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The author examines rural helping professionals' perceptions of lesbian and gay consumers and the effects their perceptions have on the provision of services to this population, including the tensions that result when helping professionals' perceptions hinder their acceptance of gay and lesbian consumers. This article uses reports from helping professionals to supplement the discussion. This article challenges helping professionals to evaluate their perceptions of gay and lesbian social service consumers which may hinder their accepting these consumers so that practitioners may gain full acceptance of their gay and lesbian service consumers.  相似文献   

Motivated by a desire to determine if the human service literature reflected the "changing face of AIDS," we reviewed 40 articles addressing needs and issues of gays and lesbians of color. Our review of the multidisciplinary literature confirmed our initial assumption that, despite considerable discussion about the particular needs of lesbians and gay HIV-infected people of color, we could not find an extensive qualitative or quantitative body of research about those needs. An additional finding was the total neglect of minority lesbians and their need for HIV-prevention information. The articles specific to minority gay men were few in number. The majority of studies reviewed dealth quite generally with the risk of HIV transmission among people of color, without specific reference to sexual orientation.  相似文献   


The present paper examines older lesbian and gay people's experiences of and expectations for the delivery of health and aged-care services. In-depth narrative interviews were conducted with older gays and lesbians in the Blue Mountains, west of Sydney (NSW, Australia). Data were analysed by identifying evaluative statements within specific narratives and grouping these statements into themes. Participants reflected on the meaning of their sexual identity and how they would like it to be acknowledged when in contact with health and aged-care service providers. In addition to direct discrimination, participants reported a more indirect form of discrimination in providers’ assumption of heterosexuality among clients and their failure to provide lesbian- or gay friendly services. The findings highlight the need for health and aged-care services to better understand and acknowledge older gay and lesbian people's sexual identities to enable improved access to services in the future.  相似文献   


This article discusses the impact that coming of age in the Pre-Stonewall era has had on older gays and lesbians. Anti-gay hate and violence, within a historical context of homophobia and heterosex-ism, are examined. Risk factors, as well as coping capacities, for older lesbians and gays are explored. Research on the psychological adjustment and well-being of older gays and lesbians is reviewed, and suggestions for intervention with this population are proposed.  相似文献   


In recent years there has been much public controversy about “conversion or reparative therapies” designed to change homosexuals into heterosexuals. Various national mental health associations have taken a stand against these therapies. Social service professionals who work with gay and lesbian clients need to develop beliefs about the mutability of sexual orientation that reflect sound research findings.  相似文献   


This article is a study of American Indian lesbians and gays. Using interview content, this study helps practitioners understand these virtually unstudied individuals. Interview data are compared to reports in the literature in an effort to understand how American Indian lesbians and gays are similar to and different from other lesbians and gays. Implications about future research and social work practice with American Indian lesbians and gays are discussed.  相似文献   

《Marriage & Family Review》2013,49(3-4):217-239
Attitudes toward sexuality differ within the diverse ethnic and racial communities that exist in the U.S., and the cultural values and beliefs surrounding sexuality play a major role in determining how individuals behave within their sociological context. The family unit is the domain where such values and beliefs are nurtured and developed. An individual's value system is shaped and reinforced within the family context which usually reflects the broader community norms. Disclosure of a gay or lesbian sexual preference and lifestyle by a family member presents challenges to ethnic minority families who tend not to discuss sexuality issues and presume a heterosexual orientation. For ethnic minority gays and lesbians the "coming out" process presents challenges in their identity formation processes and in their loyalties to one community over another. Ethnic gay men and lesbians need to live within three rigidly defined and strongly independent communities: the gay and lesbian community, the ethnic minority community, and the society at large. While each community provides fundamental needs, serious consequences emerge if such communities were to be visibly integrated and merged. It requires a constant effort to maintain oneself in three different worlds, each of which fails to support significant aspects of a person's life. The complications that arise may inhibit one's ability to adapt and to maximize personal potentials. The purpose of this paper is to examine the interaction and processes between ethnic minority communities and their gay and lesbian family members. A framework for understanding the process of change, that occurs for the gay or lesbian person as they attempt to resolve conflicts of dual minority membership, is presented. Implications for the practitioner is also discussed.  相似文献   

The purpose of the resent study was to identify correlates of attitudes towards permitting gays and lesbians to serve in the military. Two studies were conducted, one with 210 adults enrolled in classes at a university and one with 31 high school students, most of whom were enrolled in ROTC classes. Although the high school students were more conservative, both samples revealed the high school students were more conservative, both samples revealed the same general pattern of findings. Support for having gays and lesbians serve in the military was closely related to endorsement of arguments in favor of their service, and both samples revealed the same general pattern of findings. Support for having gays and lesbians serve in the military was closely related to endorsement of arguments in favor of their service, and both variables were related to a complex of other conservative values as well as to personal acquaintance with gays and lesbians and to factual knowledge about homosexuality. People with less conservative views on a number of issues, who knew more gay and lesbian individuals, who knew more about homosexuality, who did not belong to a traditional religion, who did not own guns, and who were female were more likely to agree that gays and guns, ands who were female were more likely to agree that gays and lesbian should be permitted to service in the military. The results imply that increasing knowledge and personal familiarity might lead to greater acceptance of military service for gay and lesbians. Ways in which social service providers can use these findings to improve service to gay and lesbian client are discussed.  相似文献   

Attitudes toward lesbians and gays vary across national populations, and previous research has found relatively more accepting attitudes in the Netherlands as compared to the United States. In this study, we compared beliefs about and attitudes toward lesbians and gays in samples of Dutch and American heterosexual adolescents, utilizing survey data from 1,080 American adolescents (mean age = 15.86 years) attending two schools and from 1,391 Dutch adolescents (mean age = 16.27 years) attending eight schools. Findings indicated the Dutch participants were more tolerant of lesbians and gays, after adjusting for the gender, age, and racial/ethnic minority status of the participants. However, between-country differences were attenuated by accounting for the beliefs about lesbians and gays that participants used to justify their attitudes. American participants were more likely to justify their attitudes using beliefs related to social norms and religious opposition, while the Dutch participants were more likely to justify their attitudes using beliefs related to individual rights and the biological/genetic basis of homosexuality. The results suggest that the relative importance of particular beliefs about lesbians and gays to attitudes at the group level may be context dependent but also that certain beliefs are salient to attitudes across national contexts.  相似文献   


Historically, federal and state legislation placed different conditions on same- and opposite-sex couples' ability to marry, adopt, or exercise their parental rights. Given the historical intertwining of marriage and parenting, legal issues remain hinged on differing conceptions of marriage and what constitutes a legal family in the United States, especially for same-sex partners compared to their different-sexed couple counterparts. This article provides a historical review of decisions that serve as the foundation for queer parenting rights in the United States. A key focus is on the impact of the U.S. Supreme Court Obergefell v. Hodges (2015) marriage decision on queer parenting and its relevance to researchers and practitioners whose work involves queer families. State discrepancies continue to exist for the treatment of parental rights in spite of the legalization of same-sex marriage. Finally, suggestions are provided for future directions for the field.  相似文献   

Substance abuse among gays and lesbians may be considered a “neglected area” of drug use research in criminology and criminal justice. In the current study, we seek to address the lack of scientific inquiry on substance use among lesbians, gays, and bisexuals by drawing from an availability sample of 179 lesbian, gay, and bisexual (LGB) adults to examine substance use patterns as well as the relationship of self-esteem with problems associated with using alcohol and drugs. Results showed consistency in the frequency of tobacco, alcohol, marijuana, and cocaine use in the past year; however, more gay and bisexual men than gay and bisexual women reported problems stemming from substance use.  相似文献   

This paper addresses the poverty of services available to lesbian victims of partner abuse, despite the need for such services. Drawing on data from a survey of 1,505 help providers (to which 566 responded), the paper focuses on the services that the help providers themselves claim to offer. The data reveal a serious disparity in help providers' rhetoric and offical policies and the reality of the services available. The paper concludes with suggestions for improving services to battered lesbians.  相似文献   

The campaign for marriage equality emphasized that without access to legal marriage, gays and lesbians were relegated to “second-class citizenship.” Following the U.S. Supreme Court’s decision in Obergefell v. Hodges (2015), gays and lesbians find that marrying can lead to greater acceptance and support from family, friends, and colleagues, suggesting that marriage helps gays and lesbians achieve citizenship, defined in terms of belonging and inclusion. However, it remains unclear whether such acceptance and support then disappears or diminishes after divorce. In this article, the informal social consequences associated with same-sex divorce were explored by drawing on in-depth interviews with a small convenience sample of recently divorced gays and lesbians. Results indicate that same-sex divorce is largely invisible, which leads divorced gays and lesbians to worry that their life circumstances will make them illegible to others. In turn, some also withdraw from social interaction, and others report experiencing stigma.  相似文献   

This article describes the results of research on the demographic, housing, psychosocial characteristics, and service needs of a sample of homeless people with HIV disease. Results show that respondents are similar in demographic and housing characteristics to the general homeless population. On average, respondents report high levels of stress and depression, moderate satisfaction with perceived social support availability, moderate beliefs in their ability to influence health related outcomes, moderate levels of self-efficacy, and low levels of physical and psychosocial disability. A range of services was identified as both helpful and useful in supporting a stable living arrangement. Implications for social policy, service provision, and research are discussed.  相似文献   

This article describes the results of research on the demographic, housing, psychosocial characteristics, and service needs of a sample of homeless people with HIV disease_ Results show that respondents are similar in demographic and housing characteristics to the general homeless population. On average, respondents report high levels of stress and depression, moderate satisfaction with perceived social support availability, moderate beliefs in their ability to influence health related outcomes, moderate levels of self-efficacy, and low levels ofphysical and psychosocial disability. A range of services was identified as both helpful and useful in supporting a stable living arrangement. Implications for social policy, service provision, and research are discussed.  相似文献   

We explore how marital aspirations are related to the sexual behaviors of adolescents and young adults in Malawi, where HIV/AIDS prevalence among adults exceeds 10%. We also consider whether the specter of AIDS is shaping ideals about marriage. By combining survey data (N = 1,087) and in‐depth interviews (N = 133) with young Malawians from the Malawi Diffusion and Ideational Change Project, we show that looking for and finding a suitable spouse are linked to sexual behaviors and, thus, HIV risks. Moreover, concerns about contracting HIV are closely tied to the ideal characteristics of a future spouse. Our findings draw long‐overdue attention to the importance of marital aspirations in understanding adolescent sexual behaviors and risks in the era of AIDS.  相似文献   

Lesbian women, both as individuals and as a community, are affected by the AIDS crisis. They are found among the carriers of HIV and among personal caretakers. They are among the activists, the professionals, and the volunteers whose energy and commitment drives AIDS political and service organizations. This article explores some of the problems and issues that have emerged in the relationship of lesbian women to HIV disease and to the AIDS movement. The author examines: (1) problems related to the identification and treatment of lesbians infected with HIV; (2) problems related to the absence of research and education about woman-to-woman sexual transmissions of HIV; (3) the involvement and motivation of lesbians in the development of AIDS activist and service organizations; and (4) the transformational quality of the AIDS crisis and the questions and reevaluations it has stimulated among lesbians, especially with regard to homophobia, classism, and sexism.  相似文献   

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