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The central Main Ethiopian Rift suffers a severe water quality problem, characterized by an anomalously high fluoride (F) content that causes an endemic fluorosis disease. The current study, conducted in the Ziway–Shala lakes basin, indicates that the F content exceeds the permissible limit for drinking prescribed by the World Health Organization (WHO; 1.5 mg/l) in many important wells (up to 20 mg/l), with even more extreme F concentration in hot springs and alkaline lakes (up to 97 and 384 mg/l respectively). The groundwater and surface water from the highlands, typically characterized by low total dissolved solids (TDS) and Ca (Mg)–HCO3 hydrochemical facies, do not show high F content. The subsequent interaction of these waters with the various rocks of the rift valley induces a general increase of the TDS, and a variation of the chemical signature towards Na–HCO3 compositions, with a parallel enrichment of F. The interacting matrixes are mainly rhyolites consisting of volcanic glass and only rare F-bearing accessory minerals (such as alkali amphibole). Comparing the abundance and the composition of the glassy groundmass with other mineral phases, it appears that the former stores most of the total F budget. This glassy material is extremely reactive, and its weathering products (i.e. fluvio/volcano-lacustrine sediments) further concentrate the fluoride. The interaction of these “weathered/reworked” volcanic products with water and carbon dioxide at high pH causes the release of fluoride into the interacting water. This mainly occurs by a process of base-exchange softening with the neo-formed clay minerals (i.e. Ca–Mg uptake by the aquifer matrix, with release of Na into the groundwater). This is plausibly the main enrichment mechanism that explains the high F content of the local groundwater, as evidenced by positive correlation between F, pH, and Na, and inverse correlation between F and Ca (Mg). Saturation indices (SI) have been calculated (using PHREEQC-2) for the different water groups, highlighting that the studied waters are undersaturated in fluorite. In these conditions, fluoride cannot precipitate as CaF2, and so mobilizes freely without forming other complexes. These results have important implications for the development of new exploitation strategies and accurate planning of new drilling sites. Electronic supplementary material  The online version of this article (doi:) contains supplementary material, which is available to authorized users.  相似文献   

Giacomo Corti   《Earth》2009,96(1-2):1-53
The Main Ethiopian Rift is a key sector of the East African Rift System that connects the Afar depression, at Red Sea–Gulf of Aden junction, with the Turkana depression and Kenya Rift to the South. It is a magmatic rift that records all the different stages of rift evolution from rift initiation to break-up and incipient oceanic spreading: it is thus an ideal place to analyse the evolution of continental extension, the rupture of lithospheric plates and the dynamics by which distributed continental deformation is progressively focused at oceanic spreading centres.The first tectono-magmatic event related to the Tertiary rifting was the eruption of voluminous flood basalts that apparently occurred in a rather short time interval at around 30 Ma; strong plateau uplift, which resulted in the development of the Ethiopian and Somalian plateaus now surrounding the rift valley, has been suggested to have initiated contemporaneously or shortly after the extensive flood-basalt volcanism, although its exact timing remains controversial. Voluminous volcanism and uplift started prior to the main rifting phases, suggesting a mantle plume influence on the Tertiary deformation in East Africa. Different plume hypothesis have been suggested, with recent models indicating the existence of deep superplume originating at the core-mantle boundary beneath southern Africa, rising in a north–northeastward direction toward eastern Africa, and feeding multiple plume stems in the upper mantle. However, the existence of this whole-mantle feature and its possible connection with Tertiary rifting are highly debated.The main rifting phases started diachronously along the MER in the Mio-Pliocene; rift propagation was not a smooth process but rather a process with punctuated episodes of extension and relative quiescence. Rift location was most probably controlled by the reactivation of a lithospheric-scale pre-Cambrian weakness; the orientation of this weakness (roughly NE–SW) and the Late Pliocene (post 3.2 Ma)-recent extensional stress field generated by relative motion between Nubia and Somalia plates (roughly ESE–WNW) suggest that oblique rifting conditions have controlled rift evolution. However, it is still unclear if these kinematical boundary conditions have remained steady since the initial stages of rifting or the kinematics has changed during the Late Pliocene or at the Pliocene–Pleistocene boundary.Analysis of geological–geophysical data suggests that continental rifting in the MER evolved in two different phases. An early (Mio-Pliocene) continental rifting stage was characterised by displacement along large boundary faults, subsidence of rift depression with local development of deep (up to 5 km) asymmetric basins and diffuse magmatic activity. In this initial phase, magmatism encompassed the whole rift, with volcanic activity affecting the rift depression, the major boundary faults and limited portions of the rift shoulders (off-axis volcanism). Progressive extension led to the second (Pleistocene) rifting stage, characterised by a riftward narrowing of the volcano-tectonic activity. In this phase, the main boundary faults were deactivated and extensional deformation was accommodated by dense swarms of faults (Wonji segments) in the thinned rift depression. The progressive thinning of the continental lithosphere under constant, prolonged oblique rifting conditions controlled this migration of deformation, possibly in tandem with the weakening related to magmatic processes and/or a change in rift kinematics. Owing to the oblique rifting conditions, the fault swarms obliquely cut the rift floor and were characterised by a typical right-stepping arrangement. Ascending magmas were focused by the Wonji segments, with eruption of magmas at surface preferentially occurring along the oblique faults. As soon as the volcano-tectonic activity was localised within Wonji segments, a strong feedback between deformation and magmatism developed: the thinned lithosphere was strongly modified by the extensive magma intrusion and extension was facilitated and accommodated by a combination of magmatic intrusion, dyking and faulting. In these conditions, focused melt intrusion allows the rupture of the thick continental lithosphere and the magmatic segments act as incipient slow-spreading mid-ocean spreading centres sandwiched by continental lithosphere.Overall the above-described evolution of the MER (at least in its northernmost sector) documents a transition from fault-dominated rift morphology in the early stages of extension toward magma-assisted rifting during the final stages of continental break-up. A strong increase in coupling between deformation and magmatism with extension is documented, with magma intrusion and dyking playing a larger role than faulting in strain accommodation as rifting progresses to seafloor spreading.  相似文献   

The northern Lake Abaya area located in the southern part of the Main Ethiopian Rift (MER) evidently contains an advective hydrothermal system. Regional extensional tectonics and subsidence that began in Late Miocene was followed by rift margin rhyolitic volcanism which produced extensive ignimbrite succession and rift shoulder trachytic volcanism in Pliocene. The extensional axis of the MER became the locus of volcanic activity in the Quaternary with bimodal basalt – rhyolitic volcanic products in the rift floor. Shallow crustal magma chambers feeding the axial volcanic complexes provide heat for the hydrothermal system which reside in Tertiary volcanic succession and is capped by lacustrine and volcanoclastic graben infill sediments. Duguna Fango rhyolitic volcanic complex which has extruded as much volume of volcanic products as all the other felsic centers put together is the most important heat source for the hydrothermal system and related manifestations. The closed drainage basin centered at Lake Abaya with adjacent plateau receiving over 1500 mm annual precipitation maintains a stable recharge for the prevailing hydrothermal system. Regional ground water flow direction is to the southwest following Bilate River which is the major river draining into the lake flowing parallel to the major NNE-SSW structural pattern of MER.Analyses of remote sensing data provided some insight into how the structural fabric had a control on the distribution of the groups of hydrothermal manifestations identified as hydrothermal fields. Thermal infrared image showed distinct thermal signature over the rift floor where hydrothermal fields are situated as compared to the plateau and areas covered by the cap-rock. A hydrothermal field around Duguna Fango volcanic complex has volcanological favorable setting despite lower inferred reservoir equilibrium geothermometer temperatures on the thermal springs. About 30 km to the south two other hydrothermal fields are located at a latitudinal distance of less than 15 km between each other. The near boiling point spring #6 of Northwest Abaya discharge mature water with highest geothermal fluid – host rock equilibrium geothermometer temperatures which together with a nearby fumarolic activity may be explained as an outflow. Across Chewkare graben the Bolcho and northeast Abaya hydrothermal fields located between Bilate and Gidabo rivers geochemically appear to be from a different high-enthalpy geothermal reservoir probably related to the cluster of felsic volcanic centers such as Chericho, Kilisa, Donga and Werencha. The high temperature springs indicate the existence of at least two geochemically distinct hydrothermal reservoirs in the study area. It remains to be proven weather an up-flow of an advective hydrothermal system centered to the north around Duguna Fango have long distance concealed out flows to the south on the northern shores of Lake Abaya which is the hydrologic depocenter.  相似文献   

Deformation and magmatism within the 90 km wide northern Ethiopian Rift system is concentrated along a narrow zone - the Wonji Fault Belt. Two key areas (the Nazret-Dera and Asela-Ziway areas), located along the eastern margin of the north-northeast to northeast trending Main Ethiopian Rift, have been investigated in order to reconstruct the recent tectonomagmatic evolution of the northern branch of the Main Ethiopian Rift. In these areas, Early Pleistocene volcanic products (Wonji Group) overlie Pliocene volcanic rocks (Eastern Margin Unit). Detailed stratigraphical reconstructions have revealed the presence of several tectonomagmatic units which can be correlated between the two study areas. The stratigraphical and petrological study of these units outlined (1) the bimodal composition (basalts-pantellerites) of the oldest and youngest units and the unimodal character (pantellerites) of the products erupted during the intervening period; (2) the mainly fissural origin of the ignimbrites and oldest basalts; and (3) a mafic/felsic volumetric ratio of 1:5.The geological data suggest that, around the Pliocene-Quaternary boundary, a change in the stress field occurred in this Main Ethiopian Rift sector, passing from a direction of extension roughly orthogonal to the rift shoulders, to oblique rifting related to an east-west trending extension. In this framework the change in the style of volcanism observed in the Nazret-Dera and Asela-Ziway areas can be related to the change of the stress field. A new geodynamic model is presented for the Late Pliocene to Recent evolution of this sector of the Main Ethiopian Rift. According to this model, a large volume of rhyolitic products was erupted during an oblique rifting phase, following a previous period of pure extension. The change in the tectonic regime favoured partial melting of the underplated basalts as a decrease in the pressure and an elevation of isotherms occurred.  相似文献   

Stratigraphic analysis of alluvial/colluvial sequences and 14C dating have been used as proxies for Holocene climate changes in the highlands of Tigray (northern Ethiopia). The studied records show alternations of buried soils and peaty–clayey sediments, pointing to wet, stabilization phases, and organic-free colluvium layers resulting from the abrupt occurrence of dry-climate episodes. The 14C dates, mostly unpublished, cluster in the 11,090–9915, 9465–9135, 8450–7330, 6720–3635, 2710–2345, and 1265–790 cal yr B.P. time spans. Evidence of subsequent pedogenesis is lacking in the area, apart from a buried humified horizon dated at 300 ± 60 14C yr B.P. (460–295 cal yr B.P.). Both the timing and the pattern of Tigray paleoclimatic events fit the corresponding framework, based on lake level changes, previously implemented for the Main Rift Valley. These findings give further support for arguing that the forcing mechanisms of the wet/dry fluctuations during the Holocene were effective over a large scale.  相似文献   

In this contribution we report the results of an experimental study that investigated equilibrium and fractional crystallization of hydrous, transitional alkaline basalt at low oxygen fugacity, under lower to middle crustal conditions to constrain the generation of subaluminous and peralkaline differentiation products that typically occur in rift systems. The experiments reveal that liquids produced by equilibrium crystallization in the range 0.7–1 GPa cannot cross the subaluminous/peralkaline compositional divide. In contrast, fractional crystallization experiments under isobaric and polybaric conditions approach closer the naturally observed trend from subaluminous to evolved peralkaline products suggesting that polybaric differentiation starting at elevated pressures can indeed lead to the transition from subaluminous to peralkaline derivative liquids. The presence of water in the parental magmas of silicic derivative products is of prime importance for the fractionation equilibria as well as for the mobility of such magmas toward shallow crustal levels.

We suggest that peralkaline magmas in rift environments are indicative for differentiation under relatively low oxygen fugacity conditions in an extensional environment characterized by a high degree of crustal fracturing that allows rapid upward migration of mafic parental magmas and formation of shallow magma reservoirs. Crystallization–differentiation of parental, hydrous transitional alkaline basalt in such reservoirs is controlled by low pressure phase equilibria that typically evolve through early saturation of anorthite-rich plagioclase and suppressed amphibole crystallization resulting in ‘low-alumina’, peralkaline derivative liquids.  相似文献   

Four major fault systems oriented N–S to NNE–SSW, NE–SW, E–W and NW–SE are identified from Landsat Thematic Mapper (TM) images and a high resolution digital elevation model (DEM) over the Ethiopian Rift Valley and the surrounding plateaus. Most of these faults are the result of Cenozoic - extensional reactivation of pre-existing basement structures. These faults interacted with each other at different geological times under different geodynamic conditions. The Cenozoic interaction under an extensional tectonic regime is the major cause of the actual volcano-tectonic landscape in Ethiopia. The Wonji Fault Belt (WFB), which comprises the N–S to NNE–SSW striking rift floor faults, displays peculiar propagation patterns mainly due to interaction with the other fault systems and the influence of underlying basement structures. The commonly observed patterns are: curvilinear oblique-slip faults forming lip-horsts, sinusoidal faults, intersecting faults and locally splaying faults at their ends. Fault-related open structures such as tail-cracks, releasing bends and extensional relay zones and fault intersections have served as principal eruption sites for monogenetic Plio-Quaternary volcanoes in the Main Ethiopian Rift (MER).  相似文献   

The lithospheric and sublithospheric processes associated with the transition from continental to oceanic magmatism during continental rifting are poorly understood, but may be investigated in the central Main Ethiopian Rift (MER) using Quaternary xenolith-bearing basalts. Explosive eruptions in the Debre Zeyit (Bishoftu) and Butajira regions, offset 20 km to the west of the contemporaneous main rift axis, host Al-augite, norite and lherzolite xenoliths, xenocrysts and megacrysts. Al-augite xenoliths and megacrysts derived from pressures up to 10 kb are the dominant inclusion in these recent basalts, which were generated as small degree partial melts of fertile peridotite between 15 and 25 kb. Neither the xenoliths nor the host basalts exhibit signs of carbonatitic or hydrous (amphibole + phlogopite) metasomatism, suggesting that infiltration of silicate melts resulting in pervasive Al-augite dyking/veining dominates the regional lithospheric mantle. Recent geophysical evidence has indicated that such veining/dyking is pervasive and segmented, supporting the connection of these Al-augite dykes/veins to the formation of a proto ridge axis. Al-augite xenoliths and megacrysts have been reported in other continental rift settings, suggesting that silicate melt metasomatism resulting in Al-augite dykes/veins is a fundamental processes attendant to continental rift development.  相似文献   

The rate of lithospheric extension has previously been suggested as the most important factor governing the compositions of magmas generated in the Cenozoic Ethiopian volcanic province (CEVP). However, the distribution and chemistry of volcanic rocks extending from the western plateau margin at Addis Ababa to the rift floor in Nazret, northern sector of the main Ethiopian rift (MER), suggest that transitional magmatism in the region may have been triggered by an increase in the amount of lithospheric extension in the Early Pliocene. The rocks occur across an area of variable crustal thickness and show a general age progression from Upper Miocene (≤9 Ma) to Recent toward the rift. Alkalic basalts are extensive in the western part of the rift and along its margin but are found only locally within the rift, whereas transitional basalts are found within the rift only. Both types of basalts appear to have been derived from a common mantle source. In contrast, alkalic and transitional basalts on the Ethiopian plateau are mutually exclusive in terms of their spatial distribution, but exhibit a compositional contiguity which suggests that transitional magmas on the plateau formed at the expense of alkalic magmas, i.e. by equilibration of alkalic magmas at relatively shallow depth. The alkalic basalts bear clear record of a decrease in the degree of partial melting with time, suggesting that magmatism on the plateau was possibly triggered by a transient thermal anomaly.  相似文献   

The report discusses the stable isotope values and major solute compositions of 16 springs and river-water samples along a topographic gradient in the main rift valley of southern Ethiopia. Most of the springs used for drinking water supplies discharge from local flow systems at scales of only tens of meters. The δ18O and δD values of waters unaffected by shallow evaporation form a local meteoric water line of δD=8.1δ18O+19.0, almost identical to that for the eastern Mediterranean area. The δ18O values show an altitude effect of –0.5‰ per 100-m elevation rise. Total dissolved nitrogen concentrations locally exceed 6 mg/L (as N), and phosphate concentrations were elevated above background levels in some springs, exceeding 0.2 mg/L PO4, probably due to agricultural practices upgradient of the springs. Modest well-head protection should be considered to protect public health from the effects of pollution by agricultural waste, given the very local scale of the flow systems providing spring water to Ethiopian villages. Electronic Publication  相似文献   

Petrological and geochemical data for basic (alkali basalts and hawaiites) and silicic peralkaline rocks, plus rare intermediate products (mugearites and benmoreites) from the Pleistocene Boseti volcanic complex (Main Ethiopian Rift, East Africa) are reported in this work. The basalts are slightly alkaline or transitional, have peaks at Ba and Nb in the mantle-normalized diagrams and relatively low 87Sr/86Sr (0.7039–0.7044). The silicic rocks (pantellerites and comendites) are rich in sanidine and anorthoclase, with mafic phases being represented by fayalite-rich olivine, opaque oxides, aenigmatite and slightly Na-rich ferroaugite (ferrohedenbergite). These rocks were generated after prolonged fractional crystallization process (up to 90–95 %) starting from basaltic parent magmas at shallow depths and fO2 conditions near the QFM buffer. The apparent Daly Gap between mafic and evolved Boseti rocks is explained with a model involving the silicic products filling upper crustal magma chambers and erupted preferentially with respect to basic and intermediate products. Evolved liquids could have been the only magmas which filled the uppermost magma reservoirs in the crust, thus giving time to evolve towards Rb-, Zr- and Nb-rich peralkaline rhyolites in broadly closed systems.  相似文献   

Previous dynamic models of the Baikal Rift Zone (BRZ) are mostly two-dimensional on vertical plane. In this study, a numerical model of neotectonics in the region on map view was constructed using the adapted PLATES program. The present work is an attempt to test different mechanisms for opening Baikal Rift by comparing the modelled and observed stress and strain rate fields. The following rifting scenarios were tested: (1) pure northwest–southeast extension, (2) pure northeast–southwest compression, (3) oblique rift opening and (4) combined northwest–southeast extension and northeast–southwest compression. The models are calibrated using geologically and GPS-derived strain rates and stress-tensor determinations from fault-slip data and earthquake focal mechanisms. The most successful model requires a combination of NE–SW compression and orthogonal extension. The model results indicate that the present extensional regime in BRZ can be explained by combining the India plate indentation northward into Eurasia, east–west convergence between the North America and Eurasia plates and southeastward extrusion of the Amur plate in northeastern Asia. Predicted fault-slip rates for the best-fit model are consistent with the observed Holocene fault-slip rates in the Lake Baikal region. The generally accepted rotation of the Amur and Mongolia microplates are used as independent constraints for the choice of the best-fit model. These data correlate well with the predicted direction of rotation in our best model.  相似文献   

Matrix glass and melt inclusions in phenocrysts from pantellerite lavas of the Boseti volcanic complex, Ethiopia, record extreme fractionation of peralkaline silicic magma, with Al2O3 contents as low as 2.3?wt.%, FeO* contents up to 17?wt.% and SiO2 contents ~65?wt.%. The new data, and published data for natural and experimental glasses, suggest that the effective minimum composition for peralkaline silicic magmas has ~5?wt.% Al2O3, 13?wt.% FeO* and 66?±?2?wt.% SiO2. The dominant fractionating assemblage is alkali feldspar?+?fayalite?+?hedenbergite?+?oxides?±?quartz. Feldspar – melt relationships indicate that the feldspar is close to the minimum on the albite-orthoclase solid solution loop through the entire crystallization history. There is petrographic, mineralogical and geochemical evidence that magma mixing may have been a common process in the Boseti rhyolites.  相似文献   

Devana Chasma is a rift system on Venus formed in association with the Beta Regio and Phoebe Regio volcanic highlands, which are interpreted as mantle plumes. We present a new analysis of a 2500-km-long segment of Devana. Based on the rift topography, the horizontal extension across the rift boundary faults is 3–9 km. This is a lower bound on the total rift extension because the altimetry does not resolve the topographic relief across the numerous faults that are visible in radar images of the rift floor. The total extension across Devana is approximately 20 km, similar in magnitude to continental rift systems on Earth. Rift flank elevations are up to 3.1 km in the regions nearest the mantle plumes and decay strongly with increasing distance from the plumes, indicating a strong thermal component to the rift flank topography, unlike the situation usually reported for terrestrial rifts. As on Earth, there is also a flexural uplift component to the flank topography. Rift depths are up to 2.5 km below the surrounding plains, with considerable along-strike variability. There is a 600 km lateral offset along Devana Chasma near the mid-point between the two mantle plumes. Devana most likely formed as two distinct rifts due to the horizontal stresses created by outflow from the upwelling plumes. The offset zone formed as a result of the interaction between the two rift tips, which requires that upwelling at the two mantle plumes overlapped in time.  相似文献   

An integrated study of the stratigraphy, structure, sedimentology, and geomorphology of the Akrata–Derveni region (southern coast of the Gulf of Corinth, Greece) forms the basis for a tectono-stratigraphic model for the evolution of the Plio-Pleistocene central Corinth Rift.

The syn-rift sediments exposed on the uplifted southern coast of the Gulf of Corinth comprise three stratigraphic groups. Maximum total thickness of the syn-rift sediments can reach 2800 m in the middle of the studied area. The Lower Group is made of fluvio-lacustrine deposits. The Middle Group corresponds to thick alluvial fan conglomerates and their equivalent Gilbert-type fan deltas that built toward the north. The Upper Group is composed of uplifted terrace deposits, slope breccias and small Gilbert-type deltas. These groups have been subdivided into informal formations and depositional systems. Restoration of the stratigraphic architecture along a N–S transect provides a linked structural and depositional model for this part of the rift. Reconstruction of the latest phases of uplift is based on a study of geomorphological features.

Evolutionary phases include, (1) an overall increase in accommodation space during deposition of the Lower and Middle Groups followed by (2) a drastic decrease in accommodation space during deposition of the Upper Group. Sedimentary signals indicate that most of the major normal faults were active during deposition of the Lower Group. The depocentre was located in the middle part of the study area and paleocurrents were predominantly toward the ENE. The main depositional system shifted south at the onset of deposition of the Middle Group, recording a widening and deepening of the rift. This major event also corresponds to a change in paleocurrent direction to a clear northward polarity. The southernmost border fault, the Killini Fault, was sealed during deposition of the Middle Group. A northward migration of fault activity was associated with northward progradation of giant Gilbert-type fan deltas that record water depths up to 500 m. Finally, the fan delta system was abandoned as progressive tilting to the south and uplift of the margin induced a reversal of the drainage system with the development of an endorheic depression. Sediment supply to the basin thus decreased and a forced regression took place during deposition of the Upper Group recording a northward shift of more than 5 km and a 600 m relative sea-level drop. As no major eustatic sea-level falls of such amplitude are documented during the Pleistocene, the uplift is linked to regional tectonics. Uplift and fault reactivation gave the present day configuration of the southern coast of the Gulf.  相似文献   

Despite the upsurge in hydrocarbon exploration in the Lake Albert Rift Basin(LARB)over the past three decades,systematic characterization of hydrocarbon compositions remains lacking,leading to uncertainties in source rock and oil generation determination.We characterized crude oil compositions and oil sand samples in the northern and southern subbasins of LARB.The relative abundance of normal and branched linear alkanes,hopanes,steranes,and aromatic hydrocarbon suggest that northern and southern hydrocarbons were deposited in anoxic to suboxic lacustrine environments and share similar biological source compositions(i.e.,a mixture of plants and aquatic algae and bacteria).Relative to southern samples,northern samples show more negative δ13C values for oils,saturates and aromatics,indicating longer migration paths,and exhibit higher MPI-1,DNR-1 and 4-/1-MDBT ratios,indicating higher maturity.Between the two possible sets of source rocks(upper Miocene and Jurassic strata),the positive δ13C values of saturated hydrocarbons(average=-20.5‰)suggest that the upper Miocene lacustrine shale is the most likely candidate.Oleanane index(<5% in our samples)does not exclude either source rock possibility,and C28/C29 regular sterane(average=0.63)may be biased by high terrestrial inputs in a lacustrine setting.Together,our data show that northern and southern oils originate from the same source rocks but different oil kitchens.Given the similar geochemical characteristics of southern and northern oils,previous exploration successes in the northern subbasin likely suggest similar potential in the southern sector,while other elements influencing exploration success must be also evaluated.  相似文献   

Christoffer Nielsen  H. Thybo   《Tectonophysics》2009,470(3-4):298-318
The Cenozoic Baikal Rift Zone (BRZ) is situated in south-central Siberia in the suture between the Precambrian Siberian Platform and the Amurian plate. This more than 2000-km long rift zone is composed of several individual basement depressions and half-grabens with the deep Lake Baikal at its centre. The BEST (Baikal Explosion Seismic Transect) project acquired a 360-km long, deep seismic, refraction/wide-angle reflection profile in 2002 across southern Lake Baikal. The data from this project is used for identification of large-scale crustal structures and modelling of the seismic velocities of the crust and uppermost mantle. Previous interpretation and velocity modelling of P-wave arrivals in the BEST data has revealed a multi layered crust with smooth variation in Moho depth between the Siberian Platform (41 km) and the Sayan-Baikal fold belt (46 km). The lower crust exhibits normal seismic velocities around the rift structure, except for beneath the rift axis where a distinct 50–80-km wide high-velocity anomaly (7.4–7.6 ± 0.2 km/s) is observed. Reverberant or “ringing” reflections with strong amplitude and low frequency originate from this zone, whereas the lower crust is non-reflective outside the rift zone. Synthetic full-waveform reflectivity modelling of the high-velocity anomaly suggests the presence of a layered sequence with a typical layer thickness of 300–500 m coinciding with the velocity anomaly. The P-wave velocity of the individual layers is modelled to range between 7.4 km/s and 7.9 km/s. We interpret this feature as resulting from mafic to ultra-mafic intrusions in the form of sills. Petrological interpretation of the velocity values suggests that the intrusions are sorted by fractional crystallization into plagioclase-rich low-velocity layers and pyroxene- and olivine-rich high-velocity layers. The mafic intrusions were probably intruded into the ductile lower crust during the main rift phase in the Late Pliocene. As such, the intrusive material has thickened the lower crust during rifting, which may explain the lack of Moho uplift across southern BRZ.  相似文献   

A geophysical perspective based on well-acquired gravity, magnetic, and radiometric data provides good insights into the basin architectural elements and tectonic evolution of the Rio do Peixe Basin (RPB), an Early Cretaceous intracontinental basin in the northeast Brazilian rift system, which developed during the opening of the South Atlantic. NW–SE-trending extensional forces acting over an intensively deformed Precambrian basement yielded a composite basin architecture strongly controlled by preexisting, mechanically weak fault zones in the upper crust. Reactivated NE–SW and E–W ductile shear zones of Brasiliano age (0.6 Ga) divided the RPB into three asymmetrical half-grabens (Brejo das Freiras, Sousa, and Pombal subbasins), separated by basement highs of granite bodies that seem to anchor and distinguish the mechanical subsidence of the subbasins. Radiometric and geopotential field data highlight the relationship between the tectonic stress field and the role of a preexisting structural framework inserted in the final rift geometry. The up-to-2000 m thick half-grabens are sequentially located at the inflexion of sigmoidal-shaped shear zones and acquire a typical NE–SW-oriented elliptic shape. The Sousa Subbasin is the single exception. Because of its uncommon E–W elongated form, three-dimensional gravity modeling reveals an E–W axis of depocenters within the Sousa Subbasin framework, in which the eastern shoulders are controlled by NE–SW-trending faults. These faults belong to the Precambrian structural fabric, as is well illustrated by the gamma ray and magnetic signatures of the basement grain. Release faults were identified nearly perpendicular or oblique to master faults, forming marginal strike ramps and horst structures in all subbasins. The emplacement mechanism of Brasiliano granites around the RPB was partially oriented by the same structural framework, as is indicated by the gravity signature of the granitic bodies after removal of the gravity effect of the basin-filling deposits. The RPB major-fault occurrence along the releasing bend of a strong discontinuity – the so-called Portalegre Shear Zone – in addition to the configuration of a gentle crustal thinning, according to gravity field studies, suggests that a crustal discontinuity governs the nucleation of the RPB, followed probably by small displacement in deep crustal levels accommodating low-rate stretching during basin subsidence.  相似文献   

 Several areas of Nakuru Town and its environs often undergo subsidence along the parallel fault zones during and after heavy rainfall. During the rainy season, when most of the subsidence occurs, the overlying unconsolidated volcanoclastic sediments become oversaturated with water. The water reduces the shear strength of the sediments and also introduces extra loading through saturation leading to subterranean erosion along faults. The unconsolidated sediments then collapse into the subsurface water channels which closely follow the fault zones, leading to formation of “sinkholes”. The frequent incidences of ground subsidence in the study area, have caused several fatalities, destroyed settlements and physical infrastructure. Furthermore persistent subsidence has increased the cost of construction and the repair of the destroyed properties. Apart from being hazardous, ground subsidence degrades environment when sewage water, refuse and garbage enter into the groundwater systems through the sinkholes. The fissures formed after subsidence also stand prominently as ugly features from the rest of the terrain. Mitigation measures including control, channelizing of drainage, proper engineering practices and appropriate land use are suggested in this paper. Received: 1 December 1998 · Accepted: 8 March 1999  相似文献   

华北克拉通自1.85Ga形成之后,经历了广泛的拉伸,形成了一系列中-新元古代裂谷。其中北缘裂谷由渣尔泰群、白云鄂博群及化德群组成,发育了一系列大型-超大型多金属矿床。该裂谷系形成演化的研究对认识华北克拉通中-新元古代演化及区域找矿具有重要意义。但是对于该裂谷系中渣尔泰群的时代,一直存在争议。早期认为渣尔泰群属于中元古代,主要分布于狼山地区和渣尔泰山地区。但最新的研究已将狼山地区的渣尔泰群限定为新元古代,更名为狼山群,并据此确定华北克拉通北缘存在新元古代裂谷。因此,必须对渣尔泰山地区渣尔泰群的时代进行重新限定。在此基础上可综合分析华北克拉通北缘裂谷的形成与演化。系统的LA-ICP-MS锆石U-Pb测年结果表明,渣尔泰山地区渣尔泰群碎屑锆石年龄峰值主要为1.8~1.9Ga和2.5Ga。与北缘裂谷长城系,包括白云鄂博群下部及化德群下部的碎屑锆石年龄组成特征一致。而蓟县系、待建系及青白口系存在1.1~1.35Ga、1.5~1.6Ga等较年轻的碎屑锆石年龄峰值,如白云鄂博群上部、新元古代狼山群及化德群上部。因此,渣尔泰山地区渣尔泰群整体可与长城系对比。碎屑锆石年龄组成特征表明,渣尔泰群物质主要来自华北克拉通内部的太古宙-古元古代结晶基底。综合前人对白云鄂博群、化德群及狼山群地层年龄及岩浆岩的研究成果,可确定北缘裂谷是中-新元古代多期裂解事件形成的复杂裂谷。  相似文献   

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