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席云峰 《探矿工程》2003,30(4):42-42,54
介绍了三翼网状斜板刮刀式钻头结构型式、特点及在大直径卵砾石层反循环桩基施工中的应用。  相似文献   

新疆哈密黄山韧性挤压带变形砾石具超塑性拉伸的特征,变形砾石平均棉球体长短轴比(X/Z)大于10.变形砾石的微观构造、超微观构造、石英组构、及变形砾石拉伸量与砾内石英颗粒轴比(X/Z)和砾内面理间隔(D)关系等的综合研究表明,挤压及其所导致的砾内矿物的细粒化和拉伸及砾内面理间隔的减小是砾石超塑性拉伸的重要变形机制。变形砾石粒度大小和岩性对砾石拉伸变形具一定的敏感性。另外,随着拉伸应变量的增大,硅质岩砾石石英组构有从V型极密、小圆环带、交叉环带向Ⅷ型极富和Ⅰ型极密演化的特征。  相似文献   

Mineral Equilibria in the Searles Lake Evaporites, California   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The Searles Lake evaporites (late Quaternary) consist of salineand mud layers permeated by brines. Two mineral pairs (gaylussite-pirssonite,mirabilite-thenardite) are used as indicators of relative aH2othroughout the stratigraphic column. Variations are attributedmostly to changes in brine salinity and partly to temperature. These aH2o-sensitive minerals locally coexist with trona, nahcolite,burkeite, northupite, tychite, hanksite, and aphthitalite, whichare sensitive to both aH2o and aco. Such assemblages permitconstruction of schematic isothermal aH2o-aco, diagrams. Fieldboundary sequences are derived from both theoretical considerationsand observed assemblages; their slopes are determined by thestoichiometry of possible reactions. Predicted assemblages invariablyagree with observed assemblages. By means of these diagrams, present-day lateral and stratigraphicvariations in relative aH2o and aco2 in the deposit are reconstructed.They show that aH2o and aco2 vary independently. Many of thepresent activities reflect depositional conditions; some indicatepost-depositional events.  相似文献   

A complete analysis of a sulfide rich water from a sedimentary area has been achieved. The formation of metastable sulfur species (polysulfide ions, colloidal sulfur and thiosulfate) is very important. The relative concentrations of the sulfur species is controlled by bacterial processes (Desulfovibrio and Thiobacteriaceae). Electrochemical measurements and results of the analyses are in agreement. A possible repartition of polysulfide ions is S2?6 ≈- S2?5 >S2?4. This repartition, although out of equilibrium, is characteristic of the processes leading to the formation of the metastable sulfur species.The water is in equilibrium with amorphous FeS formation. When sulfide, polysulfide and thiosulfate complexing of trace metals Cu, Cd and Pb is taken into account, an agreement is reached between their concentrations in water and their concentrations in the FeS precipitate.  相似文献   

Experimental phase equilibrium data on compositions of coexistingpyroxenes in the quadrilateral enstatite-diopside-ferrosilite-hedenbergitehave been used to model pyroxene solid solutions and to formulatepyroxene geothermometers. Each pyroxene is treated as a solidsolution of four quad-components using the Kohler formulation where Gij* is the excess free energy of mixing in a binary solutioncalculated with binary mole fractions (e.g. Xio = Xi/(Xi+Xj))and Xi is the mole fraction in a multicomponent solution. Thefit to the experimental data is achieved by minimizing the totalGibbs free energy of the assemblage. The following set of thermochemicaldata and simple mixture parameters (Wij) are found to be bestsuited. Standard (T = 298?15 K) enthalpy and entropy of formationfrom elements for fictive orthohedenbergite are –1416?8kJ and 84?88 J K–1 mol –1 respectively. The heatcapacity is given by 114?67+17?09E-3T–31?40E5T–2.The Wij data are: Opx: W12 = W21 = 25 W13 = (13?1–0-015T),W31 = (3?37–0?005T), W23 = 20, W32 = 16, W24 = 5, W42= 7, W34 = 15, W43 = 15; Cpx: W12 = (25?484+0?0812P), W21 =(31?216–0?0061P),W31 = W13 = 0W14 = (93?3–0?045T), W41 = (–20?0+0?028T),W23 = 24, W32 = 15, W24 = 12, W42 = 12, W34 = (16?941+0?00592P),W43 = (20?697–0?00235P). Coexisting pyroxene compositionshave been computed in the temperature range of 700 to 1400?C. Two geothermometers have been constructed, one based on atomicfraction of iron (Fe/(Fe + Mg)) in orthopyroxene and the Fe-Mgdistribution coefficient and the other, based on wollastonitecontent of clinopyroxene. The two scales yield different temperatureswhen applied to the same rock. In igneous pyroxenes, the Catransfer ceased at 150 to 200?C above the closure temperatureof the Fe-Mg ion-exchange. In metamorphic rocks an oppositeeffect seems to have prevailed.  相似文献   

BUTLER  P.  Jr. 《Journal of Petrology》1969,10(1):56-101
Forty-seven specimens of the Wabush Iron Formation were collectedfrom ten outcrop areas. Twenty-five specimens contain the assemblage(1), quartz+clinopyroxene+calcite with or without orthopyroxene,grunerite, magnetite, ankerite, and siderite. Five specimenscontain assemblage (2), quartz+clinopyroxene+actinolite+calcite+magnetite+hematite,and two contain assemblage (3), quartz+orthopyroxene+actinolite+magnetite+hematite.In three specimens of assemblage (1), graphite occurs in theabsence of magnetite; pyrrhotite and pyrite occur separatelyor together in specimens with assemblage (1). Thirty-nine clinopyroxenes, 38 orthopyroxenes, 18 grunerites,7 actinolites, 16 calcites, 1 ankerite, and 1 siderite wereanalyzed for iron, manganese, and calcium by X-ray emissionspectrography. Magnesium contents were estimated by assumingstoichiometric proportions. Minerals occurring with hematite show low Fe/(Fe+Mg) ratios,and those in the other assemblages show higher values with awide range of variation. In orthopyroxene, Fe/(Fe+ Mg) rangesfrom 0·17 (with hematite) to 0·77. Regularity in the distributions of Fe, Mn, and Ca between pairsof coexisting minerals shows that equilibrium was attained inmost of the rocks studied. This regularity is also accomplishedin the distribution of Mn between calcite and coexisting silicatesas well as between the silicates themselves. Small differencesin the distributions of Ca and Fe depend on both outcrop areaand mineral assemblage. Phase rule considerations suggest that the specimens with dolomite-ankeriteor magnesitesiderite do not represent equilibrium assemblages.Variations in orthopyroxene compositions in assemblages withpyrite or pyrrhotite, or both, and magnetite indicate non-equilibrationof sulfides with silicates. The presence of the oxygen buffer,magnetite+hematite, attests to the immobility of oxygen duringmetamorphism. Within each outcrop area, over which the temperature and pressureare assumed to have been uniform, variations in the compositionsof the silicates in the sub-assemblages quartz+ orthopyroxene+gruneriteand quartz+orthopyroxene+clinopyroxene+calcite indicate gradientsof µH2O µCO2 and respectively. As characterizedby the composition of orthopyroxene, both gradients are relativelylow along strike, and high across strike. The direction of gradientsacross strike is almost without reversals, which is consistentwith intergranular diffusion of H2O and CO2. Phase rule restrictionsfor a majority of assemblages are not in accord with the simultaneousimposition of µH2O and µCO2 gradients on the rocks,nor the formation of an H2O-CO2 fluid phase during metamorphism.  相似文献   

A zoned kelyphite after garnet, from a garnet pyroxenite layer,the Ronda peridotite. Spain, has been studied and the mechanismof kelyphite formation is discussed. The kelyphite is an extremelyfinegrained symplectitic mixture of orthopyroxene, spinel, olivine,plagioclase, and ilmenite. It is concentrically zoned, formingthree mineralogical subzones. They are, from adjacent to a garnetgrain toward a clinopyroxene side, zone I (orthopyroxene+spinel+ plagioclase), zone II (olivine+spinel+plagioclase), and zoneIII (olivine+plagioclase). The analysis of phase equilibriashows that this mineralogical zonation can develop stably asa result of the presence of chemical potential gradients. Onthe basis of microprobe chemical analyses for each zone, materialtransfer across the zone that took place during the kelyphitizationwas quantitatively evaluated, and by locating the initial grainboundary between garnet and clinopyroxene grains and by writingmetasomatic reactions for each zone boundary, a simple dynamicmodel for the kelyphite formation is proposed. The kelyphiteformation probably took place when the host Ronda peridotiteascended from the upper mantle to the crust. It involved a co-operativebreakdown of the garnet and aluminous clinopyroxene, being accompaniedby a material transfer across the zone boundaries. By examiningthe Fe-Mg partitioning between olivine, spinel, and orthopyroxenein the kelyphite and by examining the Al content of the orthopyroxene,an attainment of local equilibrium has been confirmed, and thephysical conditions of the kelyphite formation have been estimatedto be 620–700C and 4–8 kbar.  相似文献   

Spheres and clylinders of various rock types were embedded in a matrix of crushed rock and the combined samples were then deformed by applying uniaxial compressive loads of up to 4.5 MN. Under these conditions, large confining pressures are built up in the centre of the samples; thus the granular matrix is compressed into relatively hard rock and the objects experience flattening and stretching strains of up to 30%. The rock types used for the objects ranged from weak sandstone and shale to very strong quartzite; matrix materials were crushed adamellite, marble and a marble—salt mixture. The experiments were designed to investigate the relative deformation of the objects and the composite samples and, in particular, the effect of the ductility contrasts (or complete differences) between the objects and the matrix.Spheres and cylinders with a length/diameter ratio of unity are called “pebbles” in the paper. They experience a homogeneous flattening during compression and the ductility contrast controls the load at which yielding occurs and the relative rates at which a pebble and the surrounding matrix deform. The changes in shape of pebble and sample are related linearly and the slope of the straight line graph gives a quantitative estimate of the ductility contrast ; in this way a table of ductility contrasts for the various rock types has been constructed and the relative responses of different pebbles in a granular matrix are nicely illustrated in an artificial deformed conglomerate.Cataclasis is the dominant mode of deformation and much of the large finite strain induced into the objects occurs at surprisingly low applied loads. This suggests that deformed pebbles in natural rock need not necessarily have deformed as a result of tectonic pressures but could have changed shape during diagenesis of the host rocks.  相似文献   

地下空间形态描述方法研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
地下工程施工、开发地下资源(包括开采地下水)都会引起地面发生沉降,导致位于地面的城市、交通线路及水体随之沉降。这种工程性沉降问题产生的根本原因在于地下出现了空间,而非层状(即不规则形状)空间环境是一种普遍存在的情况,与层状空间环境的地面沉降机理不同。当地下出现非层状空间环境时,目前还没有实用的地面沉降预测模型,否则,把非层状地下空间简化为层状情形进行处理。基于地下出现褶皱层状空间环境时的地面沉降规律,研究非层状地下空间形态的表述和处理方法。  相似文献   

In the Kinnerasani area in southeastern India, the terrain boundary between the Archean Nellore-Khammam Schist Belt and the Proterozoic Pakhal Supergroup overlying the Dharwar-Bastar cratons can be observed. We analyzed the mesoscopic and microscopic structural features of the highly deformed pebbles in the basal conglomerate bed of the Pakhal Supergroup that occurs at the terrain boundary. The results of the analysis of the pebbles suggest that: 1) deformation of pebbles resulted from ductile deformation during peak metamorphism 2) the mode of strain is plane strain to constrictive and maximum elongation located to be vertical and 3) the apparent stretch of the pebbles is up to 300%.In the Nellore-Khammam Schist Belt, quartz grains constituting the quartz layer of the feldspathized gneiss folded by the last-phase deformation also show vertical maximum stretching in constrictive strain. This observation suggests that the deformational features, at least the mode of strain, during the last-phase deformation is comparable to the deformation forming elongated pebbles of the Pakhal conglomerate. The last-phase deformation structures of the Nellore-Khammam Schist Belt are well observed near the terrain boundary. This indicates that the Pakhal deformation overprinted the rocks of the Nellore-Khammam Schist Belt near the boundary, and that their tectonic juxtaposition occurred during or before this deformation period. Because the Pakhal deformation took place during or soon after the peak metamorphism of the Pakhal Supergroup, which is known to be 1000 Ma, and the last metamorphism of the Nellore-Khammam Schist Belt in the Khammam area were reported to be 1100 Ma. The tectonic juxtaposition between the Pakhal Supergroup and Nellore-Khammam Schist Belt was around 10001100 Ma.  相似文献   

Carbonate scapolite is a potentially powerful mineral for calculatingCO2 activities in non-calcareous rocks, but an analysis of thethermodynamics and phase equilibria of carbonate scapolite isfirst necessary. This includes an evaluation of Al-Si disorderin meionite, as this has the greatest effect on derived phaserelations. Available experimental data on meionite stability,X-ray diffraction refinements and nuclear magnetic resonancespectra for calcic scapolite do not uniquely constrain the Al-Siordering state of synthetic meionite. However, the data aremost consistent with a high degree of Al-Si disorder and inconsistentwith long-range Al-Si order. An internally consistent thermodynamicdata set was derived and used to calculate P-T and T-XCO2 equilibriainvolving meionite in the CaO-Al2O3-SiO2-CO2-H2O (CASCH) system.The effect of Al-Si disorder is illustrated by calculating thephase equilibria using an ordered, an arbitrary intermediatedisordered, and a completely Al-Si disordered standard statefor meionite. The Gibbs free energy of meionite was calculatedfrom reversals (at 790–815?C, 2–15 kb) on the reaction 3 Anorthite +Calcite =Meionite The fG?m, 298 for each of the standard states is –13 146?6,–13128?8, and –130930kJ/mol, respectively. Becauseof the steep slope of reaction (1) and limited temperature rangeover which it breaks down, meionite used in the experimentsto constrain reaction (1) must possess a limited range of Al-Sidisorder. The P-T slope of reaction (1) increases, and the slopeof meionite decarbonation equilibria changes from positive tonegative in T-XCO2 and P-T space, as a function of increasingAl-Si disorder. Meionite has a wide stability field at highT in T-X space at 5 and 10 kb (PTotal=PFluid), being stableto XCO2=0?06. Meionite alone breaks down to undersaturated gehleniteand/or corundum-bearing assemblages at 5 kb, and to clinozoisiteat 10 kb. The effect of solid solutions on the T-X stabilityof meionite is similar to that of increasing pressure, stabilizingmeionite to lower temperature. Variable Al-Si disorder doesnot significantly affect the upper limit of meionite stabilityin T-XCO2 space. Activity-composition relations for meionitein carbonate scapolite were calculated relative to reaction(1) from data on natural scapolite-plagioclase-calcite assemblages.The extent of departure from ideality varies as a function ofAl-Si disorder. Negative deviations from ideality are indicatedfor natural scapolite solid solutions at T<750?C, based ona disordered Al-Si standard state for meionite. This is likelyto reflect a more ordered Al-Si distribution in natural scapolitescompared with the synthetic endmember standard state. Present address: Department of Earth and Space Sciences, State University of New York, Stony Brook, New York 11794-2100  相似文献   

The high-pressure (HP) eclogite in the western Dabie Mountain encloses numerous hornblendes,mostly barroisite.Opinions on the peak metamorphic P-T condition,PT path and mineral paragenesis of it are still in dispute.Generally,HP eclogite involves garnet,omphacite, hornblendes and quartz,with or without glaucophane,zoisite and phengite.The garnet has compositional zoning with X_(Mg) increase,X_(Ca) and X_(Mn) decrease from core to rim,which indicates a progressive metamorphism.The phase equilibria of the ...  相似文献   

Biotite Equilibria and Fluid Circulation in the Klokken Intrusion   总被引:1,自引:2,他引:1  
Chemical variation in biotite from the KJokken gabbro-syeniteintrusion in the Proterozoic Gardar province in South Greenlandhas been investigated by electron probe and, for F and Li, ionmicroprobe. Most mica occurs in small amounts as fringes onilmenomagnetite or fayalite, rarely as an intercumulus or poikiliticphase. The micas range continuously from Phlog70Ann30 in a gabbro,to Phlog4Ann96 in the most evolved (slightly persilicic andperalkaline) syenite. In the syenites Fe-Mg partitioning betweenbiotite and olivine can be described by a single distributioncoefficient, Kd = XF XBiotMs/XBiotFe 3, suggesting that thesereactant phases mix ideally at the reaction T. Experimentaldata for Fe-Mg exchange via aqueous chloride solutions (Schulien,1980) imply low T (32Q?C). F was absent in the experiments andmay significantly affect the exchange equilibrium. Kd in thegabbros is 1, consistent with equilibrium via a fluid depletedin F because of crystallization of large amounts of amphibole. Al, Mn, and Ti vary regularly throughout the series and canbe used as markers of cryptic variation in the layered syenites.(Al + Si): 22 O is always in the range 7.7–7.85. A1/(A1+ Si) decreases from 0.31 in gabbros to 0.25 in the most Fe-richmicas. Li is always < 260 ppm w. In the syenite series, Fshows a near-linear inverse relationship with Fe/(Fe + Mg) whichpasses close to OF at Ann100 with l.4 wt% F(0–7 F to 44positive charges) at Ann44. Biotites in the gabbro unit (whichforms an outer sheath to the intrusion) have relatively lessF, probably because it was consumed by coexisting amphibole.I8O is similar for both gabbros and syenites, and it is unlikelythat an envelope fluid was involved in the reactions. G reachesa maximum of 0.3 wt. % in biotite except for that in one syenitesample with 0–7 wt. %. Calculation of relative F-OH fugacitiesfrom the reaction OH-phlogopite + F-annite = F-phlogopite +OH-annite, as calibrated by Munoz (1984), appears to suggestthat each horizon in the layered series was in equilibrium witha slightly different fluid. In view of the intimate interleavingof these lithologies, this is improbable. The equilibrium constantof the exchange reaction, obtained from the experimental data,seems not to be appropriate to the Klokken assemblage, or toother examples of regular F-Fe avoidance. Explanations may includeshort-range Fe-Mg ordering in the natural examples or the effectof additional components in the fluid. F contents are high incomparison with biotites from calc-alkaline complexes; highmagmatic F may account for the igneous layering common in theGardar. Temperatures calculated from reactions involving fayaliteand magnetite show that most biotites grew subsolidus. The F-poorannites grew > 300 ?C subsolidus even when texturally intercumulus.Stable isotope data are consistent with the separation and retentionof a deuteric fluid during the final stage of magmatic crystallization.Klokken was not generally subject to the pervasive, long-range(in both distance and time) dydrothermal interactions demonstratedin calcalkaline and theleiitic intrusions, although more extensivefluid flow is indicated for the more permeable laminated syenites.The biotites preserve chemical variation indicating local equilibriumwith other mafic phases, and halogens provide a useful markerof subsolidus fluid flow.  相似文献   

Petrologic and geologic arguments suggested that a close approachto chemical equilibrium at a single temperature and pressuremight be found in the rocks near Mt. Grant in central Vermont.An area 2,800 feet by 4,000 feet was selected and studied indetail. The major assemblages are: kyanite-chloritoid-chlorite-quartz-muscovite-paragonite-rutile;garnet-chloritoid-chlorite-quartz-muscovite-paragonite-ilmenite;and garnet-chlorite-biotite-quartz-muscovite-albite-ilmenite.All minerals were separated from a primary sample for each ofthese assemblages and purified, complete gravimetric and spectrographicanalyses performed, and optical properties, X-ray properties,and densities measured. Chlorite, garnet, and chloritoid orbiotite were separated from an additional nine samples of theseassemblages and spectrographic and partial gravimetric analysesperformed. Distribution coefficients of each mineral pair for Mg/Fe andMn/Fe+ Mg and for the minor elements are similar in nearly everysample for a given assemblage. Distribution coefficients forgarnet-chlorite differ in the two assemblages which containthis pair; this difference is attributed to the difference inAl-content of the chlorite from the two assemblages. The smallrange of distribution coefficients, despite a wide range inthe relative proportions of the ferromagnesian phases, is convincingevidence that an equilibrium partition of the major and minorcations between the phases in each sample had been attainedand that the equilibration temperature was the same for eachsample. The coexistence of kyanite+muscovite+quartz and comparison ofthe composition of coexistent Ca-free muscovite and paragoniteand of O18/O10 ratios for coexistent quartz and magnetite withexperimental values indicate that these rocks formed at Ps 11 kb, T 550? C, and aH2o low enough (Pe(H2o) sufficiently lessthan Ps) to depress the pyrophyllite breakdown temperature byabout 40? C. The cations and the ao2 are equilibrated locally(within each sample), but all the samples have equilibratedto a common O18/O16 ratio. A possible explanation is that afluid medium had sufficient oxygen in H2O to control the O18/O16ratio of the rock and its phases, but that the rock system hadsufficient buffer capacity to control the ao2 of the fluid.  相似文献   

SAXENA  S. K.; ERIKSSON    G. 《Journal of Petrology》1985,26(2):378-390
Phase equilibrium relations are computed in five different chemicalcompositions appropriate for a primitive upper mantle (estimated),a peridotite, an olivine-basalt, an olivine-tholeiite, and aquartz-tholeiite in the pressure range of 1 bar to 100 kb andin the temperature range of 500 to 1500 ?C. The mineralogicalphase assemblages change from peridotite and lherzolite to garnetgranulites, eclogites and kyanite-quartz-eclogites. The smallpressure-temperature field of stability of plagioclase-garnet-granulitein the primitive compositions extends at 600 ?C from less than3 kb to more than 15 kb in the quartz-tholeiite compositionwith intermediate pressure values in other basalts. Continentalcrust with composition similar to quartz-tholeiite remains asplagioclase-garnet-granulite changing to eclogite only belowa depth of 50 km. Calculated adiabats in the peridotite compositions show thatdiapirs must ascend from a depth of at least 300 km to becomepartially molten in the low-velocity zone. Various shallowerdepths of partial melting are possible for material ascendingfrom depths corresponding to the oceanic geothermal gradient. Actual pressure-temperature densities of rocks have been calculatedfrom the mineral densities computed for the equilibrium assemblageson the oceanic geothermal gradient. While there are no importantchanges found in the peridotite density down to a pressure of100 kb, there are important inflections in the pressure-densitycurve in quartz-tholeiite which relate to the increasing conversionof plagjoclase to jadeite component in clinopyroxene and a sharprise in density due to the quartz-coesite phase transformation.  相似文献   

A variety of uncommon garnet-grade assemblages have been foundin rocks from three outcrops in the western part of centralNew Hampshire, and include the associations Grt+MrgCld, Grt+Bt+CldMrg,and Mrg+Cld+HblGrt (all rocks contain Ms, Chl, Ilm, and Qtz).These unusual rocks coexist with more typical Grt+Bt+Chl+Plmetapelites and amphibolites. Rim P–T conditions are {smalltilde}49035C and 5•751•25 kbar. Projection of the assemblages from Qtz, H2O, and Ilm into theCa–Al'–Na–(Fe+Mg) tetrahedron, and from Qtz,Ilm, H2O, and Chl into the Ca–Al'–Fe'–Mn tetrahedronindicates that Ca/(Ca+Na) and Mn differ among the assemblagesin a systematic fashion. Common Grt+Bt+Chl+Pl assemblages arerestricted to relatively high Mn and low Ca/(Ca+Na) values,whereas Cld+Bt+Mrg and Cld+Hbl+Mrg assemblages are stable atlow Mn and high Ca/(Ca+Na). These data suggest that at thisgrade Cld+Bt is more stable than Grt+Chl in the KFMASH system,whereas in the Ca—KFMASH system, Hbl+Cld assemblages arestable. Composition space analysis using the singular value decompositionmethod indicates that compositions of minerals from individualsamples are consistent with local equilibrium, but that differentoutcrops may not have all equilibrated at the same P–T–aH2Oconditions. Thermodynamic analysis suggests that a garnet-zoneprograde sequence of ferromagnesian associations for these bulkcompositions would be Hbl+Cld+Grt+ChlBt+Cld+Grt+ChlBt+Grt+Chl. Staurolite-grade rocks from the same stratigraphic units areexposed across strike, and contain the assemblage Grt+StBtPl(all rocks contain Ms, Qtz, Chl, and Ilm). Margarite is commonlypresent as inclusions in the cores of garnets, but is absentas inclusions near garnet rims and from the matrix; conversely,staurolite inclusions are present towards the rims of the garnets,but are absent from the cores. These inclusion relations suggestthat margarite may react to form staurolite and garnet withincreasing grade via a reaction such as chlorite+margarite=staurolite+garnet+H2O. Biotite is common in the matrix but is not typically abundant,and appears to have been the last phase to join the assemblage.Biotite is inferred to have joined the Grt+St+Chl assemblagesafter margarite breakdown through the reaction Grt+Chl+Ms=St+Bt+H2O. Thus, uncommon margarite assemblages may evolve into commonGrt+Bt+St+Chl assemblages. * Present address: Department of Geology and Geophysics, University of Wisconsin-Madison, Madison, Wisconsin 53706.  相似文献   

Amphibolites of the Post Pond Volcanics, south-west corner ofthe Mt. Cube Quadrangle, Vermont, are characterized by a greatdiversity of bulk rock types that give rise to a wide varietyof low-variance mineral assemblges. Original rock types arebelieved to have been intrusive and extrusive volcanics, hydrothermallyaltered volcanics and volcanogenic sediments with or withoutadmixtures of sedimentary detritus. Metamorphism was of staurolite-kyanitegrade. Geothermometry yields a temperature of 535 ± 20°C at pressures of 5–6 kb. Partitioning of Fe and Mg between coexisting phases is systematic,indicating a close approach to chemical equilibrium was attained.Relative enrichment of Fe/Mg is garnet > staurolite >gedrite > anthophyllite cummingtonite hornblende > biotite> chlorite > wonesite > cordierite dolomite > talc;relative enrichment in Mn/Mg is garnet > dolomite > gedrite> staurolite cummingtonite > hornblende > anthophyllite> cordierite > biotite > wonesite > chlorite >talc. between coexisting amphiboles varies as a function ofbulk Fe/Mg, which is inconsistent with an ideal molecular solutionmodel for amphiboles. Mineral assemblages are conveniently divided into carbonate+ hornblende-bearing, hornblende-bearing (carbonate-absent)and hornblende-absent. The carbonate-bearing assemblages allcontain hornblende + dolomite+ calcite + plagioclase (andesineand/or anorthite) + quartz with the additional phases garnetand epidote (in Fe-rich rocks) and chlorite ± cummingtonite(in magnesian rocks). Carbonate-bearing assemblages are restrictedto the most calcic bulk compositions. Hornblende-bearing (carbonate absent) assemblages occur in rocksof lower CaO content than the carbonate-bearing assemblages.All of these assemblages contain hornblende + andesine ±quartz + Fe-Ti oxide (rutile in magnesian rocks and ilmenitein Fe-rich rocks). In rocks of low Al content, cummingtoniteand two orthoamphiboles (gedrite and anthophyllite) are common.In addition, garnet is found in Fe-rich rocks and chlorite isfound in Mg-rich rocks. Several samples were found that containhornblende + cummingtonite + gedrite + anthophyllite ±garnet +chlorite + andesine + quartz + Fe-Ti oxide ±biotite. Aluminous assemblages contain hornblende + staurolite+ garnet ± anorthite/bytownite (coexisting with andesine)± gedrite ± biotite ± chlorite ±andesine ± quartz ± ilmenite. Hornblende-absentassemblages are restricted to Mg-rich, Ca-poor bulk compositions.These rocks contain chlorite ± cordierite ± staurolite± talc ± gedrite ± anthophyllite ±cummingtonite ± garnet ± biotite ± rutile± quartz ± andesine. The actual assemblage observeddepends strongly on Fe/Mg, Ca/Na and Al/Al + Fe + Mg. The chemistry of these rocks can be represented, to a firstapproximation, by the model system SiO2–Al2O3–MgO–FeO–CaO–Na2O–H2O–CO2;graphical representation is thus achieved by projection fromquartz, andesine, H2O and CO2 into the tetrahedron Fe–Ca–Mg–Al.The volumes defined by compositions of coexisting phases filla large portion of this tetrahedron. In general, the distributionof these phase volumes is quite regular, although in detailthere are a large number of phase volumes that overlap otherphase volumes, especially with respect to Fe/Mg ratios. Algebraicand graphical analysis of numerous different assemblages indicatethat every one of the phase volumes should shift to more magnesiancompositions with decreasing µH2O. It is therefore suggestedthat the overlapping phase volumes are the result of differentassemblages having crystallized in equilibrium with differentvalues of µH2O or µCO2 and that the different valuesmay have been inherited from the original H2O and CO2 contentof the volcanic prototype. If true, this implies that eithera fluid phase was not present during metamorphism, or that fluidflow between rocks was very restricted.  相似文献   

克拉麦里造山带位于准噶尔盆地东北缘,是中亚构造框架中一个非常重要的构造单元,研究工作较多,但对其演化历史一直存在不同认识。本文报道了阿勒泰卡姆斯特地区下侏罗统三工河组中的紫红色放射虫硅质岩砾石及其放射虫动物群,其中最新的放射虫化石年代为维宪早期,据此推论克拉麦里洋盆封闭于早石炭世晚期,克拉麦里造山带在侏罗纪早期发生快速隆升。  相似文献   

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