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鞠洪振 《中国橡胶》2004,20(13):3-7
改革开放以来,我国橡胶工业的发展速度是前所未有的,其间有许多成功的经验,特别是入世后,在上世纪末全行业整体亏损的不利情况下,大家认识一致,认真对待,风雨同舟,趋利避害,经受住了考验,不仅行业经济全面复苏,而且取得新的发展。当前,全行业面对的是新一轮的竞争,而且更为激烈  相似文献   

于长敏教授的离去我很痛心,他是我交往的高等学府中受人尊敬的教授,他不仅品德高尚,才华出众,更能仗义执言,不卑不亢,既是位有前途的教授,又是位支持正义,维护弱者的学者。我是位自学者,只有初中学历,在艺术界,与那些大学教授,博导们,自愧不如,总是在谨言慎行,也难免受到那些所谓学者们的冷眼。唯有于教授与我谈的深刻,交往融恰,以心交心,触动难忘。他看得起自学者,尊重我的艺术,时常仗义立挺我的人和作品。尽管他比我小十余岁,他的品德和宽宏的心胸,始终是高大的,让人起敬。  相似文献   

两期"台湾工艺之旅"圆满结束。对于文化艺术,无论是走马观花还是深度阅读,各人经历不同感悟也会不一样。你心目中的台湾,是什么样子呢?8天的旅程,累,却幸福着。忘不了,太鲁阁天然大理石岩的鬼斧神工,忘不了,清晨日月潭散发的柔美光辉,忘不了,黄安福大师表演玻璃技艺洒下的滴滴汗珠,忘不了,粘碧华大师的艺术之家和她亲切的笑容,忘不了,汉声巷黄永松老师挥手作别时眼里的殷殷期盼,忘不了,台北世界设计展上将书法创意延伸的"妙法自然"忘不了,中华手工电台带给我们的欢声和笑语,忘不了……黄永松老师说,这一代人需要觉醒,但觉醒的方向不要错,要回到文化的母土。或许你已留意到,  相似文献   

各种各样的展览信息,不时充斥在各种相关媒体上,全国的,地方的,行业的,机构的,企业的,社会性的,公益型的……凡此种种,但都有一个共性,那就是都有相关的权威机构作为主办单位,有一定的规模,可产生一定的影响,并设有一定的奖项。参展商们也就冲着这些因素而来。  相似文献   

柳林小径深处,一扇木门掩映的白色建筑,即是王功新林天苗夫妇在宋庄的别墅。从大门进来,前方是白色的月亮门,像一道影壁墙,遮蔽外人的视线,经过一片水竹摇曳的甬道,才入院子。院内,三层小楼房顶上两层主体分别向两侧挑空,蜿蜒的池塘从花园延伸至室内,隔着一面大大的落地玻璃墙,恍惚间分不清哪里是室内,哪里是室外。更不可思议的是,池塘中间竟然是空的,下面就是那个巨大的工作室,鱼儿游过,涟漪荡漾开来,总担心这水会不会溢出……  相似文献   

寒冷的季节暂时离我们而去,不时的寒潮,沙尘暴,台风以及破坏性极强的地震,海啸,不时袭击着地球;在这不太平的时局,部分地区时而战火纷飞,时而风平浪静,一片太平,有时那树上刚刚露出的新芽,一瞬间就难见踪迹,有的则活得很好,受到人们的赏玩与关爱。春天来了,静静的,万物都在竞相展示着自己的美,给人希望。但也总有一些不和谐的音符掺杂其中,但主流总是好的。  相似文献   

凶悍的捕鸟蛛,已经抓住一只小鸟,正分泌毒液将猎物毒死,刚孵化的小鸟心有不甘,瞪大眼睛,却对身体的麻痹无可奈何,捕鸟蛛得意洋洋,八只毛茸茸的爪子渐渐放松,似乎要开始安心享用猎物。凶狠的捕杀场面,被作者处理得惟妙惟肖,全身长毛的蜘蛛、绝望的小鸟,让观者毛骨悚然。那么,请您猜猜看,这幅捕鸟蛛猎杀图,是用什么材质做成的呢?  相似文献   

陈婷 《粘接》2012,(10):19-19
秋至过后,几场不经意的细雨飘来,将炎热一点点打退,正如人们所言"一场秋雨一场凉"。如果说春天把嫩绿给了三月,夏天把翠绿给了七月,冬天把洁白给了十二月,那么秋天,就把金色给了十月。十月,是花开飘香的季节。菊花开了,红的、黄的、白的,朵朵怒放着,风情万种、婀娜多姿;桂花开了,偶尔外出,惊奇的发现满枝的桂花把树木装扮的耀眼夺目,一阵微风吹过,阵阵清新淡雅香气飘来,沁人心脾。工作一天的烦躁情绪,在这别样的景象下瞬间被一扫而光。  相似文献   

可持续发展是我们国家的国策,首先从公司来说,怎么在中国做到可持续发展,不光是对企业、对员工,包括对整个社会的贡献,都非常重要。因为我们理解要做到可持续发展必须有创新性的产品,可持续发展必须有不断的创新,包括产品,包括程序,包括各种各样的东西。第二,必须有效率的提高,可持续发展不光是说产品本身,还指全社会的效率提高,减少浪费。第三,需要大家合作进行,毕竟任何目标不会由一个企业来完成,要有政府、企业和各方面的合作,共同来完成全社会的可持续发展。  相似文献   

尾矿干式堆存在磷矿山选矿厂中的应用   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
0 引言 尾矿设施具有保护环境,充分利用水资源和保护矿产资源的作用,是矿山生产不可缺少的设施,但投资巨大,基建投资占矿山总投资的10%以上,占选矿厂投资的20%左右,有的几乎与选矿厂的投资一样多,甚至超过选矿厂.尾矿设施的运行成本也较高,有些矿山尾矿设施运行成本占选矿厂生产成本的30%以上.近年来,由于征购土地和搬迁农户的费用越来越高,因此建设尾矿设施的费用也越来越高.此外,尾矿库还是矿山生产的最大的危险源之一,一旦尾矿库失事,将给工农业生产及下游人民生命财产造成巨大损失.而若采用干式堆存尾矿,则可较大地缓解以上矛盾,因干式堆存的尾矿只含有11%~15%的水分,且可依地形而堆存,大大减少了占地面积,且不易垮落.贵州某一选矿厂利用脱水设备实现了尾矿的干式堆存,情况介绍如下.  相似文献   

基于纵向力的轮胎模型及参数分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
通过垂直负荷分布修正和滑动摩擦因数参数化,建立轮胎纵向力模型,利用其对轮胎纵向力特性进行分析,并研究各因素对轮胎纵向力的影响。结果表明,随着静摩擦因数的增大,接地胎面完全滑移的滑移率增大,滑移力(Fsx)和附着力(Fax)增大;纵向刚度主要影响峰值前的纵向合力,随着轮胎纵向刚度和接地印痕长度的增大,接地胎面完全滑移的滑移率减小,Fax减小,Fsx增大。  相似文献   

附着力测定方法及其影响因素   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
介绍涂膜的附着机理、附着力的测定方法及其影响因素。  相似文献   

The removal of small particles is vital for contamination-free manufacturing. In humid environments liquid can condense between the particle and substrate and give rise to a very large capillary force, which increases the total force of adhesion. The removal and adhesion forces of polystyrene latex (PSL) particles and pigmented coating chips were measured on silicon, polyethylene terephthalate, metallized and polyester coating substrates as a function of humidity. The results indicate that the capillary force is significant at a relative humidity above 50% and dominates at a relative humidity above 70%. At relative humidity below 45%, the electrostatic force becomes significant. The adhesion forces varied depending on the particles and substrates used, but the trend of high adhesion at high and low relative humidity was observed for all PSL particles/substrate systems. The pigmented coating chips/substrate system however, exhibited high adhesion at high relative humidity and low adhesion at low relative humidity.  相似文献   

Force curves have been acquired using an atomic force microscope (AFM) on homogeneous microspheres of three different materials (latex, glass and yttria), in order to study the possible influence of the surface topography/geometry on the adhesion force as measured by an AFM. Forces were measured in regions at the top of the spheres ( ≈ 90°), at half-heights ( ≈ 0°) and in an intermediate region between these two ( ≈ 45°), where the angle is measured from the equatorial plane of the sphere to its polar axis. A very irregular and non-reproducible behaviour was found at ≈ 0°, so only the other two regions were quantitatively analysed. For all the three materials, a much smaller adhesion force was obtained in the region corresponding to ≈ 45° as compared to ≈ 90°. Moreover, a quite similar adhesion decrease ratio of about 1.60 ± 0.5 was obtained for all the three materials, which may suggest that the observed behavior might be due to geometrical factors. This observed influence could, in part, explain the observed heterogeneity in adhesion maps of microbial cells reported in the literature. The influence of the surface roughness is also discussed and it seems to result in a poor reproducibility of force curves.  相似文献   

The removal of small particles is vital for contamination-free manufacturing. In humid environments liquid can condense between the particle and substrate and give rise to a very large capillary force, which increases the total force of adhesion. The removal and adhesion forces of polystyrene latex (PSL) particles and pigmented coating chips were measured on silicon, polyethylene terephthalate, metallized and polyester coating substrates as a function of humidity. The results indicate that the capillary force is significant at a relative humidity above 50% and dominates at a relative humidity above 70%. At relative humidity below 45%, the electrostatic force becomes significant. The adhesion forces varied depending on the particles and substrates used, but the trend of high adhesion at high and low relative humidity was observed for all PSL particles/substrate systems. The pigmented coating chips/substrate system however, exhibited high adhesion at high relative humidity and low adhesion at low relative humidity.  相似文献   

M. Meincken 《Polymer》2005,46(1):203-208
Polydimethylsiloxane (PDMS) materials show the unique phenomenon that when exposed to electrical discharge, such as corona discharge, their hydrophobic surface becomes hydrophilic. However, after a certain relaxation time they gradually regain their hydrophobicity. In this study the adhesive force obtained by AFM force distance measurements using a hydrophilic Si3N4 probe is used to track the recovery of the hydrophobicity. The time constant of the recovery can be determined by measuring the adhesive force as a function of the recovery time after corona exposure. It is shown how these time constants can be used to monitor the recovery rate as a function of corona treatment time for both filled and unfilled PDMS compounds.  相似文献   

We report herein an alternative high-speed scanning force microscopy method in the contact mode based on a resonance-type piezoelectric bimorph scanner. The experimental setup, the modified optical beam deflection scheme suitable for smaller cantilevers, and a high-speed control program for simultaneous data capture are described in detail. The feature of the method is that the deflection and friction force images of the sample surface can be obtained simultaneously in real time. Images of various samples (e.g., a test grating, a thin gold film, and fluorine-doped tin oxide-coated glass slides) are acquired successfully. The imaging rate is 25 frames per second, and the average scan speed reaches a value of approximately 2.5 cm/s. The method combines the advantages of both observing the dynamic processes of the sample surface and monitoring the frictional properties on the nanometer scale.


07.79.Lh; 07.79.Sp; 68.37.Ps  相似文献   

In this study the Eulerian particle model was modified to predict the particle deposition rate in fully developed channel flow. The modified model is less complicated and has much lower computation time. The performance of the simplified model was examined by comparing the particle deposition rate in a vertical channel with the experimental data for fully developed channel flow available in the literature. The effects of turbophoretic force, thermophoretic force, electrostatic force, gravitational force, Brownian/turbulent diffusion, and the wall roughness on the particle deposition rate were examined. The predictions of the modified particle model were in agreement with the experimental data.  相似文献   

新老混凝土界面粘结力形成机理   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
新老混凝土界面粘结力的大小是衡量界面性能好坏的主要标志。本文通过对粘结界面的宏观力学性能和扫描电镜实验,探讨了界面力的来源,并进一步深入分析了界面作用力的形成机理。认为界面作用力来源于机械作用力、范德华力以及化学作用力。其中,一般来说是机械啮合力起主导作用。但界面作用力受界面荆的影响极大,在某些情况下,如采用聚合物界面荆时,则以范德毕力起主导作用;采用粉煤灰砂浆界面荆时,可以肯定地证明化学力的存在。  相似文献   

活塞式压缩机基础扰力和扰力矩相位角的计算   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
李静波 《化工设计》2005,15(1):20-21
在活塞式压缩机扰力和扰力矩相位角计算的基础上 ,进一步讨论了活塞式压缩机基础扰力和扰力矩相位角的计算。  相似文献   

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