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Two predatory fly species, Lispe consanguinea Loew, 1858 and L. tentaculata DeGeer, 1776, inhabit the supralittoral zone at the shore of a fresh-water reservoir. Both species look alike and possess similar "badges," reflective concave silvery scales on the face. Flies occupy different lek habitats. Males of the first species patrol the bare wet sand on the beach just above the surf. Males of the second species reside on the more textured heaps of algae and stones. Courtship and aggressive behaviour of males was video-recorded and analysed frame by frame. Visual stimuli provided by the conspecific partner were computed in the body-fixed space of a fly observer. Males of L. consanguinea perform long pedestrian dances of pendulating circular arcs (frequency 2 s(-1), median radius 2.5 cm, linear velocity 0.130 m/s). Right and left side runs are equally probable. Circular runs are interrupted by standby intervals of average duration 0.35 s. The female views the male as a target covering 2 by 2 ommatidia, moving abruptly with the angular velocity over 200 degrees/s in a horizontal direction down the path of about 50 degrees till the next standpoint. Dancing is evenly distributed around the female. On the contrary, the male fixates the image of the female within the narrow front sector (median +/-10 degrees); the target in his view has 6-7 times less angular velocity and angular span of oscillations, and its image in profile overlays 6-8 by 2 ommatidia. If the female walks, the male combines tracking with voluntary circular dances. Rival males circle about one another at a distance shorter than 15 mm, but not in close contact. Males of L. tentaculata are capable of similar circular courting dances, but do so rarely. Usually they try to mount any partner immediately. In the latter species, male combat consists of fierce wrestling. Flies of both species often walk sideward and observe the partner not in front but at the side.  相似文献   

In the literature on animal use of ultraviolet (UV) vision and UV reflectance, it has usually been UV-A (315–400 nm) that is considered. Animals are generally assumed to be unable to discriminate UV-B (280–315 nm) from other wavelengths in natural sunlight. Recently, some animals are known to be able to detect and respond directly to UV-B in order to avoiding exposure to it. However, there is no evidence that the hue corresponding to UV-B is salient to an animal during intraspecies communication. Using Phintella vittata , an ornate jumping spider from two geographically different populations in China, we investigated geographical, intersexual, intrasexual, and interpopulation variation in UV reflectance. We found that both the males and the females of P. vittata reflect UV light, and that the reflection bands are located in UV-B, a part of reflectance spectrum never previously investigated. We also found a great deal of population variation in the UV-B spectral reflectance. Furthermore, two colour morphs, the 'green' and 'yellow' morphs, are identified for adult males for both populations, and both morphs differ greatly in both UV-B and human-visible wavelengths. This is the first demonstration of a UV-B reflecting salticid and UV-B sexual dichromatism.  © 2008 The Linnean Society of London, Biological Journal of the Linnean Society , 2008, 94 , 7–20.  相似文献   

Bed bugs as pests of public health importance recently experienced a resurgence in populations throughout the U.S. and other countries. Consequently, recent research efforts have focused on improving understanding of bed bug physiology and behaviour to improve management. While few studies have investigated the visual capabilities of bed bugs, the present study focused specifically on eye morphology and spectral sensitivity. A 3‐D imaging technique was used to document bed bug eye morphology from the first instar through adult and revealed morphological characteristics that differentiate the common bed bug from the tropical bed bug as well as sex‐specific differences. Electrophysiological measurements were used to evaluate the spectral sensitivity of adult bed bugs. Male bed bugs were more responsive than females at some wavelengths. Electrophysiological studies provided evidence for at least one photoreceptor with a spectral sensitivity curve peak in the green (λmax 520 nm) region of the spectrum. The broadened long wavelength portion of the spectral sensitivity curve may potentially indicate another photoreceptor in the yellow–green (λmax 550 nm) portion of the spectrum or screening pigments. Understanding more about bed bug visual biology is vital for designing traps, which are an important component of integrated bed bug management.  相似文献   

  1. Recent authors have suggested that declines of insect abundance or diversity, documented first for particular insect taxa of high interest (e.g., butterflies, bees), may apply to insect diversity more generally. This has led to an urgent call for analysis of additional longitudinal datasets to examine trends in general insect diversity.
  2. Here we present a dataset gathered from 1982 to 2018 by advanced undergraduate students and graduate students enrolled in a taxonomy course that involved collecting as many insect families as possible over a 5-week period at a high-elevation protected forested site in the Sierra Nevada, California, USA.
  3. The data do not support any consistent gain or loss of family-level richness between 1982 and 2018 (no linear trend); a non-linear model suggested a possible small decrease in family-level richness collected between 1986 and 1990, followed by a gradual increase from 1990 to 2018. Neither weather variables nor collector experience or skill appeared to explain among-year variation in collected insect diversity.
  4. We urge caution in attempting to draw conclusions from single-site, longitudinal datasets like this one; a definitive answer to the hypothesis of a broad, global decline of insect diversity will require the joint analysis of many datasets like the one we share here.

Summary An established insect cell line (AC20) from the leafhopperAgallia constricta has been adapted to a mammalian cell culture medium based on the formulation of two commercially available media. The cell population doubling time of the adapted line in this medium is approximately 45 hr at 30°C. This research was supported in part by National Science Foundation Grant GB29277X.  相似文献   

We studied the prey stage preference and feeding behaviour of the first to third instar larvae and adult females of Oligota kashmirica benefica Naomi (Coleoptera: Staphylinidae), a predator of the spider mite Tetranychus urticae Koch (red form) (Acari: Tetranychidae), on leaves of the kudzu vine (Pueraria lobata (Wild.) Ohwi (Leguminosae)) under laboratory conditions. The number of mites eaten increased with the growth of predator larvae. Third instar larvae preyed on all stages of spider mite, whereas first instar larvae preyed mainly on immobile stages (eggs and quiescent stages). The predator larvae showed two types of foraging behaviour (active searching and ambush behaviour) when targeting the mobile stages (larval, nymph and adult stages of prey). Although no difference was found in the number of prey consumed by adult females and third instar larvae of the predator, the adult females mainly attacked and consumed the immobile stages.  相似文献   

《Zoology (Jena, Germany)》2014,117(5):329-336
Many insects exhibit secondary defence mechanisms upon contact with a predator, such as defensive sound production or regurgitation of gut contents. In the tettigoniid Poecilimon ornatus, both males and females are capable of sound production and of regurgitation. However, wing stridulatory structures for intraspecific acoustic communication evolved independently in males and females, and may result in different defence sounds. Here we investigate in P. ornatus whether secondary defence behaviours, in particular defence sounds, show sex-specific differences. The male defence sound differs significantly from the male calling song in that it has a longer syllable duration and a higher number of impulses per syllable. In females, the defence sound syllables are also significantly longer than the syllables of their response song to the male calling song. In addition, the acoustic disturbance stridulation differs notably between females and males as both sexes exhibit different temporal patterns of the defence sound. Furthermore, males use defence sounds more often than females. The higher proportion of male disturbance stridulation is consistent with a male-biased predation risk during calling and phonotactic behaviour. The temporal structures of the female and male defence sounds support a deimatic function of the startling sound in both females and males, rather than an adaptation for a particular temporal pattern. Independently of the clear differences in sound defence, no difference in regurgitation of gut content occurs between the sexes.  相似文献   

A study was made of the effects of solar ultraviolet‐B radiation (UV‐B) on the growth of the dominant plant species of a shrub‐dominated ecosystem in Tierra del Fuego. This part of southern Argentina can be under the direct influence of the Antarctic ‘ozone hole’ during the austral spring and lingering ozone‐depleted air during the summer. The plant community is dominated by an evergreen shrub (Chiliotrichum diffusum) with an herbaceous layer of Gunnera magellanica and Blechnum penna‐marina in the interspaces between the shrubs. Inspections of ozone trends indicate that the springtime and summertime ozone column over Tierra del Fuego has decreased by 10–13% from 1978/9 to 1998/9. In a set of well‐replicated field plots, solar UV‐B was reduced to approximately 15–20% of the ambient UV‐B using plastic films. Polyester films were used to attenuate UV‐B radiation and UV‐transparent films (~90% UV‐B transmission) were used as control. Treatments were imposed during the growing season beginning in 1996 and continued for three complete growing seasons. Stem elongation of the shrub C. diffusum was not affected by UV‐B attenuation in any of the three seasons studied. However, frond length of B. penna‐marina under attenuated UV‐B was significantly greater than that under near‐ambient UV‐B in all three seasons. Attenuation of solar UV‐B also promoted the expansion of G. magellanica leaves in two of the growing seasons. Differences between treatments in leaf or frond length in B. penna‐marina and G. magellanica did not exceed 12%. Another significant effect of UV‐B attenuation was a promotion of insect herbivory in G. magellanica, with a 25–75% increase in the leaf area consumed. Changes in plant phenology or relative species cover were not detected within the time frame of this study. The results suggest that the increase in UV‐B radiation associated with the erosion of the ozone layer might be affecting the functioning of this ecosystem to some degree, particularly by inhibiting the growth of some plant species and by altering plant–insect interactions.  相似文献   

K. Hövemeyer 《Oecologia》1987,73(4):537-542
Summary A population of Cheilosia fasciata Schin. & Egg., 1853 was studied in a beech forest (Melico-Fagetum allietosum) near Göttingen (FRG). This syrphid species is closely associated with ramson (Allium ursinum L.), as the larvae mine the plant's leaves. Adult abundance was determined using emergence traps (1981–1986); egg and larval abundance was determined by examining ramson leaves: puparia were extracted from soil samples (1984 and 1986). Cheilosia fasciata is a univoltine species; the imagines emerge in late April/early May. Larval development took five (1986) to six (1984) weeks. In late June/early July the larvae enter the soil for pupariation. A linear relationship was found between the area of the mines and larval biomass (dry wt.). It was concluded that one larva had to mine 51.90 cm2 of leaf area in order to gain the mean maximum dry weight (11.15 mg). Furthermore, it was shown that ovipositing females, laying just one egg per leaf, tended to select large leaves providing this minimum amount of food. It is hypothesized that females probably follow straight-lined routes on their oviposition flights, rather than ovipositing on leaves chosen at random. By applying such a strategy, females can almost completely avoid competition for food among their own offspring. Furthermore, competition among the progeny of the whole population is also reduced, particularly in years when adult abundance is very low. The significance of certain factors influencing the population dynamics of Cheilosia fasciata was evaluated by applying a rank correlation analysis. It was shown that high precipitation rates in April reduced the time available for mating and oviposition resulting in low emergence abundance in the next spring. Larval survivorship was enhanced by high precipitation rates in May and June, indicating that drought may be unfavourable to larvae and reduce food availability. Predation by a parasitoid Phygadeuon ursini Horstmann, 1986 (Hymenoptera, Ichneumonidae), appears to be just an imperfect (Milne 1984) density-dependent control mechanism; in fact, it was shown that food limitation is the only significant mechanism of density-dependent population control.  相似文献   

Feeding behaviour, feeding intensity and staying behaviour of neonate western corn rootworm (Diabrotica virgifera virgifera LeConte) larvae were evaluated in response to synthetic feeding stimulant blends. All of the treatments contained a 3‐sugar blend (glucose : fructose : sucrose, 30 : 4 : 4 mg/ml) and one of twelve free fatty acids. Each free fatty acid was tested in this blend at three different concentrations. The addition of the 12 : 0, 16 : 0, 16 : 1, 18 : 0, 18 : 1, 18 : 2 and 18 : 3 free fatty acids to the sugar blend significantly (P < 0.05) increased the percentage of larvae feeding, but did not increase food consumption per larva. Most of the free fatty acids elicited staying behaviour. At the lowest dose (0.1 mg/ml), all of the free fatty acids except the 18 : 0 and the 20 : 0 elicited staying by significantly more larvae than the sugar blend, and at the highest dose (1.0 mg/ml), eight free fatty acids (8 : 0, 10 : 0, 12 : 0, 14 : 0, 16 : 1, 18 : 1, 18 : 2 and 18 : 3) caused more larvae to stay compared to the sugar blend. Larvae were visibly impaired after exposure to some of the free fatty acids. At the highest dose, the 8 : 0, 10 : 0, 12 : 0, 14 : 0, 16 : 1, 18 : 1 and 18 : 2 free fatty acids were toxic to the larvae. At least 60% of larvae were impaired after exposure to the 12 : 0, 16 : 1 and 18 : 2 free fatty acids and the 8 : 0 and 10 : 0 free fatty acids caused 100% impairment or death. Synthetic blends were compared with liquid from crushed maize roots and with a methanol extract of maize roots. Feeding intensity and staying behaviour on the root liquid and the root extract were significantly greater than on any of the synthetic blends, suggesting the presence of additional compounds in maize roots that serve as feeding cues for western corn rootworm larvae.  相似文献   

A comparison of the modified oocyte development in paedogenetic reproduction with ‘regular’ oogenesis in imaginal reproduction of H. pygmaea shows that the paedogenetically developing eggs start embryonic development long before the usual processes of oocyte growth have been terminated or even initiated. Under certain experimental conditions, uncoupling of meiotic and growth processes could be observed in eggs cultured in vitro and showing aberrant development. We, therefore, assume that in paedogenetic egg development a meiotic block is not properly established or removed precociously. An interpretation of the evolution of paedogenetic reproduction is given.  相似文献   

Diopsid flies have eye stalks up to a centimeter in length, displacing the retina laterally from the rest of the head. This bizarre condition, called hypercephaly, is rare, but has evolved independently among several insect orders and is most common in flies (Diptera). Earlier studies of geometrical optics and behavior have led to various hypotheses about possible adaptive advantages of eye stalks, such as enhanced stereoscopic vision while other hypothesis suggest that eye stalks are an outcome of sexual selection. Here, we focus on how these curious distortions of head/eye morphology are accompanied by changes in the neural organization of the visual system of Cyrtodiopsis quinqueguttata. Histological examinations reveal that the optic lobes, lamina (La), medulla (Me), lobula (Lo), and lobula plate (LP) are contained entirely within the fly's eye bulbs, which are located at the distal ends of the eye stalks. We report that the organization of the peripheral visual system (La and Me) is similar to that of other Diptera (e.g., Musca and Drosophila), but deeper visual areas (Lo and LP) have been more strongly modified. For example, in both the lobula and lobula plate, fewer but larger giant collector neurons are found. The most pronounced difference is the reduction in the number of wide-field vertical cells of the lobula plate, where there are only four relatively large fibers, as opposed to 11 in Musca. The “fewer but larger” neural organization may enhance the conduction velocities of these cells, but may result in a loss of spatial resolution. At the base of the eye bulb, axon bundles collect and form a long optic nerve that extends the length of the eye stalk. We suggest that this organization of the diopsid visual system provides evidence for the costs of possessing long eye stalks. © 1998 John Wiley & Sons, Inc. J Neurobiol 37: 449–468, 1998  相似文献   

The phytophagous beetle family Curculionidae is the most species‐rich insect family known, with much of this diversity having been attributed to both co‐evolution with food plants and host shifts at key points within the early evolutionary history of the group. Less well understood is the extent to which patterns of host use vary within or among related species, largely because of the technical difficulties associated with quantifying this. Here we develop a recently characterized molecular approach to quantify diet within and between two closely related species of weevil occurring primarily within dry forests on the island of Mauritius. Our aim is to quantify dietary variation across populations and assess adaptive and nonadaptive explanations for this and to characterize the nature of a trophic shift within an ecologically distinct population within one of the species. We find that our study species are polyphagous, consuming a much wider range of plants than would be suggested by the literature. Our data suggest that local diet variation is largely explained by food availability, and locally specialist populations consume food plants that are not phylogenetically novel, but do appear to represent a novel preference. Our results demonstrate the power of molecular methods to unambiguously quantify dietary variation across populations of insect herbivores, providing a valuable approach to understanding trophic interactions within and among local plant and insect herbivore communities.  相似文献   

Observations were made in Fiji on the adaptive strategies of a marine gerrid, Halobates fijiensis , a species of the only genus of insects to have successfully colonized the open sea. The immature stages spend most of their time in flotillas on sheltered water close to mangroves, whereas adults usually occur singly and on both sheltered and open water behind the protecting reef systems. Wind has a decisive influence on the distribution of H. fijiensis: in strong onshore winds, all stages, including adults, remain close to the shelter of mangroves, but in calm conditions, older immatures venture considerable distances from the mangroves. Halobates fijiensis feed on floating, dead insects. Adults of the chironomid fly Tanytarsus halophilae , whose larvae live on intertidal sea-grasses, accounted for over 60% of the prey items recorded. Halobates fijiensis feeds at around the time of high water, either as individuals or in small, well-dispersed groups. Eggs are laid on intertidal turtle grass (Syringodium) , green coralline algae (Halimeda) or occasionally coral rubble, at or shortly after the point of low water on days of extreme low spring tides. Halobates fijiensis is preyed upon by the robber-fly Clinopogon scalaris (Diptera: Asilidae). Field observations showed that there is a clear effect of group size on the distance at which an approaching predator model is detected.  相似文献   

Two subspecies of the grasshopper Chorthippus parallelus have ranges that abut in the Pyrenees. Males produce two types of song—calling song and courtship song. We have examined the use and structure of these songs in males from nine sites near Mont-Louis, Pyrénées-Onentales, France. These sites were previously used to identify the position of the hybrid zone on morphological characters. The subspecies differ in the use and structure of both types of song. Clines in these characters correspond in position with the morphological cline. At least one character may be relevant to mate choice but none of the characters show evidence of reinforcement.  相似文献   

假死是昆虫重要的防御行为,与生存策略密切相关.昆虫受到天敌或类似天敌的外部物理刺激时,足、触角等附肢收缩,强直静止,自发进入假死状态.近年来,昆虫假死行为相关的研究逐渐增多,进展明显,明确了多种昆虫假死的发生时间、发生频率、刺激方式和诱发因素等特征,涉及臭椿沟眶象Eucryptorrhynchus brandti、赤拟...  相似文献   

The mechanism of the toxicity of plant lectins is not clearly understood. The insecticidal activity of plant lectins results from effects on insect metabolism by interfering with gut enzymatic function. Thus, a greater understanding of the mechanisms of plant lectin toxicity in insects is required. This study reports the effects of dietary ingestion of the glucose-mannose binding lectin Concanavaline A (Con A) on bird cherry-oat aphid (Rhopalosiphum padi L.) enzymes involved in protein digestion [aminopeptidase N and cathepsin L (CatL)], sugar (α- and β-glucosidases), and phosphorus (alkaline and acid phosphatase) metabolism. An aphid bioassay test using artificial diets containing Con A is also presented. An increase in the concentration of Con A generally suppressed the activity of glucosidases and phosphatases, and increased the activity of CatL in apterae morphs. Bird cherry-oat aphid performance was affected by the presence of Con A in artificial diets. The lectin added to the liquid diet increased the pre-reproductive period, mortality, and the average time of generation development (T) and decreased fecundity and the intrinsic rate of natural increase (rm). Aphicidal activity of Con A might be linked to its interference in the activity of digestive enzymes.  相似文献   

刺槐叶瘿蚊广腹细蜂Platygaster robiniae Buhl and Duso(膜翅目:细蜂科)是我国外来有害生物刺槐叶瘿蚊Obolodiplosis robiniae(Haldeman)(双翅目:瘿蚊科)十分重要的寄生性天敌,为卵-幼虫跨期寄生蜂,专化性强,在自然抑制害虫虫口密度中起着非常重要的作用。为摸清刺槐叶瘿蚊广腹细蜂在我国的地理分布,探讨其与刺槐叶瘿蚊的相互关系,本文根据寄主刺槐叶瘿蚊在我国的分布范围,采用踏查的方法,对全国17个省、市、自治区的29个地区进行了调查。结果显示,刺槐叶瘿蚊广腹细蜂在其寄主分布区都有分布,分布范围在26°35.451′-43°53.482′N,103°51.816′-125°15.969′E,海拔4-1 097 m。  相似文献   

Recent predictive processing accounts of perception and action point towards a key challenge for the nervous system in dynamically optimizing the balance between incoming sensory information and existing expectations regarding the state of the environment. Here, we report differences in the influence of the preceding sensory context on motor function, varying with respect to both clinical and subclinical features of autism spectrum disorder (ASD). Reach-to-grasp movements were recorded subsequent to an inactive period in which illusory ownership of a prosthetic limb was induced. We analysed the sub-components of reach trajectories derived using a minimum-jerk fitting procedure. Non-clinical adults low in autistic features showed disrupted movement execution following the illusion compared to a control condition. By contrast, individuals higher in autistic features (both those with ASD and non-clinical individuals high in autistic traits) showed reduced sensitivity to the presence of the illusion in their reaching movements while still exhibiting the typical perceptual effects of the illusion. Clinical individuals were distinct from non-clinical individuals scoring high in autistic features, however, in the early stages of movement. These results suggest that the influence of high-level representations of the environment differs between individuals, contributing to clinical and subclinical differences in motor performance that manifest in a contextual manner. As high-level representations of context help to explain fluctuations in sensory input over relatively longer time scales, more circumscribed sensitivity to prior or contextual information in autistic sensory processing could contribute more generally to reduced social comprehension, sensory impairments and a stronger desire for predictability and routine.  相似文献   

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