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本文在Ed=0.1—2.5MeV能量范围内,研究了Be9(d,p0)Be10(0),Be9(d,p1)Be10(3.368MeV),Be9(d,t0)Be8(0),Be9(d,α0)Li7(0)及Be9(d,α1)Li7(0.478MeV)诸反应。在Ed=0.150,0.220,0.401,0.706,1.005,1.301,1.484,1.750,2.000,2.250和2.500MeV共十一个能量上分别测量了这五群出射粒子在θL=10—155°区间的角分布。在θL=135°,Ed=0.1—2.5MeV,在θL=95°,Ed=0.1—2.2MeV,和在θL=112.5°,Ed=0.5—2.5MeV测量了Be9(d,p0)Be10的激发函数。在θL=135°和112.5°,Ed=1.2MeV,用较厚靶(100—300μg/cm2)测量了Be9(d,p0)Be10(0)反应的截面绝对值,结果为σ(p0)L=135°)=1.60mb/sr,σ(p0)L=112.5°)=1.55mb/sr。这样就得到了在此能区内,这五群出射粒子的截面情况。对所得结果进行了一些讨论。  相似文献   

本文报告了En~14MeV中子以27Al(n,α)24Na或93Nb(n,2n)92mNb反应截面为中子注量标准测得的92Mo(n,d*)91mNb,106Cd(n,d*)105Ag;54Fe(n,t)52m+gMn,58Ni(n,t)56Co;51V(n,n'α)47Sc和92Mo(n,n'α)88Zr的反应截面.文中还列举了能收集到的数据以作比较,中子能量是用铌锆截面比法测定的.  相似文献   

本实验测量了C~(12)(d,p)C~(13)和Ca~(40)(d,p)Ca~(41)两个基态反应质子群在六个角度上的极化值。在C~(12)的反应中,小角区的结果和前人的工作相近,和半经典符号规则j_n=l_n±1/2,P=(±)一致。θ_L=115°的数据是前人没有测量过的,我们得到P=0.529±0.068,在Ca~(40)的反应中,小角区数据的符号也和半经典符号规则一致,和Немeц及Boschitz的实验结果相同,而和Hird,Takeda及Bercaw的实验结果相反,看来这是由于入射能量不一样所致。因为在这些实验中,三个较高入射能量和三个较低入射能量的结果,都分别有一致的符号,把已发表的极化实验数据进行比较,可以看出,半经典符号规则还是有一定的参考价值,或者,可能找出一个修改后的符号规律,以供核能谱学应用。在有些情况下,我们看到,随着氘核能量的增加,极化角分布的图形似乎有向小角区移动的趋势,这可能是直接反应的一个特性。关于截面和极化角分布间的位置对应关系,我们认为,截面角分布的极小,除了可对应于极化的变号以外,还可能对应于极化绝对值的极大,截面角分布的极大也可能对应于极化的变号,对于这些现象,我们用粗糙的扭曲波理论进行了讨论。  相似文献   

我们用粒子鉴别系统测量了31.2MeV的α粒子在11,10B核上的(α,t)、(α,d)和(α,p)反应的角分布; 由出射粒子的能谱, 我们分别得到了剩余核处于基态和不同激发态的十个角分布. 从角分布的形状看, 在11B(α,t0)12Cg﹒s, 11B(α,d0)13Cg﹒s, 10B(α,d0)12Cg﹒s, 10B(α,d1)12C1st, 11B(α,p0)14Cg﹒s等反应中均有不同程度的后角上翘; 并且(α,t0)和(α,p0)的后角上翘的同位素效应似乎与(α, α)的反常散射的同位素效应相反.  相似文献   

近年来一系列实验表明, 金属环境中的低能带电粒子引起的核反应截面与气体靶中的相比出现明显增大, 这种现象通常被归结为电子屏蔽效应。 全面介绍了金属环境中D(d, p)T反应电子屏蔽效应的测量方法、 数据分析和实验结果的规律性, 并简要论述了包括德拜等离子体模型在内的各种理论模型对实验结果的解释。 通过研究, 可以获得有关核物理、 核天体物理和凝聚态物理的宝贵知识。 The cross sections σ(E) of low energy nuclear reactions induced by charged particles in metallic environment are much larger than that in gas. Generally, it was taken as the effect of the electron screening. In this work, the experimental method of the D(d, p)T reaction in metallic environment was introduced. The data analysis and the regularity of experimental results were also discussed. All kinds of theoretical models including the Debye model were discussed, which can roughly explain the results of the experiments. The valuable knowledge of nuclear physics, nuclear astrophysics and condensed state physics can be obtained in the study of low energy nuclear reaction in metallic environment.  相似文献   

本实验测量了C~(12)(d,p)C~(13)及Ca~(40)(d,p)Ca~(41)基态反应质子群的角分布和微分截面。氘核能量为13.3MeV,对C~(12)和Ca~(40)的反应,其测量角度范围分别为3°—167°和10°—164°,每隔2.5°或5°测量一点,其主要结果如下:(1)对于这两群质子,在主削裂峯附近的实验点和用简单Butler理论算得的理论角分布曲线都符合得相当好;理论计算数据对实验数据在主峯处归一;由此而定得的核能级参数与前人所得到的是一致的。(2)大角度区的实验截面数值没有减小到象Butler理论所要求的那样小,并有非常明显的次极大出现,其位置与Butler理论所预言的不一致;这些特点可以用扭曲波理论来解释,非氘核削裂机制也可能有部分贡献。(3)在C~(12)(d,p)C~(13)反应中,前角度区的截面有很大下降,而后角区则有明显的增加,这些现象都和Butler理论不一致;然而,这也可以用扭曲波来解释。(4)用主峯处的截面和Butler理论算得的基态的约化宽度,对C~(12)(d,p)C~(13)和Ca~(40)(d,p)Ca~(41)反应分别为r~2=0.17和0.041;用扭曲波理论计算时,则得到较大的r~2值,后者更接近于单粒子模型所预言的数值,基于上面这些事实,对本实验的数据使用扭曲波理论来进行分析似乎是值得的。  相似文献   

The angular distributions of the (p, d), (d, t) and(3He, ) reactions on13C have been analysed within the framework of DWBA in which additional information on nuclear vertex constants was introduced. Although all these reactions seem to be similar single nucleon transfer, their mechanism is shown to be quite different and so is the information extracted thereof. While from the (p, d) reactions spectroscopic factors may be extracted unambiguously, from the (d, t) reactions it is possible to obtain directly the values of vertex constants only, which in turn are consistent with those determined by extrapolation of the experimental cross sections of the (p, d) reactions to the pole.In the case of (3He, ) reactions, however, the analysis indicates inadequacy of the DWBA concerning the calculations of central partial amplitudes. For a more reliable extraction of structural information, besides the correct normalization of peripheral amplitudes, a contribution of more complex mechanisms must be taken into account.  相似文献   


利用PHITS程序评价计算了厚靶9Be(d, xn)反应加速器中子源的能谱和角分布数据,重点讨论了JQMD、INCL和INCL/DWBA三种核反应物理模型计算厚靶9Be(d, xn)反应中子辐射场分布的适用性。研究结果显示,基于INCL/DWBA耦合模型的PHITS程序计算所得到的厚靶9Be(d, xn)反应中子能谱和角分布数据能够较好地与实验数据符合,可以为厚靶9Be(d, xn)反应中子源特性研究及应用提供较为准确的中子辐射场数据。此外,设计了水冷大面积旋转铍靶的方案,并在5~25 MeV/5 mA入射氘能量下条件下,开展了靶面温度模拟研究,结果显示,靶面最高温度可控制在100 oC以下。  相似文献   

快中子核反应数据,不论对反应堆和聚变堆的设计,还是对核反应机制和核结构的研究及其理论的发展均有着重要的意义.由于屏栅电离室的诸多特点,被用于快中子核反应截面、能谱及双微分截面的测量.作为系统研究的一部分,利用屏栅电离室在北京大学4.5MV静电加速器上和在4~7MeV能区内,对40Ca、64Zn、58Ni、54Fe、39K的(n,α)反应进行了成功的测量,并对58Ni的(n,p)反应进行了初步的测量.实验给出了反应中出射粒子的微分能谱、角分布和反应截面.从测量结果来看,在所测能区内,角分布大致是90°对称的,说明在此能区复合核反应机制起主要作用.The study of the charged particle emission reactions induced by 3~7 MeV fast neutrons is of considerable interest for both nuclear applications and the understanding of basic nuclear problems. For its many merits, twin gridded ionization chamber is used in the studies of (n,α) and (n,p) reactions. As a part of systematic investigation, the (n,α) reactions for some nuclei, such as 40 Ca, 64 Zn, 58 Ni, 54 Fe, 39 K have been studied. Cross sections...  相似文献   

本文用包括平衡前发射在内的蒸发模型理论研究了(n,2n),(n,3n)反应的激发函数系统学.在对实验数据分析、拟合的基础上,得到一组较好的经验参数.利用这组参数计算得到的截面和实验结果符合较好.  相似文献   

在唯象模型的基础上, 考虑到碰撞氘核的D态分量对跃迁矩阵元的贡献和4He基态D态成分,我们从理论上计算了低能d(d,γ)α反应的天体物理学S因子.由理论计算再现d-d系统的结合能和以及由共振群方法计算的d-d弹性散射相移,得到Woods-Saxon势参数. 并由此计算的S因子与实验数据在Ec.m.<3MeV范围符合得较好, 尤其在天体物理学感兴趣的几百keV以下能区, 理论计算结果很好地符合实验数据. 由理论计算结果外推,计算了目前还没有实验数据的使恒星核合成反应过程能够进行的恒星能区(约1—20keV)的S因子.  相似文献   

利用8Li次级束测量了质心系能量7.8 MeV2H(8Li, 9Li)1H反应的角分布,导出了8Li(d, p)9Li反应的天体物理S因子及9Li→8Li+n虚衰变的渐近归一化系数. We have measured the angular distribution of 2H(8Li,9Li)1H at Ecm= 7.8 MeV and deduced the astrophysical S factor of 8Li(d, p)9Li reaction as well as the Asymptotic Normalization Coefficient (ANC) for 9Li → 8Li+n virtual decay.  相似文献   

考虑特征γ射线分支比、衰变常数和标准截面等修正,对带电粒子引起的核反应~(186)W(d,p)~(187)W,~(186)W(d,2n)~(186)Re,~(nat)Fe(p,x)~(56)Co和~(nat)Ti(a,x)~(51)Cr的激发函数进行了研究。全面收集了这些反应激发函数的实验测量数据,对这些实验数据进行了分析处理,应用数学方法对分析处理后的实验数据进行了拟合。经过评价,给出了50 Me V以下~(186)W(d,p)~(187)W,~(186)W(d,2n)~(186)Re,~(nat)Fe(p,x)~(56)Co和~(nat)Ti(a,x)~(51)Cr反应激发函数的推荐值。  相似文献   

《Physics letters. [Part B]》1986,174(2):133-136
Muonic X-ray spectra of μ3He and μ4He from dμd, pμd, and dμt fusion are analyzed for various target densities. Theoretical values of the intensity ratio μ3He(3→1)/μ3He(2→1) for dμd and pμd fusion at liquid hydrogen density are, respectively, 0.132 and 0.0553. These are in good agreement with the experimental results.  相似文献   

《Nuclear Physics A》1997,625(3):598-620
At the Munich Tandem Accelerator the reactions 125Te(d, p)126Te, 126Te(d, d′)126Te and 127I(d, 3He)126Te were measured with deuteron energies between 24 and 28 MeV up to excitation energies of about 3.2 MeV. Using γ-lines from previous (n,γ), (n,n′γ) and (γ,γ′) experiments, a level scheme of 126Te up to above 3 MeV was established. The results are compared with quasiparticle-phonon model calculations.  相似文献   

本文推广了W. Weise等人处理π核散射的方法,把它用于研究(p,π)反应,并用此方法计算了3He(P,π+4He(Tp1ab=415MeV)的角分布。所得角分布的形状与实验符合,绝对值比实验值大3-5倍。  相似文献   

Total cross sections and excitation functions up to 11·8 MeV have been measured for the Ce142(d,p), -(d,n) and -(d, 2n) reactions by the activation method. The cross sections found forE d=11·8 MeV are 187mb, 54 mb and 535 mb, respectively. By comparing these results with cross sections calculated from the statistical theory of nuclear reactions it can be shown that the (d,p)-reaction and nearly the whole (d,n) -reaction proceed by stripping mechanism.  相似文献   

Investigating reaction mechanisms, angular distributions and cross sections of the reaction B10(d, p) B11 have been measured in the energy interval from 1,4 to 3,3 MeV of deuteron energy. More detailed measurements than until known have shown, that besides the well known stripping mechanism withl n =1 contributions of compound nucleus formation are not neglectable. Especially atE d =2,3 MeV,E X (C12)=27,1 MeV, the effect of a single resonance contributes a great deal to the cross section of the groupsp 1 andp 3 . Further angular distributions and yield curves between 1,4 and 3,3 MeV have been measured in the (d, α)-reactions on B10 and B11, showing quite different behaviour for both target nuclei.  相似文献   

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