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Life history theory emphasizes the importance of trade‐offs in how time and energy are allocated to the competing demands of growth, fecundity, and survival. However, avian studies have historically emphasized the importance of resource acquisition over resource allocation to explain geographic variation in fecundity, parental care, and offspring development. We compared the brood sizes and nestling mass and feather growth trajectories between orange‐crowned warblers Oreothlypis celata breeding in Alaska versus California, and used 24‐h video recordings to study the relationship between parental care and growth rates. Per‐offspring provisioning rates were highest in the smallest broods, and food delivery was positively correlated with nestling growth over the 24‐h period only in Alaska. Females in Alaska spent more time brooding, and juveniles there showed faster feather growth and earlier mobility compared with those in California. We also found differences in the energetic and nutritional content of insect larvae that could facilitate the observed differences in nestling growth relative to food provisioning. Our results point to the potential importance of food quality and parental provisioning of warmth, in addition to food, for explaining avian growth patterns. We highlight the need to quantify multiple dimensions of parental care and of offspring growth and development, and to better understand the relationships between feather growth, nestling period length, and fledgling mobility.  相似文献   

Aim We explore geographic variation in body size within the wingless grasshopper, Phaulacridium vittatum, along a latitudinal gradient, and ask whether melanism can help explain the existence of clinal variation. We test the hypotheses that both male and female grasshoppers will be larger and lighter in colour at lower latitudes, and that reflectance and size will be positively correlated, as predicted by biophysical theory. We then test the hypothesis that variability in size and reflectance is thermally driven, by assessing correlations with temperature and other climatic variables. Location Sixty‐one populations were sampled along the east coast of Australia between latitudes 27.63° S and 43.10° S, at elevations ranging from 10 to 2000 m a.s.l. Methods Average reflectance was used as a measure of melanism and femur length as an index of body size for 198 adult grasshoppers. Climate variables were generated by BIOCLIM for each collection locality. Hierarchical partitioning was used to identify those variables with the most independent influence on grasshopper size and reflectance. Results Overall, there was no simple relationship between size and latitude in P. vittatum. Female body size decreased significantly with latitude, while male body size was largest at intermediate latitudes. Rainfall was the most important climatic variable associated with body size of both males and females. Female body size was also associated with radiation seasonality and male body size with reflectance. The reflectance of females was not correlated with latitude or body size, while male reflectance was significantly higher at intermediate latitudes and positively correlated with body size. Analyses of climate variables showed no significant association with male reflectance, while female reflectance was significantly related to the mean temperature of the driest quarter. Main conclusions Geographic variation in the body size of the wingless grasshopper is best explained in terms of rainfall and radiation seasonality, rather than temperature. However, melanism is also a significant influence on body size in male grasshoppers, suggesting that thermal fitness does play a role in determining adaptive responses to local conditions in this sex.  相似文献   

Sexual size dimorphism (SSD) is often assumed to be driven by three major selective processes: (1) sexual selection influencing male size and thus mating success, (2) fecundity selection acting on females and (3) inter‐sexual resource division favouring different size in males and females to reduce competition for resources. Sexual selection should be particularly strong in species that exhibit lek polygyny, since male mating success is highly skewed in such species. We investigated whether these three selective processes are related to SSD evolution in grouse and allies (Phasianidae). Male‐biased SSD increased with body size (Rensch’s rule) and lekking species exhibited more male‐biased SSD than nonlekking ones. Directional phylogenetic analyses indicated that lekking evolved before SSD, but conclusions were highly dependent on the body size traits and chosen model values. There was no relationship between SSD and male display agility, nor did resource division influence SSD. Although clutch mass increased with female body size it was not related to the degree of SSD. Taken together, the results are most consistent with the hypothesis that lekking behaviour led to the evolution of male‐biased SSD in Phasianidae.  相似文献   

We investigated one causal explanation for geographic variation in clutch size and aggregative feeding of the pipevine swallowtail, Battus philenor. Populations in California lay larger clutches than those in Texas, and larger feeding aggregations grow at an accelerated rate on the California host plant. Using reciprocal transplant experiments with larvae from California and Texas populations, we found that the benefit of increased growth rate associated with feeding in larger groups occurred only on the California host plant and was observed for larvae from both populations. These results are consistent with the hypothesis that larger clutch size and aggregative feeding are adaptations to characteristics of the California host plant. Future studies on the evolution of clutch size and aggregative feeding of herbivorous insects should consider how these life-history traits affect host plant suitability.  相似文献   

Optimal clutch size of the chestnut gall-wasp, Dryocosmus kuriphilus Yasumatsu (Hymenoptera: Cynipidae), was examined in galls on wild and resistant chestnut trees in 1988 and 1989. The rate of escape success of newly-emerged adults from galls was an average of 60%, irrespective of cell numbers per gall. Dry mass per cell of a gall (as an index of nutritive condition) decreased with increasing cell number per gall, but was proportional to the mean number of mature eggs of new adults per gall. The number of cells per gall that occurred most frequently did not agree with that attained by the maximum survival rate from young larva to adult emergence of the gall-wasp. This discrepancy was examined from the viewpoint of three factors: 1) quality of offspring, 2) defensive response of the host plant causing mortality of the gall-wasp before cell formation, and 3) fitness per gall vs. fitness per egg. It is concluded that the third factor is most likely to be the one best in explaining the discrepancy.  相似文献   

The fecundity‐advantage hypothesis (FAH) explains larger female size relative to male size as a correlated response to fecundity selection. We explored FAH by investigating geographic variation in female reproductive output and its relation to sexual size dimorphism (SSD) in Lacerta agilis, an oviparous lizard occupying a major part of temperate Eurasia. We analysed how sex‐specific body size and SSD are associated with two putative indicators of fecundity selection intensity (clutch size and the slope of the clutch size–female size relationship) and with two climatic variables throughout the species range and across two widespread evolutionary lineages. Variation within the lineages provides no support for FAH. In contrast, the divergence between the lineages is in line with FAH: the lineage with consistently female‐biased SSD (L. a. agilis) exhibits higher clutch size and steeper fecundity slope than the lineage with an inconsistent and variable SSD (L. a. exigua). L. a. agilis shows lower offspring size (egg mass, hatchling mass) and higher clutch mass relative to female mass than L. a. exigua, that is both possible ways to enhance offspring number are exerted. As the SSD difference is due to male size (smaller males in L. a. agilis), fecundity selection favouring larger females, together with viability selection for smaller size in both sexes, would explain the female‐biased SSD and reproductive characteristics of L. a. agilis. The pattern of intraspecific life‐history divergence in L. agilis is strikingly similar to that between oviparous and viviparous populations of a related species Zootoca vivipara. Evolutionary implications of this parallelism are discussed.  相似文献   

The demands of incubation and avian clutch size   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
We reviewed information on the demands of incubation to examine whether these could influence the optimal clutch size of birds. The results indicate that appreciable metabolic costs of incubation commonly exist, and that the incubation of enlarged clutches can impose penalties on birds. In 23 studies on 19 species, incubation metabolic rate (IMR) was not elevated above the metabolic rate of resting non-incubating birds (RMR), but contrary to the physiological predictions of King and others, IMR was greater than RMR in 15 studies on 15 species. Across species, IMR was substantially above basal metabolic rate (BMR), averaging 1.606 × BMR. Of six studies on three species performed under thermo-neutral conditions, none found IMR to be in excess of RMR. IMRs measured exclusively within the thermo-neutral zone averaged only 1.08 × BMR contrasting with the significantly higher figure of 1.72 × BMR under wider conditions. 16 of 17 studies on procellariiforms found IMR below RMR, indicating a significant difference between this and other orders. We could find no other taxonomic, or ecological factors which had clear effects on IMR. Where clutch size was adjusted experimentally during incubation, larger clutches were associated with: significantly lower percentage hatching success in 11 of 19 studies; longer incubation periods in eight of ten studies; greater loss of adult body condition in two of five studies; and higher adult energy expenditure in eight of nine studies. Given that incubation does involve metabolic costs and given that the demands of incubation increase sufficiently with clutch size to affect breeding performance, we propose that the optimal clutch size of birds may in part by shaped by the number of eggs the parents can afford to incubate.  相似文献   

Research on life-history traits of squamate reptiles has focused on North American species, while Asian taxa have been virtually ignored. In order to understand general patterns in reptile life histories, we need a broader data base. Our study on the slender-bodied lacertid lizard Takydromus septentrionalis provides the first detailed information on factors responsible for intraspecific variation in reproductive output and life history in a Chinese reptile. Clutches of recently collected lizards from five widely separated localities in China revealed major divergences in female body size at maturation, mean adult female body size, body condition after oviposition, size-adjusted fecundity, relative clutch mass, and mass and shape of eggs. Most of these geographical differences persisted when the same groups of females were maintained in identical conditions in captivity. Additionally, reproductive frequency during maintenance under laboratory conditions differed according to the animals' place of origin. Thus, the extensive geographical variation in reproductive and life-history traits that occurs within T. septentrionalis is exhibited even in long-term captives, suggesting that proximate factors that vary among localities (local conditions of weather and food supply) are less important determinants of life-history variation than are intrinsic (presumably genetic) influences. The maternal abdominal volume available to hold the clutch may be one such factor, based on low levels of variation in Relative Clutch Mass among populations, and geographical variation in the position of trade-off lines linking offspring size to fecundity.  © 2005 The Linnean Society of London, Biological Journal of the Linnean Society , 2005, 85 , 443–453.  相似文献   

Ecogeographical rules linking climate to morphology have gained renewed interest because of climate change. Yet few studies have evaluated to what extent geographical trends ascribed to these rules have a genetic, rather than environmentally determined, basis. This applies especially to Allen's rule, which states that the relative extremity length decreases with increasing latitude. We studied leg length in the common frog (Rana temporaria) along a 1500 km latitudinal gradient utilizing wild and common garden data. In the wild, the body size-corrected femur and tibia lengths did not conform to Allen's rule but peaked at mid-latitudes. However, the ratio of femur to tibia length increased in the north, and the common garden data revealed a genetic cline consistent with Allen's rule in some trait and treatment combinations. While selection may have shortened the leg length in the north, the genetic trend seems to be partially masked by environmental effects.  相似文献   

Birds display a latitudinal gradient in clutch size with smaller clutches in the tropics and larger in the temperate region. Three factors have been proposed to affect this pattern: seasonality of resources (SR), nest predation and length of the breeding season (LBS). Here, we test the importance of these factors by modelling clutch size evolution within bird populations under different environmental settings. We use an individual‐based ecogenetic simulation model that combines principles from population ecology and life history theory. Results suggest that increasing SR from the tropics to the poles by itself or in combination with a decreasing predation rate and LBS can generate the latitudinal gradient in clutch size. Annual fecundity increases and annual adult survival rate decreases from the tropics to the poles. We further show that the annual number of breeding attempts that (together with clutch size) determines total annual egg production is an important trait to understand latitudinal patterns in these life history characteristics. Field experiments that manipulate environmental factors have to record effects not only on clutch size, but also on annual number of breeding attempts. We use our model to predict the outcome of such experiments under different environmental settings.  相似文献   

桓仁滑蜥(Scincella huanrensis)系卵胎生,1年生殖1次,生殖季节为7月下旬到8月上旬。平均每只雌蜥产仔4.556(2~6)只。雌蜥的分娩在洞穴中进行,分娩时间可持续60-90min,仔蜥在产出时卵膜已破裂。雌性采取的是高投入的生殖策略,平均生殖投入率0.436(0.212~0.526)。相关性回归分析表明:窝仔数与雌蜥体重、体长和生殖投入呈正相关关系;生殖投入与雌蜥的体重和体长不相关;幼蜥的体长、体重与窝仔数呈负相关关系。  相似文献   

Aim One of the longest recognized patterns in macroecology, Bergmann’s rule, describes the tendency for homeothermic animals to have larger body sizes in cooler climates than their phylogenetic relatives in warmer climates. Here we provide an integrative process‐based explanation for Bergmann’s rule at the global scale for the mammal order Carnivora. Location Global. Methods Our database comprises the body sizes of 209 species of extant terrestrial Carnivora, which were analysed using phylogenetic autocorrelation and phylogenetic eigenvector regression. The interspecific variation in body size was partitioned into phylogenetic (P) and specific (S) components, and mean P‐ and S‐components across species were correlated with environmental variables and human occupation both globally and for regions glaciated or not during the last Ice Age. Results Three‐quarters of the variation in body size can be explained by phylogenetic relationships among species, and the geographical pattern of mean values of the P‐component is the opposite of the pattern predicted by Bergmann’s rule. Partial regression revealed that at least 43% of global variation in the mean phylogenetic component is explained by current environmental factors. In contrast, the mean S‐component of body size shows large positive deviations from ancestors across the Holarctic, and negative deviations in southern South America, the Sahara Desert, and tropical Asia. There is a moderately strong relationship between the human footprint and body size in glaciated regions, explaining 19% of the variance of the mean P‐component. The relationship with the human footprint and the P‐component is much weaker in the rest of the world, and there is no relationship between human footprint and S‐component in any region. Main conclusions Bergmannian clines are stronger at higher latitudes in the Northern Hemisphere because of the continuous alternation of glacial–interglacial cycles throughout the late Pliocene and Pleistocene, which generated increased species turnover, differential colonization and more intense adaptive processes soon after glaciated areas became exposed. Our analyses provide a unified explanation for an adaptive Bergmann’s rule within species and for an interspecific trend towards larger body sizes in assemblages resulting from historical changes in climate and contemporary human impacts.  相似文献   

On the validity of Bergmann's rule   总被引:15,自引:4,他引:11  
Aim We reviewed the occurrence of Bergmann's rule in birds (ninety‐four species) and mammals (149 species), using only studies where statistical significance of the results was tested. We also tested whether studies using different characters as surrogates of body size have a different tendency to conform to Bergmann's rule, whether body size and nest type (in birds) have an influence on the tendency to conform to the rule, and whether sedentary birds conform to the rule more than migratory birds. Location Worldwide. Methods We reviewed published data on geographic and temporal variation in body size, using only studies where the statistical significance of the results was tested. We asked how many species conform to the rule out of all species studied in each order and family. Results Over 72% of the birds and 65% of the mammal species follow Bergmann's rule. An overall tendency to follow the rule occurs also within orders and families. Studies using body mass in mammals show the greatest tendency to adhere to Bergmann's rule (linear measurements and dental measurements show a weaker tendency); while in birds, studies using body mass and other surrogates (linear measurements and egg size) show a similar tendency. Birds of different body mass categories exhibit a similar tendency to follow Bergmann's rule, while in mammals the lower body size categories (4–50 and 50–500 g) show a significantly lower tendency to conform to the rule. Sedentary birds tend to conform to Bergmann's rule more than migratory species. Nest type does not affect the tendency to conform to Bergmann's rule. Main conclusions Bergmann's rule is a valid ecological generalization for birds and mammals.  相似文献   

Aedes albopictus (Skuse) is an invasive mosquito species found across the southern U.S. with range expansion into many northern states. Intra‐ and interspecific larval competition have been evaluated for Ae. albopictus with respect to subsequent adult size, immature and adult survivability, and its capacity to vector pathogens as an adult. However, limited data are available on egg production as related to larval rearing conditions. Because Ae. albopictus is a container‐inhabiting mosquito that oviposits in resource‐limited habitats, it is found under variable density‐dependent conditions. Therefore, we examined the impact of specific rearing conditions on Ae. albopictus clutch size and adult body size; comparing the egg production values and wing lengths from known developmental densities to those from field‐collected populations. Field populations varied significantly among collection sites in mean clutch size (23 to 46). These clutch sizes were comparable to the mean clutch sizes of females reared at the larval densities of nine (20 eggs) and three (53 eggs) larvae per 3 ml of water in the laboratory. Field populations experienced density‐dependent effects impacting adult mosquito size. Mosquitoes from the four sample sites had mean wing lengths of 1.99, 2.47, 2.51, and 2.54 mm, which were less than the mean wing length of mosquitoes reared at larval densities of three larvae per 3 ml of water (2.57 mm).  相似文献   

The range boundaries of organisms are frequently interpreted in terms of a decline in the extent to which the life histories of outer populations are able to adapt to local environmental conditions. To test this hypothesis, we compared the reproductive characteristics of two Iberian populations of the lizard Psammodromus algirus (Linnaeus, 1758). One of them (Lerma) is close to the northern edge of the species' range, whereas the other one (El Pardo) occupies a typical core habitat 200 km further south. Gravid females were captured in the field and transported to the lab for egg laying. Second clutches were less frequent at Lerma (where clutch size and clutch mass were larger for first than for second clutches) than at El Pardo. The total mass of both clutches combined was similar at both sites. Thus, the higher frequency of second clutches at El Pardo appeared to balance the between-sites difference in energy allocation to the first clutch. Females from Lerma laid more but smaller eggs than those from El Pardo. When incubated at the same temperature, eggs from Lerma hatched sooner even when controlling for between-sites differences in mean egg size. These differences are interpreted in the light of the advantages of early hatching and high fecundity in the northern population, as opposed to large offspring size in the core population. We conclude that the life-history traits studied show enough variation, presumably of an adaptive nature, to cope with environmental challenges at the edge of the species' range.  © 2007 The Linnean Society of London, Biological Journal of the Linnean Society , 2007, 92 , 87–96.  相似文献   

This study tries to unveil the contribution of climatic shift in shaping the extreme body size diversity in terrestrial isopods (Oniscidea). Trying to explain size variation at an interspecific level, we test five hypotheses: (1) Bergmann's Rule and the temperature‐size rule postulate large size in cold areas; (2) The metabolic cold adaptation theory postulates small animal sizes in cold environments; (3) The primary productivity hypothesis predicts size increase in resource‐rich areas; (4) The aridity resistance hypothesis predicts large size in arid regions; and (5). The acidosis hypothesis predicts smaller size with decreasing soil pH. Globally, Bergmann's rule and the aridity hypothesis are weakly supported. Among families and genera, results are variable and idiosyncratic. Conglobating species sizes provide weak support for the acidosis hypothesis. Overall, size is strongly affected by familial affiliation. Isopod size evolution seems to be mainly affected by phylogenetically constrained life‐history traits.  相似文献   

Previous theoretical work has suggested that smaller brood sizes helped facilitate the emergence of cooperative breeding in birds. However, recent empirical evidence has found no statistically significant difference between the clutch sizes of cooperative breeders and that of noncooperative breeders. One explanation for this finding is that while small clutch sizes may predispose species to cooperative breeding, the emergence of cooperative breeding itself may influence the evolution of clutch size. Here, we develop a set of models using population dynamics to describe how the emergence of cooperative breeding influences clutch size. We find, in contrast to previous theoretical work, that the emergence of cooperative breeding does not necessarily decrease (and under certain conditions may actually increase) clutch size. In particular, clutch size may increase after the emergence of cooperative breeding if helpers – philopatric individuals that assist their breeding relatives – are able to substantially improve breeder fecundity at low costs to their own survival, and if the association between breeder and helper is brief. In many cases, clutch size increases following the emergence of cooperative breeding not because it is optimal for the breeder, but as the result of breeder–helper conflict over resource allocation.  相似文献   

Common eiders, Somateria mollissima, breed on two types of island in the Northern Baltic: open, sparsely vegetated islands and wooded islands with dense mixed forests. On open islands 79.8% of the nests were on open cliffs, exposed to wind and rain whereas on wooded islands 91.7% of the nests were sheltered inside dense spruce and pine thickets. We found that clutch size on open islands was significantly smaller than on wooded islands. Females started breeding simultaneously in the two habitats and they were similar in body size as measured by the length of the radio-ulna. During incubation females on open islands lost weight at a faster rate than females on wooded islands (34 g/day and 19 g/day, respectively). Heat loss is faster on open than wooded islands and therefore we suggest that the faster weight loss of females on open islands result from thermodynamically adverse incubation conditions. Because the eider is an extreme capital breeder, energy used for egg production cannot be used for incubation. To sustain a higher incubation cost on open islands, the optimal clutch size is therefore lower than on wooded islands. Received: 27 January 1997 / Accepted: 14 March 1997  相似文献   

Models of small clutch sizes predict a number of invariant relationships between means and variances of measures of reproductive investment. However, empirical tests of the models have been lagging behind theoretical work. We tested the predictions using data on the mallee dragon, Ctenophorus fordi, a species where the basic assumptions of the models are likely to be fulfilled. Some, but not all, qualitative predictions of the models were shown to hold true, but the data fitted poorly to quantitative predictions. The patterns of deviation from theory may suggest the presence of a lower, and potentially an upper, limit on egg mass. We also argue that multiple and non-independent allocation decisions between total reproductive effort, growth and maintenance, and offspring size-number allocation could be important factors in the evolution of size-number strategies in lizards and thus need to be taken into account in theoretical models. The present study shows the potential to use small clutch size models to gain further insights into reproductive investment and allocation decisions in squamates.  相似文献   

Sexual‐size dimorphism (SSD) is widespread in animals. Body length is the most common trait used in the study of SSD in reptiles. However, body length combines lengths of different body parts, notably heads and abdomens. Focusing on body length ignores possible differential selection pressures on such body parts. We collected the head and abdomen lengths of 610 lizard species (Reptilia: Squamata: Sauria). Across species, males have relatively larger heads, whereas females have relatively larger abdomens. This consistent difference points to body length being an imperfect measure of lizard SSD because it comprises both abdomen and head lengths, which often differ between the sexes. We infer that female lizards of many species are under fecundity selection to increase abdomen size, consequently enhancing their reproductive output (enlarging either clutch or offspring size). In support of this, abdomens of lizards laying large clutches are longer than those of lizards with small clutches. In some analyses, viviparous lizards have longer abdomens than oviparous lizards with similar head lengths. Our data also suggest that male lizards are under sexual selection to increase head size, which is positively related to winning male–male combats and to faster grasping of females. Thus, larger heads could translate into higher probability to mate. © 2013 The Linnean Society of London, Biological Journal of the Linnean Society, 2013, 110 , 665–673.  相似文献   

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