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An experimental device is used to study the characteristics of dielectric barrier discharge(DBD)plasma excited by high voltage sub-microsecond pulse power in atmospheric air.Glass,polytetrafluoroethene(PTFE)and plexiglass are used as dielectric barrier materials.Comparatively homogeneous discharge is obtained within 130 mm diameter area in atmospheric air using the three dielectric materials with gap distances of 4.5 mm,6.5 mm and 6.5 mm,respectively.There is no filamentary discharge observed by naked eyes or by camera with the exposure time of 0.25 s.Gas gap voltage,discharge current,discharge power density,etc.are calculated by using Liu’s equivalent circuit model for pulsed DBD.These parameters are used to study the DBD characteristics.Typically,current varies from tens of amperes to hundreds of amperes in atmospheric air DBD excited by sub-microsecond pulses.The peak power can reach to MW order of magnitude.The average power surface density of 1.0 W/cm2and the average electron density of 1011cm 3can also be obtained in the discharge.Rotational and vibrational temperatures,approximately 400 K and 2 650 K,respectively,are obtained by using the emission spectrum of the discharge.This is the basic work performed for a better understanding of the characteristics of atmospheric air DBD plasma excited by high voltage sub-microsecond pulsed power source.  相似文献   

Breakdown of atmospheric pressure air gaps with combined design of the cathode at the voltage pulse rise rate equal to 1014V/s has been studied with picoseconds’temporal resolution.Cathode assembly has a structure consisting of a flat thin foil and a grid of parallel foil thin wires.In the space behind the cathode foil a fast electron flow was recorded.The current value of the fast electron beam recorded behind the cathode is essentially influenced by the anode material.At a grid cathode and flat anode,the spectra of fast electrons generated both in direct(towards the anode)and reverse directions have been reconstructed by the attenuation curves.  相似文献   

Surface gas discharge(SGD)plasmas have potential applications in the fields of active flow control,gas purification,heat transfer enhancement,etc.In order to obtain a uniform,stable and large-area SGD at atmosphere,a multi-electrode SGD plasma generator is designed in this paper.The major features of this newly-designed SGD plasma generator is as follows:the air-exposed upper grounded electrodes are made of nine tungsten wires and flush mounted on the dielectric PTFE barrier layer,while the lower powered electrode is made of a copper foil and encapsulated inside the PTFE material to avoid the ignition of the gas discharges below the dielectric barrier layer.The measurements on the electrical characteristics,fast imaging of discharges and the preliminary numerical analysis on the electric field distributions suggest that the multi-electrode configuration of the plasma generator plays a crucial role in enhancing the local electrical field,and subsequently,leads to the stable,quasi-uniform and large-area surface discharges.  相似文献   

Many conventional methods of testing strong and pulsed electromagnetic fields,the ones used in radars for example,had deficiencies due to the difficulty in obtaining simultaneous information about the electromagnetic field’s peak both in the time domain and in the frequency domain.With regard to this problem,after analyzing the time-domain and the frequency-domain characteristics of radar pulsed signals,we propose a new time-frequency combination test method based on the correction of the test parameters,as well as its correction method at different bandwidths.The test method is applied in a quick test of a high-power pulsed radar signal,and the corrected results have error less than 1 dB in both the time domain and the frequency domain,which indicates that the proposed time-frequency combined method is effective in testing strong and pulsed electromagnetic fields.  相似文献   

In this paper,the influence of ammonia admixture on argon discharge properties is investigated.Electrical measurements,as well as ten-nanoseconds-exposure photographs taken by an intensified charge-coupled device(ICCD)camera,are employed to confirm the existence of atmospheric pressure glow discharge(APGD)in Ar/NH3mixture.The breakdown voltage and transition voltage between APGD and filamentary discharge are studied at various ammonia concentrations.The results show that a small amount of NH3can lead to APGD due to the Penning ionization of NH3molecules by metastable argon,and the breakdown voltage increases with the growth in NH3concentrations owing to the electronegative feature of NH3.The optical emission spectrum of Ar/NH3APGD is analyzed.Besides,gas temperature is estimated at 327 K by the diagnoses of the OH(A-X)(0,0)band of the spectrum.  相似文献   

Discharge branching is a general phenomenon in atmospheric-pressure air,dense gases,and two-phase mixtures(TPMs).In this work,an ultraviolet imaging device is utilized to investigate the branching of positive pulsed discharges in TPMs.Comparison among the captured images indicates that the branching is caused by the voltages and the macropartilces in the discharge channels combining together.The interaction of macroparticles with ions,electrons or photons is one reason for the branching behavior of pulsed discharges.The generation of electrons at the discharge front closely relates to the work function of dielectric macroparticles,which is a key parameter influencing the electron-emission ability of macroparticle surfaces.The electric field alteration under various applied voltage in TPMs,which is calculated by a two-dimension finite element method,is the other reason for the guiding effect of macroparticles on the streamers compared with in the air.  相似文献   

The valve side windings of converter transformers bear AC, DC, impulse, and reversal-polarity voltages during operation, which could result in serious insulation problems of the equipment. By performing experiments with surface discharge model of oil-paper insula- tion at 80 ℃ under combined AC-DC voltage for 200 h, we studied the spectrums and statistical parameters of partial discharges at different discharge stages. Furthermore, some fingerprint parameters were calculated in order to estimate the development situation of par- tial discharge, while the characteristic gases dissolved in the transformer oil were measured by gas chromatography. The surface discharges in the experiments were observed using a high speed camera, and a full discharge process could be marked off into four stages as follows. ①The elementary stage. When a partial discharge occurs near electrodes, electrical charges are injected into the region near electrodes and causing bubble generation. ②Due to their high resistivity and low dielectric constant, the bubbles would bare the major part of the voltage applied to samples. Therefore, discharge happens inside the small bubbles, and it emits a lot of light. ③Micromolecules of gas are produced in discharge, and further ionization in the transformer oil takes place simultaneously when high-energy electrons collide with oil molecules. ④The carrier charge moves forward to electrodes driven by the applied electric field, till they neutralize with the charge from electrodes, and hence discharge channels are formed subsequently.  相似文献   

Arc resistance is an important parameter for characterizing long arcs in air, and its laboratory testing is of importance for accurate arc modeling of electromagnetic transient caused by short circuit fault. Therefore, we constructed an experimental system to study the cha- racteristics of long AC arc in air. Driven by currents of 10 kA or 40 kA (root mean square value), the system produces arcs with different initial lengths of 1 m, 2 m and 4 m, and the movement of the arcs are captured by a high-speed camera. After performing experiments using the system, we carried out analysis and comparisons of the arc resistance of arcs with different lengths and different currents, as well as a study of the relationship between the macro-morphology and the resistance of the arcs. Conclusions were drawn from the experimental re- sults: the arc voltage had obvious saturation characteristics; the arc resistance increased with the increase of arc length and the decrease of current; the arcs bended or extended significantly in time and the peak arc voltage within a single cycle increased correspondingly; the arcs had voltage and current in the same phase. In the end, a formula of arc resistance based on the experiment results is derived.  相似文献   

This paper reports the results of an experimental study of the effect of inert gases He,Ar and Kr on ozone generation in a Dielectric Barrier Discharge(DBD) fed by pure oxygen.The chemical reaction mechanisms related to the process of ozone generation are discussed.The experimental results show that ozone concentration decrease with decreasing oxygen content in all He+O2,Ar+O 2 and Kr+O 2 mixtures mainly owing to the decrease of oxygen content.The conversion ratio of oxygen into ozone increases with increasing oxygen content in He+O2 mixtures,but the addition of Ar and Kr can improve the conversion ratio due to the increase of free electrons density and excited oxygen molecules required for ozone formation through ionization and Penning effect.The effect of Kr is more significant for the lower first ionization energy of metastable state compared with other gases.It is probable that the ozone concentration,and ozone production efficiency increase with Kr addition when the reduced electric field and mean electron energy are high enough.  相似文献   

According to the mechanism of corona discharge at the end of the generator stator bar,a model of stator bar end corona discharge is presented.In a closed corona cage at low atmospheric pressure,the corona discharge characteristics of the stator bar end model were observed using an ultraviolet imaging instrument and an oscilloscope.The influence of atmospheric pressure on the corona inception voltage and discharge intensity was analyzed.The results show that the corona inception voltage is lower under lower atmospheric pressure;the discharge intensity is stronger under lower atmospheric pressure.The particles swarm-optimized support vector machine was employed to analyze the impacts of air pressure and humidity on the corona inception voltage.Error between the calculated value of the established model and the experimental value is less than 5%.The established model can be used to calculate the corona inception voltage of the stator bar end model.  相似文献   

For atmospheric pressure plasma jets(APPJ),the gas temperature is essential for their applications.A spectral diagnosis of APPJ’s gas temperature is conducted in this work.The optical emission spectra of helium APPJ are captured by using an optical spectrometer system.Then,the grating secondary spectrum of OH(A2∑+(ν=0)→X2П(ν=0))are used to diagnose the gas temperature of plasmas because the spectrum has excellent resolution.Meanwhile,the vibrational temperatures are estimated by using the vibration sequence of N2band(SPS,the second positive system).On the basis of the method,some important conclusions were obtained.First,the spectral identifying indicates that the grating primary spectrum covers a whole wavelength range from 200 nm to 900 nm,and that the grating secondary spectrum overlaps with the primary spectrum from 400 nm to 900 nm.Second,the gas temperature(about 320 K)is close to the room temperature,while the vibrational temperature of the N2(SPS)is about 5 000 K.The trend of the two temperatures changing with the applied voltage is discussed in the end.  相似文献   

A pulse generator with a voltage rise time of~1.5 ns and voltage amplitude variable from 30 kV to 200 kV was designed for generating runaway electron beams in atmospheric pressure air with different interelectrode gaps.The influence of the voltage amplitude and gap length on the generation was studied.In the gas diode geometry under study,the gap voltage at which the generation of a runaway electron beam begins was determined.Decreasing the voltage pulse amplitude does not increase the beam current pulse width measured with a time resolution of~0.1 ns.It is shown that the escape of beam electrons to the downstream of the foil is sync in time with the voltage drop across the gap,and that the delay of beam current generation increases gradually from 1.1 ns to 2.6 ns as the voltage pulse amplitude across the gap decreases from~100 kV to 40 kV.  相似文献   

表面介质阻挡放电(SDBD)激励器在等离子体主动流动控制中应用广泛,其表面电离波(SIW)传播特性是优化激励器控制效果的重要参数之一。该文分别以聚四氟乙烯(PTFE)和环氧树脂(ER)为介质材料,制作了多地电极阵列结构的表面介质阻挡放电激励器,采用纳秒高压脉冲电源作为激励源,对表面介质阻挡放电中的表面电离波传播特性进行了实验研究。实验结果表明,在脉冲电压的上升沿发生了两次击穿,形成放电通道,分别为初级电离波和次级电离波。在电流曲线上表现为有两个峰值,第一个电流峰值指示初级电离波,第二个电流峰值指示次级电离波。对不同位置处的电流曲线进行积分得到其电荷分布与演化,发现靠近高压电极处的电荷消散的较快,远离高压电极处的电荷消散的较慢,且聚四氟乙烯介质在放电后有明显的电荷残余,而环氧树脂介质电荷残余不明显。此外,研究了外加电压幅值和重复频率对SIW传播特性的影响,结果表明,当保持电压幅值不变(14kV),在100~1 000Hz范围内,脉冲重复频率越高,SIW的电流衰减速率越快,而SIW传播速度变化不大。保持重复频率不变(500Hz),在8~17kV范围内,脉冲电压幅值对SIW的电流衰减速率基本没有影响,但是SIW的传播速度随着脉冲电压幅值的增大而增加。该研究结果有助于SDBD激励器的放电参数优化。  相似文献   

This paper is concerning switching impulse air gap insulation characteristics of rod-to-plane and V-string 6-conductor bundle to tower body in ±800 kV transmission lines.The tests were performed in China Southern Power Grid Co.,Ltd.(CSG) Kunming outdoor UHV laboratory at an altitude of 2 100 m.The switching impulse strength performance were obtained at a rod-to-plane arrangement and a full-scale model of 6-conductor bundle to tower.The test gap length of the typical rod-to-plane arrangement is 1.5~10 m and 5.3~8.2 m for the conductor-tower model,and the range of test voltage is about 450~3 100 kV.The critical positive switching impulse strength of conductor-tower gap is 1 525 kV in the gap length of 6.2 m.Additionally,the influence of the wave front time(100~1 700 μs) on the 50% flashover voltage is discussed.According to the test data,the minimum air gap clearances of the conductor-tower model with V-insulators at the altitude of 2 100 m should be longer than 6.8 m(wave front time 250 μs) and 5.8 m(wave front time 1 000 μs),respectively.The results are useful to air gap insulation design in UHVDC systems with rated voltage of ±800 kV.  相似文献   

大气压空气中同轴介质阻挡放电微放电特性   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
为了更好的利用和研究介质阻挡放电技术,探讨了研究较少的同轴介质阻挡等离子体反应器的放电特性。因该类反应器2个介质阻挡层结构不一致,导致微放电行为在高频高压电源的正弦波电压的正、负半周内特点不同。研究从其放电的等效电路模型,流注放电击穿机理,以及在大气压空气中的放电实验等方面进行。结果表明,大气压下放电间隙8mm反应器时,放电电流波形在外加电源电压的正负半周期内不对称;分别呈现出明显的“似辉光放电”和“丝状放电”特点,单个微放电电流脉冲宽度约50ns,与外加电源电压极性和频率无关。  相似文献   

This paper has an objective to show a developed quantitative criterion,based in two mathematical variables that explicit the deviation degree of a normal situation,applying simultaneously data from terminal impedances and frequency response.Based in more than 100-measured equipment,of different applications(step-up transformer,transmission transformer,etc.,),for a period of 10 years,the work presents some examples of practical application of this methodology in Brazilian Electrical System.  相似文献   

The investigations results of the different types of high-voltage nanosecond atmospheric discharges(diffusive in the gaps "wire(cathode)-plane", "rod(cathode)-plane", spark "point-plane" and in homogeneous gaps "plane-plane", as well as streamerless discharges in homogeneous gaps "plane-plane") are present. It was found out that the current channels prints, left on the electrodes surface, has the microstructure. The microstructure is a cluster(up to 1 000) of the microchannels of 1~30 μm diameters almost evenly distributed on the channels section. It was found out that in some cases the discharges develop in the regime of microstructuring of the current channels, are accompanied by generation of high-energy electrons and x-ray radiation. In this case the generation of high-energy component is stipulated by the electrons runaway in the microchannels. The calculation results of the electric field in clusters of parallel microchannels in the frameworks of the model of a bundle of parallel long cylindrical conductors are present. It is shown that in the clusters with many microchannels in the result of mutual attenuation of their fields maximum strength of the radial field could be lower than the critical one, which is necessary for ionization multiplication and expansion. This provides long existence of microchannels groups of microns radii in the high-voltage nanosecond discharges. A physical model of the streamerless discharge microstructure formation at the result of instability development of the ionization process in the avalanche stage is developed. It was established that the instability has long wave character and leads to formation of self-similar spatial structure. It is shown that the microstructure of the streamer discharges could be explained in the frameworks of this model. Three-dimensional numerical simulation of dynamics of microchannels system of high-voltage nanosecond discharges in the air of atmospheric pressure is performed in hydrodynamic approximation. It is established that fast(≈10 ns) expansion and significant decreasing of the gas concentration in the microchannels takes place at the expense of ohmic heating of the microchannels. It is shown that the microchannels expansion provides increase of electric field and gas concentration ratio up to the values that are sufficient for high-energy electrons beams and bremsstrahlung generation in them.  相似文献   

为了获得常压条件下绝缘支撑材料环氧树脂的沿面闪络特性,通过微秒脉冲下连续沿面放电对环氧树脂表面造成老化损伤,获得老化前后的环氧树脂沿面闪络特性数据。在脉冲电压幅值为18 k V、频率为100 Hz、电极间距为10 mm的情况下,对环氧树脂表面进行沿面放电老化处理,对不同放电老化时间下的表面形貌、粗糙度及水接触角进行测量,分析放电对材料表面的老化影响。结果发现,放电老化后环氧树脂表面疏松,且有大量突起颗粒形成,表面极易吸水。此外对老化前后的环氧树脂表面进行闪络实验,结果发现,表面闪络电压随老化时间出现先降低后升高的现象。相关实验结果及分析为研究环氧树脂的沿面耐压性能提供了一定的参数数据。  相似文献   

表面介质阻挡放电(DBD)在气体流动控制方面有着巨大的应用前景。利用自制的纳秒和微秒脉冲电源进行表面DBD实验,比较了电压幅值、介质厚度、电极水平间距等对两种激励下表面DBD电特性的影响并进行了分析。实验中两种电源激励的表面介质阻挡放电能量均在mJ量级,上升沿瞬时最大功率达到几十kW。实验结果表明:在脉冲上升沿有多次放电,微秒脉冲上升沿放电次数比纳秒脉冲多;随着电压幅值上升,放电次数减少;介质越薄,放电越激烈,能量越大;电极水平间距对表面DBD放电有影响,间距0 mm时能量消耗最大;施加脉冲电压频率越大,放电等离子体的亮度越大;微秒脉冲放电的等离子体区域要大于纳秒脉冲放电。  相似文献   

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