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放射治疗是当今治疗癌症的主要手段之一。从医生的诊断、确定肿瘤大小、定位、制订治疗方案到放疗物理师保证放疗设备各种临床物理参数的正确,以及放疗技师对患者精确摆位、放疗。这些环节的工作好坏直接影响到放射治疗疗效,缺一不可。可以这样认为,放疗医生、放射物理师、放射技师以及与放疗有关的工作人员,共同对患者完成整个治疗的全过程,放射治疗是医学、物理及相关学科所组成的综合性学科。为了保证放射治疗质量,贯彻好物号令,尽快提高我国放疗水平,放射治疗质量保证与质量控制应作为现在乃至今后研究的重要课题,有以下几方面…  相似文献   

由中华医学会、中华医学会放射肿瘤治疗学分会主办的中华医学会第十三次全国放射肿瘤治疗学学术会议将于2016年10月20—23日召开。会议期间将同时召开2016年中美放射肿瘤协作学会( SANTRO)放射治疗研讨会。届时将会有来自国内及欧美众多放射肿瘤学中心的放射肿瘤学医师,放射生物学研究人员,医学物理师,放射治疗技师,放射治疗护士及医学工程师等,以及特邀的国内外知名专家学者,相聚一堂,共同交流和展示放射肿瘤学各领域近几年所取得的成绩,共同探讨和展望放射肿瘤学的发展前景。参加注册的代表可获得国家I类继续医学教育学分6分。欢迎广大医技人员莅临参会。诚邀各位专家同道积极投稿参会。  相似文献   

2019年7月5-7日,由中华医学会放射肿瘤治疗学分会、西部放射治疗协会、四川省西部放射治疗协会主办,中华医学会放射肿瘤治疗学分会放射外科学组、电子科技大学医学院附属肿瘤医院/四川省肿瘤医院、西部放射治疗协会胸部肿瘤专业委员会、西部放射治疗协会放射外科专委会承办,四川省抗癌协会、四川省癌症防治中心、放射肿瘤学四川省重点实验室、四川省医学会放射肿瘤专委会、四川省抗癌协会放射肿瘤专业委员会协办的中华医学会放射肿瘤治疗学分会2019放射外科学组学术年会在成都市世纪城国际会议中心成功举办。  相似文献   

由北京医学会放射治疗学分会、北京抗癌协会肿瘤放疗专业委员会、北京医师协会放射治疗专科医师(技师)分会、北京大学放射肿瘤学系联合主办,北京大学肿瘤医院承办的2017年国家继续医学教育项目"第八届肿瘤精准放化疗规范暨全球肿瘤放疗进展论坛(2017)定于2017年10月13~15日在北京举办.会议将邀请国内外著名肿瘤专家全面评述2017年度美国放疗年会、美国肿瘤年会、欧洲放疗年会、世界肺癌大会有关肿瘤放疗和综合治疗最新进展,力争让每一位参会者达到"来一次北肿,晓全年进展".会议还将邀请国内外放疗专家共同探讨"胃癌靶区勾画共识".  相似文献   

2017年中华放射肿瘤治疗技术学学术年会于8月25-27日在湖南长沙市成功召开. 本次会议由中华医学会、中华放射肿瘤治疗学分会主办,中南大学湘雅医院承办. 郎锦义教授、王绿化教授担任大会主席,林承光主任技师、申良方教授担任大会执行主席. 大会共收到论文242篇,来自全国各地的600多名放射治疗师参加了会议.  相似文献   

山西省肿瘤医院放疗科始建于1962年,在此基础上,于2002年成立了山西省肿瘤放射治疗中心。中心现有七个住院病区和放射治疗技术室、放射物理室、放射生物室各1个,开设病床306张。该中心技术力量雄厚,现有主任医师8人,副主任医师12人;主任技师1人,副主任技师2人。  相似文献   

目的调查中国内地放射治疗单位放射治疗师人力配置情况、科研水平情况,为我国放射治疗师队伍建设提供参考。方法组织者设计并制作调查问卷,经由国内放射治疗师的若干个专业委员会、专业学组等渠道发布,通过网络问卷调查的方式由放射治疗单位治疗师负责人填写,采集时间为2021年5月中旬至2021年6月中旬。结果放射治疗师的科研工作作为基线调查为首次报道。本次调查共获得了558家放射治疗单位的有效问卷,参与调查的放射治疗机构共有放射治疗师5500名,其中男性3702名,女性1798名。本科学历者3754人,在读或已取得硕士学位者371人,在读或已取得博士学位者21人。初级及以下职称3642人,中级职称1580人,高级职称278人。2020年,193家单位的放射治疗师有文章发表,81家单位的放射治疗师获得了课题资助,56家单位的放射治疗师获得了专利授权,15家单位的放射治疗师有科研转化。参与调查的单位总共拥有大型放射治疗设备1080台,2020年放疗患者日均总计4.79万人次,加速器日均负荷患者44.35人次,人均工作负荷指数8.71。县级及以下、市级、省部级机构日均放疗患者分别为25.78、65.68、173.76人次,人均工作负荷指数分别为5.22、8.09、10.11。结论2020年中国内地放射治疗师人员学历情况较2019年进行的调查有所提升,职称结构得到了一定程度的优化,大型放疗单位的工作负荷较基层单位大。  相似文献   

由西部放射治疗协会、四川省西部放射治疗协会、重庆市中西医结合学会主办,陆军军医大学大坪医院、重庆市肿瘤医院承办,四川省肿瘤医院协办的中国西部地区第十二届放射肿瘤学术会议暨重庆市中西医结合学会肿瘤放射治疗专委会2017年学术年会于2017年8月17—20日在山城重庆隆重召开. 大会承办方陆军军医大学大坪医院王阁教授主持大会开幕式,中华医学会放射肿瘤治疗学分会主任委员王绿化教授在开幕式致辞中对西部放射治疗协会取得的成绩给予充分肯定,对西部放射治疗协会促进西部地区放射肿瘤学科发展的积极推动给予高度赞赏. 本次大会围绕"同心前行,齐心合力,西部更精彩"的会议主题,邀请了100余名国内外放射肿瘤学专家、学者就头颈部、胸部、腹部、盆腔肿瘤放疗,放射生物,放射物理及临床多中心转化医学专题进行了50余场次精彩的学术报告和交流讨论.  相似文献   

2014年3月14~15日,由浙江省肿瘤医院和浙江省放射肿瘤学重点实验室主办,肿瘤学杂志社协办的浙江省放射肿瘤学重点实验室2014春季研讨会暨胸部肿瘤放射治疗新进展国家级继续教育学习班/影像引导下的放射治疗在胸腹部肿瘤应用进展国家级继续教育学习班在美丽的西子湖畔成功举行。  相似文献   

江西省医药学会,江西省肿瘤学会于1988年11月13日至15日在江西省南昌市召开湘鄂赣三省放射肿瘤学术会议。会议共收到论文44篇,有湘鄂赣三省放射治疗医师、技师、放射物理,放射生物学工作者、放射治疗护理人员共72名代表参加了会议。  相似文献   

A shortage of radiation therapy technologists has existed in the United States for many years. This report analyzes the data from the third manpower survey of ACR/ASTR carried out in 1981 to 1982, using the Patterns of Care master facility list. Of 1106 questionnaires mailed, 77% were returned. The survey identified 3757 technologists performing radiation therapy technology duties. Of these, 2537 of these were Registered Technologists (Therapy) American Registry of Radiologic Technologists RTT (ARRT), 1220 were not. There has been a good growth in the total number of RTT (ARRT) members as indicated by the 1982 ARRT Annual Report (1148 in May, 1977, 2878 in May, 1982). Using the "Blue Book" Criteria of 1981 of 2 RTT/megavoltage unit or 2 RTT/300 new patients, the technology need (2900) would appear filled. However, 860 of the RTT were performing supervisory or dosimetry duties and 42% of the 2897 staff technologists were non RTT personnel. At the time of the survey, 597 funded vacancies existed (241 in 1977). A trend toward a changing standard of 3 RTT/megavoltage unit, reflecting the increased complexity of modern radiation therapy techniques, especially in Patterns of Care Strata A1, A2, C1 institutions was identified. While great progress has been made, there is a continuing need for recruitment into the 113 existing educational programs to try to stabilize the supply of technologists. Attention should also be given to measures for upgrading the skills and knowledge of the non RTT personnel in the field and retention of the RTT personnel.  相似文献   

The need for Radiation Therapy Technologists trained at the Baccalaureate Level was explored using a survey, sent to 99 Radiotherapists located in the North Eastern United States. The conclusion drawn was that a limited number of technologists with such degrees are needed in the areas of education, administration and dosimetry.  相似文献   

Because cancer is the number one cause of mortality in Taiwan, a governmental decision was made to develop an experiment in medical oncology education using a United States-style training program in medical oncology in three Taipei, Taiwan, university hospitals. In the past, trainees from developing countries came to the United States or other foreign countries to receive specialty training. In doing so, the training did not necessarily prepare the individuals with skills to treat the indigenous cancers, nor did they work with other related specialists or support staff such as nursing and pharmacy, so important to providing good cancer care. This program involved 13 fellows with significant laboratory experience working with American faculty on-site. The major benefits of this model for oncology training are that the trainees developed important interdisciplinary relationships with local staff at each of the hospitals; they were involved in the treatment of the major cancer diseases of Taiwan such as nasopharyngeal, hepatocellular, and cervical cancers as well as breast, lung, and colon cancers; and they completed a certification process involving written and oral tests by two senior American oncologist examiners. Oncology services have been established at each of the hospitals and most of the fellows have expressed an interest or made arrangements to come to the United States to get additional research experience.  相似文献   

PURPOSE: About half of all cancer patients in the United States receive radiation therapy as a part of their cancer treatment. Little is known, however, about the facilities that currently deliver external beam radiation. Our goal was to construct a comprehensive database of all radiation therapy facilities in the United States that can be used for future health services research in radiation oncology. METHODS AND MATERIALS: From each state's health department we obtained a list of all facilities that have a linear accelerator or provide radiation therapy. We merged these state lists with information from the American Hospital Association (AHA), as well as 2 organizations that audit the accuracy of radiation machines: the Radiologic Physics Center (RPC) and the Radiation Dosimetry Services (RDS). The comprehensive database included all unique facilities listed in 1 or more of the 4 sources. RESULTS: We identified 2,246 radiation therapy facilities operating in the United States as of 2004-2005. Of these, 448 (20%) facilities were identified through state health department records alone and were not listed in any other data source. CONCLUSIONS: Determining the location of the 2,246 radiation facilities in the United States is a first step in providing important information to radiation oncologists and policymakers concerned with access to radiation therapy services, the distribution of health care resources, and the quality of cancer care.  相似文献   

A health survey of radiologic technologists.   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
A health survey of more than 143,000 radiologic technologists is described. The population was identified from the 1982 computerized files of the American Registry of Radiologic Technologists, which was established in 1926. Inactive members were traced to obtain current addresses or death notifications. More than 6000 technologists were reported to have died. For all registrants who were alive when located, a detailed 16-page questionnaire was sent, covering occupational histories, medical conditions, and other personal and lifestyle characteristics. Nonrespondents were contacted by telephone to complete an abbreviated questionnaire. More than 104,000 responses were obtained. The overall response rate was 79%. Most technologists were female (76%), white (93%), and employed for an average of 12 years; 37% attended college, and approximately 50% never smoked cigarettes. Radiation exposure information was sought from employer records and commercial dosimetry companies. Technologists employed for the longest times had the highest estimated cumulative exposures, with approximately 9% with exposures greater than 5 cGy. There was a high correlation between cumulative occupational exposure and personal exposure to medical radiographs, related, in part, to the association of both factors with attained age. It is interesting that 10% of all technologists allowed others to practice taking radiographs on them during their training. Nearly 4% of the respondents reported having some type of cancer, mainly of the skin (1517), breast (665), and cervix (726). Prospective surveys will monitor cancer mortality rates through use of the National Death Index and cancer incidence through periodic mailings of questionnaires. This is the only occupational study of radiation employees who are primarily women and should provide new information on the possible risks associated with relatively low levels of exposure.  相似文献   

The possible mortality risk from low level chronic exposures to ionizing radiation was evaluated among 143,517 United States radiologic technologists certified by the American Registry of Radiologic Technologists between 1926-80. This is one of the few occupational studies of primarily women (73 percent) exposed to radiation during their employment. More than 2.8 million person-years of follow-up were accrued through 1990, and 7,345 deaths were identified. A strong healthy-worker effect was observed (standardized mortality ratios [SMR] for all causes and all cancers were 0.69 and 0.79, respectively). Lung cancer (429 deaths) was not increased with available measures of radiation exposure and no significant associations were observed for acute, myelogenous, and monocytic leukemia (74 deaths). Relative to the general population, the standardized mortality ratio (SMR) for female breast cancer was 0.99 (based on 425 deaths); however, breast cancer was significantly elevated relative to all other cancers in a test of homogeneity of SMRs (ratio of SMRs = 1.3, P < 0.0001). Significant risks were correlated with employment before 1940 (SMR = 1.5; 95 percent confidence interval [CI] = 1.2-1.9), when radiation doses were likely highest, and among women certified for more than 30 years (SMR = 1.4, CI = 1.2-1.7) for whom the cumulative exposure was likely greatest. Using an internal referent group, risk increased with duration of certification among the 1,890 women certified before 1940 (P-trend < 0.001). While the findings for breast cancer are consistent with a radiation effect, possible misclassification in exposure (based on number of years certified) and potential confounding associated with reproductive histories preclude a causal conclusion.  相似文献   

住院医师规范化培训在我国已经全面启动并逐步铺开。由于住院医师规范化培训是临床医学毕业生成长为合格临床医师的重要途径,是保证临床医师均质化、提高医疗服务质量和水平的治本之策,所以此项工作受到各方瞩目。美国的住院医生培训已有近百年的历史,形成较为系统的模式也已有近50年,是西方医学教育的典型代表和成功模式。本文旨在通过比较中美两国在培训的目标、计划、管理机构、考核和薪酬等方面的差异,对我国规培制度的现行的制度安排和发展方向进行讨论。  相似文献   

The 1980 Survey of Training of Radiotherapists in the United States reveals important and significant facts: the number of institutions offering training has diminished; there has been a drop in the number of residencies offered; more than one-third of these are not filled; the number of young American graduates choosing this specialty has leveled off. The proportion of foreign medical graduates and of females among those receiving training in the United States is higher than average for other specialties.  相似文献   

This article is a summary of a presentation given by Herbert Dixon at the Northwest Conference of Radiologic Technologists held in Edmonton in September 1991. The author discusses interdependent relationships in the workplace and how such relationships can help find solutions to problems and encourage a co-operative atmosphere.  相似文献   

Nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) have been associated with reduced risk of colorectal and other cancers, but the association with basal cell carcinoma (BCC) is unclear. Previous epidemiological studies have been small in size, conducted in especially vulnerable populations, or have not accounted for solar ultraviolet exposure, a major risk factor for BCC. In the United States Radiologic Technologists cohort, we followed subjects to assess NSAID use on risk of first incident BCC. We included Caucasian participants who responded to both second and third questionnaires (administered from 1994 to 1998 and 2003 to 2005, respectively), and who reported no cancer at the time of the second questionnaire, N = 58,213. BCC, constituent risk factors (e.g., eye color, complexion, hair color) and sun exposure history were assessed through self-administered survey. Hazard ratios (HRs) and 95% confidence intervals (CIs) were calculated using Cox proportional hazards models. Of the 58,213 people in the study population, 2,291 went on to develop BCC. Any NSAID use was not associated with subsequent incidence of BCC (HR = 1.04, 95% CI: 0.92-1.16) after adjusting for age, sex and estimated lifetime summer sun exposure. Neither association was observed when stratified by NSAID type (aspirin and other NSAIDs), nor did dose-response patterns emerge by frequency of use (average days per month). Further analyses did not reveal interaction with sex, birth cohort, smoking, alcohol consumption, sun exposure, occupational radiation exposure or personal risk factors for BCC. In this large nationwide study, we observed no association between NSAID use and subsequent BCC risk.  相似文献   

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