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Studies have been made on the motor activity of amnion and chick embryo from the 5th to the 14th day of development. Between the 5th and the 8th day of embryogenesis, when embryonic movements are rather poor, amnion contractions are mainly observed, their frequency being maximum to the 7th day. On further development (8-14 days), with the increase in the mass of the limbs which account for embryonic movements (body extremities), the increase in the intensity of their motor activity is paralleled by the decrease in the frequency of amnion contractions. Therefore, during the intensive growth and development of mainly frontal part of the embryo, the deficiency of motor activity of rather undeveloped body and extremities is presumably compensated by temporal motor activity of the amnion. Between the 8th and the 10th day, synchronous movements of embryo and amnion are observed. Possible mechanisms of synchronization are discussed.  相似文献   

Markers of neuronal cell differentiation (GABA accumulation, choline acetyltransferase activity) are shown to increase initially and then decline sharply in monolayer cultures of 9 day embryo neuroretinal (NR) cells. A glial marker (glutamine synthetase, GSase) is precociously inducible by hydrocortisone (HC) in dens "monolayer' NR cultures (containing aggregates of neuronal cells overlying the glian sheet) as well as in chick embryo retinal explants. The induced level of GSase activity is not maintained in the continued presence of HC, but rather declines by 20 days in vitro. Choline acetyltransferase (CAT) activity is higher in HC-treated cultures than in controls only during the period when induced GSase activity is detectable. Furthermore, the subsequent transdifferentiation of lens cells (monitored as delta crystalline content) in these cultures is delayed by 10 days and much reduced in extent when HC is present throughout the culture period. We suggest a simple model to account for these results, on the basis of recent evidence that lens cells are derived mainly from the retinal epithelial cells (immature Müller glia) of 9-day embryonic NR, and that transdifferentiation results from a change in cell determination during the early stages of "monolayers' culture. In outline, our model proposes that early determination of the retinal glia is associated with a decline of neuronal cell markers (dedifferentiation) followed eventually by loss of the neuronal cells. Hydrocortisone, by inducing transient glial cell differentiation (GSase activity), both prolongs the expression of a neuronal marker (CAT) and also reduces later transdifferentiation into lens.  相似文献   

B Iyengar  S K Lal 《Acta anatomica》1985,123(4):220-223
The sub-blastodermal administration of methylene blue at 17 h of incubation gives rise to a mosaic of neuroectodermal differentiation with a disruption of the neural axis at 40 h of incubation. These features appear to be due to the rapid and direct movement of this dye into all the cells of the chick embryo blastoderm, and its binding and breakdown of the cytoplasmic ribose nucleotides, due to which neural tube formation is completely inhibited. The findings are confirmed by combined copper sulphate and methylene blue treatment, as copper is a powerful catalyst of methylene blue activity and binds with RNA.  相似文献   

The origin of the iridial sphincter muscle in chick embryo was investigated by means of immunohistochemistry. Desmin immunoreactive cells are shown in the mesenchymal stroma overlying the anterior epithelial layer of the iris in 4 1/2-day chick embryos. In 9-11-day chick embryos also some cells of the posterior epithelium near the pupillary margin, and of the iridial lamella show a slighter desmin-immunoreactivity. This finding agrees with a double origin of the iridial sphincter muscle: an early mesenchymal one and a later epithelial other.  相似文献   

A thin-slab, SDS polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis system is described in which actin within whole cell homogenates can be quantitated within a wide range of protein values (0.05–1.4 μg/band). After demonstrating the absence of appreciable contaminants in the actin band, and the lack of appreciable reincorporation of label during pulse-chase experiments, the turnover of actin was examined in pre-labeled cells during normal log growth and during induced encystation in Acanthamoeba. During log growth, no actin degradation was detected. However, as the cells approached the end of log phase growth and entered stationary phase, a dramatic increase in the amount of actin/cell and the percentage of total protein represented by actin was recorded. The encystation process per se was accompanied by a rapid reduction in these values to preencystment levels.  相似文献   

We have examined the cellular and synaptic mechanisms underlying the genesis of alternating motor activity in the developing spinal cord of the chick embryo. Experiments were performed on the isolated lumbosacral cord maintained in vitro. Intracellular and whole cell patch clamp recordings obtained from sartorius (primarily a hip flexor) and femorotibialis (a knee extensor) motoneurons showed that both classes of cell are depolarized simultaneously during each cycle of motor activity. Sartorius motoneurons generally fire two bursts/cycle, whereas femorotibialis motoneurons discharge throughout their depolarization, with peak activity between the sartorius bursts. Voltage clamp recordings revealed that inhibitory and excitatory synaptic currents are responsible for the depolarization of sartorius motoneurons, whereas femorotibialis motoneurons are activated principally by excitatory currents. Early in development, the dominant synaptic currents in rhythmically active sartorius motoneurons appear to be inhibitory so that firing is restricted to a single, brief burst at the beginning of each cycle. In E7-E13 embryos, lumbosacral motor activity could be evoked following stimulation in the brainstem, even when the brachial and cervical cord was bathed in a reduced calcium solution to block chemical synaptic transmission. These findings suggest that functional descending connections from the brainstem to the lumbar cord are present by E7, although activation of ascending axons or electrical synapses cannot be eliminated. Ablation, optical, and immunocytochemical experiments were performed to characterize the interneuronal network responsible for the synaptic activation of motoneurons. Ablation experiments were used to show that the essential interneuronal elements required for the rhythmic alternation are in the ventral part of the cord. This observation was supported by real-time Fura-2 imaging of the neuronal calcium transients accompanying motor activity, which revealed that a high proportion of rhythmically active cells are located in the ventrolateral part of the cord and that activity could begin in this region. The fluorescence transients in the majority of neurons, including motoneurons, occurred in phase with ventral root or muscle nerve activity, implying synchronized neuronal action in the rhythm generating network. Immunocytochemical experiments were performed in E14-E16 embryos to localize putative inhibitory interneurons that might be involved in the genesis or patterning of motor activity. The results revealed a pattern similar to that seen in other vertebrates with the dorsal horn containing neurons with gamma-aminobutyric acid (GABA)-like immunoreactivity and the ventral and intermediate regions containing neurons with glycine-like immunoreactivity.  相似文献   

Changes in the alpha-glucosidase activity of the cattle muscular tissue (oxen eye muscle of loin) were evaluated during storage at 2 degrees. Under these conditions both lysosomal and extralysosomal alpha-glucosidase activities underwent no significant changes during a long period of time (12 days). Activity of lysosome-bound alpha-glucosidase was about 10% of total enzyme activity in the homogenate; the remaining part of alpha-glucosidase was contained outside lysosomes.  相似文献   

Expression of specific differentiation markers was investigated by histochemistry, immunofluorescence, and biosynthetic studies in osteoblasts outgrown from chips derived from tibia diaphyses of 18-day-old chick embryos. The starting osteoblast population expressed type I collagen and alkaline phosphatase in addition to other bone and cartilage markers as the lipocalin Ch21; the extracellular matrix deposited by these cells was not stainable for cartilage proteoglycans, and mineralization was observed when the culture was maintained in the presence of ascorbic acid, calcium and beta-glycerophosphate. During culture, clones of cells presenting a polygonal chondrocyte morphology and surrounded by an Alcian-positive matrix appeared in the cell population. Type II collagen and type X collagen were synthesized in these areas of chondrogenesis. In addition, chondrocytes isolated from these cultures expressed Ch21 and alkaline phosphatase. Chondrocytes were generated also from homogeneous osteoblast populations derived from a single cloned cell. The coexistence of chondrocytes and osteoblasts was observed during amplification of primary clones as well as in subclones. The data show the existence, within embryonic bone, of cells capable in vitro of both osteogenic and chondrogenic differentiation.  相似文献   

Tamoxifen or 4-hydroxytamoxifen were injected either alone or in combination with oestradiol into 4-5 day-old chick embryos in order to study their action on the sex differentiation of the gonads. The results of the histological study of the gonads performed at the stage of 16-19 days warrant the following conclusions: None of both anti-oestrogens exerts an effect on the testes. None of both compounds modifies the sex differentiation of the female gonads. Tamoxifen exerts an antagonistic action on the feminization of the testes by oestradiol. These conclusions do not lend support to the hypothesis according to which oestrogens play a role in normal sex differentiation of the female gonads.  相似文献   

The morphological evolution of mitochondria in three cell types of chick embryo in neurulation was analyzed by stereological methods. Mitochondria, showing a random distribution, were characterized by moderate electron-dense matrices and normal cristae. The numerical density of mitochondria significantly increased in the neuroectoderm and epiblastic cells while their volume density remained unchanged. The mitochondria in mesoderm cells were ellipsoidal (axial ratio 2:1) at stages 5 and 8 although they underwent an elongation in neuroectoderm and epiblastic cells (axial ratio from 2:1 to 1.6:1). The individual size of "average mitochondria" in the mesoderm cells was smaller than in other cell types. The total V/S (volume/surface) ratio of mitochondria decreased during neurulation. These morphological changes have been discussed emphasizing the possible metabolical role of mitochondria during morphogenesis.  相似文献   

Alcohol dehydrogenase activity in the developing chick embryo   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Before day 9 of incubation, chick embryos contain no measurable alcohol dehydrogenase (ADH) activity. Following day 9 of incubation, chick embryo liver ADH activity increases as a linear function of liver mass. A single dose of ethanol given at the start of incubation is cleared only slowly prior to day 9 of incubation but is completely cleared by day 13. Chick embryo liver ADH has two detectable isozymes throughout development. The percentage contribution of each isozyme to total ADH activity does not change significantly during development. The Km apparent of chick liver ADH is significantly increased shortly after hatching relative to the Km apparent of embryonic ADH. Ethanol exposure during incubation has no effect on the development of ADH activity or isozyme distribution.  相似文献   

V V Isaeva 《Ontogenez》1979,10(6):616-621
Three-dimensional aggregates are formed in the suspension culture by myoblasts of the chick embryo femoral muscle. Cells present in these aggregates undergo mitotic divisions just as in a monolayer; thereafter they fuse with the formation of myosimplasts. Further stages of myogenesis are impaired under the conditions of the suspension culture. This was manifested in the formation of atypical, massive spherical or vesicle-like thick-walled myosimplasts with dozens or hundreds of randomly clustered nuclei. After the replating and attachment to a glass surface myosimplasts undergo gladual elongation and differentiate into muscle fibers. Thus the attachment to the artificial solid support is a necessary prerequisite for the completion of morphogenesis in vitro.  相似文献   

Flow regulates arterial-venous differentiation in the chick embryo yolk sac   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
Formation of the yolk sac vascular system and its connection to the embryonic circulation is crucial for embryo survival in both mammals and birds. Most mice with mutations in genes involved in vascular development die because of a failure to establish this circulatory loop. Surprisingly, formation of yolk sac arteries and veins has not been well described in the recent literature. Using time-lapse video-microscopy, we have studied arterial-venous differentiation in the yolk sac of chick embryos. Immediately after the onset of perfusion, the yolk sac exhibits a posterior arterial and an anterior venous pole, which are connected to each other by cis-cis endothelial interactions. To form the paired and interlaced arterial-venous pattern characteristic of mature yolk sac vessels, small caliber vessels of the arterial domain are selectively disconnected from the growing arterial tree and subsequently reconnected to the venous system, implying that endothelial plasticity is needed to fashion normal growth of veins. Arterial-venous differentiation and patterning are controlled by hemodynamic forces, as shown by flow manipulation and in situ hybridization with arterial markers ephrinB2 and neuropilin 1, which show that expression of both mRNAs is not genetically determined but plastic and regulated by flow. In vivo application of ephrinB2 or EphB4 in the developing yolk sac failed to produce any morphological effects. By contrast, ephrinB2 and EphB4 application in the allantois of older embryos resulted in the rapid formation of arterial-venous shunts. In conclusion, we show that flow shapes the global patterning of the arterial tree and regulates the activation of the arterial markers ephrinB2 and neuropilin 1.  相似文献   

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