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目的:比较不同脑信息状态对数字加工的影响。方法:于2004-10/2005-12选择视力或者矫正视力正常,听力正常,无听觉系统病史,右利手,无精神神经疾病史的在校大学本科和研究生24名作为有偿被试。被试置于屏蔽安静室内,头戴耳机给出听觉刺激,听觉刺激为双耳随机同时呈现女声汉语普通话数字壹,贰,叁,肆,陆,柒,捌,玖,每个刺激每次呈现300ms。距离被试双眼100cm处放置计算机显示器给出视觉刺激,视觉刺激为计算机屏幕中央呈现写有数字的黑底白字图片,数字分别为阿拉伯数字1,2,3,4,6,7,8和9及中文简写数字一、二、三、四、六、七、八和九(仿宋体加粗48号)。采用S1-S2模式。要求被试判断数字对(S1、S2)是否相同,并对S2数字做“与5相比”判断大小的任务。利用E-PRIME1.1软件编程并记录正确反应时和反应率。进行多因素重复测量方差分析。结果:将数据剔除极值,所有反应时小于300ms或大于1200ms的数据被剔除,剔除数据占全部数据的3.20%。①前后数字刺激对匹配状态下和非匹配状态下,被试反应正确率接近,差异无显著性意义[(98.97±0.011)%,(99.19±0.008)%,t(46)=-0.790,P=0.319];匹配状态下平均反应时低于非匹配状态下,差异有显著性意义[(739.90±16.24),(783.35±19.90)ms,t(46)=-2.042,P<0.05]。②在匹配状态下,阿拉伯数字、中文简写数字、听觉汉语普通话数字距离主效应显著,线性拟合主效应显著,反应正确率随数字距离增加而递增。在非匹配状态下,距离主效应显著,线性拟合主效应不显著,反应正确率不随数字距离增加而递增。③在匹配状态下,阿拉伯数字、中文简写数字、听觉汉语普通话数字距离主效应显著,线性拟合主效应显著,反应时随数字距离增加而递减。在非匹配状态下,距离主效应显著,线性拟合主效应不显著,反应时不随数字距离增加而递减。结论:在匹配状态下正确反应时均随数字距离的增加而缩短,存在数字距离主效应显著性,在非匹配状态下不存在数字距离主效应显著性。脑信息冲突状态会对数字加工产生影响,数字距离效应消失。  相似文献   

目的 了解喉乳头状瘤患儿家长对此疾病的认知水平及其心理健康状况,使其及时发现疾病的危急征象带患儿来院就诊,保证患儿的安全,明确家长现存的或潜在的护理问题,为临床的心理干预提供健康指导.方法 采用自行设计的疾病认知水平问卷及症状自评量表(SCL-90),对50例家长进行调查.自行设计问卷的内部一致性信度为0.876,内容效度为0.91.结果 低文化程度与高文化程度的家长对疾病的认知水平存在显著的差异性,随文化程度的增高而增高;患儿入院后当天进行手术的占60.24%,症状为憋气、呼吸费力;1~3 d进行手术的占28.40%,症状为声音嘶哑、出现喉鸣音;3d以上进行手术的占11.36%,症状为声音嘶哑.患儿家长SCL-90各项因子分均高于国内常模,除躯体化因子外,其他各因子评分差异有统计学意义(P<0.05).结论 患儿家长疾病认知水平与其文化程度存在一定的关系,随文化程度的增高而增高,对疾病的危急特性认识不足,患儿家长存在较多的心理健康问题,尤其是焦虑、人际关系敏感、抑郁等方面更显著.  相似文献   

注意状态对听觉事件相关电位及脑电功率的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
目的 研究正常智能受试者在不同注意状态下,其听觉事件相关电位(ERP)及脑电功率的变化,从而探讨不同注意状态对ERP及脑电功率的影响。方法 分别记录受试者在被动注意、主动注意并计数及主动注意不计数三种状态下,经Oddball模式刺激后的脑电信号,并比较其ERP的峰.峰幅值及潜伏期,同时分析脑电功率谱在不同注意状态下的变化。结果 当本研究中受试者处于主动注意并计数状态时,其P2-N1峰-峰幅值最小,而P3-N2峰-峰幅值最大,而且此时频率为10Hz的脑电功率明显增大;另外受试者在三种注意状态下的ERP潜伏期间的差异均无显著性意义。结论 P2-N3峰-峰幅值减小及P3-N2峰-峰幅值增大显示大脑在不同注意状态下其注意资源的分配变化情况,脑电功率的增加则提示认知与记忆过程需要更多的能量消耗;ERP潜伏期则不易受注意状态变化的影响。  相似文献   

目的观察社会心理因素与老年冠心病患者抑郁状态之间的关系。方法对200例老年冠心病患者进行社会心理因素、自评抑郁量表、社会支持评定量表、日常生活能力量表调查,然后进行Logistic回归分析及Pearson相关分析。结果老年冠心病患者抑郁症发病率为53.65%;Logistic回归分析教育程度低、病程长、发作次数多增加了患者的抑郁状态发生的危险性(OR值分别为0.44、0.304、7.308,P<0.05);SDS与客观支持、主观支持、支持利用度动能力呈负相关,其关联性具有统计学意义(P<0.05或P<0.01),与躯体生活自理能力、工具性生活能力呈正相关,其关联性具有统计学意义(P<0.01).结论老年冠心病患者抑郁状态发生率高;与社会心理因素密切相关。  相似文献   

为寻求提高高压氧对颅脑损伤康复期患者的疗效。在高压氧治疗的同时施行心理疗法、视觉信息疗法等为中心的疗法治疗。结果心理组治愈率72%(23/32)明显高于常规治疗组治愈率55%(17/31)。提示心理治疗配合高压氧治疗能够提高颅脑损伤患者的疗效。  相似文献   

目的:有针对性深入地了解高龄老年人的人格心理特征,为提高高龄老年人的身心健康状况,生活质量提供理论依据.方法:采用整群抽样调查方法,对2000—02/10郑州铁路局中心医院保健科参加体检的郑州铁路局机关及直属单位70岁以上离退休职工147名进行艾森克人格问卷和医院用焦虑抑郁量表,艾森克人格问卷有4个分量表组成:①内一外向。②神经质或情绪性。③精神质或倔强性。④掩饰或假托。医院用焦虑抑郁量表包含两个分量表:①焦虑。②抑郁。焦虑、抑郁两个分量表的分值划分为:0~7分属无症状,8分为临界值。8~10分症状可疑,11—21分存在症状。结果:共发放问卷147份,回收问卷147份,其中有效问卷131份。①高龄老年人医院用焦虑抑郁量表各分量表平均值均属正常范围,其中有抑郁情绪者占17.9%:有焦虑情绪者占21.6%,且多属轻度。②艾森克人格问卷结果显示,高龄男性在神经质或情绪性、精神质或倔强性分量表评分明显低于16~69岁常模组(7.88&;#177;4.51,10.06&;#177;4.62:3.40&;#177;;#177;3.22,t=4.1964,-7.5033,P〈0.001)、掩饰或假托分量表明显高于16~69岁常模组(16.23&;#177;2.63,13.90&;#177;5.77,t=7.2057,〈0.001),高龄女性神经质或情绪性、精神质或倔强性分量表评分明显低于16~69岁常模组(8.73&;#177;4.93,10.98&;#177;4.66;2.73&;#177;1.93,5.34&;#177;2.95,t=-2.9932.-8.0111.P〈0.001),掩饰或假托、内外向分量表明显高于16~69岁常模组(14.96&;#177;3.36,11.99&;#177;3.50;11.54&;#177;4.79,9.03&;#177;4.12,t=5.7122,3.4787,P〈0.001)。高龄男性掩饰或假托分量表评分高于女性(拄2.0591,P〈0.05)。③焦虑与神经质或情绪性、精神质或倔强性呈正相关(r=0.6281,0.1476.P〈0.001,0.05),与掩饰或假托、内外向无显著性相关(P〉0.05),抑郁与神经质或情绪性、精神质或倔强性呈显著性正相关(r=0.3700,0.2136,P〈0.001,0.01),与掩饰或假托、内外向呈负相关(r=-0.1540.-0.2046,P〈0.05,0.01)。结论:高龄老年人的总体心理健康水平良好,无明显的焦虑、抑郁情绪。在艾森克人格问卷中,高龄老年人的精神质和神经质显著降低,情绪稳定,能较好适应环境;不良的人格特征,如高神经质和精神质易导致焦虑、抑郁的发生,而开朗外向、低掩饰性的人格会使抑郁性降低,减少抑郁症的发生。  相似文献   

拖延现象的相关研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
目的:对拖延的概念、研究方法予以介绍,并回顾拖延的相关研究,包括拖延的背景、影响因素和拖延所导致的后果等,在此基础上,指出拖延研究领域中存在的问题和将来的研究方向。资料来源:应用计算机检索ProQuest数据库(Psychology Journals)1995-01/2005-08和EBSCOhost数据库1994--1/2006-02期间与拖延相关的文献,检索词“procrastination”,并限定语言种类为英文。资料选择:从资料中选取影响因素相关度高的文献。纳入条件:①包括了实验研究文章和综述文章。②拖延行为的相关研究。排除标准:①两个数据库的重复文献。②文献中的重复研究。资料提炼:共收集到185篇关于拖延行为的英文文章,排除重复文献、重复研究以及相关度较低的文章后,有128篇文献纳入标准。其中关于拖延的概念和类型的文章10篇,关于拖延研究方法的文章13篇.关于拖延影响因素的文章87篇,关于拖延导致的影响的文章18篇。选取28篇用于综述。资料综合:拖延是个体在执行任务和决策时推迟或者不断延期的一种问题行为。拖延被划分为唤起性拖延、回避性拖延和决策拖延3种类型。拖延的研究常采用问卷法、日记研究法、观察法。拖延的内部影响因素包括年龄、性别、人格特征;自我设阻、避免失败、完美主义倾向是拖延的内部动机;而父母的养育方式、任务的性质、外部环境变量则成为拖延的外部影响因素;拖延所导致的消极后果是对自我意识和情绪有影响、对作业成绩有影响、对健康有影响;其积极的影响可能与创造性之间正相关。结论:人格特征、家庭背景、任务的性质、外部环境等都是拖延行为的影响因素,它所导致的引起作业成绩的下降、对个体身心健康产生不利影响等结果也是非常严重的,国内应该关注这方面的研究,尽早填补这方面研究的空白,以期为拖延行为的矫正提供更好的理论依据。  相似文献   

脑微出血(CMBs)是脑小血管病的一种重要的影像学表现,CMBs常见于高血压、缺血性或出血性卒中、创伤、血管性认知障碍(VCI)、阿尔茨海默病(AD)、脑淀粉样血管病(CAA)等及健康老年人。较高的CMBs数量和特定区域的分布对认知功能具有负面影响。本文将对CMBs数量、分布与认知损害的相关性及其机制进行综述。  相似文献   

珠算式心算简称珠心算。主要依靠人的视觉、听觉和触觉将抽象的数字变成直观盘珠映像。并在大脑中形成以“珠像”运动进行计算的一种技能。它是珠算的升华和飞跃,是伴随于珠算发展过程中“珠算”与“心算”结合的产物。国内的研究表明.珠心算的训练有助于发展儿童的注意力、观察力和记忆力等智力品质。国外的研究也证实了珠算学习能够改善学生学习数的意识和数学成就。因此有些学者推测亚洲保持数学优势的原因之一可能是长期的珠算训练。为了更好地将珠心算与相关学科结合起来,充分利用珠心算的长处,全面培养学生各方面的能力。有必要对珠心算的心理机制作深入的研究。  相似文献   

李楠楠  袁强  彭蓉 《华西医学》2011,(1):129-132
帕金森病(Parlkinson's disease,PD)是中老年人常见的神经系统变性疾病.脑深部电刺激(deep brain stimulation,DBS)可以改善中晚期或药物难治性PD患者的运动症状、生活质量,并且丘脑底核脑深部电刺激(subthalamic nucleus deep brain stimulat...  相似文献   

《AORN journal》1973,17(1):208-210

不同注意条件对数字加工影响的事件相关电位研究   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
目的 应用事件相关电位(ERP)技术来探讨不同注意条件对数字加工的影响。方法 采用Neuro Scan ERP工作站记录14例在校大学生完成数字比较任务时诱发的EFP。被试者分别在无视觉干扰、集中注意条件下和有视觉干扰、分散注意条件下完成将所听到的数字与“5”进行大小比较的任务。结果(1)在数字比较任务中,分散注意条件下比集中注意条件下的反应时长,t(26)=3.70,P〈0.001。(2)中线部位(FCz,Cz,CPz)数字距离主效应显著(P〈0.001),注意条件主效应显著(P〈0.05),且二者有交互作用(P〈0.05)。集中注意条件下,N1波幅随数字距离的递增而递增,而在分散注意条件下无递次关系。(3)N1潜伏期的数字距离主效应显著(P〈0.05),注意条件主效应不显著,电极位置主效应不显著。中央区及中线部位的N1潜伏期,在集中注意条件下随数字距离的递增而递减,而分散注意条件下无递次关系。结论 不同注意条件对数字加工有不同影响,可发生在认知加工早期。  相似文献   

Background:Despite the availability of established guidelines for measuring platelet serotonin, these guidelines may be difficult to follow in a hospital setting where time to processing may vary from sample to sample.Purpose:The purpose of this study was to evaluate the effect of the time to processing of human blood samples on the stability of the enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA) for the determination of platelet serotonin levels in human plasma.Method:Human blood samples collected from a convenience sample of eight healthy volunteers were analyzed to determine platelet serotonin levels from plasma collected in ethylene diamine tetra acetic acid (EDTA) tubes and stored at 4°C for 3 hr, 5 hr, 8 hr, and 12 hr.Results:Refrigeration storage at 4°C for 3 hr, 5 hr, 8 hr, and 12 hr altered the platelet serotonin measurement when compared to immediate processing. The bias for the samples stored at 4°C for 3 hr was 102.3 (±217.39 ng/10(9) platelets), for 5 hr was 200.1 (±132.76 ng/10(9) platelets), for 8 hr was 146.9 (±221.41 ng/10(9) platelets), and for 12 hr was -67.6 (±349.60 ng/10(9) platelets).Discussion:Results from this study show that accurate measurement of platelet serotonin levels is dependent on time to processing. Researchers should therefore follow a standardized laboratory guideline for obtaining immediate platelet serotonin levels after blood sample collection.  相似文献   

Effects of word form on brain processing of written Chinese   总被引:16,自引:0,他引:16  
Fu S  Chen Y  Smith S  Iversen S  Matthews PM 《NeuroImage》2002,17(3):1538-1548
Both logographic characters and alphabetic pinyins can be used to write words in Chinese. Here we use fMRI to address the question of whether the written form affects brain processing of a word. Fifteen healthy, right-handed, native Chinese-reading volunteers participated in our study and were asked to read silently either Chinese characters (8 subjects) or pinyins (7 subjects). The stimulus presentation rate was varied for both tasks to allow us to identify brain regions with word-load-dependent activation. Rate effects (fast minus slow presentations) for Chinese character reading were observed in striate and extrastriate visual cortex, superior parietal lobule, left posterior middle temporal gyrus, bilateral inferior temporal gyri, and bilateral superior frontal gyri. Rate effects for pinyin reading were observed in bilateral fusiform, lingual, and middle occipital gyri, bilateral superior parietal lobule/precuneus, left inferior parietal lobule, bilateral inferior temporal gyrus, left middle temporal gyrus, and left superior temporal gyrus. These results demonstrate that common regions of the brain are involved in reading both Chinese characters and pinyins, activated apparently independently of the surface form of the word. There also appear to be brain regions in which activation is dependent on word form. However, it is unlikely that these are entirely specific for a given word form; their activation more likely reflects relative functional specializations within broader networks for processing written language.  相似文献   

Recent neuroimaging studies have suggested that spatial versus nonspatial changes in acoustic stimulation are processed along separate cortical pathways. However, it has remained unclear in how far change-related responses are modulated by selective attention. Thus, we aimed at testing effects of feature-selective attention on the cortical representation of pattern and location of complex natural sounds using human functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) adaptation. We consecutively presented the following pairs of animal vocalizations: (a) two identical animal vocalizations, (b) same animal vocalizations at different locations, (c) different animal vocalizations at the same location, and (d) different animal vocalizations at different locations. Subjects underwent this stimulation under two different task conditions requiring either to match sound identity or location. We observed significant fMRI adaptation effects within the bilateral superior temporal sulcus (STS), planum temporale (PT) and right anterior insula for location changes. For pattern changes, we found adaptation effects within the bilateral superior temporal lobe, in particular along the superior temporal gyrus (STG), PT and posterior STS, the bilateral anterior insula and inferior frontal areas. While the adaptation effects within the pattern-selective temporal lobe areas were robust to task requirements, adaptation within the more posterior location-selective areas was modulated by feature-specific attention. In contrast, inferior frontal cortex and anterior insular exhibited adaptation effects mainly during the location matching task. Given that the location matching task was significantly more difficult than the pattern matching, our data suggest that frontal and insular regions were modulated by task difficulty rather than feature-specific attention.  相似文献   

The persistent vegetative state (PVS) is a devastating medical condition characterized by preserved wakefulness contrasting with absent voluntary interaction with the environment. We used positron emission tomography to assess the central processing of noxious somatosensory stimuli in the PVS. Changes in regional cerebral blood flow were measured during high-intensity electrical stimulation of the median nerve compared with rest in 15 nonsedated patients and in 15 healthy controls. Evoked potentials were recorded simultaneously. The stimuli were experienced as highly unpleasant to painful in controls. Brain glucose metabolism was also studied with [(18)F]fluorodeoxyglucose in resting conditions. In PVS patients, overall cerebral metabolism was 40% of normal values. Nevertheless, noxious somatosensory stimulation-activated midbrain, contralateral thalamus, and primary somatosensory cortex in each and every PVS patient, even in the absence of detectable cortical evoked potentials. Secondary somatosensory, bilateral insular, posterior parietal, and anterior cingulate cortices did not show activation in any patient. Moreover, in PVS patients, the activated primary somatosensory cortex was functionally disconnected from secondary somatosensory, bilateral posterior parietal, premotor, polysensory superior temporal, and prefrontal cortices. In conclusion, somatosensory stimulation of PVS patients, at intensities that elicited pain in controls, resulted in increased neuronal activity in primary somatosensory cortex, even if resting brain metabolism was severely impaired. However, this activation of primary cortex seems to be isolated and dissociated from higher-order associative cortices.  相似文献   

We investigated whether headache-free patients with migraine report a lower health state compared with healthy controls, and whether health state is differently affected during the postattack period after using sumatriptan versus habitual nonvasoactive medication. Mood, health state, and personality questionnaires were administered once during an interictal period and twice within 30 hours after different migraine attacks treated with sumatriptan or habitual nonvasoactive medication. Twenty migraineurs without aura, 10 migraineurs with aura, and 30 matched and headache-free controls participated in this study. During an interictal period, patients with migraine reported more problems regarding social activities and pain compared with healthy controls. During the postictal period, mood (fatigue and emotional state) was negatively affected by an attack that was treated with habitual medication, whereas health state (physical pain, social activities, current pain) was similar to the migraine-free period. Sumatriptan treatment had beneficial effects on aspects of health state and mood during the postictal period.  相似文献   

The reduced ability to perform tasks is generally reported by those who experience headache. However, in an experimental study, participants reporting onset of headache chose more ambitious tasks than participants remaining headache free. The purpose of this study was to reevaluate the objective ambition of subjects with headache onset, and to determine if perceptions of expended effort and performance accuracy contributed to this seemingly maladaptive behavior. These effects were evaluated while controlling for headache proneness. A nonclinical sample was used. Measures of ambition, performance accuracy, perceived effort, and perceived accuracy for a headache-developing group (n = 25) and a sex-matched, headache-free group (n = 25) were compared during a series of mental arithmetic problems. Ambition among participants after headache onset was significantly higher than for the control group. There was little indication that inaccurate perceptions of effort or accuracy contributed to the observed heightened ambition. However, perceived accuracy was poorer for the headache-developing group after onset of a headache state. Headache proneness did not eliminate the significance of any relationship between objective or subjective performance and headache state.  相似文献   

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