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Recently, superfluid-like properties have been observed in bilayer quantum Hall systems, in which the effective bosonic particles are understood to be electron-hole pairs. While experimental results are highly suggestive of superfluidity, the linear response of this system remains dissipative down to the lowest available temperatures. We demonstrate that these results may be understood in terms of a unique disorder-dominated state, in which the system organizes into a coherence network, with large incoherent regions separated by quasi-one-dimensional coherent strips with vortices and antivortices at their edges. We demonstrate that this novel state supports nearly dissipationless response at non-vanishing temperatures which can explain a number of puzzling experimental results.  相似文献   

Recent experimental work on the quantized Hall state at total filling factor νT=1 in bilayer 2D electron systems has revealed a number of striking phenomena, including a giant and sharply resonant enhancement of the interlayer tunneling conductance at zero bias. The tunneling enhancement is a compelling indicator of spontaneous interlayer phase coherence among the electrons in the system. Such phase coherence is perhaps the single most important attribute of the excitonic Bose condensate which describes this remarkable quantum Hall state.  相似文献   

A quantum antidot, a submicron depletion region in a two-dimensional electron system, has been actively studied in the past two decades, providing a powerful tool for understanding quantum Hall systems. In a perpendicular magnetic field, electrons form bound states around the antidot. Aharonov–Bohm resonances through such bound states have been experimentally studied, showing interesting phenomena such as Coulomb charging, h/2eh/2e oscillations, spectator modes, signatures of electron interactions in the line shape, Kondo effect, etc. None of them can be explained by a simple noninteracting electron approach. Theoretical models for the above observations have been developed recently, such as a capacitive-interaction model for explaining the h/2eh/2e oscillations and the Kondo effect, numerical prediction of a hole maximum-density-droplet antidot ground state, and spin-density-functional theory for investigating the compressibility of antidot edges. In this review, we summarize such experimental and theoretical works on electron interactions in antidots.  相似文献   

This paper reviews tunnel spectroscopy of fractional quantum Hall edges using cleaved-edge overgrown devices. Beginning with an intuitive introduction to various experimental and theoretical aspects, the device structure is reviewed, and the experimental result of a continuum of power-law tunneling exponents is revisited. The unanticipated behavior of the exponent with fractional filling factor is described, and all subsequent theoretical explanations for these results are laid out for comparison. Finally, we propose new directions for experimentally resolving the remaining questions.  相似文献   

The renormalization theory of the quantum Hall effect relies primarily on the non-perturbative concept of θ renormalization by instantons. Within the generalized non-linear σ model approach initiated by Finkelstein we obtain the physical observables of the interacting electron gas, formulate the general (topological) principles by which the Hall conductance is robustly quantized and derive—for the first time—explicit expressions for the non-perturbative (instanton) contributions to the renormalization group β and γ functions. Our results are in complete agreement with the recently proposed idea of super universality which says that the fundamental aspects of the quantum Hall effect are all generic features the instanton vacuum concept in asymptotically free field theory.  相似文献   

We illustrate some experimental features of the recently discovered radiation-induced zero-resistance states in the high-mobility GaAs/AlGaAs system, with a special emphasis on the interplay between the radiation-induced changes in the diagonal resistance and the Hall effect. We show that, quantum Hall effects, i.e., quantum Hall plateaus, disappear under photoexcitation, at the minima of the radiation-induced magnetoresistance oscillations.  相似文献   

The crossover from the semiclassical transport to the quantum Hall effect is studied by examining a two-dimensional electron system in an AlGaAs/GaAs heterostructure. By probing the magneto-oscillations, it is shown that the semiclassical Shubnikov-de Haas (SdH) formulation can be valid even when the minima of the longitudinal resistivity approach zero. The extension of the applicable range of the SdH theory could be due to the damping effects resulting from disorder and temperature. Moreover, we observed plateau-plateau transition-like behavior with such an extension. From our study, it is important to include positive magnetoresistance to refine the SdH theory.  相似文献   

The Jain's composite fermion wavefunction has proven quite succesful to describe most of the fractional quantum Hall states. Its mathematical foundation lies in the Chern-Simons field theory for the electrons in the lowest Landau level, despite the fact that such wavefunction is different from a typical mean-field level Chern-Simons wavefunction. It is known that the energy excitation gaps for fractional Hall states described by Jain's composite fermion wavefunction cannot be calculated analytically. We note that analytic results for the energy excitation gaps of fractional Hall states described by a fermion Chern-Simons wavefunction are readily obtained by using a technique originating from nuclear matter studies. By adopting this technique to the fractional quantum Hall effect we obtained analytical results for the excitation energy gaps of all fractional Hall states described by a Chern-Simons wavefunction. Received 9 March 2001  相似文献   

We study the physics of a rapidly rotating gas of ultracold bosonic atoms. In the limit of very rapid rotation of the trap the system exhibits a fractional quantum Hall regime analogous to that of electrons in the fractional quantum Hall effect. We show that the ground state of the system is a 1/2-Laughlin liquid, a highly correlated atomic liquid. Exotic excitations consisting of localized quasiholes of 1/2 of an atom can be created by focusing lasers at the desired positions. We show how to manipulate these quasiholes in order to probe directly their 1/2-statistics.  相似文献   

We have measured the temperature dependence of the resistance Rxx and Rxy of a two-dimensional electron system in the regime of the quantum Hall plateau transition. We observe for our sample a considerable large critical exponent κ~ 0.66 - 0.77, which may be due to the dominant electron-phonon scattering. Further we find a simple exponential form of Rxx = Rc exp(-s) in agreement with the theoretically proposed universal scaling function.  相似文献   

V. B. Shikin 《JETP Letters》2001,73(5):246-249
A generalization of the known theory describing the Hall channels with integer filling factors in inhomogeneous 2D electronic samples to the case of a stationary nonequilibrium state (with a nonzero Hall voltage V H across the 2D system) is proposed. For the central strip located near the extremum of the electron density, the theory predicts a change in its width and a shift of the whole strip from the equilibrium position as functions of V H . The theoretical results are used to interpret recent experiments on measuring the local electric fields along the Hall samples both in equilibrium conditions and in the presence of transport in the quantum Hall regime.  相似文献   

Selective and large polarization of current injected into semiconductor (SC) is predicted in ferromagnet (FM)/quantum dot (QD)/SC system by varying the gate voltage above the Kondo temperature. In addition, spin-dependent Kondo effect is also revealed below Kondo temperature. It is found that Kondo resonances for up spin state are suppressed with increasing of the polarization P of the FM lead. While the down one is enhanced. The Kondo peak for up spin is disappear at P=1.  相似文献   

We have studied the effect of optically-induced random, anisotropic disorder on the magnetoresistance of a Al0.3Ga0.7As/ GaAs two-dimensional electron system by exposing the heterojunction to an asymmetric laser speckle pattern. Changes in the amplitude of the Shubnikov-de Haas oscillations can be explained in terms of easy and hard conductivity paths parallel and perpendicular to the long axis of the oval speckle grains. We also observe corresponding changes in the electron scattering rates.  相似文献   

The plateau-insulator (PI) transition in the quantum Hall regime, in remarkable contrast to the plateau-plateau (PP) transition, exhibits very special features that enable one for the first time to disentwine the quantum critical aspects of the electron gas (scaling functions, critical indices) from the sample dependent effects of macroscopic inhomogeneities (contact misalignments, density gradients). In this communication we report new experimental data taken from the PI transition of a low-mobility InGaAs/InP heterostructure and propose universal scaling functions for the transport coefficients. Our new findings elucidate fundamental theoretical aspects of quantum criticality that have so far remained inaccessible.  相似文献   

We fabricate the hybrid films of colloidal CdSe/ZnS quantum dots (QDs) and poly(9-vinylcarbazole) (PVK) sandwiched between two electrodes. The voltage and temperature dependences of the electroluminescence (EL) are measured. The quantum-confined Stark effect of colloidal QDs is clearly observed. To explore the mechanism in the QD EL, hybrid films are fabricated with different concentrations of colloidal QDs. Electrons and holes are proposed to be separately transported in QDs and PVK, respectively.  相似文献   

We have realized an AlAs two-dimensional electron system in which electrons occupy conduction-band valleys with different Fermi contours and effective masses. In the quantum Hall regime, we observe both resistivity spikes and persistent gaps at crossings between the Landau levels originating from these two valleys. From the positions of the spikes in tilted magnetic fields and measurements of the energy gaps away from the crossings, we find that, after occupation of the minority valley, the spin susceptibility drops rapidly, and the electrons possess a single interaction-enhanced g-factor, despite the dissimilarity of the two occupied valleys.  相似文献   

In this work we study a quantum electrical circuit with charge discreteness perturbed by periodic external kicks. Time evolution equations, for energy and electrical current, are solved analytically. Time evolution fluctuations are also studied and they become bounded. Resonances are well characterized including arbitrary (generic) quantum circuits with charge discreteness.  相似文献   

At temperature above 1 K, we measured the temperature dependence of the longitudinal and Hall resistivity ρxx,ρxy in the regime of the quantum Hall plateau-to-plateau transitions. The localization exponent v is extracted with an approach based on the variable range hopping theory. We find the quantity v ≈ 2.3 at the second Landau level, which is proven to be accurately universal.  相似文献   

From the theory of quantum LC circuits with discrete charge, and semiclassical considerations, we obtain approximate energy eigenvalues, depending on the parameter . Next, we include electrical resistance for the quantum RLC circuit, obtaining a relation that strongly reminds us of the Landauer formula.  相似文献   

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