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Bovine Procarboxypeptidase A (PCPD) has only until recently been considered catalytically inert. PCPD, however, will hydrolyze the amide bond in simple acylated amino acids. Trifluoroacetyl-L-phenylalanine is a very good substrate for the zymogen exhibiting normal Michaelis-Menten kinetics with a Vmax near 2 × 103 min?1 and a Km of 2.6 mM. Comparison of the pH-rate profiles for the zymogen-enzyme pair suggest that the same or similar groups are involved in the catalytic process in both proteins further suggesting the pre-existance of a considerable part of the enzyme active site in the zymogen. Moreover, TFAc-D-Phe is a competitive inhibitor of the hydrolysis of TFAc-L-Phe and would appear a suitable analogue to study E (or zymogen)-I interactions by 19F-nmr during activation.  相似文献   

Thermodynamic characterization of the activation domain of human procarboxypeptidase A2, ADA2h, and its helix-engineered mutants was carried out by differential scanning calorimetry. The mutants were engineered by changing residues in the exposed face of the two alpha helices in order to increase their stability. At neutral and alkaline pH the three mutants, alpha-helix 1 (M1), alpha-helix 2 (M2) and alpha-helix 1 and alpha-helix 2 (DM), were more stable than the wild-type domain, in the order DM, M2, M1 and wild-type. Under these conditions the CD and NMR spectra of all the variants are very similar, indicating that this increase in stability is not the result of gross structural changes. Calorimetric analysis shows that the stabilizing effect of mutating the water-exposed surfaces of the helices seems to be mainly entropic, because the mutations do not change the enthalpy or the increase in heat capacity of denaturation. The unfolding behavior of all variants changes under acidic conditions: whereas wild-type and M1 have a strong tendency to aggregate, giving rise to a beta conformation upon unfolding, M2 and DM unfold reversibly, M2 being more stable than DM. CD and NMR experiments at pH 3.0 suggest that a region involving residues of the second and third beta strands as well as part of alpha-helix 1 changes its conformation. It seems that the enhanced stability of the altered conformation of M2 and DM reduces the aggregation tendency of ADA2h at acidic pH.  相似文献   

The three-dimensional structure of procarboxypeptidase A (PCPA) from porcine pancreas has been determined at 2 A resolution and refined to a crystallographic R-factor of 0.198, with a root-mean-square deviation from ideal values for bond lengths of 0.015 A and for angles of 2.1 degrees. It is compared with procarboxypeptidase B (PCPB) from the same tissue. The 94/95 residue activation segments of PCPA/PCPB have equivalent folds: an N-terminal globular region with an open sandwich antiparallel alpha/antiparallel beta topology, followed by an extended alpha-helical segment, the connection to the enzyme. Alignment of the secondary structures of the activation segments of PCPA and PCPB (residues A1 to A99) indicates a two residue insertion between residues A34 and A35 and a C-terminal helix that is two turns longer in PCPA compared to PCPB. A deletion is observed between residues A43 to A45, the region containing the short 3(10) helix that covers the active site in PCPB. The globular region (A4 to A80) shields the preformed active center of carboxypeptidase A (CPA), but none of the residues involved in catalysis makes direct contacts with the activation segment. In contrast, subsites S2, S3 and S4 of the enzyme, involved in the binding of peptidic substrates, are blocked by specific contacts with residues AspA36, TrpA38, ArgA47, AspA53 and GluA86 of the activation segment. It has been described that several residues of CPA exhibit different conformations in the free enzyme compared to when substrate is bound: Arg127, Arg145, Glu270 and Tyr248. In PCPA all of these residues are found in the "active" conformation, as if substrate were actually bound. The presence of a ligand, tentatively interpreted as a free amino acid (Val) in the active center could explain this fact. The connecting region (A80 to A99), the target for proteolytic activation, establishes fewer contacts with the enzyme in PCPA than in PCPB. The activation segment of PCPA (A4 to A99) remains bound to the enzyme after the first trypsin cleavage between ArgA99-Ala1 probably due to the stability conferred on it by the alpha-helix (alpha 3) of the connecting segment. These and other structural features may explain the differences in intrinsic activity and different rates or proteolytic activation of each zymogen.  相似文献   

Subunit III, a defective serine endopeptidase lacking the typical N-terminal hydrophobic dipeptide is secreted by the pancreas of ruminant species as part of the bovine ternary complex procarboxypeptidase A-S6. Two monoclinic crystal forms were obtained and subsequently used to solve its X-ray structure. The highest resolution model of subunit III was refined at 1.7 A resolution to a crystallographic R-factor of 18.4%, with r.m.s. bond deviations from ideality of 0.012 A. About 80% of the model presents the characteristic architecture of trypsin-like proteases. The remaining zones, however, have well-defined, unique conformations. The regions from residues 70 to 80 and from 140 to 155 present maximum distances of 16 and 18 A relative to serine proteases and zymogens. Comparisons with the structures of porcine elastase 1 and chymotrypsinogen A indicate that the specific binding pocket of subunit III adopts a zymogen-like conformation and thus provide a basis for its inactivity. In general, the structural analysis of subunit III strongly suggests that it corresponds to a truncated version of a new class of highly structured elastase-like zymogen molecules. Based on the structures of subunit III and elastase 1, it is concluded that large concerted movements are necessary for the activation of zymogen E.  相似文献   

The three-dimensional structure of the activation domain isolated from porcine pancreatic procarboxypeptidase B was determined using 1H NMR spectroscopy. A group of 20 conformers is used to describe the solution structure of this 81 residue polypeptide chain, which has a well-defined backbone fold from residues 11-76 with an average root mean square distance for the backbone atoms of 1.0 +/- 0.1 A relative to the mean of the 20 conformers. The molecular architecture contains a four-stranded beta-sheet with the polypeptide segments 11-17, 36-39, 50-56 and 75-76, two well defined alpha-helices from residues 20-30 and 60-70, and a 3(10) helix from residues 43-46. The three helices are oriented almost exactly antiparallel to each other, are all on the same side of the beta-sheet, and the helix axes from an angle of approximately 45 degrees relative to the direction of the beta-strands. Three segments linking beta-strands and helical secondary structures, with residues 32-35, 39-43 and 56-61, are significantly less well ordered than the rest of the molecule. In the three-dimensional structure two of these loops (residues 32-35 and 56-61) are located close to each other near the protein surface, forming a continuous region of increased mobility, and the third disordered loop is separated from this region only by the peripheral beta-strand 36-39 and precedes the short 3(10) helix.  相似文献   

The complete sequence of the 94 residues composing the activation peptide of bovine procarboxypeptidase A has been determined by automated analysis of the intact activation segment and of three peptides resulting from enzymatic cleavages of the isolated peptide. The sequencing of a CNBr peptide isolated from procarboxypeptidase A allowed to connect the activation peptide with alpha-carboxypeptidase A (peptidylprolyl-L-amino-acid hydrolase, EC The activation segment has a high content of acidic residues and a proline-rich region. Conformational prediction studies show that the bovine peptide, as the porcine and rat peptides, contains a high proportion of secondary structure and that the structural disposition of the regions in secondary structure is similar in the three peptides. The comparison of the sequence of the bovine, porcine and rat peptides, although exhibiting a striking homology, clearly shows that 40% of the substitutions have led to a charge change.  相似文献   

The complete primary structure of the activation segment of monomeric procarboxypeptidase A from porcine pancreas has been determined by automated and manual Edman-like degradation methods performed on its fragments generated by enzymatic cleavage. The polypeptide consists of 94 residues, with a molecular mass of 10,768, and presents a high proportion of acidic and hydrophobic residues and a proline-rich region in the center of the molecule. Comparison of this sequence with the already reported equivalent sequence deduced from rat procarboxypeptidase A cDNA reveals a very high degree of homology between the two propeptides (up to a 81% of identities), which is even higher in certain large zones of the molecule.  相似文献   

The metalloexozymogen procarboxypeptidase A is mainly secreted in ruminants as a ternary complex with zymogens of two serine endoproteinases, chymotrypsinogen C and proproteinase E. The bovine complex has been crystallized, and its molecular structure analysed and refined at 2.6 A resolution to an R factor of 0.198. In this heterotrimer, the activation segment of procarboxypeptidase A essentially clamps the other two subunits, which shield the activation sites of the former from tryptic attack. In contrast, the propeptides of both serine proproteinases are freely accessible to trypsin. This arrangement explains the sequential and delayed activation of the constituent zymogens. Procarboxypeptidase A is virtually identical to the homologous monomeric porcine form. Chymotrypsinogen C displays structural features characteristic for chymotrypsins as well as elastases, except for its activation domain; similar to bovine chymotrypsinogen A, its binding site is not properly formed, while its surface located activation segment is disordered. The proproteinase E structure is fully ordered and strikingly similar to active porcine elastase; its specificity pocket is occluded, while the activation segment is fixed to the molecular surface. This first structure of a native zymogen from the proteinase E/elastase family does not fundamentally differ from the serine proproteinases known so far.  相似文献   

The tryptic activation pathway of monomeric procarboxypeptidase A   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
Procarboxypeptidases are the remaining major digestive zymogens the activation process of which remains unsolved. Here it is shown that in the tryptic activation of monomeric procarboxypeptidase A from porcine pancreas, the generation of carboxypeptidase A (CPA) activity parallels the limited proteolysis of the 94-residue activation segment. This degradation proceeds from the COOH-terminal end of the molecule, and CPA itself makes an important and unexpected contribution by excising the COOH-terminal arginine residue of the released primary activation fragment. Successive cleavages at some of the peptide bonds of the activation segment nearest to the COOH terminus were found to be of prime importance in eliciting CPA activity, particularly those involving the carbonyl groups of Arg94 and Gly93 which were first cleaved. It is also shown that the rate of activation does not depend directly upon the generation of CPA-alpha and its conversion to CPA-beta.  相似文献   

In some ruminant species, pancreatic procarboxypeptidase A is the central element of a ternary complex involving two other components, a C-type chymotrypsinogen and an inactive protease E. Although the complex is devoted to protein digestion, the fate of this system upon activation of its constituent subunits has, as yet, not been clearly established. In this paper, the activation peptide of procarboxypeptidase A is shown to play a key role in the association of the three subunits and a model is proposed for the in vivo function of the complex.  相似文献   

Procarboxypeptidase B is converted to enzymatically active carboxypeptidase B by limited proteolysis catalysed by trypsin, removing the long N-terminal activation segment of 95 amino acids. The three-dimensional crystal structure of procarboxypeptidase B from porcine pancreas has been determined at 2.3 A resolution and refined to a crystallographic R-factor of 0.169. The functional determinants of its enzymatic inactivity and of its activation by limited proteolysis have thus been unveiled. The activation segment folds in a globular region with an open sandwich antiparallel-alpha antiparallel-beta topology and in a C terminal alpha-helix which connects it to the enzyme moiety. The globular region (A7-A82) shields the preformed active site, and establishes specific interactions with residues important for substrate recognition. AspA41 forms a salt bridge with Arg145, which in active carboxypeptidase binds the C-terminal carboxyl group of substrate molecules. The connecting region occupies the putative extended substrate binding site. The scissile peptide bond cleaved by trypsin during activation is very exposed. Its cleavage leads to the release of the activation segment and to exposure of the substrate binding site. An open-sandwich folding has been observed in a number of other proteins and protein domains. One of them is the C-terminal fragment of L7/L12, a ribosomal protein from Escherichia coli that displays a topology similar to the activation domain of procarboxypeptidase.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: Coagulation factor VIIa (FVIIa) contains a Trypsin-like serine protease domain and initiates the cascade of proteolytic events leading to Thrombin activation and blood clot formation. Vascular injury allows formation of the complex between circulating FVIIa and its cell surface bound obligate cofactor, Tissue Factor (TF). Circulating FVIIa is nominally activated but retains zymogen-like character and requires TF in order to complete the zymogen-to-enzyme transition. The manner in which TF exerts this effect is unclear. The structure of TF/FVIIa is known. Knowledge of the zymogen structure is helpful for understanding the activation transition in this system. RESULTS: The 2 A resolution crystal structure of a zymogen form of FVII comprising the EGF2 and protease domains is revealed in a complex with the exosite binding inhibitory peptide A-183 and a vacant active site. The activation domain, which includes the N terminus, differs in ways beyond those that are expected for zymogens in the Trypsin family. There are large differences in the TF binding region. An unprecedented 3 residue shift in registration between beta strands B2 and A2 in the C-terminal beta barrel and hydrogen bonds involving Glu154 provide new insight into conformational changes accompanying zymogen activation, TF binding, and enzymatic competence. CONCLUSIONS: TF-mediated allosteric control of the activity of FVIIa can be rationalized. The reregistering beta strand connects the TF binding region and the N-terminal region. The zymogen registration allows H bonds that prevent the N terminus from attaining a key salt bridge with the active site. TF binding may influence an equilibrium by selecting the enzymatically competent registration.  相似文献   

Gangliosides shed by tumors enhance tumor formation, possibly by suppressing host antitumor immune function, and gangliosides purified from animal tissues and cultured cells inhibit human cellular immune function in vitro. Determination of immunosuppressive activity of highly purified gangliosides, to uncover structure-activity relationships, is therefore important. Here we have studied a series of gangliosides obtained from human tissue and determined their effects on human natural killer (NK) activity. Total gangliosides from human brain tissue were moderately inhibitory; 100 nmol/ml reduced NK activity of human nonadherent PBMC by 43%. The influence of carbohydrate structure upon inhibitory activity was determined by study of eight highly (HPLC) purified individual gangliosides. Of these, we unexpectedly found that the two minor brain gangliosides with the simplest carbohydrate structures, GM2 and GM3, were very active inhibitors (75 and 47%, respectively, at 50 nmol/ml). In contrast, the structurally more complex major species, GM1, GD1a, GD1b, GT1b, and two other minor gangliosides, GD2 and GD3, were inactive. Reduced effector-target binding in a single-cell binding assay by GM2 but not GM3 suggests different mechanisms of inhibition by these two active gangliosides. Since GM2 and GM3 are present in high concentrations in, and are shed by, several common human tumors (e.g., neuroblastoma, melanoma, and glioma), their ability to inhibit NK cytotoxicity supports the hypothesis of a role of shed tumor gangliosides in the enhancement of tumor formation.  相似文献   

T Walz  B L Smith  P Agre    A Engel 《The EMBO journal》1994,13(13):2985-2993
Water-permeable membranes of several plant and mammalian tissues contain specific water channel proteins, the 'aquaporins'. The best characterized aquaporin is CHIP, a 28 kDa red blood cell channel-forming integral protein. Isolated CHIP and Escherichia coli lipids may be assembled into 2-D crystals for structural analyses. Here we present (i) a structural characterization of the solubilized CHIP oligomers, (ii) projections of CHIP arrays after negative staining or metal-shadowing, and (iii) the 3-D structure at 1.6 nm resolution. Negatively stained CHIP oligomers exhibited a side length of 6.9 nm with four-fold symmetry, and a mass of 202 +/- 3 kDa determined by scanning transmission electron microscopy. Reconstituted into lipid bilayers, CHIP formed 2-D square lattices with unit cell dimensions a = b = 9.6 nm and a p422(1) symmetry. The 3-D map revealed that CHIP tetramers contain central stain-filled depressions about the fourfold axis. These cavities extend from both sides into the transbilayer domain of the molecule leaving only a thin barrier to be penetrated by the water pores. Although CHIP monomers behave as independent pores, we propose that their particular structure requires tetramerization for stable integration into the bilayer.  相似文献   

The effect of methylglyoxal on the plasminogen-plasmin system is studied. Treatment of plasminogen with methylglyoxal at a 20-fold molar excess results in covalent modification of the molecule as evidenced by the decreased number of NH(2) side chains, arginine side chain residues and the new band in the non-tryptophan dependent fluorescent spectrum. This structural modification is associated with profound functional alterations: the rate of activation by streptokinase, tissue-type plasminogen activator, urokinase-type plasminogen activator and trypsin decreases and the amidolytic activity of the generated plasmin is impaired. Plasmin treatment with methylglyoxal on the other hand does not alter its steady-state kinetic parameters on a peptidyl-anilide synthetic substrate, indicating that modification susceptible side chains are sensitive to methylglyoxal only in the zymogen. Our data suggest that in vivo fibrinolysis could be impaired under pathological conditions, e.g. increased methylglyoxal formation in diabetes mellitus.  相似文献   

J Chai  Q Wu  E Shiozaki  S M Srinivasula  E S Alnemri  Y Shi 《Cell》2001,107(3):399-407
Apoptosis is primarily executed by active caspases, which are derived from the inactive procaspase zymogens through proteolytic cleavage. Here we report the crystal structures of a caspase zymogen, procaspase-7, and an active caspase-7 without any bound inhibitors. Compared to the inhibitor-bound caspase-7, procaspase-7 zymogen exhibits significant structural differences surrounding the catalytic cleft, which precludes the formation of a productive conformation. Proteolytic cleavage between the large and small subunits allows rearrangement of essential loops in the active site, priming active caspase-7 for inhibitor/substrate binding. Strikingly, binding by inhibitors causes a 180 degrees flipping of the N terminus in the small subunit, which interacts with and stabilizes the catalytic cleft. These analyses reveal the structural mechanisms of caspase activation and demonstrate that the inhibitor/substrate binding is a process of induced fit.  相似文献   

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