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  • 1. Despite progress in the development of conceptual models of river processes, the validation and application of these models to conservation may be limited by a deficit of tools for intermediate‐scale (1–100km) reaches. A model was developed to examine the effect of variation in flow on the responses of two trophic levels in a large temperate river (Sacramento River) and its seasonal floodplain (Yolo Bypass). Field data and hydrologic simulations were evaluated for three hydrologically diverse years.
  • 2. The simulations showed much more hydrologic variability in the floodplain than the river, with greater total surface and shallow area, longer hydraulic residence times, and lower water velocities for the floodplain.
  • 3. Chlorophyll a levels were significantly higher in the floodplain than in the river, and were negatively associated with flow. These results were consistent with longer hydraulic residence times, increased surface area of shallow water, and warmer water temperatures.
  • 4. Copepods and cladoceran densities were similar in the river and its floodplain, and were mostly negatively associated with flow.
  • 5. There were significantly higher densities of Diptera and terrestrial invertebrates in the floodplain than the river. Diptera densities in the floodplain were positively associated with flow.
  • 6. These results provide evidence of the incremental value of floodplain habitat to the conservation of large rivers. In particular, it appears that providing river–floodplain connectivity can enhance production of lower trophic levels at relatively rapid time scales, probably benefitting secondary consumers, including Chinook salmon (Onchyrhynchus tshawytscha).
Copyright © 2004 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Pilger TJ, Gido KB, Propst DL. Diet and trophic niche overlap of native and nonnative fishes in the Gila River, USA: implications for native fish conservation. Ecology of Freshwater Fish 2010: 19: 300–321. © 2010 John Wiley & Sons A/S Abstract –  The upper Gila River basin is one of the few unimpounded drainage basins west of the Continental Divide, and as such is a stronghold for endemic fishes in the region. Nevertheless, multiple nonindigenous fishes potentially threaten the persistence of native fishes, and little is known of the trophic ecology of either native or nonnative fishes in this system. Gut contents and stable isotopes (13C and 15N) were used to identify trophic relationships, trophic niche overlap and evaluate potential interactions among native and nonnative fishes. Both native and nonnative fishes fed across multiple trophic levels. In general, adult native suckers had lower 15N signatures and consumed more algae and detritus than smaller native fish, including juvenile suckers. Adult nonnative smallmouth bass (Micropterus dolomieu), yellow bullhead (Ameiurus natalis) and two species of trout preyed on small‐bodied fishes and predaceous aquatic invertebrates leading to significantly higher trophic positions than small and large‐bodied native fishes. Thus, the presence of these nonnative fishes extended community food‐chain lengths by foraging at higher trophic levels. Although predation on juvenile native fishes might threaten persistence of native fishes, the high degree of omnivory suggests that impacts of nonnative predators may be lessened and dependent on environmental variability.  相似文献   

River–floodplain complexes represent some of the most variable and diverse habitats on earth, yet they are among our planet's most threatened ecosystems. Use of these habitats by large‐bodied fishes is especially poorly understood, particularly in temperate regions. To provide insight into the factors that affect floodplain assemblages and migration, we sampled large‐bodied fishes with a fyke trap for 7 years in the Yolo Bypass, the primary flood basin of the Sacramento River, California. We collected a total of 18,336 individual fish comprised of 27 species, only 41% of which were native. Year‐round resident species white catfish Ameiurus catus, channel catfish Ictalurus punctatus and common carp Cyprinus carpio (all alien species) were the most abundant and comprised 74% of the total catch. Splittail Pogonichthys macrolepidotus (3.8%), white sturgeon Acipenser transmontanus (2.3%) and Sacramento sucker Catostomus occidentalis (1.1%) were the primary native species. We found that seasonal variation in water temperature and flood stage were important factors affecting the fish assemblage structure and the presence of migratory species. American shad Alosa sapidissima, an alien species, showed highest abundance during the early summer upstream migration, when temperatures were warmer. For native species, the abundances of white sturgeon, splittail, Sacramento pikeminnow Ptychocheilus grandis and Sacramento sucker were all highest during flood pulses. While our results suggest that flow alone is not sufficient to control alien species, the strong linkage between native fish migration and flow pulses highlights the importance of river–floodplain connectivity for the conservation of native fishes.  相似文献   

Abstract— Between March 1992 and February 1993 five piscivorous fish species, Acestrorhynchus lacustris (Reinhardt, 1874), Hoplias malabaricus (Bloch, 1794), Rhaphiodon vulpinus Agassiz, 1829, Salminus maxillosus , Valenciennes, 1840 and Plagioscion squamosissimus (Heckel, 1840), of the high Paranà River floodplain showed a wide total prey spectrum though only three to four taxa were dominant in their diet. Shrimp, Macrobrachium amazonicum , were also common to the majority of species. Seasonal and spatial variations occurred throughout the study period probably due the availability of prey species. The main resources shared by the predators were also the most abundant in the area, with consumption markedly focused on prey about 5.0 cm long. Detrended correspondence analysis was effective in discriminating two groups of predators species that exploited distinct microhabitats. The predators with the least scores consumed small characids that inhabit mid-water or the littoral region, whereas those with the largest scores consumed prey associated to the bottom.  相似文献   

The Amazon River Basin has the highest fish species diversity of any region in the world, but is under threat from anthropogenic perturbations including overharvesting, alien species and drought. We asked whether species diversity in this region is more a function of within‐lake species richness (i.e., α diversity) or differences among lakes (β diversity). Although many studies have reported on species richness and diversity in single habitats, the importance of measuring diversity at different spatial scales is not yet well established. We collected fish in 10 floodplain lakes along the Solimões River (Brazil), divided evenly between two lake types: those on islands in the river channel (island lakes) and those on the margins of the river (coastal lakes) during 2006. We partitioned fish diversity into three spatial scales: α = within each lake; β1 = among lakes of the same type (coastal or island) and β2 = between the two types of lakes, and compared their relative contributions to regional (γ) diversity. β1 + β2 contributed as much or more to γ diversity than did α. Although many of the 116 fish species were shared between lake types (= 72), 32 species were found exclusively in coastal lakes and 12 species were found exclusively in island lakes. Coastal lakes, which were deeper and cooler than island lakes, consistently had higher fish species richness than island lakes. We suggest that it will be necessary to set areas large enough to contain multiple lakes of both types to preserve regional fish diversity.  相似文献   

Abstract – Synoptic fish surveys of river and irrigation canal sites and a path-analytic approach evaluate seasonal changes in fish assemblages in canal systems and river reaches of the middle Rio Grande, NM (USA). The objective was to assess how fish assemblages within the Isleta Reach respond to irrigation season and off-season variations in water and fish contributions from upstream river channels (Albuquerque Reach) and from the Peralta irrigation system. Eighteen species of fish were found in the irrigation canals, 13 in the Isleta Reach and 15 in the Albuquerque Reach. The proportion of nonnative fishes was higher in canals (56%) than in the river (11%). Species rank abundances were used in path analyses of fish species compositions during the irrigation season and off-season. During the irrigation season, path coefficients indicated fish movements downstream from the Albuquerque Reach (0.55) to the Isleta Reach exceeded contributions by the conveyance-return (0.29) and drain-return (0.05) canals. However, as the river de-watered the return canals were important refuge habitats for native fishes. The 0.05 value represented a major decline relative to the path coefficient for the upstream Peralta drain canal (0.72). During the off-season path coefficients indicated fish movements of 0.47 downstream in the river and 0.59 in the conveyance-return canal but a negligible value for the drain-return canal (-0.06). Irrigation management could be modified to favour native fish ecology by controlling movement of nonnative predators in canal systems and in providing refuge habitats for native fish during periods when water demand exceeds the supply.  相似文献   

  1. Mahseer (Tor spp., Cyprinidae) are iconic, large-bodied, migratory freshwater fishes of Asian rivers. Long valued as a food source and serving other societal roles, these fishes are severely threatened by a broad range of interacting and escalating human impacts, including dam construction, water pollution, over-exploitation, and habitat destruction. Mahseer fishes are therefore beneficial to people, both directly and as indicators of ecosystem functionality and the associated ecosystem service benefits provided by the rivers that they inhabit.
  2. A literature review demonstrated that wild mahseer populations have a direct role in 11 of the 36 ecosystem services assessed and are indicative of a further 18 ecosystem services provided by the habitats that support them.
  3. Recognition of this range of ecosystem service benefits is helpful in describing to non-specialist public and policy-making communities the diversity of values provided by mahseer fishes and their supporting habitats, and hence the importance of their conservation.
  4. Assessment of the broad range of ecosystem services to which mahseer contribute is an approach that could usefully be applied to promote the benefits of conserving other ‘umbrella’ taxa and the habitats that support them.

1. The habitat of Texas wild‐rice (Zizania texana Hitchcock), known only from the spring‐fed upper San Marcos River in Central Texas, was classified in terms of physical and chemical conditions, depth, current velocity, associated aquatic macrophytes, and substrate composition. 2. Randomly selected transects in sites with and without Texas wild‐rice were evaluated during May, August and January 1994–1995. Physical and chemical conditions (temperature, dissolved oxygen, specific conductance, pH) were found to be nearly constant and uniform both among transect types and sampling dates. Chemical analysis of the substrate likewise showed few differences among transect types. Turbidity was found to be significantly different among transect types on only one sampling date (Kα0.05=0.60; p=0.009), but even non‐significant levels of turbidity may present biologically significant impacts to wild‐rice plants. 3. Differences in substrate particle size were highly significant (Kα0.05=0.71; p=0.001) with Texas wild‐rice occupying sites having moderately coarse to coarse sandy soils (73%) compared with the moderately fine to fine clay soils found at non‐rice sites (82%). However, no significant differences were found in organic matter content among rice and non‐rice transects ( =2.09 and 2.56%, respectively). 4. Texas wild‐rice was found primarily in shallow areas of the river (<1 m) and at higher current velocities than those of non‐rice sites ( ≥0.46 m s−1 and ≤0.22 m s−1, respectively). 5. Texas wild‐rice appears to be more commonly associated with other native species rather than exotic species. Mean percentage composition of exotic macrophytes did not exceed 29% in areas where Texas wild‐rice grew, but they accounted for nearly 47% of the composition in areas where rice did not grow. 6. The results of this study will allow for reliable and accurate identification of the remaining suitable habitat of Texas wild‐rice in the San Marcos River for possible reintroduction and development of management plans. Copyright © 1999 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Abstract – Introductions of large, non‐native, carnivorous fishes continue to occur worldwide and represent a substantial management concern to global biodiversity. One of the most recent non‐native fishes to successfully establish in North America is the northern snakehead (Channa argus), found in the lower Potomac River catchment. Dispersal of the northern snakehead throughout this system has been well documented since its original discovery in May 2004; however, little is known about the foraging habits of this species and its interactions with co‐occurring predators. Here, we quantify northern snakehead diet in comparison with the diets of naturalised largemouth bass (Micropterus salmoides), and native American eel (Anguilla rostrata) and yellow perch (Perca flavescens) collected from tidal freshwaters bordering Virginia and Maryland near Fort Belvoir, Virginia. Over 97% of northern snakehead gut contents were fishes, with fundulid and centrarchid species consumed most frequently. Dietary overlap was biologically significant only between northern snakehead and largemouth bass. Aquatic invertebrates were >10 times more common in native predator diets, reducing dietary overlap with northern snakehead. Ontogenic shifts in adult northern snakehead diet were also detected, which may be explained by optimal foraging rather than true prey specificity. Northern snakehead may be occupying a novel niche based on a piscivorous diet, therefore limiting competition with resident predators in the lower Potomac River. Further research into interactions between largemouth bass and northern snakehead is needed to inform management decisions and understand the ecological impacts of this non‐native species.  相似文献   

  • 1. Five side‐channels and small tributaries of the River Avon (Hampshire, UK) were examined between spring 1999 and spring 2000 using point abundance sampling by electrofishing to determine the status of fish listed in Annex II of the EC Habitats Directive prior to habitat management works to enhance spring feeding habitat of wading birds.
  • 2. Seasonal patterns of abundance and microhabitat use of bullhead Cottus gobio and accompanying fish species were examined. Parr of Atlantic salmon Salmo salar were sufficiently abundant for microhabitat analysis at one site only. Only two specimens of brook lamprey Lampetra fluviatilis were observed, one at each of two sites. Bullhead was amongst the most abundant fish species at all five sites, 0+ bullhead predominating.
  • 3. Bullhead microhabitat preferences were generally similar at all five sites, but seasonal variations were observed, as was the case for the accompanying fish species, which included dace Leuciscus leuciscus, chub Leuciscus cephalus, stone loach Barbatula barbatula, roach Rutilus rutilus, and threespine stickleback Gasterosteus aculeatus.
  • 4. Bullhead conservation status is discussed, in particular the possible exemption of British bullhead populations, such as already granted for those of Finland, from Annex II of the Habitats Directive.
© Crown Copyright 2004 Reproduced with the permission of Her Majesty's Stationary Office. Published by John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

  1. Reef manta rays (Mobula alfredi) are one of the ocean's largest and most charismatic species. Pressure from targeted and bycatch fisheries coupled with their conservative life‐history traits including slow growth, late maturity, and low fecundity has led to catastrophic declines of the global population. The species is now listed as Vulnerable to Extinction on IUCN Red List of Threatened Species.
  2. The global M. alfredi population is widely distributed in highly fragmented subpopulations. The Maldives supports the world's largest known subpopulation that undergoes seasonal migrations which are thought to be linked to peaks in ocean productivity induced by the South Asian Monsoon. Although the species is protected from targeted fisheries in the region, increasing pressures from habitat degradation and unsustainable tourism activities mean their effective conservation relies upon knowledge of the species' habitat use, seasonal distribution, and the environmental influences on such movements.
  3. Photo‐ID sighting records collected between 2005 and 2017 were used to identify key aggregation sites throughout the archipelago, and multiple linear regression and prediction analysis identified the environmental variables affecting variations in the intra‐annual sighting frequency of M. alfredi.
  4. Mobula alfredi were recorded at 273 different sites, 48 of which, with >100 sightings at each, were classified as key areas of habitat use. South‐west monsoon winds and chlorophyll‐a concentration predominantly affected the monthly percentage of M. alfredi sighted on the down‐current side of the atolls.
  5. In a country where climate change and touristic pressure are increasingly threatening this species and its habitat, the identification of key areas of habitat use and temporal changes in the use of these sites highlight the areas that should be prioritized for protection enabling more effective conservation management.

  • 1. The lacustrine brown trout (Salmo trutta) is endangered and of high conservation importance. In the only spawning habitat of the population in the Bavarian Lake Walchensee, the River Obernach, a substantial decrease in spawning runs has been reported. In this study, the present ecological state of the spawning stream was analysed with the objective of identifying life‐stage specific limitations to successful recruitment attributable to deficiencies in (i) spawning migration, (ii) spawning habitat quality, and (iii) habitat quality for juveniles.
  • 2. Structural stream analysis showed that discharge and several migration barriers — particularly near the river outlet into the lake — prevent successful spawning migrations at normal water levels. Migration barriers are probably the main limiting factor for reproduction of lacustrine brown trout, whereas structural variability of the Obernach meets the habitat requirements of both spawners and juveniles.
  • 3. Spawning site quality was suitable for trout, as indicated by stream substratum texture and high exchange rates between free‐flowing water and the interstitial zone in physico‐chemical parameters (redox potential, dissolved oxygen, pH, temperature and conductivity).
  • 4. Analyses of fish community structure revealed dominance of lithophilic species, in particular of riverine brown trout (Salmo trutta). Its density and intact demographic population structure suggest that spawning and juvenile habitat quality for salmonids is not limiting. Recapture of stocked lacustrine trout juveniles also indicates habitat suitability for the juvenile stage.
  • 5. In conclusion, the results show that the methodology used in this study is suitable for the identification of life‐stage specific habitat deficiencies in lacustrine brown trout and other fish species. Availability of habitat data throughout the species' distribution range is a first crucial step for the development of an effective recovery plan. Copyright © 2009 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.

Flow regime is one of the major determinants of establishment success for non‐native aquatic organisms. Here, we examine the influence of flow variability associated with snowmelt flood on the establishment success of non‐native brown trout in 10 streams in northern Japan. We regarded the presence of Age‐0 brown trout as the index of the successful establishment. The emergence of Age‐0 brown trout in our study region begins in May, a time that overlaps with the occurrence of snowmelt flood. The presence of Age‐0 brown trout was negatively associated with flow variability, and it was also negatively associated with summer water temperature. Our results indicate that the non‐native brown trout tends to establish in the streams with smaller snowmelt floods and lower summer water temperatures. Brown trout is an invasive, non‐native species that is problematic all over the world, and effective management strategies for preventing their further expansion are urgently needed. This study suggests that river managers should recognise that stable streams such as spring‐fed streams (i.e., low flow and summer water temperature) and flow‐regulated streams, have a higher potential risk of brown trout invasion.  相似文献   

The American sand lance (Ammodytes americanus, Ammodytidae) and the Northern sand lance (A. dubius, Ammodytidae) are small forage fishes that play an important functional role in the Northwest Atlantic Ocean (NWA). The NWA is a highly dynamic ecosystem currently facing increased risks from climate change, fishing and energy development. We need a better understanding of the biology, population dynamics and ecosystem role of Ammodytes to inform relevant management, climate adaptation and conservation efforts. To meet this need, we synthesized available data on the (a) life history, behaviour and distribution; (b) trophic ecology; (c) threats and vulnerabilities; and (d) ecosystem services role of Ammodytes in the NWA. Overall, 72 regional predators including 45 species of fishes, two squids, 16 seabirds and nine marine mammals were found to consume Ammodytes. Priority research needs identified during this effort include basic information on the patterns and drivers in abundance and distribution of Ammodytes, improved assessments of reproductive biology schedules and investigations of regional sensitivity and resilience to climate change, fishing and habitat disturbance. Food web studies are also needed to evaluate trophic linkages and to assess the consequences of inconsistent zooplankton prey and predator fields on energy flow within the NWA ecosystem. Synthesis results represent the first comprehensive assessment of Ammodytes in the NWA and are intended to inform new research and support regional ecosystem‐based management approaches.  相似文献   

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