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There is tight interplay between Ca2+ and Cl flux that can influence brain tumour proliferation, migration and invasion. Glioma is the predominant malignant primary brain tumour, accounting for ˜80% of all cases. Voltage-gated Cl channel family (ClC) proteins and Cl intracellular channel (CLIC) proteins are drastically overexpressed in glioma, and are associated with enhanced cell proliferation, migration and invasion. Ca2+ also plays fundamental roles in the phenomenon. Ca2+-activated Cl channels (CaCC) such as TMEM16A and bestrophin-1 are involved in glioma formation and assist Ca2+ movement from intracellular stores to the plasma membrane. Additionally, the transient receptor protein (TRP) channel TRPC1 can induce activation of ClC-3 by increasing intracellular Ca2+concentrations and activating Ca2+/calmodulin-dependent protein kinase II (CaMKII). Therefore, Ca2+ and Clcurrents can concurrently mediate brain tumour cellular functions. Glioma also expresses volume regulated anion channels (VRACs), which are responsible for the swelling-induced Cl current, ICl,swell. This current enables glioma cells to perform regulatory volume decrease (RVD) as a survivability mechanism in response to hypoxic conditions within the tumour microenvironment. RVD can also be exploited by glioma for invasion and migration. Effective treatment for glioma is challenging, which can be in part due to prolonged chemotherapy leading to mutations in genes associated with multi-drug resistances (MRP1, Bcl-2, and ABC family). Thus, a potential therapeutic strategy for treatment of glioma can be through the inhibition of selected Cl channels.  相似文献   

Anin vitro kinetic study on inhibition of the monoamine oxidase-A (MAO-A) of the rat brain by two pyrethroids, namely permethrin (PM) and cypermethrin (CPM), has shown that PM and CPM competitively inhibit MAO-A by altering both the Michaelis-Menten constant (Km) and the maximum velocity (Vmax). Inhibitor constant values (Ki) indicated that CPM was a more effective inhibitor of MAO-A than PM. Both PM and CPM caused maximum inhibition of MAO-A at neutral pH. CPM significantly elevated the activation energy values of MAO-A as compared to those of PM.Abbreviations MAO Manoamine Oxidase - PM Permethrin - CPM Cypermethrin - TTV Toxicity Test Value - IC50 Inhibitor Concentration that causes 50 percent inhibition  相似文献   

Summary Cl channels from basolaterally-enriched rabbit outer renal medullary membranes are activated either by increases in intracellular Cl activity or by intracellular protein kinase A (PKA). Phosphorylation by PKA, however, is not obligatory for channel activity since channels can be activated by intracellular Cl in the absence of PKA. The PKA requirement for activation of Cl channels in certain secretory epithelia is, in contrast, obligatory. In the present studies, we examined the effects of PKA and intracellular Cl concentrations on the properties of Cl channels obtained either from basolaterally-enriched vesicles derived from highly purified suspensions of mouse medullary thick ascending limb (mTALH) segments, or from apical membrane vesicles obtained from two secretory epithelia, bovine trachea and rabbit small intestine. Our results indicate that the Cl channels from mTALH suspensions were virtually identical to those previously described from rabbit outer renal medulla. In particular, an increase in intracellular (trans) Cl concentration from 2 to 50 mm increased both channel activity (P o) and channel conductance (g Cl, pS). Likewise, trans PKA increased mTALH Cl channel activity by increasing the activity of individual channels when the trans solutions were 2 mm Cl. Under the latter circumstance, PKA did not activate quiescent channels, nor did it affect g Cl. Moreover, when mTALH Cl channels were inactivated by reducing cis Cl concentrations to 50 mm, cis PKA addition did not affect P o. These results are consistent with the view that these Cl channels originated from basolateral membranes of the mTALH.Cl channels from apical vesicles from trachea and small intestine were completely insensitive to alterations in trans Cl concentrations and demonstrated markedly different responses to PKA. In the absence of PKA, tracheal Cl channels inactivated spontaneously after a mean time of 8 min; addition of PKA to trans solutions reactivated these channels. The intestinal Cl channels did not inactivate with time. Trans PKA addition activated new channels with no effect on basal channel activity. Thus the regulation of Cl channel activity by both intracellular Cl and by PKA differ in basolateral mTALH Cl channels compared to apical Cl channels from either the tracheal or small intestine.We acknowledge the able technical assistance of Steven D. Chasteen. Clementine M. Whitman provided her customary excellent secretarial assistance. This work was supported by Veterans Administration Merit Review Grants to T.E. Andreoli and to W.B. Reeves. C.J. Winters is a Veterans Administration Associate Investigator.  相似文献   

A series of hydrazine derivatives was synthesized in order to evaluate their monoamine oxidase A (MAO-A) inhibitory effects. MAO-A inhibitory activity of 4-tosyl benzoic acid carbohydrazide was quite potent, similarly to that of the corresponding 4-benzyloxy-benzoic acid carbohydrazide and its N-cyanoethylated derivative. Structural variations of these compounds, such as the replacement of the 4-substitutent, of the aromatic ring on which the carbohydrazide moiety is grafted, as well as cyclization of the hydrazide moiety in five- or six-membered rings caused either significant decline or complete loss of MAO inhibitory properties. The most active compound (4-tosyl benzoic acid carbohydrazide) was also subjected to the forced swim test, an animal model of depression, eliciting a marked reduction in immobility time in rats, without affecting the locomotor activity, implying that it possesses anti-depressant properties due to inhibition of MAO type-A.  相似文献   

The actions of intracellular pH (pH i ) on Ca2+dependent Cl? channels were studied in secretory epithelial cells derived from human colon carcinoma (T84) and in isolated rat parotid acinar cells. Channel currents were measured with the whole cell voltage clamp technique with pipette solutions of different pH. Ca2+dependent Cl? channels were activated by superfusing ionomycin to increase the intracellular calcium concentration ([Ca2+] i ) or by using pipette solutions with buffered Ca2+ levels. Large currents were activated in T84 and parotid cells by both methods with pH i levels of 7.3 or 8.3. Little or no Cl? channel current was activated with pH i at 6.4. We used on-cell patch clamp methods to investigate the actions of low pH i on single Cl? channel current amplitude in T84 cells. Lowering the pH i had little or no effect on the current amplitude of a 8 pS Cl? channel, but did reduce channel activity. These results suggest that cytosolic acidification may be able to modulate stimulus-secretion coupling in fluid-secreting epithelia by inhibiting the activation of Ca2+-activated Cl? channels.  相似文献   

Summary Properties of the single Cl channels were studied in excised patches of surface membrane from molluscan neurones using single-channel recording technique. These channels are controlled by Ca2+ and K+ acting on cytoplasmic and outer membrane surfaces, respectively, and by the membrane potential. The channels display about 16 intermediate conductance sublevels, each of them being multiples of 12.5 pS. The upper level of the channel conductance is about 200 pS. The channel behavior is consistent with an aggregation of channel-forming subunits into a cluster.  相似文献   

Summary The present studies examined some of the properties of Cl channels in renal outer medullary membrane vesicles incorporated into planar lipid bilayers. The predominant channel was anion selective having aP Cl/P K ratio of 10 and a unit conductance of 93 pS in symmetric 320mm KCl. In asymmetric KCl solutions, theI-V relations conformed to the Goldman-Hodgkin-Katz equation. Channel activity was voltage-dependent with a gating charge of unity. This voltage dependence of channel activity may account, at least in part, for the striking voltage dependence of the basolateral membrane Cl conductance of isolated medullary thick ascending limb segments. The Cl channels incorporated into the planar bilayers were asymmetrical: thetrans surface was sensitive to changes in ionized Ca2+ concentrations and insensitive to reducing KCl concentrations to 10mm, while thecis side was insensitive to changes in ionized Ca2+ concentrations, but was inactivated by reducing KCl concentrations to 50mm.  相似文献   

During whole-cell recording of rat osteoblastic cells with high-Cl internal solutions, 10 sec hyperpolarizing jumps from 0 mV induce a slow inward current relaxation, which is shown to be carried by hyperpolarization-activated Cl channels. This relaxation increases and becomes faster with stronger hyperpolarizations. It is insensitive to Cs+ ions but is blocked in a voltage-dependent manner by 4,4-diisothiocyanatostilbene-2, 2-disulfonic acid (DIDS) 1 mm and is reduced by 5-nitro-2-(3-phenylpropylamino) benzoic acid (NPPB) 0.1 mm. Cd2+ ions are potent blockers of this current, blocking completely above 300 m. The amplitude of the Cl current activated by a given hyperpolarization increases during the first 10–20 min of whole-cell recording. This evolution and the fact that some recently cloned Cl channels have been reported to be activated both by hyperpolarization and by external hyposmolarity led us to investigate the effects of external osmolarity. Reducing the external osmolarity induces a large Cl current. However, this hyposmolarity-induced Cl current and the hyperpolarization-activated Cl current are shown to be distinct; 1,9-dideoxy forskolin selectively blocks the hyposmolarity-activated current. We show that the hyperpolarization-activated Cl current is osmosensitive, but in an unusual way: it is reduced by external hyposmolarity and is increased by external hyperosmolarity. Furthermore, these modulations are more pronounced for small hyperpolarizations. The osmosensitivity of the hyperpolarization-activated Cl current suggests a mechanosensitivity (activation by positive external pressure) that is likely to be physiologically important to bone cells.We wish to thank P. Ascher and B. Barbour for useful comments.  相似文献   

Summary We examined the interactions of cAMP-dependent protein kinase and varying aqueous Cl concentrations in modulating the activity of Cl channels obtained by fusing basolaterally enriched renal outer medullary vesicles into planar lipid bilayers. Under the present experimental conditions, thecis andtrans solutions face the extracellular and intracellular aspects of these Cl channels, respectively. Raising thetrans Cl concentration from 2 to 50mm increased the channel open-time probability, raised the unit channel conductance, and affected the voltage-independent determinant (G) of channel activity but not the gating charge (Winters, C.J., Reeves, W.B., Andreoli, T.E. 1990.J. Membrane Biol. 118:269–278). With 2mm trans KCl,trans addition of the catalytic subunit of PKA (C-PKA) plus ATP increased channel open-time probability and altered the voltage-independent determinant of channel activity without affecting either unit channel conductance or gating charge. The effect was ATP specific, did not occur with (C-PKA plus ATP) addition tocis solutions, and was abolished by denaturing C-PKA. Finally, (C-PKA plus ATP) activation of channel activity was not detected with relatively high (50mm)trans Cl concentrations. These data indicate that (C-PKA plus ATP) might modulate Cl channel activity by phosphorylation at or near the Cl-sensitive site on the intracellular face of these channels.  相似文献   

Nonproliferating cultures of adult rat hepatocytes were found to lose 60–70% of cell-associated zinc during their first 24 h of incubation in standard, serum-free medium. The loss of zinc was accompanied by a profound loss (95%) in the activity of the zinc metalloenzyme, δ-aminolevulinic acid dehydratase, as well as a loss (>85%) in the cellular content of immunoreactive δ-aminolevulinic acid dehydratase protein. Restoration of cellular zinc content by the addition of zinc to the culture medium partially prevented the losses of both δ-aminolevulinic acid dehydratase activity and immunoreactive protein. Since the spontaneous, selective loss of cellular zinc appears to have specific effects on a relevant hepatic function, this culture system constitutes a novel invitro model of zinc deficiency in mature liver.  相似文献   

The plasma membrane of Chara corallina was made accessible for patch pipettes by cutting a small window through the cell wall of plasmolyzed internodal cells. With pipettes containing Cl as Ca2+ or Ba2+ (50 or 100 mm), but not as Mg2+ or K+ salt, it was possible to record in the cell-attached mode for long periods with little channel activity, randomly interspersed with intervals of transient activation of two Cl channel types (cord conductance at +50 mV: 52 and 16 pS, respectively). During these periods of transient channel activity, variable numbers (up to some 10) of the two Cl channel types activated and again inactivated over several 100 msec in a coordinated fashion. Transient Cl channel activity was favored by voltages positive of the free running membrane voltage (> –45 mV); but positive voltage alone was neither a sufficient nor a necessary condition for activtion of these channels. Neither type of Cl channel was markedly voltage dependent. A third, nonselective 4 pS channel is a candidate for Ca2+ translocation. The activity of this channel does not correlate in time with the transient activity of the Cl channels. The entire set of results is consistent with the following microscopic mechanism of action potentials in Chara, concerning the role of Ca2+ and Cl for triggering and time course: Ca2+ uptake does not activate Cl channels directly but first supplies a membrane-associated population of Ca2+ storage sites. Depolarization enhances discharge of Ca2+ from these elements (none or few under the patch pipette) resulting in a local and transient increase of free Ca2+ concentration ([Ca2+]cyt) at the inner side of the membrane before being scavenged by the cytoplasmic Ca2+ buffer system. In turn, the transient rise in [Ca2+]cyt causes the transient activity of those Cl channels, which are more likely to open at an elevated Ca2+ concentration.The financial support by the Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft is gratefully acknowledged.  相似文献   

Summary We evaluated the effects of vawrying aqueous Cl concentrations, and of the arginyl- and lysyl-specific reagent phenylglyoxal (PGO), on the properties of Cl channels fused from basolaterally enriched renal medullary vesicles into planar lipid bilayers. The major channel properties studied were the anion selectivity sequence, anionic requirements for, channel activity. and the efects of varying Cl concentrations and/or PGO on the relation between holding voltageV H -mV) and open-time probability (P o).Reducingcis Cl concentrations, in the range 50–320mm, produced a linear reduction in fractional open time (P v) with a half-maximal reduction inP o atcis Cl170mM. Channel activity was sustained by equimolar replacement ofcis Cl with F, but not with impermeant isethionate. Fortrans solutions, the relation between Cl concentration andP 0 at 10mm Cl. Reducingcis Cl had no effect on the gating charge (Z) for channel opening, but altered significantly the voltage-independent, energy (G) for channel opening.Phenylglyoxal (PGO) reducedZ and altered G for Cl channel activity when added tocis, but nottrans solutions, Furthermore, in the presence ofcis PGO, reducing thecis Cl concentration had no effect onZ but altered G. Thus we propose thatcis PGO and,cis Cl concentrations affect separate sites determining channel activity at the extracellular faces of, these Cl channels.  相似文献   

[3H]Inositol accumulated by rat brain cultured astrocytes is released when cells swell by exposure to solutions of decreased osmolarity. Activation of inositol efflux was proportional to reductions in osmolarity from 30%–70%. This volume-activated inositol efflux pathway was increased (27%) in Na+-free medium and decreased (22%) in Cl-free medium. It was independent of extracellular Ca2+ and was reduced (30%) in the presence of the intracellular chelator [1,2-bis(o-aminophenoxy) ethane-N,N,N,N-tetraacetic acid tetra-(acetoxymethyl)-ester] (BAPTA-AM). The inositol efflux pathway was markedly inhibited by Cl channel blockers, which at maximal inhibitory concentrations decreased inositol efflux by 70%–83%. The potency range of the drugs was: 5-nitro-2-(3-phenylpropylamino)benzoic acid (NPPB)>1–9, dideoxyforskolin>4,4-diisothiocyanatostilbene-2,2-disulfonic acid (DIDS)>niflumic acid. Inositol efflux was strongly inhibited by the SH blocker N-ethyl maleimide (NEM), which at 100 M abolished inositol release. Inositol efflux can be reversed by increasing its extracellular concentration, suggesting that the efflux is mediated by a diffusional pathway whose direction is given by the concentration gradient. The inhibition of volume-associated fluxes of inositol by Cl channel blockers supports the suggestion of an anion channel as the common pathway for inorganic and organic osmolytes in cultured astrocytes.  相似文献   

Ca2+-activated Cl? currents have been implicated in many cellular processes in different cells, but for many years, their molecular identity remained unknown. Particularly intriguing are Ca2+-activated Cl? currents in olfactory transduction, first described in the early 90s. Well characterized electrophysiologically, they carry most of the odorant-induced receptor current in the cilia of olfactory sensory neurons (OSNs). After many attempts to determine their molecular identity, TMEM16B was found to be abundantly expressed in the cilia of OSNs in 2009 and having biophysical properties like those of the native olfactory channel. A TMEM16B knockout mouse confirmed that TMEM16B was indeed the olfactory Cl? channel but also suggested a limited role in olfactory physiology and behavior.

The question then arises of what the precise role of TMEM16b in olfaction is. Here we review the long story of this channel and its possible roles.  相似文献   

The distribution of lipocaline-type prostaglandin D synthase (L-PGDS) in rat brain was investigated by immunoelectron microscopy using a protein A-gold technique. In perivascular cells adjacent to the basement membrane of arterioles in the pia-arachnoid and of blood vessels in the subpial cortex, gold labeling was confined to the lumen of the dilated rough endoplasmic reticulum, and not found in the few lysosomes present in the cytoplasm. The results suggest that the perivascular cells secrete L-PGDS and seem not to degrade lipophilic molecules carried by L-PGDS. Moreover, gold particles representing the antigenic sites of L-PGDS were found in the Golgi apparatus, rough endoplasmic reticulum, vesicles, and nuclear envelope of arachnoid trabecular cells, arachnoid barrier cells, and arachnoid pia mater cells. The labeling was less detectable in the same organelles of choroid plexus epithelial cells, compared with leptomeningeal cells. In meningeal macrophages and parenchymal microglia, L-PGDS was detected in lysosomes, multivesicular bodies, and endocytic vesicles. The production of L-PGDS in perivascular cells is important to the various functions of this enzyme in brain parenchyma.  相似文献   

The objective of this work was to characterize in more detail the inhibition effect of diisothiocyanatostilbene-2′,2-disulfonic acid (DIDS) on anion channels isolated from the rat heart mitochondria. The channels reconstituted into a planar lipid membrane displayed limited powers of discrimination between anions and cations and the ion conductance measured under asymmetric (250/50 mM KCl, cis/trans) and symmetric (150 mM KCl) conditions was ∼100 pS. DIDS caused a dramatic decrease in the channel activity (IC50 = 11.7 ± 3.1 μM) only when it was added to the cis side of a planar lipid membrane. The inhibition was accompanied by the significant prolongation of closings and the shortening of openings within the burst as well as gaps between bursts were prolonged and durations of bursts were reduced. The blockade was complete and irreversible when concentration of DIDS was increased up to 200 μM. Our data indicate that DIDS is an allosteric blocker of mitochondrial anion channels and this specific effect could be used as a tool for reliable identification of anion channels on the functional level.  相似文献   

The evolution of the incorporation of cation transport channels into lysolecithin micelles by gramicidin A was followed by measuring the ns time-resolved fluorescence of the tryptophan residues. In all samples, the tryptophan fluorescence could be resolved into three exponentially decaying components. The three decay times ranged from 6 to 8 ns, 1.8 to 3 ns, and 0.3 to 0.8 ns, depending on the emission wavelength. The fractional fluorescence of each component changed with incubation time. The long lifetime component had a reduced contribution to the total fluorescence while the short decay time component increased. The fluorescence spectra could be resolved into three distinct fluorescent components having maxima at 340 nm, 330 nm and 323 nm after 90 min of incubation, and 335 nm, 325 nm and 320 nm after 24 h of incubation. These maxima were, respectively, associated with the long, medium and short decay components. The fluorescence decay behaviour was interpreted as representing three families of tryptophans, the short lifetime component being due to a stacking interaction between tryptophan residues. The variation with incubation time suggests a two-step process in the channel-lipid organization. The first is associated with the conformational change of the polypeptide as it takes up a left-handed helical head-to-head dimer structure in the lipid. The second step is proposed to involve changes originating from membrane assembly and intermolecular interactions between channels as they form hexameric clusters.  相似文献   

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