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基性麻粒岩产于大陆地壳深部,它的研究可以为大陆岩石圈的性质、组成、演化和深部动力学过程提供重要信息。南天山库米什榆树沟地区发育总厚达1000多米的基性麻粒岩构造岩片,走向南东,朝北东推覆。剖面上和石炭纪蛇绿混杂岩共存,并发生了石榴子石的旋转变形和强烈的石英-长石矿物相韧性变形。然而它们的变形条件至今尚未被研究。本文运用透射电镜(TEM)超微组构技术对榆树沟基性麻粒岩中石英和石榴子石进行了详细研究,结果表明,石英中存在着丰富的超显微变形构造,自由位错、亚颗粒和位错网非常发育,这表明研究区基性麻粒岩在折返抬升过程中曾遭受过较强的石英-长石相韧性变形作用;石榴子石中的超微变形构造则极为少见,只在其中发现几根自由位错,并在其颗粒边缘发现少量亚颗粒构造,说明该矿物主体属于脆性变形。这两种矿物变形性质的差异,反映了石榴子石的晶体结构在该条件下比石英更稳定,而且说明石榴子石的变质温度没有超过900℃,也就是说,本区麻粒岩的变质作用并非发生在极高温度的条件下。  相似文献   

关于东天山花岗岩与陆壳垂向增生的若干认识   总被引:27,自引:25,他引:27  
东天山海西期主碰撞以后形成的花岗岩可分为三个阶段:挤压.伸展转折阶段(310~285Ma)、碰撞后伸展阶段(285-250Ma)和板内阶段(250-208Ma)。这三个阶段在岩石圈厚度、等温线形态和动力学状态等方面的差异,造成了不同阶段花岗岩岩体形态、岩石组合、岩相学和地球化学等方面的差异。除了底侵以外,幔源岩浆的内侵可以造成地壳不同层次岩石的部分熔融,也是花岗质岩浆生成的重要机制和地壳垂向增生的重要方式。东天山的片麻状花岗岩有一部分是变质交代成因的,这类花岗岩的形成与碰撞后幔源岩浆的底侵和内侵有关。变质峰期后韧性剪切带中构造细粒化的岩石是形成片麻状花岗岩的最有利部位。虽然这类花岗岩多数定位于地壳较深层次,但在内侵热量的影响下也可以定位于较浅层次。康古尔韧性剪切带的形成除了构造动力作用以外,还与地壳垂向增生,尤其是内侵有着密切联系,是构造动力、岩浆活动、变质作用和流体运移等复杂反馈的结果。博格达造山带碰撞前和碰撞后岩浆岩均具有正的εNd(t)值,表明该造山带地幔早在碰撞前就已亏损,而碰撞后的地幔则继承了碰撞前地幔的亏损特征。东天山在印支期有一次重要的地壳垂向增生事件,其岩浆活动和成矿作用与古特提期洋的俯冲和随后的碰撞密切有关,因此是东天山从中亚构造体制向特提斯体制转换的产物。  相似文献   

Danba (丹巴) domal metamorphic terrain belongs to Songpan (松潘)-Ganze (甘孜) orogenic belt, where typical Barrovian and Buchan metamorphic zones are preserved. The former included chlorite, biotite, garnet, staurolite, kyanite and sillimanite zones, while the latter only developed silimanite+muscovite and sillimanite+K-feldspar zones. Integrated study has been carried on metamorphic reactions of garnet production and consumption, P-T paths and P-T-X-M phase relation and thermal tectonic model for Danba metamorphic zones. Petrological textures in thin sections show that garnet production and consumption in kyanite-sillimanite zone is mainly attributed to ChI+Ms+PI+Q=Grt+Bt+H2O and kyanite=sillimanite respectively. Based on mineral compositions, the geothermobarometry gives an average P, T condition of (4.9±0.3)×108 Pa, 543±30℃ for the first growth stage of the garnet and (5.8±0.3)±108 Pa, 534±29 ℃ for the second stage of garnet growth respectively. Anti-counter clockwise P-T paths were drawn using Gibbs method by NCMnKFMASH system for sample G98686 in the kyanite zone. The P-T-X-M modeling for the first mineral assemblages shows that the prediction is similar to the measured values in gossular, almandine and spessartine but mole fraction of pyrope and Fe/(Fe+Mg) deviated far from the contours; while that for the second mineral assemblages exhibits that the prediction is consistent with the measured value of pyrope, grossular content and Fe/(Fe+Mg) of garnet. A thermal tectonic model that there are at least three structure levels across the thrnst-decollement zones is presented according to the P-T paths, metamorphic grades and deformation styles for the staurolite-kyanite zone of the Barroviau type metamorphism, which will provide some constraints for the evolution of the nappe complex.  相似文献   

Monazite is a common accessory phase in felsic granulite ribbon mylonites exposed in the Upper Deck domain of the Athabasca granulite terrane, western Canadian Shield. Field relationships, bulk rock geochemistry and phase equilibria modelling in the Na2O–CaO–K2O–FeO–MgO–Al2O3–SiO2–H2O–TiO2–Fe2O3 system are consistent with the garnet‐rich rocks representing the residual products of ultrahigh temperature melting of biotite‐bearing paragneisses driven by intraplating of mafic magma in continental lower crust. The c. 2.64–2.61 Ga Y‐rich resorbed monazite cores included in garnet are interpreted as relicts of detrital grains deposited on the Earth's surface after c. 2.61 Ga. Yttrium‐poor monazite domains in garnet are depleted in Sm and Gd and linked to fluid‐absent melting of biotite + plagioclase + quartz ± sillimanite during a prograde loading path from 0.8 to ≥1.4 GPa. The c. 2.61–2.55 Ga Y‐depleted, Th‐rich monazite domains crystallized in the presence of garnet + ternary feldspar ± orthopyroxene + peraluminous melt. The c. 2.58–2.52 Ga monazite rims depleted in Th + Ca and enriched in Eu are linked to localized melt extraction synchronous with growth of high‐pressure (HP) grossular‐rich garnet at the expense of plagioclase during crustal thickening, culminating at >950 °C. Re‐heating and dextral transpressive lower crustal reactivation at c. 1.9 Ga resulted in syn‐kinematic growth of (La + Ce)‐enriched monazite and a second generation of garnet, concurrent with recrystallization of feldspar and orthopyroxene at 1.0–1.2 GPa and 600–700 °C. Monazite grains in this study are marked by positive Eu‐anomalies relative to chondrite. A direct link is implied between Y, Sm, Eu and Gd in monazite and two major phases in continental lower crust: garnet and plagioclase. Positive Eu‐anomalies in lower crustal monazite associated with modally abundant garnet appear to be directly related to Eu‐enrichment and depletions of Y, Sm and Gd that are consequences of garnet growth and plagioclase breakdown during HP melting of peraluminous bulk compositions.  相似文献   

ZEH  A. 《Journal of Petrology》2006,47(12):2335-2356
A mathematical approach is presented for the calculation ofthe major and trace element fractionation that is caused bygrowth of zoned garnet in metamorphic rocks. This approach isbased on textural and compositional parameters directly obtainedfrom natural examples. It takes into account the mode and compositionof all unzoned minerals, as well as the mode, crystal size distributionand zonation patterns of garnet grains of different sizes withina certain rock volume. These parameters can be used to fit functionsfrom which the amount of garnet fractionation at each step ofa garnet growth history can be calculated. The approach is testedfor two compositionally distinct domains within a single garnet–biotitegneiss sample from the Ruhla Crystalline Complex. This samplecontains unusual flat-top garnet grains with Y2O3-rich cores.It is shown that MnO, FeO and Y2O3 are extremely fractionatedduring garnet growth, but in different ways, and that MnO fractionationdoes not obey a Rayleigh function. To demonstrate the influenceof garnet fractionation on P–T path estimates, quantitativephase diagrams in the model system Na2O–K2O–CaO–MnO–FeO–MgO–Al2O3–TiO2–SiO2–H2Oare constructed by means of the computer software THERMOCALC.The good agreement between calculated and observed mineral assemblagesand garnet compositions for all fractionation steps indicatesthat the new approach can be used to infer detailed P–Tpaths, even for rocks that contain complexly zoned garnet grains.The results indicate that garnet growth in the metapelite underinvestigation occurred along a linear P–T path from 470°Cand 2·7 kbar to 580°C and 8·5 kbar. The resultsalso show that garnet cores with high Y2O3 contents of about1 wt % nucleated over a temperature interval of c. 90°C,indicating that Y in garnet is relatively insensitive to temperaturechanges. KEY WORDS: garnet; fractionation; pseudosection; yttrium; THERMOCALC  相似文献   

Garnet megacryst with a multiphase inclusion from intraplate alkali basalts of the Shavaryn Tsaram(Tariat,Mongolia)was the object of the study.This unusual aggregate consists of porous glass,Ti-rich biotite,orthopyroxene,spinel,clinopyroxene,olivine,and ilmenite.Win TWQ 2.32 thermodynamic simulation of this system revealed a few intervals of equilibrium.Pressure and temperature adjustment reflected in the paragenetic minerals of the melt pocket.The capture of already crystallised garnet megacryst was at P=0.8-1 GPa and T=1120-1160℃.Mineral crystallisation inside the melt pocket,accompanied by external inputs,occurred at P=0.75-0.95 GPa;T=790-1120℃.Symplectite assemblage formed in the garnet megacryst due to decomposition at(P=0.55-0.7 GPa;T=850-930℃).The study of the oxygen isotope content in primary garnet and biotite of the melt pocket showed that the δ18OVSMOW values are the same and correspond to that of typical mantle xenoliths.However,the chemical and microcomponent composition of the melt pocket minerals reveals a material that differs from basalts and peridotites.Thus,it has been revealed that the multiphase inclusion in the garnet megacryst formed not only on account of the garnet’s substance,but also due to the entrapped material of the Earth’s interior.  相似文献   

The Seve Nappe Complex of the Scandinavian Caledonides is thought to be derived from the distal passive margin of Baltica which collided with Laurentia in the Scandian Phase of the Caledonian Orogeny at 430–400 Ma. Parts of the Seve Nappe Complex were affected by pre-Scandian high- and ultrahigh-pressure metamorphism, in a tectonic framework that is still unclear, partly due to uncertainties about the exact timing. Previous age determinations yielded between ~ 505 and ~ 446 Ma, with a general trend of older ages in the North (Norrbotten) than in the South (Jämtland). New age determinations were performed on eclogite and garnet–phengite gneiss at Tjeliken in northern Jämtland. Thermodynamic modelling yielded peak metamorphic conditions of 25–27 kbar/680–760 °C for the garnet–phengite gneiss, similar to published peak metamorphic conditions of the eclogite (25–26 kbar/650–700 °C). Metamorphic rims of zircons from the garnet–phengite gneiss were dated using secondary ion mass spectrometry and yielded a concordia age of 458.9 ± 2.5 Ma. Lu–Hf garnet-whole rock dating yielded 458 ± 1.0 Ma for the eclogite. Garnet in the eclogite shows prograde major-element zoning and concentration of Lu in the cores, indicating that this age is related to garnet growth during pressure increase, i.e. subduction. The identical ages from both rock types, coinciding with published Sm–Nd ages from the eclogite, confirm subduction of the Seve Nappe Complex in Northern Jämtland during the Middle Ordovician in a fast subduction–exhumation cycle.  相似文献   

Abstract: Based on previous studies of kimberlite xenoliths and diamond inclusions in this region, macrocrystal garnet was analyzed with the electric microprobe technique (EPMA). The garnet is collected from the Shengli No.1 kimberlite pipe in the Mengyin area of Shandong Province, China. The results indicate that the garnet contains two kinds of multiphase inclusions: one is K-, B-, and Cl-bearing oxygen-free phase, K- and Cl-bearing oxygen-free phase, and volatile-bearing garnet inclusions (in1 and in3); and the other is chlorite, phlogopite, apatite and calcite (in2). It is suggested that the formation of garnet and its inclusions is associated with strongly reduced mantle fluid. Such a fluid was transformed from ultra-deep high-reduction oxygen-free fluid into low-reduction alkaline fluid, and finally into oxidized fluid with low oxygen fugacity. This result confirms that the Mengyin area underwent metamorphism of slightly active deep fluid, and provides evidence for searching diamond by means of indicative minerals.  相似文献   

New data strongly suggest that the classical spiral garnet porphyroblasts of south-east Vermont, USA, generally did not rotate, relative to geographical coordinates, throughout several stages of non-coaxial ductile deformation. The continuity of inclusion trails (Si) in these porphyroblasts is commonly disrupted by planar to weakly arcuate discontinuities, consisting of truncations and differentiation zones where quartz–graphite Si bend sharply into more graphitic Si. Discontinuous, tight microfold hinges with relatively straight axial planes are also present. These microstructures form part of a complete morphological gradation between near-orthogonally arranged, discontinuous inclusion segments and smoothly curving, continuous Si spirals. Some 2700 pitch measurements of well-developed inclusion discontinuities and discontinuous microfold axial planes were taken from several hundred vertically orientated thin sections of various strike, from specimens collected at 28 different locations around the Chester and Athens domes. The results indicate that the discontinuities have predominantly subvertical and subhorizontal orientations, irrespective of variations in the external foliation attitude, macrostructural geometry and apparent porphyroblast-matrix rotation angles. Combined with evidence for textural zoning, this supports the recent hypothesis that porphyroblasts grow incrementally during successive cycles of subvertical and subhorizontal crenulation cleavage development. Less common inclined discontinuities are interpreted as resulting from deflection of anastomosing matrix foliations around obliquely orientated crystal faces prior to inclusion. Most of the idioblastic garnet porphyroblasts have a preferred crystallographic orientation. Dimensionally elongate idioblasts also have a preferred shape orientation, with long axes orientated normal to the mica folia, within which epitaxial nucleation occurred. Truncations and differentiation zones result from the formation of differentiated crenulation cleavage seams against porphyroblast margins, in association with progressive and selective strain-induced dissolution of matrix minerals and locally also the porphyroblast margin. Non-rotation of porphyroblasts, relative to geographical coordinates, suggests that deformation at the microscale is heterogeneous and discontinuous in the presence of undeformed, relatively large and rigid heterogeneities, which cause the progressive shearing (rotational) component of deformation to partition around them. The spiral garnet porphyroblasts therefore preserve the most complete record of the complex, polyphase tectonic and metamorphic history experienced in this area, most of which was destroyed in the matrix by progressive foliation rotation and reactivation, together with recrystallization.  相似文献   

The Aqishan lead-zinc deposit,located in the Jueluotag metallogenic belt of eastern Tianshan,Xinjiang,Northwest China,has a stratiform occurrence in the marine volcanic tuff of the Yamansu Formation.The ore body has a typical double-layer structure,having a stratified,stratoid,lenticular upper part and a veined,stockwork-like lower part.The occurrence of the upper orebody is consistent with that of the volcanic tuff wall rock.The ore minerals are mainly chalcopyrite,pyrite,sphalerite,galena and magnetite,the altered minerals mainly being silicified,such as sericite,chlorite,epidote,garnet.The garnetized skarn,being stratiform and stratoid,is closely related to the upper part of the orebody.Geological observations show that the limestone in the ore-bearing Yamansu Formation is not marbleized and skarnized.Spatially,it is associated with the ferromanganese deposits in the marine volcanic rocks of the Yamansu Formation.These geological features reflect the likelihood that the Aqishan lead-zinc deposit is a hydrothermal exhalation sedimentary deposit.The results from the EPMA show that the garnet is mainly composed of grossular-andradite series,contents being in a range of 34.791-37.8%SiO2,32.493-34.274%CaO,8.454-27.275%FeO,0.012-15.293%Al2O3,0.351-1.413%MnO,and lower values of 0.013-1.057%TiO2.The content of SiO2 vs.CaO and FeO vs.Al2O3 has a significant positive correlation.The results of ICP-MS analysis for the garnet show that the REE pattern is oblique to right in general.The total amount of rare earth elements is relatively low,ΣREE=71.045-826.52 ppm,which is relatively enriched for LREE and depleted for HREE.LREE/HREE=8.66-4157.75,LaN/YbN=23.51-984.34,with obvious positive Eu and Ce anomalies(δEu=2.27-76.15,δCe=0.94-1.85).This result is similar to the REE characteristics of ore-bearing rhyolite volcanic rocks,showing that the garnet was formed in an oxidizing environment and affected by clear hydrothermal activity.The U-Pb isotopic dating of garnet by fs-LA-HR-ICP-MS gives an age of 316.3±4.4 Ma(MSWD=1.4),which is consistent with the formation time of the Yamansu Formation.According to the study of deposit characteristics and geochemical characteristics,this study concludes that the Aqishan lead-zinc deposit is a hydrothermal exhalation sedimentary deposit,the garnet being caused by hydrothermal exhalative sedimentation.  相似文献   

A detailed investigation of the compositional variation in garnet has been undertaken in a garnet–pyroxene‐bearing granulite from the high‐grade Gföhl Unit, Moldanubian Zone, Lower Austria. Textural observations, together with the interpretation of the preserved garnet chemistry, enables the recognition of both prograde core and peak metamorphic garnet mantle growth stages, an extremely rare feature in high‐P–T granulite facies rocks. Initial thermobarometric calculations undertaken across whole garnet zoning profiles show how correct interpretation of a zoning profile is essential if the maximum peak metamorphic P–T conditions are to be recovered. The effect of retrograde decompression‐ and cooling‐driven reactions on inclusion and host garnet compositions has also been assessed. The results indicate that caution should be exercised when utilizing inclusion and adjacent garnet compositions for the thermobarometric evaluation of peak metamorphic equilibration conditions. Peak P–T conditions were determined by the TWEEQU thermobarometric method, utilizing the core compositions of matrix phases combined with the interpreted high‐P–T garnet mantle composition, to give 15.6 kbar and 1090 °C, consistent with previously determined results for Moldanubian granulites. Similar high‐P–T estimates are also provided by a re‐evaluation of previously published results for a granulite sample from the same lithological unit, using a modified interpretation of garnet and plagioclase compositional data. The new estimates presented confirm the previously disputed idea that the Gföhl Unit underwent a high‐pressure granulite facies stage and is therefore distinctly different from the underlying tectonostratigraphic units. It is emphasized that any interpretation of the peak metamorphic conditions in high‐grade rocks must be based on detailed petrographic observations combined with a thorough understanding of the co‐existing equilibrium mineral compositions.  相似文献   

黄杰  张聪  杨经绥  李鹏  王舒 《地球学报》2016,37(6):711-722
本文对位于青藏高原拉萨地体东南缘林芝杂岩中的两类石榴角闪岩进行了详细的地球化学和锆石U-Pb年代学研究。这两类石榴角闪岩分别为硅不饱和的含十字石石榴角闪岩和硅饱和的含石英石榴角闪岩。含十字石石榴角闪岩矿物组合为十字石、石榴子石、角闪石、钠云母、绿泥石、斜长石。石英石榴角闪岩矿物组合为石榴子石、角闪石、石英、斜长石、黑云母。岩石学及变质相平衡研究表明两类石榴角闪岩均经历了高压角闪岩相变质作用。含十字石石榴角闪岩和石英石榴角闪岩具有MORB的地球化学特征,锆石U-Pb年代学分析获得了800~200 Ma的206Pb/238U年龄范围,出现了~430 Ma、~268 Ma和~216 Ma年龄峰值。~430 Ma年龄可能和拉萨地体岩浆活动有关,~268 Ma变质年龄和~216 Ma变质年龄和拉萨地块经历的高压变质作用有关。其中~268 Ma年龄和拉萨地块内部松多高压带榴辉岩的峰期变质年龄一致,而~216 Ma年龄和榴辉岩的围岩含石榴子石片岩年龄一致。对比该区域的年代学研究成果,这表明林芝杂岩体不仅经历了中新生代的变质和岩浆再造活动,还经历了古特提斯洋闭合,南北拉萨地块发生碰撞的晚二叠世的高压变质作用和三叠纪的中压变质作用。  相似文献   

高级变质镁铁质岩石叶理形成于地壳深部环境,对其组成及形成机制的深入研究有助于讨论在深部地壳(下地壳)环境中岩石的表现与流动过程。以辽宁海城马风地区广泛出露的斜长角闪岩为例,对变质镁铁质岩石中几种不同类型叶理的组成及形成机制进行初步探讨。显微构造分析结果表明,变质斜长角闪岩中主要发育三种具有不同特点的叶理构造型式:条带状、糜棱状和片麻状。作为岩石叶理的主要组成矿物。角闪石对叶理的形成贡献最大。斜长石在不同类型岩石中对叶理的形成作用不同。组成叶理的斜长石和角闪石矿物对的温压测算结果表明,它们形成于426~532MPa和58l℃~639℃之间。变质基性岩中叶理的形成是这种温度和压力条件下多种机制(包括晶体的定向重结晶作用、应力作用下的变质分异、晶质塑性变形、亚颗粒旋转动态重结晶)共同作用的结果。  相似文献   

Abstract At Sulitjelma, Norway, there is a major inversion of metamorphic isograds beneath an inverted but undisrupted ophiolite. The flysch-like Furulund schist in which the inverted isograds occur is also inverted and the early folds in it are downward facing. The isograds cut across the axial surfaces of early folds and across the schistosity. These relationships are explained as the consequence of metamorphism during the progressive development of a large overfold. The inverted limb of the overfold is regarded as a major, thick, gently-dipping shear zone, separating the lower-grade, lower part of the Caledonian allochthon below from the higher-grade upper part of the allochthon above. The association between stratigraphical inversion, downward-facing of syn-schistosity folds and metamorphic inversion is explained by the progressive development of the shear zone. It is suggested that the presence of such shear zones is a common feature of orogenic belts formed by continental collision.  相似文献   

冯帆  徐仲元  董晓杰  连光辉  贾振杨 《地质学报》2022,96(11):3819-3833
内蒙古乌拉山地区石榴子石花岗岩内发育大量石榴子石,这些石榴子石中保留着寄主岩石的变质演化历程的重要信息,故明确其成因类型至关重要。前人虽提出其为转熔成因,但未能提供充分证据证明。对此,本文对研究区深熔石榴黑云片麻岩以及石榴子石花岗岩内的石榴子石进行了岩相学以及矿物学研究。结果显示,在野外露头上,低度深熔石榴黑云片麻岩→中度深熔石榴黑云片麻岩的脉体/石榴子石花岗岩,石榴子石粒度逐渐增大,并且当岩石内的脉体小而少时不见粗粒石榴子石,脉体大而多时粗粒石榴子石发育,而石榴子石花岗岩内发育大量的粗粒石榴子石,此外脉体内的石榴子石粒度整体大于基体内的石榴子石粒度。在显微特征上,中度深熔石榴黑云片麻岩的脉体内的石榴子石和石榴子石花岗岩内的石榴子石晶形较差,形态各异,边界呈锯齿状,发育筛状变晶结构,并部分具有核部发育边部不发育的特点,基质内还具有逆反应结构以及斜长石堆晶体。矿物化学特征上,中度深熔石榴黑云片麻岩的脉体内的石榴子石和石榴子石花岗岩内的石榴子石以富Fe、Mg贫Mn、Ca为特点,不发育生长环带,与黑云母接触的石榴子石发育扩散环带,表现为TFeO曲线由中心向两边升高,MgO曲线由中心向两边降低...  相似文献   

Garnet is a versatile and useful indicator mineral exploited in numerous geological studies. Despite its utility in providing thermobarometry and geochronology constraints, many difficulties remain in making meaningful interpretations of such data. In this paper, we characterize garnet grains from over 140 garnet‐bearing metasedimentary rock samples collected from the northern part of the Moine Supergroup (Scottish Caledonides). Large, euhedral garnet grains are interpreted to be indicative of prograde metamorphic growth during the most recent (Scandian, c. 430 Ma) phase of orogenesis. Anhedral garnet is largely restricted to the relatively low‐grade (greenschist – lower amphibolite facies) Moine thrust sheet, with an abrupt change in morphology and grain size when traced across the overlying Ben Hope and Sgurr Beag thrusts into the higher grade, more hinterland‐positioned thrust sheets. Our results suggest that caution should be exercised in using anhedral garnet in the Moine thrust sheet to estimate peak P–T conditions associated with low temperature (< ~500 °C) Scandian metamorphism, because in at least some cases garnet growth may have occurred during an earlier metamorphic event. However, chemical and isotopic data from this structurally lower anhedral garnet may still be useful for deconvolving a possible polymetamorphic history for this thrust sheet. In the immediately overlying Ben Hope thrust sheet, garnet has prograde euhedral (Scandian?) rims, indicating that the Ben Hope thrust must represent a significant thermal and/or chemical break. Inclusion distribution and mineral assemblages in garnet have been used to gain further insight on garnet growth conditions and to distinguish garnet that likely contains multiple generations of growth. Although our results are specific to the Caledonides of northern Scotland, this work highlights the general necessity of a comprehensive petrographic assessment in advance of interpreting large suites of garnet‐derived thermodynamic and geochronological data.  相似文献   

Abstract The chemical evolution of garnets from pelitic rocks of probable Palaeozoic age corresponds to a complex metamorphic evolution of the host rocks.
Among the almandine-rich garnets (Alm60–80), two main types of evolution can be distinguished. Early Mn-rich garnets coexisting with kyanite may be replaced by plagioclase and then, during a late stage, by biotite and/or sillimanite. The second type of evolution corresponds to an overgrowth of Mn-poor late-stage garnet on older Mn-rich garnets which corresponds to a thermal peak with sillimanite-type of metamorphism. This new garnet may appear either as an overgrowth with a strong discontinuity, or as small, new euhedral garnet or as skeletal garnet.
This chemical evolution of garnet corresponds to an early collisional stage of metamorphism (of high pressure type with high Mn values) of probable Ordovician age followed by uplift and a thermal peak (low Mn values) in Devonian times.  相似文献   

This article reviews the electrical conductivity structures of the oceanic upper mantle, subduction zones, and the mantle transition zone beneath the northwestern Pacific, the Japanese Islands, and continental East Asia, which have particularly large potential of water circulation in the global upper mantle. The oceanic upper mantle consists of an electrically resistive lid and a conductive layer underlying the lid. The depth of the top of the conductive layer is related to lithospheric cooling in the older mantle, whereas it is attributable to the difference in water distribution beneath the vicinity of the seafloor spreading-axis. The location of a lower crustal conductor in a subduction zone changes according to the subduction type. The difference can be explained by the characteristic dehydration from the subducting slab in each subduction zone and by advection from the backarc spreading. The latest one-dimensional electrical conductivity model of the mantle transition zone beneath the Pacific Ocean predicts values of 0.1–1.0 S/m. These values support a considerably dry oceanic mantle transition zone. However, one-dimensional electrical profiles may not be representative of the mantle transition zone there, since there exists a three-dimensional structure caused by the stagnant slab. Three-dimensional electromagnetic modeling should be made in future studies.  相似文献   

金伯利岩中的镁铝榴石是寻找金刚石的重要指示矿物。镁铝榴石的Cr2O3、CaO等氧化物含量及其颜色、折光率等物理光学性质可作为这种石榴石的标型特征。 本文将山东、辽宁等地金伯利岩中的石榴石的电子探针分析结果按分子数配分的方法计算了端员分子百分数及其他化学参数。用MPV—1显微光度仪测定了石榴石的透射率色散值,通过计算求得颜色指数。按Dawson等人的分类,本次研究样品以铬镁铝榴石为主,其次是低钙-铬镁铝榴石、钙铬-镁铝榴石和镁铬-钙铬-镁铝榴石;钛镁铝榴石和钙镁铝-铁铝榴石等少量。作者用铬、钙、镁三组份数绘制了石榴石与金刚石关系判别图解,分为五个区(A、B、C、D、E)、落入A区的低钙-铬镁铝榴石、铬镁铝榴石和钙铬-镁铝榴石等与金刚石的形成关系最密切。  相似文献   

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