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A comparison has been made of the synthesis of glycosaminoglycans by human skin fibroblasts cultured on plastic or collagen gel substrata. Confluent cultures were incubated with [3H]glucosamine and Na235SO4 for 48h. Radiolabelled glycosaminoglycans were then analysed in the spent media and trypsin extracts from cells on plastic and in the medium, trypsin and collagenase extracts from cells on collagen gels. All enzyme extracts and spent media contained hyaluronic acid, heparan sulphate and dermatan sulphate. Hyaluronic acid was the main 3H-labelled component in media and enzyme extracts from cells on both substrata, although it was distributed mainly to the media fractions. Heparan sulphate was the major [35S]sulphated glycosaminoglycan in trypsin extracts of cells on plastic, and dermatan sulphate was the minor component. In contrast, dermatan sulphate was the principal [35S]sulphated glycosaminoglycan in trypsin and collagenase extracts of cells on collagen gels. The culture substratum also influenced the amounts of [35S]sulphated glycosaminoglycans in media and enzyme extracts. With cells on plastic, the medium contained most of the heparan sulphate (75%) and dermatan sulphate (> 90%), whereas the collagenase extract was the main source of heparan sulphate (60%) and dermatan sulphate (80%) from cells on collagen gels; when cells were grown on collagen, the medium contained only 5-20% of the total [35S]sulphated glycosaminoglycans. Depletion of the medium pool was probably caused by binding of [35S]sulphated glycosaminoglycans to the network of native collagen fibres that formed the insoluble fraction of the collagen gel. Furthermore, cells on collagen showed a 3-fold increase in dermatan sulphate synthesis, which could be due to a positive-feedback mechanism activated by the accumulation of dermatan sulphate in the microenvironment of the cultured cells. For comparative structural analyses of glycosaminoglycans synthesized on different substrata labelling experiments were carried out by incubating cells on plastic with [3H]glucosamine, and cells on collagen gels with [14C]glucosamine. Co-chromatography on DEAE-cellulose of mixed media and enzyme extracts showed that heparan sulphate from cells on collagen gels eluted at a lower salt concentration than did heparan sulphate from cells on plastic, whereas with dermatan sulphate the opposite result was obtained, with dermatan sulphate from cells on collagen eluting at a higher salt concentration than dermatan sulphate from cells on plastic. These differences did not correspond to changes in the molecular size of the glycosaminoglycan chains, but they may be caused by alterations in polymer sulphation.  相似文献   

Fibroblasts in culture were incubated with [3H]leucine and [35S]sulphate for 1-24 h. A large glucuronic acid-rich and a small iduronic acid-rich dermatan sulphate proteoglycan were isolated with the use of isopycnic density-gradient centrifugation, ion-exchange and gel chromatography. After 3 h the accumulation in the cell layer of the small proteoglycan reached a steady state, whereas the large one continued to increase, albeit more slowly. In the medium both proteoglycans accumulated 'linearly', although the large one appeared somewhat later than the small one. The composition of the polysaccharide chains and the size of the protein cores did not vary during the experiment. The two proteoglycans were synthesized at approximately similar rates, but were distributed differently in the culture. The small proteoglycan was mainly confined to the medium, whereas the large one was found in the medium as well as in a cell-associated pool. There was an intracellular accumulation of iduronic acid-rich dermatan sulphate as free polysaccharides.  相似文献   

The structure of dermatan [35S]sulphate-chondroitin [35S]sulphate copolymers synthesized and secreted by fibroblasts in culture was studied. 35S-labelled glycosaminoglycans were isolated from the medium, a trypsin digest of the cells and the cell residue after 72h of 35SO42-incorporation. The galactosaminoglycan component (dermatan sulphatechondroitin sulphate copolymers) was isolated and subjected to various degradation procedures including digestion with testicular hyaluronidase, chondroitinase-AC and-ABC and periodate oxidation followed by alkaline elimination. The galactosaminoglycans from the various sources displayed significant structural differences with regard to the distribution of various repeating units, i.e. IdUA-GalNAc-SO4 (L-iduronic acid-N-acetyl-galactosamine sulphate), GlcUA-GalNAc-SO4 (D-glucuronic acid-N-acetylgalactosamine-sulphate) and IdUA(-SO4)-GalNAc (L-iduronosulphate-N-acetylgalactosamine). The galactosaminoglycans of the cell residue contained larger amounts of IdUA-GalNAc-SO4 than did those isolated from the medium or those released by trypsin. In contrast, the glycans from the latter 2 sources contained large proportions of periodate-resistant repeat periods [GlcUA-GalNAc-SO4 and IdUA(-SO4)-GalNAc]. Periods containing L-iduronic acid sulphate were particularly prominent in copolymers found in the medium. Kinetic studies indicated that the 35S-labelled glycosaminoglycan of the cell residue accumulated radioactivity more slowly than did the glycans of other fractions, indicating that the material remaining with the cells was not exclusively a precursor of the secreted polymers. The presence of copolymers rich in glucuronic acid or iduronic acid sulphate residues in the soluble fractions may be the result of selective secretion from the cells. Alternatively, extracellular, polymer-level modifications such as C-5 inversion of L-iduronic acid to D-glucuronic acid, or sulphate rearrangements, would yield similar results.  相似文献   

The effect of modifications of the extracellular matrix on the biosynthesis of glycosaminoglycans was investigated in human skin fibroblast cultures by studying UDPGDH activity in order to evaluate: a), the histoenzymological and biochemical modifications induced by chondroitinase ABC treatment (new experimental conditions were developed in order to obtain minimum cell damage); b), the reversibility of these modifications; c), the effect of growing the cells in the presence of chondroitinsulfate; d), the specificity of the modifications induced. The results demonstrated that our experimental conditions specifically affected intracellular UDPGDH activity. Chondroitinase ABC treatment induced a reversible increase of UDP-glucuronic acid synthesis. On the contrary, the presence of chondroitinsulfate in the growth medium completely inhibited UDPGDH activity.  相似文献   

[3H,35S]Dermatan/chondroitin sulfate glycosaminoglycans produced during culture of fibroblasts in medium containing varying concentrations of sulfate were tested for their susceptibility to chondroitin ABC lyase and chondroitin AC lyase. Chondroitin ABC lyase completely degraded [3H]hexosamine-labeled and [35S] sulfate-labeled dermatan/chondroitin sulfate to disaccharides. Chondroitin AC lyase treatment of the labeled glycosaminoglycans produced different results. With this enzyme, dermatan/chondroitin sulfate formed at high concentrations of sulfate yielded small glycosaminoglycans and larger oligosaccharides but almost no disaccharide. This indicated that the dermatan/chondroitin sulfate co-polymer contained mostly iduronic acid with only an occasional glucuronic acid. As the medium sulfate concentration was progressively lowered, there was a concomitant increase in the susceptibility to degradation by chondroitin AC lyase. Thus, the labeled glycosaminoglycans formed at the lowest concentration of sulfate yielded small oligosaccharides including substantial amounts of disaccharide. The smaller chondroitin AC lyase-resistant [3H,35S]dermatan/chondroitin sulfate oligosaccharides were analyzed by gel filtration. Results indicated that, in general, the iduronic acid-containing disaccharide residues present in the undersulfated [3H,35S]glycosaminoglycan were sulfated, whereas the glucuronic acid-containing disaccharide residues were non-sulfated. This work confirms earlier reports that there is a relationship between epimerization and sulfation. Moreover, it demonstrates that medium sulfate concentration is critical in determining the proportions of dermatan to chondroitin (iduronic/glucuronic acid) produced by cultured cells.  相似文献   

Subconfluent cultures of human embryonic skin fibroblasts were labelled with [35S]sulphate for 3 days, after which cell-free extracellular matrix was isolated. A chondroitin sulphate proteoglycan (CSPG) and a heparan sulphate proteoglycan (HSPG) were purified from the matrix. Chromatography on Sepharose CL-2B gave peak Kav. values of 0.35 and 0.38 respectively for the CSPG and the HSPG. The polysaccharide chains released from the two PGs were of similar size (Kav. 0.50 on Sepharose CL-4B). Approx. 50% of the CSPG showed affinity for hyaluronic acid (HA). However, it differed immunologically from the HA-aggregating CSPG of human articular cartilage, and had a larger core protein (apparent molecular mass 290 kDa) than had the cartilage PG. Neither metabolically [35S]sulphate-labelled PGs, isolated from the medium of fibroblast cultures, nor chemically 3H-labelled polysaccharides (HA, CS, HS and heparin) were incorporated into the extracellular matrix when added to unlabelled cell cultures. These results indicate that the matrix PGs are not derived from the PGs present in the medium and that an interation between polysaccharide chains and matrix components is not sufficient for incorporation of PGs into the matrix. Incubation of cell-free 35S-labelled matrix with unlabelled polysaccharides did not lead to the release of any 35S-labelled material, supporting this conclusion. Furthermore, so-called 'link proteins' were not present in the fibroblast cultures, indicating that the CSPGs were anchored in the matrix in a manner different from the link-stabilized association of CSPG with HA in chondrocyte matrix. The identification of a proteinase, secreted by fibroblasts in culture, that after activation with heparin has the ability to release 35S-labelled PGs from the matrix may also indicate that the core proteins are important for the association of the PGs to the matrix.  相似文献   

Human dermal fibroblasts, cultured as suspensions in collagen gels and as monolayers, were stimulated with recombinant human interleukin-1 beta (rIL 1 beta) at 72 h, and prostaglandin E2 (PGE2) was assayed 24 h later. Fibroblasts in gels were less responsive to rIL 1 beta than monolayers, PGE2 synthesis increasing from less than 1 ng/microgram DNA without rIL 1 beta to maxima of 11.3 and 32.9 ng/micrograms DNA, with half maximal release occurring at 7.47 and 0.75 pM rIL 1 beta for the gel and monolayer cultures, respectively. Increased PGE2 was first detected 4 h after addition of rIL 1 beta to gels and was inhibited by 10(-5) M indomethacin. The amount of PGE2 synthesized per fibroblast increased with the time the gels had been in culture when stimulated with rIL 1 beta and was proportional to the number of fibroblasts in the gels, but inversely related to the collagen concentration. A common feature of these experiments was significantly greater induction of PGE2 synthesis at higher cell densities in collagen gels. Exogenous 10(-4) M arachidonic acid further increased PGE2 synthesis by rIL 1 beta-stimulated fibroblasts, but the differential in the amount of PGE2 released from fibroblasts at high and low population densities in the gels was maintained. These results are consistent with interleukin 1 (IL 1) stimulating PGE2 synthesis in dermal fibroblasts by increasing cyclooxygenase activity. Furthermore, the results show that dermal fibroblasts have an additional regulatory mechanism, related to the cell population densities or their interactions with an extracellular matrix, to finely modulate the amount of PGE2 synthesized in response to IL 1.  相似文献   

It has been previously shown that dermis from subjects with hydroxylysine-deficient collagen contains approximately 5% of normal levels of hydroxylysine and sonicates of skin fibroblasts contain less than 15% of normal levels of collagen lysyl hydroxylase activity. However, cultures of dermal fibroblasts from two siblings with hydroxylysine-deficient collagen (Ehlers-Danlos Syndrome Type VI) compared to fibroblasts from normal subjects synthesize collagen containing approximately 50% of normal amounts of hydroxylysine. The lysyl hydroxylase deficient cultures synthesize both Type I and Type III collagen in the same proportion as control cultures. Both alpha 1(I) and alpha 2 chains are similarly reduced in hydroxylysine content. Collagen prolyl hydroxylation by normal collagen lysyl hydroxylation is the same with or without ascorbate supplementation. In mutant cells the rate of prolyl hydroxylation measured after release of inhibition by alpha, alpha'-dipyridyl is the same as in control cells. The rate of lysyl hydroxylation is reduced in mutant cells but only to approximately 50% of normal.  相似文献   

The crucial role of collagen in fibrotic disorders has prompted attempts to develop drugs that inhibit collagen accumulation. Peptides containing the unphysiological amino acid 5-oxaproline (Opr) have recently been found to act as specific syncatalytic inactivators of pure prolyl 4-hydroxylase, the enzyme that catalyzes the formation of 4-hydroxyproline in collagens. The present study indicates that oxaproline-containing peptides benzyloxycarbonyl-Phe-Opr-Gly-benzyl ester (I) and benzyloxycarbonyl-Phe-Opr-Gly-ethyl ester (II) inactivate prolyl 4-hydroxylase in cultured human skin fibroblasts, peptide I being about twice as potent as peptide II. Inactivation by 50% was observed after culturing with about 20-40 microM concentrations of peptide I for 48 h. The inactivation appears to be specific, as no changes were found in the activities of two other intracellular enzymes of collagen synthesis, lysyl hydroxylase and galactosylhydroxylysyl glucosyltransferase. Synthesis of 4-hydroxyproline by the cells was markedly decreased, and 4-hydroxyproline-deficient procollagen accumulated intracellularly, whereas no changes were found in the incorporation of [14C]leucine into protein after culturing of the cells with a 30 microM concentration of peptide I for 48 h. No changes were seen in the viability of the cells or the release of lactate dehydrogenase from them into the culture medium. No significant changes were found in the steady-state levels of the mRNAs for the pro-alpha 1 chains of type I and type III procollagens or for the alpha and beta subunits of prolyl 4-hyroxylase or fibronectin after culturing with 75 microM peptide I for 48 h. The data indicate that inactivation of cellular prolyl 4-hydroxylase has marked effects on cellular 4-hydroxyproline formation and collagen secretion but no effects on the steady-state levels of mRNAs for type I and III procollagens or the two types of subunit of prolyl 4-hydroxylase.  相似文献   

Although glutamine (Gln) is known as an important stimulator of collagen biosynthesis in collagen-producing cells, the mechanism and endpoints by which it regulate the process remain largely unknown. Intermediates of Gln interconversion: glutamate (Glu) and pyrroline-5-carboxylate (P5C) stimulate collagen biosynthesis in cultured cells but evoke different maxima of collagen biosynthesis stimulating activity at different times of incubation. P5C was found to be the most potent stimulator of collagen biosynthesis after 6 h of incubation (approx. three-fold increase); after 12 h, it induced increase in collagen biosynthesis to 260%, while at 24 h, the process was decreased to approximately 80% of control values. Glu induced increase in collagen biosynthesis to approximately 180%, 400% and 120% of control values, after 6, 12 and 24 h, respectively, suggesting that after 12 h of incubation, Glu was the most potent stimulator of collagen biosynthesis. Glu was also the most potent stimulator of type I procollagen expression at this time. After 6, 12 and 24 h incubation, Gln induced collagen biosynthesis to approximately 112, 115 and 230% of control values, respectively. Since prolidase is known to be involved in collagen metabolism, the enzyme activity assay was performed in fibroblasts cultured in the presence of Gln, Glu and P5C. While Gln and Glu required 24 h for maximal stimulation of prolidase activity, P5C induced it after 6-12 h. The data suggest that P5C induced collagen biosynthesis and prolidase activity in a shorter time than Gln and Glu. We considered that P5C directly stimulates the processes, while Gln acts through its intermediate-P5C. Reduction of P5C to proline is coupled to the conversion of glucose-6-phosphate (G6P) to 6-phospho-gluconate, catalyzed by G6P dehydrogenase. We have found that dehydroepiandrosterone (DHEA), a potent inhibitor of G6P dehydrogenase, inhibited a stimulatory effect of P5C on collagen synthesis, expression of type I collagen and prolidase activity. Our results postulate a potential mechanism of glutamine-induced collagen biosynthesis through its intermediate - P5C. P5C-dependent activation of nucleotide biosynthesis, prolidase activity and P5C conversion into proline may contribute to the stimulation of collagen biosynthesis.  相似文献   

The molecular structure of human skin fibroblast heparan sulphate was examined by specific chemical or enzymic depolymerization and high-resolution separation of the resulting oligosaccharides and disaccharides. Important features of the molecular organization, disaccharide composition and O-sulphate disposition of this heparan sulphate were identified. Analysis of the products of HNO2 hydrolysis revealed a polymer in which 53% of disaccharide units were N-acetylated and 47% N-sulphated, with an N-/O-sulphate ratio of 1.8:1. These two types of disaccharide unit were mainly located in separate domains. Heparitinase and heparinase scission indicated that the iduronate residues (37% of total hexuronate) were largely present in contiguous disaccharide sequences of variable size that also contained the majority of the N-sulphate groups. Most of the iduronate residues (approx. 70%) were non-sulphated. About 8-10% of disaccharide units were cleaved by heparinase, but only a minority of these originated from contiguous sequences in the intact polymer. Trisulphated disaccharide units [alpha-N-sulpho-6-sulphoglucosaminyl-(1----4)-iduronate 2-sulphate], which are the major structural units in heparin, made up only 3% of the disaccharide units in heparan sulphate. O-Sulphate groups (approx. 26 per 100 disaccharide units) were distributed almost evenly among C-6 of N-acetylglucosamine, C-2 of iduronate and C-6 of N-sulphated glucosamine residues. The results indicate that the sulphated regions of heparan sulphate have distinctive and potentially variable structural characteristics. The high content of non-sulphated iduronate in this heparan sulphate species suggests a conformational versatility that could have important implications for the biological properties of the polymer.  相似文献   

Three-dimensional collagen lattice cultures of fibroblasts mimic the in vivo situation better than monolayer cultures. Here, skin fibroblasts from scleroderma patients and healthy controls were cultivated in collagen lattices, and the effects of recombinant human gamma-interferon (IFN-gamma) on these cultures investigated. IFN-gamma inhibited collagen lattice retraction in a dose-dependent way at concentrations ranging from 10 to 10,000 U/ml. This effect was independent of any alteration to the cell proliferation within the lattices. The inhibition was of the same order of magnitude in normal and pathological fibroblasts. The synthesis of collagen and non-collagen proteins, particularly fibronectin, was increased in scleroderma cultures. It was inhibited in both normal and scleroderma fibroblasts by IFN-gamma, with a maximal effect at the concentration 1000 U/ml, but the inhibition of protein synthesis was far more intense in scleroderma than in normal cells. In situ hybridization, Northern blot and dot blot analyses showed that mRNA coding for pro alpha 1(I) collagen was decreased in IFN-gamma-treated cells, indicating an effect at the pretranslational level. IFN-gamma also inhibited glycosaminoglycan synthesis, but in scleroderma cells only. This study shows that IFN-gamma regulates cell behavior in three-dimensional collagen matrices: (i) it decreases protein and specifically glycosaminoglycan synthesis in scleroderma fibroblasts, (ii) it modulates the interactions between cells and matrix that lead to the retraction of the lattice. Whereas collagen synthesis is largely decreased in lattice cultures like in vivo, it remains increased in the case of scleroderma compared to normal fibroblasts and may be down-regulated by IFN-gamma. Similar conclusions may be drawn for fibronectin and glycosaminoglycans. The inhibitory effect of IFN-gamma on the retraction capacity of fibroblasts and on their ability to synthesize increased amounts of extracellular matrix macromolecules may be of potential interest for therapeutic use of IFN-gamma in scleroderma patients.  相似文献   

Human embryonic skin fibroblasts were pretreated with transforming growth factor-beta (TGF-beta) for 6 h and then labeled with [35S]sulphate and [3H]leucine for 24 h. Radiolabeled proteoglycans from the culture medium and the cell layer were isolated and separated by isopycnic density-gradient centrifugation, followed by gel, ion-exchange and hydrophobic-interaction chromatography. The major proteoglycan species were examined by polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis in sodium dodecyl sulphate before and after enzymatic degradation of the polysaccharide chains. The results showed that TGF-beta increased the production of several different 35S-labelled proteoglycans. A large chondroitin/dermatan sulphate proteoglycan (with core proteins of approximately 400-500 kDa) increased 5-7-fold and a small dermatan sulphate proteoglycan (PG-S1, also termed biglycan, with a core protein of 43 kDa) increased 3-4-fold both in the medium and in the cell layer. Only a small effect was observed on another dermatan sulphate proteoglycan, PG-S2 (also named decorin). These observations are generally in agreement with results of other studies using similar cell types. In addition, we have found that the major heparan sulphate proteoglycan of the cell layer (protein core approximately 350 kDa) was increased by TGF-beta treatment, whereas all the other smaller heparan sulphate proteoglycans with protein cores from 250 kDa to 30 kDa appeared unaffected. To investigate whether TGF-beta also influences the glycosaminoglycan (GAG) chain-synthesizing machinery, we also characterized GAGs derived from proteoglycans synthesized by TGF-beta-treated cells. There was generally no increase in the size of the GAG chains. However, the dermatan sulphate chains on biglycan and decorin from TGF-beta treated cultures contained a larger proportion of D-glucuronosyl residues than those derived from untreated cultures. No effect was noted on the 4- and 6-sulphation of the GAG chains. By the use of p-nitrophenyl beta-D-xyloside (an initiator of GAG synthesis) it could be demonstrated that chain synthesis was also enhanced in TGF-beta-treated cells (approximately twofold). Furthermore, the dermatan sulphate chains synthesized on the xyloside in TGF-beta-treated fibroblasts contained a larger proportion of D-glucuronosyl residues than those of the control. These novel findings indicate that TGF-beta affects proteoglycan synthesis both quantitatively and qualitatively and that it can also change the copolymeric structure of the GAG by affecting the GAG-synthesizing machinery. Altered proteoglycan structure and production may have profound effects on the properties of extracellular matrices, which can affect cell growth and migration as well as organisation of matrix fibres.  相似文献   

The effect of low-density lipoprotein (LDL) on accumulation of glycosaminoglycans (GAG) was compared in cultures of human skin fibroblasts on a conventional plastic substratum and in a native type I collagen gel. The 24-h incorporation of [3H]glucosamine and Na2(35)SO4 into GAG secreted into the medium or associated with the substratum and cell surface (SCA) was measured in cells at subconfluent densities. When cells were grown on plastic, 13-25% of the labeled GAG was in the SCA pool. Cells cultured within a collagen gel matrix incorporated three times more [3H]glucosamine and up to five times more [35S]sulfate into this pool. The addition of LDL (300 micrograms protein/mL) to the medium increased the level of total GAG incorporation of [3H]glucosamine by 40-50% and of [35S]sulfate by 15-20% on both substrata. For cells on plastic the relative increase in the medium and SCA pool was similar, whereas for cells in collagen gel the response to LDL was twice as great in the SCA pool as in the medium. The distribution of GAG types was unaffected by LDL; hyaluronic acid remained the principal GAG in the media pools of both substrata, heparan sulfate remained the main SCA GAG in cultures on plastic, and dermatan sulfate remained the dominant GAG in the SCA pool of collagen gel cultures. LDL degradation was measured at intervals up to 48 h after the addition of 125I-labeled LDL. The rate of accumulation of degraded LDL products was lower in collagen gel cultures, but the final levels achieved were the same in the two substrata. Concentrations of total cell cholesterol were similar, although the increases in free cholesterol induced by LDL were 26% greater in cells within collagen gel than in those on plastic. We conclude that fibroblasts grown within a collagen gel, as compared with those on a plastic substratum, (i) accumulate more GAG that remain attached to the substratum and cell surface; (ii) respond to LDL with a similar degree of increase in GAG accumulation, but more of the increase is found in the substratum and cell surface compartment; and (iii) accumulate more intracellular free cholesterol in response to LDL.  相似文献   

It has been previously shown that dermis from subjects with hydroxylysine-deficient collagen contains approximately 5% of normal levels of hydroxylysine and sonicates of skin fibroblasts contain less than 15% of normal levels of collagen lysyl hydroxylase activity. However, cultures of dermal fibroblasts from two siblings with hydroxylysine-deficient collagen (Ehlers-Danlos Syndrome Type VI) compared to fibroblasts from normal subjects synthesize collagen containing approximately 50% of normal amounts of hydroxylysine. The lysyl hydroxylase deficient cultures synthesize both Type I and Type III collagen in the same proportion as control cultures. Both α1(I) and α2 chains are similarly reduced in hydroxylysine content. Collagen prolyl hydroxylation by normal and mutant cells is severely depressed without ascorbate but in all cultures collagen lysyl hydroxylation is the same with or without ascorbate supplementation. In mutant cells the rate of prolyl hydroxylation measured after release of inhibition by α,α′-dipyridyl is the same as in control cells. The rate of lysyl hydroxylation is reduced in mutant cells but only to approximately 50% of normal.  相似文献   

The in vitro degradation of [35S]chondroitin sulfate was investigated in human fibroblasts and rat liver. In rat liver, preparations of chondroitin sulfate were shown to be degraded by the concerted action of endoglycosidase and exoglycosidases. However, with human skin fibroblast preparations, hyaluronidase activity was not detected and chondroitin sulfate was degraded by exoglycosidase action.  相似文献   

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