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由于大部分事故是由人的不安全行为造成的,通过安全教育提高职工的安全素质,增长预防事故的技能,减少操作失误,从而降低事故率,是企业控制事故的有效手段。企业的HSE(健康、安全与环境)教学通过沟通和交流,有组织地促进员工在企业安全知识、技能、态度和价值观上获得发展,使员工安全素质得到全面提高。它是一项基础性的工作,是确保企业实现安全生产的必备条件。  相似文献   

安全是人类永恒的主题,职工安全文化素质是安全生产的保证。提高职工安全文化素质,树立正确的安全价值观和安全行为准则,是落实“安全第一、预防为主”方针的战略措施,是组织发动职工“群策群力、群防群治”搞好安全生产的群众基础。加强基层班组员工安全文化建设,提高职工安全素质,增强职工安全意识,强化职工自我防护能力,消除事故隐患,保护职工安全健康,无疑是一种切实有效的举措,是实现企业安全管理长冶久安的强有力的支撑。安全文化是企业文化的重要组成部分,是企业安全管理工作的主要表现形式,也是企业文化在基层生根、发芽、成长的土壤。  相似文献   

石油企业是高风险、高投入行业。要提高石油企业安全管理的有效性,不仅在组织上建立起完整的生产安全保障体系,还要在意识形态领域加强安全文化的建设,形成石油企业的安全管理思想和安全文化氛围。安全文化注重人的观念、道德、伦理、态度、情感、品行等深层次的人文因素,通过宣传教育等手段,不断提高企业职工的安全修养,改进安全意识和行为,从而使职工从被动执行管理制度状态,转变成主动自觉地安全行为习惯,即从“要我安全”转变成“我要安全”和“我会安全”。这是石油企业自身发展的需要,也是新形势下企业内外部环境变化的客观要求。  相似文献   

为确保金威煤电化工分公司的安全生产,化工分公司进行了为期5天的检修工作。要求广大干部职工以科学的态度、高昂的斗志、严谨的作风,积极行动起来,扎实做好此次检修工作,确保安全、高效地完成检修任务,为公司下一步的安全生产打下良好的基础。  相似文献   

阐述了中煤洗选公司通过建立安全管理系统,整合了安全培训素材,实现培训积分与刷脸验证;实现了作业风险线上交底审批,提高了职工风险管控意识,将每项作业的每个风险进行管控,强化现场安全管理能力;实现了职工积分制,职工积分直接关联到班组长积分,推动班组内部主动安全管理,不仅在管理人员检查中扣分,更增加了职工主动上报问题的加分项,发动全员查、治隐患,真正实现安全工作全员参与。  相似文献   

油库职工安全培训关系到企业的安全生产,也是保障职工生命财产安全的必要措施。本文从油库职工安全培训的必要性、以及培训工作中存在的不足和提高安全培训的措施这几个方面对其进行分析。  相似文献   

一是要培训职工。就是要加强安全生产法律法规的培训教育,提高职工对安全工作重要性、严肃性、紧迫性的认识,增强主动遵守安全规章制度和操作规程的意识,自觉杜绝“三违”现象的发生,从思想上筑牢安全生产防线:就是要结合各岗位和工种实际,有针对性地进行安全知识和安全技能培训,使每一名职工都能做到懂原理、会操作、能避险,从能力上打牢安全生产基础。  相似文献   

今年以来,山西焦化党政工团以“强化红线意识、促进安全发展”为主题齐唱“安全戏”,通过开展各具特色的文化活动,不仅让职工切身参与到安全活动中来,而且深入推进了公司的安全文化建设。 首届安全微电影征集活动,是山西焦化今年在安全管理与安全文化建设上的一个重要探索与实践。安全微电影的征集,得到了各基层单位的积极响应,各单位以生产生活为背景,以职工为主角,结合日常行为规范,精心自编自导自演的8部安全微电影,原生态地演绎了一幕幕安全的悲喜剧,在该公司内部媒体滚动播放,在广大干部职工中引起强烈反响,让职工深切体会到安全工作的重要性、必要性。  相似文献   

一是要培训职工。就是要加强安全生产法律法规的培训教育,提高职工对安全工作重要性、严肃性、紧迫性的认识,增强主动遵守安全规章制度和操作规程的意识,自觉杜绝“三违”现象的发生,从思想上筑牢安全生产防线。就是耍结合各岗位和工种实际,有针对性地进行安全知识和安全技能的培训,使每一名职工都能做到懂原理、会操作、能避险,从能力上打牢安全生产基础。  相似文献   

肖建华 《江西化工》2009,(2):151-153
目前乡镇小化工企业从管理者到一般职工“重生产,轻安全”的思想意识较浓,安全事故频频发生,企业应该切实做好安全教育培训工作。一要注重安全教育培训内容的全面具体性,使管理者、职工的安全意识由“要我安全”向“我要安全”转变,安全知识由“我要安全”向“我懂安全”转变,基本操作技能训练由“我懂安全”向“我会安全”转变。二要区分安全教育培训对象的层次。三要注意安全教育培训方法的灵活多样。要将教育培训内容、对象、方法紧密结合在一起,切实有效地提高职工的安全素质,保证安全教育培训的正常化、制度化、规范化,为实现安全生产奠定坚实的基础。  相似文献   

To reveal the dependence the flash point of flammable liquids have on altitude, a series of field tests at different altitudes in Tibet plateau were carried out by aid of a portable flash point measuring apparatus. The five tested altitudes are 3650, 3950, 4250, 4500, and 4750 m in Tibet plateau, as well as a benchmark altitude of 58 m in Hefei (a sea‐level city). The test results show the flash point has a nonlinear dependence on altitude for all the tested flammable liquids. The subsequent theoretical analysis indicates that the reciprocal of flash point depends linearly on the logarithmic of altitude, which in general agrees with the test results especially at relatively low altitudes. The study indicates that the fire hazard of flammable liquids increases as the altitude increases, which is an important consideration for the safety design of aircraft fuel tank as well as the fire safety management of oil production and transport in high‐altitude plateau. Copyright © 2013 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

The pheromone-mediated flight and landing behaviors of maleOstrinia nubilalis were studied in a wind tunnel. The pheromone source was placed in the middle of an 18 × 18-cm horizontal surface, and a smaller surface placed 4, 18, or 36 cm downwind. The smaller surface did not appear to affect significantly the flight tracks or position of landing of males on the upwind surface, and it allowed the positions and altitudes of males as they passed over the downwind surface to be estimated. The flight altitude and position of males as they passed over the downwind surface related to where males landed on the upwind surface. Regardless of the downwind position of the downwind surface, most males flew over its center (i.e., in line with the source) and landed in line with the source on the upwind surface. When a small 2.5 × 10-cm vertical object was placed on the upwind surface, just upwind and to one side of the source, males flew over the downwind surface in positions skewed toward the vertical object and in broader distributions than for the comparable situation without an object: males landed on the upwind surface on positions skewed toward, or on, the object and with a broader distribution (laterally). Flight altitude also corresponded with landing position. Thus, when there was no vertical object, most males flew just above the downwind surface and landed on the downwind edge of the upwind surface. In contrast, with the vertical object, males flew significantly higher and tended to land past the downwind edge of the upwind surface. With a taller object (20 cm), males flew even higher, past the downwind edge and most landed on the vertical object. These data show the close relationship between flight and landing behaviors of maleO. nubilalis and suggest that flight maneuvers that determine track and altitude largely govern where a male lands.  相似文献   

This paper is to investigate the effect of altitude on Jet A's flash point using the experimental method. Firstly, the vapor pressure of four fuels is measured by saturated steam pressure tester with ND‐1 pressure sensor in the low‐pressure environment under nine different temperatures, and the results show that the Clausius–Clapeyron relationship between vapor pressure and temperature is applicable to the multicomponent mixture. Secondly, the BS‐1 closed bomb apparatus is used to measure the oil samples, and the hypobaric chamber is applied to change the environment pressure from 55to 101.3 kPa. The flash point is found to decrease nonlinearly with the altitude increasing on the basis of the notion of a critical value of fuel–air mass ratio equals to 0.065 at the minimum flammability limit. Only when the atmospheric pressure approximates normal atmosphere does the flash point decrease linearly with the increase in altitude. This discovery agrees well with J.E. Shepherd's research. Thence, the experiment results provide scientific data for the safety of aircraft tank and benefit fire protection, such as inflammable liquid transport, storage, and so on, in oil pipeline management. Copyright © 2012 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

In this study, the flame spread over a thin wire with overload current (0-16 A) has been experimentally investigated at both normal pressure (Hefei: altitude 50 m, 100 kPa) and reduced pressure (Lijiang: altitude 2400 m, 76 kPa; Lhasa: altitude 3650 m, 64 kPa). Polyethylene-insulated single-core wires, comprising Cu as the inner core of diameter 0.30, 0.50, and 0.80 mm and insulation thickness 0.15 and 0.30 mm, are used as samples. The experimental results clearly indicate that the height of the flame increases with the electric current and ambient pressure, but the flame width changes only slightly. At identical conditions, the finer the wire, the faster the flame spreads. The flame spread rate increases with the electric current and ambient pressure. A simplified thermal balance analysis concerning the load current is developed to calculate the flame spread rate, and the calculated flame spread rates are shown to be fairly consistent with the experimental values at different electric currents for different wires at both ambient pressures. In addition, the coupled effect of electric current and ambient pressure on the flame spread is discussed. These results may be meaningful for promoting the research process of wire fire safety.  相似文献   

李小卫  施敏  贺烽 《水泥工程》2017,30(3):80-83
水泥厂建设工程规模和施工难度大,施工过程中的高空和交叉作业多,容易引发安全事故。因此,加强现场施工管理非常重要。文章介绍了水泥厂建设工程现场施工的主要特点、主要影响因素,在此基础上,详细介绍了水泥厂建设工程现场施工的管理要点和工作方法。  相似文献   

简单介绍了煤焦油中的苯、萘、蒽、苯并(a)芘和苯酚所具有的不同毒性,针对这五种物质应采用的预防和急救措施,以保护工人的健康与生命安全。  相似文献   

针对西石门铁矿目前实际状况,从技术、管理、科学回收现有保安矿柱矿量和重视现有残矿回收等方面,对走向衰老期的大型矿山如何提高矿石回收率的有效措施进行探索,以便有效延长这些矿山的服务年限.  相似文献   

21世纪的前沿材料-纳米材料   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
王君  陈红亮 《当代化工》2001,30(1):12-13,20
对纳米材料的发展简史及我国的科技工作者在这一高科技领域所取得的重大成果作一简要的介绍,并介绍了这一高科技领域未来的发展方向和我国所处的现状。  相似文献   

王多余 《安徽化工》2012,38(1):57-58
从产物收率、溶剂回收率、操作安全性等方面研究了用氯仿替换四氯化碳作为溶剂合成2,4-二氯-5-硝基苯酚的方法,解决了禁用四氯化碳的问题。  相似文献   

Background: Rates of major depressive disorder (MDD) increase with living at altitude. In our model, rats housed at moderate altitude (in hypobaric hypoxia) exhibit increased depression-like behavior, altered brain serotonin and a lack of antidepressant response to most selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors (SSRIs). A forebrain deficit in the bioenergetic marker creatine is noted in people living at altitude or with MDD. Methods: Rats housed at 4500 ft were given dietary creatine monohydrate (CRMH, 4% w/w, 5 weeks) vs. un-supplemented diet, and impact on depression-like behavior, brain bioenergetics, serotonin and SSRI efficacy assessed. Results: CRMH significantly improved brain creatine in a sex-based manner. At altitude, CRMH increased serotonin levels in the female prefrontal cortex and striatum but reduced male striatal and hippocampal serotonin. Dietary CRMH was antidepressant in the forced swim test and anti-anhedonic in the sucrose preference test in only females at altitude, with motor behavior unchanged. CRMH improved fluoxetine efficacy (20 mg/kg) in only males at altitude: CRMH + SSRI significantly improved male striatal creatine and serotonin vs. CRMH alone. Conclusions: Dietary CRMH exhibits sex-based efficacy in resolving altitude-related deficits in brain biomarkers, depression-like behavior and SSRI efficacy, and may be effective clinically for SSRI-resistant depression at altitude. This is the first study to link CRMH treatment to improving brain serotonin.  相似文献   

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