督,作于2002年4月对部分中小学生常见病进行了调查,结果如下。  相似文献   

For many students, the transition from elementary school to middle school is beset with a variety of social, emotional, and logistical stressors. In addition, many students lack the skills and self-confidence that they need in order to negotiate successfully these predictable changes and challenges. This paper examines a 3-day social problem-solving and stress reduction curriculum. An evaluation involving 308 students from six elementary schools indicated that 94% found the program helpful.David W. Hellem, MSW, LCSW, CAC is Coordinator of Consultation and Education Services at the Northwest Center for Community Mental Health (Reston, Virginia). Reprint requests should be addressed to the author at the Northwest Center, 1850 Cameron Glen Drive, Reston, VA 22090.  相似文献   

The goal of this study was to determine demographic factors associated with reported safety behavior by studying 2250 Iowa junior high and high school students via a self-administered questionnaire. Students attending rural schools used front seat belts and helmets less frequently than urban students. Seat belt and helmet use and swim safety decreased dramatically with age. Occurrences of driving or riding while drunk or high increased with age. Boys were less likely than girls to wear back seat belts and moped helmets and to check water depth before diving. Possession of a driver's license was not independently associated with any of the safety behaviors.  相似文献   

常豫红  范颂  陈航  雷智  刘霞  凌莉 《中国学校卫生》2016,37(11):1666-1669
了解泸州市初中学生伤害发生状况,为制订预防措施提供依据.方法 采用分层整群抽样方法,对泸州市22所中学七~九年级16 465名在校学生2014年伤害发生情况进行问卷调查.结果 16 465名初中生伤害总发生率为13.24%(2 180名),轻、中、重度伤害分别占92.02%,5.50%,2.48%.城市学生伤害发生率为12.20%,农村学生为13.67%;男生为14.69%,女生为11.67%,差异均有统计学意义(x2值分别为6.379,32.531,P值均<0.01).2 180人发生各类伤害2 728人次,涉及伤害13种,以跌倒/坠落(39.22%)、割/刺伤(21.99%)为主;农村学生扭伤/拉伤、打架、交通事故发生率明显高于城市学生(x2值分别为4.685,8.563,4.294,P值均<0.05).约41.15%的城市学生伤害发生在家庭,农村学生主要发生在学校(37.28%)和家庭(35.91%);轻度伤害主要发生在家庭(38.01%),中、重度伤害主要发生在学校(39.20%).结论 泸州市初中生伤害发生率较高,以轻度伤害为主.应根据不同性别、不同地区、不同伤害类型发生特点,采取针对性的措施,以减少学生伤害的发生.  相似文献   

目的评价在安徽省金寨县初中二年级学生中开展预防艾滋病健康教育活动的效果。方法在初二学生中发放载有艾滋病防治信息的作文簿并要求以艾滋病为主题写作文。干预前后采用同样的抽样方法和调查问卷对学生进行调查。结果分别有437和432个学生参加了基线调查及效果评估。学生的艾滋病基本知识知晓率由干预前的27.9%提高到干预后的74.0%(P<0.01)。干预后,2个与性有关的知识点知晓率仍然低于80%;无偿献血和艾滋病治疗知识的知晓率均明显提高,但仍然不到80%;美沙酮和艾滋病自愿咨询检测服务的知晓率明显提高,但仍然低于50%。结论通过发放作文簿及写作文活动,初中二年级学生的艾滋病基本知识知晓率大幅度提高;但仍需要增加针对性的讲解活动或对作文内容提出具体要求,以提高对某些知识点的知晓率。  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: Most smokers in developing countries begin smoking before age 18, and smoking prevalence is rising among adolescents. School personnel represent a target group for tobacco‐control efforts because they interact daily with students, are role models for students, teach about tobacco‐use prevention in school curricula, and implement school tobacco‐control policies. The prevalence of teenage smoking has been examined in numerous studies, but few have focused on the influence of school personnel and the characteristics of school personnel who enforce school nonsmoking policy. The purpose of this study was to determine the factors associated with junior high school personnel advising students to quit smoking. METHODS: School personnel (N = 7129) were recruited by cluster sampling from 60 junior high schools in Taiwan; of these, 5280 voluntarily returned self‐administered, anonymous questionnaires (response rate = 74.06%) in 2004. RESULTS: Most personnel (70%) had advised students to quit smoking. School personnel who were older, male, responsible for teaching health, smokers, with positive attitude against tobacco, or with more knowledge of tobacco hazards were more likely to advise students to quit smoking. Personnel with more interest in and access to tobacco‐related materials were more likely to advise students to quit smoking. Personnel who had received tobacco‐prevention training were 2.41 times more likely to persuade students to quit smoking after adjusting for other factors. However, only half of the participants had ever had access to educational materials about tobacco use, and 8% had ever received training to prevent tobacco use. CONCLUSIONS: To reduce youth smoking prevalence, school tobacco‐control programs should support tobacco‐prevention training for school personnel.  相似文献   

Objectives  To examine the relationship between lifestyles and psychosomatic symptoms in children, we conducted a self-administered questionnaire survey of elementary school students and junior high school students in Japan. Methods  We designed an original questionnaire to investigate the lifestyles and psychosomatic symptoms of children. In 1997, responses to the questionnaires were elicited from public elementary school fourth grade students (then aged 9–10) and public junior high school seventh grade students (then aged 12–13). The survey was repeated annually for three years as the students advanced through school. Results  For both boys and girls, each cross-sectional analysis revealed a strong relationship between lifestyle behaviors and psychosomatic symptoms. Psychosomatic, symptoms scores varied according to daily hours of sleep, eating of breakfast, having strong likes and dislikes of food, bowel habits, and daily hours of television watching. Both boys and girls with “good” lifestyle, behaviors evaluated by the HPI (Health Practice Index) showed lower scores for psychosomatic symptoms. Conclusions  These findings show that the lifestyle behaviors of children are significantly associated with psychosomatic symptoms and suggest that poor lifestyle behaviors are likely to increase physical and psychological health risks.  相似文献   

了解广州市中小学生贫血患病现状,为制定学生贫血防控措施提供依据.方法 采用分层随机整群抽样方法,抽取广州市7,9,12和14岁学生共2 912名,采用改良叠氮化高铁血红蛋白法测定血红蛋白含量,通过学生体检获得身高、体重并计算体质量指数(BMI)值等数据.结果 广州市义务教育阶段学生血红蛋白质量浓度中位数为133g/L,贫血患病率为7.0% (95% CI=6.1% ~ 7.9%),男生为6.4%(95%CI=5.5%~7.3%),女生为7.7%(95% CI=6.7%~8.7%).在总人群、男生和女生中,年龄和BMI均对血红蛋白浓度起正向作用(P值均<0.01).多因素Logistic回归分析显示,7和12岁组患贫血的风险是14岁组的1.761 (95% CI=1.114~2.782)和1.857倍(95%CI=1.218~2.831).结论 广州市中小学生贫血仍处于“轻度”流行水平,应加强低年龄和青春期学生贫血防控.  相似文献   

李凯  徐正龙  张频 《职业与健康》2012,28(15):1900-1901
目的了解张家港市中小学校教室卫生状况,保障学生健康成长,探讨存在的问题和解决办法。方法 2009—2011年对张家港市的73所中小学校,共计360个教室进行卫生监测分析。结果 360个教室的课桌面采光系数、课桌面平均照度、黑板面的平均照度、窗地面积比、教室人均面积合格率分别为81.33%、93.65%、78.51%、100%、76.39%。结论张家港市中小学校教室卫生状况不容乐观,应引起学校及有关部门的重视。  相似文献   

Smoking among junior high school students in Nagoya, Japan   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
A questionnaire survey was administered in January 1982 to 3090 junior high school boys and girls in Nagoya, Japan. The proportion of current regular smokers who smoke at least one cigarette per week was 3.6% for boys and 0.5% for girls. By the third grade this had increased to 6.9% and 1.2% respectively for each sex. Multivariate analysis of associated social psychological factors revealed that peer smoking was most strongly related to individual smoking status. Parental smoking, sibling smoking, educational aspiration, and attitudes toward anti-smoking legislation for minors were also significantly related to smoking status. The fostering of resistance to social pressure to smoke, family involvement, strict execution of the law, and increased experiences of success in academic, social and physical activities should be considered in smoking prevention programmes for this age group.  相似文献   

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