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The present investigation was performed in order to study the reaction of the gingiva in the deciduous and permanent dentition of dogs to 3 weeks of plaque accumulation. The study was carried out in 10 beagles, divided into 2 groups of 5 dogs each; group I and group II. When the dogs of group I were 10 weeks old, a meticulous plaque control regimen was initiated in order to establish clinically healthy gingiva. After 6 weeks of plaque control, the gingivae of the lower deciduous molars was exposed to a clinical examination, and biopsies as well as bacterial plaque samples were harvested from tooth 03P and 02P. A second plaque control regimen was initiated when the same dogs were 15 months old. After 6 weeks of plaque control, the gingiva of the permanent dentition was examined and biopsies sampled from tooth P3 and P4. In the dogs of group II, plaque control regimens of 3 weeks duration were initiated when the animals were 10 weeks and 15 months old. Clinical examinations were performed at the end of each 3-week period. Immediately after the clinical examinations. 3-week periods of plaque accumulation were initiated. Examinations and plaque sampling were performed after each of these 3-week periods and biopsies were sampled from the deciduous and permanent dentition as described for group I. The biopsies were processed for histometric and morphometric measurements. The findings from the experiment showed that careful plaque control resulted in the establishment of clinically healthy gingiva. In both the deciduous and permanent dentition, however, a clinically healthy gingiva was found to contain a small inflammatory cell infiltrate (ICT). 3 weeks of plaque accumulation resulted in both dentitions in the development of clinical signs of gingivitis and in the formation of comparatively large ICT. The large ICT of the permanent gingiva resided in the coronal portion of the free gingival unit, while in the deciduous dentition, the inflammatory lesion occupied a narrow tissue portion along the entire border of the dento-gingival epithelium. The ICT of the permanent gingiva harbored a larger portion of plasma cells than the inflammatory lesion studied in the deciduous dentition.  相似文献   

Abstract The aim of the present investigation was to monitor de novo plaque formation and associated alterations of the gingival conditions in the deciduous, mixed and permanent dentition in man. 31 volunteers, divided into 3 study groups participated in the trial. Group 1 was made up of 11 subjects, 4–6 years of age (deciduous dentition), group 2 comprised of 10 subjects, 8–9 years of age (mixed dentition) and group 3 included 10 subjects, 14–16 years of age (permanent dentition). After a screening examination, each participant received detailed instruction in a proper oral hygiene technique and was subjected to professional tooth cleaning. The professional debridement and the oral hygiene instruction were repeated after 1 week. After another week, a given day was termed Day 0 and a baseline examination was performed. This examination included assessments of plaque and gingivitis. Each subject received an additional, comprehensive professional tooth cleaning and was asked to abstain from all mechanical oral hygiene measures. Re-examinations were performed after 3 and 7 days. The findings demonstrated that: (i) during a 7-day period of no active oral hygiene, subjects with a mixed or a permanent dentition formed visible amounts of plaque and developed modest signs of gingivitis; (ii) during the 7 days of the trial, young subjects with a fully erupted deciduous dentition formed less plaque than the older subjects, and failed to respond to de novo plaque formation with enhanced signs of gingivitis; (iii) in subjects with a mixed dentition, the amount of plaque formed during the 7 days of experiment and the matching gingivitis development were similar in the deciduous and permanent tooth segments of the dentition.  相似文献   

The study was performed in 30 subjects with class II/1 and 30 subjects with class II/2 anomalies. The aim of the study was to assess the extent to which class II anomalies influenced individual craniometric and gnathometric dimensions as well as to determine whether there were any significant differences between the two subgroups. Craniometric dimensions were measured in each subject by means of standard measuring devices, while gnathometric analysis was carried out on plaster casts of their dental arches. Statistical processing was performed on an IBM PC-AT computer, with a SPSS/PC program support. The study results indicated the maxillomandibular and craniofacial growth to follow a specific pattern as early as in the deciduous dentition in subjects with class II anomalies. Differences between class II subgroups manifested in the range of the following parameters: all transversal craniometric dimensions were greater in class II/2, which was statistically significant in case of Eu-Eu dimension; height of the maxillary part of the face was significantly greater in class II/2; horizontal incisal step was significantly greater in class II/1; although all transversal dimensions of dental arches were considerably greater in class II/2, the differences were not statistically significant; the upper and lower dental arches were longer in class II/1 and II/2, respectively.  相似文献   

Prediction of the permanent dentition in deciduous anterior crossbite   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Early prospective evaluation for self-correction of deciduous anterior crossbite can enable identification of patients who require early treatment as well as those who do not. The purpose of the present study was to generate an algorithm that can be used to predict self-correction in the transitional dentition in 3-year-old subjects. The subjects were divided into 2 groups. One group comprised 22 subjects whose anterior crossbite self-corrected during the transitional stage (hereafter referred to as group N). The other group was comprised of 22 subjects whose anterior crossbite persisted during the transitional dentition (hereafter referred to as group R). All subjects were examined using lateral cephalometric radiography in order to evaluate differences in occlusion. Fifteen measurements were used for the evaluation. For each measurement, the variance ratio and the difference in the population mean between groups N and R were tested and t-values were derived. Based on the Student's t-test results, only measurements that had statistically significant differences (P < .05) were extracted. Predictor variables that had a partial F value of 5 or greater were selected for stepwise discriminant analysis, and the following equation was obtained: deciduous indicator (DI) = -0.58(cranial length anterior) + 1.31(posterior facial height) - 0.76(porion location) - 2.02(Wits appraisal) - 70.28. The lower the DI value (negative), the higher the probability that the crossbite will self-correct at the transitional dentition. On the other hand, a high (positive) discriminant score strongly suggests that the subject requires treatment in the primary dentition. The result of this analysis showed that the apparent error rate was 95.46% and the Maharanobis' generalized distance was 8.99.  相似文献   

The present study aims at determining a reliable screening test for the prediction of caries. In order to identify children at risk of caries, individual classifications were recorded for 268 children at the age of 7 years, according to different screening criteria of the caries experience in the deciduous dentition and according to caries increment as validation criterion. In order to determine the best screening criterion, ratios of sensitivity, specificity and false-positive and false-negative ratios were computed and plotted in receiver operating characteristic curves. The best screening criterion at less than or equal to 4 dmft resulted in a sensitivity ratio of 0.69, specificity of 0.72 and diagnostic power of 0.78 for caries increment in the permanent dentition at the age of 7-11 years. The potential of the screening is elucidated with an example, showing that 48% of the expenses needed for a preventive treatment for all children could be saved by selecting children at risk with the aid of a screening test. The disadvantage of this decision making is that 19% of the children who develop caries would not benefit from the preventive treatment.  相似文献   

The outlines of mandibular rami, condyles, coronoid process, and corpus in panoramic radiographs of normal children from deciduous to early permanent dentition were traced and digitized. Nine linear and four angular measurements were measured. During the observation period, the lengths for all the linear measurements increased, however, the angles for all the angular measurements decreased. The shape of condyle and gonion significantly correlated with the growth of ramus and corpus.  相似文献   

Prevalence of anomalies of deciduous teeth has been analyzed in the general population of Zagreb preschool children. The sample comprised 2,987 children from 3 to 6 years of age (1,582 boys and 1,405 girls). Hypodontia was found in 0.47%, hyperdontia in 0.10%, and double teeth in 0.43% of total sample. Total prevalence of all anomalies in the sample was 1.0%. The sample for the analysis of permanent dentition has been enlarged with the clinical sample of children having the same anomalies and comprised 48 children. In all children with anomalies of primary teeth the orthopantomograms were taken and the status of permanent dentition was analyzed. In children with hypodontia in primary dentition hypodontia of permanent teeth was found in 100% of cases. Patients with hyperdontia of primary teeth displayed anomalies in permanent dentition in 85.7%, while in children with primary double teeth, anomalies of permanent teeth were present in 61.1% of cases. Missing deciduous teeth were found in both jaws in only 8.7% of cases, and in 34.8% in permanent dentition. Symmetrical occurrence of hypodontia of primary teeth (i.e. in both sides of jaws) was significantly higher in boys (56.3%) than in girls (28.6%). In permanent dentition symmetrical occurrence of hypodontia was significantly higher than in primary dentition (81.3% in boys and 57.1% in girls). The most frequently missing primary teeth were maxillary lateral incisors (48.8%) followed by mandibular central incisors (34.9%). Hyperdontia of primary teeth has been found only in boys, and it related only to the maxillary lateral incisors. Anomalies of deciduous teeth show a high degree of association with the finding in the permanent dentition.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   

Caries of the permanent first molars of 5-year-old children was found to be associated with caries of their diciduous teeth. The sample consisted of 220 children whose permanent first molars had erupted. They were selected out of 965 children who were a representative sample of children attending compulsory kindergartens in Jerusalem, 1971.  相似文献   

Permanent first and deciduous second maxillary molars were examined on dental casts of 240 persons. A high degree of equivalence of Carabelli-trait expression between deciduous and permanent molars was demonstrated using the Wilcoxon matched-pairs signed-rank test and chi-square tests. Kolmogorov-Smirnov two-sample tests confirmed a lack of sex dimorphism of trait incidence and expression in permanent and deciduous molars. It is hypothesized that the high degree of within-individual equivalence suggests a low epigenetic and high genetic influence on Carabelli-trait expression and that the findings support the clonal rather than the field theory of tooth morphogenesis.  相似文献   

The aim of the experiment was to analyze the reaction of the marginal gingival tissues to 21 days of plaque formation on buccal tooth surfaces in the deciduous and permanent dentition of beagle dogs. In order to enhance the formation of plaque, the buccal surfaces of the experimental teeth were coated with a composite filling material. 5 beagle dogs were used. The animals were monitored during 2 periods, called period A (42 days during the deciduous dentition) and period B (42 days during the permanent dentition). The dogs were 10 weeks old at the initiation of period A. Following 3 weeks of plaque control, a groove was prepared into the enamel of the buccal surfaces of the mandibular right 3rd (03P) and 2nd (02P) premolars. A cotton ligature was subsequently attached to the groove using an enamel/etch-technique and a composite filling material. The groove and the ligature did not interfere with the gingival margin but the composite material extended into the subgingival niche. The plaque control measures were abandoned. The animals formed plaque during the following 21 days. A clinical examination was performed and subgingival bacteria sampled on day 21. Moreover, biopsies were harvested from the 03P and 02P tooth regions. The biopsies were prepared for histometric and morphometric analyses. A 2nd plaque control regimen was initiated. Period B started when the dogs were 15 months old. Following 3 weeks of enhanced plaque control, a cotton ligature was attached as described above at the buccal surfaces of the mandibular left 3rd (P3) and 4th (P4) premolars.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   

This cross-sectional study investigated mandibular developmental changes in untreated normal Taiwanese from the deciduous to permanent dentition. Differences in the mean values for ramus height and body length between males and females were statistically significant after eruption of the permanent second molars. SNB angles significantly increased and gonial and L1-MP angles significantly decreased from deciduous to permanent dentition in both sexes. The SN-MP angle in females significantly decreased and ramus inclination in males significantly increased from the early mixed to permanent dentition.  相似文献   

The purpose of this study was to investigate the position of the mandibular foramen from deciduous (Hellman's stage IIA) to early permanent dentition (Hellman's stage IVA). Panoramic radiographs of 311 Taiwanese children were used. The results revealed that the distances between the mandibular foramen and ramus anterior plane were greater than those between the mandibular foramen and ramus posterior plane through all stages. The mean difference between them was the smallest (0.25 mm) in stage IIA and the greatest (1.18 mm) in stage IIIC. The distance from the mandibular foramen to the alveolar crest plane showed a little change from stage IIA (3.99 mm) to IVA (5.26 mm). The gonial angle had a negative correlation with the distances between the mandibular foramen and each mandibular border. Evaluation of the mandibular foramen from the oral aspect can be influenced by the degree of mouth opening.  相似文献   

Abstract. The purpose of this study was to document and characterize epithelial remnants (EPRs) of the crestal periodontium of the deciduous dentition of a diphyodont and compare them with EPR units found in the corresponding area of the permanent dentition. 7 beagle dogs were used. At the age of 10 weeks (deciduous dentition) and 15 months (permanent dentition), respectively, a 6-week plaque control period was initiated. At the end of each plaque control period, biopsies were obtained from the mandibular 02P, 03P (deciduous dentition) and P3, P4 (permanent dentition) premolar regions and prepared for histologic analysis. 2 regions, (1) the supracrestal region and (2) the periodontal ligament region, were identified. The supracrestal region was divided into 4 compartments of equal height. The histologic parameters studied included the (i) EPR frequency: number of EPRs/mm of root length, (ii) EPR size, (iii) EPR-root distance, (iv) EPR-bone distance and (v) cell area. No differences were observed between the 2 dentitions with respect to the number, size and relative location of EPR units in the supracrestal regions or the periodontal ligament regions. Epithelial remnants of the supracrestal region in both dentitions tended to be more frequent, larger and positioned further from the root surface than the EPRs of the periodontal ligament region. EPR units of the periodontal ligament region were located significantly further from the bone in the deciduous dentition than in the permanent dentition. The cell area of EPRs did not differ between the 2 dentitions. It was concluded that EPRs are a normal component of the crestal periodontal tissues of the deciduous dentitions of the diphyodont beagle dog and they appear to be similar to those found in the permanent dentition of young dogs.  相似文献   

This study investigated the recurrence in the permanent dentition of dental anomalies of the primary dentition. A sample of 189 subjects (100 males, 89 females, mean age of 5 years and 7 months) with anomalies of primary teeth (tooth hypodontia, supernumerary teeth, geminated teeth, and fused teeth) was selected and re-analyzed at a mean age of 11 years and 2 months for the recurrence of the dental anomalies in the permanent dentition. As a control group, 271 subjects (123 males, 148 females) without dental anomalies in the primary dentition were selected. The recurrence in the permanent dentition of the dental anomalies in the primary dentition was evaluated by measures of diagnostic performance. The results showed high values for the repetition of hypodontia (positive likelihood ratio = 102.0); low score for the repetition of hyperdontia (positive likelihood ratio = 6.5); low positive likelihood ratio (9.1) for gemination of primary teeth resulting in supernumerary permanent teeth; high positive likelihood ratio (47.0) for fusion of primary teeth followed by missing permanent teeth. Dental anomalies in the primary dentition are associated with an increased likelihood of anomalies of the succedaneous permanent.  相似文献   

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