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馆藏图书无形流失是一个图书馆界多年沉疴,面对这一难题,由表及里,由浅入深,提出无形流失的定义、主体、客体、原因,最终分门别类阐述了减少无形流失的具体对策。  相似文献   

目的思考医院人才流失的主要因素并针对人才流失因素提出相应的整改措施。方法就我院人力资源管理系统内导出的流失人才资料进行分析,思考导致人才流失的相关因素及整改措施。结果人才流失主要以编外工作人员、在编高级医疗人员为主。结论针对人才流失的特点因素,合理的优化医院人力资源配置,通过制定合理薪酬体系、健全职业规划、丰富医院文化可以有效的控制医院人才的流失。  相似文献   

据加通社报道,加拿大安大略省咸美顿的一位科学家,正在研制一种治疗骨质疏松症的新药。以往治疗骨质疏松症的药物和疗法,无法完全恢复骨质,最多只能恢复1—2%,而且不是所有患者都适用。而上述正在研制中的新药,是使已经流失骨质的骨骼再生骨质,然后用女性动情激素稳定骨质。这种新药的治疗不只是防止骨质再流失,而且使之不再需要治疗,只要用女性动情激素,就不会再患此症。而且这种新药不仅适用于更年期后此症患者,对骨癌导致的骨质流失或骨折及老年人过量骨质流失的潘吉德氏症也有效。不过此药目前还在实验室中用于对老鼠的试…  相似文献   

目的 考虑电场影响的同时研究骨在低载荷刺激频率下的废用行为。方法 提出一个废用模型并通过参数激活频率来描述力学刺激与电刺激对骨重建过程的影响。通过建立股骨近端有限元模型,结合有限单元法,模拟低载荷刺激频率下耦合电刺激的骨重建过程,并分析骨密度的流失情况。结果 降低日载荷刺激频率会显著降低骨密度。电刺激可以在一定程度上抵抗由于低载荷刺激频率导致的密度流失,其主要影响区域分布在股骨头部与股骨颈部。电刺激持续时长会显著影响骨皮质与骨松质的密度流失情况。结论 模型可以模拟由于日载荷刺激频率降低导致的废用过程;同时,纳入了电场影响表现其抵抗密度流失的现象。  相似文献   

据美国BIOCOMPARE科技新闻网(2004/11/2)报道,爱默里大学(Emory Unlversity)的Roberto Pacifici教授和Yuhao Gao博士等人,发现免疫系统雌激素阻止骨质流失。研究人员利用老鼠研究后发现,当TGFb(type b transforming growth factor)传讯至T细胞受到抑制时,会使雌激素防止骨质流失的功效丧失。此研究将有助于研发新的疗法以阻止骨质流失。  相似文献   

近年来,含麻黄碱类复方制剂被违法犯罪分子通过各种手段骗购,从正常药用渠道流失被用于制毒的问题屡禁不止,影响社会安定和危害公众身体健康,并造成不良的国际影响。为此,药品监管、公安、卫生等相关部门先后采取多种措施,加强含麻黄碱类复方制剂的监管,防止从药用渠道流失,取得了一定的成效。  相似文献   

工作氛围是一种感觉、一种精神、一种无形的资产,最能影响一个团队的心情,也能改变一个团队的行为习惯,影响工作效率和工作的质量.因此,工作氛围在工作中的作用要比工作环境、工作制度更加重要.  相似文献   

陈老师: 您好!最近一年来,我不知道为啥总是病恹恹地,提不起精神,似乎整个生活都是被一股无形的力量推着走,而前面又是看不清、说不明的浑沌世界。我好害怕! 这事,还得从我们的家庭说起——  相似文献   

我们到这个单位的时候正值单位扩充,那批进来的新员工不少,我也是其中一个,大家都是站在同一起跑线上的,无形的竞争很激烈。到工作岗位之后,我就被领导点名独立  相似文献   

我在自卑、焦虑、恐惧中度过了我的高中生涯,我深深地体会到:自卑在任何时候都不是好东西,它好比一条无形的绳索,捆住翱翔的翅膀,即便是一只鸿鹄,也无法飞上蓝天。升入大学以来,我开始想挣脱自卑的束缚,便苦苦地追寻那  相似文献   

Studies were carried out on the organization of the internal connections of the striate cortex in cats in the projection zone of the center (0–5°) of the field of vision by microintophoretic application of horseradish peroxidase to electrophysiologically identified orientational columns. The area containing neurons showing retrograde labeling in most cases extended in the mediolateral direction. Labeled cells were located in the upper (II, III) and lower (V, VI) layers of the cortex, and the shapes and orientations of the areas containing labeled neurons in these layers coincided. Spatial asymmetry was detected in the distribution of labeled neurons relative to the orientational column studied. Labeled cells were located predominantly medial to the columns, regardless of the distance from the projection of the area centralis. Considering the visuotopical map of field 17, the asymmetry detected here provides evidence that neurons in orientational columns have more extensive connections with neurons of the peripheral part of the cortex. An asymmetrical distribution of “silent” zones around the receptive fields of neurons in orientational columns is suggested, and that these appear to receive influences from the periphery of the visual field. Laboratory of Visual Physiology and Laboratory of Central Nervous System Morphology, I. P. Pavlov Institute of Physiology, Russian Academy of Sciences, 6 Makarov Bank, 199034 St. Petersburg, Russia. Translated from Fiziologicheskii Zhurnal imeni I. M. Sechenova, Vol. 82, No. 12, pp. 23–29, December, 1996.  相似文献   

Seventy pancreatoduodenal complexes of 55 patients with chronic pancreatitis and tumours of this zone and 15 patients died from other diseases are studies histotopographically . The pieces of the pancreatic head tissue in the medial wall of the duodenum were found in 12 cases of the first group and in 4 control cases. The pancreatic tissue consisted either of all elements of this organ or cystically dilated ducts and seemed to infiltrate different layers of the duodenum wall. Three variants of the pancreatic head structure are suggested on the basis of anatomo-topographical interrelationships of the pancreatic head and duodenum. In 12 out of 14 cases chronic pancreatitis and carcinoma of organs of this zone were combined with the variants of the pancreatic head structure, in 2 cases there was a true heterotopy . Pathogenetic significance of these variants for the development of chronic pancreatitis is discussed.  相似文献   

The influence of the level of the transmembrane potential on the dynamics of the extinction of the amplitudes of summary excitatory postsynaptic currents arising in identified giant parietal neurons in response to rhythmic stimulation of the intestinal nerve was investigated in a preparation of the isolated CNS of the common snail in order to identify the possibility of the participation of the postsynaptic element in synaptic plasticity. It was demonstrated that, at a greater value of the transmembrane potential, the decrease in the amplitudes of the postsynaptic currents which have been induced by rhythmic stimulation takes place more rapidly. It was also demonstrated that at a higher frequency of stimulation of the nerve, the effect of the influence of the membrane potential level on the dynamics of the synaptic reactions is more prominent. The data obtained may be regarded as an argument in favor of the possibility of the participation of the post-synapse in plasticity. This study was partially supported by the Russian Basic Research Fund (project No. 94-04-12209). Institute of Higher Nervous Activity and Neurophysiology, Russian Academy of Sciences, Moscow. Translated from Zhurnal Vysshei Nervnoi Deyatel'nosti imeni I. P. Pavlova, Vol. 45, No. 1, pp. 171–179, January–February, 1995.  相似文献   

The effects of the lesion of the postcommissural part of the septum on behavior of the rat has been studied. Results may be summarized as follows. An increase in the exploratory behavior in the open field which decreases rapidly; a decrease in the number of defecations in this test and a decrease in time leaving a dark environment for exploration. In the shuttle box test, no facilitation of the acquisition, but a permanent and quite significant increase in the intertrial activity has been found. We conclude that the lesions tend to decrease the emotivity of the subjects. An interpretation on the basis of the species -- specific defensive reactions explains the transitory and permanent effects of the lesions on the spontaneous activity.  相似文献   

Summary A discussion is presented of the effect produced by light stimulation applied to the optic analyzer alone on the function of the temperature analyzer. The cutaneous-temperature analyzer was kept on constant illumination and temperature. The light effects from the retinal photoreceptors on the cutaneous thermoceptor system led to reflex changes of the functional rate of the latter. Conditions of the optic analyzer of light adaptation caused reflex adjustment of cold receptors as to heating. Dark adaptation of the eyes changed the functional state of the cold receptors, corresponding to their adjustment to low temperatures.(Presented by Active Member AMN SSSR V. V. Parin) Translated from Byulleten' Éksperimental'noi Biologii i Meditsiny, Vol. 57, No. 3, pp. 3–6, March, 1964  相似文献   

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