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Summary Genes ofSolanum tuberosum L. ssp.tuberosum were introduced into cytoplasm ofS. tuberosum ssp.andigena (Juz. & Buk.) Hawkes andS. phureja Juz. & Buk. to reduce cytoplasmic sterilities. Alleles that influenced berry set and seed content produced differences between reciprocal progenies. Their expressions were interpreted in terms of genes of the maternal and/or paternal parents. When the ssp.andigena genotype was introduced from the maternal parent if favoured high berry set and low seed number. Maternal ssp.tuberosum favoured lower berry set and higher seed number. The source ofS. phureja cytoplasm, aS. phureja×S. chacoense F1, used as maternal parent favoured lower berry and seed set. During successive backcrosses progeny expressions approached those of the recurrent ssp.tuberosum pollen parents. A low level of pollen sterility occurred in BC2 plants, unrelated to direction of cross or cytoplasmic factors. By BC4, seed set and fertility were as good as ssp.tuberosum, and recurrent backcrossing could be terminated without loss of seed production or fertility. Pennsylvania Agricultural Experiment Station Journal Series No. 7493.  相似文献   

Summary Tubers of clones from a diploid hybrid population ofSolanum phureja andS. stenotomum were screened for resistance to tuber soft rot caused by strains ofErwinia carotovora subsp.atroseptica (Eca),E. carotovora subsp.carotovora (Ecc) andE. chrysanthemi (Ech). Significant, positive correlations between resistance to the different strains and species were observed, indicating that screening for resistance to tuber soft rot could be accomplished by using just one of the three pathogens. Strains of Ecc and Ech were found to be much more virulent than strains of Eca. Inoculating with Ecc and Ech resulted in more distinct differences among susceptible, moderately resistant and resistant clones than inoculating with Eca.  相似文献   

Summary Two species of wild potato,S. brevidens andS. fernandezianum, were surveyed for six potato-infecting viruses in their natural habitats in the Puerto Montt Region and Robinson Crusoe Island of Chile, respectively. Potato viruses S (PVS), M (PVM) and X (PVX) and potato yellowing virus (PYV) were found in some clones of the Chilean Potato Germplasm Collection, whereas only one population ofS. brevidens out of six was virus-infected, namely by PVS. The cultivated potatoes on Robinson Crusoe Island were infected by PVS, PVM and PVX and infested byAulacorthum solani andMyzus persicae, whereasS. fernandezianum was infected by PYV and infested byA. circumflexum, A. solani andAphis spp.  相似文献   

Summary Eleven clones obtained from a cross between cv. Katahdin and fusion products betweenSolanum tuberosum and the non tuber-bearing speciesS. brevidens, were backcrossed again withS. tuberosum (clone AR80-127-5). Small tubers harvested from 583 seedlings of these second backcross (BC2) populations were screened for tuber tissue resistance toErwinia carotovora subsp.atroseptica under aerobic conditions. After multiplication in the field. BC2 clones again were screened for soft rot resistance under aerobic as well as anaerobic conditions. In general, the resistance of the BC2 populations was reduced in comparison with the BC1. Variation for resistance was found within the BC2 populations, but there was no correlation between the results of the three tests performed. Four BC2 populations were also screenned for resistance to blackleg in the field. Significant differences were found between populations for mean percentage of diseased plants, but these differences could not be explained by the resistance of the parental clones.  相似文献   

Summary Marker strains ofE. carotovora var.carotovora and var.atroseptica spread from inoculated rotting tubers, buried at seed tuber level under potato plants in the field, to rhizosphere soil and progeny tubers late in the 1983 and 1984 growing seasons when weather conditions were wet. In 1982, tuber rotting was arrested in the dry soil conditions which prevailed after their burial and little spread was observed. Leaves, inoculated by spraying with bacterial suspensions, remained contaminated with low numbers of marker bacteria until the end of the season; the bacteria spread to rhizosphere soil and progeny tubers but only after multiplication in rotting leaf debris on the soil surface late in the season when the weather was wet. Bacteria from inoculated tubers and leaves also spread to plants in adjacent non-inoculated control plots, and contamination by airborne wild-type erwinias was detected, also late in the season. Over 90% of marker and wild-type bacteria isolated from all sources were var.carotovora.
Zusammenfassung Die Ausbreitung Antibiotika-resistenter Indikatorst?mme vonE. carotovora var.atroseptica und var.carotovora, von teilweise faulen Knollen, die in Knollenh?he vergraben waren, oder von mit Bakteriensuspensionen besprühter Bl?tter, wurde im Feld untersucht. Bakterien von faulenden plazierten Knollen wurden im Boden der Rhizosph?re (Tab. 3) und an Tochterknollen (Tab. 4) bei hoher Bodenfeuchtigkeit, welche sowohl das Faulen der Knollen wie auch die Bewegung der Bakterien durch den Boden begünstigte, entdeckt. Dies erfolgte 1983 und 1984 w?hrend des Septembers und Oktobers, also sp?t in der Wachstumsperiode, als reichlich Niederschl?ge fielen (Abb. 1), nicht jedoch im Jahre 1982, in dem nur geringfügige Ausbreitung beobachtet werden konnte, weil die Knollenf?ule durch trockene Bodenverh?ltnisse, die nach dem Vergraben der Knollen herrschten, verhindert wurde. Die Bl?tter blieben nach der Inokulation mit geringen Zahlen markierter Bakterien bis zum Ende der Wachstumszeit kontaminiert (Tab. 1). Die Bakterien breiteten sich im Boden der Rhizosph?re und an den Tochterknollen nur nach Vermehrung auf verrottenden Bl?ttern an der Bodenoberfl?che aus (Tab. 2). Dies konnte sp?t in der Vegetationszeit beobachtet werden, wenn die Regenf?lle h?ufiger waren und feuchte Bedingungen das Faulen der Bl?tterrückst?nde f?rderten (Abb. 1). Unter derartigen Bedingungen breiteten sich markierte St?mme von inokulierten Knollen und Bl?ttern zu benachbarten nicht-inokulierten Kontrollparzellen aus; Kontamination durch luftbürtige Bakterien vom Wildtyp (nicht markiert) konnte ebenfalls entdeckt werden. über 90% der markierten und der Wildtyp-Bakterien aus allen Herkünften geh?rten dem var.carotovora an (Tab. 5).

Résumé La contamination de souches d'Erwinia carotovora var.atroseptica et var.carotovora, résistantes aux antibiotiques, est examinée au champ à partir de tubercules partiellement pourris et enterrés au niveau des tubercules de semence ou par pulvérisation sur les feuilles d'une suspension bactérienne. Les bactéries provenant des tubercules contaminateurs sont détectées au niveau de la rhizosphère (tabl. 3) et de la descendance (tabl. 4), pour des conditions d'humidité du sol élevées qui favorisent à la fois la pourriture des tubercules et la dissémination des bactéries dans le sol. Ces conditions furent réunies tardivement, en septembre et octobre 1983 et 1984, où la pluviométrie fut abondante (fig. 1); par contre peu de contamination fut observée en 1982, car les conditions sèches du sol ont stoppé la pourriture juste après enfouissement des tubercules contaminateurs. Les feuilles sont restées contaminées après inoculation avec un faible nombre de bactéries ‘marqueurs’ jusqu'à la fin de chaque période (tabl. 1). Les bactéries se disséminent dans la rhizosphère et sur les tubercules fils seulement après multiplication dans les débris de feuilles en décomposition à la surface du sol (tabl. 2). Ceci s'observe tard en culture lorsque les pluies sont plus fréquentes, les conditions humides favorisant la décomposition des débris de feuille (fig. 1). Dans ces conditions, les souches ‘marqueurs’ provenant de tubercules et de feuilles inoculés contaminent les plantes voisines noninoculées des parcelles-témoin; la contamination aérienne d'Erwinia type sauvage est également détectée. Plus de 90% des bactéries ‘type sauvage’ et résistantes aux antibiotiques appartiennent à la variétécarotovora (tabl. 5).

Summary The sandy and sandy peat soils of the northeast of The Netherlands are mineralogically very poor and acid. Independently of potato cyst nematode infestations, there is a considerable negative effect of increasing soil pH on potato tuber yield. Potato cyst nematode infections aggravate the effect of soil pH in depressing yield. It was shown that both potato cyst nematode infection and increasing soil pH values reduce the buffering capacity of the root system. Testing for yield as well as for tolerance to potato cyst nematode infection should be made at a range of soil pH values, similar to those found in the target area. This refers to active breeding programmes as well as to the selection of cultivars for yield trials.  相似文献   

Summary The resistance toGlobodera pallida of individual potato seedlings from three progenies derived fromSolanum tuberosum ssp.andigena CPC 2802 was assessed using three inoculation treatments. Plants grown from tubers from the seedlings were used to reassess resistance. All the seedling test inoculation treatments over-estimated the proportion of clones classified as resistant compared to the results from tuber-grown plants. However, the mean relative resistance of progenies estimated by both tests showed good agreement, and it is suggested that seedlings are best used for assessing the resistance of progenies of crosses to identify promising combinations rather than individual clones.  相似文献   

Summary Soluble proteins in seed potato were analyzed by electrophoresis (PAGE). The Index of Variation (IV) was calculated in order to estimate variation within each accession of wild and cultivated potato species andS. chacoense selfed lines. Seeds of 34 accessions representing 14 species from six taxonomic series were analyzed. The IV ofS. chacoense selfed lines decreased from 47.7 in the S2 to 12.9 in the S7 generation. The average IV for the self-incompatible diploid species was 41.2, whereas that of the selfcompatible diploid species,S. polyadenium, was 21.3. TetraploidS. tuberosum ssp.andigena andS. sucrense had an average IV of 62.2, which is much higher than that observed in any other diploid species. The naturally selfing speciesS. acaule (4x), and its colchicine-doubled derivative (8x), showed very low variation (IV=7.5). The IV appears to reflect heterozygosity and is affected by the breeding mode and the genetic constitution of diploid parents for derived polyploids.  相似文献   

The goal of these studies was to evaluate the influence of tuber age on the expression of resistance to Phytophthora infestans in five selected potato genotypes (three cultivars and two clones) varying in tuber resistance and maturity type, and also to select the best time for testing potato tubers for resistance to blight. Resistance was evaluated by inoculating whole tubers at 13 different times as they progressively aged during growth and storage. Tuber age was expressed as weeks after planting. Tubers were rated from week 13 (late July) until week 43 (late February) for tubers planted on 27–28 April, over three consecutive seasons (2001–2003). Analysis of variance performed on tuber resistance data showed significant effects of genotype, year and tuber age. Significant contributions of genotype × year, genotype × tuber age, year × tuber age and year × genotype × tuber age interactions were also detected. A slight increase in tuber resistance with tuber age was observed for cvs Bzura, Sokół and Irga, while the opposite trend was observed for the clones 97-A-63 and DG 92-227. Changes in tuber resistance with age of tested genotypes were not related to their maturity type. The period of most stable expression of tuber resistance was observed when tubers were tested between the 16th and 28th week after planting.  相似文献   

Summary A seedling progeny test for resistance to gangrene (Phoma foveata) was used to evaluate progenies from a 15×15 half diallel set of crosses, including 14 selfs and 25 reciprocal crosses, which was originally made to investigate the inheritance of resistance to late blight and cyst nematodes. Nine out of the 14 selfs were more susceptible than the crosses involving their parents, so that overall the selfs were slightly more susceptible than the crosses, thus providing evidence of non-additive gene action in favour of resistance. However, when the selfs were omitted from the analysis, all of the variation between progenies could be attributed to differences in the General Combining Abilities (GCAs) of their parents. The four parents with the best GCAs for gangrene resistance all had sizeable contributions fromSolanum tuberosum subsp.andigena in their pedigrees.  相似文献   

Summary Morphological and biochemical parameters that could be involved in resistance to late blight were studied in non-infected and in infected potato hybrids resulting from a cross betweenSolanum phureja, resistant toPhytophthora infestans, and a susceptibleSolanum tuberosum. Some morphological differences between resistant and susceptible hybrids, indicating a positive correlation between stem diameter and phloem thickness in the stem and resistance toP. infestans, were observed. The lignin content in the leaves of the resistant hybrid rose upon infection byP. infestans. In the leaves of the susceptible hybrid, a diminution of the lignin content could be observed upon infection byP. infestans. In the same context, peroxidasic activity raised upon infection byP. infestans in both resistant and susceptible hybrids. Further characterization of the hybrid clones based on the polymorphism of peroxidases was attempted using isoelectric focusing.  相似文献   

Summary Unrelated, unselected 2x haploid-species hybrids that produce 2n eggs, by second division restitution and 2n pollen due to first division restitution were intercrossed to generate 4x progeny. The 19, 4x families were compared with seven cultivars for tuber yield, tuber appearance and tuber set. The mean yield of the 4x families was 30% higher than the mean yield of the cultivars. The best five 4x families outyielded the best five cultivars by 57% and 69% at two locations. Cultivars were superior for tuber appearance and tuber set. The high yields of the 4x families are due to genetic diversity of the 2x parents and their ability to transmit that diversity to the 4x progeny utilizing 2n gametes. The potential of the 2x×2x breeding method is dependent on developing 2x hybrid clones that form 2n eggs and possess desirable tuber types; clones producing 2n pollen and good tuber quality are available.  相似文献   

Summary In 1976, spread of a serologically identifiable strain ofErwinia carotovora var.atroseptica was traced from inoculated ‘seed’ to progeny tubers of cv. Pentland Crown by placing inoculated tubers against seed tubers of plants in the field at four different dates from June to September. Progeny tuber samples were dug 2, 4 and 8 weeks after placement, induced to rot, and the bacterium responsible identified by immunodiffusion tests. Spread was not detected until 7 September following the onset of rain and cooler temperatures. Bacteria placed in the field in June were detected in November having survived the hot dry summer in the remains of inoculated tubers.
Zusammenfassung Das Verfaulen von Pflanzkartoffelknollen von Juli an stellt wahrscheinlich die Hauptinfektionsquelle für die Ausbreitung vonErwinia carotovora var.atroseptica (Van Hall) Dye im Bestand dar. Um die Bedeutung des Verfaulens zu verschiedenen Zeiten zu untersuchen, wurden Knollen der Sorte Pentland Crown mit einem serologisch feststellbaren Stamm inokuliert und an verschiedenen Daten im Laufe Juni. Juli, August und September 1976 in einem Bestand neben den Pflanzknollen ausgepflanzt. Zur Feststellung der Uebertragung wurden 2, 4 und 8 Wochen nach jedem Auspflanzungsdatum (Tabelle 1) Pflanzen geerntet; die Schlussernte fand am 2. November statt. Die Knollen der Nachbarschaft wurden in unverschlossenen Plastikbeuteln bei 15°C zum Faulen veranlasst, indem sie bis zu 5 Tage mit Leitungswasser überdeckt wurden. Die verantwortlichen Bakterien wurden durch Anpassung der bei Vruggink & Maas Geesteranus (1975) beschriebenen Immunodiffusionsteste identifiziert, indem drei Antisera verwendet wurden: ein spezifisches für den inokulierten Stamm und die andern für die allgemeine Identifizierung von var.atroseptica und var.carotovora. Das im Juni den Testknollen inokulierte Isolat konnte im November noch immer von den Knollen und dem umliegenden Boden isoliert werden (Tabellen la und 1b). Trotz dem Eindringen der Bakterien von den Testknollen in den Boden w?hrend der Monate Juni, Juli und August (Tabelle 1b) wurde der inokulierte Stamm bei den induzierten Nachkommen. die Anfang August nach 41 mm Regen geerntet wurden, nicht entdeckt (Abb. 1a), vielleicht wegen der hohen Bodentemperatur. Er wurde jedoch am 7. September nach 12 mm Regen (Abb. 1) und einem ausgesprochenen Absinken der Bodentemperatur festgestellt. Pflanzgut (‘Mutter’-)-Knollen (an der Pflanze) begannen Ende Juni (Tabelle 2a) zu faulen, aber es wurden nur ‘wilde’ St?mme von var.atroseptica isoliert. ‘Wilde’ St?mme wurden auch am 24. August und 2. November von induzierten faulen Knollen der Nachkommenschaft isoliert (eine Knolle der Nachkommenschaft gegen eine faulende Pflanzknolle gepresst) (Tabelle 2c). Das Wetter von September 1976 bis zur Ernte (Tabelle 3) schaffte Bodenbedingungen, die für die Ausbreitung der Bakterien auf Knollen der Nachkommenschaft (‘latente’ Infektion) günstig waren, aber nicht jene Bedingungen, welche die Bakterien bef?higen, sich so zu vermehren, dass sie die Knollen im Feld zum Verfaulen bringen (‘akute’ Infektion).

Résumé La décomposition des tubercules mères à partir de juillet, représente probablement la principale source d'inoculum à l'origine de la dissémination d'Erwinia carotovora var.atroseptica (Van Hall) Dye, dans une culture de pomme de terre. Dans le but de préciser l'importance de ce facteur dans le temps, des tubercules de la variété Pentland Crown ont été inoculés avec une souche sérologiquement identifiable et placée à coté des tubercules mères d'une culture en cours de croissance, à différentes dates courant juin. juillet, ao?t et septembre 1976. Pour détecter la dissémination, des plantes ont été arrachées 2, 4 et 8 semaines après chaque date de mise en place (tableau 1) et à la récolte finale qui a eu lieu le 2 novembre. La descendance a été placée en sacs plastiques afin de favoriser l'apparition de pourritures, à une température de 15°C et on a ajouté une quantité suffisante d'eau du robinet pour submerger les tubercules pendant 5 jours. Les bactéries responsables ont été identifiées par adaptation des tests d'immuno diffusion décrit par Vruggink et Maas Geesteranus (1975), utilisant trois anti-sérums, un spécifique de la souche inoculée et les autres pour l'identification générale de la var.atroseptica et de la var.carotovora. La souche ayant été inoculée lors de la mise en place des tubercules en juin pourrait encore être isolée à partir de ces derniers en novembre (tableau la et 1b). Malgré un déplacement des bactéries à partir de la mise en place des tubercules dans le sol durant juin, juillet et aout (tableau 1 b), la souche inoculée n'a pu être obtenue à partir des pourritures des tubercules de la descendance après une pluie de 41 mm début ao?t (fig. la): les auteurs pensent que cela serait d? à une température du sol élevée; car l'isolement a été possible le 7 septembre à la suite d'une pluie de 12 mm (fig. 1b) et d'une chute importante des températures du sol. Les tubercules de semences (‘mère’) ont commencé à pourrir fin juin (tableau 2a) mais seules les souches ‘sauvages’ de la var.atroseptica ont été isolées. Les souches ‘sauvages’ ont été également isolées à partir des pourritures des tubercules fils le 24 aout (un tubercule fils était en contact avec un tubercule mère pourri) et le 2 novembre (tableau 2c). Les conditions climatiques à partir de septembre 1976 jusque la récolte (tableau 3) ont entrainé des conditions au niveau du sol, se révélant être favorables à la dissémination des bactéries vers les tubercules de la descendance (infection ‘latente’) mais insuffisantes pour pouvoir entrainer une multiplication des bactéries au niveau des pourritures du tubercule (infection ‘aigue’) au champ.

Summary Twelve selections from each of theSolanum tuberosum Groups haploid Tuberosum and Phureja were intercrossed in a NC Design II pattern to generate reciprocal hybrids. Yield parameters, combining ability and variance components were estimated from field experiments conducted at three locations, one in Minnesota and two in Morocco. Heterosis for yield and tuber number was significant at all locations, but only in Tuberosum cytoplasm. Estimates of general combining ability (GCA) for Tuberosum parents and specific combining ability (SCA) for Tuberosum-Phureja combinations varied with location and direction of hybridization. GCA of Phreja parents, however, was consistently significant at all locations and in both cytoplasms. Genetic variance estimates revealed predominantly non-additive gene action for most traits. Environment and direction of hybridization significantly influenced estimates, of variance components, indicating that hybrid performance should be evaluated in both cytoplasms and in the target environments for effective utilization of this germplasm in future breeding efforts. Scientific Journal Series Article 14,991 of the Minnesota Agricultural Experiment Station supported in part by the U.S. Agency for International Development, contract no. 608-0160, IAV Morocco Project.  相似文献   

Summary Tuber yield, dry matter and true protein content were studied in 24 andigena potato genotypes. Their performance and response differed greatly and significantly when grown at three levels of inorganic N, P and K fertilizer application. In general, tuber yield and protein content increased with increased fertilizer level, whereas dry matter content initially decreased but then increased significantly with fertilizer additions. For all three characteristics, genotype x fertilizer interaction was significant, and although there was a wide genetic variability for relative responsiveness of different genotypes, no significant undesirable association was detected for performance. The genotypes JEX/A 674, 706 and 744 are most promising and could be used for wide-scale cultivation and for breeding.  相似文献   

Summary Storage losses were studied in minitubers of cvs Agria and Liseta, using five fresh weight classes (<0.50 g, 0.5–0.99 g, 1.00–1.99 g, 2.00–2.99 g, ≥3.00 g), and three successive harvests of the same plantlets. After each harvest, tubers were dired at room temperature (1 day), curred at 18 °C (13 days) and stored at 2 °C (540 days). Two kinds of storage losses were considered: (a) losses of entire tubers because of deterioration, and (b) fresh weight losses of the other tubers. Both kinds of losses were higher in cv. Liseta, in tubers with lower fresh weights and in tubers from the first harvest. Almost all minitubers ≥0.5 g from later harvests and from both cultivars survived storage for 1.5 years. Deterioration occurred mainly from 6 to 12 months of storage. Tubers which deteriorated during cold storage had already shown high weight losses during curing.  相似文献   

Summary Data from five long-term field experiments on sandy and sandy peat soils were analyzed for the effect of soil type on damage caused by potato cyst nematodes to potato crops. It was shown that the water retention of the topsoil and the subsoil largely determined the potential yield level in the different fields. According to Oostenbrink's equation the slopes of the curves are steeper with increasing yield level, indicating that the higher the potential yield level, the higher the absolute yield loss. However, when yield was expressed as percentage of maximum yield, yield reduction related to potato cyst nematode density did not differ significantly, except when tolerant cultivars were grown. Increasing tolerance of cultivars to nematode damage was reflected in less steep slopes of the yield/nematode density curves.  相似文献   

Summary  To describe the relationship between nematode density and yield, four equations of increasing complexity are found in the literature. They concern a linear regression curve, a log linear regression curve, a regression curve based on an exponential relation and an inverse linear regression curve. The yield to PCN density responses of these equations are shown on a linear and on a logarithmic scale. Considerable differences are shown in the way they respond to the same data. None of these equations is able to explain or forecast yield decrease caused by potato cyst nematodes.  相似文献   

Summary Between 1993 and 1998 205 different potato cultivars and 1220 accessions/genotypes of wild and cultivated potato species from the IPK Genebank Gatersleben were evaluated. Parameters interesting for starch isolation and especially for the use of starch were determined. Altogether, there was a higher variability in wild potato species than in cultivated potatoes for all characteristics investigated: dry matter content, starch content, protein content, amylose content and mean particle diameter of starch granules.  相似文献   

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