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Larger penis size has been equated with a symbol of power, stamina, masculinity, and social status. Yet, there has been little research among men who have sex with men assessing the association between penis size and social-sexual health. Survey data from a diverse sample of 1,065 men who have sex with men were used to explore the association between perceived penis size and a variety of psychosocial outcomes. Seven percent of men felt their penis was “below average,” 53.9% “average,” and 35.5% “above average.” Penis size was positively related to satisfaction with size and inversely related to lying about penis size (all ps < .01). Size was unrelated to condom use, frequency of sex partners, HIV status, or recent diagnoses of HBV, HCV, gonorrhea/Chlamydia/urinary tract infections, and syphilis. Men with above average penises were more likely to report HPV and HSV-2 (Fisher’s exact p ≤ .05). Men with below average penises were significantly more likely to identify as “bottoms” (anal receptive) and men with above average penises were significantly more likely to identify as “tops” (anal insertive). Finally, men with below average penises fared significantly worse than other men on three measures of psychosocial adjustment. Though most men felt their penis size was average, many fell outside this “norm.” The disproportionate number of viral skin-to-skin STIs (HSV-2 and HPV) suggest size may play a role in condom slippage/breakage. Further, size played a significant role in sexual positioning and psychosocial adjustment. These data highlight the need to better understand the real individual-level consequences of living in a penis-centered society.  相似文献   

Objectives. We investigated covariates related to risky sexual behaviors among young African American men enrolled at historically Black colleges and universities (HBCUs).Methods. Analyses were based on data gathered from 1837 male freshmen enrolled at 34 HBCUs who participated in the 2001 HBCU Substance Use Survey. The covariates of risky sexual behavior assessed included condom nonuse, engaging in sexual activity with multiple partners, and history of a sexually transmitted disease.Results. Young Black men who had sex with men were more likely to engage in risky sexual behaviors than were young men who had sex with women. Two additional factors, early onset of sexual activity and consumption of alcohol or drugs before sexual activity, were independently associated with modestly higher odds of sexual risk behaviors.Conclusions. Services focusing on prevention of sexually transmitted diseases should be provided to all male college students, regardless of the gender of their sexual partners. Such a general approach should also address drug and alcohol use before sexual activity.Sexually transmitted diseases (STDs) threaten the sexual and reproductive health of adolescents and young adults, as indicated by the fact that an estimated half of the STD cases reported in 2000 occurred among those aged 15 to 24 years.1 African Americans and men who have sex with men (MSM) are disproportionately affected by HIV/AIDS and other STDs. 27 Moreover, although previous research indicates that Black MSM are no more likely than other MSM to engage in sexual risk behaviors,8 this group has been particularly affected by the HIV/AIDS epidemic.9Few studies have compared Black men who have same-gender and opposite-gender sexual partners. Thus, it is unclear whether Black MSM and Black men who have sex with women (MSW) differ in terms of their sexual risk behaviors. In addition, although a number of large studies have collected data from populations of young MSM,1014 few analyses have focused specifically on college populations.15In general, sexual risk-taking behaviors have received less attention among college students than among other groups; however, concerns regarding HIV/AIDS in this population were heightened by the rise in the number of HIV/AIDS diagnoses among male college students, particularly Black MSM, in North Carolina from 2001 to 2003.16 The majority of college students are sexually active, with prevalence estimates of lifetime sexual activity ranging from 74%15 to 86.1%.17 Less is known regarding students enrolled in historically Black colleges and universities (HBCUs). In one study of students enrolled at 8 HBCUs, 82% of the respondents reported a history of sexual intercourse and 59.6% reported that they had used a condom during their most recent intercourse.18Studies have identified risk and protective factors for sexual risk taking, including early onset of sexual activity,1921 substance use and early initiation of use,2225 and academic achievement.26 Although the relation of other factors to risky sexual behaviors is less clear, some studies have shown that adolescents and college students with higher levels of religiosity are less likely to report a history of sexual activity.2729 However, findings regarding condom use are inconsistent,28,30 and in 1 study individuals'' religiosity during adolescence was not related to their likelihood of contracting a sexually transmitted infection 6 years later.26 Among college students, living situation may also be an important factor to consider, given previous research indicating that undergraduates who live with their parents are less likely than those who do not to use marijuana and alcohol.31We examined covariates of risky sexual behaviors, including inconsistent condom use, engaging in sexual activity with multiple partners, and history of STD infection (the latter as a proxy for risky behavior), among Black MSM and Black MSW attending HBCUs. In addition to the association between risky sexual behaviors and partner gender, we investigated relations between risky behaviors and early onset of sexual activity, substance use in conjunction with sexual activity, religiosity, and living situation.  相似文献   

Black men who have sex with men and women (BMSMW) are at high risk for HIV and other sexually transmitted infections (STIs). Despite knowing that HIV/STI risk varies by sexual positioning practices, limited data have characterized the risk profiles of BSMW. This study utilized latent class analysis (LCA) to explore BMSMW’s sexual risk profiles regarding condomless sexual positioning practices. Participants were BMSMW in intervention studies in Los Angeles, Chicago, and Philadelphia. LCA was used to characterize their sexual risk profiles. Age, study location, HIV status, social support, and internalized homophobia were used as covariates in a multinomial regression model predicting the likelihood of class membership. Among the 546 participants, three latent classes of risk were identified: Seropositive Serosorters, Seronegative/unknown Serosorters, and Main Partners Only. All groups had the greatest probabilities of condomless sex with main partners. Seropositive Serosorters had the highest probabilities of condomless sex with HIV-positive partners. Seronegative/unknown Serosorters had the highest probabilities of condomless sex with HIV-negative or unknown status partners. HIV-positive BMSMW had 87% lower odds of being classified as Seronegative/unknown Serosorters than Seropositive Serosorters than HIV-negative/unknown status BMSMW (AOR = 0.13, 95% CI 0.06, 0.28). HIV-positive BMSMW had 71% lower odds of being classified as Main Partners Only than Seropositive Serosorters than HIV-negative/unknown status BMSMW (AOR = 0.29, 95% CI 0.16, 0.51). Findings highlight opportunities for clinicians to promote condom use and risk reduction among BMSMW with differing sexual risk profiles. Increased understanding of sexual positioning practices among BMSMW might help address HIV/STIs among this group.  相似文献   

Studies show that having sex with multiple partners increases the risk of acquiring and transmitting sexually transmitted diseases, including HIV. The present article reports prospective predictors of having multiple sexual partners among 505 African American men in Philadelphia who have sex with men (MSM) who participated in an intervention trial and attended a 6-month follow-up. Participants completed audio computer-assisted surveys of demographics, sexual behavior, and Reasoned Action Approach and Social Cognitive Theory mediators concerning multiple partners. We analyzed the incidence of self-reported multiple partners at the 6-month follow-up, controlling for treatment condition and baseline levels of the theoretical variables. The odds of having multiple partners decreased with increasing age (p?<?.03). Participants who said they were HIV positive had lower odds of having multiple partners (p?<?.009). The more pride participants reported in their identities as black or African American men, the lower the odds that they reported having multiple partners (p?<?.02). Adverse outcome expectancies accruing to multiple partners fully mediated the effect of black pride and partially mediated the effects of age on the odds of having multiple partners. Modifiable factors such as perceived negative outcome expectancies regarding having multiple sex partners should be addressed in designing interventions and prevention programs with the goal of decreasing the number of sexual partners among African American MSM.  相似文献   

The present study explored the relationship between compulsive sexual behavior (CSB) and unprotected anal intercourse (UAI) for men who have sex with men (MSM) across a number of ethnic/racial groups and who used the Internet to seek sexual partners. A sample of 2,716 MSM (512 Asian, 445 Black, 683 Latino, 348 Other, 728 White) completed on online survey that collected information about their sexual behaviors with partners met online and offline. The survey also included the Compulsive Sexual Behavior Inventory (CSBI). Consistent with the notion that CSB is a stable trait, higher scores on the CSBI were associated with greater odds for engaging in UAI, regardless of the context in which sex partners were met (online or offline). Differences in median CSB scores were generally similar across racial and ethnic groups. The median CSB score was significantly higher for HIV-positive participants than for HIV-negative participants. HIV-prevention interventions are needed among MSM, but should take into account that some may be resistant to risk reduction strategies because of CSB.  相似文献   

Our objective was to investigate sexualcommunication and risk-taking behaviors among young menwho have sex with men (MSM). MSM aged 17 to 25 yearswere recruited from four areas throughout California. The construct Safer Sex Communication, assessedthrough principal-components analysis, was defined asperceived efficacy or experience in minimizing the riskof sexual HIV infection through communication with partners. In the 6 months prior to thesurvey, 35.6% of the MSM had participated in unprotectedanal intercourse (UAI). Adjusted logistic regressionanalyses found low Safer Sex Communication to be predictive of UAI. In addition, negativeattitudes toward safe sex, high perceived risk of HIVinfection, 10 or more male sex partners during theprevious 6 months, and use of cocaine in the past 6months were also independently related to UAI. SaferSex Communication skills should be an outcome ofinterventions designed to prevent HIV transmission amongyoung MSM.  相似文献   

Objectives. We examined correlates of condomless anal intercourse with nonmain sexual partners among African American men who have sex with men (MSM).Methods. We recruited social networks composed of 445 Black MSM from 2012 to 2014 in Milwaukee, Wisconsin; Cleveland, Ohio; and Miami Beach, Florida. Participants reported past-3-month sexual behavior, substance use, and background, psychosocial, and HIV-related characteristics.Results. Condomless anal intercourse outside main concordant partnerships, reported by 34.4% of MSM, was less likely in the case of no alcohol and marijuana use in the past 30 days, and higher risk-reduction behavioral intentions. High frequency of condomless anal intercourse acts with nonmain partners was associated with high gay community participation, weak risk-reduction intentions, safer sex not being perceived as a peer norm, low condom-use self-efficacy, and longer time since most recent HIV testing.Conclusions. Condomless anal intercourse with nonmain partners among Black MSM was primarily associated with gay community participation, alcohol and marijuana use, and risk-reduction behavioral intentions.HIV infection in the United States falls along sharp lines of disparity related to sexual orientation and race. Every year since HIV surveillance began, men who have sex with men (MSM) have accounted for the majority of the country’s HIV cases.1 The disease also disproportionately affects African Americans, who constitute 12% of the American population but carry 44% of its HIV infection burden.1 Yet, the starkest disparity emerges from the combined impact of race and sexual orientation. Black MSM represent only a fraction of a percent of the American population but accounted for more than 25% of the country’s new HIV infections in 2010,1 with HIV rates much higher among Black than White MSM.2 HIV incidence among racial-minority MSM in some cities ranges from 24% to 29%.3,4 Considerable attention is being given to biomedical strategies such as early initiation of antiretroviral therapy (ART) and preexposure ART prophylaxis for HIV prevention.5,6 However, the impact of these promising strategies will depend upon ART coverage and adherence, neither of which is likely to be quickly attained or complete. For this reason, integrated HIV prevention approaches are needed, including improved interventions to reduce risk behavior among racial-minority MSM.Previous research has examined but has generally failed to establish differences in individual-level risk practices between Black and White MSM.7–10 However, sexual network characteristics, high rates of undiagnosed and untreated HIV infection, high sexually transmitted infection (STI) prevalence, and unsuppressed viral load among HIV-positive African American MSM are believed to contribute to HIV disparities.9–16Black MSM are not a monolithic population,17–20 and multiple factors may influence extent of HIV vulnerability within the community of racial-minority MSM. These include risk-related sexual behavior norms, attitudes, and intentions21–25; substance use12,26–30; poverty and disadvantage19,20; and psychosocial domains including internalized homonegativity or homophobia,31–34 self-perceived masculinity,35,36 HIV conspiracy beliefs or mistrust,37,38 religiosity,39 and resilience.40,41 It is important to ascertain the relative importance of these and other factors to properly tailor HIV prevention interventions for racial-minority MSM.In this study, we recruited social networks of African American MSM and sought to determine the relationships of 4 types of factors with the riskiness of men’s sexual behavior practices: (1) social, economic, and demographic background characteristics; (2) substance use; (3) HIV risk–specific knowledge, attitudes, beliefs, and intentions; and (4) psychosocial domains including internalized homonegativity, self-ascribed masculinity, AIDS conspiracy beliefs, resilience, religiosity, and gay community participation. We examined HIV risk–specific characteristics because they are proximal to adopting protective actions according to many behavioral science theories.42–44 We examined psychosocial domains because broader personal and contextual life experiences may also potentiate risk. We sought to identify characteristics related not only to some men’s high-risk behavior but also the adoption of very safe behavior by other African American MSM, a strengths-based question that has been insufficiently explored.  相似文献   

Efforts have been made to better understand sexual compulsivity by examining salient psychosocial syndemic correlates, though examination of such factors has yielded inconclusive results. Given that research on sexual compulsivity has predominately involved men who have sex with men (MSM), the aims of the current study were to establish the mean effect sizes of seven psychosocial syndemic indicators with sexual compulsivity, to determine if the effect varied as a function of the type of psychosocial syndemic, and investigate the potential moderating effects using MSM samples. A total of 95 studies were included for analyses among the psychosocial syndemic indicators of interest (i.e., depression, anxiety, alcohol use, drug use, intimate partner violence, childhood sexual abuse, and sexual risk behavior). Results revealed a medium mean effect size of sexual compulsivity, the strength of which was significantly moderated by type of psychosocial syndemic indicator. Significant mean effect sizes for all syndemic indicators on sexual compulsivity were found, with depression and anxiety having the strongest relationships; significant moderating effects were found and are discussed. Findings highlight clinical considerations regarding sexual compulsivity and its role within the HIV syndemic framework among MSM.  相似文献   

The prevalence of HIV infection among men who have sex with men (MSM) has increased rapidly in China. Previous studies suggested that some venue-specific characteristics could significantly affect MSM’s sexual behaviors that were related to HIV transmission. Thus, to compare the HIV infection rates and related risky sexual behaviors among MSM at different venues, we conducted a cross-sectional study with time-location sampling in Shenzhen, China. Among the 801 MSM recruited in the study, 7.0 % (n = 56) were found to be HIV positive, with 0.9 % of MSM at bars (BMSM), 3.5 % of MSM at suburban recreational centers (RMSM), 8.1 % of MSM at saunas (SMSM), 9.3 % of MSM at parks (PMSM), and 10.1 % of MSM at dorm-based venues (DMSM). HIV infection was significantly more prevalent in MSM in dorm-based venues, parks, and saunas than in other venues. Compared to MSM in other venues, BMSM were more likely to be single, drug and alcohol users, but less likely to be HIV and syphilis positive. More PMSM reported having unprotected anal intercourse with other men while more SMSM reported having multiple male sex partners and more RMSM had a low level of HIV-related knowledge. The results indicated that MSM frequenting different venues were inconsistent with regards to demographic characteristics, HIV and syphilis infection rates, and risky sexual behaviors. Greater efforts are needed to develop intervention strategies that target specific venues and risky behaviors.  相似文献   

Childhood sexual abuse (CSA) has been reported to be disproportionately higher among men who have sex with men (MSM) than among heterosexual men; it has also been found to be significantly positively associated with HIV status and HIV risk factors, including unprotected anal intercourse. The purpose of this study was to assess the correlates of CSA in a sample of community-recruited MSM, investigate race as a potential effect modifier, and describe the independent association between CSA and HIV infection in Washington, DC. A total of 500 MSM were recruited by venue-based sampling in 2008 as part of the National HIV Behavioral Surveillance. More than one-half of MSM identified as White, while one-third identified as Black. CSA was reported by 17.5 % of the 451 MSM, with the first instance of abuse occurring at a median age of 8.3 (interquartile range = 5.0, 11.0). In multivariable analysis, HIV-positive men were significantly more likely to report a history of CSA compared to HIV-negative men after adjusting for intimate partner violence in the last 12 months, having been arrested in the last 12 months, and depressive symptoms. HIV-positive MSM had more than four times the odds of reporting CSA after controlling for other correlates (aOR = 4.19; 95 % CI 2.26, 7.75). Despite hypothesizing that race modified the effect of CSA on HIV infection we found this was not the case in this sample. More research is needed to investigate the potential pathway between a history of CSA and HIV infection, and how this contributes to driving the HIV epidemic among MSM in Washington, DC.  相似文献   

The association of trauma exposure and coping style to sexual risk behavior has yet to be fully examined in the context of primary and casual sexual partnerships. The current study assessed a high risk sexual behavior—unprotected anal intercourse (UAI)—in a high risk population of HIV-positive men who have sex with men (MSM) with a history of trauma. Using audio computer-assisted self-interview technology, 132 HIV-positive MSM completed measures of trauma exposure, trauma symptoms, coping strategies, and sexual risk behavior. Hierarchical logistic regression analyses indicated that completing more years of education and having experienced sexual abuse were positively associated with UAI with casual partners. Additionally, use of active coping was negatively associated with UAI with casual partners and the final model significantly predicted variance in UAI with casual partners. However, no variables were significantly associated with UAI with primary partners, suggesting that sexual risk behavior with primary partners may be associated with factors not commonly assessed in risk prediction or prevention research. We discuss the results in the context of developing new or modifying existing interventions to address rates of sexual risk in the relationships of HIV-positive MSM.  相似文献   

Although forced sex is a correlate of HIV infection, its prevalence and associated risks are not well described among men who have sex with men (MSM) in developing-country settings. Between March and October 2005, we assessed the prevalence of forced sex and correlates among populations of MSM (this includes general MSM, male sex workers, and male-to-female transgender persons) in Thailand using a community-based sample. Participants were enrolled from venues around Bangkok, Chiangmai, and Phuket using venue day-time sampling. Handheld computer-assisted self-interviewing was used to collect demographic and behavioral data and logistic regression evaluated factors associated with forced sex, defined as ever being forced to have sexual intercourse against one’s will. Of the 2,049 participants (M age, 24.8 years), a history of forced sex was reported by 376 (18.4%) men and, of these, most were forced by someone they knew (83.8%), forced more than once (67.3%), and had first occurrence during adolescence (55.1%). In multivariate analysis, having a history of forced sex was significantly associated with being recruited in Phuket, classification as general MSM or transgender (versus classification as male sex worker), drug use, increased number of male sexual partners, and buying sex. The findings in our assessment were consistent with assessments from Western countries. Longitudinal studies are needed to understand the mechanisms of the relationships between forced sex correlates found in our assessment and HIV acquisition and transmission risks.  相似文献   

This study aimed to describe sexually explicit online media (SEOM) consumption among men who have sex with men (MSM) in the United States and examine associations between exposure to unprotected anal intercourse (UAI) in SEOM and engagement in both UAI and serodiscordant UAI. MSM in the U.S. who accessed a men-seeking-men website in the past year (N = 1,170) were recruited online for a cross-sectional, Internet-based survey of sexual risk and SEOM consumption. In the 3 months prior to interview, more than half (57 %) of the men reported viewing SEOM one or more times per day and almost half (45 %) reported that at least half of the SEOM they viewed portrayed UAI. Compared to participants who reported that 0–24 % of the SEOM they viewed showed UAI, participants who reported that 25–49, 50–74, or 75–100 % of the SEOM they viewed portrayed UAI had progressively increasing odds of engaging in UAI and serodiscordant UAI in the past 3 months. As SEOM has become more ubiquitous and accessible, research should examine causal relations between SEOM consumption and sexual risk-taking among MSM as well as ways to use SEOM for HIV prevention.  相似文献   

目的 了解深圳市男男性行为人群艾滋病性病感染及相关行为特征,为政府制订预防控制措施提供科学依据. 方法用同伴推动法对符合条件的188名男男性接触人群进行调查. 结果深圳市男男性行为人群性网络复杂,性行为方式多样,12.2%有吸毒行为,性病感染达34.6%,文化程度是性传播疾病感染的影响因素. 结论深圳市男男性行为人群高危行为普遍,存在极高的感染艾滋病病毒风险,必须有针对性地加强宣传和干预工作.  相似文献   

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