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为研究华北平原地区某铅冶炼厂对附近农田土壤和居民点内土壤重金属有效性的影响,在距离冶炼厂烟囱1000m和2500m处设置A1和A2两个采样断面(两断面间有一居民点),采取0~20cm土样,测定DTPA-Ni、Cu、Pb、Zn和Cd含量.结果表明,A1断面DTPA-Ni、Cu、Pb、Zn和Cd平均含量均低于A2断面.A1断面土壤DTPA-Pb和Cd变化范围分别为7.18~37.8和0.250~0.950mg·kg-1,平均值分别为25.2和0.580mg·kg-1;A2断面DTPA-Pb和Cd变化范围分别为14.7~133和0.280~2.35mg·kg-1,平均值分别为59.9和1.16mg·kg-1.所有样品的DTPA-Ni、Cu和Zn含量均小于5.5mg·kg-1.随着采样点距离冶炼厂烟囱距离的增加,土壤中DTPA-Ni、Cu、Pb、Zn和Cd含量呈非线性下降,可用幂方程(Ni、Cu和Pb)或对数方程(Zn和Cd)拟合.用Pb和Cd的拟合方程计算得到的研究区内居民点中心位置土壤DTPA-Pb和Cd含量分别为30.0和0.731mg·kg-1,高于地带性土壤背景值.DTPA-Ni、Cu、Pb、Zn和Cd的含量之间均存在极显著线性正相关关系(p<0.01).以上结果表明,冶炼厂造成研究区内土壤Pb和Cd有效性远高于正常水平,并导致Ni、Cu和Zn有效性有一定程度的升高,附近居民点内居民受到土壤高铅和高镉有效性的威胁;土壤铅和镉升高的范围达到距离冶炼厂烟囱2.8km以外区域.  相似文献   

The concentrations of 37 trace elements (Ag, Ba, Be, Cd, Ce, Co, Cr, Cs, Cu, Dy, Er, Ga, Gd, Ge, La, Li, Mo, Nb, Nd, Ni, Pb, Pr, Rb, Sb, Sm, Sn, Sr, Tb, Th, Tl, U, V, W, Y, Yb, Zn and Zr) were determined by ICP-MS in surface soils and plants (Sida rhombifolia) sampled around a lead smelter in Lastenia, Province of Tucuman, NW Argentina. Soil and plant patterns of Pb, Cd, Ag, Zn and Cu demonstrate the effects of pollutant dispersion plumes following the prevalent wind directions. The high element concentrations observed, especially Pb (>5,000 mg/kg), could cause serious environmental problems in areas of close proximity to the smelter. Consequently, measures to assess potential consequences for the local population should be considered to determine if measures to protect the environment are necessary.  相似文献   

美国瑞典日本农药环境管理综述   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
我国是个农业大国 ,农药的使用量大 ,使用品种多 ,农药对生态环境污染较为严重。长期以来 ,我国的农药环境管理极其薄弱 ,农药环境管理体系不完善。国外一些国家如美国、瑞典、日本等农药管理体制比较健全 ,在农药环境管理方面取得了一些成功经验 ,这对我国建立农药管理体系有很好的借鉴意义。  相似文献   

Cd、Pb污染对几种叶类蔬菜生长的影响及其毒害症状   总被引:14,自引:1,他引:14  
通过生物盆栽试验,研究了重金属Cd、Pb污染对3种叶类蔬菜(青菜、白菜、菠菜)生长的影响.结果表明,1)重金属污染对叶类蔬菜生长的影响及毒害症状因重金属种类和蔬菜品种而异.其中青菜对Pb污染敏感性最低,仅在高浓度污染时才表现出生长抑制作用.较低浓度Cd、Pb对蔬菜生长还具有一定促进作用.青菜、白菜和菠菜体内Cd累积量与土壤中Cd投加量呈显著线性关系(r2分别为0.995、0.992、0.958);2)蔬菜在不同重金属污染浓度下的吸收和富集能力存在差异.青菜和白菜在300mg·kg-1Cd投加量时表现出最大的富集能力(p<0.05).Pb处理下,白菜Pb富集系数始终低于青菜和菠菜,青菜的最大Pb富集系数出现在Pb投加量为2900mg·kg-1时;而菠菜则在Pb投加量1500mg·kg-1时表现出最强的Pb富集能力.  相似文献   

This study attempted to investigate whether increased hair lead concentrations due to environmental exposure are accompanied by parallel increases in blood lead concentrations. A sample set consisting of both occupationally-exposed individuals and persons from the general population was investigated. The lead content of scalp and pubic hair from the general population (n=189), traffic police personnel (n=27) and battery workers (n=22) were analysed. The hair samples were taken from the nape of the neck by cutting 23 cm closest to the scalp and cleaned using a washing procedure developed in our laboratory. The effectiveness of the washing procedure was partly determined by examining the scanning electron micrographs of the hair samples. Venous samples of blood were taken from each volunteer's arm.The traffic police and battery plant operators sampled had significantly higher average scalp hair and pubic hair lead levels than the non occupationally-exposed general population. No significant differences were found between the blood lead values of these workers and the general population. Compared to the general population both occupationally-exposed groups had significantly more symptoms of lead toxicity.Lead particles were still observed on the hair shafts after the washing procedure. The amount of such lead contamination was difficult to quantify, the problem being further exacerbated by the difference in hair texture of the persons sampled. This exogenous contamination therefore detracts from the usefulness of hair as an indicator of lead exposure.  相似文献   

Residential lead (Pb) contamination, resulting from decades-long use of leaded gasoline and lead-based paint, is likely to be present in soils in most urban areas. A screening level sampling effort demonstrated that Lubbock, Texas, USA, like other cities of its age and size, has areas of elevated soil Pb. This effort was based on soil sampling performed on residential, commercial and thoroughfare properties. The focus of this study was to investigate that component of soil contamination due to combustion of leaded gasoline. Soils were collected from the 1–2 cm surface layer from street-side property borders, well away from buildings that might lead to soil contamination from leaded paint chips. All samples were analyzed for Pb after a 1 M HNO3 mild extraction to determine the amount of bioavailable Pb. Two of three transects through the city demonstrated significant trends of decreasing Pb concentrations with distance from the city center, paralleling a decrease in developed property age. Peak soil Pb concentrations outside city development was 4.9 ± 0.6 mg/kg while the median concentration for the city was 35.4 mg/kg. Peak soil Pb concentrations in the city center ranged from 90.0 to 174.0 mg/kg and decreased exponentially to 6.0–9.0 mg/kg at the furthest terminus of the residential transects.  相似文献   

The background levels of lead in Jamaica in soils and sediments, estimated at 37 mg kg–1, are relatively high compared with world averages. Several areas have values in excess of this due to mineralisation and pollution. One such is the residential Hope Flats/Kintyre area in which levels of lead up to 2.5% are found in the soils and up to 8 g kg–1 in the water of the nearby Hope River. The blood lead levels of a sample of children were in the range 5.7–57 g dl–1. The high lead levels suggest a potential health risk, particularly for the children. This can be minimised by programmes which include community education, case management and abatement to reduce the lead exposure.  相似文献   

Environmental Accumulation of Airborne Fluorides in Romania   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
The nature and extent of pollution from an aluminium smelter and a fertiliser factory in Romania were studied. These are large industrial complexes, and both types of industry are known to release fluorides into the atmosphere. In grass samples collected from around the aluminium smelter, the maximum fluoride levels were found to be 4023mgkg–1 and 162mgkg–1 in unwashed and washed grass samples respectively, and 89mgkg–1 in soils. For the fertiliser factory, the maximum levels in washed grasses were found to be 207mgkg–1, and 11mgkg–1 in the soils. In both locations, these maximum values were obtained in samples collected from within 200m of the factory limits, and compare with regional background levels of less than 10mgkg–1 for grasses and 2mgkg–1 for soils. The high fluoride levels of fluoride in the grasses are sufficient to give cause for concern for the effects that these could have on the local population and on grazing animals.  相似文献   

研究了湖南省郴县东坡铅锌矿自然扩散晕内重金属的污染特征及污染控制措施,结果表明,该区域内的环境污染是以Pb、Zn、Cd和As为主的多金属复合污染,污染物在土壤中的化学形态以残渣态为主,水体中的细微尾矿砂颗粒物是重金属的主要迁移载体。该区域内作物中的Pb、Cd残留很高,用改变耕种制度的方法来控制铅锌矿区内的重金属污染是有效的  相似文献   

Two primary lead smelters and one secondary lead smelter have been active in the Socorro, New Mexico (USA) area in the last 110 years: the Billing smelter from 1883 to 1894, the Cuba Road smelter from 1881 to 1900, and Cal West from 1979 to 1984. Samples of plants and surface soil under each plant from all three sites were analysed for lead. The plants consisted of sparse grasses, cacti, creosote bush, snakeweed, mesquite and fourwing saltbush. Lead levels in the plants increased (2-440 g g–1) as the lead in the alkaline soils (25-10000 ng g–1) increased. However, the BAC (biological absorption coefficient), which is the ratio of lead content in the plant to the lead content in the soil, a measure of relative accumulation, decreased by one to two orders of magnitude, except for grasses and snakeweed. At background lead levels, there was little difference between lead in rootsversus foliage. At high lead levels, there was higher lead in roots versus foliage at the Billing and Cuba Road sites. The reverse was noted at Cal West. Because this is a recent operation, the higher lead in foliage may be due to foliar uptake. Plant growth at all sites appeared healthy.  相似文献   

Sludge resulting from industrial waste water treatment at the industrial area of Patras, Greece, was spiked with cadmium, chromium and lead and entrenched in 4 experimental trenches. Soil from the unsaturated zone and sludge from the trenches were sampled at successive time points over a period of 14 months to monitor the movement of metals. Results showed that 94% of cadmium and 80% of lead but only 32% of chromium migrated from the sludge just 14 months after the entrenchment.

At the end of this time the buried sludge could be considered stabilised, as indicated by the total nitrogen content. Cd content in underlying soil layers at 3 m depth showed an increase in the first 7 months followed by a decrease, afterwards. Soil Pb concentration at 3 and 6 m depth was significantly high, in relation to it's initial concentration 14 months after the entrenchment. Pb and Cd in the soil samples were negatively correlated. It is suggested that lead displaces cadmium in the sediments.  相似文献   

汽油无铅化与环境空气中铅污染的变化趋势   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
文章简要分析了 1 998年天津市环境空气及交通环境空气中铅污染的程度。机动车尾气排放是环境空气及交通环境空气中铅污染的重要来源 ,1 998年机动车推广使用无铅汽油后天津市铅污染状况明显减轻。  相似文献   

成都市河道表层沉积物(淤泥)铅污染特征   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
文章分析了成都市河道(沙河、府河、南河)表层沉积物淤泥铅含量特及铅同位素丰度比的测定数据,结果表明铅含量变化范围是21.1~279 mg/kg,平均值为65.3 mg/kg,中值55.2 mg/kg,统计标准差65.03,变异系数为0.996,说明河道表层沉积物含量变化大。端元物质的铅同位素组成特征是燃煤的放射成因铅高于燃油,可以示踪和鉴别成都市环境铅的污染来源。三河淤泥铅同位素组成均大多落在崔家店热电厂降尘和华能热电厂燃煤飞灰的范围,沙河、府河有少数几个样品点落在燃煤铅(崔家店热电厂燃煤降尘)和柴油铅之间,其铅的来源可能是两者的混合。  相似文献   

Levels of Pb, Zn, Cu, Cr, Ni and Cd were determined in topsoil and vegetation in the vicinity of a factory manufacturing lead- batteries in Ibadan, Nigeria. The samples were collected along five transects in different directions, and varying distances up to 1000m from the factory. Soil lead levels were found to be elevated around the factory, with average levels of about 2000mgkg–1 close to the fence that declined gradually to about 50mgkg–1 some 750m away. Soil-lead level around a primary school located about 500m from the factory was as high as 1450mgkg–1. Lead levels were equally elevated in the vegetation, though average levels in vegetation were slightly lower than in the soil. Cadmium concentrations in soil and vegetation, though low, were more positively correlated with lead levels than any of the other metals are with lead.  相似文献   

A river embankment sediment beneath a road bridge in South Australia had been surveyed on a previous occasion to a depth of 10 cm and found to contain high levels of copper, lead and zinc deposited during previous lead and zinc-based primer paint stripping operations prior to repainting the bridge. Since the river embankment is geologically different from the surrounding non-embankment soils, and a sufficient distance from the bridge along the river embankment could not be traversed, the geological background Cu, Pb and Zn fraction was established initially using a solid phase sequential extraction (SPSE) procedure. Assessment of the degree of contamination and extent of vertical mobility was then established. Copper was a minor contaminant and present predominantly as the geological background species. Lead was partitioned evenly between the oxalate soluble fraction and residual fraction to a depth of 30 cm with a decrease in total Pb concentration from 497 to 141 mg Pb kg–1 while Zn was predominantly in the oxalate soluble fraction to a depth of 15cm with a decrease in concentration from 1013 to 150 mg Zn kg–1. The reduced rate of nitrification and the lower total concentration of NO3 -N together with the higher respiratory quotient, combined with the lower microbial quotient, are indicative of microbial stress due to heavy metal toxicity. In the case of Pb and Zn paint stripping residues, these changes in indicators of microbial health are possibly the result of the greater abundance and hence possible bioavailabilty of organo- and chloro-Pb compared to organo- and chloro-Zn complexes.  相似文献   

The content and distribution of the lead in coal, gangue and the sulfur ball and the pyritic gangue of the Permo-Carboniferous in the North China Plate have been systematically studied (nearly 300 samples) in this paper. The Permo-Carboniferous coals in the North China Plate account for nearly 44.45 of total Chinese coal resources, and most of the steam coals in China come from the Permo-Carboniferous coals in the North China Plate. The result shows that lead content in the coal varied from 1.45 to 63.60 mg kg–1, averaging 23.95 mg kg–1; the lead content of the sulfur ball and the pyritic gangue in the coal seam ranges from 70.26–1060 mg kg–1, with an average of 271.28 mg kg–1; the lead content of the gangue is from 29.5 to 77.81 mg kg–1, averaging at 40.77 mg kg–1. The lead in the coal seam is mainly concentrated in the pyrite, such as sulfur ball, pyritic gangue or pyrite, and is the least concentrated in the organic of coal. The content of the lead has a direct ratio with the ash and the pyretic sulfur. Coal washing can reduce the content of the pyretic sulfur and the lead.  相似文献   

The Old Lead Belt of Missouri was a major lead-producing region for over a century. Several large tailings piles and other industrial wastes remain behind, though mining operations in the region ceased in 1972. Samples of stream sediments and fish were collected from established sites on the Big River and Flat River Creek over a 3-year period from 1998 to 2000 to evaluate ongoing remediation efforts and determine the current impact of residual mining wastes. Benthic sediments and fish taken in the vicinity of inactive industrial sites were found to contain elevated concentrations of Pb, Zn, Cu, and Cd. Concentrations of Pb and Zn in fillets of suckers and sunfish, as well as in whole bodies of sunfish, correlate well with metal concentrations observed in surficial sediments. The results of analyses provide valuable quantitative information regarding specific sources, current levels of contamination, potential risk to public health, and will allow more accurate assessment of continuing remediation efforts.  相似文献   

Lead contamination in the roadside soils of Slovenia   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
The level of lead contamination along the roadway Ljubljana to Zagreb was established in 184 soil samples. The samples were taken from two depths (0–5cm and 15–20cm) and at different distances from the roadway. The influence of terrain morphology, prevailing winds, geological parent material and type of vegetation was estimated. Heavy traffic is confirmed as main source of lead contamination (average enrichment factor 17) in soils. The highest lead accumulation is localised in the top soil layer and within 10m from the roadside. Contamination with lead is more pronounced in soil samples from cuttings and slopes than in soils from plains and mounds. Soils derived from carbonate rocks contain higher lead concentration than those derived from other parent material.  相似文献   

A specific enzootic form of geophagia (the deliberate ingestion of soil) occurs in young cattle and sheep in restricted areas of the Barkley-West, Postmasburg and Vryburg Districts of the Northern Cape- and North West Provinces of the Republic of South Africa. It results in severe, subacute to chronic hepatitis and jaundice, with a high mortality rate in untreated cases. An association between the disease and high concentrations of manganese in soils was shown since all the affected farms are situated on outcrops of the Reivilo Formation of the Campbell Rand Subgroup, which consists mainly of manganiferous dolomite. Furthermore high concentrations of manganese were found in the analysis of liver specimens from affected calves and the characteristic microscopic pathological changes in the liver could be induced experimentally in a calf and lamb by oral administration of manganese sulphate. The highest incidence of geophagia occurs at 7 to 14 days, whereas calves older than about 2 months are rarely affected. The symptoms usually start with intermittent, progressive geophagia, followed by constipation, dehydration and death within ca. 7–10 days in untreated cases. Young calves and lambs display an insatiable appetite for soil and sometimes lick iron poles. The treatment of calves by the parenteral injection of commercial iron-dextran- and vitamin B12 preparations at 1 to 2 days after birth, and at 14 days of age, at the registered therapeutic doses, appeared to have a marked preventative effect on the occurrence of geophagia and its complications. Regional geochemical maps show a northeast–southwest trending anomaly in MnO, Zn and Pb, visually correlating with the distribution of the affected farms. Anomalously high distributions of Pb and Zn are also spatially related to the Pering (Pb,Zn) Mine. In this study, two farms were selected for comparative purposes. Gam, a farm situated on the Reivilo Formation of the Campbellrand Subgroup was chosen where a high incidence of geophagia occurred, as well as the farm Holpan on the Lyttelton Formation of the Malmani Subgroup where the problem was not known to be present. The farm Holpan was chosen as a control area, and is situated close to an old manganese mine on dolomite with a high MnO content. Geographically, Holpan is situated in an area with a high rainfall, with leaching and the formation of deep red soils on the dolomite, together with a hilly relief and low soil pHH 2 O. Gam is situated in an area with lower rainfall, where precipitation would be less than evapotranspiration. The dolomite of the Malmani Subgroup and the Reivilo Formation are significantly different in their soil geochemistry. The MnO, Fe2O3 T and Co contents are significantly higher in the soils of the Malmani Subgroup than in the Reivilo Formation. The MnO, Zn and Pb contents on Gam are higher than on Holpan, whereas the Fe2O3 T and Co contents are lower. Soil on Holpan contains iron-minerals such as haematite, while no iron minerals were detected in the soils of Gam. The concretions, found in the soils on both farms, differs remarkably in iron-contents. Concretions on both farms have similar high concentrations of MnO, whereas the FeO content are low for the concretions on Gam and high for Holpan. Preliminary comparative analytical results of the colostrum, sampled from cows with new born calves within three days of birth, do not entirely reflect the soil geochemistry of the different farms. Whereas the soils on Gam have higher MnO, Zn and Pb, and lower Fe2O3 T and Co than Holpan, the colostrum produced on Gam has lower Mn, Fe and Co than on Holpan. The Pb and Zn concentrations in the colostrum on both farms do not differ significantly. The comparative regional geochemical soil data, together with the colostrum data, suggest that young calves on the farm Gam probably suffer from Fe and Co deficiency. Conversely, it was illustrated that the Fe and Co content in the soils are high and the Fe is abundant in the concretions on the farm Holpan. These findings, together with the apparent absence of geophagia at Holpan, as well as the observed effect of iron and cobalt supplementation in the prevention of geophagia on the farm Gam, suggests an association of geophagia with iron and cobalt deficiencies on the farm Gam.  相似文献   

This study tests the hypothesis that exterior sources of lead dust are more important than interior sources in the route of exposure of children. Benign field methods were used to distinguish between potential and actual lead exposure problems. Utilising hand wipe and surface wipe techniques, hand and environmental samples were obtained from selected day care centres at different locations within New Orleans. Previous research has shown that soil lead is determined by location within the city. Private and public day care centres were selected from inner and outer city areas to estimate the extent of hand lead exposure. To measure and identify the extent of environmental lead exposure, hand wipes were taken before and after playing outdoors. Results of preliminary findings show that outdoor lead dust is a more potent contaminant of hands than indoor lead dust. An association was found between the amount of lead on children's hands after playing outdoors and the lead content in the exterior dust and soil. Although two girls out of forty children had exceptionally high hand lead quantities after playing outdoors, in general, boys have higher hand lead levels than girls. The private inner-city day care centre had a severe contamination problem in its outdoor play area. By contrast, the outdoor play area of the public inner city day care centre is of such a high quality that the quantity of lead dust is independent of location in the city.  相似文献   

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