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新疆少数民族双语教育模式及其语言使用问题   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
本文分析了新疆少数民族语言使用与发展状况和现行双语教育模式及目标设计,指出了新疆少数民族双语教育中存在的模式泛化和语言使用问题,认为双语教育的模式应体现双语教育目标,而双语教育的目标设计应以少数民族语言使用与发展状况为依据,才能满足不同民族对双语教育的需求。双语教学中民汉语言的使用应以教师和学生的汉语能力为依据,以实现双语教育目标为目的,实事求是地实现教学语言的逐渐过渡。  相似文献   

在分析阿合奇县双语教育的基础上,探讨了民族接触和语言的双向交流是发展双语教育的自然条件,也是发展民族文化的必由之路。  相似文献   

文章在分析了西北民族地区藏汉双语教学的现状的基础上,指出民族地区双语教学存在着教师双语教学能力不一,双语师资紧缺,学生双语基础薄弱,缺乏良好的语言环境等问题,并通过归纳探讨提出现代教育技术可以有效地提高藏汉双语教学质量,最后总结出基于现代教育理念进行教师的双语教学能力培训、利用现代信息技术手段创建良好的语言环境、倡导信息化的双语教学课堂等策略建议。  相似文献   

我国是一个多民族国家,民族语言丰富,但少数民族语言的生存状况濒危,民族语言文化保护迫在眉睫。我国少数民族儿童具有语言能力的优势,不仅掌握本民族的语言,还掌握其他少数民族语言和汉语,具有双语或多语能力。我们应当认识并挖掘少数民族儿童语言能力优势的潜在价值,采取多种教育措施,大力发展双语教育,切实做好民族语言文化的传承和发展。  相似文献   

文章通过问卷和访谈相结合的方法,对哨葫芦村东干人的语言使用情况进行了调查。文章认为在多民族国家,语言的社会功能是决定各个民族语言选择和使用的关键因素,语言的选择和使用绝不以民族的意志和情感而转移;对于多民族国家中的少数民族,开展双语双文乃至多语多文教育是保存和发展少数民族语言文化传统的一种必然选择;少数民族对语言的选择及其语言能力的发展受到年龄、职业、性别和教育背景等多种因素影响,在制定民族语言政策时须对这些因素给予足够的关注;在一个多民族、多语言的国家中,双语能力和双文能力始终是不平衡的,对此,在实施双语教育的多民族国家,政府有必要引导民众正确认识这种不平衡状态。  相似文献   

中国少数民族双语教育的历史沿革(上)   总被引:11,自引:3,他引:11  
中国少数民族双语教育的历史沿革(上)戴庆厦董艳实施双语教育的根本目的,是依赖于本族语言的天然条件,进一步学好使用第二语言,促进个人以至整个社会的进步与发展。所以,双语教育是民族教育的一个重要组成部分,搞好双语教育有利于民族教育的发展。双语教育的形成与...  相似文献   

<正>双语教学是发展民族教育的有效途径,为少数民族地区的学生获得更广泛、更优质的教育资源创造了条件。双语教学改变了民族地区单纯使用地方民族语授课的方式,通过采用民族语和汉语两种语言作为教学用语,民族地区的学生在掌握学科知识的同时,也增强了汉语语言能力。最终达到能够同时使用民族语和汉语进行思维,并根据环境需要自由切换的目的。实现高效的初中数学双语教学需要一支高水平的初中数学双语教师队伍。然而,民族地区双语教师队  相似文献   

双语教育不是简单的教学语言问题,脱离少数民族语言语境下的双语教育,必定无法实现,不能成功。新疆少数民族双语教育必须建立在符合新疆少数民族社会的基础上,理论与实际相联系,在不脱离少数民族语境的范畴下开展少数民族双语教育。将民族教育现状和民族文化背景相契合,使新疆双语教育达到质的发展。  相似文献   

本研究以新疆学前双语幼儿园384名维吾尔族儿童为研究对象,通过国际通用儿童语言研究工具和汉语语料库研究方法,探讨新疆学前双语教育情境中民族儿童的汉语发展现状。研究发现了学前民族儿童汉语学习呈现不断递升的发展图景,在汉语理解性语义和表达性语义、叙事语言和学业语言,以及汉语平均语句长度等方面逐渐发展的态势,报告了学前民族儿童汉语入学准备的良好前景;根据学前民族儿童汉语语言学习与发展规律,对新疆学前双语教育提出了整合有序的教育模式的建议;同时针对学前民族儿童与汉语为母语儿童之间的汉语语义发展差距,建议新疆学前双语教育重视引入早期阅读理念和图画书资源,为民族儿童的汉语学习构建高质量的语言输入过程。  相似文献   

赵丹 《科教导刊》2019,(11):58-61
各民族之间语言交融的过程中,语言之间彼此兼容和补充是必然的趋势。中国的少数民族因其特殊的民族身份,习得两种语言或三种语言成为了普遍现象,少数民族的双语教育也显得极其重要。朝鲜族和维吾尔族虽同是少数民族,但因地域特征、语言环境等因素,造成了两者双语教育进程的不同。本文以南疆库车双语教育为着眼点,比较研究朝鲜族双语教育和维吾尔族双语教育差异,借鉴朝鲜族双语教育的成功经验,探究维吾尔族双语教育新策略。  相似文献   

幼儿双语教育不仅对儿童的语言能力和思维方法有较大影响,而且对儿童的个性形成和价值观形成也有着不可忽视的影响。但目前相当多的幼儿双语教育存在着重视技能培养,轻视文化渗透的现象。要提高幼儿双语教育质量,应树立全人教育的理念,加大双语教育师资培养力度,架起幼儿园与家长联系的桥梁,营造良好的社区教育环境。  相似文献   

Ongoing globalisation processes call forth a need to foster students' intercultural competences and language skills. Simultaneously, teachers face an increasing diversity of students' first languages and cultures within classrooms, demanding responsive and integrative practices from them which address all students. Bilingual education is one possible format in which these challenges can be met; however, it requires a high level of teacher professionalism. This systematic literature review harvests international research on bilingual education teachers published between 1995 and 2020. It compares frameworks and research on bilingual education teachers’ required competences for secondary education and generates a professional competence model for bilingual education teachers. This systematic review of 79 individual reports identifies a total of 16 converging competences, many focusing on language proficiency and pedagogical/psychological knowledge. Furthermore, it yields important implications for bilingual teacher training such as the fostering of (academic) language proficiency, cooperation skills and knowledge of bilingual education research.  相似文献   

新疆的双语教学已进入了一个转型时期,转型后的双语教学已经不限于汉语教学,而更多地转入了学科教学。教学内容的转变促进了双语教学模式的变化,也对双语教师的学科专业素养提出了新的要求。加强双语教师的专业化培养与培训,提高培养和培训的质量和效果,迫切需要培养与培训机制和模式的创新。  相似文献   

对我国双语教育的几点思考   总被引:17,自引:0,他引:17  
改革开放以来,一种以提高外语水平为主要目的的双语教育在我国蓬勃兴起,然而,国内对双语教育的本质和内涵缺乏较为深刻的认识。国际上较为认可的双语教育一般为双重任务:一是实现教育目的的手段,二是教育目的本身。双语教育的基本类型主要为过渡性、单语识字、部分平衡发展、完全平衡发展四种。我国双语教育基本分为保持少数民族语言和提高学生外语水平两种类型,其效果都得到了肯定。当前,我国双语教育发展过程中应注意对双语教育本质的认识,加强对双语习得理论的探讨,把文化教育与语言教育紧密结合。  相似文献   

The role of subject teachers in content and language integrated learning (CLIL) has received little attention, since most research focuses on language learning results of students. This exploratory study aims to gain insight into the perceptions of Dutch bilingual education history teachers by comparing teaching CLIL with regular history teaching. We used questionnaires and interviews to collect data. Results show that bilingual education history teachers perceived their dual task as language and subject teachers to be challenging. Teaching in English also enriched their teaching skills and eventually had a positive influence on their level of job satisfaction.  相似文献   

This article briefly reviews recent research on teaching phonological awareness skills to preschoolers as well as the benefits of different types of bilingual education. A more in-depth analysis of research on cross-language transfer of phonological awareness/metalinguistic skills follows. The major recommendation resulting from this review is that the teaching of phonological awareness skills in both the home language and school language of preschoolers is the preferred intervention.  相似文献   

合格学前双语教师应该具备良好的职业道德品质、扎实的英语基础知识和技能、基本的学前教育理论知识和教学技能以及较强的学前双语教育理论知识和教学技能等专业素养,才能满足学前双语教育模式对师资的要求。  相似文献   

Learning to read in a shallow alphabetic orthography such as Urdu may depend primarily on phonological processing skills, whilst learning to read in a deeper orthography, such as English, may place more reliance on visual processing skills. This study explores the effects of Urdu on the acquisition of English literacy skills by comparing the reading, memory and phonological processing skills of bilingual Urdu‐English and monolingual English children (7–8 years). The bilingual children had more difficulty in reading irregular English words, but were better at reading regular words and nonwords compared to the monolinguals. The poor performance of the bilingual children with irregular English words was linked to their poor visual memory skills, whilst their good performance with regular words and nonwords was related to the presence of enhanced phonological skills. The results demonstrate the transfer of first language skills to reading development in a second language. In English, first language skills can facilitate the development of either lexical or non‐lexical routes to reading.  相似文献   

The goal of this study was to examine the role of Indian bilingual parents’ book reading practices on the development of the children’s oral language, narrative and literacy skills in English, their second language. About 24 bilingual children from two preschools in Bangalore, India were tested in schools in English on receptive vocabulary, complex syntax, narrative expression, phonological awareness, and concepts about print. The findings suggest that exposure to book reading in English is associated with bilingual children’s oral language, narrative and literacy development in their second language.  相似文献   

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