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锡铁山铅锌矿深部五中段35勘探线以东采场上盘围岩稳定性较差,针对这一难题,对该中段东部的501采场采用了挤压爆破崩落采矿法进行回采.崩落的矿石对采场围岩起到了很好的支撑作用,从而有效地控制了围岩的大面积冒落,取得了较好的效果,为类似矿山的安全生产提供借鉴.  相似文献   

孔祥  田红 《爆破》1990,7(3):34-37
本文讨论了如何较准确预算出使用自然崩落采矿法待采矿块的二次破碎炸药单损值的问题。  相似文献   

王长贵 《中国科技博览》2013,(31):530-530,494
在地下金属矿山的开采过程中,采矿方法的选择主要根据矿体赋存条件、技术经济和矿山机械化装备水平而定。本文针对矿岩稳固急倾斜中厚矿体,分析中深孔分段落矿阶段矿房采矿法和VCR采矿法,嗣后充填处理采空区,结合李楼铁矿,对中厚矿体铁矿开采在提高落矿能力、增加效益方面提供了借鉴。  相似文献   

通过总结和分析国外有关金属矿床地下无人开采或自动开采技术研究、开发、应用等方面的进展情况,对金属矿床地下自动开采关键前沿技术及其在我国的发展途径提出一些思考。  相似文献   

我国经济社会在不断发展的同时,对于矿产资源的需求也在不断增加,因此对采矿行业提出了更高的要求。本文以地下矿山采矿为核心,首先概述了开采作业的特点和影响因素,然后介绍了常见的采矿方法和发展趋势,最后介绍了开采技术的最新发展,以供参考。  相似文献   

无底柱分段崩落采矿法是一种高效率、高强度、高度机械化、低成本以及高安全系数的采矿方法,因其所具有的优越性,目前这种采矿方法已经在我国的岩金矿开采中得到了非常广泛的应用。一般来说,岩金矿开采的工程量都较大,而且安全风险也较大,因此在将无底柱分段崩落采矿法应用于岩金矿开采中时,必须对其关键性技术加以准确把握。鉴于此,本文拟从回采设计技术、拉槽技术以及溜矿井封堵技术等几个方面来进行分析与阐述,以期加深对这一问题的认识与理解程度。  相似文献   

地质环境对人类的生存和发展是一项不可忽视的指标,优良的地质环境能为人类的生存发展提供各种各样的物质资源和宽阔的自然空间。然而,从另一面来看,地质灾害的发生与地质环境有着千丝万缕的联系,可以说地质环境是地质灾害的主导因素。地质灾害往往使人类生灵涂炭,损失惨重。所以,深入探究地下采矿对矿山地质环境的影响是十分必要的活动。  相似文献   

爆破崩落法是治理露天矿地下采空区的主要手段,数值模拟是研究爆破崩落效果的有效工具。基于连续-非连续数值模拟方法(CDEM),利用朗道点火爆炸模型实现了炸药起爆过程的描述,利用考虑应变软化效应的Mohr-Coulomb模型及最大拉应力模型实现了围岩损伤破裂过程的模拟。以弓长岭铁矿何家采场采空区为研究对象,重点探讨了炮孔间排距、起爆延时等对该采空区上覆岩层损伤破裂程度、空区填充程度及空区内大块率的影响规律。计算结果表明:炮孔间排距对爆破效果的影响较大,随着间排距的增大,塌落至空区的大块率逐渐增大,且塌落范围逐渐减小。当间排距为17 m时,仅空区顶板附近出现局部塌落,地表岩层依然处于稳定状态。起爆延时对爆破效果的影响较小,当起爆延时大于42 ms以后,塌落至空区的岩体块度分布基本一致,仅大块率有所区别。为了确保爆破崩落法的治理效果,建议炮孔的间排距不大于7m,炮孔排间延时不小于42 ms。  相似文献   

随着我国社会的飞速发展,人们对于矿产资源的需求量也在逐渐增高。而随着近年来我国矿产资源开发量的加大,使得浅层的矿产资源已经不能够满足社会发展的要求,这就需要我们向着更深层次的矿产挖掘进行开展。同时,在进行矿产资源开采的过程中,根据所处地区的不同,我们应当使用不同的开采技术。在本文中,将就我国目前地下地下深孔采矿技术的发展与现状进行一定的分析与探讨。  相似文献   

地下多层复杂空区处理的工程实践   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
介绍了洛阳栾川钼业集团股份有限公司三道庄矿区多层复合空区的赋存形态、空区处理方案以及采用切割深孔区域整体崩落法一次爆破同时处理多层空区时的工程实践;切割深孔区域整体崩落法处理地下多层复杂空区的孔位布置、施工、装药、爆破及网路、施工安全管理等,对国内外同类型矿山资源的安全、合理的开发利用具有重要参考意义.  相似文献   

基于TRIZ理论的采矿方法创新设计   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
针对传统采矿方法设计中出现的不足,将TRIZ理论引入采矿方法的创新设计中,在对实际问题分析的基础上,确定了技术和物理矛盾,并运用TRIZ理论的创新原理所提供的思路与线索,对采矿方法进行了创新设计.以广西某矿山的采矿方法设计为实例,详细介绍了TRIZ理论在采矿方法设计中的应用流程,高效率地解决了采矿方法选择中的创新性设计难题,充分表明了TRIZ理论应用于采矿领域进行创新设计的可行性和高效性,为拓宽和创新传统工程领域的设计思路提供了新的工具,将会有广阔的应用前景.  相似文献   

《Advanced Powder Technology》2020,31(9):3882-3896
Diesel particulate matter (DPM) is carcinogenic to humans. Underground miners have a high risk of over-exposure to high concentrations of DPM. To control DPM effectively, it is essential to understand the DPM dispersion characteristics. In this study, the DPM distributions of three key and representative mining activities, shotcreting, charging and loading activity, in an underground development face were studied. A computational model for the mining activities was developed using 3D imagery, onsite data and OpenFOAM. Tracer gas experiments were first conducted in the underground mine for the validation of CFD simulation. The simulations were carried out at a steady-state using the standard k-ε turbulence model, and the transport and dispersion of DPM were modelled using a segregated species transport model. DPM distribution characteristics for each mining activity were analysed, and the regions with high concentration (>0.1 mg/m3) were identified, and the reasons for the high concentrations were also discussed. At last, the efficiency of the current auxiliary ventilation system on DPM dilution was evaluated based on the simulation results. The results show that a broader region with high DPM concentration was identified in the downstream of the loader during the loading activity, and this issue could be solved by simply increasing the ventilation rate. The findings in this paper could be used for optimizing the auxiliary ventilation design for future mining activities in this development face.  相似文献   

针对平朔矿区4号煤层条件,采用理论分析方法研究了浅埋深两硬条件下4号煤层顶煤的冒放性及合理采煤方法。以提高顶煤冒放性为目标,采用数值模拟的方法进行了综放工作面参数及设备选型配套研究。实践表明,浅埋深两硬煤层条件下通过加大综放工作面长度与割煤高度,可以实现安全、高效、高回收率开采。  相似文献   

Effluents from coal mining operations are not only highly acid but also depict elevated concentrations of metals which may contaminate the environment. Due to the polybasic characteristic of chitosan, this biopolymer is capable of both neutralizing and removing iron, aluminum and copper ions from such effluents. The present study aimed at evaluating the use of chitosan microspheres for their importance in continuous systems. The microspheres were prepared by the phase inversion method. Their average diameter and morphology were determined. Water samples from decantation pool (DP) and acidic mine drainage (AMD) effluents were treated using different amounts of microspheres. The pH and concentration of Fe, Al and Cu ions were evaluated both before and after treatment of effluent samples. The results revealed that the microspheres were capable of increasing the pH of DP and AMD samples from 2.34 and 2.58, respectively, to 6.20, i.e., close to neutrality. The treatment also resulted in full removal of the metals investigated.  相似文献   

本文发展了上限元法(UBET)提出了一种新的予示金属变形过程三维流动的上限条法(upper bound strip technique)。单元内采用平行速度场,单元侧面速度均匀分布且为常数。并将它们作为优化参数,通过总变形功率极小化得出了最佳速度场。用该法予示了矩形截面条形工件的变形力,侧向宽度与纵向延伸,所得结果与文献的实验结果和有限元法计算结果进行了比较,吻合较好。  相似文献   

Persistent scatterer interferometry (PSI) is a major advancement in radar interferometry for detecting and monitoring land deformation. PSI is the most advanced class of differential interferometric synthetic aperture radar (DInSAR) techniques. The technique conquers the main drawbacks of the conventional DInSAR technique by identifying radar targets having stable backscattering characteristics in time. These targets are termed as persistent scatterers (PSs). The higher the number of PSs for a study area the higher the accuracy of the results will be, which is most common for deformation analysis in urban areas. However, for non-urban or highly de-correlated areas, PSs density collapses significantly, which needs to increase for optimal results. For this purpose, partially coherent/distributed scatterers (DSs) are being exploited in addition to the PSs. The field surface of this study is one of the copper-rich mining belts in India, which consists of two major underground metal mines. Scatterer characterziation of the field surface under study suggests that most of the scatterers are DSs and very few scatterers under the influence of the mining zone are PSs. In addition to this, a preliminary investigation of deformation characteristics of the field surface under study reveals that the spatial extent of deformation is small/localized along with slow and non-linear deformation. Keeping in view scatterer and deformation characteristics of the field surface under study, in this research paper, a Quasi-Persistent Scatterer based PSI approach has been applied using high-resolution TerraSAR-X interferometric data stack (10 images) to generate deformation time series and deformation velocity. Furthermore, results obtained from the applied PSI approach and ground-based observations (using GNSS) have shown good agreement with each other, in the order of ?5.20?mm/year (LOS) and ?5.38?mm/year (subsiding), respectively.  相似文献   

对连续数据知识挖掘可采用模糊C均值聚类将其离散化,再应用粗糙集进行约简.文中针对该过程中样本数据离散化后出现多个聚类中心隶属度值较接近的情况.提出了隶属度重叠度的方法来扩展对应离散类别的选取.离散类剐确定后再应用粗糙集理论对其进行知识挖掘,可得到连续数据的本质特性.此方法应用于汽轮机轴系振动数据的知识挖掘.与采用最大隶属度确定对应类别的方法相比,该方法不影响对连续数据的知识挖掘,并能真实反映连续数据的特性.  相似文献   


This study proposes a new Multi‐Circle Granule Model (MCGM), based on overlapping circles with various diameters to create an irregular particle shape, to simulate the geometry‐dependent behavior of gravel particles for two‐dimensional mechanical analyses of gravel deposits. The MCGM model is implemented in a Distinct Element Method (DEM) program for numerical simulation. Two numerical examples are presented to study the effects of gravel shapes on the angles of repose in free falling tests, and on the stability of gravel tunnel excavation in trap door tests. Additionally, the numerical study reveals that the shapes of gravel significantly affect the angle of repose. Furthermore, interlocking, anisotropy, and contact numbers among the gravels are found to be key factors governing the stability of gravel tunnel excavation. These numerical simulation results of geometry‐dependent behavior are quite encouraging for the MCGM model.  相似文献   

An overview of the extended/generalized finite element method (GEFM/XFEM) with emphasis on methodological issues is presented. This method enables the accurate approximation of solutions that involve jumps, kinks, singularities, and other locally non‐smooth features within elements. This is achieved by enriching the polynomial approximation space of the classical finite element method. The GEFM/XFEM has shown its potential in a variety of applications that involve non‐smooth solutions near interfaces: Among them are the simulation of cracks, shear bands, dislocations, solidification, and multi‐field problems. Copyright © 2010 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

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