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This paper provides the results of hydrological modelling in a mesoscale glaciated alpine catchment of the Himalayan region. In the context of global climate change, the hydrological regime of an alpine mountain is likely to be affected, which might produce serious implications for downstream water availability. The main objective of this study was to understand the hydrological system dynamics of a glaciated catchment, the Dudh Kosi River basin, in Nepal, using the J2000 hydrological model and thereby understand how the rise in air temperature will affect the hydrological processes. The model is able to reproduce the overall hydrological dynamics quite well with an efficiency result of Nash–Sutcliffe (0.85), logarithm Nash–Sutcliffe (0.93) and coefficient of determination (0.85) for the study period. The average contribution from glacier areas to total streamflow is estimated to be 17%, and snowmelt (other than from glacier areas) accounts for another 17%. This indicates the significance of the snow and glacier runoff in the Himalayan region. The hypothetical rise in temperature scenarios at a rate of +2 and +4 °C indicated that the snowmelt process might be largely affected. An increase in snowmelt volume is noted during the premonsoon period, whereas the contribution during the monsoon season is significantly decreased. This occurs mainly because the rise in temperature will shift the snowline up to areas of higher altitude and thereby reduce the snow storage capacity of the basin. This indicates that the region is particularly vulnerable to global climate change and the associated risk of decreasing water availability to downstream areas. Under the assumed warming scenarios, it is likely that in the future, the river might shift from a ‘melt‐dominated river’ to a ‘rain‐dominated river’. The J2000 model should be considered a promising tool to better understand the hydrological dynamics in alpine mountain catchments of the Himalayan region. This understanding will be quite useful for further analysis of ‘what‐if scenarios’ in the context of global climate and land‐use changes and ultimately for sustainable Integrated Water Resources Management in the Himalayan region. Copyright © 2012 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   


The runoff regime of glacierized headwater catchments in the Alps is essentially characterized by snow and ice melt. High Alpine drainage basins influence distant downstream catchments of the Rhine River basin. In particular, during the summer months, low-flow conditions are probable with strongly reduced snow and ice melt under climate change conditions. This study attempts to quantify present and future contributions from snow and ice melt to summer runoff at different spatial scales. For the small Silvretta catchment (103 km2) in the Swiss Alps, with a glacierization of 7%, the HBV model and the glacio-hydrological model GERM are applied for calculating future runoff based on different regional climate scenarios. We evaluate the importance of snow and ice melt in the runoff regime. Comparison of the models indicates that the HBV model strongly overestimates the future contribution of glacier melt to runoff, as glaciers are considered as static components. Furthermore, we provide estimates of the current meltwater contribution of glaciers for several catchments downstream on the River Rhine during the month of August. Snow and ice melt processes have a significant direct impact on summer runoff, not only for high mountain catchments, but also for large transboundary basins. A future shift in the hydrological regime and the disappearance of glaciers might favour low-flow conditions during summer along the Rhine.

Citation Junghans, N., Cullmann, J. & Huss, M. (2011) Evaluating the effect of snow and ice melt in an Alpine headwater catchment and further downstream in the River Rhine. Hydrol. Sci. J. 56(6), 981–993.  相似文献   

The temporal and spatial continuity of spatially distributed estimates of snow‐covered area (SCA) are limited by the availability of cloud‐free satellite imagery; this also affects spatial estimates of snow water equivalent (SWE), as SCA can be used to define the extent of snow telemetry (SNOTEL) point SWE interpolation. In order to extend the continuity of these estimates in time and space to areas beneath the cloud cover, gridded temperature data were used to define the spatial domain of SWE interpolation in the Salt–Verde watershed of Arizona. Gridded positive accumulated degree‐days (ADD) and binary SCA (derived from the Advanced Very High Resolution Radiometer (AVHRR)) were used to define a threshold ADD to define the area of snow cover. The optimized threshold ADD increased during snow accumulation periods, reaching a peak at maximum snow extent. The threshold then decreased dramatically during the first time period after peak snow extent owing to the low amount of energy required to melt the thin snow cover at lower elevations. The area having snow cover at this later time was then used to define the area for which SWE interpolation was done. The area simulated to have snow was compared with observed SCA from AVHRR to assess the simulated snow map accuracy. During periods without precipitation, the average commission and omission errors of the optimal technique were 7% and 11% respectively, with a map accuracy of 82%. Average map accuracy decreased to 75% during storm periods, with commission and omission errors equal to 11% and 12% respectively. The analysis shows that temperature data can be used to help estimate the snow extent beneath clouds and therefore improve the spatial and temporal continuity of SCA and SWE products. Copyright © 2004 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Accuracy of the Copernicus snow water equivalent (SWE) product and the impact of SWE calibration and assimilation on modelled SWE and streamflow was evaluated. Daily snowpack measurements were made at 12 locations from 2016 to 2019 across a 4104 km2 mixed-forest basin in the Great Lakes region of central Ontario, Canada. Sub-basin daily SWE calculated from these sites, observed discharge, and lake levels were used to calibrate a hydrologic model developed using the Raven modelling framework. Copernicus SWE was bias corrected during the melt period using mean bias subtraction and was compared to daily basin average SWE calculated from the measured data. Bias corrected Copernicus SWE was assimilated into the models using a range of parameters and the parameterizations from the model calibration. The bias corrected Copernicus product agreed well with measured data and provided a good estimate of mean basin SWE demonstrating that the product shows promise for hydrology applications within the study region. Calibration to spatially distributed SWE substantially improved the basin scale SWE estimate while only slightly degrading the flow simulation demonstrating the value of including SWE in a multi-objective calibration formulation. The particle filter experiments yielded the best SWE estimation but moderately degraded the flow simulation. The particle filter experiments constrained by the calibrated snow parameters produced similar results to the experiments using the upper and lower bounds indicating that, in this study, model calibration prior to assimilation was not valuable. The calibrated models exhibited varying levels of skill in estimating SWE but demonstrated similar streamflow performance. This indicates that basin outlet streamflow can be accurately estimated using a model with a poor representation of distributed SWE. This may be sufficient for applications where estimating flow is the primary water management objective. However, in applications where understanding the physical processes of snow accumulation, melt and streamflow generation are important, such as assessing the impact of climate change on water resources, accurate representations of SWE are required and can be improved via multi-objective calibration or data assimilation, as demonstrated in this study.  相似文献   

A geomorphological instantaneous unit hydrograph (GIUH) rainfall‐runoff model was applied in a 31 km2 montane catchment in Scotland. Modelling was based on flow path length distributions derived from a digital terrain model (DTM). The model was applied in two ways; a single landscape unit response based on the DTM alone, and a two‐landscape unit response, which incorporated the distribution of saturated areas derived from field‐validated geographic information system (GIS) analysis based on a DTM and soil maps. This was to test the hypothesis that incorporation of process‐information would enhance the model performance. The model was applied with limited multiple event calibration to produce parameter sets which could be applied to a spectrum of events with contrasting characteristics and antecedent conditions. Gran alkalinity was used as a tracer to provide an additional objective measure for assessing model performance. The models captured the hydrological response dynamics of the catchment reasonably well. In general, the single landscape unit approach produced the best individual model performance statistics, though the two‐landscape unit approach provided a range of models, which bracketed the storm hydrograph response more realistically. There was a tendency to over‐predict the rising limb of the hydrograph, underestimate large storm event peaks and anticipate the hydrograph recession too rapidly. Most of these limitations could be explained by the simplistic assumptions embedded within the GIUH approach. The modelling also gave feasible predictions of stream water chemistry, though these could not be used as a basis for model rejection. Nevertheless, the study suggested that the approach has potential for prediction of hydrological response in ungauged montane headwater basins. Copyright © 2007 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   


Streamflow in the Himalayan rivers is generated from rainfall, snow and ice. The distribution of runoff produced from these sources is such that the streamflow may be observed in these rivers throughout the year, i.e. they are perennial in nature. Snow and glacier melt runoff contributes substantially to the annual flows of these rivers and its estimation is required for the planning, development and management of the water resources of this region. The average contribution of snow and glacier melt runoff in the annual flows of the Satluj River at Bhakra Dam has been determined. Keeping in view the availability of data for the study basin, a water balance approach was used and a water budget period of 10 years (October 1986-September 1996) was considered for the analysis. The rainfall input to the study basin over the water budget period was computed from isohyets using rainfall data of 10 stations located at different elevations in the basin. The total volume of flow for the same period was computed using observed flow data of the Satluj River at Bhakra Dam. A relationship between temperature and evaporation was developed and used to estimate the evapotranspiration losses. The snow-covered area, and its depletion with time, was determined using satellite data. It was found that the average contribution of snow and glacier runoff in the annual flow of the Satluj River at Bhakra Dam is about 59%, the remaining 41% being from rain.  相似文献   

Improved knowledge on overland flow (OF) generation and its dynamics (i.e. spatial and temporal variations) is essential to understand catchment hydrology, a prerequisite for better water resources and soil management. In this study, our main objective was to quantify the dynamics of OF during rainfall events and to assess its main factors of control. The research study was undertaken in an agricultural 23‐ha catchment of a communal pasture in KwaZulu‐Natal (South Africa) experiencing Mediterranean climate and with variations of soil, topography and vegetation conditions. The dynamics of OF was evaluated during three rainfall seasons (2007 to 2010) by using 1 × 1‐m² microplots (n = 15) located at five landscape positions. At each location, a microplot was equipped with an automatic tipping bucket linked to a logger to estimate the delay between the start of the rain and the start of OF [i.e. the time to runoff initiation (TRI)]. Multivariate analysis was applied to the total OF and TRI data and the information on selected environmental factors (rainfall characteristics; soil type; soil clay content, Clay; proportion of the soil surface covered by vegetation, Cov; proportion of the soil surface covered by crusting, Crust; mean slope gradient, S; soil bulk density, ρb; soil water tension at different depths, SWT). The average OF rate over the 3‐year study period varied 2.3‐fold across the catchment (from 15% footslope to 35% backslope), whereas the average TRI varied by a 10.6‐fold factor (between 0.6 min at bottomland and 6.4 min at footslope). TRI temporal variations correlated the most with event duration (r = 0.8) and cumulative amount of rainfall since the onset of the rainy season (r = ?0.47), whereas TRI spatial variations were controlled the most by Crust (?0.97 < r < ?0.77). Ultimately, TRI spatial variations were modelled and mapped in an attempt to model OF dynamics over the entire microcatchment. Copyright © 2012 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Monitoring of stable water isotopes (δ18O and δ2H) at the watershed scales can improve our understanding of complex hydrology and hydroclimatology of the watershed, especially in remote regions. Previous studies that used tracers for hydrograph separation are largely based on end‐member mixing approach (EMMA), but one drawback of this approach is that at least two independent tracers are required for multi‐component separation. Here we introduce a new approach—path analysis, in combination with isotopic measurements to investigate the runoff generation in a glacier‐covered alpine catchment (upper Hailuogou Valley) in southwest China. This newly developed method can not only provide a multi‐component hydrograph separation with the aid of only one tracer but also determine the direct and indirect influence of sources on streamflow. Path analysis show that the majority of streamflow is dominated by ice/snow meltwater that represents about 63–78% of the total discharge, whereas precipitation and groundwater contribute approximately 19–39% and 2–4% of the streamflow discharge, respectively. These results are in good agreement with those derived from EMMA (using 18O and Cl? as tracers), corroborating that our proposed approach is successful in hydrograph separation of the catchment. This approach may provide new opportunities for the hydrograph separation of catchment with sparse data and be of interest to catchment hydrologists who seek to understand the behaviour of hydrologic systems. Copyright © 2015 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Soil moisture is essential for plant growth and terrestrial ecosystems, especially in arid and semi‐arid regions. This study aims to quantify the variation of soil moisture content and its spatial pattern as well as the influencing factors. The experiment is conducted in a small catchment named Yangjuangou in the loess hilly region of China. Soil moisture to a depth of 1 m has been obtained by in situ sampling at 149 sites with different vegetation types before and after the rainy season. Elevation, slope position, slope aspect, slope gradient and vegetation properties are investigated synchronously. With the rainy season coming, soil moisture content increases and then reaches the highest value after the rainy season. Fluctuation range and standard deviation of soil moisture decrease after a 4‐month rainy season. Standard deviation of soil moisture increases with depth before the rainy season; after the rainy season, it decreases within the 0‐ to 40‐cm soil depth but then increases with depths below 40 cm. The stability of the soil moisture pattern at the small catchment scale increases with depth. The geographical position determines the framework of soil moisture pattern. Soil moisture content with different land‐use types is significantly increased after the rainy season, but the variances of land‐use types are significantly different. Landform and land‐use types can explain most of the soil moisture spatial variations. Soil moisture at all sample sites increases after the rainy season, but the spatial patterns of soil moisture are not significantly changed and display temporal stability despite the influence of the rainy season. Copyright © 2013 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Bruno Ambroise 《水文研究》2016,30(20):3560-3577
In the small Ringelbach research catchment, where studies on the water cycle components in a granitic mountainous environment have been conducted since 1976, the water‐saturated areas that are hydraulically connected to the outlet play a major role in the streamflow generation, as it is here that complex interactions between atmosphere, surface and ground waters take place. During baseflow recession periods, which may last several months between two groundwater recharge events, the atmospheric inputs of water and energy on these contributing areas only explain the streamflow fluctuations observed around the master recession curve, which defines the groundwater contribution: fluctuating above it in the case of precipitation input on these areas, below it in the case of evaporation output from these areas. Streamflow may therefore largely deviate from the master recession curve in the case of long, hot, dry spells. Detailed mapping has shown that their variable extent is well related to baseflow by a loglinear curve. On the other hand, a synthetic master recession curve, well fitted by a second‐order hyperbolic function, has been obtained from numerous pure recession periods. Both based on these two curves, a simple procedure and a simple model have been used to (i) validate the hypothesis that the connected saturated areas are the only permanent variable contributing areas and (ii) simulate the daily streamflow volumes over long baseflow recession periods by a water balance of the aquifer below these areas only. The storm runoff ratio for small to moderate rainfall events is indeed corresponding to the catchment saturated fraction at that time. The volume of daily streamflow oscillations is indeed corresponding to the evaporation at the potential rate from the saturated areas only. In both cases, streamflow naturally tends towards the master recession curve after the end of any atmospheric perturbation. Introducing these findings into TOPMODEL led to significantly improved simulation results during baseflow recession periods. The master recession curve may therefore be considered as a dynamic equilibrium curve. Together with the relationship between saturated extent and baseflow, it provides the main characteristics necessary to understand and model the interactions at this complex interface and the resulting daily streamflow variations during baseflow recession periods in this type of catchment. Copyright © 2016 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Recharge patterns, possible flow paths and the relative age of groundwater in the Akaki catchment in central Ethiopia have been investigated using stable environmental isotopes δ18O and δ2H and radioactive tritium (3H) coupled with conservative chloride measurements. Stable isotopic signatures are encoded in the groundwater solely from summer rainfall. Thus, groundwater recharge occurs predominantly in the summer months from late June to early September during the major Ethiopian rainy season. Winter recharge is lost through high evaporation–evapotranspiration within the unsaturated zone after relatively long dry periods of high accumulated soil moisture deficits. Chloride mass balance coupled with the isotope results demonstrates the presence of both preferential and piston flow groundwater recharge mechanisms. The stable and radioactive isotope measurements further revealed that groundwater in the Akaki catchment is found to be compartmentalized into zones. Groundwater mixing following the flow paths and topography is complicated by the lithologic complexity. An uncommon, highly depleted stable isotope and zero‐3H groundwater, observed in a nearly east–west stretch through the central sector of the catchment, is coincident with the Filwoha Fault zone. Here, deep circulating meteoric water has lost its isotopic content through exchange reactions with CO2 originating at deeper sources or it has been recharged with precipitation from a different rainfall regime with a depleted isotopic content. Copyright © 2006 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

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